About sniper business for amateurs. What they did with Chechen snipers (women) in the war. Stories Kill an officer in Sniper Elite 3

A sniper is a soldier who is fluent in the art of marksmanship, camouflage and long-term observation. Usually his main task is to eliminate an important unit of the enemy, most often a team one, from the first shot. A special forces officer shared his opinion about snipers and tried to destroy popular myths about this art.

An inquisitive young man probably has such a picture before his eyes. Here he is, alone with his trusty sniper rifle, making his way through territory controlled by members of illegal armed groups (fascists, zombies, orcs). He is wearing a tattered “goblin” type cloak, and his face is covered in smudges of camouflage makeup. And so he alone “executes” the defendant, having finally seen his face, distorted in anticipation of imminent death. Doesn't remind you of anything? Yep, the movie Sniper starring Tom Berenger.

Another romantic of “sniping”, who played both “Doom” and “Contra” on the computer, ran around with a paintball “chat” and “performed” more than a dozen defendants, decides: this is it, mine! Moreover, spring is the time for conscription. Where should I go? Join the army, become snipers! Yeah, right now. Well, shall we begin to slowly become disillusioned?

Let's take off the rose-colored glasses

Sniper courses? Has anyone seen these courses? For example, in civilian life? Naturally not. There are bullet shooting sections and the like. But they won't train a sniper there. The coach in the section will probably be a real master of sports or even a champion and a good teacher. If you have the makings and abilities, then you will be trained as an athlete, not a sniper. Of course, this gives you skills, you gain experience in handling weapons, determining the distance to targets, calculating corrections, and so on. But the experience, you see, is specific.

You will shoot from a sporting rifle, this time. You will perform sports exercises, and not at a live target, that's two. Your target will be either static or moving according to the conditions of the exercise and will be located on established ranges. You will be wearing a comfortable sports uniform, you will be well-fed and well rested. Well, perhaps you, as a well-trained athlete, will become a little “melancholic”, and nothing will irritate you or distract you from the conditions of the exercise. But sport and performing a combat mission are radically different (more on that below).

If you, having experience in training in the bullet shooting section, were drafted into the army and you were sent to specialized training (of which we have a couple left), no sniper instructor will train you PSYCHOLOGICALLY! Does he need it? Where is the “Manual on psychological preparation sniper"? There is no such thing. And all that dregs that wanders on the Internet as educational material, no good.

About a heavy photo album

Let's go back to the preface: “The sniper lives with his load...”. What a poor fellow! You see, he has a photo album in front of his eyes, it interferes with his life. Is such a “photo album” possible in principle?

From an SVD, for example, the optimal range when shooting prone to hit the enemy’s head is 400 meters. And who among us, even with a PSO-1 sight, can see a face at such a distance? What kind of “photo album” is this? If someone has to shoot at real goal, then he will most likely see a dark, curled up figure - and nothing more. In order to shoot at the “person of interest”, seeing his face, there are other snipers. And believe me, they serve in other structures, and not in the RF Armed Forces and not even in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But we are still talking about the Armed Forces, so we continue to analyze the preface.

Somebody’s coach said that after the “first” the sniper broke down and didn’t ask for a “paddle in the mountains.” Why then was he taken at all?

Imagine that the group commander broke down after the first battle, the reconnaissance sapper drank himself to death after the first “raise” with real results, the artilleryman went to a monastery after the first successful cover, etc. In my opinion, this is stupidity.

About Tom, ours, Berenger

Okay, let's leave the preface. Let's deal with Tom our Berenger. Cinema is cinema. So Tom’s character received the task of removing the head of a drug cartel. Our hero goes to complete the task. Let's consider what he brings with him.

Well, the first thing, of course, is the rifle. In my opinion, M24, if it’s wrong, correct it. Its weight in running order is 7 kilograms and about two hundred and sixty grams, this includes straps for transportation and optics. Next, the ammunition for the task is at least one hundred rounds. The weight of the NATO cartridge is 7.62 X51 - 15.7 grams. In total, together with pouches for carrying them, another 3 kilograms. Tom's second weapon was the good old M1911 A Colt. Weight 1 kilogram 120 grams. 100 pieces of 45-caliber pistol cartridges - another 1.5 kilograms. Signal and smoke flares - 1 kilogram. Grenades, 4 pieces, another 3 kilograms. Technical reconnaissance equipment, say, binoculars with a built-in rangefinder - 1 kilogram. Communications. Because Tom is coming one, then he has a means of communication with the Combat Operations Control Center. The terrain is mountainous and forested, and AN/PRC radios operating in the VHF range will not work, which means something stronger is needed. Let's take a satellite station with a previously allocated channel. So, this will be AN/PSC-5, powered by two batteries, each weighing 2.04 kilograms, and the station itself weighs about 2.8 kilograms. Let's not forget about spare batteries, which means plus 4 kilograms. Well, a storage device, input-output device, headset - another 1 kilogram.

