Larisa Verbitskaya personal life. Larisa Verbitskaya where she works now

Verbitskaya Larisa Viktorovna – for a long time is a true style icon and trendsetter of Russian fashion. The woman is constantly invited to various television shows, where she advises everyone around her on how to dress stylishly and properly take care of herself so that men can carry them in their arms.

At the same time, Larisa Verbitskaya perfectly combines this work from the announcer's room, and also easily and naturally copes with the work in the management of the First Russian Channel.

The TV presenter amazes everyone with the fact that, despite her workload, she raises wonderful children, finds time for loved ones and hobbies.

It is worth noting that such physical parameters like her height, weight, age. How old is Larisa Verbitskaya? This is a popular query on the Internet for which you can find reliable information.

Verbitskaya was born in 1959, so she is currently fifty-eight years old. full years. According to the Zodiac sign, the woman is a frivolous, friendly, sociable, sincere, direct and persistent Sagittarius.

The Eastern horoscope endowed Larisa with the character traits inherent in the Pig, namely, good nature, honesty, decency, determination.

Larisa Verbitskaya: the photos in her youth and now are the same, because the woman does not resort to plastic surgery, she eats right, plays sports, completely gives up eating meat and gets enough sleep.

Verbitskaya's height currently reaches 171 centimeters, and her weight has settled at around fifty kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Larisa Verbitskaya

The biography and personal life of Larisa Verbitskaya is the story of a self-sufficient and self-confident person. Little Lorochka was born in Crimean Feodosia, but spent her childhood in Moldavian Chisinau.

Father - Viktor Verbitsky - served all his life in the ranks of the Soviet and Russian army Therefore, strict discipline reigned in the family. Little Larisa constantly moved around the country following her dad, changing schools and friends.

Mother - Elena Verbitskaya - was a very sociable and inquisitive person. The woman was respected among the townspeople because she worked for a long time in the operating room. nurse. Currently, the eighty-year-old woman is not only trying to live an active life, but also constantly reads new literary releases, is a very erudite lady, and has thoroughly studied Skype and the Internet.

Larisa was a bright, active and inquisitive girl, she was fond of studying English language not only in a specialized school, but also in courses. In parallel with this, the girl was involved in sports, including scuba diving, athletics, and sports acrobat.
Her parents hoped that the girl would become a famous diplomat, but Larisa went to enter the Pedagogical Institute in Chisinau. Already in 1982, Verbitskaya was able to become the only female announcer on local television, and after that she became the presenter of the Channel One news block.

After that, Larisa worked as an announcer on Moscow and all-Union television, took part in the television programs “Good night, kids!”, “The Last Hero”, “Good Morning”, “ Ice age", "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire", "Fashionable Sentence", "Ford Boyard".
Currently, when asked where Larisa Verbitskaya is, she is currently working on television, and is also the vice-president of the Union of Image Makers.

Verbitskaya’s personal life is stable and open to other presenters and fans, except for one page. She concerns the father of her son Maxim, whom no one knows; it is not clear whether the couple was in a civil or legal marriage, or whether the guy was a random person in her life.

Family and children of Larisa Verbitskaya

Larisa Verbitskaya’s family and children are the most valuable thing she has, so the TV presenter, despite her busy schedule, tries to devote everything to them free time. The woman has two children, the age difference of which is eleven years, so the eldest son protected, raised and played with pleasure with his sister, and she was proud of her older brother.

Larisa’s family is very friendly, all its members support each other in any situation. All members of this company are easy-going, they love to travel and easily navigate foreign cities and countries.

By the way, the history of maternal ancestors is passed down from generation to generation, since Larisa’s mother was a pupil orphanage, because in the difficult year of 1946, her grandparents died of hunger, leaving behind seven children.

It is because of this story that everyone in the Verbitsky family honors the memory of veterans and belongs to the Great Patriotic War Sincerely.

