What does Worcestershire sauce taste like? Worcestershire sauce - homemade recipe

Do you know what Worcestershire sauce is? Few housewives have heard anything about this. Let's try to figure it out together and learn something more about this sauce. So, Worcestershire sauce is a universal, popular and very concentrated seasoning of English cuisine with a rich, bright burgundy color, based on a piquant taste.

It consists of one third of tomato paste, and the rest is occupied by about 25 other ingredients, including Jamaican and black pepper, hot pepper chili extract walnuts, ginger, cloves, champignon broth, garlic, flour, salt and wine.

Worcestershire sauce is widely used. It is used in stewed and fried meat dishes, flavored hot snacks, boiled and fried fish. This seasoning was invented in Britain about a century and a half ago. It has an original, pleasant and piquant sweet and sour taste.

Classic Worcestershire sauce is produced only industrially. The technology for producing the sauce, which is popular in most countries, is naturally kept strictly secret. Real Worcestershire sauce is very concentrated, so it is used literally in drops in dishes. Let's find out how to make Worcestershire sauce at home.

We are unlikely to be able to prepare real sauce correctly at home. The fact is that all culinary reference books usually provide the ingredients for making 10 kg of ready-made sauce. And for such a quantity of product we need microscopic doses of some spices. For example, 1 g each of bay leaf and ginger, chili pepper, 4 g nutmeg etc. The finished seasoning can be stored at room temperature 2 years if bottle unopened. Once opened, it is best to refrigerate the sauce. Since it is very concentrated, you need to consume it 3 drops per serving.

Worcestershire Salad Dressing Recipe


  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 100 ml;
  • Parmesan cheese - 30 g;
  • French mustard – 20 g;
  • Worcestershire sauce - a few drops;
  • spices - to taste.


Wash the eggs thoroughly in warm water, bring to a boil, immediately turn off the heat and carefully pierce each egg with a needle. Then we lower them again into hot water and leave it to lie there for exactly a minute. During this time, take a lemon, cut it and squeeze the juice from one half into a separate bowl. Now we take out a blender or whisk, crack the eggs with a knife, pour the liquid part of the egg into a blender glass, and scoop out the protein layer from the shells with a spoon. Salt everything and beat thoroughly, gradually adding lemon juice and continuing to stir.

Then grate the hard cheese, pour it into the egg mixture and mix thoroughly again. After this, add a few drops of classic Worcestershire sauce, add sandwich mustard and sprinkle with ground black pepper to taste. Beating the contents of the glass with a blender, pour in olive oil in a thin stream and bring everything to a homogeneous mass. Season the prepared Caesar salad with the resulting sauce and serve the dish.

Worcestershire sauce It has English roots and has a unique, unsurpassed aroma and rich sweet and sour taste due to the fact that its main composition includes fish, vinegar and sugar (see photo). It would seem, how can such ingredients create and give your dish a lasting and rich aroma? However, you just need to add even one teaspoon of this sauce to the dish - and it will truly sparkle with new colors for you.

Let's try for a moment to plunge into the history of the creation of this masterpiece. There are quite a lot of legends that tell about the origin of the sauce. One of them tells that one of the English pharmacies in the county of Worcestershire (hence the name of the sauce) was contacted by Lord Marquez Sendi, who had previously worked as a governor in India. From there he brought the recipe, as well as some spices for preparation, and asked the pharmacists to make the mixture according to the existing instructions. But something went wrong, and the lord refused to take this mixture, since, according to him, it was not what he wanted to get. Well, the pharmacists had no choice but to put this mixture in the basement. And only a few years or a few months later, this is where the legends differ from each other, when the pharmacists decided to conduct an audit, they stumbled upon the forgotten sauce. After tasting it, they could not believe their taste. During its stay in the basement, the sauce infused and acquired a tart, sweet and sour taste. Fortunately, pharmacists found the recipe brought by the lord and started producing the sauce. To date, it has received universal approval in many countries around the world.

