Signs of why keys are lost and fall. Signs of losing a ring, cross, earring, keys

The loss of any item in itself is very frustrating, especially if you have lost such an important thing as keys, because this means that you will not be able to open the door yourself, you will have to look for them everywhere you have been, make new ones, fuss. The only thing that lifts your spirits is the possibility of something good happening. So, what does the loss of a keychain promise for an absent-minded person?

If you suddenly discovered that the key, which was lying somewhere here a couple of minutes ago, has now disappeared, then folk wisdom promises you quick success. Some good event awaits you ahead, some unexpected breakthrough in your personal life or at work. You should not be upset about the loss, as the key will be found, and with it something positive will come.

Be careful. If you lose your keys too often, you'll be in trouble. Excessive distraction leads to problems. However, this is already understandable. It’s better to be more careful in everyday life. When a person constantly forgets or loses the keys to his home, he can easily be robbed. This is what the many years of experience of grandparents say, this is what the police say, this is what popular wisdom says. Constantly missing keys means robbery.

If you lose an old rusty key that you still used for some reason, beware - success will leave you. The one who finds your item will receive your luck. So try to find your lost item as soon as possible. The same applies to other metal things with rust - such as nails, horseshoes, hammers. If you carry all these items with you, keep an eye on them so as not to lose your luck. Well, it’s better to replace rusty keys.

It is very important where exactly you lost and then found your keys. If they were lost in long journey or on a long journey - beware of casual acquaintances. If you lost your key while heading along your usual route, look for them carefully. It will be better if you find them yourself, because finding something missing is bad luck. Therefore, thank the person who returns your item to you, because due to your absent-mindedness, he may have problems.

If you forgot your keys at home, for example, on the table or on the nightstand, you will soon have a quarrel. Be more kind and sweet with your family and friends, with some of them there may be an “explosion” in your relationship. If the keys were left at work, a successful deal or something related to business and finance awaits you ahead. And a bunch abandoned at a party is a sign of failure.

In any case, whether “losing your keys” is a good sign or a bad one, it’s better to keep a close eye on them, especially if it’s “the key to the apartment where the money is.”

From time immemorial, folk beliefs and customs have given great value key symbol. It is believed that this is a sign of something new and unknown, a harbinger of change, a transition to a new quality. This subject is associated with the opportunities that open up for a person, new knowledge, and a change of beliefs.

IN different cultures interpretation of the symbol may vary. For example, Japanese sages believe that this device for opening doors is a symbol of prosperity and fertility. In Christianity, the key is interpreted as a connecting link between worlds.

Signs about keys originated in ancient times. They all carry positive value, but still you should be careful with this item. Misuse or abuse of prediction can backfire. For an accurate omen, you need to take into account a number of factors that connect you with the keys.


What does it mean to find the keys? Is it worth raising them? Does the interpretation depend on the circumstances surrounding the find? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Sometimes, while walking, we accidentally find something on the street. You shouldn’t pass by, it’s better to pay attention to this object - perhaps it’s a sign. The sign of finding a key is considered good. Let's look at the predictions for the days of the week:

  • Discovering a find on Monday means a quick trip. You will probably go on a trip that you have been waiting for a long time, or meet with your family. In any case, the trip promises to be useful and enjoyable.
  • Why find it on Tuesday? This definitely promises you an increase in money and enrichment. Perhaps you will receive a bonus at work, win the lottery, or have an old forgotten debt returned to you. It is important to correctly distribute the funds received - it is better to invest them in something to obtain subsequent, much greater profits.
  • If an object comes your way on Wednesday, expect to meet an old acquaintance. An unexpected encounter with him will bring good news that you have been waiting for a long time. If you receive an offer, it is better to agree to it. It may not seem particularly attractive now, but it will bear fruit in the future.
  • Finding a key on Thursday on the street means making an acquaintance. For women it will wear romantic character and in the future it can result in something serious. For men, this meeting will bring career success, new opportunities, and promising connections.
  • On Friday, finding a key lost by someone is a sign of good luck. Use it wisely, but don’t abuse your luck. Try to take part in the lottery or gambling. People who are overly gambling should be careful, otherwise you may scare away success.
  • If you come across a piece of stamped metal lost by someone on Saturday, be prepared for a big purchase. Real estate, a car, or something else no less expensive - any acquisition will be successful and will bring you only joy.
  • Found it on Sunday? Upcoming working week It will seem easy to you: there will be little work, and it will only bring pleasure.