Isn't it hard for you, Tom? But there is also a cape, a camouflage suit - it’s 1.5 kilograms without branches and leaves. An individual first aid kit weighs 0.5 kilograms. Water, packed rations, replacement socks, a knife with a survival kit, a rug, a poncho, etc. add up to another seven kilograms. Now let's do the math. I ended up with about 40 kilograms. Taking into account the requirements of secrecy, the valiant sniper is dropped off 15 kilometers from the mission area. At the same time, he must stamp his feet, penetrate as close to the object as possible and destroy the subject. But in the movies we see a cheerful bison sniper, absolutely not tired while walking in the humid atmosphere of a mountainous and wooded area. In the frame there are only flirty streaks of camouflage makeup.

How did you carry out additional exploration of the site alone? How did you get in? Oh, how beautiful everything is in the movies!

But in reality? Have you tried crawling up a hill with a load of at least 20 kilograms when the temperature is thirty to forty degrees, or even more? One man, of course, is less noticeable in the jungle than a group, but even alone, if you are half Tom Berenger and half John Rambo, little good will happen. The fatigue is too great, both moral and physical. Transition at favorable conditions on an unfamiliar route will last a day or more. This means that it is necessary to precisely coordinate and time-verify the actions of the withdrawal subgroup, and to verify information from informants and intelligence down to the smallest nuances. Take into account a bunch of factors, including force majeure. A sniper, even if he gets to the object in time and penetrates the perimeter, most likely will not be able to shoot. To more or less successfully eliminate a subject, based on the practice of various units, at least a couple is required, and preferably a group of four people. Then something will look more or less plausible.

Like really

Well, now a little bit of realism. When did we actually use snipers, and exactly as they are portrayed on some Internet forums - as a free, lonely hunter?

In the North Caucasus region? I remember the first Chechen campaign. There was a sniper in my group. Do you think I let him go somewhere a few kilometers away to “free hunt”? In fact, a scout with a banal SVD moved a maximum of 100 meters away from the group and was always within sight or audibility. He worked according to my target instructions or according to whoever he noticed. Often, my cry, when I didn’t see the result: “Well, did you hit it?”, was followed by a simple answer: “Oh, who knows, I think I fell.”

When conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in urban conditions, I used a sniper on my own instinct, which, as it turned out later, was correct. When moving in city neighborhoods, he was always close to me in order of battle. A scout was always paired with him. When scouting a house, this couple did not go inside; they were used as an observation group. The second scout was left with a station and binoculars, several rocket-propelled grenades or RPGs.  The couple monitored the windows and insured the exits. A sniper with an SVD has nothing to do in the house. When conducting reconnaissance and search operations in a mountainous and wooded area, the sniper was in his regular place in the group’s battle formation. In other departments special purpose, as far as I am informed, the snipers acted in exactly the same way. They were posted “as a counter” in the detachment’s deployment area or air traffic control area, but no one went anywhere alone. True, there were exceptions, this concerned officers, but even those did not go further than a kilometer from the detachment. The second campaign was exactly the same. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who want to challenge my opinion. Yes, for God's sake! Only I operate with facts.

About a conditional sniper in a real combat situation

So, you are the team leader. You have a regular number of snipers. Will you send your scout, conscript or contract soldier, alone or together, to “execute” someone? The question is - who? Does the group commander really have information about any persons involved (leaders of illegal armed groups) in the detachment’s area of ​​responsibility? It’s unlikely, or rather, it doesn’t have it. It is good if the detachment commander and the head of the operational intelligence department have established contact with the operational intelligence groups operating in the area, with “operators” from other bodies and departments that have their own agents. Then there will be information, but the detachment commander himself will hardly be able to implement it, and even less so the group commander or company commander. In order to launch the Special Forces RG to complete a mission, a combat order from a higher headquarters is necessary. And the order is signed by the group’s intelligence chief and chief of staff. The order is, of course, sent to the detachment, and checked by the head of the department. The order is not made in a vacuum. Studying the situation in the detachment’s area of ​​responsibility, collecting information from all sources, coordination in all structures, checking information on several types of intelligence (radio, human intelligence, aerial thermal imaging), information from locals, information from other interacting structures, etc. - this is what precedes acceptance specific solution. So, I have never drawn up a single order to send a sniper (thrice experienced). And other leaders too. I'm talking about mine combat experience from 2000 to last year, 2012. And if I did, the head of the department would twist it at his temple and send me...

Well, what if you didn’t send it? Imagine: for the sake of one person (even the most highly trained sniper), you need to start an operational case, coordinate covering artillery fire, and keep the group ready for evacuation. What about the connection? He's a sniper, not a radio operator. And there’s no way without it, we don’t have small-sized satellite stations like Tom, which means we have to carry the ARK station.  Although no, you’re going far, but she’s dear, you’ll still lose her. Therefore, you are wearing the usual R-159 with T-240 classification equipment and a set of spare batteries for it. And so on... Considering the realities, our sniper, unlike the movie hero, will carry a load of about 60 kilograms. But we also need to plan helicopter sorties. But, as usual, there is no weather, and the plane was assigned to the commander, so the sniper will go on foot. Do you think he'll go? No. After all, among other things, he knows well the stories about spies-murderers. About those who exterminate local residents, and those who like to collect wild garlic far from home and with a machine gun in their hands. He remembers that after a couple of clashes, the entire detachment was overrun by prosecutors and demanded to confess to criminal acts. The intelligence officer is now savvy, he is well aware that he has no legal basis for scurrying through the forests and eliminating those involved.

Therefore, our experienced sniper will go out peacefully behind the parapet, set up a day’s rest about a hundred meters from the camp and will sit there the entire time the group is performing a combat mission, awaiting target designation from the commander.

About weapons

What else? Why do I write all the time about the SVD, because we still have models in service. For example, VSS.  Range - 400 meters. The weapon is specialized and has performed well, but probably does not fit well into the context discussed in the material. There have been cases when, in the presence of several VSS and AS in the RGSpN, very successful silent ambushes were carried out, but you must agree that in order to “execute” the person involved there must be a certain margin both in range and in terms of application capabilities.

Well, for the rest of the rifles. B-94 weighs 11.7 kilograms, sighting range shooting almost two kilometers with a 13x scope. So tell me, is this “stupid” necessary to be carried around in a group? It happened that they carried it a couple of times, but they quickly refused. In the forest, a range of two kilometers is useless. And the rifle is large-caliber and specific. To work with it, a sniper must be trained. Long and hard. In the winter of 2000, guys from a related department came with us, namely a sniper couple. We reached the forest and stopped, and realized that there was no point in going further. This rifle is good for combat operations in urban environments, and as an anti-sniper weapon. Its penetration is good, but our sniper, who at the moment It only serves for a year, it is of no use at all.

The SV-98 caliber 7.62 X54, manufactured on the basis of the sports "Record", shoots accurately at 800 meters. The rifle is expensive, snipers need to be trained, but they only last a year. What's the point? They'll break it or lose it, but what's the result?

I’m generally silent about foreign samples like AV or HK. Is there an alternative to an inexpensive and simple, as five kopecks, SVD? Probably there is. For example, the same Mosin SVM rifle.  Cheap and cheerful. Attach optics and target designators, shoot and go. Our cartridge is 7.62 X54, sighting range is 2000 meters, lethal range is 3000 meters. I tried it. It's okay, it'll work for us. If you know how to shoot.

During the Great Patriotic War

So, the North Caucasian period has been dismantled. What's next - Afghanistan? I was not there and cannot judge the work of the snipers of the Special Forces units. Although, I think, it was not much different from the actions in the North Caucasus region.

So where did snipers work like those written about in literature and films? Of course, on the Great Patriotic War. Why? Yes, because the war was positional, there was a front line, a line of contact between the troops. Wherever she walked - through a field, through a forest, through a neighborhood, through a house, she was there. It was absolutely clear: here are our positions, here are the enemy’s.

And where did the snipers, both ours and German, work from? That's right, either from our positions or from a neutral zone. And it’s incredibly profitable. To ensure vital functions, communications, fire cover and withdrawal of an individual sniper, no special costs are required. The main thing is to get out secretly and disguise yourself. If the front is stuck in positional battles, not moving in one direction or the other, then the work of snipers is activated accordingly. I will not describe the features of camouflage, covert movement, measures to deceive and reveal the enemy, this is full in the literature and on the Internet. And in this situation, our soldiers really had to lie for days in the cold, and in hunger, and in dampness, figuring out their person involved. It was much easier for them during the war. An experienced sniper with a shot of over a hundred “Krauts” could calmly choose his target, cutting off unnecessary things in the form of small fry - privates, transporters, etc., so as not to unmask himself ahead of time. Our fighter knew that by killing an enemy officer, he had already fulfilled his duty, and no one would drag him to court or under investigation. A seasoned fascist will not turn out to be a “peaceful peasant” who, out of necessity, puts on shoulder straps and just wanders around the positions in search of a cow. War is war, it is clear where your friends are and where your enemies are. During an offensive, snipers usually did not attack. No matter how much I dug through the archives, I did not see any mention of sniper work in the development of success. I know for sure that they worked from their positions and elevations through the back of the advancing infantry. Thus, the Great Patriotic War is the only example of “lying for many days in the cold and hunger for the sake of one single shot.”

About the sniper platoon

What are the current realities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which received recent years the so-called “new look”. It turns out that in the states of motorized rifle and airborne brigades platoons of snipers have appeared!

I have a question: for what? As we see now fighting in case of a real big war or simple local conflict? We are moving away from old dogmas. At numerous training camps, we, officers at least at the level of brigade commander, were shown “new ways” of conducting combat operations. For example, an air assault brigade is leading an offensive with several separate battalions in its front line, bypassing fortified areas and areas and breaking through into operational space with the support of attack aircraft, helicopters and artillery. Pockets of resistance are bypassed from the flanks and left to be torn to pieces by high-precision weapons - artillery and bomber aircraft. Why then use snipers during deep raid operations of battalions? How will this platoon be used?

When conducting defense it becomes even more interesting. The line of contact between troops will now occupy a width not of several hundred meters, but of several kilometers, which consists of the range of artillery of all links: from brigade to unit operational command, target engagement range missile forces, mining strips, barriers, range of technical reconnaissance equipment and much more. Large exercises with a defensive theme showed just this. That is, the target ranges for snipers will already be beyond 1000 meters. Based on the performance characteristics of the SVD, what follows? That's right, we need another rifle, the same B-94. Our defense industry will be able to provide all sniper platoons of brigades long-range rifles? Not likely. They also need sights, both night and day. Accordingly, we need our own training program for sniper platoons, observation and target designation devices, communications equipment and much more. How will the snipers of an individual platoon be used? If we think logically, they will be assigned to companies. Does the commander of a company or platoon need them in his sector of defense? They have a lot of problems of their own, and then there is a sniper or a sniper couple who are pursuing their specific goal- destroy officers of any level, gun crews, snipers, signalmen and everyone else. With the current unification of field uniforms, how can one distinguish the same officer from a distance of more than a kilometer? So, you need to know him by sight. It’s much simpler here - the signalman constantly runs with our commander. It’s more difficult for an adversary - after all, a portable antenna is built into the helmet. It is unlikely that the commander of a company standing on the defensive will know who is opposite him. Although if the brigade’s intelligence chief and all the brigade’s intelligence agencies are really working, this information is not so difficult to obtain. But identifying someone who needs to be destroyed by sight is much more difficult.

So our sniper will shoot everything he sees. But, I think, not for long. Given the saturation leading edge By means of technical reconnaissance, UAV surveillance, they will most likely detect the sniper after the first shot, and either an unguided missile from a drone, or a mortar, or even an artillery salvo will hit his position. Will the comrade company commander be happy with such a “hello” from the enemy?

Well, there’s nothing to think about the role of a sniper in an offensive, given the above. After all, he will not even have time to choose a position, since his battalion will go forward to the flank, covering the fortified area, and will rush further.

Control of areas of special attention in the local conflict zone

I’ll still try to figure it out myself, since higher-level specialists don’t explain anything about this to me. I will just think about the units and units of the Special Forces with which I am best familiar.

So, in a special forces detachment we have a number of snipers or even a separate unit. We take a unit in addition to regular reconnaissance snipers in groups. A special forces detachment in the area of ​​settlement of a conflict, by decision of the group commander, is assigned its own area of ​​responsibility. It is divided into areas of special attention, and those are accordingly distributed among companies and groups. Accordingly, in the area there are settlements that are used by “partisans” of various stripes. You need to eat, you need to keep in touch, relatives, ideologists, and messengers will not live in dens in the forest for months. And the “partisans” themselves come out to work for a short period, so to speak, “at the call of the trumpet.”

What do I suggest? Let's start in order

The area of ​​special attention is the most common: several settlements, a mountainous and wooded area, replete with paths, sources of water and everything else for the comfortable existence of “partisan formations”. You can make transitions, you can build base areas, and equip hiding places. He fought - and went home, to his relatives and his daily affairs. Comfortable. Look at any map, you can choose as many such areas as you like. In order to curb the movement of any illegal people in these places, you simply need to block all entrances and exits, paths, paths and bridges leading from populated areas. But it is not necessary to block it as usual - with a checkpoint or checkpoint, which in a month will lose its relevance, since a lot of concessions will arise: contracts, money, other routes, etc. As a result, the mode of work and service will soon become known to everyone.

Therefore, exits must be blocked secretly. I propose such a micro-military organism as a sniper group (SG). In the diagram, SGs are indicated by red circles. The typical composition of the SG is:

Sniper, the main performer, he is also a tool. Several types of weapons are possible sniper rifles from SVD and VSS to B-94. His task is to destroy the identified defendants;

The group commander, who is also the main observer.

It does not matter what kind of small arms he is armed with. His main weapon is surveillance devices. In intelligence units Marine Corps In the USA there is such a device as an optical reconnaissance station. This is exactly what we need too. The optical-electronic device must have good resolution and be able to measure the distance to the target. But its main task is to capture a picture (photograph it digitally), automatically check the “person of interest” with the database available on the group commander’s PDA (laptop), and produce the initial result of the check. If necessary, transmit the received image in real time with minimal delays and high speed at the detachment's VPU. For processing by an operational officer. Transmit through a repeater or, if there is a stable connection with the ability to transmit graphic data, to higher authorities for subsequent decision;

A signalman with a radio station with batteries and antennas. Organizes all types of communication, including a channel for transmitting graphic data;

Scout. His task is fire support, security, defense, etc.

A total of four people with the necessary equipment and weapons. The SG can operate autonomously from five days to a week. Although it is better that duty in your positional area lasts no more than three days. The sniper and commander will thus be replaced by the rest of the group for rest. And so there are nine such sniper groups. Nine multiplied by three days equals twenty-seven days. It turns out to be almost a month, add three days for unforeseen delays, weather conditions and the difficulties of transitions of changing groups. In total, there will be thirty-six fighters in 9 sniper groups made up of four people. All of them are combined into one reconnaissance detachment of the Special Forces.  If the terrain and distances allow, then this detachment can not be withdrawn, but kept at the point of temporary deployment.

Other combat formations of the detachment:

Fire support group. By decision of the detachment commander, both mortar crews and crews may be included in it. heavy machine guns, including aircraft controllers and artillery spotters;

Communication group for data transmission, based on terrain conditions and the presence of radio invisibility zones of terrain profiles and other things;

Support group. It must include a paramedic and, by decision of the detachment commander, any other specialist;

RG Special Forces staff. She is engaged in reconnaissance “on her own”, works with reconnaissance technical means, sets up mine-explosive barriers, organizes security and defense, carries out a meeting of the SG, and, if necessary, carries out fire support and return in case of unforeseen situations;

The detachment commander and operational officer, who are entrusted with the overall management of the detachment, decision-making, communication with higher authorities management.

If necessary, crews of small-sized radio reconnaissance equipment or UAVs can be assigned to such a reconnaissance detachment for better control of the situation in the area. In total there are about sixty people.

The reconnaissance detachment is withdrawn by any means: air, ground or sea. Measures are taken to conceal intentions, deployment is organized, communication is established with the combat control center and supporting units, after which the RO begins to carry out tasks of covertly blocking populated areas.

Such covert blocking of areas, combined with the implementation of previously planned targeted measures by other departments, can give good results. The “partisans” will be forced to look for other areas and places of transition, their plans will be disrupted. Well, some of the leaders may be destroyed. But this is my personal opinion, with which you may not agree.

To sum it up

In conclusion, I would like to note that, in my opinion, it is better to use snipers, as always, as part of a unit and only according to the target designations of the group (platoon) commander, while not letting them go far from you.

So the stories “about lying in the mud for many hours for the sake of a single shot and the melancholy character of the sniper, his special psychological readiness to murder" - from the realm of fiction, they have nothing to do with reality. Or does anyone have a different opinion?

Dear friends, we offer you a detailed and complete walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3. In the new part of this shooter, the developers have focused on freedom of choice. You will be shown a large and diverse world, where you can use any playing styles and tactics.

Mission One: Siege of Tobruk

Our first war will begin in Tobruk - a city located in northern Africa, at one time there were fierce battles here. After watching the video, the first task immediately is to kill the snipers who are scattered in the surrounding area. Go outside, sit down under the wall, then destroy the targets, they will be marked with a marker. Next we are looking for a spotter; after his death, the mortars that were interfering with the city were neutralized.

Our next task is a machine gun on a car. Here you will need the “special vision” mode; by turning on this mode, aim at the gas tank or engine compartment.

Next you need to clear the roadblocks. They are located in the north, be sure to look at the map to get there without any problems. Walk quietly through the gorge, kill two freaks, and now you can neutralize the roadblocks. Don't forget that there are 3-4 Germans at each post.

Where you need to go at the end, the game itself will tell you by showing you a video. In the video, the plane will destroy the gorge and the passage that will appear there and will be our new goal.

Mission two: Gaberun

In this task you will need to hunt General Valen - a very important shot among the Germans. Carefully and carefully remove the first target, then take a comfortable position from which the location of the Germans will be visible. Your goal is an officer, there are only two ways to reach him. The first is that the camp is very easily protected from above, and the second is that it is possible to go down, then to the left, and then walking along the path, find a place where you can work perfectly on targets. Don't forget that you need to search the officer's corpse.

The final goal is the convoy. You can neutralize it by laying mines and shooting at the weak points of the equipment.

Mission Three: Halfaya Gorge

Since General Valen is not yet a corpse, we continue the hunt for him, but this time our friends will help us. We move forward, along the way we destroy enemy points and their anti-tank guns, thus aiding the Allies' advance. In the first position, be sure to shoot the barrel. Thanks to this maneuver, the first target will be destroyed with one bullet. We move on, passing all obstacles. Through the hole you will see the next point, the goal is the same - a barrel.

We move on, keeping to the mountains. On the way we will encounter a checkpoint and 4 enemies, they need to be carefully eliminated, rising even higher, we will need to remove the sentry. From his corpse we take the “beauty rocket launcher”. With the help of such a baby, we destroy the last target, which is located in the gorge. At the end of this task there will be a battle with a tank, so fire 4 shots at the weak points of the tank.

Mission Four: Fort Rufigio

In this mission, our ally is captured, so we need to free him. This is a normal stealth mission. There are a lot of freaks, so going into battle with them is just crazy. Therefore, we practice covert penetration into an enemy base.

Our goal is the fort. All the guards that we come across along the way can be killed in hand-to-hand combat, thereby not making a fuss. You need to enter the fort from the left; we kill the first batch of Germans with a grenade. We head towards the tower, don’t forget about the guard in the room on the right, we need to search him. You need to move to the tower, which is farthest from all the others. Having gone upstairs, we open the camera, while our colleague leaves, we provide him with cover.

Mission Five: Siwa Oasis

We go to a small town that is cut off from the whole world. We are looking for a convenient elevation in the center - this will allow us to conduct convenient observation. Next we go down into an ingenious web of passages, killing freaks along the way. When you go upstairs, you will immediately notice three German officers, they need to be marked. When we determine the main target, we observe the officer through binoculars. We need to wait for the moment. When the officer receives a stack of documents, after that you can safely “remove” him. After looking at his corpse, we go to pick up the documents. From the German’s corpse we go to the right, compare the tank to a pile of metal and meet with the allies.

Mission Six: Kasserine Pass

Here our goal is the military base of General Valen, we need, as always, very important documents. You can get to it through a narrow gorge, but first you need to kill a couple of enemies. Climb up and three checkpoints will be visible at the top. At each post there will be a barrel with explosives, I think everyone understands what needs to be done with it. We move further forward to the headquarters. Clearly, there are documents stored here that need to be picked up, but there is a problem, they are in the safe. You need to find the officer and find out the codes. When found, be careful on the way back, there will be new freaks. When we opened the safe, we go to our partner, he is waiting near the mountain. The mountain was where they fired at the beginning of the mission. It's sad, but your partner is killed. Next, we destroy the tank and the soldiers who follow it. We're burying a friend.

Mission seven: Pont Du Fa Airfield

We begin our journey to the barracks, after the barracks we go to the bunker, we need to open the gate. We bring down all the enemies, in this task they can no longer call for help, we move forward, take the documents found and, of course, free the allies.

We move back to the beginning of the game. We pass the fence and take a firing position a little higher. We are providing cover for allies who came under enemy fire. In the finale, as always, we destroy the tanks, a couple of machine-gun points and then run to the hangar, where the finale comes in the form of driving out on a truck.

Mission eight: Ratte Factory

Our target, General Valen, is holed up in this plant. We move along the gorge, killing all the Nazis on our way. Having reached the room, we kill the enemies who were inside, we pass along the iron “bridge” to the other side of this gorge. Here we begin clearing the hangar, move on and destroy the first electrical unit.

We go down using the elevator, the new task is to plant five detonators. We start walking along the left edge and immediately set up two installations. We return to the elevator, there are guards here, we kill them, rising higher, we install the 4th and 5th installations. Run down again, to the right to the tank, up the stairs and place the last installation. On the street you need to destroy the last batch of Germans.

Having killed everyone, we go to the top of the mountain, where we activate the explosives. Big bang, the factory is destroyed, congratulations on completing the game, thanks and other honors.

Game description


"Sniper Elite 3" definitely not polished to perfection. Visually, this is a classic cross-generation third-person shooter. And it seems like the textures, lighting, character models, level design, everything is on the level, but it doesn’t reach the Next-Gen level. However, you can’t say that the technology in the game is of the last century.

There are random, weird glitches, and the frame rate in some versions can drop to terrifying lows. Melee combat is hilariously inept, and the A.I. will leave you with a grin on your face. If you were a guard standing guard in a watchtower, and suddenly you find a corpse lying on the side wall. Would you be able to walk past him calmly? Or maybe stand nearby, enjoying the scenery? Yes, and at the same time wait until someone cuts you from behind, with a knife in their hands. Sniper Elite 3 is full of this kind of stuff.

But here's the thing: none of the problems described above upset you enough to stop playing the game. Overall, The Third Sniper is a completely enjoyable shooter that you can play in your free time. If you are not familiar with the series, then the previous parts, and this one too, emphasize stealth elements and snipers.

X-Ray Killcam

This is well reflected, for example, in the notorious Sniper Elite feature - X-Ray Killcam. Aim, pull the trigger and watch the bullet as it nicely, consistently, in slow motion, follows a trajectory straight into the enemy’s flesh. When hit, the enemy becomes as if under an x-ray, so you can see how the bullet breaks his bones and ruptures vital organs or simply passes through the body. This is a terrible sight, but also irresistible in its own way. Later, you will try to hit specific parts of the body and thereby challenge yourself.


But the X-Ray-style murder is just the icing on the cake. The cake itself is the gameplay: elegant in a sense, well balanced with a combination of stealth and action, all in open sandbox levels. Sniper Elite 3 takes place during the African campaign of World War II, which provides a wider variety of scenarios than you might think. A mist-covered lake, sandy ruins, and mountains are the dominant landscapes in the game. And each location is huge and contains alternative paths passing.

Let's say you need to kill 3 officers. The game leaves the decision up to you. How and in what sequence, using what means or paths you will perform the task. Unnoticed, like a ghost, through the ruins, break through causing chaos, find an extremely convenient place, a “sniper’s nest” and shoot everyone from a distance, or using melee combat and kill enemies quickly and quietly. Sniper Elite 3 does this quite well. Not like Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, but there's a similar sense of openness and you're also allowed to decide how you want to play.

You don't have much health than in regular shooters, so when you get attacked by 2+ enemies it usually ends badly for you. You have a handy pistol with a silencer, but it is slow and therefore almost useless unless you shoot enemies clearly in the head. It's a shame that you can't look behind ledges or balustrades to immediately take on enemies below. Even the knife is only really useful from behind.

But without the above features, the game would not truly be called Sniper Elite. Strong noise can mask your shots, but more often you have to take a shot and quickly move to another place, while the enemies figure out where they were shooting from.

They will regroup and go look for the shooting location, but while they are doing this, you will be able to find another place. But why not leave them a gift? Traps almost always work as expected. Sniper Elite 3 is a little less obsessed with traps than its predecessor, Sniper Elite V2, but they still play a role.

It's truly intense, exciting action, and you'll be pleased with the options to save and load at any time. Your enemies are quite stupid, and a little funny. Whether within fortress walls, open canyons, or mountain villages, these locations can be surprisingly difficult to inspect every corner of, so you'll often run into an enemy sniper you weren't expecting. Thanks to such moments, the game constantly keeps you in suspense.

The sniper business itself includes a lot of things. Ballistics play a role in everything only if you are not playing on the easiest difficulty level, otherwise the difficulty will be great at times. To cope with a bullet and hit the target, you need to take into account the direction of the wind and other factors, while keeping the rifle in a stable position. For a nice headshot, you need to use the focus mode to hold your breath and get the desired X-Ray Killcam.

Running affects your breathing and therefore your accuracy. This is another reason to play calmly and quietly. And, yes, you can still shoot fascists in the balls.


Technically, this is the most advanced Sniper Elite, but there are some problems. Physics of the main character, match it rag doll, sometimes creates the most bizarre effects. Switching between "hunt" and "guard" modes for enemy AI can feel very, very strange.

Plus, as mentioned, the graphics are inconsistent. Long distances are amazingly beautiful, and close up part of the landscape looks terrible. The lighting effects are sometimes horribly overblown - especially bright sun through the windows - and it’s also better not to see the character models in close-up. This doesn't look bad, but nearby shooters are devoid of such shortcomings (Killzone: Shadow Fall or Battlefield 4).

But then you have to ask yourself: would you rather have a visually perfect Sniper Elite 3, or a different, addicting gameplay Sniper Elite 3 that you might want to replay after a while, even when the game's graphics look dated . When you play for an hour, it seems like 30 minutes is good sign that the game is good. This is exactly the case in this game.


Besides the campaign, which will take you somewhere between 10-15 hours depending on your skills and play style, there is a mode where you can take on waves of enemies, plus a co-op mode. Available at the co-op interesting feature, called "Overwatch". One player is a sniper, and the other is a spotter.

Bottom line

The game did not achieve the highest results to receive various awards or anything like that. But still, it’s a pleasure to spend time with her. Basically, the whole picture is spoiled by some errors and somewhat strange AI. The gameplay is exciting, open sandbox levels, in this regard the developers decided to deviate a little from the norm - to make shooters linear.

Kyiv, October 12. According to servicemen of the Ukrainian army, five groups of snipers - 15 people - went hunting for Ukrainian Armed Forces officers on the front line near Azov. The snipers, the Ukrainian Armed Forces note, are not armed with Soviet weapons. small arms, but with some unprecedented rifles that easily penetrate fortifications.

“They say that some group of 15 snipers arrived. Behind the officers,” said a Ukrainian serviceman fighting against Donbass with the call sign “Irbis” on the air of a Ukrainian TV channel.

Of course, the Ukrainian military has no doubt that some elite snipers from Russia arrived on the front line - they allegedly even threatened some Ukrainian officers on the radio. However, the effectiveness of mysterious snipers with rifles of fantastic power turned out to be surprisingly low - while Ukrainian soldiers regularly die in the Donbass for a variety of reasons, for example, in internecine clashes, “some group of 15 snipers” were unable to kill - only one soldier received a bullet in the head, but it was stopped by his helmet.

The most amazing thing about the “Russian snipers in Donbass” is their fantastic elusiveness: not only themselves, but also their shots are not recorded by OSCE cameras, the Ukrainian military claims. At the same time, it is reliably known that the cameras are working - after all, they record the “response” from the Ukrainian side regularly.

One gets the impression that " Russian snipers with super rifles" exist only in the heads of Ukrainian officers - after all, "invisible" sniper bullets are the most convenient excuse for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to open fire again and again.

If you are having problems with walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Sniper 3. In the most difficult places we add pictures that may help you. Walkthrough Sniper 3 read on our website.

Siege of Tobruk

The city of Tobruk, which is located in North Africa, is a very important strategic point, so under no circumstances should it be given away. This is where the events of the game begin. Watch the introductory video. A soldier appears and asks you to kill the snipers, go outside, sit down near the wall. Two fascists are marked with a marker, eliminate them. Go downstairs. The shelling continues, find the spotter (he is standing on the mountain) and kill him so that the Germans stop shooting at you with mortars. A short video follows. There is an enemy machine gun on the horizon and it is attached to the car, turn on special vision mode - shoot at the tank or under the hood, this will cause an explosion and all enemies will die.

The task does not end here, you need to find enemy checkpoints. Open the map to see the approximate location of the enemy. Go north through the mountains, climb through the gorge and kill two fascists. Exit the cave. Now you have 4 checkpoints on the map. There are 3-4 Krauts on each of them, just kill them. Try to act carefully and quietly, because it is very easy to kill you. After the clearing is completed, watch the video, which shows how the plane blows up the gorge and the path opens for you. Continue along it.


General Valen - right hand Hitler, he has extremely important information. You need to find at least some data about him. A little time has passed since the loss of Tobruk, but now you will be in the Gaberun oasis. It is through it that the German intelligence officers continue their journey. Go through the bushes, kill the fascist. Now the entire garrison will be visible in front of you, your task is to kill the officer. You can simply clear the camp from above. If this option does not suit you, run left along the path to find yourself in the center of the fascist gathering. Finally, after killing everyone, examine the body of your target.

Now you need to kill three more officers and search their bodies. Go to the river, and then along it. You will come across a small gathering of fascists, throw a grenade at them (there will be an officer in the crowd, do not forget to examine his corpse). Then go through the ruins, cross the road and go to the tents. Go into the right one, wait for the officer - kill him quietly, also examine the body. Now go to the left side of the garages, blow up cars with ammunition along the way. Go straight ahead. In the distance you will see a temple, your final goal is located there. Continue on the left side through the ruins and then the bushes. Climb through the window of the building, quietly kill the guard and your target. Receive a note. Watch the video. There is a German convoy driving in the distance, plant bombs on the road or just shoot at its battery (when the car is in sight). Leave the area through the checkpoint.

Halfaya Gorge

You continue to search for Valen. In order for a friendly squad to move forward, you need to destroy the Nazi camps and anti-tank installations. This is exactly what you will do during the task. Go to the first point, if you look through binoculars, you will notice that there is a red barrel next to the gun - shoot at it. The explosion will destroy your first target. Next, go through the settlement, stick to the rocks that are on the left. At the intersection, go left, and then follow the tropic to the right straight up the mountain. In the hole you will see your second target and another barrel next to it, you probably already understood what to do next. Go right, continue to the left side of the mountains. Climb up, then straight ahead. Eliminate the outpost with 4 Germans. Then go up and to the right again. Kill the guard on the tower. Get to his place. Take the rocket launcher and destroy the last target on your list, which is located in the next gorge. Watch a short video. Go to the exit, on your way you will meet a familiar city and a tank in it. Surround the vehicle and shoot at the middle openings; after 4 accurate hits, the tank will explode. Reunite with the squad.

Fort Rufigio

The Nazis are holding your partner hostage, he needs to be saved. There are a lot of enemies in this level, so try to be silent and don't kill your enemies unless you have to. First you need to get to the fort. It’s better to go directly through the houses and kill the guards in close combat. Enter the building through the left side. A small video. Throw a grenade at the guys on the right. Go straight and enter the tower. Kill the guard in the right room, examine his body. You need to get to the farthest tower. Walk towards it quietly (although you can make noise, but you will have to shoot a lot and accurately). Having reached the desired tower, go up. Open the cage, talk to the prisoner. Lead him to the place from where you came. Another video. Borrow firing position. Now kill the fascists on the way of your comrade.

Oasis Siwa

Walk through the clearing through the bushes into a closed, isolated city. IN central region there is a certain height from which it is easy to monitor the fascists. Go down, go through the labyrinths. There are a lot of enemies in them, but they are easy to kill due to the huge number of corridors. Climb up the three ladders. Watch a short video. Keep an eye on the three officers, tag them all. One of them will become your target, watch it with binoculars. When the officer receives the documents, kill him. Take the folder from the corpse. Go right, destroy the tank near the gate and unite with the troops. A small video. Kill the remaining fascists in the city and leave it at the end.

Kasserine Pass

In the area of ​​the pass there is a secret base called Valena, you need to get to it and steal important documents from the safe. After the cutscene, go straight through the gorge to the enemy base. You need to destroy 3 small gathering points for fascists. Climb the mountain, shoot the red barrels and watch the Nazis die. Next, go north. Go to Valen's headquarters. Examine the documents on the table. It turns out that important information is in the safe. Go back, find the officer and kill him. Get the codes, go back to the temple and open the safe (kill all the fascists first). Now you need to meet with your partner. Go to the place where the posts were destroyed. In the video your friend will be killed. You need to destroy the tank (run from one house to another to make it easier to surround it). When you're done, kill a bunch more fascists and bury your friend.

Pont Du Fa airfield

Before you start final assault, you need to deprive your enemy of military support. Go down, go left to the barracks. quietly walk along the corridor, then left and open the gate to the underground part military base. Get into it through any entrance. Quietly kill the soldiers (you can make noise, help won’t come anyway). Get to the very center, examine the documents and free your allies. Return to the place where the mission started. Eliminate the scout on the tower on the right and the squad of soldiers below it. Go right along the grate, climb the mountain and take a fighting position. In the video, your troops will arrive, kill the fascists and don’t let them destroy a friendly squad. After you're done, watch another video with military equipment. Destroy 2 tanks and 2 machine gunners (there are no restrictions, try to get a rocket launcher in one of the towers to make it easier to destroy enemy equipment). Once you're done, go to the hangar and get into the truck.

Factory "Ratte"

You have reached the main factory where Valen is located and the "Rat" is being created. Go along the gorge, eliminate two fascists. Go straight ahead a little more. Kill everyone in the room on the left (try to do everything quietly). Cross the railway to the right side. Eliminate the fascists on both floors. Next you need to return, but first you can clear the hangar opposite you. When you're done, go to him, and then right and straight. Go down the stairs and blow up the first electrical block. Now kill everyone in the hangar on the right and follow the iron path across the abyss again. Further left and straight, beware of the fascists. In the room with the generator, throw a grenade, and run along the bridge on the left, do not forget to send the Germans to the next world. Activate the elevator, watch the video with Valen. Going down you will understand that you need to plant five more bombs to completely destroy the complex. Stick to the left and plant the first two bombs. Return to the elevator, kill the two guards on the right. Go upstairs, quietly kill the Nazis and plant two more bombs. Now go down and go to the tank on the right. Up the stairs, quietly pass the guards and climb up. Plant the last bomb, go down and quickly run to the exit. Once on the street, get rid of the last 10 fascists. Climb the mountain, activate the detonator. Watch another video. The game is over.