The biggest dream book. The meaning of dreams

The Dream Book in the House of the Sun is a collection of the most popular dream books. Interpretation of dreams according to dream books is carried out online using a rubricator and a search form. A convenient search for a description of an image or symbol of a dream is presented in all dream books at once. The Dream Book of the House of the Sun presents free dream books of famous psychologists - Freud, Miller, Meneghetti, dream books of seers - Nostradamus, Vanga, as well as Muslim, Assyrian, Slavic and other online dream books.

Today is the Twenty-third lunar day

Today you may have a dream that you have already seen and, moreover, you have already had it more than twice. Everything you see in your dreams... >>

Dirty aquarium with dirty fish

Water and its appearance always suggests about the current spiritual, emotional state the dreamer (dirty Aquarium, Pisces in green frost stopped and looked at the Dreamer, two unfamiliar exotic Pisces). Two unfamiliar and large exotic fish...

Beliefs different nations Regarding dreams, they are almost the same: plunging into the arms of Morpheus, we travel to other worlds (spirits, the astral plane, etc.).

And it’s not for nothing that many people call sleep a little death. Therefore, they ask questions: how to solve a dream and is it possible manage sleep .

But here are the interpretations different cultures of the same characters can differ radically. It depends on the ideas about good and evil in different religions.

For example, in Christian countries bat is a symbol of the devil and, accordingly, evil.

A dream with this animal warns of any external threats. But eastern dream book predicts that upon seeing the flock bats in a dream, you can count on the successful completion of secret affairs.

No changes in 150 years

Science does not stand still, but when it comes to dreams, it all comes down to unconfirmed hypotheses.

In the 19th-20th centuries. scientists en masse write treatises on the nature of sleep and modern researchers on by and large nothing was added to these developments. We will present you with a generalized classification of dreams.

So, dreams are divided into three types:
- spiritual - these are prophetic dreams warning about something; they cannot be explained by logic. In them we see something that has never been seen in ours. everyday life. In spiritual dreams everything is clear and even if symbols are present, they are easy to read (apple, earth, fish);

- physically They are not worthy of attention because they are caused by exposure to psychotropic substances, alcohol, fever or extreme fatigue. These are rather cuts of our fears, but it is very difficult to understand such a pun, which occurs in inadequate states;

- subjective dreams - what we experience consciously or subconsciously; often these dreams show us a way out of a confusing situation; Having analyzed them, we can predict the onset of diseases, because our body “sends” these pictures to us. A well-known example of a subjective dream is the discovery of the periodic table, when the scientist struggled with the systematization of the elements, and the answer came in a dream.

How to deal with dreams?

There are several simple rules that will help you understand your dreams:

1. Associations that arise in a dream and sensations after waking up never deceive us. If you had a nightmare, and waking up completely replaced all the horror of the night, then you should not pay attention to it.

2. If the dream still bothers you, and you do not know the meaning of the symbols, then refer to the dream book. This is where the problem lies, because there are a great many dream books. Read a few and see what happens next. Observe your dreams and compare them with several books; in the end, this will lead you to create your own individual prompter, which will help more than all the interpreters in the world.

3. If you have problems and have the same dream, then learn to return to it. It won't work out the first time, but persistence will be rewarded. In this dream you will be able to get out of a confusing situation, which will help in reality. Also, enter into an active dialogue with the dream characters and ask questions, because the answers can help you understand not only a difficult situation, but also yourself.

4. Pay attention to dreams in which constant feeling heaviness, pain, helplessness - these are dreams associated with health conditions and warn of physical problems.

If you are still confused about how to determine whether a dream is worthwhile or not, then listen to the observations that people have noticed for centuries:

  • prophetic sleep is possible only from Thursday to Friday;
  • dreams after lunch do not carry any burden, and real (worthwhile) dreams come in the morning;
  • You can induce a prophetic dream - place a freshly cut aspen branch by your bed and the next morning you will be able to answer many questions. By the way, the latter has been tested by the author and really works; What’s interesting is that the longer this branch stands (that is, it dries out), the weaker the dreams become.
  • hang a dream catcher in your house.

Finally, take a little advice from an ancient philosopher: “I don’t believe in bad dreams and bad omens." After all, it is unknown whether we attract what happens to us, or whether fate guides our entire life.

