How often do people lose their apartment keys? Dropping your keys is a sign that promises big problems


Remember the "Encyclopedia of Young Woodchucks" - the constant assistant of the ducklings from the animated series "DuckTales". One of the recommendations in this book says: “If you want to find a thing, think about where you would lie in its place.” Oddly enough, this idea has some basis.
If you lose your keys, put yourself in their place. Where would you be? The answer may come quite quickly. Some psychologists argue that in this way the subconscious exerts its influence. But this technique does not work as often as we would like.

Remember when you last time saw the keys. Try the exact sequence of your actions from this moment and carefully study each place suggested by your memory. Maybe the keys are in your pocket. Maybe they fell from a shelf in . Or maybe you forgot to take them out of the lock. But a person is not a computer, and memory can fail.

Look around the room you are in. If possible, invite an outside observer. He will be able to take a “fresh” look. There is a high probability that you do not notice the bundle lying in front of you.

Explore the most inaccessible places in your home. Sometimes lost things are found there. Some explain this by the intervention of otherworldly forces, others are simply perplexed about this. But the fact remains: keys sometimes end up where they simply shouldn’t be.

Inspect the area in front. You may have dropped a bunch here. It is very difficult to look for keys on grass-covered roads. Therefore, if you have one, remove one “pancake” speaker from it. If not, borrow a “pancake” from one of your neighbors. Armed with it, walk across the entire site, holding it with a magnet to. As soon as the key is in close proximity, it will instantly be attracted to the magnet.


  • how to find house keys

Finding keys lost in an apartment can take several hours, and even after that you will not be successful. A sound keychain will help make this work easier. It senses high-frequency sound and responds with an intermittent signal.


Once you purchase a sound keychain, put everything on keys on his ring, or rearrange the existing one on it. If the batteries are supplied in a separate compartment of the package, place them in the battery compartment of the key fob, observing the polarity. If they are already installed there, pull the plastic tab through the slot in the compartment cover to break the circuit. From this moment the device is ready for use.

Check the sound key fob. Stand two to three meters away from him and whistle loudly. If you don't know how to whistle, use a whistle (the smaller the better). Loud enough might do musical instrument, if you play a high note on it. The key fob should respond to each signal with an intermittent squeak or a series of trills.

Check the functionality of the device in this way at least every six months. If it begins to react uncertainly to high-frequency sounds, or stops working altogether, replace the batteries in it. Use, depending on its model, three or four AG13 elements. They are similar to those used in the cheapest laser pointers. When installing them, observe polarity. Hand over used items to collection points available at many health care centers.

If the key fob is lost within apartments, emit a high-frequency sound using any of the methods described above, alternately in each of the rooms, in the hallway, in the kitchen. If you are unable to determine by ear where the response came from, try again until keys there won't be any.

The sound keychain can also be used to search for other frequently lost items, such as a TV remote control. To do this, glue the bodies of both devices together in such a way that the batteries can still be changed in them, and neither the remote control buttons nor the holes and sound emitter of the key fob are blocked (often they are combined in the form of a single piezoelectric transducer that is reversible).

Please note

The range of the key fob is limited. It is not suitable for finding objects lost far away.

In Russia, about 300 people go missing every day. This figure is growing every year. Relatives and friends who have experienced the loss of a loved one person, very often they do not know where to turn. At the same time, there are currently enough services ready to help them.


The search for a missing person should begin by contacting the police. You must come to the office at your place of registration with a passport and a photograph of the lost person. Be prepared to describe in as much detail as possible details that will help the investigation. What the person was wearing, what date and time he left the house, where and when he was last seen. A missing person's report will be accepted three days after his or her absence. They will start looking for a child under 18 years old immediately.

After the police report is accepted, begin your own search. You will need, with the help of friends and relatives, to call all hospitals and morgues. The task becomes more complicated if the missing person did not have documents with him. Then you will have to go to identification parades. It’s very difficult for one person to cope, ask your loved ones for support. Have someone always nearby in case of bad news.

Usually the first two stages allow you to quickly find out the fate of the lost person. But if there are no results, you need to move on. Refer to Internet portals that search for missing people. Post an ad there asking for help. Write as many details as possible about the lost person. Sometimes little things that are not significant at first glance help to get on the right track.

Raise funds mass media. Many of them print missing persons notices for free. Use all resources - radio, print media, newspapers, television. How more people will be notified about the search for a person, the sooner he will be found.

When all means have been tried and there is almost no hope left, write to the “Wait for me” program. This is a unique international project. Program employees carry out searches not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. On the website “Wait for me” - You can fill out a form and describe the missing person. They will immediately start looking for him. About 60 people are searched for every week using this program. The main thing is not to give up. They will definitely help you!

Video on the topic

Many of us have at least once had to deal with a situation where, after a hard day at work, studying or just a walk, we found ourselves near the door of our house, having rummaged through all the pockets and compartments of our bag and not finding the keys in them, we had to stand under the door and wait for our relatives to arrive. In order to avoid this unpleasant situation again, follow some simple rules.

A set of house keys with many key fobs, a key with a tag that opens the door in the office, a large key for a safe. Each of us has similar things. We casually throw them on the nightstand when we return home, look for them at the bottom of our bag while standing in front of the door, forget them, but never think about the meaning of all these actions, and especially about the meaning of the keys as such.

But the key symbol has been found in ancient times in different cultures. In the beliefs of ancient peoples, the key had several meanings. Depicted in the hands of a priest, the key was considered a symbol of wisdom, access to unknown secrets. Gods were also depicted with keys. In their hands it symbolized power. In the Middle Ages, the key was considered a symbol of not only power, but also security. Conquered cities presented the new ruler with a key as a sign of recognition and admiration.

If we consider the key as a symbol, then in most beliefs it has positive value. Therefore, his discovery does not bode well. The found key brings good luck and foretells a quick resolution of problems. However, in each individual case the interpretation of such a find has its own nuances.

A key found on the road portends a successful resolution difficult situation. If you bring it home, it will help block access negative energy into the life of household members.

The sign of finding a clean and shiny key promises well-being in financial sector. A rusty key does not foretell anything bad, but on the contrary promises the imminent receipt of a gift or profit. In order not to miss out on luck, you must pick it up, bring it home and hide it in a safe place.

If a person finds a whole bunch of keys, then in this case the folk sign promises well-being in family life, as well as a successful way out of a confusing situation.

But there are some keys that should be left where they are. For example, under no circumstances should you pick up a key found in a pond. There is a possibility that he ended up there after performing a ritual aimed at locking all adversities under water.

You should not take the key lying at the crossroads. This belief is also associated with a similar ritual. In addition, it is believed that an absent-minded person can drop it at an intersection. And the thing itself can carry its energy.

Sign of losing a key

Everyone has experienced the loss of keys in their life, and this situation in itself is not a pleasant one. That is why many are currently convinced that his loss promises only troubles and troubles. However, if you think about it, all the difficulties after losing your keys come down only to the everyday issue of replacing locks, which has nothing to do with folk superstitions. Most signs associate the loss of keys with impending changes. True, in each individual case they have a different character.

So, if a young girl discovers the loss of her house keys, then the signs promise her changes in her personal life. For people doing business, such a loss promises profit in business.

But mothers better watch the keys more closely. It is believed that if a mother loses a set of keys to her apartment, she can expect discord in her relationship with her children, quarrels and misunderstandings.

The interpretation of signs may also depend on the situation in which they were lost. For example, their loss before important event, such as a test or exam, is a good sign. But before a long journey, on the contrary, it’s bad. Losing your keys after a wedding or moving means that life in a new status or in a new place will be easy.

Sometimes, after we have already said goodbye to a thing, it suddenly shows up in the most unexpected place. In this case, you should rejoice doubly. In addition to the fact that the loss was found, this situation also promises the beginning of a new bright streak in life, the end of troubles and turmoil.

The keys fell

Regardless of the size of the keychain, this thing often tends to slip out of your hands. In general, this situation is believed to be negative. Keys falling in front of front door- a bad omen. If this happened when leaving home, then minor troubles await ahead. But if the bundle falls out of your hands upon returning home, then major problems may soon knock on the door.

If keys are falling regularly, this could be a warning sign. Someone is about to break into a room where the keys keep falling out of your hands with bad intentions.

You should think about it when you hear a loud ringing sound from falling keys. In the house where this happened, there is a high probability of quarrels and misunderstandings.

Other signs associated with keys

It is believed that the habit of leaving keys on the table also promises quarrels in the family. The table and other horizontal surfaces in the house were considered conductors to the other world. Therefore, with the help of the keys that lie on the table, dark forces can enter the home. So it’s better to highlight the keys permanent place not on an open horizontal surface. This will protect them from falling into the hands of ill-wishers.

The key rings we wear on our keys can also have hidden meanings. By choosing the right jewelry for your bundle, you can attract good luck into your life. Conversely, if you approach the choice of this accessory carelessly, there is a chance of causing trouble.

It may seem like an obvious rule that you should not decorate your keys with negative symbols. Often on keychains you can find figures in the form of weapons, skulls and the like. But such things simply cannot carry positive energy.

You should be wary of trinkets with unknown symbols. For example, ancient runes can carry negative value, while the owner of such a thing may not even be aware of it.

As for positive symbols, luck here largely depends on self-hypnosis. For example, if you believe that a keychain with the image of a horseshoe or a zodiac sign can bring good luck, then the little thing can really help its owner.

In addition, it is believed that if you hang a keychain on your keys in the shape of the thing you want to have, this will help you achieve what you want more quickly. For example, you can decorate your bundle with a small copy of a car, house or coin. And for travelers, keychains in the shape of landmarks of the places you would like to visit are perfect. So miniatures of the Eiffel Tower or an Egyptian pyramid may appear on the keys.

The key was never an ordinary thing, the meaning of which was not given any significance. On the contrary, in every culture it is a certain symbol to which abilities are attributed, or is considered an omen of certain events. We will talk about signs about keys and their interpretation.

What does the key symbolize?

Usually it is from the purpose of the key different peoples drew inspiration to attribute this or that ability to him. Since it can open doors, it means that it is a means of knowledge, wisdom and even wealth, both spiritual and material. Among other things, according to beliefs, it imparts permissive and limiting power, providing:

  • safety;
  • power;
  • knowledge;
  • liberation;
  • humility;
  • freedom;
  • limitation.

Keys are an invariable attribute of many deities and rituals in different religions. Including in Christianity: some apostles are depicted with keys or even a bunch of them in their hand, on their belt, etc.

Well, in folk superstitions about keys you can find a lot of interpretations regarding what they can promise: from good luck in your personal life to real troubles, because depending on which doors it unlocks, it is saturated with positive or negative energy.

Signs about losing a key

Not only is losing your keys very unpleasant in itself: without them you won’t be able to get into your house, office, unlock your car, safe, etc., but also folk wisdom is ambivalent about this event.

Positive value

The most common interpretation of the sign about the loss of keys speaks of changes for the better. This is especially true for those people who have previously suffered a series of failures. In this case, the loss is encouraging: a new bright page has been opened for you.

This may also be due to the approaching of a profitable deal or the implementation of a plan. Sometimes this indicates an upcoming move. For unmarried girls, this is a holiday: they should expect quick changes in their personal lives.

By the way, if a couple of days before the wedding the bride or groom lost the keys to the doors of their house, it means that they will live happily ever after.

What's wrong with losing your keys?

Unfortunately, there are also less pleasant superstitions associated with the loss of keys. So, there is a sign: for a married woman losing her keys means that household chores will go awry. Scandals will begin with the household, where continuous reproaches will be showered on the hostess. Although, if a woman is wise, she will regard such superstition as a signal that she should understand herself, reconsider some of her actions, etc.

For guys preparing to serve in the army, losing a key threatens that it will never return home. But there is no need to panic. Perhaps the young man will do it in the army successful career, remaining to serve there for a long time, or get married at the place of service and also remain in his wife’s homeland.

If the keys are lost during a move, then the new place is unlikely to heal well. The same applies to those who are about to go on a journey: it will not be successful.

Finally, the most realistic sign says: if you lost a key (to a car, apartment, etc.) - change the locks, perhaps it was stolen from you and they are preparing to break into your property.

What does finding a key promise?

Finding the key is considered, in general, good sign. But not without exceptions, of course.

Positive value

Popular wisdom believes that stumbling upon someone else's key is a good omen. It means that existing problems will now be quickly resolved, and threats will be passed over. If you happen to find a bunch, it’s just a “jackpot”. Success in financial affairs and long-awaited reconciliation with a loved one await you. Moreover, your step towards renewing relations will be appreciated and accepted.

A rusty key is considered a particularly lucky find, and the older it is, the luckier its new owner will be. It reliably “locks” the door of your house for any misfortunes and envious people.

Finding the key that you yourself lost means that a series of unexpected and favorable events is coming.

When should you not lift the key?

Now about the negative significance of the find. If you find an old bent key in an indecent state, let it stay with you. He won't bring anything good.

Signs about keys found at crossroads have witchcraft implications. Most likely, they were spoken to and thrown out at the intersection of roads, which is an old magical rite. By picking up such a key, you will take upon yourself various troubles: illness, failure, damage, etc.

