Images for a New Year's photo shoot. Family New Year's photo shoot in the studio - ideas and useful tips

New Year and Christmas is perhaps one of the most vibrant and exciting periods of the year, when you can take hundreds of breathtaking photographs: winter landscapes, holiday decorations and illumination, festive mood. Moreover, you can find interesting scenes for shooting not only during the day, but also at night. So, below you will find some ideas and tips on how to take great New Year's photos.

The winter cold brings with it amazing purity and transparency of the air. Even light in winter and summer tends to have different characteristics. All this creates excellent conditions for photography. Get out into the fresh air and take some photos of snow-covered houses, trees and lawns in your area.

Take a closer look at your neighbors' houses; perhaps they will be decorated with New Year's lights, which can create a great backdrop for one of your night photos. In addition, snow covering everything around increases the level of illumination at night (acting as a kind of natural reflector).

To get a series of photos of illuminated houses and skies you will need to use - longer than 1/15 sec - so you may need .

How to take photos for the New Year: Take pictures of New Year's decorations

In almost every New Year's photo you can find New Year decorations and illumination - they are integral attributes of the holiday, but, unfortunately, they have turned into a cliché.

Find ways to photograph them in an original way - for example, use extreme close-ups or simply make them dominate the frame, while people and surroundings serve only as background, giving the frame volume and depth.

Don't be afraid to turn off the Christmas tree lights. For example, it may be turned off directly behind the subject, but may be on background– this will help balance the composition and eliminate distracting elements in the foreground.

Another interesting and effective way, great for shooting Christmas tree decorations and garlands - use. With bokeh, you can use the blurry or soft-focus portion of an image as a compositional element in your shot. One way to enhance this effect is to place a piece of black cardboard with a hole cut in it in front of the lens. This will allow the bokeh and light halos to follow the shape of the hole in the cardboard, which can give your photo a dramatic effect.

How to take photos for the New Year: Focus on family relationships

Holidays, like no other, emphasize the importance family relations and New Year is perhaps the most important family holiday. The stresses and worries of the past year can weigh on everyone, but each of us is glad to take our minds off them and spend time with our families.

The New Year's holidays give you the perfect opportunity to take photos that will preserve holiday emotions for years, even decades.

The joy that surrounds everyone during the “season of giving” enhances the emotions of family members, so that they will be more expressive in photos together. Parents and children, brothers and sisters, spouses - everyone will be more open to your wishes regarding where and how to pose them in order to capture the feeling of family ties between them in the photo.

These days, people will respond more readily and naturally to your request to smile. Perhaps only the Grinch or the miser Scrooge will not support your initiative.

How to take photos for the New Year: Shoot preparations for the holiday

On holidays, families gather together not only at the festive table. Many meet ahead of time and together decorate the tree and house. And these are great moments to photograph!

Decorating the Christmas tree is a special moment in creating the New Year and Christmas atmosphere. Most families have a treasured collection of Christmas tree decorations and garlands, with which decorating the New Year tree has already become a kind of family tradition.

Try to capture people's faces as they unpack boxes of Christmas tree toys– most often at this moment people are filled with pleasant memories and emotions, so you have a good chance to take a lively and emotionally filled photograph.

(who may not yet remember last New Year) are also especially good as models. After all, for them, everything about this holiday is new and everything evokes genuine emotions.

Take a series of photos of the Christmas tree decorating: starting from the moment when it is not decorated and ending with the moment when all the toys are hung, and the garlands are connected and flashing colorful lights.

How to take photos for the New Year: Focus on the eyes

All photos of people look more expressive when you focus on their eyes, and New Year's photos are no exception.

In addition, this is important for cropping the image so that there is as little empty space as possible on the sides, and the main emphasis is on the faces.

In the photo above, the eyes of all family members are within the same plane - this technique is great for this type of photo, emphasizing the unity of family members.

