There is jam in a dream for a girl. Why do you dream of cherry jam? In the bank - obstacles and obstacles

As the dream book notes, raspberry jam in a dream promises an interesting pastime, a new acquaintance, success in love and business. But to understand what the vision means in a dream, you need to take into account not very favorable meanings: debts, deterioration of health, worries, troubles.

Romantic meetings, dating

This delicacy often promises something good; the meanings of such a dream are usually interpreted in a positive way.

So, to see raspberry jam in a dream means: love encounters and a great time await you.

Why do you dream of raspberry jam that you treated someone to? The dream book explains: you will soon meet interesting people.

Such a dream foreshadows a pleasant holiday with new acquaintances and old friends, joy, and pleasure from communication.

Did you buy it or receive it as a gift?

Remember what you did to him in your dream:

  • cooked - you can begin to implement your plans;
  • bought - an unusual journey lies ahead;
  • received as a gift - Fortune will smile on you;
  • ate - you are looking for sexual pleasure, but do not be too careless;
  • If you treated your friends, you will organize a friendly meeting.

Meet your love, have fun

For a girl to treat a stranger to this sweet delicacy, it foretells that she will soon meet her future chosen one.

Eating raspberry jam with tea in a dream means: upcoming corporate the party will take place very successfully.

Why dream of trying raspberry jam? The dream book says: exciting and pleasant events will begin in reality.

Yes - good luck in love, strengthening bonds

Did you dream that your relatives or friends tried this delicacy? Attend a family reunion with family and friends.

According to the dream book, eating raspberry jam in a dream is an omen of good luck in love, love pleasures. Perhaps there will be a romantic date, passion and a lot of emotions.

A taste of this delicious jam for families promises strengthening of marriage bonds, trust, mutual understanding and enjoyment of intimacy with your spouse.

Beware of debt and illness

But the dream book also gives less rosy interpretations of such a plot. If you happened to eat raspberry jam in a dream and it tasted bitter, beware of debts. To fix what's broken financial situation, you will have to take out a loan that will be very difficult to repay.

Why dream of eating raspberry jam that has an unpleasant aftertaste or has fermented? This is a harbinger of deterioration in health, possibly a cold.

Tears, troubles, troubles

Did you make jam from small raspberries in your dream? The vision promises sadness and tears. Minor troubles will begin that will turn out to be very annoying. Try not to take them too seriously - everything will pass.

Were the berries large? In reality, worries and troubles await you; you will have to run around, solving some business. If the jam fails during cooking, your prosperous life will end.

Did you dream that you were making jam and it burned? The dream book warns: complications will begin, and from where they did not expect.

In the bank - obstacles and obstacles

Did you treat someone in a dream? In reality, you will want to deceive a friend (relative) or hide part of the truth. Don’t try - everything secret will be revealed.

Why do you dream of raspberry jam in a jar? To implement your project you will have to overcome many obstacles. But your determination and perseverance will help you successfully solve your problems.

Difficulties in relationships, gossip

Such a night dream warns of difficulties in relationships with a partner. Trust each other, show sincerity, openness to avoid difficulties, look for compromises.

A screwed-on jar of this sweet dessert warns, according to the dream book: you will be involved in some incident that will give rise to a lot of gossip and gossip.

You will have good luck, successful implementation of the project

Seeing a rosette on the table with raspberry jam poured into it in a dream is a wonderful omen. There will be a “sweet” life and a successful solution to any issues.

Try it - you can begin to implement your plan. If the details in it are well thought out, everything will work out perfectly, there will be no obstacles.

Prepare for a long journey

Did you dream about the raspberry jam that you prepared for the winter? The dream book tells you: ahead long journey, for which you need to be well prepared. Perhaps this will be a responsible business trip, the results of which will determine future prospects in the workplace.

Prepare jam, marmalade, raspberry marmalade or make them according to unusual recipe indicates: your studies will be successful. This interpretation applies not only to serious matters, but also to household chores and relationships with colleagues.