Son of Larisa Verbitskaya - Maxim Verbitsky

The son of Larisa Verbitskaya, Maxim Verbitsky, the first-born of the TV presenter, was born in 1979, his father was a random person in the woman’s life. His name is still unknown, and the boy didn’t even want to know anything about him.

Little Maksimka was fond of the circus and theater, loved horses and horse riding. He considers his stepfather Alexander Dudov to be his father, who was always nearby and helped in any situation.

Maxim attended a school with in-depth study of the English language, and also loved photography. With the light hand of his stepfather, the guy mastered the camera business perfectly, but received a higher legal education.

Now Maxim Verbitsky is the head of a prestigious law firm and the Association of Independent Lawyers around the World.

Daughter of Larisa Verbitskaya - Inna Dudova

Larisa Verbitskaya's daughter, Inna Dudova, was born in 1990, and her father was Alexander Dudov. The baby was born very weak and sickly, so she needed constant care and support.

Little Inna not only studied well, but also painted, practiced ballet and horse riding at a professional level. At the same time, the girl wanted to become an artist, a veterinarian, a professional equestrian, or a clothing and interior designer.

Elena Verbitskaya decided to develop the girl physically in order to improve her health, so she sent Innochka to swimming and basketball. The girl is currently receiving higher education, works in a modeling agency and in one large company as a public relations manager, and also travels constantly.

Larisa Verbitskaya's husband - Alexander Dudov

Larisa Verbitskaya’s husband, Alexander Dudov, appeared in the actress’s life in the stormy and crazy nineties, when she was left alone with her son. He worked as a television cameraman and madly loved his profession. The young people met at very interesting circumstances when Larisa brought her eleven-year-old son to the Chisinau Circus for a program with trained animals.

On that happy day, Alexander was filming horses for the news; he decided to help the mother and the boy and helped them move closer to the arena. Verbitskaya realized that communicating with the operator was easy and interesting; he was quite well-read and could carry on a conversation on any topic.

He finally managed to win Larisa’s heart when he found common language with little Maksimka and replaced his dad. The man was a director of documentary programs and commercials, he worked at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and was a director of concert programs at the Rossiya Concert Hall.

Larisa Verbitskaya before and after plastic surgery photos

Larisa Verbitskaya before and after plastic surgery photos began to appear quite often on the Internet, so they managed to attract the attention of fans. The most interesting thing is that people who closely follow the life of their favorite clarified that the TV presenter’s luxurious appearance has not changed one iota over several decades.

It was assumed that Larisa simply gets plastic surgery in prestigious clinics. At the same time, Verbitskaya simply laughs at the assumptions, claiming that it is possible to achieve such an effect without going under the knife of a plastic surgeon. You should simply use natural cosmetics using herbs, plant oils and natural ingredients.

Verbitskaya is opposed plastic surgery categorically and makes it acceptable only for accidents or medical reasons.

Instagram and Wikipedia Larisa Verbitskaya

Larisa Verbitskaya’s Instagram and Wikipedia appeared on her quite a long time ago, since she is an amazingly sociable person. On the page dedicated to Larisa on Wikipedia there is reliable and verified information that concerns childhood, youth, education, parents, creative and family life, but everything is written rather sparingly. This is why fans prefer to look at the TV presenter’s pages on social networks.

By the way, Larisa used to hate social media, because she believed that only lazy people could spend time in them. Currently, photos and videos of women are posted not only on Instagram, but also on other social networks. More than 76,000 people have subscribed to the Instagram page, who can easily communicate with the favorite of millions.

Larisa Verbitskaya was born on November 30, 1959 in Feodosia. Father - Victor, was a military man. Mother - Elena, worked as a nurse. As a child, the Verbitsky family moved from Feodosia to Chisinau.

The future star studied at an English school in Chisinau. From the age of six she studied different types sports: gymnastics, scuba diving, diving and athletics. Verbitskaya was a member of the Moldavian youth athletics team.