For most indoor New Year's photos, you can use a flash - not a built-in flash, but an on-camera flash - provided that the light from it is reflected from the ceiling or softened by a diffuser. You don't want the flash to wash out the bright colors in your photo, do you?

How to take photos for the New Year: Take group portraits

New Year's photos can have a dual purpose - you can take them just for family archive, or you can use it as a New Year's card.

For a group portrait, you'll likely want to include the Christmas tree and gifts in the frame. You may need a tripod in order to use the camera's timer or remote control - you want to be in the photo too, right?

Your camera's timer is a great tool that many people forget (or don't even know about). And it works very simply: you set the necessary exposure values ​​(shutter speed, ISO and aperture), compose the shot, set the timer (usually from 3 to 10 seconds), and then press the shutter button.

IN new year holidays surrounds us large number additional light sources, and they will likely raise the ambient light level to a certain extent, but not so much that you'll be able to shoot at ISO 100, so try choosing ISO 200 even if you're shooting indoors.

Select shutter speed from 1/30 sec to 1/90 sec with aperture from f/2.0 to f/5.6. This will give you a shallow to medium depth of field while keeping the background out of focus.

A fast zoom lens is great for New Year and Christmas photography: try, for example, a 28 - 80 mm lens or something similar. This way, you will have a wide angle for group portraits and shooting festively decorated buildings, and you will also be able to capture close-up moments that interest you.

Prepare a tripod - you may need it. Even if you don't use the timer function, a tripod is good for stabilizing your camera when shooting from a high angle.

Use an off-camera flash with the head tilted to avoid head-on flash when shooting your models. Plus, the pulse of a direct-aimed flash will wash out not only the natural skin tone from the photo, but also the warm tone from all the Christmas lights.

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Photo sessions are very popular today. Modern photo shoots are literally an integrated approach: you will not only be photographed, but will also be offered related services (from hair and makeup to choosing an outfit that suits your size and style). If you decide to give yourself a gift to your loved one and go to a New Year's photo shoot alone, you need to thoroughly prepare. There are a number of tips that a girl should not neglect when preparing for a New Year's photo shoot. We'll tell you about them today.

Outfit for a girl's New Year's photo shoot

Study the areas in which you will be photographed in advance. Often, studios offer several adapted New Year’s areas at once - with a Christmas tree, by the fireplace, on a luxurious sofa or on a woolen carpet; some studios literally put a piano in the bushes, or rather, in the Christmas trees. Each zone usually has its own color scheme and its own style. You should choose outfits according to these styles. Let's say right away: for each thematic zone you will need to choose your own outfit.

IN evening dress It’s uncomfortable to sit on the carpet, and a sweater and leg warmers are unlikely to harmonize with a white piano. That’s why it’s worth taking care of your girl’s wardrobe for a New Year’s photo shoot. It should include a smart evening dress, a warm and cozy knitted outfit and perhaps even winter pajamas.

Glowing skin at a girl's New Year's photo shoot

First of all, every girl wants her skin to glow and shine in photographs. And this is where many people make a mistake. You should not do procedures on the eve of a New Year's photo shoot. On the day of the photo shoot, your face will be red and irritated and will cause a lot of trouble for the makeup artist who will do it. Of course, he will be able to disguise the traces of the recent one, but he will spend more time on this than planned, and thus may delay you.

Everyone knows that on New Year's Eve, time in photo studios is scheduled literally in seconds. So, limit yourself to your standard approach to cleansing - you can make a nourishing mask, use toner and apply cream. A girl’s New Year’s photo shoot is not the moment when you should experiment with previously unknown skin cleansing products.

New Year's photo shoot for a girl: take care of your makeup

Take with you cosmetics of all possible shades. If in your case the photo shoot does not involve the presence of a makeup artist, you should stock up on a variety of cosmetics. It is clear that a photographer can always add beauty to you in a photo processing program, however, if you want to get photos faster, it is better to take care of it yourself.