The article on the topic: “dream book of jam in a jar” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

“The best medicine in the world is jam!” - cartoon Carlson said to his friend Baby. All children will probably agree with this, and some adults too. Agree, it’s more delicious to eat a sweet delicacy than to swallow bitter pills! And how many types of this dessert are there in the world, each housewife has her own recipe! Raspberry, strawberry, apricot, currant, cherry - a great variety! Sweet tooths sleep and see themselves eating this fruit dessert. But I wonder why you dream of jam? To the “sweet life” or, conversely, to bitter disappointments? Let's not guess “what” and “how”, but ask an expert in this field - the dream book! He knows everything about what we see in our dreams! Well, let’s remember the details and move on to the answers!

Sweet treat

Eating jam in a dream means success in your love life awaits you, Miller’s dream book rejoices. Get ready for adventure and dates.

If you dream that you are treating a friend or relative to jam, this means a pleasant time with loved ones. Treating a stranger to sweets is a sign of new pleasant acquaintances.

Seeing jam in a jar in a dream means obstacles await you on the path to fulfilling your desires; jam is poured into a saucer - “ sweet life"is guaranteed to you.

Dreaming that you are eating pancakes with raspberry jam - to tenderness, with strawberry jam- to carnal pleasures and passion.

Drinking tea with jam - soon you will enjoy communicating with colleagues and management, perhaps this will be at a corporate party.

I dreamed that you bought a jar of jam - a pleasant trip of a personal nature awaits you; if you were selling it - the trip will be business, but not burdensome.

“You cook, my jam. »

Cooking jam or marmalade in a dream means in reality you are planning a new business. You can safely start it, prophesies Lunar dream book, everything will work out the way you want it.

To dream that you are tasting every freshly made jam - Freud’s dream book gives the following interpretation of the dream: you are very promiscuous in your intimate relationships, beware, you may have problems both with your health and in relationships with others.

If you dreamed that you were making jam and it burned, do not start any new business, otherwise you will burn out.

Berry confiture

Eating raspberry jam in a dream means tender and long-lasting love with a marriage partner; for single people, a meeting with a person who will become your “soul mate.”

Strawberry jelly seen in a dream is a sign of pleasure, Freud’s dream book predicts.

Dreaming cherry jam without seeds - to minor surprises and surprises, with seeds - to slight disappointment or offense.

If you dreamed about blueberry or strawberry jam, expect guests, the Eastern Dream Book promises.

Assorted currants or blackcurrant confiture - for guests, the dream book predicts.

Seeing gooseberry jam in a dream means meeting old friends, perhaps classmates.

Fruity delight

Apricot jam filled with raspberries, strawberries or any other berry is an unexpected pleasant gift from a stranger.

Dreaming of pear jam means selling something at a profit, suggests the Lunar Dream Book.

Quince jam - in reality, your difficulties are not as difficult as you think. Don’t be afraid to take a step towards solving them, you will succeed the first time.

Banana marshmallow or any other tropical fruit, turned into jam, suggests that in reality you are very much deceived about something. Take a closer look at your surroundings and your affairs.

Jam "trouble"

Seeing spilled raspberry jelly in a dream means being disappointed in love. real life.

If you dreamed that you tasted cherry or any other jam with a pit, but it was moldy - in reality you are being deceived about the good disposition of your management or colleagues towards you, the dream book warns.

Watching in a dream how old jam grows moldy means a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Take care of your health.

To be smeared from head to toe with a sweet delicacy - your reputation will be at risk. Don't give in to provocations.

Why do you dream of jam in a jar - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's Dream Book

jam in a jar according to the dream book

According to this dream book, if you dreamed of a jar filled with jam, in reality the sleeper will experience success in business.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about jam in a jar?

If you saw a jar filled with jam in a dream, in reality luck will turn to face you. Even the craziest undertakings will be fulfilled.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

jam in a jar according to the dream book

According to this dream book, seeing a jar of jam in a dream means that you should not count on fulfillment of desires.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

jam in a jar in a dream

If a girl dreams of jam in a jar, in reality she will soon meet her betrothed.

