Types of ash tree: detailed description and photo.

Ash is considered the tree of peace. This tree can drive away evil spirits, connect two people.

Various amulets are made from the bark. A fast growing tree that easily adapts to weather conditions and unpretentious.

What an ash tree looks like, what kind of leaves and fruits it has, photos, pictures and descriptions can be found in our article.

Description and features

The common ash tree can grow up to 45 m in height and live for more than 300 years. Belongs to the Olive family. The crown is spreading and elongated.

The leaves are transparent, easily transmit light and move with the lightest breeze. It produces flowers in April or May and grows very rapidly.

The flowers have white inflorescences, sometimes they can be purple or burgundy. They have no corollas, and male and female flowers on the same plant never ripen together.

Important to know: You need to plant several trees nearby to ensure cross-pollination.

The rhizome is located close to the surface of the earth and lacks a taproot. But if the plant does not have enough moisture, then it appears. The tree will survive in any conditions, since the root system can penetrate up to 3.5 m deep, which is enough to reach groundwater.

This ornamental plant has various shapes and sizes:

  • spherical and not tall;
  • tall, with hanging branches;
  • medium height, pyramid-shaped crown;
  • with wide branches arranged horizontally.

Ash can be easily recognized by its gray, smooth and straight trunk, which has cracks.

Where does it grow in Russia

The following countries can boast of the presence of ash: the Caucasus, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova and some regions of Russia.

In our country, ash is found in the southern part. Especially where there is broadleaf forest, near elm, oak and maple. Coniferous-deciduous forests may have single ash trees. Also in river valleys, near lakes or streams.

Sometimes found at the edge of the forest, in open sunny areas.

Spotted in Yaroslavl, on the right bank of the Volga, in St. Petersburg, on the Medveditsa River and on the Volga Upland.

Growing a tree

For a tree to take root and grow quickly, the soil must be:

  • fertile;
  • drained;
  • rich in calcium;
  • neutral;
  • not salted;
  • not over-moistened.

Advice: if the soil is alkaline or acidic, then the ash tree will not take root.

The best soil composition is humus, sand and leaf soil (there should be more humus). It is especially important that the seat has enough sunlight.

Sprouted ash seeds

The plant propagates by seeds and seedlings. There are always young shoots near the tree, which are taken for replanting and updating the garden.

In order to plant a seedling, you need:

  1. Dig a hole that is three times larger than the earthen ball on its root system;
  2. We make drainage in it (pebbles, crushed stone, sand are poured in);
  3. Water the hole generously with water;
  4. We make a support around it that will fix the plant in an even vertical position;
  5. We place the seedling in the hole, fix it and sprinkle it with earth;
  6. We compact the soil;
  7. We mulch. This can be done using peat, sawdust or wood chips.

If you are planting several plants, you should not place them next to each other, as they will shade their neighbors.


The plant does not require special care. But in order for the tree to grow and not get sick, you need to:

  1. Fertilize the plant twice a year. IN autumn period"Nitroammofoska" or "Kemira-universal" will do. In the spring - ammonium and calcium nitrate, manure;
  2. Be sure to remove dead and broken branches. It is not worth pruning, as the tree does not like it;
  3. All young seedlings, and those that have not reached 3 years old, are mulched late autumn. If the winter is very frosty, then this can be done for an adult plant;
  4. After the seedling is transplanted, it must be watered for a week. In the future, this procedure is carried out as necessary, if there is severe drought.

If you stick to these simple rules, then your garden will be blooming and inspiring.

Pests and diseases

Pests that can harm the plant are: Spanish fly, fat ash leaf roller, corrosive woodworm, ash pine beetle, April beetle, ash seed-eater weevil.

To prevent any damage, trees should be sprayed with insecticides.“”, “Kinmiks” or “Uarbofos” are suitable for this.

Remember: all damaged branches are removed and burned.

Among the diseases that pose a danger to ash are: infectious necrosis, cytophomic cancer, true tinder fungus, white finely cracked butt rot. To prevent or get rid of infection, you need to treat it with a special one.


The tree reproduces by seeds, layering and shoots.

Self-seeding is always abundant, which allows a person to dig up a seedling and move it to another place more suitable for its growth. You can make a felling, as a result of which growth occurs from the stump.

How to trim shoots correctly

Keep in mind: if you plant a seed in the ground, you will have to wait for a tall tree for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to grow the plant in the garden from a mature seedling.

An ash seed is an oblong lanceolate rounded on one side. The seed ripens in October and September. They can stay on the tree throughout the winter.


Ash is used very widely in various fields. The wood is strong, bends well, does not chip or peel.