In this case, the rule works: the brighter the makeup a girl puts on before a New Year’s photo shoot, the more impressive she will look in the pictures. Of course, we are not talking about flashy shades of shadows, but bright lipstick and blush will come in handy. Your makeup bag must have eyeliner, a deep-colored eyeshadow palette, and mascara. If possible, it is better to go to a specialist in advance and get eyelash extensions. This way your look will be deeper and more open, and your eyes will be more expressive.

Choosing shoes for a girl’s New Year’s photo shoot

Make sure you have the right shoes for your New Year's photo shoot. Take stiletto pumps, beautiful house slippers for tandem with pajamas, you may also need ballet flats.

What you definitely should not take with you and wear are tights with lycra. There are still girls who do not know that such tights make their legs look fuller, which in photographs look much larger than in real life.

The perfect hairstyle for a girl at a New Year's photo shoot

As for the hairstyle, it all depends on whether a professional stylist will be present at the girl’s New Year’s photo shoot. If so, just wash your hair before heading to the studio and the rest will do. He will choose a hairstyle in accordance with your outfit and style, and see which style suits you best. If a stylist is not expected to be present at the New Year’s photo shoot, you will have to take care of the hairstyle yourself. You can do it yourself; you can use a curling iron and regular curlers.

Neat curls always look great and trendy on long and medium length hair If you want to take part in a New Year's photo shoot for girls exclusively in an evening dress, a formal updo will also do. A braid with an interesting weave will also fit into this image, which, by the way, will look good with a warm sweater near the Christmas tree.

Poses for a girl's New Year's photo shoot

When going to a New Year's photo shoot, girls expect the photographer to show all his professionalism and tell them what to do and where to look. However, it would not be superfluous to self-study this question. Now the Internet offers a lot of information about what poses look most advantageous at a girl’s New Year’s photo shoot, how to look into the frame and how to sit beautifully.

Stand in front of the mirror at home and “try on” some of the poses you like. This way you are sure to find those that will look great in photographs.

A good mood is the key to a good photo shoot

It would seem that a decorated Christmas tree, a beautiful dress, makeup and hairstyle - everything is conducive to good mood for a girl's New Year's photo shoot. However, practice shows that not everyone can leave the rush and pre-holiday bustle outside the studio and in a good way“turn off” your head. In addition, girls are often late for a shoot and worry, afraid of not being able to use 100% of the allotted time. This is also not the most in the best possible way affects the mood.

So as not to knock down positive attitude, remember a few rules for a New Year's photo shoot. Leave the house in advance, it is better to arrive early and wait than to run, flushed and agitated. On the eve of the shoot, dedicate the evening to your loved one. Make yourself beautiful, take a bubble bath, listen to pleasant music. This way, on the day of your New Year’s photo shoot, you will be in a wonderful festive mood, which will undoubtedly be reflected in your photographs!

This may interest you:

The eve of the New Year is great time to organize a photo shoot with family, friends or just together with your loved one. Photos in the spirit of the winter festival always turn out to be especially heartwarming; they seem to radiate warmth and joy.

Such photographs are sure to become favorites and will find their place both on the most prominent shelf in the house and in family album. New Year's photo You can find more original applications. For example, they will serve as excellent holiday cards for family and friends.

The key to successful New Year photo shoot for 2017 are: professional photographer, good mood all participants and original idea. You will have to take care of the first two points yourself, but we will help you with choosing an idea.

Organizational issues

Having decided to arrange a New Year's photo shoot, you will need to decide on the location, images of the participants, decorations and other details. All these nuances seem insignificant only at first glance, but the final result largely depends on them. As a rule, the following questions “pop up” first:

  • Where to go– a must for a quality photo shoot good photographer, who not only knows how the light should fall and how to process the images, but also knows how to manage the process. It is he who will tell you how to stand up and where to look, who will “stir up” a stiff child, and who will give you a unique idea for a photo. Therefore, you should contact professional photo studios, whose services, although they will cost a pretty penny, will definitely please you with the results.
  • Where to take photos– there are usually three main location options: at home, on fresh air, in the studio. Home photo shoot is not always best choice, since it is often difficult to choose a suitable location for shooting, especially in small apartments. For good photos on the street it is important to choose beautiful place and “guess” the weather, so in most cases it is most convenient to take photographs in a studio, where there is everything necessary to create the desired environment.