Lunar dream book
All dreams are absolutely dependent on the Moon. Depending on what phase the Moon is in and which phases are in order lunar day, depends on the truth of your dreams and how to solve them correctly. The Moon can also tell you whether the dream you saw will come true or not. For this purpose lunar calendar determine what lunar day it is today.
Sunny dream book
In general, dreams are a little-studied, although extremely interesting, area of ​​the human psyche. Perhaps this explains the presence of a huge number of different myths and superstitions regarding dreams.
Look into the dream book
Often in our dreams we see unexpected, sometimes scary, sometimes funny, or even completely stupid images and events. The next morning we are surprised: “I’ll dream about something like this!” And some of us will definitely try to solve the dream using the Internet. After all, here you can find Miller’s dream book, Vanga’s dream book, Freud’s dream book....
Dream Interpretation by Days of the Month
You can also interpret dreams by the days on which these dreams occurred. To understand the meaning of your dream, you need not only to look at the page of the dream book, but also to compare what is said in it with what was said about the influence of the days of the week, the number of ordinary and lunar months. Putting everything together, we can say what the dream portends.
Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams
Do you believe in prophetic dreams? Many people believe. Of course, this is all very individual, as is belief in God, in the afterlife and everything that is intangible. Although if we do not know something and have not encountered it ourselves, this does not mean that this something does not exist. After all, not everything is as simple in our world as it seems to us.
Dream Interpretation - a week
You can use online dream books, or you can also take into account the meaning of dreams by day of the week, depending on how accurate and detailed an interpretation of what you see you need. The main thing is to create a world of lucid dreams, then in reality you will manage your affairs much better.
Dream interpretation of dreams
It's no wonder that scientists around the world pay so much attention to sleep research. After all, we spend a significant part of our lives in the arms of Morpheus. In the old days, all knowledge in this area was limited to meager and fantastic information...
Children's dream book
In order for a child to sleep peacefully at night, without frightening dreams, he must know that he has nothing to fear, that his parents love him and will always protect him. Don't put him to bed too early or too late. Otherwise, the child’s natural sleep biorhythm will be disrupted.

The dream book contains the most interesting and popular dream books of all times and peoples: Solomon's dream book, Taflisi's dream book, Muslim dream interpreter and fortune-teller from Moses Necromantus, dream book of the Parisian fortune-teller and soothsayer Madame de Tab, big dream book Phoebe, dream book of Napoleon's fate, dream book of Cleopatra, family dream book, gypsy dream book dream interpretation and others.


Dream Interpretation Unravel dreamed of why you dream in a dream Solve? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Solve by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Solve the dream please

You need to change your worldview (destruction of the house), get away from old stereotypes. Not the desire, or rather the fear of doing this, can lead to some material losses, but a change will lead to peace of mind. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Are you interested in solving a dream, the meaning of which is already known?

Running in a dream in any case reflects the desire to hide, to retire, only, not finding a way out, man and beast begin to snap, run towards the one they were running away from, a release of suppressed aggression and fears, then natural temporary satisfaction. Your reasons for wanting privacy are hidden in your relationship with life (all four limbs involved). Look for them, eliminate them. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Help me solve it

Such a dream is about parting. You won’t be able to tolerate her for a long time, but your patience is not unlimited and soon you will stop communicating with her altogether.

Dream Interpretation - Help me solve it

Good afternoon Since I usually warn you about dreams, and as I understand, this dream is repeated often, you have chosen a certain lifestyle, or, more simply put, a path in life that is understandable only to you. You walk along it (carry a cross on a thin chain) but your friend either envies you or really wants to live the same way, but she doesn’t succeed (she tries to tear off the cross, asks to carry it, etc.). Due to differences in choice life path you have frequent quarrels and misunderstandings. I have everything. I wish you good luck in your not easy chosen path.

Dream Interpretation - Help me solve it

The chain symbolizes the connection with your friend and this connection will not be interrupted (you will be friends), as your friend did not try, but she could not take the chain from you. Perhaps your friend is the reason why you don’t get along very well lately. A friend is not a passing character in your life, the cross speaks about this - your share, your destiny. If you cry in a dream, it means you will laugh in reality. I think everything will work out for you!