Larisa graduated from the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Chisinau State Pedagogical Institute named after. Iona Creangă. The future star's television career began with participation in an announcer competition, which she won. Thanks to this victory, Verbitskaya became the only female announcer on Moldovan television at that time.

Larisa Verbitskaya: “That day it was impossible to get through to the television center, there were so many people willing, and the girls were all hand-picked, beautiful. Everything was decided by Mr. Great Chance. For some reason they chose me... Maybe I wanted to change my life more than anyone?”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 12 (03/21/2005)

Since 1982, Verbitskaya has worked as an announcer on Chisinau television. Three years later, Larisa transferred to the announcers department of Central Television.

In 1984, at a circus performance in Chisinau, Larisa met her future husband, Moscow TV cameraman Alexander Dudov, who was filming a documentary there.

The charming Russian TV presenter Larisa Verbitskaya could very well act in films. She has all the data for this: talent and charisma, boundless charm and a bright, attractive appearance. But Larisa chose to work on television and was right. Today, Verbitskaya is one of the best presenters of modern Russian television and, undoubtedly, one of the most stylish Russian celebrities.

Personal details

Name famous beauty is constantly being heard. Many years of work on Channel One as one of the hosts of “Good Morning” made Verbitskaya famous throughout the country. Larisa did not disappear from view even after her departure from the project. She still regularly participates in various television shows, mainly as a fashion specialist. Verbitskaya also actively works in the League of Professional Image Makers.

  • Full name - Verbitskaya Larisa Viktorovna.
  • Date of birth: November 30, 1959.
  • City of birth - Feodosia.
  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Height - 1.70 m.
  • Weight - 51 kg.

Early years

Future screen star born in sunny Crimea. But Larisa was able to appreciate the beauty of this place only years later. The family led a nomadic lifestyle, so little Lara lived in her small homeland only for the first unconscious months of her life. The girl's father, Viktor Verbitsky, was a military serviceman and, on duty, constantly traveled throughout the Soviet Union. The wife, and then the daughter, of course, accompanied the head of the family on all his moves.

Finally, the series of changes of residence is over. The whole family firmly settled in Moldova, where the father and husband were forced to go in the direction of the command. So, at the age of two, Larisa Verbitskaya ended up in Chisinau, where she would spend her childhood and youth.

Here Lara went to school. The parents really wanted their daughter to become a diplomat in the future and decided to provide her with an appropriate education. Lara's preparation for a successful diplomatic career began in childhood - the girl was enrolled in a school with an English bias. Studying was easy for Verbitskaya.

Who to be and what to do

Being a multi-talented person, young Larisa was interested not only in science and art, but also in sports. The energetic girl immediately fell in love with physical education. Lara signed up for her first sports club at the age of six - the girl’s choice fell on an acrobatic club, where she went with her friend. In subsequent school years Verbitskaya actively continued her sports activities. She engaged in a variety of sports:

  • swimming and diving;
  • gymnastics;
  • athletics, in particular high jumping.

In the last sports discipline, which captivated the girl more than others, Verbitskaya achieved particular success, which even allowed her to join the Moldovan youth athletics team. But no matter how much Lara loved sports, she had no intention of turning this passion into a profession.

Meanwhile schooling was coming to an end. The eleventh grader thought seriously about her future. The next stage according to the parental plan was to be studying at the Institute international relations. But Larisa assessed her capabilities much more critically. In addition, a diplomatic career attracted little attention from Lara - her aspirations were directed in a different direction, so she did not consider entering MGIMO.

While studying at an English school, Verbitskaya learned the language well. This circumstance allowed the girl to turn her attention to the Institute foreign languages. But the flaring desire to enter this university almost immediately faded due to the fear of not passing the competition. Subsequently, Lara learns that in the year of her probable admission, the competition that she was so afraid of was unusually small. She regretted the missed opportunity for a very long time.