In addition to the day of the week when the discovery occurred, you should pay attention to the characteristics of this item. If it is old and rusty, then you will find out an old secret loved one. The information may shock you, but you should not express your opinion directly, try not to offend your interlocutor. If you found a new shiny key, expect changes in your life. Most likely, you will change your job to one that is more profitable and closer to your heart. New perspectives will open up before you - take advantage of them immediately.

Found a bunch of keys on the road? Pay attention to your health. You should visit a doctor and undergo a preventive examination. It also doesn’t hurt to strengthen your immune system and support your body by taking vitamins. Don't neglect rest and try to spend as much time as possible outdoors.

Many people wonder whether it is worth picking up other people's keys. To avoid consequences, it is better not to do this. There are special spells for a key, when a person throws out everything bad from his life with him. If you come across such a case, other people's troubles may come to you along with the found item.

As folk predictions say, finding a key is a great omen. Believe it or not - it's up to you.


There are situations when you cannot find such an important thing as a key in your pocket or bag, and you begin to get nervous and worry. In this case, it is worth looking at everything from a different perspective.

It turns out that losing a key is a good omen. Despite the additional expenses associated with replacing the lock, beliefs about keys promise only advantages. It is likely that you will soon hit a big jackpot in the form of monetary reward. It is recommended to spend this money exclusively on yourself. Buy what you've been dreaming of for a long time, pamper yourself. This purchase will bring you true joy.

If you find your lost keys, expect a new addition to your family. This may affect you personally or your family members.

Forgot this item in the castle? For a young girl or guy this means meeting love, having romantic relationship, lose your head. For others, this is a sign of positive change. At first, you may think that these changes are not particularly successful, but you need to accept them, as you will get good results later. If a businessman forgot this item in the castle, changes in business await him: he will have a chance to significantly increase his wealth.

You can be sure that the sign of losing your keys does not carry anything negative. And if you believe in good omens, they will definitely come true.

Other situations

It is impossible to consider all situations and predictions associated with keys. Below we will describe in more detail the most common of them:

  • If you happen to drop your keys, try to pay more attention to your family and friends. Call your parents, spend time with friends, visit grandma. This sign speaks of a loss of connections, a cooling of relationships. Before it's too late, restore them.
  • Did you leave your apartment and your keys fell in front of the door? Soon you will go on a journey. You can start preparing for this, the trip promises to be interesting and exciting.
  • Are you faced with a broken key? Pay attention to your surroundings. There is a person next to you who intrigues, spreads gossip and is jealous of you. Most likely, you have already guessed about this for a long time. Minimize communication with this person, it will do you good.
  • Found that an item is rusty? Expect good changes in family life. Resolving conflicts within the family, getting out of controversial situations - all this awaits you in the near future.

Due to the fact that such a symbol as a key has been given great importance since ancient times, you can trust signs about them. But don’t forget about precautions: if you discover a loss, change the lock as soon as possible to avoid troubles in the future.

Write your opinion

Keys can open any door - given symbolic meaning small items used in folklore and magical rituals. Signs about keys will help you arrange your personal life, acquire money and avoid danger.

People say: “A correctly used key changes fate.” If a thing was lost or broken, a person considers superstition to be beneficial for his own future.

Folk signs about keys

Signs about keys affect all areas human life: work and personal relationships. Keys are used to open houses, offices, cars and boxes of secrets. Each master key carries its own energy charge. Signs about keys can warn of danger or foreshadow good events: the context is important, how and when the trouble happened.

It is easier for young people to interpret superstition, because in most cases problems with a key promise important meetings and negotiations. Lost Key- a negative omen for adults, accomplished individuals. It is interpreted according to the time of day and the conditions under which the problem occurred with the thing.


If the keys fall on the street, there will be no problems. It's bad when the loss occurs on the way home. An object falling far away from your home is a warning of a difficult day. Keys that fall near the house do not foretell any terrible problems. Minor troubles predict things falling on the doorstep. The keys are falling loudly - wait bad news. Linked keys enhance the negative meaning of the sign.