Freud's Dream Book

jam in a jar according to the dream book

Psychologist Freud believes that a dream in which a person sees jam in a jar indicates that the dreamer is afraid to realize his erotic fantasies.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

dreamed of jam in a jar

If in a dream you saw a jar filled with jam, your secret desires will not come true in reality.

Modern dream book

jam in a jar in a dream what is it for

Jam that a young girl saw in a jar in a dream - in reality promises her a quick acquaintance with her chosen one.

Esoteric dream book

jam in a jar in a dream

A dream about a jar of jam foretells that the dreamer’s wishes will not come true.

People also dreamed about jam in a jar


Many people have experienced such a state when, upon awakening from sleep, it is impossible to move. You can’t move a single limb, your body seems to be paralyzed.

Nowadays, people endowed with special gifts - psychics - can explain a lot that is connected with the world of dreams.

Why do we see people in our dreams who are no longer with us? Why can we talk in a dream with a person whom we have never known and could never know in reality? Why do the dead disturb our dreams?

German scientists from the Max Planck Institute conducted an experiment on dream control in which subjects were told before falling asleep.

Some scientists believe that dreams serve as preparation for threats in real life. The brain simulates anxiety so that the dreamer can cope with it in reality. There are claims that such training helps humanity survive.

It turns out that in order to get enough sleep, it is not at all necessary to have super knowledge or super abilities, like Napoleon, who only needed 4 hours to sleep.

Difficulties and problems at work, worries, irritability, anxiety states, nervous breakdowns; Ultimately it all spills out into our dreams.

Unfortunately, each of us has to deal with nightmares from time to time. Scary dream not the most favorable phenomenon, because sometimes it becomes the cause of insomnia, which entails a number of problems.

Nightmares do not arise on their own; the reason lies deep in the subconscious - a person cannot solve the problem, he worries about his loved ones.

It is believed that not only restful sleep, but also human health, internal and family harmony depend on the correctly chosen place and arrangement of the bed.

It happens that you need to get a good night's sleep, at night or during the day before important event, but I don’t want to sleep at all. You can use these tips.

So each person can independently check whether 8 hours of sleep is enough for him, paying attention to his well-being. If during this time you feel that your strength has been restored, then you should stick to this schedule.

Psychologists identify 6 reasons why babies don’t sleep at night.

Dream interpretation

Death is the most serious event in our lives. The appearance of someone who has already died in our sleep cannot be called an ordinary, meaningless dream. If a dead person appears in our dream.

It turns out that in a dream, a person’s soul partially leaves the body, with the possibility of moving to those levels where the souls of the dead are located.

You should take a closer look at the number if you had an ordinary, unremarkable dream, and suddenly a number stuck in your memory.

To determine on which days prophetic dreams occur, you should know the well-known divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic on these days and on other days. More details about prophetic dreams All dates of the month can be found here.

Has it ever happened to you that in a dream you are running from someone, suddenly you fall into an abyss and after flying for some time, you wake up? It was not exactly a dream, but reality.

Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

Dream interpretation of the moon

An opaque filled jar means a return to the old ways. Vanga's dream book leads us to think about Medical cups - for a cold or an infectious disease.

Vanga's dream book interprets your dream as follows:

Carry jam - to good news. Seeing in a dream garden plot with raspberry and currant bushes, abundantly strewn with berries, you can imagine how much jam you can make - get ready to shop, this dream is for wealth.

Make jam - true friends, loving husband, prosperity and profit. Why do you dream about jars of jam?, dream book interpretation of dreams.

  • Freud's Dream Book.
  • Buying banks means experiencing the fragility of your position.
  • Breeds Dalmatian black white mean
  • You dreamed that you lost your dog and found it almost immediately excellent

    Broken empty jar speaks of dissatisfaction with your partner and a desire to break up with him, but if you collect the fragments in a dustpan or sweep the floor after that, then you are afraid of a breakup.