The sauce is added mainly to fish and meat dishes, and alcoholic drinks such as “ Bloody Mary" and "Caesar".

Ingredients of Worcestershire sauce

Worcestershire sauce contains no less than 25 products, some of which vary depending on the country where the sauce is sold. Most of the ingredients are simply incompatible with each other, but this is what gives the sauce its zest and uniqueness.

The following main ingredients are used to prepare the sauce:

  • anchovies;
  • tomato paste;
  • champignon extract;
  • port wine;
  • curry;
  • aspic (fat-free concentrated meat extract);
  • lemon juice;
  • tarragon extract;
  • corn syrup or sugar;
  • malt vinegar;
  • black molasses or burnt sugar;
  • tamarind.

Let's figure out what gives the sauce its sweet and sour taste, besides lemon juice, vinegar and sugar. Is it really necessary to add such a huge amount of spices? Most of the seasonings used in the sauce have a pungent taste and a pungent aftertaste (asafetida, horseradish, Bay leaf, nutmeg, chili pepper, black pepper, allspice, garlic), but they are softened by tamarind, as it adds sourness to the dish.

The latter is an important component of Worcestershire sauce. It is tamarind that gives that sweet and sour taste, which distinguishes it from other sauces. It is a long-lived plant, which is why it grows for a long time. Its fruit consists of pulp and seeds. Sometimes recipes call for the tamarind seed, but only the pulp is edible when the fruit is brown or red-brown in color. The consistency of the pulp is sticky, thick and has a spicy apricot aroma. Tamarind is rich in sugar and acids and is also a source of calcium. If you can't find it, then as a last resort you can replace the tamarind with lemon juice, but the taste will still be different.

I would like to remind you once again that spices play an important role in preparing the sauce. If you do not add at least one of the above ingredients, then, alas, you will not get the amazing taste that Worcestershire sauce has. Chefs all over the world recommend being careful when preparing, observing a sense of proportion in everything, and not adding too much of everything, otherwise the taste will spoil, and this, in turn, threatens to ruin the dish.

Homemade recipe

The recipe for Worcestershire sauce is quite simple and can be prepared even at home. No one officially advertises the original recipe for the sauce, but if for some reason you couldn’t find the product on store shelves, then you can prepare it at home, and the taste certainly won’t be much different from the store-bought one.

We offer one of the simplest and best recipes preparing the sauce. To do this, prepare gauze in advance and fold it in several layers (it’s just better to cook some products in a gauze bag).

Now let's move on to the cooking method. To begin, pour 2 tablespoons of acetic acid into a bowl and place the onion in this solution, leave for a few minutes. Then chop finely. Next, chop two cloves of garlic and sprinkle with vinegar. In a gauze bag we put onion, garlic, a cinnamon stick, half a teaspoon each of red and black pepper, cloves and cardamom. At this stage, the prepared gauze pocket needs to be tied quite tightly, because during the cooking process we will periodically wring out this bag. Pour half a glass of soy sauce and acetic acid into a saucepan, pour in one hundred grams of sugar and add tamarind. Pour in some water and put on fire. Boil over low heat for about thirty minutes. Now cut the prepared anchovy into small pieces, put it in a separate bowl, add half a teaspoon of curry there, salt to taste, dilute with pure cold water and mix everything thoroughly. Pour the resulting mass into the pan, where the sauce itself is cooked, and continue cooking.

At the next stage, we transfer the gauze pocket with spices into a glass jar, after turning off the heat. Pour the sauce into it and screw the lid tightly. We wait until the liquid cools completely at room temperature, after which we put the jar in the refrigerator. Wring out the bag daily for a week, then remove the pocket with spices from the jar. Pour the sauce into small bottles and leave it in the refrigerator or some other dark, cool place for storage (this product is easily adapted to home storage conditions).