Dropping an apartment key means:

  • be late for important meetings and ruin the deal;
  • quarrel with colleagues or superiors;
  • forget important documents Houses.

Dropping keys tied together on a table or near a workplace - to protracted conflicts. If they ring at the same time, problems will affect the relationships of family members.

Forgetting a fallen thing means loss of attention. Superstition warns: something important is eluding a person. Trouble will come during the period of time in which the fall occurred. Signs promise minor troubles that a person can cope with.


Losing keys is a multifaceted sign that has different interpretations. It is positive for young girls and negative for business people. Losing the keys near the house or in front of the apartment is a sign of long-awaited news. If the day before a person was faced with urgent matters, the problems can be solved in one fell swoop. Losing the keys means changes in your personal life:

  • a successful period begins for the young lady: the girl may meet her beloved or receive an offer to get married;
  • sowing keys - to end the conflict between spouses;
  • For a married woman, loss promises betrayal by her husband;
  • For lovers, loss is a sign of shared happiness; soon the newlyweds will move to a new home.

Lost keys outside a house or apartment are a sign of lost opportunities. Business people can suffer from their own pride and overconfidence. If the keys are lost and lost in the house, illness cannot be avoided: any family member will get sick.

If the master keys were found after a few days, the belief promises a solution to the problems. Found related items are a sign of well-being. For business people, successful searches foretell success in signing a lucrative contract.

Lose a bunch

A rusty key is a sign of stagnation and problems. There is no need to store old things; it is better to get rid of them. You should be extremely careful with the bundle: if the whole set is lost, you won’t have to wait long for trouble. Losing a ligament when moving means difficult living conditions in a new place.

If on the road there are problems with the door: the key is broken or the key is lost - superstition warns of great risk get injured or have an accident. The property remaining in the house will suffer from an accident or after a raid by robbers. Losing a connection on the eve of important negotiations means failed agreements. People who have lost their new bundle will have to save their property from scammers.


Stolen apartment keys are a real problem. This sign is dangerous for young families. A stolen item foreshadows a series of failures and a test for lovers. A loss that is not found promises business people difficulties with the legal side of the agreements. For the family, this belief is a warning about a protracted crisis.

Keys that constantly disappear are a magnet for problems. They need to be changed urgently. There is no point in rejoicing over the return of the theft: the item will no longer be useful. The sign promises constant minor troubles, attracted through a recent theft.


The keys break to warn the owner of the house: if the little thing is damaged, robbers or scammers will encroach on his home. If only one key from a whole bunch is broken, you should pay attention to strengthening security: install an alarm, change the locks and get an armored door.

What you can't keep at home. Keys, Locks - what does it mean? Named in Honor of the Deceased.

Folk signs about the cross

Finding a thing under the door means uninvited guests. Such finds are thrown on the floor and passed over. After this is carried out general cleaning in the house, taken out unnecessary trash and garbage. Finding a pendant in the shape of a key means quick promotion. A decorative master key attracts new opportunities and prosperity. Found keys, if possible, are returned to the owner: a good deed will bring good luck.

House keys or car keys are small in size, which is why they can easily fall out of your jacket or trouser pocket when you are walking down the street, shopping in a store, or riding a bus. The noisier the environment around you when you lose your keys, the less likely you are to hear them fall down. But what to do if you lost your keys? What can be done in this unpleasant situation?

The site "" (site) will try to give several useful tips in case the keys are lost, and perhaps this information will protect the reader from committing rash and hasty actions.

What to do if you lost your keys - try to find them

A. Check pockets thoroughly

The most important thing is not to panic. If the reader has lost the keys to the house, then this is not as scary as if he, for example. First, you need to carefully examine all your pockets, not forgetting to feel the lining. It happens that a small key leaks into a pocket hole, getting stuck behind the lining of the jacket, so the check must be thorough. A small metal key can be easily felt with your fingers, no matter where it is located.

If you don’t have your keys with you, proceed to checking all the pocket compartments of your bag or backpack (which you usually take with you). Again, don’t forget to feel the lining. To increase the efficiency of the search, it is better to get all the unnecessary things.

