What to do on the waxing moon. Spells, prayers and rituals for the growing moon on coins, bills, wallet, candle, water, salt: white magic

Money magic is always relevant. It is used not only by ordinary people, but also by the powers that be. No one advertises this part of life, but this does not prevent one from successfully using the gifts of the universe. Powerful rituals and rituals, for example, attracting money to the waxing moon, in skillful hands bring quick results. Wealth is energy. Ignoring this fact is the same as dooming yourself to lack of money.

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The magic of money can change a person’s destiny. With its help you can increase creativity, achieve recognition from your superiors and even get a salary increase. To carry out the ritual, it is not necessary to seek help from an experienced practitioner or resort to the services of specialists; this is quite feasible at home.

    Preparation for magical practice

    Money magic is a special section of esoteric science. Depending on the purpose of using the force, the helping energy changes. Therefore, to begin practice, a novice magician needs to understand his motivation. If it is envy or a desire to take someone else’s property, it is better to refuse a magical solution to the problem. If the intention is pure, for example, to improve the well-being of your family, you can safely begin. The basis of white magic is honest intentions and compliance with laws.

    Laws and rules of white magic:

  1. 1. Using a magical way to solve a problem, you cannot count on the stupidity and weakness of others.
  2. 2. You need to constantly focus on your intention and motivation.
  3. 3. Magical practice must remain secret.
  4. 4. It is necessary to set only realistic goals. Rituals for the appearance of abstract or too large amounts without working to achieve the goal in the material world will not give results. To get what you want, you need to give something of equal value. Otherwise, the ritual may work, but you will have to pay with health, happiness or life.

There are banishing and invoking rituals. They drive out bad luck, poverty, misfortunes, etc. only on the waning moon. They call for success, prosperity, and perform rituals to get a job during the waxing moon. To replenish your piggy bank or start a new business, the time of the full moon is used.

When setting up an altar for magical practice, you must strictly follow the rules. Changing the color scheme or adding a symbol disrupts the process and can redirect the action of the ritual.

Altar decoration.

Altar decoration colorsGifts on the altarAltar decoration
Gold – the color of well-beingOranges, peas, buckwheat, bananas, rice, wheat, grapes, cinnamon, marjoram, patchouli, comfreyCup, wheat ear or its image, piggy bank
Green – fertility and abundanceMoss, tulips, poppy, dill, basil, elderberry, bay leaf, pine, tomatoesSilver and gold beads, four leaf clover
Orange – rituals for the success of an enterprise or promotionAlmond, Green pepper, ginger, cashew nuts, sesameBox, precious stones
Red – debt recoveryPoppy, nutmeg, pomegranate, blackberry, maple syrup, jasmineStars, bracelet or beads made from coins

Colors can be used for more than just decorating an altar. You can decorate a room with them or wear ritual clothing in these shades.

Getting started magical rituals, it should be understood that man is part of nature. Without her help and support, not a single magical practice can take place, so the symbols of the elements should always be present in the workroom.

Elements and their symbols:

  • earth – helps stabilize finances and accumulate funds (a handful of earth in a bowl);
  • air – attracts new opportunities and drives out lack of money (practice in the fresh air);
  • fire – helps burn out poverty (candle);
  • water – attracts abundance and eliminates negativity (spring water in the bowl).

Conscription ceremonies

Invocation rituals are those that call something into the life of the practitioner. It could be love, luck, financial well-being, success. The basis of practice is high-quality visualization; without it, spells will not work. Therefore, before taking action, it is necessary to relax the body and concentrate the mind. Imagine why the action is being performed, remember the motivation and clearly imagine the result. The simplest magical practice that even a beginner can master is spells for the waxing moon.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • red wallet;
  • paper bills;
  • one dollar bill.

A favorable time for a conscription plot is the fourth lunar day. Late in the evening, after the moon rises, you need to go out into the moonlight, rustle the bills and whisper the words of the conspiracy three times:

“It’s a month for you to look young, but there won’t be any money in my wallet!”

If the simplest whispers give results and the magician is convinced of his strength, he can move on to more complex magic. Ritual magic involves not only visualization, but also a certain attitude towards the result. If a practitioner does not believe in himself, there will be no result.