From ash they make:

  • medicines;
  • sports equipment (bats, rackets, skis, oars, clubs, etc.);
  • gun stocks;
  • paint (brown, black, blue);
  • furniture;
  • facing veneer;
  • parquet;
  • railings;
  • baseboards;
  • window frames;
  • hives.

Good to know: Ash has a durable and silky wood that artists love to paint on.

Also used in food as a seasoning. The unripe fruit is pickled and served with meat or other dishes. The leaves are also fed to cattle.

Medicinal properties and interesting facts

In medicine it is used as a laxative, diuretic, antirheumatic, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. People often use ash to treat radiculitis, cough, malaria, and to speed up the healing of wounds. The juice helps soften the sulfur plug.

Here are some folk recipes from ash:

  1. To make the wound heal faster, you should chop up the tree bark along with the leaves and put it on the damage. All this is bandaged. The bandage is changed three times a day.
  2. If you are worried about radiculitis, then you should make a decoction: take 250 ml of boiling water for 25 g of leaves. Leave for 30 minutes. Drink 5 ml three times a day.
  3. When coughing, a decoction is also made. For 35 g of leaves - 500 ml of boiling water. Drink 100 g three times a day.
  4. To soften the sulfur plug, you should instill 2-3 drops several times a day.
  5. To strengthen the immune system, it is advisable to consume 100 g of ash bark decoction 2-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

The beneficial substances found in this plant can cure many diseases.

Interesting fact: Ash is considered a magical tree that has supernatural powers. Supposedly, it can protect from evil and become a conductor between worlds.

Ash is unique tree, which is not only beautiful, but also very valuable. Its main feature is that you can use parts: bark, leaves, roots and seeds. Such useful tree can't help but be in your collection.

Watch the history of the ash tree in the following video:

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems like it has always grown here. About interesting decorative varieties calendula, as well as about the use of calendula in cooking and medicine, read our article.

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For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, and others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Be that as it may, even if you have given up growing vegetables, you will probably still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

amateur humid air and one of the most compact and rare pafinia orchids is for most orchid growers a real star. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it can be an unforgettable sight. You want to look at the unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of the modest orchid endlessly. In indoor culture, pafinia is rightly ranked among the difficult-to-grow species. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

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Meat cutlets with broccoli in béchamel sauce - great idea for a quick lunch or dinner. Start by preparing the mince and at the same time heat 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. All that remains is to collect the ingredients in a frying pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli needs to be cooked quickly to retain its vibrant color. green, which, when cooked for a long time, either fades or the cabbage turns brown.

Home floriculture is not only a fascinating process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. What should those who have no experience but want to have a home do? indoor plants- not elongated, stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy ones, not causing a feeling of guilt with their fading? For beginners and flower growers who do not have much experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

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“I asked the ash tree where my beloved is...” sings the hero of one of the most popular and beloved films by viewers. Have you ever wondered what kind of tree is ash? What does it look like and where does it grow? Maybe it is growing right under your window, and you don’t even know about it? Let's try to figure it out.

Description of the tree

To know what it's about we're talking about, you need to understand what an ash tree looks like. It is extraordinarily beautiful, first of all, thanks to its leaves, which are so thin and delicate that you can see through them sun rays. Light penetrates through the leaf, which is why the tree has such a cute name. According to Dahl's dictionary, the word "ash" comes from "light, clear."

Ash - deciduous tree, so it changes its leaves every year. In general, there are about 60 species of this plant in the world, the largest of which is white ash. This is a very powerful tree. Its leaves resemble bird feathers with a symmetrical structure.

The ash tree blooms its flowers even earlier than its leaves. Dark brown or purple flowers are collected in bunches of several pieces. Most often they do not have a corolla and a calyx, but there are several stamens, which are distinctive feature tree.

It’s better to see once than to hear many times, so it’s worth taking a close look at the photographs, which will show better than any words what ash really is.

Growing environment

Ash loves moist, spacious places with warm climate. It can often be found near various reservoirs, rivers and other places with high humidity. As for the terrain, of course, you won’t find it in places with sharp continental climate, because he is very thermophilic.

Many ash trees can be seen in Ukraine, Moldova and the Caucasus. It can be found in Crimea, Asia Minor and the European part of Russia. Most often, ash grows in mixed forests, he likes to be next to alder. It is also found in large clearings and clearings where there is a lot of sunlight. No wonder people fell in love with the ash tree. Where it grows is always the sunniest place, and there is water nearby.