As a result of much thought, Larisa decided to become a teacher. The parents accepted their daughter's choice and did not interfere with her. Upon completion high school Verbitskaya entered the State Pedagogical University of Chisinau, bearing the name Ion Creange, and became a student at the Faculty of Philology.

After completing her studies at the university, Larisa received a diploma as a teacher of Russian language and literature, but did not work in her specialty for a single day. During her studies, she discovered another calling.

TV announcer

The young beauty initially had no desire to work on television. Larisa was systematically moving towards her intended goal of becoming a teacher, but chance intervened. In her last year at the pedagogical institute, Lara heard from friends about the recruitment of announcers for the Russian-language segment of television in Moldova. Verbitskaya, who loved to try everything new, could not resist the temptation to try own strength in an area unfamiliar to her.

The girl decided to participate in the casting and submitted an application. After that, Larisa got an audition among other applicants. There were many people who wanted to “get on TV,” but Lara was unexpectedly chosen out of all the participants. This marked the beginning television career Verbitskaya. The diploma of philologist, which he soon received, was put aside as unnecessary.

The talented beauty was appointed presenter in several programs aired on one of the Moldovan federal channels. The work was interesting, but with its own difficulties and subtleties. In general, the management liked Larisa at the casting and received a strong recommendation to take up her voice. The diction was excellent, but the strength and plasticity were lacking.

It was not easy to put the voice of an inexperienced presenter. In addition, the task was complicated by the fact that each of the programs in which Larisa worked had its own ideas about the requirements for the presenter’s speech. As Verbitskaya herself would later tell, she studied voice training with an experienced teacher - a true master of her craft. Thanks to this, Larisa, while still a newcomer to TV, was able to demonstrate a professionally delivered speech.

After a year of work on Moldovan television, Verbitskaya was allowed to work in live- she became a news announcer. Soon the girl was faced with even greater responsibility. At that time, it looked truly incredible - the young presenter was entrusted with reading the obituary on the occasion of the death of L. I. Brezhnev. Verbitskaya justified the high level of trust and coped with the task. This helped Larisa rise to the top new level professionalism. In the television world, they stopped seeing her as a newcomer and started taking her seriously.

From capital to capital

After three years of working on Chisinau television in 1985, the beauty made a fateful decision - to move from the Moldovan capital to Moscow, to her then lover, who would become her second husband. Who knows what the biography of TV presenter Larisa Verbitskaya would have been like if she had stayed in Moldova. One thing can be said with confidence - she has nothing to regret.

Then the decision was risky - she had a job in Chisinau and clear prospects for rapid advancement career ladder. There was personal happiness in Moscow, but in my career, to a certain extent, I had to start all over again. Although the presenter already had quite a lot of experience working on television, she again had to go through a difficult casting. Hardworking and purposeful Larisa, who also does not have the habit of giving up, brilliantly overcame all obstacles.

The ambitious girl received a place among the announcers of the Central Television of the Soviet Union. After a couple of years successful work in the announcer's department, Larisa feels for an opportunity career growth. Presenters were recruited for the still emerging segment of morning broadcasting. The nature of the upcoming work was somewhat different from broadcasting duties. In addition, morning broadcasts required presenters with a bright, memorable appearance, well-groomed and attractive.

Larisa came to the conclusion that such a chance should not be missed. She had the necessary external characteristics, and she loved innovations in her work. The presenter made every effort to get into this project and eventually, to some extent, became one of its creators. As a result of her efforts, the presenter joined the management of “Good Morning”- programs that make up morning broadcast of Channel One.

It is worth noting that Larisa is the only fellow TV presenter who worked in the same program for such a long period of time. For almost thirty years, Verbitskaya greeted TV viewers on screen in the morning and charged them with positivity for the whole day.