Use in cooking

The use of Worcestershire sauce in cooking has gained wide popularity among all peoples of the world. It is the most common seasoning in England, which is not surprising. Most often this sauce is used to create:

  • meat dishes;
  • fish dishes;
  • drinks.

The sauce is commonly used as a marinade for meat dishes, such as cutlets, beef tenderloin, carbs, shish kebab, baked chicken, scrambled eggs and bacon, and roast beef. It can even be added to rice, pasta, dumplings, vegetable stew , Caesar salad. Can't do without it and everyone knows alcoholic drink ready dish– and its taste will change beyond recognition, sparkling with new flavor shades.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the sauce is contraindicated if you are allergic to seafood and increased acidity stomach. The calorie content of this product is relatively low, and most often it is added to dishes. small quantity, therefore, it can be used by everyone, excluding the above contraindications.

What can be replaced?

“What can I replace this sauce with?” - this question very often worries housewives who, for some reason, cannot this product purchase. Some are trying to create its analogues, but finding something similar just won’t work for one simple reason: the sauce is too peculiar taste, and the substitute is simply unable to replicate it. Someone is trying to use soy sauce as a replacement. Others recommend using balsamic vinegar, a mixture of sauces containing seafood and similar seasonings. But, as culinary experts say, then you get a completely different taste. Therefore, it is better to find an original product, especially since the dish requires very little of it.

The original taste of this sauce cannot be described in words. At least once, cook a dish with it yourself and appreciate its taste.

Often it is the sauce that determines taste qualities future dish. If chosen or prepared incorrectly, it can spoil the food or add zest to it, thereby turning a salad or meat into a real culinary masterpiece.

What is Worcestershire sauce?

Spicy sweet and sour taste imparting to food refined taste and slight piquancy are the distinctive qualities that traditional English sauce.

It is very concentrated, so you need to add no more than 2-3 drops to the dish. This will be enough to make it sparkle with new flavor colors. Worcestershire sauce may seem similar to soy sauce. In fact, its taste is richer and more refined, and, according to the original recipe, it does not contain soy.

Origin story

Worcestershire sauce owes its appearance to an English lord named Marques Sandys from the county of Worcestershire. IN early XIX century, he was on a diplomatic trip to India and brought from there an approximate recipe for the sauce he loved. The Lord instructed two pharmacist-chemists to reproduce the recipe they liked.

Chemists John Lee and William Perrins prepared a sauce that tasted so bad that the lord refused to pay for it. But by pure chance, the pharmacists did not throw it away, and he ended up in a dark and cool basement. About a year passed when chemists discovered the sauce they had prepared. And before throwing it away, we decided to taste it. Favorable conditions and time did their job. The sauce became so delicious that Lee and Perrins patented its production.

Thus, in 1838, industrial production of a product called “Worcestershire sauce” was launched after the name of the place where it was discovered. At the same time, Lee and Perrins became the founders of the only company in England producing real Worcestershire sauce.

Worcestershire sauce: composition

The contents of the sauce are truly unique. It contains over 20 ingredients, many of which are completely incompatible friend with a friend. However, all of them, under certain conditions, give a unique taste.

The sauce necessarily contains fish (usually anchovies), sugar and special malt vinegar. It is mandatory to add aspic meat extract, onions, garlic and lemon, chili, black and ground allspice, curry, tamarind, ginger, celery, horseradish, asafoetida, tarragon, nutmeg, molasses, corn syrup, as well as water and salt. But the desired result cannot be achieved without aging in oak barrels. Only through certain time the sauce acquires its spicy sweet and sour taste.

Homemade recipe

Real Worcestershire sauce is made directly in England. But we also have them on sale. If you can’t find it in city stores, you can try to prepare the dish yourself. The real sauce recipe will be kept in the strictest confidence, but made at home, it practically replicates the original taste.