Summoning rituals:

1. Coin spell.

Any little thing can be used in a ritual with coins. She acts as a symbol of wealth. Typically, Indian rupees or Chinese coins are used for these purposes. The symbol of wealth is squeezed in the hands and charged with the thought forms of the practitioner. The magician must represent well-being based on his motivation. Then, after transmitting the information to the coins, you need to read the Ganesh mantra three times.


Afterwards the coins are hidden in a piggy bank or box.

2. 8 coins.

Required attributes: eight green candles, a clay pot, essential oil(patchouli, cinnamon or orange), green paper or foil, several 5 ruble coins. Before work, one of them needs to be marked. Then light the oil-rubbed candles and place them around the pot wrapped in green paper. One of the coins is squeezed in the hand when planning an expensive purchase, then it is placed next to the candle. This is repeated with all coins. When all the coins are placed, you need to imagine each of the desires already realized. Then you need to wait until the candles burn out and put the coins in the pot. The pot is hiding from prying eyes in the zone of wealth, according to Feng Shui. Every evening you need to place the change left over from the day there. When the pot is overflowing, you can take a little from it, but not the marked coin. It is important to ensure that the pot is always full.

The ritual is valid only if the practitioner has thoroughly worked out his visualization. The intention must be clearly stated, and the desired purchases must be presented in tangible terms.

3. Wallet spell.

To carry out the ritual, you need to wait until three o'clock in the morning, then light three green candles and put right hand on paper bills, and the left - on personalized icon. After this, you need to fully concentrate on work and read the plot.

“Hello, dark night, I am your adopted daughter. My wallet is a vegetable garden in my garden; no one can gather or harvest my fruits. Whoever takes my wealth, my happiness and good luck will give me everything back through candles. On Monday I took a shovel, on Tuesday I plowed the ground, on Wednesday I bought grain, on Saturday I collected the grain. How many grains are in this field, so much money is in my wallet. My word is strong. So be it."

After practice, the wallet is hidden along with candles for three days in a secluded place. After this time, the wallet can be used, and the candles must be twisted and burned, held in the wind so that the smoke goes up. During the process, you need to read the spell again three times.

4. New job.

The ritual is performed according to the lunar calendar, namely after the onset of the first lunar days. For it you will need: bay leaf with berries, green candle, pine or bergamot essential oil, sheet of paper, paper bill petty dignity. Several bay leaves are set on fire in a clay bowl. At the top of the candle you need to cut out the name of the desired position or type of activity, below it is an arrow pointing down, and below it is a dollar sign. When rubbing a candle with oil, you need to imagine yourself in this position. On a piece of paper you need to write the amount of your desired earnings and put the piece of paper under a candle. Not under a candlestick, but under a candle.

For several minutes, looking at the fire, you need to visualize the process of obtaining a position, then a conspiracy is pronounced.

“Money is flowing from you to me, all my troubles will go away, I will get this job no later than the sun shines.” full moon ».

After the candle burns out, a sheet of paper is burned in a bowl with a bay leaf. The wick, the remains of the candle and the ashes are wrapped in a banknote and carried with them as a talisman.

Spells to increase financial flow

Rituals aimed at attracting success and luck - the choice of businessmen and powerful of the world this. They are used before negotiations, important transactions or meetings. In order for rituals to give a good result, it is important to remember that success depends not only on the performance of magical actions, but also on what time of the lunar day the ritual was performed. Rituals to attract success and good luck:

1. A ritual to attract good luck.

To perform the ritual you will need: red, gray, black and orange candles. When a red candle is lit, whisper No. 1 is pronounced, black – No. 2, gray – No. 3, orange – No. 4.

  • No. 1. “This is me in all my affairs.”
  • No. 2. “These are all the adversities that interfere with my path. All troubles, difficulties and failures disappear forever.”
  • No. 3. “All troubles and tears burn out like this candle.”
  • No. 4. “It is a force flowing into me that gives my life movement and accelerates change.”

It is important to visualize how all the negativity burns in the flame of a gray candle, being drawn into it. And from orange, the energy of abundance and well-being flows into practice. Candles cannot be extinguished.