B. Contact household members

On next step we will assume that the keys were left in the keyhole of the door. If you can’t verify this yourself, it’s better to contact your household and ask them to do it for you. It often happens that the key, forgotten in the lock, has long been removed by your relatives and lies at home.

In addition, one of your relatives could mistakenly take away the keys that you are trying to find, so a phone call will be useful in any case.

B. Check key storage locations

What to do if you lost your keys somewhere at home? First of all, we advise you to check all the places where keys are usually kept in your home. It also wouldn’t hurt to inspect the drawers of the sideboard and shelves located in close proximity to the corridor and the front door. House keys left somewhere on a shelf are often hidden by caring household members in the first drawer they come across, away from children’s hands and the eyes of strangers.

If he lives in the house small child, it would be a good idea to look into his toys, since children often like to take adults’ things.

D. Try to remember

Without succumbing to panic attacks, you need to try to remember the environment in which you saw the keys last time. Perhaps it was in a cafe and you left them lying on the table. Maybe you went to visit someone and dropped your keys there. Perhaps the last time you held your keys in your hands was sitting on a park bench or somewhere else.

Having remembered the place where the keys were last seen, you need to return there or call to try to find the lost item. If this happened in a cafe or other similar establishment, the forgotten item will definitely be returned to its owner. If your keys are lost in the park, you will have to search the entire area near the place where you were previously.

In the event that the keys cannot be found anywhere, full understanding and confidence comes that they have been lost, and you will have to think about how to get into your own house or apartment. And here there are also several options for action, which we will talk about later.

What to do if you lost your keys - how to get home

A. Spare set of keys

It is for such cases that it is recommended to keep a spare set of keys. You can keep it with your closest relatives or neighbors whom you can trust. If this precaution is taken in a timely manner, then picking up spare keys to the house will not be difficult. The task of finding keys is also simplified when you do not live yourself, and the second keys are, for example, with your wife or husband, who at the moment are at work. In this case, you just have to wait for the arrival of household members who can open the door with their own key.

If there is no such spare or second set, we will act differently. Let’s make a reservation in advance that there is no one left in your apartment (or house), and front door tightly locked.

B. We break the door

In order to open a locked door in the most rude way, you need to call a locksmith from your building management or HOA. The consequences of hacking in this case will be the most severe. On the other hand, living in big city, you can turn to the help of professionals - special companies that provide this type services. In this case (if you contact specialists), the door will be opened in the most accurate way possible, for which you will have to pay a little.

B. We are trying to get inside

CAREFULLY! If your apartment is located above the second floor, it is humid outside rainy weather or you are afraid of heights, taking these actions is strictly not recommended!!!

The idea is to try to get into your apartment through an open balcony or an open window. As a means of access, you can use a ladder, which you can easily borrow for a while from an understanding neighbor. When making your way through an open window, it is important to take precautions so as not to fall or fall. If there is a person nearby who is guaranteed to cope with this operation, you can resort to his help, thanking the person with money.

At the same time, keep in mind!!! Not every door can be opened even from the inside!!! It all depends on the locks and the principles of their operation.

What to do if you lost your keys - how to stay safe

Having realized that the keys to the house are irretrievably lost, it is better to start replacing the door locks. If you are often not at home, you live without relatives and family, attackers can take advantage of this.

Of course, the likelihood that someone finding the keys to your house will immediately go to your address to remove all your valuables is too small. But where are the guarantees that the keys were not stolen intentionally? Where are the guarantees that you have not become a victim of the criminal plans of scammers? Where are the guarantees that the key was lost and not stolen from your trouser pocket? There are no such guarantees. Therefore, in this situation, it is cheaper and easier to change the locks than to be robbed, rather than worry about losing the key for days on end.

If you believe folk sayings and literary works, armed with the right key, you can get a lot of useful things and even arrange your personal life. A golden key, a key to the apartment where the money is... Or this: “look for the keys of happiness in your hands.” But there are doors that, let alone opening, even in keyhole It is not recommended to look in - painfully unpleasant things are hidden behind them. So the key is different. And it’s the same with everyday signs: in one case, the “master key” predicts great success and happiness for you, in another - no less big problems.