Dream Interpretation - Strange dream about shoes. Help me solve it

The meaning of your dream is that in at the moment you are in a “strange, peculiar” situation, and you are trying to find some way out or change something in your situation, which ends with your partner asking “Why look for or change something?” And you can only regret... Just what? I think you know what I'm talking about...

A kind of vacuum forms around you; somewhere there will be someone’s life and someone’s emotions that will hurt you, but will be inaccessible to you. You will strive to find out more about this, at first live in guesses, and then gradually rumors will begin to reach you. It's probably all about some man.

Dream Interpretation - Help me solve a dream, I had a dream today closer to the morning

A dream about the developed emotional sphere of the Dreamer (full appearance, attractiveness - water all around) and the undeveloped Conscious sphere, which is expressed in the lack of fullness of life, its purposelessness (an empty Building from which the Dreamer cannot get out in a dream). Something needs to be done about this unearthly beauty- at least leave a kind and useful trace behind yourself, for others, which is awareness of the soul and its life. This is what the dream is about.

Unraveling dreams

Dream Interpretation Unraveling Dreams dreamed of why you dream in a dream Solving dreams? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see dreams in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Again, again

Hair grows back - longevity.

A dried tree turns green again - prosperity and happiness for children and grandchildren.

Teeth fall out and grow back - prosperity of offspring in all generations.

Dream Interpretation - Dream Interpreter

Dream Interpreter - Your friends are letting you down.

Dream Interpretation - To be thrown ashore again, to be torn out by a fish

Regain conscious control.

Dream Interpretation - Discover an object again, discover a path

The difficult period is behind us.

Dream Interpretation - Trains again and again

A train is forward movement, and rapid movement at that. When you go to the wrong place, it means you have chosen the wrong direction in life. If you are late, you may not have time to do something. Move from carriage to carriage - looking for your place, your goal. If everything is in order, then everything is fine in life, you have chosen the right goal and ways to achieve it.

Dream Interpretation - Taking pictures again! what would this be for?

The dream speaks of stability in your relationship with your husband. You really want to fix and freeze these relationships at some point known to you. But in fact, you “want to fly.” Unfortunately, this is in all likelihood not the whole dream, and I do not see any recommendations. What to do is up to you to decide. You can go to bed and ask your higher self to give you a hint. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Ship again

You yourself expect some changes, it seems that on a personal level (there is a man next to you), but for some reason beyond your control they are postponed (the ship is stationary). The man is a man from the past, waving a saber - an old enmity. There is a man, his actions disappoint you (the water is muddy)

Dream Interpretation - Ship again

Can I ask a question? you left young man or from work? Knead the dough and make dumplings - something will go well for you...

Hello! Everything in your dream suggests that you are ready to reunite with your ex-boyfriend, but this will be a new relationship with a new you (you are traveling on the same bus to the same unknown city). You, knowing that in life the place next to your boyfriend may be occupied (it is possible that he has another girlfriend), are ready to take this place quite calmly (you sit down next to your ex-boyfriend on the bus, knowing that this is someone else’s place ). Do you really want your ex-boyfriend he himself found you and took the initiative towards your reunion, since you still keep your love for him. I will add that you do not consider other young people as your chosen ones. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Warning about something again?

No, you don't want to reunite. You just compare all new boyfriends with your ex. And until you stop doing this, you won’t meet anyone.

The answer to dreams

Dream Interpretation Solution to dreams dreamed of why you dream in a dream Solution to dreams? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the answer to dreams in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - A dream within a dream

Trying to convince yourself that something pleasant or unpleasant is just a dream.

A dream within a dream can be interpreted as the fulfillment of the desires of the unconscious part of the self or beyond the self, while the desires of an ordinary dream are related to the it.

Dreams nested within one another can reflect the stages of the ontogenesis of the self.

Dream Interpretation - Incoherent dreams

See Incoherent dreams, Sleep.

Dream Interpretation - Dreams about the death of parents

An indication of the son's rivalry for the mother's attention and the daughter's desire to eliminate the mother in order to become closer to the father.

In this case, dreams act as safety valves.

The context of dreams about the death of siblings is similar.

Dream Interpretation - Dreams about future illnesses

(related to the practice of black magic).

A cat, snake or rat scratches or bites sensitively.

A long, muddy, overwhelming wave (protracted illness). I eat meat greedily. Sing loudly, dance. fall into deep hole, well. Fall into the abyss. Wild cry (one's own or someone else's).