2. Ritual to attract money.

Actions are performed on the waxing moon or on the full moon. Required materials: copper pot, three silver coins, cinnamon, saucer or bowl, cedar needles, green cloth bag. The mixture of cinnamon and cedar needles is poured into a bowl and lowered into the kettle. Three coins are then placed on the altar. You need to pronounce conspiracy No. 1, hitting each coin with the palm of your working hand. The coins are then dropped into the bowl of herbs. With your working hand, seven circles are made clockwise over the cauldron and spell No. 2 is pronounced. Afterwards, the coins with herbs are placed in a bag, which must be carried with you until the next full moon, and then hidden in the house away from prying eyes.

No. 1. "A sparkling coin like the moon, give me monetary well-being, fill my hands with many like you, multiply, grow like my dreams.”

No. 2. “Earthly spirits, cunning, strong and dexterous, share your precious gifts this night, share with me abundance, silver and gold. Give me success, good luck and abundance of money, as much as it is possible for me to hold.”

Magic rituals are a way to ask higher powers about assistance and patronage. But if you don’t give anything in return, there’s no point in expecting results. A new job won’t appear if you don’t send out resumes and go to interviews. The matter will not end successfully if you do not improve your qualifications with auxiliary literature and courses. And you certainly won’t get any more money if you do nothing while lying on the couch.

The power of the growing Moon can be directed towards prosperity and success. They will help you do this simple tips astrologers and the lunar calendar.

In the age of numerous technologies and discoveries, many refuse to believe in the existence of otherworldly forces. Now everything requires proof and confirmation of the truth. However, there are things that cannot be explained or proven. Their impact can only be felt and experienced firsthand.

One of these seemingly inexplicable things is lunar energy. She is able to help us in any matter. The power of the moon will work even if you don't believe in it. Main - . After all, out of ignorance, you can only aggravate the situation even further by taking on an unfavorable matter.

When the Moon begins to wax, you have great opportunity strengthen any of your actions. For example, if you have been unable to resolve a certain task or some protracted conflict, increasing lunar energy will guide you along the right path and attract the necessary helpers. Therefore, one of the most important rules success is considered starting new things during the waxing moon.

Even if you are planning to do something new that you have never done before, there is no need to be afraid. With such a heavenly assistant, you will succeed much faster and with the least losses. And to ensure that all plans go according to the planned scenario, use special spells for good luck during the waxing Moon.

The next rule of success is opportunity live without debts and loans. If you decide to borrow even not too much a large amount, you risk delaying the return of money, and in the end it may turn out that you will have to return an amount several times greater than the one you agreed on. But if you do have to get into financial responsibilities, use this ritual to quickly get rid of debt.

During the waxing Moon, everything increases and grows with redoubled force, so watch your thoughts and actions. If negativity and condemnation are constantly present in your head and thoughts, then the negative energy increases several times. That's why to the waxing moon it is very important to think positively. To make it easier for you to deal with bad mood, every morning, which will help you set yourself up for success.

And one more rule that is important to follow during the growth of the Moon. It's direct related to your health. If you indulge in fatty foods and consume large quantities semi-finished products, you can very quickly gain excess weight, as well as develop problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, during the waxing Moon, watch your diet and stick to a healthy diet.

Of course, your success depends not only on the phase of the moon. The main thing is that you believe in yourself and take action. And in order for luck to fall into your hands, use your strong qualities by Zodiac Sign, which can be found out from a special horoscope. Follow your dreams, don't be afraid of difficulties and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.08.2016 03:22

Every person wants to be richer, but they don’t want to put maximum effort into it. Since...

It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to become a little richer and luckier. Clairvoyant Regina Fedorenko...

The waning moon can take away life's failures and illnesses, giving positive changes in return. To do this, you need to know what needs to be done on the waning moon.

Many legends and traditions are associated with the waning moon. For example, shamans call the Moon the mother of the World and base the rules of a happy life on observing her precepts. The energy of the waning Moon helps those who are on the same wavelength with it, but if you don’t know what can and cannot be done during a decline in lunar activity, then you can attract minor and major troubles into your life.

What not to do on the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is a time of decline, the fading of all processes. Therefore, it is not recommended during this period to start any important things, plan events and make drastic changes in your life aimed at acquisition and growth. For example, leaving a job on the waning Moon will go well, but it is recommended to get a new job on the waxing Moon.