    Cooking jam - to complete the work. There is jam - for a new lover.

    Dream Interpretation Receiving a jar of jam dreamed of why in a dream you dream of receiving a jar of jam?

    Here all predictors are unanimous in their opinion.

    Making jam is a sign that troubles will come from where they were least expected.

    David Loff argues that if you prepare a dessert and taste it, then your work is not in vain. Everything you do to achieve your cherished dream will ultimately bring joy to you and those around you.

    Jam - cooking jam in a dream, cooking - profitable useful work; eating jam means success in love affairs; to see jam - empty intentions, sky-high dreams.

    Making jam means unexpected troubles and tears. For a young girl to see jam in a dream is a sign that she will soon meet her betrothed. Cooking jam in a dream means disappointment and empty dreams. There is jam made from exotic fruits, for example, pineapples - good news awaits you.

    Eastern women's dream book.

    Had a dream apple jam- to treason, the dream book warns. Be on guard, someone will want to seduce either you or your partner.

    Dream Interpretation - Jam. Eating raspberry jam in a dream means tender and long-lasting love with a marriage partner; for single people, a meeting with a person who will become your “soul mate.”

    Dream interpretation of jam in a jar

    Jam, having a fairly thick consistency in nature, symbolizes concentrated energy. It personifies deep knowledge and experience. Pairs with the reserve of strength.

    Dream symbolism

    As usual, sweets in dreams are exclusively in a positive way, and mean pleasure, enjoyment, in other words, something pleasant. The type of raw material plays an important role in the interpretation of dreams. Dream books will indicate why you dream of jam.

    If you dreamed about jam

    Previous interpretations

    Classic dream books do not differentiate the meaning of dreams about jam in terms of cooking or eating it by the dreamer. Interpretations of the plots promise a wonderful time and love encounters. Experts will tell you more about this.

    Miller's Dream Book

    A psychologist promises good luck in the love sphere by deciphering a dream where they ate jam.

    If you treated a friend, or even a stranger, to this delicacy, it promises new interesting acquaintances and a fun holiday with old and new friends.

    A dream where you saw a delicacy in a jar on the table will tell you about small obstacles to the implementation of your plans.

    If the jam was placed in a saucer, according to Miller, everything would turn out just fine.

    Successful corporate party foreshadows a dream where they had a meal of tea and marmalade.

    Buying a jar of jam promises a trip that has personal status. Sale - indicates a business trip, and not a burdensome one.

    Freud's Dream Book

    If you ate jam

    If you ate jam in a dream, it means in reality you crave sexual pleasures. Moreover, it is absolutely not important for you who your partner will be. The dream book warns against excessive carelessness. It is not surprising that such disorder in love relationships gives rise to certain rumors among the people that will not increase your reputation. Numerous reproaches cannot be avoided.

    Why do you dream about jam that the dreamer made himself? You gladly fulfill the wishes of other people, often at the cost of your own interests. Such sacrifice of your needs may come back to haunt you in the love sphere. You will no longer perceive having sex without the renunciation of your own aspirations that you previously practiced.

    Modern interpretation

    Current interpretations of sweet dreams predict positive or negative events, depending on whether the delicacy seen or tasted was in a dream.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Eating jam promises success in love relationships.

    However, as the dream book indicates, jam, dreamed on the side, but not tasted, speaks of the unrealizability of desire.

    If it was strawberry jam

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    The white magician is sure that when the dreamer happened to make strawberry jam in a dream, your ideas will be realized without much effort. Sometimes you'll be lucky, sometimes circumstances will work in your favor.

    Plots of sweet dreams

    Carlson said about jam that it is the best medicine in the world. But before you can taste it, you need to cook it, and even earlier, collect it. These processes in a dream require special interpretation. Let's analyze dreams into details and see what the dream is about:

    If you see how you happen to cook a delicacy in a dream, feel free to start putting your enterprise into practice. If it burns during cooking, wait a while. Otherwise, something will not go according to plan, which will disrupt the entire process and the business will fail.