  • What to wear– for successful photographs, it is important that the clothes of all participants in the photo shoot are in the same style and color scheme, plus match the scenery. Photographers recommend choosing outfits in light colors and adding one bright accent, for example, a red Santa Claus hat.
  • What's up with the decorations?– if you go to a professional photo studio, they will offer you several scenes to choose from. As a rule, photos are taken near an elegantly decorated fir tree, among glowing garlands or in a pile. You can take funny holiday hats, funny glasses, toys and various New Year's attributes with you to the shoot.

Ideas for a family photo shoot

Family photos with children always remain dear to the heart and the most beloved. However, you should not think that in such photographs the whole family must stand primly and smile modestly. On the contrary, a photo shoot can and should be turned into fun entertainment for all its participants, then the photographs will turn out bright and beautiful. There are many ideas for family photography:

  • Preparing for the holiday– a win-win plot would be to decorate the New Year tree together. Dad can help the child put the star on the top of the tree, while mom unravels the bright garland. Parents who, together with their children, unpack Christmas decorations or make crafts, look beautiful in the photo.
  • My best gift... - if the child in the family is very small, then he can be placed in a large gift box. The joy of parents from receiving such a gift is always sincere, which is why the photos turn out great.

  • Prisoners of the New Year– if there are two or more children in a family, then the parents know exactly what it is to yearn for peace and tranquility. It will become interesting idea for shooting. For example, mom and dad can tie up the baby as a joke New Year's garland, or vice versa - children can captivate their parents in order to secretly open gifts.
  • Life isn't the same without a cat– pets should also be included in the photo shoot. Favorite cat or dog with toys deer horns or a Santa hat on your head will fit perfectly into family photos and make them more casual and fun.

Ideas for a photo shoot with friends

Taking pictures with friends is always fun, especially when the group is large and everyone is in a great mood. You definitely won’t be bored while shooting, and ideas for photos will arise right in the process, but first you need several options to “build up”:

  • The holiday is coming to us– successful photographs are obtained in which friends raise glasses together in honor of the New Year, light up sparklers and confetti crackers clap. The idea is not original, but the result is always pleasing.
  • Fights without rules– comic snowball fights or pillow fights guarantee cool photos and the sea positive emotions. The main thing is not to get carried away so that no one gets really injured in the process.
  • Carnival– taking with you to the photo shoot various holiday caps or costumes New Year's characters, it’s easy to take bright pictures in which each participant will become a fairy-tale hero. At the same time, for a fun photo, it is even enough for one person to put on, for example, a Santa Claus outfit or reindeer horns.

Ideas for a photo shoot in the spirit of Love-story

A New Year's photo shoot for a couple in love is a separate topic. To make the pictures turn out especially beautiful, it is important not to be shy to show your feelings: boldly kiss your significant other, hug, joke. Win-win ideas for photos would be:

  • Joint preparation for the New Year– a couple who decorate a Christmas tree together, unravel colorful garlands, or even cut Olivier salad, looks very cute and relaxed in the pictures. Can be connected to the process pet and then the picture home comfort and love will be complete.
  • Immersion in childhood– if the weather permits, excellent photos can be taken outdoors when there is lying around fluffy snow. Build a snowman with your other half, play in the snow, roll in a snowdrift, in a word, remember your bright childhood years. Such funny photos will be especially pleasant to look at on long winter evenings.

  • Caring for loved ones– pictures in which a couple shows care for each other are especially beautiful. For example, when a guy covers his beloved’s shoulders with a warm blanket, puts a scarf on her, or when a girl treats her young man treats and gives him hot tea. In such photos you can feel tenderness and warmth.
  • Instead of a thousand words– to create original photographs, they often use small chalk boards on which they write Happy New Year greetings, declarations of love, funny dialogues and draw cute pictures. A couple can simply hold such boards in their hands or pose against their background, in any case it will turn out beautiful and unusual.