Folk signs about keys

Every person has a key in their pocket or purse, or even more than one. From an apartment, a car, a desk drawer with valuable documents. From a safe deposit box. A little closet filled to capacity with old rubbish. Caskets with family jewels. Some, like fairytale trolls, jingle entire bunches of various keys! And each of the “master keys” has its own energy - depending on how significant the door it opens is for you. Therefore, everything that happens to a treasured item for lovers of superstitions is important.

Lose a key to a lock or the entire keychain

Despite the fact that the loss of an important key will probably make you quite nervous, in some cases it is a good omen:

  • For the young and unencumbered by marriage, especially girls, it promises changes in their personal lives, from an unexpected interesting acquaintance to a marriage proposal.
  • If in lately troubles are falling on you from all sides, rejoice. It is believed that the missing key opens the door to a new bright streak of life.
  • Another good interpretation: if you “sow” the key, you will receive a lucrative contract or business offer.
  • Those who discovered the loss shortly before any event should not be nervous. important event. The signs swear: no matter what you have in front of you - a presentation, an interview or submitting documents to a prestigious institute - you will be able to complete your planned task with a bang.
  • Alas, this cannot be said about a married woman. The loss of the keys serves as an unpleasant hint that the lady is a careless housewife and will soon be told about this in plain text. Household chores will start to fall out of your hands, the children will stop obeying, your husband will make claims... It’s worth gathering your strength and putting in order everything that you may have neglected lately, succumbing to fatigue or laziness.
  • It’s a little offensive that at the same time the head of the superstitious family is not reproached for anything, but is only promised a successful move - they say, prepare your pocket for new keys, you won’t need these anymore.
  • The sign has the same meaning for newlyweds on the eve of their wedding. Once the keys are lost, it means that neither the groom nor the bride will return to their father’s house, but will live friendly family in a new place.
  • A guy who loses his key on the eve of being drafted into the army risks not returning home after service. But don’t immediately think about worst case scenario developments! IN wartime The omen was indeed considered gloomy, but now it is interpreted somewhat differently. Perhaps the young man will decide to connect his life with armed forces, or maybe he will meet his betrothed where he happens to serve, and will no longer want to return home.

People lose their keys all the time

But not all signs are so complacent.

  • Lost keys during a move predict that you will not like your new place very much, but it will no longer be possible to change anything.
  • Are you getting ready for a trip and suddenly find yourself empty in your pocket? Receive a negative forecast for the entire trip: for you personally - the risk of injury on the way, and for the property remaining at home - unwanted interest from robbers.
  • A later version of the belief considers any disappearance of a key to a house, apartment or car to be a warning that scammers are encroaching on your property. Especially if this is not the first time you discover something missing! And it seems that this is not so much a sign as an observation. Indeed, than more keys you left it unknown where, the higher the likelihood that they were picked up by someone dishonest.

Find from the door of an apartment or car on the road, new or rusty

The found key is one of the most favorable predictions, however, do not rush to immediately pick it up from the ground. Like any personal item, such a find is filled with foreign energy, which is not very wise to bring into your home.

  • If a key that has separated from the keychain is found on the road or in the grass, it promises an influx of finances into your wallet and the resolution of difficulties that seemed insurmountable. Keep your nose up! But there is one clarification: the key must be brand new and shiny! Scratched, bent or broken is considered a sign of trouble, although not too big. The exception is a truly old and heavily rusted key. And if it is also decorated with beautiful carvings or curls on the handle, even the most superstitious people are not afraid to take such a gift of fate with them, because according to legend, it is capable of closing the doors to your home to any misfortune!
  • A whole bunch of keys portends getting rid of a bunch of problems - each one will unlock something. And if you have been in a state of conflict with a loved one for a long time, the found connection signals the right time to take the first step towards reconciliation. Your impulse will probably be readily accepted and supported.
  • It is better not to touch a key found at an intersection or in water. Spelled things are usually dumped in such places, hoping to get rid of the problem or even transfer it to someone else. Often a key is placed in water to neutralize negativity, maybe you shouldn’t take someone else’s? It’s up to you to believe or not to believe in the “linings,” but you must agree that holding such a thing in your hands is unpleasant in any case.
  • Finding your own keys, once lost, means starting a new favorable stage of life.