    Enjoying a sweet culinary product promises sincere and reliable relationships in the family. This happiness will be stable and unshakable.

    Those with a sweet tooth, and not only those with a sweet tooth, manage to see and enjoy jam even in their dreams. What an abundance of their species exists in reality. And in dreams, even more so. What boiled fruits mean in dreams depends on their variety.

    Raspberries promise love to lonely hearts. And for families - strong feelings.

    Strawberries promise the quick pleasure of meeting your lover, which will end in a night of intimacy.

    Pitted cherries promise little surprises and gifts. With bones, she predicts weightless disappointments.

    Blueberry jam

    Guests will arrive soon, says blueberry or strawberry jam. The same forecast is given by currant delicacy.

    A possible meeting with classmates is foreshadowed by jam or gooseberry confiture.

    Seeing apple jam, beware of betrayal - someone will be able to seduce you, or your significant other will not resist the temptation of a love affair.

    An apricot delicacy, paired with any other berry, promises a gift from a person you recently knew.

    Pear jam predicts a profitable trade deal.

    Seeing quince jam - your difficulties in business will resolve by themselves.

    Why do you dream of boiled exotic fruits? Dream books say that such dreams warn against deceiving business partners.

    Negative messages

    It turns out that the plots of sweet dreams do not always bring positive things with them. Treats are not of sufficient quality and carry a different meaning.

    If you see spilled raspberry jelly, expect disappointment in your companion.

    Seeing how you took a sip of cherry, apricot, or some kind of jam, where there is a berry with a stone, and it turned out to be moldy, you will be dissuaded of the goodwill of your boss and colleagues towards you.

    Watching strawberry or currant jam become moldy indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Apricot jam - to trouble

    I had a chance to cook apricot jam and get dirty, the dream indicates the likelihood of a situation where your reputation will suffer.

    Sour apricot jam will bring trouble.

    Old small currant jam predicts tears.

    Raw jam from grated currants speaks of shaky and unstable success - financial fortune will smile on you, but not for long.

    If in the plot of your dream you saw apricot jam in the window and could not buy it, then your future may contain some kind of hidden anxiety.

    I dreamed about Jam, what is it for, what does Jam mean in a dream

    I had a dream about Jam, what does this mean?

    You dreamed of Jam - eating jam in a dream means illness, but happy moments in love await you. Making jam - you will experience minor success in a small business, but health problems. Virgo.

    What does it mean if you dreamed about Jam:

    What does Jam mean in a dream - Yes strawberry jam. For a woman - a dream in spring or summer means fun in a large and noisy company; a dream in autumn or winter means an unexpected, very pleasant message. For a man - to get what he has been seeking for a long time. There is rose jam. For a woman - to quiet joys;. For a man - to small annoying incidents. Choosing jam in a store means sensing a catch in a friend’s behavior. Spreading jam on the door means complaints about a bitter fate and pleas for salvation.

    I dreamed about Jam - what does it mean?

    You dreamed of Jam - love pleasures. Making jam - finding sensitive girlfriends and friends. Treating someone with jam is trying to gain trust.

    Dream book of healer Akulina

    I dreamed about Jam - what does the dream mean?

    What does Jam mean in a dream - a pleasant surprise awaits you, a love adventure or a romantic trip together with your loved one. The dream is very favorable for singles and lovers. Remember the taste and aroma of jam. On the day of sleep, be sure to treat yourself to Jam in your dreams:

    Big dream book Phoebe

    Did you have a dream and what does Jam mean in a dream?

    What does Jam mean in a dream - a pleasant date or a romantic trip with your loved one awaits you. Imagine a bowl of your favorite jam on the stove. It is almost ready, you skim off the foam, then put the jam in rosettes and vases and put it on the table, after which you drink tea with jam.

    I dreamed about Jam in a dream, why:

    You dreamed of Jam - cooking - success in your favorite pastime; yes - failure in love.

    What does sleep mean by day of the week?