Mythological ash

This tree has been loved by man since ancient times. Many ancient people even believed that their ancestor was the ash tree. A description of this interesting judgment can be found in the poet’s poem Ancient Greece Hesiod's Works and Days. It is on the pages of his work that it is said how the ancient Greek gods found two trees: ash and alder - and created from them, respectively, a man and a woman, endowing them with body, soul, feelings and mind. Even in the paradise of Ancient Greece, ash continues to live and delight those who come to this place with its beauty.

In Lithuania, this tree symbolizes a righteous and pure life. Ash appears in Lithuanian fairy tales, legends and stories. In addition, many peoples treated ash very favorably, loving and honoring this tree. Perhaps only the oak tree surpassed him in power, but not in beauty.

Why do we love ash so much?

It is not for nothing that the ash tree has been distinguished among others from time immemorial. There are many reasons for this. The first, very important one is its beauty and nobility. Ash trees were planted where it was necessary to give a noticeable and extraordinary appearance to a city, village or town. Alleys and parks were planted with ash trees, so that later, walking along them, one could enjoy their beauty. This plant has always been deservedly considered and is considered a valuable tree species.

In addition to its external beauty, ash is popular because of its resistance to frost, negative external influence poor environmental conditions, exhaust gases, soil compaction. It is planted along roads.

In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, ash is widely used in folk medicine. Its decoction calms the nervous system, treats dysentery and gout. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, is indispensable for rheumatism, kidney stones, arthritis and is an excellent diuretic.

In spring, ash, like birch, produces delicious sweet juice, which can replace sugar for diabetics.

Ash is also loved for its wood, which is very strong and elastic. Since ancient times, warriors made weapons, bows, spears and clubs from it, which withstood military campaigns, participating in even the most difficult battles. In Rus', dishes, rockers, hoops and even wheels were made from it. Modern athletes also use sports equipment made from ash: excellent quality skis, racing oars and gymnastic bars.

Furniture made from this wood is simply magnificent. This wood is easy to process, polishes well and hardly deforms during use. Its grain pattern is very beautiful; it is not for nothing that this wood species was chosen for furniture in the Kremlin Palace.

Ash fruits

The ash tree begins to bear fruit in mature age- 20-30 years. Its fruits are called lionfish and are especially striking in winter, when they are not blocked by leaves. Every year, ash trees are literally strewn with seeds, which bullfinches and other birds, as well as mice, feast on. Even horses are fed lionfish, primarily because they are very nutritious and contain a lot of protein.

Many people also use ash fruits for food. For example, in England they are collected and pickled, thereby making an appetizer for main courses. In the Caucasus, lionfish are also prepared in a similar way. The result is a spicy, tasty seasoning that has valuable properties and contains vitamins. In general, ash is a relative of the olive (the Ash genus belongs to the Olive family), so you shouldn’t be surprised why its fruits are so tasty.

Growing Ash

Ash is a tree species that is very sun-loving, so for planting it you should choose places with good access sun rays. The soil should not contain a lot of salts and should not be too wet. Also, ash trees do not like to be planted too densely, so you should take care of this in advance by planting the trees at a distance of at least 5 meters from each other. Before planting, the tree should be kept in water and then watered regularly for the first 3 days. If the summer is dry, it is advisable to water regularly, otherwise watering twice a day throughout the summer is sufficient.

In order for the tree to grow beautiful and healthy, it is advisable to feed it with various fertilizers and timely treat it against harmful insects. If you follow all these rules, it will grow powerful and tall.


Look at the ash tree, the photo of which is presented below.

Isn't it great? You can relax in its shade, enjoying the coolness; you can make many useful and necessary things from its wood; it will help improve your health and allow you to taste delicious and unusual snack from fruits. You can also talk to an ash tree as if you were talking to best friend. Which, incidentally, is what the hero from the Soviet film beloved by millions of people did.

Ash - amazing tree. It brightens the world around it, not in vain Russian name comes from the word “clear”... Ash lets in a lot of sun, and its forests are airy, it’s easy to breathe in them, they are overflowing with light.
In the beliefs of many peoples, ash is the tree of the world axis and symbolizes the divine nature of humanity.
In the minds of our ancestors, ash is a tree that connects the world of people and gods, personifying the connection between the past and the future. Ash fruits collected in clusters are like a bunch of keys that can be used to open the door to the future. This is a tree of rebirth and renewal.
In Ancient Greece, ash was considered a symbol of fair retribution, which is probably why the goddess of memory and fair retribution Nemesis was most often depicted by artists with an ash branch in her hand. And the ancient Greek poet Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) in his poem “Works and Days” says that Zeus created the third race of people of the Copper Age from the shaft of a spear, which the ancient Greek gunsmiths carved from ash wood. The people turned out to be harsh, since they were given a warlike spirit, which the ash tree absorbed.