To prepare Worcestershire sauce, you need to prepare the following components:

  • anchovy fillet - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dry ginger - 1 teaspoon;
  • table vinegar 6% - 400 ml;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • tamarind pulp paste - 50 g;
  • mustard seeds - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • ground allspice - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground cloves - 1 teaspoon;
  • red pepper - a pinch;
  • cardamom - a pinch;
  • curry - a pinch;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.

Spices play a big role in the recipe. If you miss even one ingredient, you will no longer be able to recreate the exquisite taste that Worcestershire sauce has. The cooking recipe consists of several stages.

  1. First you need to pickle the onions. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 100 ml of water and place a finely chopped onion in the resulting solution for 30 minutes.
  2. Next, you should prepare a piece of gauze fabric and fold it 8-10 layers to form a rectangle measuring 10x15 cm. Place pickled onions, finely chopped garlic, ginger, red pepper, ground allspice, cloves, mustard, cardamom and cinnamon inside.
  3. Form a bag from gauze with the prepared ingredients and tie it tightly with thick, harsh thread.
  4. Take a 3 liter pan and place the tamarind paste, sugar, remaining vinegar, soy sauce and the formed knot in it. Place on the stove, let it boil, and then simmer for 30 minutes over low heat.
  5. Separately, dissolve salt in 100 ml of water, add curry and chopped anchovy. Add the resulting solution to the pan, boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
  6. Allow the pan to cool completely and then pour the contents into a glass jar. A gauze knot should also be placed there. Close the jar with a lid and refrigerate for 10 days.
  7. Every day, for the specified time, the gauze bundle with spices should be squeezed out with clean hands, and the contents of the jar should be mixed.
  8. After 10 days, Worcestershire sauce will be ready. Now it needs to be bottled and used to prepare culinary masterpieces.

What recipes is it used in?

There are many dishes that traditionally use fancy English sauce. Some of them are already associated with its name. However, the concentrated sweet and sour taste does not allow the use of Worcestershire sauce in unlimited quantities. What do you eat it with?

Without Worcestershire sauce, you can't make a real Caesar salad. In addition, it is an integral component of the cocktail called Bloody Mary. Classic English roast beef, traditional scrambled eggs and bacon, marinating fish and meat - this is only a small part of its scope. Just a couple of drops of sauce will be enough to give the dish a special spicy taste.

Alternative to Worcestershire sauce

Throughout its existence, people have been trying to find a replacement for Worcestershire sauce. This is due primarily to the rather high price of it, as well as the complex and not fully known recipe for preparing it at home. What is an alternative to a product called Worcestershire sauce? What to replace it with?

In fact, only the combination of such incompatible products and certain aging conditions make the sauce taste special. Some are trying to use soy sauce as a substitute. But it’s still better not to try to find an alternative, but to purchase an original product, especially since you only need a little bit of it to add it to a dish, and the cost will be repaid by the excellent taste of the culinary masterpiece.

How to choose a real sauce?

It should be noted that unscrupulous manufacturers often try to sell soy or other sauces similar in consistency and color under the guise of an original product. In order not to run into a fake, you should remember that real Worcestershire sauce is produced only in England.

The shelf life of the product in a closed bottle is 2 years, and after opening it is only 2 months.

Worcestershire sauce- one of the most interesting sauces in cooking - just don’t ask us to explain how it’s called correctly. 🙂 Worcestershire, Worcestershire, Worcestershire, Worcestershire, Worcestershire, Worcestershire, Worcestershire, Worcestershire sauce and that’s not all the options :)
Well, it's a very complicated name. However, so does the composition. Don't try to make this sauce at home - it's not so much difficult as it is impossible. The fact is that this recipe has been kept secret for more than a hundred years and, in addition, the approximate composition of the ingredients that has come down to us requires its preparation in industrial scale- at least 10 kg of sauce.