A New Year's photo shoot will bring a lot of pleasant emotions and, of course, wonderful pictures if you approach it with creativity and positivity. Feel free to use your imagination, come up with original scenes for photos, show your feelings, and then the pictures will turn out to be truly festive and bright.

Before the New Year, you not only want to have time to buy gifts, cook New Year's dinner and stroll through fairs to recharge New Year's mood, but also to capture New Year's tale for home archives and social networks. The whole family should take part in a New Year's photo shoot at least once in their life. In Moscow, many photo studios offer a family photo session in the style of a European Christmas or in a classic New Year setting. RIAMO correspondents asked photographers about how best to prepare for a New Year's family photo shoot.

Be natural

First, the participants in the photo shoot must understand why they want to capture themselves in the New Year’s surroundings.

“Most often, the New Year is just an excuse to get together with the whole family, which is not possible to do during the year, so it is important for the photographer to create a good atmosphere throughout the entire shoot,” notes photographer Artem Gribanov.

According to him, you should not burden yourself with complex dramatic images, mysterious and lyrical productions, since they are not suitable for all family members. Everything in the frame should be as natural as possible, so that in three to five years people will look at their photos and be touched, and not be disappointed in experimenting with some newfangled image.

A typical New Year's image of a family is when all the participants are cheerful and spontaneous, and not posing with stone faces in New Year's clothes, the photographer adds.

How to dress

As a rule, 3-4 hours are allotted for a photo shoot, so you shouldn’t take a mountain of clothes with you, photographers advise. For the entire shoot, two sets for each family member will be enough. If the child is small, then there will be no time to change clothes at all, photographers note.

Despite the fact that most images for a family photo shoot do not change from year to year, for those who decide to take part in New Year's photography, choose correct image- the most difficult thing.

According to Moscow photographer Mona Dreams, the difficulty is to ensure that the images look harmonious and fit into the interior of the studio where the shooting takes place. Elementary rules For all family photos, clothing should be neat, comfortable and similar in style.

In order to create a unified image, photographers come up with different tricks. For example, for families where everyone dresses differently in order to feel like members of the same team, identical New Year’s hats - white or Santa hats - will be a godsend, says photographer Artem. Or mother and daughter are dressed in one color scheme, and father and son in another, photographers say.

Evening dresses for rent

According to photographers, elegant looks are the most popular during family New Year photo shoots. Since the photo shoot is organized on New Year's Eve, many people prefer to dress in evening dresses and formal suits; they also try to dress the child smartly, to match mom or dad.

To do this, it is not necessary to buy expensive toilets, which then will have nowhere to wear. Very often, dresses, suits and accessories are rented for such purposes, notes photographer Mona Dreams.

pajama party

However, for a family photo shoot to be a success, you don’t have to dress up. According to Mona Dreams, family-friendly, “warm” shots can be achieved if the subjects wear loungewear, such as wool socks and plush pajamas, which can convey the mood and highlight the individuality of your family.

Firstly, in this image the participants in the photo shoot will look natural. Secondly, they will feel comfortable and comfortable, especially children who love to fool around, and in elegant dresses and suits you cannot afford this.

"Life style"

Another popular look for a family photo shoot is a white top and denim bottom, says Mona Dreams. Such motifs came to us from the West, where family photo shoots in the “life style” style are especially popular.

This image is convenient for participants in a photo shoot, since there is no need to prepare specially - such clothes can be found in the wardrobe of every adult and child. As an option, for the New Year, the top can be replaced with a sweater with a New Year's print: deer, penguins, bears, etc. would be suitable here.

Highlighting with color will help to place accents in images, the photographer notes. Men can be dressed in dark sweaters, women in light ones, adds Mona.