    • Did you dream about Jam from Sunday to Monday?
    • Did you dream about Jam from Monday to Tuesday?
    • If you dreamed about Jam from Tuesday to Wednesday?
    • I dreamed about Jam from Wednesday to Thursday, why?
    • If you had a dream about Jam from Thursday to Friday?
    • If you dreamed about Jam from Friday to Saturday, why?
    • Why did Varenya have a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

    Did you have a dream about Jam? Share!

    Required fields are marked with *.

  • There is jam - a pleasant surprise awaits you, a love adventure or a romantic trip together with your loved one (the dream is very favorable for singles and lovers).

    Make jam - the love networks that you skillfully weave around the object of your attention will bring the desired results.

    Treat you with jam - you will be asked for friendly help in resolving love issues.

    Carrying jam - expect good news from a person who is very dear to you.

    Buying jam means you will have to spend a lot of effort to win the favor of the object of your attention.

    Remember the taste and aroma of jam. On the day of sleep, be sure to treat yourself to jam.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

    Dream Interpretation - Jam

    If you ate jam in a dream, in reality you strive for pleasure. You are not too picky about your partners, and people around you will probably reproach you for being disorderly. intimate relationships. Take care of your reputation before it’s too late. Such a dream also has positive side: he dreams of profit.

    If you made jam in a dream, then in real life you like to please others. You are even ready to sacrifice your interests, and this will someday have a negative impact on your intimate relationships. Self-sacrifice and self-denial are good in moderation.

    If you made jam from small berries - there are sorrows and tears ahead, from large ones - troubles and worries will fall on you.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Dream Interpretation Jam

    Jam, having a fairly thick consistency in nature, symbolizes concentrated energy. It personifies deep knowledge and experience. Pairs with the reserve of strength.

    Dream symbolism

    As usual, sweets in dreams are exclusively in a positive way, and mean pleasure, enjoyment, in other words, something pleasant. The type of raw material plays an important role in the interpretation of dreams. Dream books will indicate why you dream of jam.

    If you dreamed about jam

    Previous interpretations

    Classic dream books do not differentiate the meaning of dreams about jam in terms of cooking or eating it by the dreamer. Interpretations of the plots promise a wonderful time and love encounters. Experts will tell you more about this.

    Miller's Dream Book

    A psychologist promises good luck in the love sphere by deciphering a dream where they ate jam.

    If you treated a friend, or even a stranger, to this delicacy, it promises new interesting acquaintances and a fun holiday with old and new friends.

    A dream where you saw a delicacy in a jar on the table will tell you about small obstacles to the implementation of your plans.

    If the jam was placed in a saucer, according to Miller, everything would turn out just fine.

    A successful corporate party is foreshadowed by a dream where you drank tea and jam.

    Buying a jar of jam promises a trip that has personal status. Sale - indicates a business trip, which is not burdensome.

    Freud's Dream Book

    If you ate jam

    If you ate jam in a dream, it means in reality you crave sexual pleasures. Moreover, it is absolutely not important for you who your partner will be. The dream book warns against excessive carelessness. It is not surprising that such disorder in love relationships gives rise to certain rumors among the people that will not enhance your reputation. Numerous reproaches cannot be avoided.

    Why do you dream about jam that the dreamer made himself? You gladly fulfill the wishes of other people, often at the cost of your own interests. Such sacrifice of your needs may come back to haunt you in the love sphere. You will no longer perceive having sex without the renunciation of your own aspirations that you previously practiced.

    Modern interpretation

    Current interpretations of sweet dreams predict positive or negative events, depending on whether the delicacy seen or tasted was in a dream.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Eating jam promises success in love relationships.

    However, as the dream book indicates, jam, dreamed on the side, but not tasted, speaks of the unrealizability of desire.

    If it was strawberry jam

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    The white magician is sure that when the dreamer happened to make strawberry jam in a dream, your ideas will be realized without much effort. Sometimes you'll be lucky, sometimes circumstances will work in your favor.