In 2006, the presenter was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

During her work at Good Morning, Larisa turned into real symbol morning broadcast - it was impossible to imagine the program without this wonderful TV presenter and simply charming woman. But in 2014, when Verbitskaya’s contract expired, the channel did not renew it, so the legendary presenter can no longer be seen on the morning air.

Mom and wife

In her interviews, the TV presenter often shares details of her biography and personal life. Larisa Verbitskaya readily talks about her children, and the same about her current husband. But the beauty's first husband is a closed topic. Even his name is unknown. All that Verbitskaya told about their family life was that her husband was against her work on television and at one point gave her an “either-or” ultimatum. As you know, Larisa chose a career.

From this marriage Verbitskaya has a son, Maxim. Larisa, who was left alone, was helped in every possible way by her parents in raising the child. According to the presenter, it was Maxim’s communication with his military grandfather that shaped his son’s character and made him a real man. Now Larisa’s son is the owner of a law firm.

After spending several years alone, in a kind of romance with work, Verbitskaya unexpectedly met a man with whom she lives happily to this day. They met at the Chisinau circus - Larisa brought her son to the show, and cameraman Alexander Dudov filmed scenes with horses. Alexander immediately noticed the young, beautiful mother and during the intermission decided to meet her. After Alexander left home - to Moscow - a romance began in letters.

After a year of correspondence, they finally realized that they wanted to be together. Larisa and her son moved to Dudov. Soon the lovers got married. In 1990, the happy couple had a daughter, Inna.

The embodiment of style

Larisa's activities are not limited to appearances on television. The audience's favorite holds the position of vice president in the League of Professional Image Makers, where Larisa Verbitskaya now works to a much greater extent than on television. But the constant workload does not prevent Verbitskaya from pursuing her various hobbies and remaining a wonderful wife and mother for many years.

Larisa a real expert in the field of fashion, style, beauty and personal care, which she clearly demonstrates through her own example. The TV presenter is always up to date with everyone fashion trends- for her this is more than just a job or a hobby. The beauty willingly shares her knowledge with other representatives of the fair sex and helps them learn how to create attractive images.

It is hardly possible to find an interview in which Larisa would not be asked a single question about the secret of her youth and beauty. And this is not surprising - the TV personality is in excellent shape and has not changed much over the years. It is completely impossible to visually determine how old Larisa Verbitskaya is. But the presenter does not hide her age - she is now 58 years old, and this seems incredible. The slender beauty has the appearance of a thirty-year-old woman.

Of course, natural data is not the only thing that allows Larisa to look chic and young, regardless of age. Verbitskaya is attentive to her health, monitors general condition the body and should certain rules, which I installed for myself. Larisa calls these rules the secrets of her youth. These include:

  • adherence to a daily routine (if possible);
  • getting enough sleep (i.e. no sleep deprivation);
  • thalassotherapy (rejuvenation with seafood);
  • complete exclusion of meat from the diet.

Larisa actively promotes and promotes her lifestyle through a series of dietary complexes developed by her personally. Each of these diet programs helps maintain youth and beauty at any age. To be convinced of the effectiveness of Verbitskaya’s original diets, just look at the TV presenter herself.

Attention, TODAY only!

TV presenter Date of birth November 30 (Sagittarius) 1959 (59) Place of birth Feodosia Instagram @larisa_verbitskaya

Many people have very specific associations with the name of the famous announcer and presenter Larisa Verbitskaya. She is attractive, smart, elegant, and knows how to attract the attention of the viewer and listener to any topic. People who communicate closely with her assure that in real life she is not too different from her on-screen image. She put in a lot of effort to achieve her goals. Moreover, even in the most difficult situations the woman did not lose her aristocratic calm and was never involved in public scandals.

Biography of Larisa Verbitskaya

One of the recognized beauties of Russia was born in Feodosia on November 30, 1959. The girl was from a military family, so they had to move when she was still very young. The future presenter spent her childhood and youth in Chisinau. The parents wanted their daughter to become an international diplomat, and already with early years prepared it for the Institute of International Relations. Larisa was sent to an English school, where she studied successfully. At the same time, the girl herself dreamed of a sports future and actively developed her talents in several directions at once. She attended classes and training in swimming, diving, and acrobatics. In athletics, even in her school years, she became a candidate for master of sports.