Red and white

According to photographers, one of the most popular colors in clothes at New Year's photo shoots is red. Moreover, the coming year 2016, according to eastern calendar, will be the year of the Red (Fire) Monkey, so when choosing colors in clothes, you can take this fact into account.

Photographer Artem suggests dressing in red and white color scheme, as in many Christmas films, and as an entourage choose a “snow-covered” Christmas tree with red decorations, white boxes with gifts and red ribbons.

Studio decoration

In Moscow there are offers for studios with New Year's decoration quite a lot, but the general attributes are the same: christmas tree, boxes with gifts different sizes, fireplace, large sofa, clock, candles, etc. If desired, with such a set of interior items, you can arrange photo sessions at home and invite a photographer. Tangerines, soft cozy blankets and gingerbread will help complement the images.

If you decide to dress in red, according to the New Year's theme, then it is not recommended that the ambience in the studio be colorful or too bright, says photographer Mona Dreams.

According to the photographer, in a bright studio with a lot of accessories, it is better to dress in black and white. For example, children can wear all white, while parents can dress in a checkerboard pattern.

New Year's photo. From our childhood we remember pictures of a bunny or a snowflake in a carnival costume against the backdrop of a kindergarten Christmas tree. Nowadays they also take such photos. But this is absolutely not what is called a New Year’s photo shoot. How to make sure that shooting turns into a holiday, and the result - cool photographs - becomes the pride of your family photo album? After reading the article, you will learn all the secrets and features of organizing a New Year's photo shoot, and also find ideas for creating your own family history. Let's get ready together!

Why do you need a family New Year's photo shoot?

How to prepare for a family New Year's photo shoot?

  • Decide who will take the photos. For you, a photo shoot is a pleasant holiday occasion to get together with the whole family, and for a photographer it is his daily work, so you need to find a like-minded artist. Choose according to the main criterion - work results - beautiful photos. We read the reviews, looked at the photos, talked on the phone and liked everything - arrange a family New Year's photo shoot!
  • Choose a location for your New Year's photo shoot. There are many options: it could be your home, decorated for the holiday, or a snow-covered park with fir trees nearby, or photo studios where festive decorations are always created for the New Year.
  • Choose a shooting day. Let it be Saturday or Sunday, when you don’t need to run or rush anywhere. And schedule the first half of the day, when everyone is full of strength and energy. At home everything is simple - decorate the Christmas tree and you can invite a photographer to your place. Street photography is more difficult: you need snow, slight frost and sun. The combination of these three factors will give you good pictures.
    With studios, the difficulty is different - before the New Year it’s a busy time there and everything can be busy. Let's reveal a secret - the days between New Year and Christmas are also good for a New Year's photo shoot with children - everyone is in a festive mood, and the influx in the studios has already subsided. So call now.

  • Take care of your hair and makeup in advance. Sign up for a salon yourself and take care of a haircut for your loved ones. After this, your husband, children and you will look beautiful, stylish and well-groomed in the photo. By the way, this rule applies to all photo sessions.
  • Let's get down to the most important thing - the images during shooting. General rule There’s one thing here - since it’s a family photo shoot, then the clothing style of the whole family should be the same. For a photo shoot lasting one hour, two images are enough. The first image is secular and festive. Choose an elegant dress or suit for yourself, and a festive shirt for your husband. For children, choose outfits similar to yours - then you will get cute photos of mom and dad’s copies.
    Families dressed in the same color look very beautiful (mother’s dress matches the color of father’s shirt and the children’s outfits). The second look is homey, denim. It could be checkered shirts and jeans, or maybe everyone will have plain t-shirts with New Year wishes or family motto.
    Knitted items look cool - sweaters with New Year's symbols - deer, snowflakes. If you can get the same sweaters for all family members, you'll get really cool photos.

Family New Year's photo shoot This is a great reason to get together, demonstrate your love and tenderness, hug and fool around. And the result is kind and cheerful photographs, let them please you for many years.