In Ancient Greece, ash was also sacred tree Poseidon - god of the sea and brother of Zeus. This cult turned out to be so tenacious that even immigrants in the 19th century, when moving to America, took ash bark with them so as not to drown.

And in Ancient Greece, the cult of the nymphs Melia - the spirits of the ash tree - was equally widespread. The same Hesiod said that these nymphs appeared from drops of the blood of the sky god Uranus.

Ash is the tree of Peace, purity and light among the Scandinavians; ash branches, according to their ancient beliefs, are a stairway to Heaven.

The Vikings called each other Esklings, that is, “people of the ash tree.” They drew their runes on ash planks. Among the Celts, this is the tree of Odin and at the same time goes back to female deities.

One of the American Indian legends says that the first people appeared on an ash tree. An ancient Lithuanian legend tells that when the gods descended to earth to decide the destinies of people, they gathered in the shade of a spreading ash tree.

Common ash - Fraximus excelsior L.- tall tree with a wide oval openwork crown from the olive family. Ash has a powerful root system, without a tap root. Straight, slender trunk up to 25-45 meters high. The bark on the trunk and old branches is gray and smooth. Young shoots are yellow-gray or greenish. The branches are straight, thick and poorly branched. The buds are black and velvety. The leaves are dark green above, lighter below, odd-pinnate, consisting of several leaflets and quite large, up to 40 cm long. Even in late leaf fall they often remain green.

Common ash blooms in late April - early May, before the leaves appear. The flowers are dark brown or purple, collected in tight panicles, odorless, pollinated by the wind. Female and male flowers are most often found on the same tree.

The fruits are oblong-elliptical lionfish, with a notch at the top and rounded at the base, up to 4 - 4.6 cm long. The oblong, flat nut occupies approximately half the length of the lionfish. The fruits ripen in large quantities in September-October and often remain in the crown all winter, falling only in early spring.

Ash grows quickly. Fruits from 15-17 years of age. Lives 250-300 years. An adult ash tree tolerates frost of 40 degrees, and young tree may be damaged by late spring frosts. Such a beautiful tree as ash will decorate any village, as well as the streets and squares of big cities.

IN wildlife ash grows throughout the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Crimea, Moldova, Central Asia, prefers to grow on moist, fertile, neutral or similar soils, in floodplains.

Ash has long been used traditional medicine. The leaves are collected in the first half of summer in dry weather, slightly withered in the sun and dried in the shade. The bark is harvested during sap flow from trees to be cut down. It is cut into pieces 10-15 cm long and dried in the sun.

Ash leaves contain vitamin C, carotene, rutin, organic acids and their salts, carbohydrates, sucrose, starch, phosphorus, coumarins, and tannins. The bark contains glucose, sucrose, sorbitol, bitter phenols, resin, and gums. The fruits contain vitamins C, P, B1, fats, and protein.

The ancient Greeks and Germans believed that ash tree juice could heal a person bitten by a snake. The famous Roman physician Quintus Serenus Samonicus in the 3rd century AD in his “Medical Book” wrote about the use of ash seeds to treat dropsy, cough, and liver diseases.

Preparations from ash have antimicrobial, antipyretic, hemostatic, tonic, astringent, antispasmodic, antitussive and anthelmintic effects. Ash leaves and bark are used to treat diseases of the liver, intestines, urinary organs, respiratory tract diseases, rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis and as a wound healing agent. Ash seeds were used to treat dropsy, cough, and liver diseases.

Kinesiology, a branch of alternative medicine that appeared in the 70-90s of the last century, uses ash to restore harmony of body, mind, spirit, to get rid of phobias, obsessions and fears.

In Rus', hoops, rockers, wheels were bent from ash wood, axes and beautiful, convenient dishes with carved patterns were made. Archaeologists discovered such dishes during excavations of ancient Novgorod. Beekeepers still make hives from ash.

Nowadays, ash wood is used to make bent and carved furniture, railings, parquet, veneer, light aircraft propellers, body sides, trim, window frames and carriage sofas, some parts of looms, stocks and stocks. firearms, hunting and combat bows, sports equipment.

For magical purposes, ash is collected on Midsummer or Peter's day or on July 23 before the waxing moon. Ash is a tree of magicians, wizards and fortune tellers. The best sets of fortune-telling runes are made from its wood. Our ancestors believed that wearing garters made of green ash bark protected against the evil eye, damage and slander. And ash leaves attract love and wealth. They were also placed under the pillow to see prophetic dreams.

Ash promotes enlightenment, comprehension of the depth of one’s own “I” and its connection with the universe. Meditation under an ash tree, as well as jewelry and jewelry made from ash, help maintain good health. physical health, help cope with stress and nervous disorders.