See what the "North Atlantic Alliance" is in other dictionaries. See what “nato” is in other dictionaries

About this intergovernmental international organization and the world's largest military-political alliance, everyone heard today. participating countries - this is the basic principle of the alliance called NATO. The list of countries included in it currently includes 28 states. All of them are located exclusively in two parts of the world - North America and Europe.

Goals, objectives and structure of the organization

NATO (an abbreviation for the English "North Atlantic Treaty Organization") is an international organization of European and North America. The main goal of the military-political alliance is to ensure freedom for all member countries of the alliance. All activities of this structure are based on democratic values ​​and freedoms, as well as on the principles of the rule of law.

The organization is based on the principle collective security states In other words, in the event of aggression or military intervention in one of the alliance member countries, other NATO members are obliged to jointly respond to this military threat. The activities of the alliance are also manifested in the regular holding of joint armies of the participating countries.

The structure of the organization is represented by three main bodies. This:

  • North Atlantic Council;
  • Defense Planning Committee;
  • Nuclear Planning Committee.

They collaborate not only in military field, but also in other spheres of society, such as ecology, science, emergency situations and so on.

An integral part of the alliance's work is consultations between its members. Thus, any decision is made only on the basis of consensus. That is, each of the participating countries must vote for one or another decision of the organization. Sometimes discussions of certain issues drag on for a long time, but NATO almost always managed to reach consensus.

History of the creation and expansion of the alliance

The formation of a military-political alliance began almost immediately after the end of World War II. Historians name two main reasons that made the heads of leading powers think about new system security. The first is the threat of revenge of the Nazi movements in post-war Germany, and the second is the active spread by the Soviet Union of its influence in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe.

As a result, on April 4, 1949, the so-called North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, which marked the beginning of the formation of a new alliance under the abbreviation NATO. The list of countries that signed this document included 12 states. They were the USA, Canada, France, Portugal, Norway, Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Italy, Iceland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. They are considered the founders of this powerful military-political bloc.

In subsequent years, other states joined the NATO bloc. The largest addition to the alliance occurred in 2004, when 7 Eastern European states became new NATO members. Currently, the geography of the alliance continues to move east. Thus, recently, the heads of countries such as Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine expressed their intention to join NATO.

It should be noted that in the years cold war The image of NATO was deliberately demonized by Soviet propaganda. The USSR artificially made the alliance its main enemy. This explains the rather low support for the bloc's policies in a number of post-Soviet states.

NATO: list of countries and geography of the alliance

What states are part of this international organization today? Thus, all NATO countries (as of 2014) are listed below in chronological order their entry into the alliance:

  1. Canada;
  2. France;
  3. Portugal;
  4. Kingdom of Norway;
  5. Kingdom of Belgium;
  6. United Kingdom;
  7. Kingdom of Denmark;
  8. Italy;
  9. Iceland;
  10. Netherlands;
  11. Duchy of Luxembourg;
  12. Türkiye;
  13. Hellenic Republic;
  14. Germany;
  15. Spain;
  16. Republic of Poland;
  17. Czech Republic;
  18. Hungary;
  19. Republic of Bulgaria;
  20. Romania;
  21. Slovakia;
  22. Slovenia;
  23. Estonia;
  24. Latvia;
  25. Lithuania;
  26. Croatia;
  27. Republic of Albania.

The military-political union includes exclusively European countries, as well as two North American states. Below you can see how all NATO countries are located on the world map.

In conclusion

April 4, 1949 - this is the date that can be considered the starting point in the history of the international organization under the abbreviation NATO. The list of countries that are included in it is slowly but systematically growing. As of 2015, 28 states are members of the alliance. It is quite possible that in the near future the organization will be replenished with new member countries.


What is NATO

NATO (NATO) or North Atlantic Alliance is a military-political alliance of several states, which is designed to ensure comprehensive security for the members of this association.

A Brief History of the Creation and Development of NATO

After the end of the bloody Second World War, most of Europe and many other countries of the world were in a certain economic decline. People were frightened by the events taking place in the world and especially by what was behind such a relatively short period 50 years ago, 2 world wars took place, killing millions human lives. From these events, humanity learned a certain lesson, which was the understanding that it is almost impossible to cope with aggressive opponents alone, and global security can only be ensured through joint efforts.

So on April 4, 1949, a military-political alliance was formed in Washington, consisting of 12 independent countries North America and Europe. This union was called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (in English - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO). The essence of the treaty was to entrust each member of the union with the responsibilities of ensuring the security and support of other members of the treaty.

It should be noted that one of the important reasons for the creation of the North Atlantic Alliance was the policy of the USSR. Despite the fact that in last war Many countries acted as allies of the USSR in the fight against Nazi Germany; the post-war foreign policy and internal political regime of the Soviet Union raised serious concerns.

Without getting into everything technical details, over time, the NATO bloc gradually expanded. Some countries left the union for a while and then re-entered it. Interesting fact is that the USSR also sought to join the North Atlantic Alliance in 1954, but the application was rejected for a number of reasons.

During the Cold War, NATO as a structure continued to actively develop, forming various substructures and committees and constantly increasing its military-political power. However, during this period the North Atlantic Alliance did not participate in any armed conflict.

For the first time, NATO military forces were involved in 1991 during the Iraq campaign. It should be noted that this intervention was fully authorized by the United Nations (UN). Thus, the forces of the NATO bloc underwent a baptism of fire and showed excellent results.

NATO goals and objectives.

As you can already understand from what you read earlier, the main goal of NATO is to provide protection from military aggression for all members of the alliance. This concept assumes the fact that an attack on one country from the NATO bloc will be considered an attack on the entire alliance, which will trigger appropriate countermeasures. An important factor in the formation of the goals and objectives of the organization is the absence of aggressive or aggressive motives. The Charter of the Union prohibits any manifestations of military expansion aimed at seizing the territories of other countries. Military force is used only when necessary to provide protection. The mandate for such actions is provided through general discussion and approval by all member countries of the union.

The scope of activities of the North Atlantic Alliance also includes: support for anti-terrorist forces, countering sea ​​pirates and cybersecurity.

NATO headquarters.

It should be understood that the North Atlantic Alliance is a huge alliance consisting of many states and their armies themselves. It is for this reason that in many countries there are some kind of headquarters responsible for certain units. The main headquarters of the NATO Council is located in Belgium, namely in Brussels.

NATO countries or NATO bloc.

At the time of writing this article, the NATO bloc consists of 29 member countries. The list was compiled taking into account the years in which countries joined the union.

1949 - countries that founded the North Atlantic Alliance:

  • Canada;
  • United Kingdom;
  • France;
  • Italy;
  • Portugal;
  • Norway;
  • Netherlands;
  • Iceland;
  • Luxembourg;
  • Denmark;
  • Belgium.


  • Greece;
  • Türkiye.


  • Germany.


  • Spain.


  • Poland;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Hungary.


  • Lithuania;
  • Latvia;
  • Estonia;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Romania;
  • Slovakia;
  • Slovenia.


  • Albania;
  • Croatia.


  • Montenegro.

NATO forces.

The definition of the expression “NATO Force” should not be understood as a specific army that is located entirely in a specific country. The very concept of the North Atlantic Alliance is structured in such a way that participating countries, in accordance with established quotas, provide a certain number of soldiers and military equipment. This means that, depending on the need, the staff of NATO armed forces can change in quantitative and technical terms. Thus, the alliance command can form the necessary military brigade necessary for a specific task.

In addition to using its own armed forces, the North Atlantic Alliance often resorts to the help of armies of partner countries that are not members of the bloc. This becomes possible through the conclusion of individual partnership agreements in the field of military support and cooperation.

Joining NATO.

At its core, joining NATO is not some particularly difficult and unattainable procedure. In fact, to obtain membership in the union, a country that wants to join must meet certain criteria. The list of which includes such aspects as: democratic values, transparent economic and political structure, financial solvency and the absence of territorial and ethnic conflicts.

If a country fulfills all the requirements, then its candidacy undergoes an approval procedure by all existing members of the bloc. In cases of general approval, the procedure for integration into the existing military-political union begins.


There is an incorrect stereotype that the United States is the leading country in the North Atlantic Alliance. Although the United States is indeed the strongest member of NATO in all respects, the alliance is governed solely by the vote of all participants. Even the fact that the US provides the largest share of funding and military force, does not allow you to independently initiate certain companies.

Ukraine - NATO.

As for Ukraine and its relations with NATO, everything is quite complicated. Partnership relations between Ukraine and the Alliance have been established for quite some time, namely since 1992. During this time, many meetings were held aimed at bringing closer together and closer cooperation in various fields of activity. However, the post-Soviet past has created a certain distrust of the North Atlantic Alliance among Ukrainian citizens, and it is most likely correct to say that the majority of the population did not want to join this alliance. The situation changed dramatically after the start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The country's government has officially decided that Ukraine will no longer adhere to non-aligned status and joining the North Atlantic Alliance becomes a priority. It should be noted that taking into account all the events, the population's opinion regarding NATO has changed dramatically. Now this government initiative is supported by the absolute majority of citizens. Fun fact what stands out is that Russian Federation, which has always welcomed Ukraine’s non-aligned status, through its actions itself pushed it to join NATO.

Naturally, from the political will of Ukrainian leaders, joining the alliance will not happen miraculously, since there are territorial conflicts. But as one can observe, by this issue Substantive negotiations are underway, and there is a possibility that Ukraine will be able to obtain membership bypassing this selection criterion. Time will show.

NATO today.

An amazing fact is that before the emergence of the terrorist threat from Islamist fanatics and the aggressive foreign policy actions of the Russian Federation, the NATO bloc experienced a period of certain stagnation and degradation. The world was practically at peace and there were no global threats. Many countries gradually reduced funding due to the unnecessary maintenance large armies. IN lately everything has changed. The North Atlantic Alliance has become necessary again. Major funding has resumed again and that’s it more countries want to join the bloc.

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- (NATO) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Created in 1949, it represented the culmination of the West's reaction to the growing threat from the USSR after the end of World War II. The creation of NATO was preceded by: activation in... ... Political science. Dictionary.

NATO- (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)), Western defensive alliance. powers Founded in 1949, it was intended primarily to counteract the growing military. threat from the USSR and its allies... World history

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NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization Map of member countries Membership ... Wikipedia

NATO- (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO) an international military-political alliance created to ensure American military advantage in Eurasia on the basis of the North Atlantic Treaty, ... ... Large current political encyclopedia

NATO- unchangeable; and. [in capital letters] A military-political union of some European and North American countries, created in 1949 to repel external aggression. ● Reduction English words: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Organization... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

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North Atlantic NATO alliance arose in the spring of 1949. After the end of World War II, the defense forces of the countries of the world were exhausted, and the threat of new territorial conflicts arose.

Therefore five countries Western Europe- Great Britain, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and the Netherlands - united into a single defensive alliance. Soon Canada and the United States also joined the young organization, and on April 4, 1949, the new military-political bloc already included twelve participating countries.

History of NATO.

In the 1950s, the North Atlantic Alliance actively developed and expanded. NATO armed forces were created, a charter was written, and internal structures management. In 1952, Greece and Türkiye joined the alliance.

In 1954, the USSR applied to join NATO, but the application was rejected - the North Atlantic Alliance was initially created precisely as a counterweight to the powerful Soviet Union. Considering the rejection of its application as a security threat, in 1955 the USSR created its own association in Eastern Europe- ATS (Organization Warsaw Pact).

Along with the collapse of the USSR, the Department of Internal Affairs also collapsed, however NATO history continued. In 1982, Spain joined the alliance, in 1999 - Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. In 2004 and 2009, NATO was again replenished with new states. Currently, the union consists of 26 European states and 2 North American countries.

NATO goals and objectives.

Declared NATO goals concern exclusively security, freedom and democracy. This organization, created for defense purposes, aims to maintain stability throughout the world, resolve geopolitical unrest, protect democracy, human rights and borders established after the Second World War.

However, it should be noted that in recent decades NATO has been using very dubious methods to achieve its goals. Thus, in 1995 and 1999, the armed forces of the alliance were used in the territory former Yugoslavia, and at the moment the phrase “peacekeeping bombings” has become simply a catchphrase.

The North Atlantic Alliance is showing interest, including in the countries of Central and Central Asia, Middle East and Africa. NATO's traditional political opponents are Russia and China.

The history of the creation of NATO is closely connected with the events that occurred in the world after the Second World War. One way or another, we hear this abbreviation in news broadcasts every day. What does it mean?

NATO: abbreviation decoding

The alliance, or bloc, based on the principles of collective defense, emerged after the signing of the Washington Treaty in 1949. The event is reflected in the name of the organization. That is, this is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or, in other words, the Atlantic Alliance, NATO, the abbreviation of which sounds like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The above terms are synonyms. The decoding of NATO means only one thing: an alliance of 26 countries, from North America to Europe. Countries strive to achieve the ideals set out in the primary treaty.

The transcript of NATO in Russian should be written as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, that is, Siege. Although translators are still arguing about the correct spelling. However, we usually use the usual form; the decoding of the word NATO is not used. In particular, the word "alliance" is disputed. After all, according to the organization’s charter documents, this is not an alliance, but a NATO bloc. Explanation of the abbreviation for those who do not know English language, might look like this: "North Atlantic Truth Organization."

NATO emblem

This sign was adopted by the North Atlantic Council in October 1952 as the emblem of the alliance. The circle symbolizes unity and cooperation, and the compass rose indicates common path to the world, elected by member countries.

According to the agreement, main role NATO, the decoding of the name of which implies a friendly alliance, is as follows:

  • In ensuring the freedom and security of the countries, its members, through political as well as military means.
  • NATO is committed to the alliance's shared values ​​of democracy, individual freedom, the rule of law and the peaceful resolution of disputes.
  • In addition, it supports these values ​​in all Euro-Atlantic regions.

A little history

In January 1948, Great Britain and France proposed a political pact to Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, but the Benelux countries demanded that it be supplemented with military agreements. Next step Cooperation within the alliance was strengthened by the signing by its members in July 1951 of the convention “On the Status of the Armed Forces of NATO Member Countries.” According to its provisions, the United States received the right to maintain military bases in Europe, and the alliance’s armed forces could be located on the territory of other NATO member countries.

In both cases, foreign armed forces actually exercised the right of extraterritoriality. But it was not only about the formal unification of the states of Western Europe, but also about the transformation of new Atlantic ties into a guarantee of NATO security, the meaning of which is indicated above. That is, the formation of an effective military formation was evident. And this was impossible to achieve without the participation of West Germany. However, the prospect of remilitarization of Germany has caused deep concern not only in the east, but also in the west of the continent.

Beginning of the Cold War

The continuation of the West's course towards the reintegration of Germany into European structures occurred in the form of its accession on April 18, 1951 to the agreement on the creation of an association of steel and coal sales in Europe in accordance with the “Schumann Plan”. At the same time, France proposed the idea of ​​forming its own army. The German military contingent was also supposed to enter there. Implementing the course to rehabilitate the militaristic power of Germany, the Western powers already in 1950 agreed to the creation of the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, lifted restrictions on military production, and amnestied a significant number of criminals from among career officers. The last step towards the consolidation of Western Europe was the inclusion of Germany in the Western Union and NATO, the deciphering of the meaning of which sounds quite peaceful.

This step caused a very harsh and extremely negative reaction from the USSR. Soviet Union broke the wartime allied agreements with England and France. The restoration of Germany's military machine was perceived by Moscow as a component of the West's preparation for an attack on the USSR. The Soviet Union turned to the creation of a military bloc, which was supposed to unite the Eastern European people's democracies around the USSR and form effective mechanisms for unified control of the forces of the entire bloc. In May 1955, in the city of Warsaw, the USSR, Poland, Bulgaria, East Germany, Romania, Hungary and Czechoslovakia signed an agreement on the creation of their alliance, that is, the Warsaw Pact Organization, which was actually the beginning of the Cold War. But that, as they say, is another story.

Our time

Ultimately, justifying the acronym NATO, the decoding of which implies an alliance, the organization created a system of political consultations between countries. Official representatives it was then said that the consultation process had become the lifeblood of the Alliance. As a result of positive changes, tensions have subsided.

Of great importance in this regard was the 1963 Moscow Agreement of the USA, USSR and Great Britain on the ban nuclear tests and nonproliferation negotiations nuclear weapons, which ended in July 1968 with the signing of the corresponding agreement between the three states named.

As a result, the NATO Summit, which took place in Brussels at the end of May 1989, acquired special meaning against the backdrop of the above events. Two fundamental statements of the Alliance's policy were published, a declaration on the occasion of the alliance's fortieth anniversary. It set out the goals and policies that should guide NATO members during its fifth decade of existence, as well as a comprehensive concept for arms control and disarmament.