    Plots of sweet dreams

    Carlson said about jam that it is the best medicine in the world. But before you can taste it, you need to cook it, and even earlier, collect it. These processes in a dream require special interpretation. Let's analyze dreams into details and see what the dream is about:

    • make jam;
    • eat it;
    • berry - fruit dessert.

    If you see how you happen to cook a delicacy in a dream, feel free to start putting your enterprise into practice. If it burns during cooking, wait a while. Otherwise, something will not go according to plan, which will disrupt the entire process and the business will fail.

    Enjoying a sweet culinary product promises sincere and reliable relationships in the family. This happiness will be stable and unshakable.

    Those with a sweet tooth, and not only those with a sweet tooth, manage to see and enjoy jam even in their dreams. What an abundance of their species exists in reality. And in dreams, even more so. What boiled fruits mean in dreams depends on their variety.

    Raspberries promise love to lonely hearts. And for families - strong feelings.

    Strawberries promise the quick pleasure of meeting your lover, which will end in a night of intimacy.

    Pitted cherries promise little surprises and gifts. With bones, she predicts weightless disappointments.

    Blueberry jam

    Guests will arrive soon, says blueberry or strawberry jam. The same forecast is given by currant delicacy.

    A possible meeting with classmates is foreshadowed by jam or gooseberry confiture.

    Seeing apple jam, beware of betrayal - someone will be able to seduce you, or your significant other will not resist the temptation of a love affair.

    An apricot delicacy, paired with any other berry, promises a gift from a person you recently knew.

    Pear jam predicts a profitable trade deal.

    Seeing quince jam - your difficulties in business will resolve by themselves.

    Why do you dream of boiled exotic fruits? Dream books say that such dreams warn against deceiving business partners.

    Negative messages

    It turns out that the plots of sweet dreams do not always bring positive things with them. Treats are not of sufficient quality and carry a different meaning.

    If you see spilled raspberry jelly, expect disappointment in your companion.

    Seeing how you took a sip of cherry, apricot, or some kind of jam, where there is a berry with a stone, and it turned out to be moldy, you will be dissuaded of the goodwill of your boss and colleagues towards you.

    Watching strawberry or currant jam become moldy indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Apricot jam - for trouble

    If you happen to make apricot jam and get dirty, the dream indicates the likelihood of a situation where your reputation will suffer.

    Sour apricot jam will bring trouble.

    Old small currant jam predicts tears.

    Raw jam from grated currants speaks of shaky and unstable success - financial fortune will smile on you, but not for long.

    If in the plot of your dream you saw apricot jam in the window and could not buy it, then your future may contain some kind of hidden anxiety.

    Jam - what does it mean in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

    If you dreamed about jam, remember other circumstances of the dream that will help you understand it correctly.

    • Making jam in a dream is a sign of getting a profitable job.
    • If you dream that you eat jam, the dream means that you will soon have success in love affairs and receive love pleasures.
    • But if you see raspberry jam in a dream, it means that today’s dreams and desires will remain unfulfilled. Either you want too much, or you don’t make any effort to make them come true.
    • Seeing jam (jam) that you eat in a dream means a quick trip or business trip; for a woman, preparing it in a dream means well-being and mutual understanding in the family.

    Jam according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

    • Seeing a lot of jam in a dream - a dream foretells a quick profit.
    • It’s another matter if you dreamed that you were making jam. Using large fruits or berries for this means that troubles and worries lie ahead. If the berries for jam were small - currants, cranberries, gooseberries - you will have to cry because of unexpected sadness.
    • Treating someone with jam in a dream means a love affair, amorous pleasures.
    • If you see cherry jam in a dream - in a cupboard in jars or on the table, but do not help yourself - your intentions are not yet feasible, you will indulge in fruitless dreams.