From the history of Worcestershire sauce

Worcestershire sauce- one of the prides of British cooking was born, like most good things, by mistake. British Lord Marcus Sandys, while trying various dishes in India in the early 19th century, fell in love with its taste so much that he hired two chemists to make this sauce for him. John Lee and William Perren bribed the cook by finding out the recipe for the sauce from him and put a lot of effort into preparing it. However, the result tasted disgusting. The disappointment was huge. Frustrated by their failure, the chemists put the barrel of sauce in a dark, far corner and forgot about it. A few years later, in 1837, they suddenly discovered a forgotten barrel and risked tasting the contents.
Past failure has given way to stunning success. Friends began selling it and quickly became rich. They named the product after their home and beloved city of Worcestershire.

Worcestershire sauce ingredients

And yet, what is the composition of this wonderful product? The recipe remains a secret, but the sauce contains vinegar, tamarind, black molasses - molasses, barley, chili pepper, lime, anchovies, shallots, garlic, soy sauce. The ingredients are boiled and aged in a dark place for at least three years.
Like a true aristocrat, Worcester has a very distinctive aroma, fresh and complex. It is spicy, slightly sour and sweet at the same time. Worcestershire sauce is dark Brown color, has a sticky consistency and contains a quarter bottle of sediment, so shake the bottle well before use.
Worcestershire sauce is versatile - it is equally good for seasoning roast beef, stews, fish, adding to vegetables and soups. Very good for marinating any types of meat, steaks, fish, chicken. You can add it to hot snacks, sandwiches and sandwiches.

Worcestershire sauce is highly concentrated. It should be consumed in drops. 2-3 drops, maximum 5-7 drops per large serving. It is an invariable part of such famous recipes as the Bloody Mary cocktail and.

Where to buy Worcestershire sauce?

You can find cheap imitations of Worcestershire sauce (from Heinz) in any supermarket. Original Lea & Perrins labeled Worcestershire sauce can be found in specialty gourmet stores.
And yet, if what is written does not convince you, and you stubbornly want to make Worcestershire sauce at home, try making it according to the following recipes:

Cooking at home

Worcestershire sauce recipe first


  • 500 ml malt vinegar (brown)
  • 2 shallots, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp. l. anchovies
  • 3 tbsp. l. ketchup
  • 3 tbsp. l. finely crushed walnuts
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 cloves garlic

After mixing all the ingredients, place them in a tightly closed bottle and leave for two weeks. Shake the mixture twice a day (required), and shake thoroughly before final preparation for consumption.

Note - however, one extremely important ingredient - tamarind you are unlikely to be able to find. Experts say that without tamarind there is no Worcestershire sauce!

Easy Worcestershire Sauce Recipe


    • 125 ml apple cider vinegar
    • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce
    • 2 tbsp. l. water
    • 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar
    • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
    • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
    • 1/4 teaspoon mustard powder
    • 1/4 teaspoon grated ginger
    • pinch of pepper
    • pinch of cinnamon


  1. Cook all ingredients over low heat for half an hour.
  2. Keep Worcestershire sauce in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator, but first let it cool completely.

This seasoning is ideal as an addition to marinade for meat or fish...

What can you substitute for Worcestershire sauce?

And yet, what to do if you haven’t found where to buy Worcestershire sauce, and there’s no way to prepare it at home (lack of ingredients or time)? In this case, you can replace it with something similar in taste - you can hide this drawback by using another fish seasoning. The key to creating a Worcestershire sauce substitute is to combine ingredients that create a fermented, salty flavor with a hint of spice that is similar to the classic one. We offer several options for what to replace:
Option 1 - Soy sauce

Many components reminiscent of Worcestershire sauce contain Japanese Tamari soy sauce, with the difference that you need to add garlic powder and one tsp. Sahara. You can
also use regular soy sauce with ¼ tsp. sugar and 7 drops of Tabasco sauce.

Option 2 - Vinegar

Mix red wine vinegar, fish sauce and a pinch of salt to create a spicy flavor similar to Worcestershire sauce. The composition can be used for baking. If you plan to use it for grilling, you need to add half a spoonful of sugar.