Dream Interpretation - Features of men's dreams

Dreams are one of the most mysterious phenomena human psyche. For several thousand years now, man has been trying to explain the origin of dreams, endowing them with mystical content, ascribing to them prophetic power and fearing the unknown depths of his own soul that are revealed to him in dreams. What is this connected with? Why do all our most terrible fears and sweet dreams come to life in a dream? What happens to us when Morpheus embraces us?

Meanwhile, in modern psychophysiology, such a phenomenon of the human psyche and highly organized animals as the ability to dream has been studied for a relatively long time. Although science still does not know everything about dreams and dreaming, progress is unstoppable, and sooner or later dreams will take their place clearly specific place among other phenomena of the human psyche. In the meantime, we have to be content with only an approximate interpretation of the content of dreams.

The distinctive features of the mental organization of men are based on the characteristics of their physiological structure. Thus, being less emotional than women, men are more prone to logic and prudence. This means that their mental life is not so turbulent, and their dreams are less vivid and emotional than those of women. This, of course, is generalized data, and for individual representatives of the stronger half of humanity everything may be somewhat different.

This chapter will focus on those special dreams of men that are determined by their physiology and mental organization that is different from women’s.

Despite the individuality of all people's dreams, there are still some general plots, which appear in most people sooner or later, and have generally the same meaning for everyone. This chapter deals with such stories related to the role of other people in the life of a particular individual.

Men are generally more active people and, accordingly, their psyche is more resistant to experiences. So, be more attentive to your dreams, look for the reason and meaning of the dream not in “grandmother’s interpretations,” but in analyzing your own emotions and everyday situations.

The behavior of the “stronger sex” is often determined by the stereotypes that dominate society. One of these stereotypes (probably correct and necessary) is the opinion that a man must protect his family at all costs. Therefore, when someone dies in the family or misfortune happens to someone, a man often perceives this as his own fault (although the real reason death may be due to illness or other circumstances beyond his control). And a dream, due to a person’s fixation on a traumatic situation - the death of his wife or children - reproduces it in the most bizarre way, as if giving a second chance to correct the situation.

The purpose of any dream is ultimately to relieve mental stress and resolve exciting a person problem. But the fact is that it is not always able to fulfill the similar task assigned to it by psychologists.

An example of dreams that seek to relieve tension are affective dreams associated with violent manifestations of emotions. Such emotions, characteristic of most men, are most often fear and hatred.

What would our life be like without thrills? The boring, primitive existence of “natural machines”. Imagine endless days based solely on reason and the necessary rules; people who resemble robots. If there were no music, cinema, theaters, museums and other things that make life life, and not a plant existence, Life would be emasculated. A person is able to derive pleasure from almost any sensation, sometimes even from pain. It's all about a small feature of his body, which, perhaps, gives rise to all the diversity human activity. We have all heard more than once about people jumping with a parachute, riding a board on waves and snow, climbing mountains. They all want the same thing - adrenaline. Every time a person experiences a thrill, he enjoys it. This means that dreams with affects make our life more varied and pleasant.

One of the affective dreams is a very common dream in which the dreamer is being chased by some people and he cannot escape from them. This type of dream most likely reflects the individual’s attitude towards the world around him. Perhaps such a person is wary of new people and has problems communicating. The dream proves to him that he is right in treating people badly. On the other hand, experiencing strong emotions in a dream, a person relieves tension and calms down. The following example is illustrative in this regard.

A university student was offended by his teacher for an unfair grade he received in an exam. The teacher was a friend of the student’s family and the latter had known him since childhood as a good, fair person. But the resentment prevented the student from treating the teacher the same way. And then, as a solution to the problem, the student had a dream with the following content: he answers the teacher in the exam with the same ticket and they begin to argue furiously with each other, as a result of which the teacher admits that he was wrong. After this, the student’s attitude towards the teacher normalized.

The love triangle is the theme of more than one book and has repeatedly attracted writers, poets, and artists. This is not surprising, since in any relationship between a man and a woman, someone is more in love, and someone is less. In Western psychology, this phenomenon is called the “paradox of passion.”