A morning find is fortunate, a night find means difficulties.

Except appearance The time at which the key caught your eye also matters. At dawn or during the day, it symbolizes success in a planned business and many joyful events. Found at dusk, denotes an enemy or problem that will suddenly disappear from your path. And only if you manage to notice a small piece of metal in the darkness of the night, does it warn you of the fatal mistake that you are about to make. Don't make rash decisions, they will cost you dearly.

Dropped, fell on the street or in the house

It's unpleasant to let go of the keys in any case. Especially for a superstitious person!

  • If they fall when you return home, the signs promise serious problems.
  • If you drop when you go outside, beware of trouble with a smaller caliber. There will be no global changes in life, but the business for which you are going on a journey will not be crowned with success. It’s worth putting it aside for a couple of days and thinking it over again.
  • Did your keys fall off the table? In this case, the sound of metal on the floor serves as a warning about a quarrel that is about to break out in the family.

If the bundle keeps falling out of your hands, although you do not complain about coordination and do not suffer from increased fatigue, beware of robbers entering the house.

Give or receive as a gift

Without the slightest doubt, give the keys to someone you care about, and willingly accept them yourself! It is believed that receiving such a gift will forever “close” your connection, be it friendship or love. What’s nice is that these don’t necessarily have to be the keys to a car or personal yacht. A small pendant or keychain will cope with the role of a gift “with a hidden meaning” just as well.

Broken or broken accidentally

But this sign is twofold. Some believe that a broken key warns of burglars who are targeting your home, and you need to urgently take increased security measures before it is too late. And others believe that there has already been a hacking attempt, but it was not crowned with success, and the uninvited guests left unsalted, which is what the key tells you.

Forget at home on the table or in another place

Every now and then we forget something somewhere. Some occasionally, while others with enviable consistency. If you also enter cheerful company“confused ones” who are always running around the house shouting “where is my wallet, phone, TV remote control”, you can ignore the sign, it has nothing to do with you. In fact, it is absurd to attach special importance to the key if this month you have already managed to lose two pairs of glasses, a glove and a wallet with the last thousand you saved until payday! However, for those who are neat and always know exactly in which pocket what they have, forgotten keys serve as a warning to beware of thieves. Or, in a broader sense, mobilize and be ready to confront some hypothetical troubles that lie ahead.

One key from the keychain was damaged (separated and disappeared, broken)

Out of half a dozen constantly in demand “master keys” hanging on one ring, trouble - for example, breakage or loss - happened to only one? Alas, this event also speaks of a threat to your property from dark personalities. Check the locks and install an alarm in your apartment and car. In any case, you can’t go wrong by protecting yourself from unwanted visitors.

What do other beliefs mean?

  • If your bundle rusts for some unknown reason, don't worry. Either you still haven’t gotten rid of the habit of throwing it anywhere, or they are preparing an expensive gift for you.
  • Have you changed the locks? Get rid of your keys too. From now on, they are no longer associated with your home or your personal energy field.
  • A key that is thrown every now and then on the windowsill is considered a magnet for problems, and on the table it draws squabbles and need into the house.
  • The key under the pillow protects those sleeping from evil, and hidden under the mattress returns masculine strength to the spouse.
  • If a husband or wife, upon returning home, hangs their set of keys on the hook provided for them so that the other spouse does not hear it, the life of the couple will proceed in harmony and peace. And don’t be surprised by this strange belief! Remember how you throw your keys on the nightstand in the hallway after coming home in a bad mood. If the bunch quietly takes its place on the hook, it means that the spouse has peace in his soul, and there is nothing to fear from quarrels.
  • But there are also truly inexplicable signs. For example, those who like to whistle with a hollow key are promised memory lapses by superstition. And those who start ringing the keys on Wednesday will experience complete loss of sanity!

How to neutralize bad signs

There are few things in the world that are so ordinary and widespread and at the same time overgrown with so many legends and signs, like a key. It was dedicated to the gods, worn on the belt as a sign of a special position in society, with its help they cast spells and performed witchcraft rituals... However, in modern times, keys primarily perform a basic function: opening and locking locks and doors. Only mysterious signs know whose heart you will be able to unlock by finding a small key on your way!