Option 3 - Chili and sugar

Mix one tablespoon lemon juice, molasses, garlic powder, vinegar and soy sauce with two tablespoons of chili and two of sugar. This substitute is ideal for baking.

Option 4 - for vegetarians

In a saucepan, mix 500 ml of brown vinegar, 1 green apple - peeled and diced, chopped 1 clove of garlic, half a ginger root, 1 tablespoon of molasses, the same amount of honey, 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper or chili, ¼ teaspoon of allspice. Boil the mixture over a fire for 60 minutes, then filter and use immediately.

What to eat Worcestershire sauce with - dishes

Worcestershire sauce is very good for marinades and meat/fish dishes. However, it is added to salads - especially Asian cuisine, and cocktails. There are many recipes using Worcestershire sauce. We offer you several simple and tasty options.

Total time: 75 min

(Cooking: 15 min; waiting 60 min)
Servings: 3


  • quarter chicken (3 pcs)
  • soy sauce (4 tbsp.)
  • Worcestershire sauce (4 tbsp.)
  • honey (1 tbsp.)
  • butter (3 tbsp.)
  • lemon juice (1 tbsp.)
  • granulated garlic (1 pinch)
  • Provençal herbs (1 pinch)
  • pepper (1 pinch)

Cooking method
Pour soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, honey and butter into a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and stir. Add granulated garlic and pepper, a pinch of herbs to the sauce and mix thoroughly. Divide the chicken into smaller pieces, wash and dry gently, and place in a metal pan. Pour the sauce over the chicken, stir until it reaches every part of the chicken, cover and refrigerate overnight. On the second day, place the chicken in a sleeve and in a saucepan with a lid and bake for approximately 60-70 minutes at 190 degrees. 10 minutes before the end, remove the lid and cut the sleeve. Serve with potatoes and vegetables.


  • 1.5 kg pork ribs,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • fresh marjoram,
  • fresh thyme,
  • 3 tbsp. l. liquid natural honey (acacia, linden),
  • 2 tbsp. l. Worcestershire sauce,
  • 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar,
  • 2 tbsp. l. spicy ketchup,
  • salt,
  • pepper
  • olive oil,

Rinse the meat thoroughly and dry it paper towel. Cut into large pieces and add to bowl. In a separate bowl, combine Worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar, honey, salt, pepper, chopped herbs and crushed garlic. Pour the prepared mixture over the meat, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. In a large skillet, sauté olive oil with meat to remove excess garlic and herbs and brown deeply over high heat. Pour in the remaining garlic and herb marinade and simmer over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated. Gradually add water in small portions until the meat is tender. Reduce heat until the gravy thickens and becomes sticky, add ketchup, stir and bring to a boil. Let cool slightly to form a glaze on the meat. Serve with mixed salad and orange sauce and good bread. Enjoy :)

Worcestershire sauce is a wonderful additive based on natural ingredients that is ideal for meat and some other dishes. You can find out where it came from, what it consists of and how to prepare it from the article.

Worcestershire sauce has a sweet and sour, slightly spicy taste. The color of the additive is dark brown, quite liquid in consistency.

The composition of the sauce may seem strange at first glance, because it contains products that, in theory, should not be combined with each other. But they are what make the taste so rich and interesting.

The classic version of the sauce includes approximately the following components:

  • garlic;
  • celery;
  • ginger;
  • nutmeg;
  • anchovies;
  • shallot;
  • horseradish;
  • aspic;
  • salt;
  • molasses;
  • curry;
  • Bay leaf;
  • tamarind;
  • black pepper;
  • asafoetida;
  • water;
  • Chile;
  • lemon juice.

But this is far from full list and not entirely accurate, because real recipe unknown to anyone except the manufacturers themselves.

Just a few drops of this additive will be enough to enhance the taste and significantly improve the aroma of the dish.