IN high school Larisa could boast of many achievements. Her relatives were very surprised when she went to study at the Faculty of Philology of the Pedagogical Institute. Studying was easy, but the girl never became a teacher. During one of her senior courses, she learned that young people were being recruited to become announcers for Chisinau Television. Drawing bright prospects for working on TV, Larisa went to the casting and became the only girl to receive an offer to collaborate.

Verbitskaya worked in this enviable position for 3 years. She mastered the nuances of the profession and decided that experience was enough to conquer new heights. In 1985, she went to Moscow with the goal of getting a position as an announcer on the USSR Central Television. After going through a difficult casting, consisting of several stages, the young woman achieved her goal. Larisa worked as an announcer for 2 years. Then a period began that became the beginning of her popularity. She began hosting morning broadcasts and took a direct part in developing the concept of a new direction of programs.

At that time, it was difficult to find a person who did not know who Larisa Verbitskaya was. For several years, she sent children to school and adults to work, leading the Good Morning project. Today she is the only presenter to have worked for more than 20 years on the same program. Such merits did not go unnoticed. The famous announcer was awarded the Order of Friendship and the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

She was not lost among the new faces on television, because she always tried to keep up with the times. During the period of growing popularity of entertainment programs, she happily took part in the most unusual projects. She could be seen in one of the seasons " The last hero", where the fragile woman managed to reach the final. Together with the Lithuanian figure skater Povilas Vanagas, Verbitskaya mastered the profession of a figure skater in the Ice Age project. As an expert, she was invited to the filming of the “Fashionable Verdict” program.

"Fashionable Sentence" celebrates its birthday

Personal life of Larisa Verbitskaya

Information about Larisa Verbitskaya's first husband, given on Wikipedia and other sources, varies slightly. It is known that the marriage was arranged quite early, and as a result of this relationship, the 20-year-old young woman gave birth to a son, Maxim. The union broke up due to a conflict of interest and the ambitious lady’s reluctance to sacrifice her career.

The television diva calls her second husband, Alexander Dudov, the main love of her life. He is a cameraman at VGTRK and directs documentaries and clips. In 1990, the couple had a daughter, Inna.

Verbitskaya's son became a lawyer. For a very long time, my daughter could not decide on the choice of profession; as a result, she realized herself in the modeling business.

Larisa Verbitskaya is a bright TV presenter and simply beautiful woman. There were many interesting moments in her life, and therefore, at present, our today’s heroine was and remains one of the most prominent representatives of the world of Russian television. She is compared to the first beauties of Hollywood, noting her sophistication and grace. But is it worth saying that a woman owes her success only to her external data? Of course not. After all, any success is built from hundreds of small bricks.

Early years, childhood and family of Larisa Verbitskaya

Larisa Verbitskaya was born on November 30, 1959 in the southern Ukrainian city of Feodosia. However, the girl practically did not live in Crimea. The thing is that her father was a military man, and therefore the family of our today’s heroine often moved. So, in particular, after the birth of Larisa, her father was sent to Moldova, and therefore sun-drenched Chisinau became the hometown for the little girl.

In the Moldovan capital, the father of the future TV presenter continued military service, and my mother got a job as an operating room nurse. Larisa herself began to study at an English school. Something like this is very unusual for Soviet Union the choice was due to the fact that her parents dreamed of seeing their daughter as a student at the Institute of International Relations, and therefore systematically prepared her for a career as a diplomat.

However, the girl herself dreamed of slightly different peaks. She was fond of sports, and therefore early childhood I dreamed of achieving significant success in this field. Her favorite sports included acrobatics, swimming, diving, and athletics. In the last of these disciplines, our today's heroine was especially successful. At a certain period of time, Larisa Verbitskaya was even a member of the Moldavian youth team in this sports discipline.