    Analysis of the dream in which Jam was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

    • Why do you dream of strawberry jam in a dream? Jam itself symbolizes empty intentions, dreams that are not yet destined to come true.
    • Carrying jam, treating others - expect good rumors or news.
    • Eating strawberry jam in a dream portends success in love; you strive to receive pleasure, without caring about which partners it will be received with.
    • Cooking cherry jam - a dream signals that you like to please others, sacrificing your interests. Such sacrifice will also have a negative impact on intimate relationships - you will not be able to perceive sex without renouncing yourself.

    Interpretation of Jam from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

    • Seeing jam, but not eating it - this dream symbolizes the saying: the eye sees, but the tooth is numb. Your wishes will not come true. Therefore, it’s better to do something useful.
    • In a dream, drinking tea with jam from a creamer is a good omen; the joys of love and a date with a loved one await.
    • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are serving jam on the table or are going to treat your loved ones - in reality you will hear rumors.

    What does it mean if you dreamed about Jam (Phoebe’s Great Dream Book)

    • Jam - a pleasant date or a romantic trip with your loved one. Imagine a bowl of your favorite jam on the stove. It is already ready, you skim off the foam, then put the jam into rosettes and vases and place it on the table, after which you drink tea with jam.
    • I dreamed of cooking jam - success in my favorite pastime; yes - failure in love.
    • Make jam - the house stands firm; happiness is cloudless; you have many loyal friends who are ready to help.
    • Treat you with jam - close person will deceive; He will be sweet-tongued and mellifluous, but he will have ice in his heart.
    • If a young girl sees jam in a dream, then she will soon meet a lover destined by fate.

    Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

    • In a dream there are pancakes with raspberry jam- this sign promises profit in reality.
    • If you made apple jam yourself, the dream predicts a sad event, which will make you cry.
    • In a dream, there is delicious sweet jam on a plate, enjoying its taste and aroma - the same sweet pleasures await you, but only associated with love.
    • If you saw jam in a dream, but were never able to taste it, this is not too good sign, which says that one should be a rationalist and not indulge in fruitless dreams.

    The meaning of a dream about cooking jam (Modern dream book)

    • Making jam in a dream is a good omen for those involved in business. The dream says that you will succeed in business and make a profit.
    • Why do you dream of stirring jam? wooden spoon- expect prosperity in your home, true friends.
    • If you dreamed that you were opening a jar of jam, expect pleasant surprises. Go on a trip that you have long dreamed of.

    Why do you dream about Jam in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

    • Seeing yourself treated to strawberry jam in a dream indicates that you are a voluptuous and depraved person. And the embodiment of erotic ideas sometimes shocks partners. At the same time, it cannot be said that you are a skilled lover.
    • Seeing jam in a vase is not only a pleasant dream, but also a good sign. In reality, expect pleasant surprises. Another dream often foreshadows a journey, a road, but not a business one, but for one’s own pleasure.
    • When the dreamer is a woman and she dreams that she is making jam, this is a positive omen that promises well-being in the home and family life.

    The meaning of a dream about Homemade sweets (Star Dream Book)

    • You dream that you are trying strawberry jam. For a woman, a dream in spring or summer means fun in a noisy company; a dream in autumn or winter means an unexpected pleasant message. For a man - to get what he has been seeking for a long time.
    • There is rose jam. For a woman - to quiet joys. For a man - to small annoying incidents.
    • Choosing jam in a store means sensing a catch in a friend’s behavior.
    • To smear the door with jam means there will be complaints about a bitter fate and pleas for salvation.
    • Why dream of making jam - finding sensitive girlfriends and friends.
    • Treating someone with jam means you are trying to gain trust.

    Interpretation of the dream Jam (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

    • In the spring, what did you dream about jam for - new sensations and adventures. Cooking jam - to complete the work.
    • If in the summer you dreamed of eating dessert with jam, it means meeting a pleasant person. Seeing a garden plot with raspberry and currant bushes, abundantly strewn with berries, and imagining how much jam you will make - get ready to do some shopping - this is a dream of wealth.
    • In the fall, why did you dream that you were making jam, but it didn’t work out - your prosperous life would come to an end.
    • In winter, why dream that you eat jam for breakfast - to a well-fed life.