History of appearance

The first mention of the sauce appeared 170 years ago. Upon returning to England, Lord Sandy considered that the country had very bland dishes and hired two apothecaries to make the seasoning, and he already had a written down recipe.

Unfortunately, the result greatly disappointed everyone; the banks were put away and forgotten about for several years. And after this time, we conducted the tasting again and were pleasantly surprised at how tasty the sauce was.

It is believed that its recipe is still secret, and it takes three years and three months to prepare real Worcestershire sauce.

What dishes does it go with?

In general, this sauce is ideal for the famous Caesar salad, and must also be added to the original Bloody Mary cocktail. Without this seasoning, dishes simply lose their charm and unique taste.

But since English cuisine cannot boast of variety and piquancy, the sauce began to be added to other products. It is put in almost everything meat dishes, for example, roast beef, steak or stew.

It is great for fish marinades, various appetizers and even sandwiches. Can't do without it vegetable salads and casseroles, because this is a wonderful alternative to harmful mayonnaise or sour cream.

In addition, the sauce does not interrupt the taste of the product itself, it only emphasizes it favorably. Most often, very little of it is added, since the seasoning is very concentrated and is used together with soy sauce, Tabasco, olive oil and other spices.

What can you replace the sauce with?

Now you can find Worcestershire sauce in almost any supermarket, and its price is not too high. If you want to try it on original recipe, then look for a manufacturer called Lea&Perrins.

And if it is not possible to purchase and cook at home due to the lack of certain ingredients, which, by the way, are very exotic, then many, of course, are interested in what can replace the sauce.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find a complete analogue of this seasoning; its taste is too unique.

Instead of sauce, balsamic vinegar, a mixture of vinegars with seafood and suitable seasonings are usually used.

How to make classic Worcestershire sauce

If you are not afraid of the huge list of ingredients for this spicy and unusual sauce, then you can try to make a fairly good alternative.

Please immediately note that this recipe is only as close as possible to the original, but it will still not taste exactly the same. For getting exact copy you will need special conditions, a lot of time and oak barrels, so it is better to prepare Worcestershire sauce in a simplified version.

Full list of products

To get started, stock up on everything you need:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • 125 milliliters of water;
  • one small spoon each of black peppercorns and ground;
  • 0.5 liters of vinegar 9%;
  • one medium-sized onion;
  • half a glass of soy sauce;
  • one small ginger root;
  • a small spoon of clove flower buds;
  • two large spoons of tamarind paste;
  • one anchovy;
  • half a spoon of curry and cardamom;
  • a quarter spoon of red pepper.

Cooking technology

  1. Peel the onion, rinse and pour the specified amount of vinegar, leave for half an hour to marinate and only then cut into cubes.
  2. Chop garlic using any in a convenient way, also lightly spray with vinegar.
  3. Prepare a gauze bag and place onion, garlic and all the spices from the list except curry in it. Tie tightly so that nothing falls out of the bag.
  4. Pour vinegar into a deep saucepan, add sugar, tamarind paste, soy sauce and mix the resulting mixture very thoroughly, then place on the stove and turn on high heat.
  5. Place the bag of spices in this mass, and as soon as the contents begin to boil, turn the heat to minimum and cook everything for about 45 minutes.
  6. Chop the anchovy very finely, mix with salt, curry and water. We’ll put all this into the pan after the required cooking time has elapsed and immediately remove the container from the heat.
  7. We pour what we get into a suitable glass jar, not forgetting to put a bag of spices in there and carefully cover the container.
  8. After the future sauce has cooled completely, move it to the refrigerator.
  9. There the jar will have to stand for two weeks, and every day you will need to take the bag out of it, squeeze it out, mix the contents and close it again.
  10. After fourteen days the sauce will be ready. We remove the bag and throw it away; it is no longer needed. And pour the resulting seasoning into plastic bottles small size or jar. It is desirable that the containers are not transparent, but darkened.