All dreams on this topic can be divided into two parts: when you cheat and when they cheat on you. In the first case, the dream is usually caused by a feeling of guilt - and the plot of such a dream, as a rule, does not contain the fact of betrayal itself, but the motive of punishment or retribution for what was done.

In such dreams, a person experiences humiliation and pain. When the same dream about betrayal is repeated constantly, without significant changes in the plot, this indicates that the person is punishing himself with a feeling of guilt for what happened. The purpose of the dream is to try to get rid of guilt through self-punishment.

In some cases, dreams of betrayal reflect a desire to “have a walk on the side.”

If a sleeper dreams that he is being cheated on, then several explanations are also possible, depending on the characteristics of a person’s mental life. As if a common refrain in this dream may be the thought: “I knew that she could not be trusted” or “No one loves me.”

In both cases, a dream with such content is self-justification. The first option has common features with persecution mania and is typical for aggressive people (if we're talking about about a recurring dream). Individual dreams on the topic of betrayal of a beloved woman or friend, as a rule, justify negative emotions or the dreamer’s bad thoughts towards them.

The second version of the dream of betrayal is typical for melancholic people and justifies their own inaction or failures by the bad attitude of those around them.

Particularly interesting are dreams of betrayal, accompanied by the fear of being deceived, which haunts the dreamer throughout the dream. Often this is a reproduction of a real situation that happened to the sleeper in life. The purpose of the dream in this case is to relieve mental stress by re-experiencing the situation.

Dreams about one's own betrayal of one's country, family or friends are sometimes aimed at realizing upon awakening that it was just a dream, that in reality nothing like that happened. Thus, a person seems to say to himself: “How good I am.”

Dream Interpretation - Censorship in dreams

Conscious knowledge about the purpose of objects penetrates into the unconscious, dreams, along with the emotional background.

For example, you love ice cream. You get pleasure from enjoying the product on a hot day. summer day. If you find ice cream near your mouth in a dream, you will re-experience a pleasant emotion.

Note that children are most passionate about ice cream. And the pleasure that adults receive are only echoes of childhood. Therefore, if you see ice cream in a dream, you can assume that you need someone's care, as you did in childhood.

But it could also be a sign that you should pay more attention to your children. All of these interpretations are quite consistent with problems that are considered acceptable in society.

The situation is more complicated with concepts that are not approved by society. For example, forbidden sexual intimacy outside of marriage.

Society places our biological instincts in a framework that we crush in our sleep.

But, even going beyond what is permitted in a dream, the dreamer uses only symbols that were passed by the censor.

The concept of “censorship” was introduced by Freud. He showed the emergence of signs of censorship using the example of a dream of an elderly lady from high society.

Sometimes the unconscious uses harmless substitute symbols.

And then, instead of the ellipsis, specific actions and objects appear.

Such an object in a dream is a spiral staircase. Freud considered climbing up it a substitute for sexual intercourse.

The penis in dreams is often replaced by sticks, umbrellas, and weapons.

Sometimes elongated vegetables may indicate this organ.

These symbols were also used in ancient myths and tales.

Thus, the flight of a witch on a broom may indicate the broom handle as a substitute for the penis.

Women dream of such objects when they have a suppressed desire for sexual intimacy with a man.

Men dream about long, penetrating objects during the period of abstinence or puberty.

Men are usually very energetic in their actions in sleep. They engage in a duel and break down the doors.

Women's manifestations of sexual desires are softer.

The upbringing of a person, the censorship of the ban on murder, has very deep roots and influences a person’s actions even in a dream.

Even when the dreamer hates someone, he rarely kills him in a dream.

In a dream, a corpse of an animal, a gravestone and evil dogs may appear, tormenting his enemy.

Dream Interpretation - Mandala in a series of dreams

The individual is capable and must concentrate his efforts aimed at achieving a holistic balance.

The colors of the mandala will become brighter and its shape more defined if the individual concentrates his efforts on internal development.

A dream mandala becomes more effective if it is drawn and colored.

It is easier to understand visually than verbally.

Sometimes the ability to depict a mandala is even disadvantageous: if it inhibits free expression.

A series of such images from a single dream may reflect a trajectory of inner development.

Dream Interpretation - Negro, Chinese, Indian in a European’s dream

(burglar, tramp,) shadow.

Or in a woman’s dreams her animus.

The individual invariably tries to prevent the said guest from coming, but one day he enters (after a change in position in consciousness).