If the master key is found in water (river, lake, swamp, etc.), you should also be careful here. This could be part witchcraft ritual or someone in this way removes the negative from the object.

Other signs

The signs about keys don’t end there. There are still many, many of them:

  • dropped;
  • fell themselves;
  • forgot the key;
  • placed on the table;
  • given or received as a gift;
  • broken or broke, etc.

and all of them also deserve attention.

Folk signs about the keys

When the key falls

Dropping keys most often happens in a hurry, so there is not always time to attach any importance to this. However, superstitions say that if your keys fall under certain circumstances, you need to stop and think about it, because this can be a life-saving warning.

When this happens when you return home, expect major problems. When leaving the apartment, minor troubles will happen; perhaps the business for which you had to leave will simply not work out today.

If the keys connected to each other fall, your plans will also be impossible to come true. If this happens regularly through no fault of yours, i.e. you are not suffering nervous disorder, chronic fatigue, etc., then the threat of illegal entry hangs over the room from which keys are constantly being dropped.

But there is another belief: whenever you drop your keys, you must quickly make a wish. If they fly off the table, clanking loudly on the floor, there will be a quarrel in the house.

Key as a gift

Naturally, if the keys given to you or you open a car, apartment or a nice yacht, this is obvious luck! But keys are also made in the form of jewelry (pendants, earrings, pendants, etc.). This is a wonderful gift that symbolizes friendship, strong love and devotion.

broken key

In case the key breaks, various signs promise various events. This may be a signal of danger from thieves. But the key may also be trying to “tell” you that a robbery attempt has already been made, but was not successful for the villains.

Forgotten Key

If the key cannot be found anywhere, then “don’t go to a fortune teller”: it could have been stolen from you on purpose in order to clean out your home, car, office, etc.

Again, when a person is already absent-minded and this is only a small part in the compartment of things that are always lost, then looking for hidden subtext in this event is a waste of time and effort.

Other superstitions

Often people carry several keys connected with one ring. In this case, the loss, damage or breakage of only one warns of danger. And this could be real threat property theft or problem arises.

They also say that the keys on the table mean a quarrel or lack of money. In any case, first of all, it is unhygienic, because they are lying around everywhere.

When the key suddenly rusts, this is great: expect good news, surprises, gifts.

Never throw your keys: they must have their own place (shelf, hook, for example), where they are quietly placed. By the way, keys that are no longer needed due to the fact that the locks have been changed must be buried in the ground. They no longer have a purpose, their energy is superfluous.

The key is not a simple subject, but a mystical one. Today we use it automatically, it is a simple and familiar object for everyone, and a person always has a lot of keys - to a house, an office, a car, a room, a locker, a safe, a garage, a gate...

In short, every day you have to open and close something without thinking. But in fact, the key is ancient symbol possession of wealth, a powerful sign with which many traditions and rituals were associated.

The key is associated with subtle world, and if something happens to him by chance, it would be useful to find out what it is for. This object sometimes falls, gets lost, is found - and such phenomena can mean something important.

It's not just empty folk superstitions, but rather serious signs that the universe sends us. And if you are able to notice and understand such signs, you can control your life and better navigate it, especially in future events.

Why would this be?

It is important to take care of your keys and treat them with respect, understanding that this is not only a necessary and useful thing, but also a powerful mystical object that can become a talisman.

You can’t throw them anywhere at home or in your bag; you need to give them a special place in the apartment, and put them in a separate pocket in your purse. If something happened, it is not difficult to find out what it means.

1. Losing a key is a nuisance that can cause a lot of problems. But this is a very good omen.

It is believed that losing the key is a symbol of the fact that old boring problems will soon end, liberation from troubles, unhealthy relationships and even illnesses will occur. So if you happen to lose your keys, know that this is for good!

2. And with the found keys everything is a little more complicated. There is the most important sign: finding the key means getting rid of problems quickly. But it's not that simple!

If you find a new key on the road, this means favorable changes in the financial sector; soon your financial difficulties will end. But you should not pick up the key from the road, especially from an intersection.

And if an old, especially beautiful key is found, it is very good sign, which promises a bright streak of life and wonderful changes. You need to pick it up, rinse it at home in running water, hold it over a fire church candle and ask higher powers about help.

Then you need to put the find under the pillow, and in dreams, according to legend, a solution should come. What to do in a difficult situation!

3. If the keys fall from your hands or from the table, this may portend a quarrel in the family. To prevent this from happening, you need to knock on the table with the key.

And in general, when the keys fall, this is a good reason to once again think about whether you are behaving correctly with your household, whether you are provoking empty conflicts. Maybe you should be more tolerant and resolve all issues peacefully?

4. Breaking a key is a warning that losses or even theft are possible. You need to take care of your property, keep an eye on things, and not be careless. Be careful in transport and crowded places, and check doors when leaving home.

What not to do

There are signs that tell you what not to do with keys - this mystical and important object. If you follow them, which is not difficult, then life will probably be happier.

  • Keys, as many people know, should not be placed on the table - this bad omen which can bring poverty into life. To ensure that you always have enough money, you need to keep your keys in a special place, preferably in a key holder, on a shelf, in a bag, but not on the table.
  • At home, they need to be placed or broadcast in the same place. If you are familiar with searching for keys throughout the apartment, and you often cannot remember where you left them, this is very bad. You need to give them a place and keep them there always.
  • There is a sign for husband and wife - when they come home, they need to hang up the keys quietly so that the husband does not hear. This - sure sign, What family life will be peaceful, and conflicts will cease to arise in the couple.

Believe in good omens, and they will come true. Treat beliefs wisely, and let only the most pleasant signs come true in your life! Author: Vasilina Serova

Any loss immediately worsens your mood, especially if a valuable or necessary thing disappears without a trace. Keys undoubtedly belong to the category of extremely unpleasant losses. Just one small object, imperceptibly dissolved in the surrounding space, can make you temporarily homeless, leave you without your favorite job, or block access to necessary things. In addition, the incident promises many unforeseen worries: a frantic search for the missing bundle, ordering new copies, or even changing the locks, and maybe the whole door.

In such a situation about positive emotions there is no need to talk. The only thing that can at least partially brighten up the “bitterness of loss” is a happy interpretation of the sign. What does the loss of keys actually portend when lost?

“Lack of keys” is a happy omen

In most cases, the disappearance of a ring with a keychain and other jingling contents brings positive changes in fate and financial situation.

  • For absent-minded youth, the loss of a key of any caliber and significance promises dramatic changes associated with personal status. A young and in love flighty person in an instant turns into the head of the family. A carefree girl with an admirer, after a while becomes a respectable married lady. Well, lonely hearts finally find their soul mate.
  • For a person who is already for a long time are haunted by failures, the loss of a key means that the doors to further problems and misfortunes will remain closed forever, and a “white” streak will begin in life.
  • It happens that a whole bunch of office premises disappear at once. For business people the loss will be a happy omen, as it promises the conclusion of a new and very profitable contract, the establishment of useful connections with partners and suppliers.
  • It’s great if you lost your keys on the eve of an important event. Any exam, interview or negotiation will end in complete and unconditional success, which is not surprising. After all, lock the door in front of you in new life there will be nothing.
  • The “key” sign works great for newlyweds and for a long time married men. An unexpected loss promises a move for these two lucky categories of bewildered people. Old keys make room for fresh copies from the new home.

Unlucky "key" signs

Not every loss of keys can compensate for unforeseen difficulties with a pleasant interpretation.

  • For a married woman, a missing ligament serves as a warning that all is not well with the household. Before the husband begins to show dissatisfaction, and the children do not get out of control, it is urgent to return the reins of power to your own hands. Shake and Swipe general cleaning, prepare delicious lunch, visit the teachers at school.
  • If the keys are from new apartment mysteriously disappear during a move, the sign portends trouble and family problems. Most likely, changing your home will not bring you long-awaited joy, but dissatisfaction with the repairs and location.
  • It is not at all advisable to lose your keys before leaving for long journey. An unpleasant incident will guarantee an unsuccessful trip. You may become a victim of scammers or robbers, get injured, or get the flu.
  • One of the most understandable interpretations of the “missing keys” sign says that crooks have their eye on your property. Such an incident requires immediate action: change the locks, set up the alarm, and always carefully lock the doors.
  • If the keys are not completely and irrevocably lost, but simply forgotten at home, on a visit or at work, then the omen does not bode well either. Absent-mindedness can lead to quarrels with family, friends or colleagues.
  • Beware of losing ancient, rusty master keys. After all, such things touched by time serve as a guarantee of good luck. Most people take good care of rusted or slightly misshapen horseshoes, hammers or nails. They know: the loss of a talisman will certainly lead to the fact that business will no longer be successful, all endeavors will end in complete failure, and luck will pass to the one who discovers the loss.