Summing up everything that was said above, we note that our today's heroine has always been a rather diverse child. She had many aspirations, and therefore few were surprised by the appearance of another one. The thing is that in high school the future celebrity suddenly decided to become a teacher. Having received a high school diploma, the girl submitted documents to the Chisinau Pedagogical Institute, where she began to study at the Faculty of Philology.

Everything went quite smoothly, but Larisa Verbitskaya did not start working in her specialty. In her senior years at the institute, the girl learned about the recruitment of announcers for Russian-language television programs in Moldova. The idea of ​​​​working on TV seemed tempting to her, and therefore very soon she decided to try her hand at a general casting. As a result, unexpectedly for everyone, a girl without the necessary education successfully passed many rounds of difficult competitive selection and received the coveted job on Moldavian television. So it began long haul Larisa Verbitskaya to the heights of television journalism.

Star Trek by Larisa Verbitskaya: Federal Television

The girl worked in a new capacity for three years. During this time, she managed to perfectly master all the intricacies of her chosen specialty, as well as accumulate the necessary experience. Having decided that in Moldova she had already achieved everything she wanted, in 1985 our today’s heroine went to Moscow. In the Russian capital, Larisa went through a difficult casting and eventually received the only place in the announcer department of the USSR Central Television.

Larisa Verbitskaya presenter on the First

The well-known Moldovan-Russian TV presenter worked in this capacity for another two years, after which she received one of the positions in the directorate of the nascent morning broadcasting. Since then, various “morning” programs have become the basis of her professional profile.

As the host of the Good Morning program, our today's heroine has become known throughout Russia. For many years, Larisa Verbitskaya has become a true symbol of morning television, as well as a living embodiment of beauty and grace. It is very noteworthy that currently the Moldovan-Russian TV presenter is the only person in the Russian television system, who worked in the same program for more than twenty years.

For her painstaking work in the field of Russian television, the girl was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, as well as the Order of Friendship for her enormous contribution to the development of the television and radio broadcasting industry.

Vanagas and Verbitskaya - Ice Age

In addition, Larisa Verbitskaya also appeared as a participant and guest star in such entertainment projects as Ford Boyard and Ice Age. In the last of these programs, the girl performed in pairs with the Lithuanian figure skater Povilas Vanagas.

Larisa Verbitskaya today

Concluding the conversation about Larisa Verbitskaya’s television successes, it is also worth noting the fact that for some time our today’s heroine worked as a “fashion expert” on the “Fashionable Sentence” program. Alexander Vasiliev, Nadezhda Babkina, Evelina Khromchenko also worked in this television project.

It is quite noteworthy that fashion and style are one of Larisa’s main hobbies in everyday life. For many years in a row she has been among the the most beautiful people Moscow, and also works as vice-president of the prestigious League of Professional Image Makers.

In addition to everything else, our today's heroine is also the author of numerous dietary programs designed to help women mature age preserve youth and beauty. A clear example The effectiveness of the proposed methods is, in some way, Larisa herself. After all, it is incredibly difficult to believe that she is already fifty-four years old.

Currently, Verbitskaya continues to work on previous projects. She is working on creating a new cycle of “morning” programs, and also continues to be active social life off television. From time to time, Larisa also acts as a presenter at concerts and private corporate events.

Personal life of Larisa Verbitskaya

It is known that in her youth Larisa Verbitskaya got married and divorced. The main reason The gap has become the eternal conflict between home and work. From that marriage, the TV presenter had a son, Maxim (born in 1979).

Currently, our today's heroine is happy with her second husband, VGTRK television cameraman Alexander Dudov. Her new husband works as a director of advertising videos and documentaries.

As part of the new marriage, Larisa and Alexander’s daughter, Inna (born in 1990), was born.