It is necessary to understand that the Moon influences differently different Signs Zodiac: calm Capricorns, dreamy Pisces and unpredictable Libra perceive her influence in accordance with their individual characteristics. Therefore, the time of the waning moon is extremely unpredictable and has only one principle common to all: you should not start something new and implement ideas by investing time, effort and money in them. Most likely it will not bear fruit, or you will not like the result.

What to do on the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is a good time to get rid of negative influence, illnesses, quarrels and problems. To make a new one lunar cycle changed your life in better side and brought harmony, you need to have time to do these seven things:

1. Carry out general cleaning. You need to start cleansing your life of everything unnecessary and outdated from your living space, because home is the place where we spend greatest number time. In order for “even the walls to help in the house,” get rid of junk and unnecessary things. Without regret, throw away things that you have no use for during the year. It will be useful to wash the windows and curtains.

2. Sort out old letters and photographs. Photographs contain energetic imprints of the aura of the person, animal or place depicted. If you keep photos in disarray or keep a lot of images of people who have died or have already disappeared from your life, then it will be very difficult to attract happiness to yourself.

3. Change your diet. On the waning moon you can get rid of excess weight or health problems. One of the best ways is to go on a diet, temporarily giving up fatty, salty, smoked, fried and sweet foods. Healthy eating on the waning moon can get rid of large quantity problems.

4. Break unnecessary connections. This point is suitable for you if you have been thinking about your surroundings for a long time or someone you know makes you feel like you are being deceived. In this case, the waning Moon - best time in order to stop communicating with people who cause you unpleasant emotions.

5. Repay debts. The energy of money is very closely related to lunar cycles. To attract wealth on the waxing Moon, it is necessary not to take on old financial debts in the new lunar cycle.

6. Tidy up indoor flowers. Flowers in our home play a very important role: at the energetic level, they filter negativity of any kind, passing it through themselves and transforming the energy into positive. Repay the flowers with love and care: fertilize them, prune diseased branches, replant plants that have become cramped in their old home into large pots.

7. Trim bad memories. If a bad event happened in your life, the memories of which still torment you, then the energy of the waning moon will help you get rid of them. To do this, you just need to get a haircut, while thinking about a negative event. The more your past torments you, the shorter you need to cut your hair.

For people who are interested in esotericism, the period of the waning moon will have good help in rituals and conspiracies that relieve melancholy and pain. Lunar energy will accelerate the action of any magical influences aimed at deliverance and cleansing.

The waning Moon will take away everything unnecessary, disturbing and outdated, so that the energy of happiness, prosperity and harmony will flow into the vacated space. We wish you peace and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.09.2016 01:07

The waning phase of the Moon is a rather protracted period of the lunar month, which has an ambiguous effect on everything...

The waxing moon is the ideal time to change your image. You can radically change your image, and this image will correspond not only to your desire to look good, but also to your inner state.

Take a course of massage, but only strengthening or restorative. You will do an anti-cellulite massage on the waning moon.

To tone up, go to the bathhouse, the skin and body require renewal, and nothing contributes to this process more than good steam, a kind broom and the deft hands of the bathhouse attendant.

But you shouldn’t actively interfere with the body during the waxing Moon, you can only add something that you lack - treat and prosthetic teeth (but don’t remove them unless absolutely necessary), carry out preventive measures chronic diseases, but try not to abuse medications; it’s better if you can get by with herbal remedies.

When the Moon is waxing, life processes speed up, the energy rushing over the edge burns a huge amount of calories, but don’t flatter yourself - this is not the time for losing weight, since the body quickly restores what it has lost - you really want to eat during the waxing Moon. True, if you don’t lie on the couch, but do something productive, you won’t gain weight, which is important. And since it’s summer now and there are various fresh fruit and vegetables just beg to be eaten, then you can easily use the next period of the waxing Moon to accumulate vitamins for future use. This is very useful, since during this period vitamins are absorbed perfectly, and you will have enough of them to stock up on them for the winter. Therefore, organize your diet so that the main component in it is a variety of healthy, juicy and tasty “silage”. But don’t forget about protein foods.