In subsequent dreams, the uninvited guest may be expelled.

This is an unimaginably difficult ordeal...seeing dream reports real people and their continuation in the real, real, the most true mystical everyday life, which we believe in with great difficulty, but which surrounds us everywhere and relentlessly follows us...
To see them, read, understand and feel that all this is the true truth and a magical interweaving of feelings, emotions and events between worlds, the boundaries of which are not visible to us... and not publish them!?

No, I won’t suffer anymore, read...

All this is for your testing and evaluation...

... dear visitors, readers and dreaming practitioners.

Be sure to read further - there is even more interesting!!!

In dreams, our own subconscious does not simply “show” us plots or stories. Almost always it gives a hint so that we stop and look around, take the right decision, paid special attention to something.

This happens prudently prematurely. But due to the fact that we cannot unravel the language of symbols of our subconscious in time, its efforts are in vain.

A dream is the same life

our life, but only everything in it in a dream is “naked”, undisguised. People - in their true images, events - in their patterns, emotions and feelings - in sounds, colors and smells...

If you dream and remember them, why waste your time? Establish contact with the subconscious. And in it, like in a mirror, all your thoughts will be reflected, answers to all your questions will appear, hints for solving your problems will emerge from the depths of the subconscious, and the dream will “show” you all this.

People are able to:

heal yourself, learn, find a way out of a difficult situation, learn ways and opportunities to earn money, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities, receive signs warning of danger, check possible options future, and much, much more...

The Dream Book of Our Time of the “Magikum” project is a unique collection of deciphered symbols. The meanings of symbols in dreams, worked out over many years of experience, according to reports from dreams of different ages, gender, place of residence, hobbies, profession, etc. people who were analyzed after they “came true.”

It’s a pity that you only try to solve dreams when you have the urge.

That's right - he'll be impatient. And it doesn’t even matter for what reason. There are usually only two of them: you dreamed of something very good or something very bad: a nightmare, horror or complete nonsense. The thing is that looking into a dream book is not so difficult. The question is that most often it is useless. And also for two reasons. The first is that most dream books on the Internet (not all, of course, not all!)) are written to fill the context of sites. Moreover, you can find the meaning of a symbol with such a wide range that it will include not two or three descriptions, but a huge variety. Including self-contradictory ones. I think that you yourself have noticed that the choice, like in a store, is for every taste. The second reason is even the most good dream book, no more than 30 percent, will be able to interpret your individual perception of the world around you.

In your dreams you most often find yourself
the level of the mental plane and all knowledge,

that is, you perceive information through your own interpretation of events and phenomena. For example, in the outside world, everything at least conditionally has some general description. It's like an unspoken agreement that this object is a chair, another is a tree, another is a cloud, and so on. Have you ever thought about this? Probably only in childhood. In fact, people just sort of agreed that there should be some common names and definitions. It is very practical, like a “map of life” with common symbols for everyone.

Imagine that you woke up on a desert island,

and the memory is as clear as a white sheet of paper. And all the world around us in front of you for the first time. It is simply vital for you to learn and determine for yourself all the characteristics and properties of objects, phenomena, and then events. What will happen? Based on your personal feelings, you will begin to define everything around you. This is Him. Your inner world.

Everything about it is individual. Your perceptions of objects and people. Attitude to events, sensations of phenomena. And all this has a shape, color, smell. And all of them are not just better, but perfectly “visible” in your dreams. This is your microcosm. But he has unique ability- communicate with you through sleep. There, in inner world you finally fall silent, after which the voice of the subconscious becomes audible.

No one except yourself knows you so thoroughly, and does not care about you. more love, and unconditional. Learn to understand your dreams and discover your capabilities and abilities that you didn’t even know you had! You will be able to determine even before meeting a person whether he is your friend or enemy. Your subconscious will stop you in time and warn you about the danger, a business project doomed to failure. Your body will give a signal about an emerging disease. You will see for yourself who truly loves you and who is cunning and lying.

So. If you solve dreams when the urge comes, there is one rule. Choose a dream book in which you will find the meanings of dreams that have come true and they will turn out to be correct. Remember a couple or three dreams that have already come true and you know that the symbol “works”. See this dream book further.