If you have been regularly promising yourself to “start new life from Monday" or from the first day of the next month, then do not wait until the next hour X comes, open lunar calendar or just look out the window in the evening - the best time to start a new life is the waxing Moon. For example, you dream of running in the morning, but every time laziness overcomes positive attitude. You're just choosing the wrong time! On a waxing moon, it is much easier to wake up at dawn in order to escape from a cramped and stuffy apartment and rush forward. The energy is boiling! And your body will thank you if you “air it out” before going to work. If it’s difficult for you to run with full effort, then start with race walking. You yourself will not notice that you will increase and increase the pace until you realize that the wind is hitting you in the face, and you want to take off.

Summer cottage and indoor plants

On the Waxing Moon, it is recommended to plant seedlings, sow vegetable and flower seeds, and plant fruit trees. Create all sorts of alpine slides and other decorative beauties on the site and in the house. Now it’s too late for planting in the garden and vegetable garden, but you can quite easily replant indoor flowers. Just like sowing another portion of greenery - in just a couple of weeks you will feel the taste of spring. And you can work on landscaping the site until late autumn – for good measure, so to speak.

Clear out clutter in closets and desks and throw things away. You can rashly throw away something that you will need in a couple of days.
Spread your energy on several things at the same time. Make a specific plan and follow it, otherwise, succumbing to the illusion of omnipotence, you will miss something, and overall result from the positive phase of the Moon will not be as impressive as you had hoped.
Overestimate your capabilities. Remember that only what you were able to start on the waxing Moon and bring to its logical conclusion will benefit you. Things unfinished before the New Moon will hang like a dead weight and pull you back.

Perform surgical operations to remove anything (unless this is an extreme case).

Remove teeth. Complications are possible.

Remove moles and calluses. Not only complications are possible, but also the degeneration of benign growths into malignant ones.

End the relationship. You may accidentally break up with a person, and after a while you will be surprised to discover that you cannot live without him.

Argue. By conflicting with the growing Moon, you seem to be programming relationships at least until the next new moon, so either the conflict will drag on for a long time, or it will become insurmountable.

They can refuse meetings and offers that are not only pleasant, but also very promising. Moreover, at one of the events you can easily meet your soulmate. Well, or future business partners who will help you significantly improve your financial situation.

At the dacha: do not trim trees, fertilize flowers and plants, or mow lawns. And you also don’t have to bother with weeds - during this period they shoot up at such a speed that you can do weeding non-stop. A few days after the Full Moon - please.

The waxing Moon is your assistant, stimulator of activity and ally. Don't deny its positive impact on your life, and then you can not only do more, but also realize your true capabilities and abilities.

The moon is closest to the earth celestial body. That is why it has quite a strong impact on a person, his psyche, various situations. All living things on our planet live in a lunar rhythm. If you learn to adapt to the energies of each lunar phase, you can achieve more without wasting extra energy.

The young, growing moon is a symbol of birth and development, a time of grace. Additional strength appears, all endeavors sprout and bear fruit. This is a period of creation, we want changes, new achievements. At this time, it is enough to be determined to start exercising, go on a diet, or start home renovations. You may want to tackle a challenging project that seemed impossible just a few weeks ago. Life opens up many perspectives during the waxing moon.

This period of growth can be used to improve your financial situation. Try to perform a simple ritual - standing on the ground, look at the moon in the evening sky, while moving the coins in your pocket and imagining how your income is growing. At the end, bow to the moon three times and make a wish. Invest money on the waxing moon, thereby you will insure yourself against unsuccessful investments. Make large purchases during this period; they will serve you faithfully for a long time.

During this phase it is recommended to look for new job, ask for a salary increase, offer new projects. You will feel more confident and it will be easy for you to find common language With the right people, you can show your best side to your superiors.

The waxing moon imparts activity and luck, so you should plan the most important things for this period. If you are going to build a house in the near future, then lay the symbolic first stone on the young moon, then the construction will be quick. The same thing with repairs - start it on the new moon.

During the waxing moon, you can discover new abilities in yourself. Try clay sculpting, painting, embroidery, or palmistry. If you have potential, the moon will help it manifest itself.

This is the time for new acquaintances - sexual, friendly, business. They will be productive and promising. Be sure to take care of your appearance - a haircut done during this period will be very successful, and your hair will grow quickly. Hair coloring or tinting will give excellent and long-lasting results. Take a course of strengthening or restorative massage, go to the bathhouse.

Just don’t try to redo everything in one phase - after all, in a month the moon will begin to grow again, providing you with new opportunities.