If you see dreams and know and feel that they are important to you,

that information is “coming” to you, do not ignore them. If you really want to become a full-fledged inhabitant of the mental world, everything that will be written below, and indeed everything that is on this site, is for you. General rules clues to dreams, analyzes of oneironauts’ reports, joint dreams, dream research. Everything here is accessible, simple and “ready to eat”!

The Talmud says: “An unsolved dream is like an unopened letter.” When you “close your eyes” to your dreams, you close them to your own life.

From the series “Unraveling Dreams”

Shared dreams:

3. Projection into the future " Pink flamingos" Affirmation.

4. Prophetic dreams about the future. A joint dream, the purpose of which is to see certain aspects of the future of your personal life or loved ones. Affirmation.

What does it mean if you have a dream within a dream? Dream books do not have a single interpretation of this dream: the solution to the dream depends entirely on the features of the plot of what was seen and on the emotional reaction of the dreamer to the events taking place in the dream world. Psychologists and esotericists see in this event a completely different meaning than just the interpretation of a dream.

General interpretation

Psychologists define people who dream within a dream as endowed with an enlightened consciousness, capable of comprehending the secrets of the unconscious and controlling their lives. Select people can see a dream in a dream; not everyone is given this ability. However, sometimes incomprehensible plots appear in dreams that require explanation. How to solve them?

The interpretation will depend on the details of the plot of what was seen:

  • where did you sleep;
  • who did you sleep with?
  • how long did you sleep?

Sleeping in nature- for a pleasant trip on a business trip or vacation. Sleeping on a dirty floor in a dirty room is not good: such a dream foreshadows troubles and misunderstandings with loved ones and household members. Waiting for support from loved ones right moment will not be justified.

Sleeping on the roof of a buildinggood sign rapid changes in life. You will be at the pinnacle of success. If the sleep is calm and there are no signs of bad weather, the implementation of your plans will be successful.

Seeing yourself in a dream with your loved one in the same bed- to prolong the situation. Your relationship will remain uncertain: take the initiative in own hands. Sleeping with a dead person - to good health. Such a dream instills horror in people, however, it foreshadows positive events in life.

Seeing a child sleeping peacefully- to a favorable course of life events, and a person’s restless sleep - to experiences and problems.

If you see yourself fast asleep and can't wake up, this dream warns of an unresolved life issue. You need to make efforts to find a way out of this situation.

Many dream books interpret the inability to wake up in a dream as the approach of a serious illness or problems, some indicate missed opportunities. Freud considers this dream a warning not to push yourself into a framework and gain freedom in thoughts and behavior.

Interpretation of dream books

Newest dream book warns: this dream prophesies a protracted illness. Seeing yourself sleeping does not bode well positive influence for life.

Family dream book warns of a friend’s betrayal, advises to prepare for unpleasant events. A dream within a dream - you do not see what is happening around you.

Modern dream book believes: to see oneself sleeping means to lead double life. You are hypocritical towards a worthy person, and you worry about it. A happy dream seen in a dream means sadness in life.

Dream Interpretation 2012 believes that you should open your eyes to current events, see the true picture around you.

Dream book of the future advises not to rush into accepting vital issues, to put it off until later, to put it off.

Dream Interpretation of Veles calms: seeing a dream in a dream predicts good life prospects if the dreamer has experienced positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn considers this dream to be the body’s need for additional rest. The dream also indicates a reluctance to change one’s life attitudes and a fear of radical changes. Are you comfortable in own world, you don't want to change anything.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z sees in the plot of this dream a warning about the secret betrayal of a loved one. While you are sleeping, a love affair is developing behind your back.

What do esotericists and psychologists say?

Psychologists' point of view on this dream is a replay of a life situation in a dream. If you see a nightmare, it means that in real life the danger will not affect you: you have already experienced it in your dream, another life reality. A nightmare has a positive impact on a person's life!

If you can control and manage events in a dream, then you can change the course of your real life in the direction you want. Managing your sleep while you sleep is a unique opportunity to program life events. This skill is specially taught in lucid dreaming courses.

How to translate the dream plot into reality real life? To do this, after waking up, you should “play out” the dream events in your mind several times and consolidate them. If you saw a dream in a dream with a sad ending, just create a new ending to the events - with a happy ending. Gradually you will gain the ability to control your life through dreams.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: