Name for a wood processing plant. Alternative ways to process wood waste

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

from 200,000 ₽

Required area:

Today, carpentry workshops are becoming a rarity, so before opening your own business in this direction, you should seriously think about what products you can offer to the market.

A carpentry workshop is a business that can become not only your hobby or a means of earning money, but also a vocation. The same thing that brings both material and spiritual satisfaction, pleasing both the soul and the pocket. But for such a happy combination you will have to try very, very hard. In this article we will not talk about creating a large carpentry shop, but will limit ourselves to current advice on opening a small workshop at home “for one” with the prospect of turning self-employment into something more.

Pros and cons of carpentry workshops as a business



    The carpentry business belongs to the so-called “on the ground” business: workshops are opened on their own plots, in garages, sheds, and so on. You work at home, and at home, as they say, even the walls help;

    a material such as wood will always be in demand even in the era of super-popularity of plastic. This is a natural and environmentally friendly material that for centuries people have associated with home comfort and remains so today. Moreover, many things still cannot be made from anything other than wood;

    carpentry business has low costs relative to many other types of business;

    carpentry involves wide range products that you can produce. This means that you can always switch to producing other types of wooden products and choose a new niche if they suddenly become unpopular and market conditions change;

    carpentry business means a certain freedom in the matter of pricing. Wooden products can cost pennies to hundreds of thousands of rubles. It all depends on your level of skill and ability to sell your products at a high price.

    A carpentry shop cannot exist without a master. This is the type of business where you will need to invest yourself and all your strength - the complete opposite of modern so-called methods of “passive income”;

    as in any business “for one,” everything is limited by your physical strength and time. Often, many people, coming from hired work, are disappointed and understand that “business for yourself” is not when you work when you want, but when you always work;

    It's no secret that carpentry workshops today are a dying business. The reason for this is large factories that produce products cheaper and present them in large construction and furniture stores and hypermarkets;

    carpentry workshops usually do not have any permanent and large orders per craftsman, so it takes a lot of time to form a client base and fulfill small orders;

    There is a high risk of work-related injuries in carpentry. Severed fingers and serious cuts are common;

    The financial return from the effort expended in most cases is not justified. Most single workshops, for various reasons (unclaimed assortment, incorrect pricing policy, inability to sell and find a client) cannot build a business in such a way that it brings them constant and high income.

The first thing to start from is carpentry business, this is the presence of hands and the desire to create something with these hands. People who are going to open a carpentry workshop, and even more so, make money from it, should focus on improving their skills. But before you seriously begin to arrange the premises and equip them with equipment, you need to at least in general understand the current situation on the market. Three things separate approaching carpentry as a business from approaching it as a hobby. This is a rational and deeply thought-out approach to the choice of specialization, to the quality of work and to methods of promotion.

The first thing to start with is the question of what exactly you will produce. Wood is a material with an infinite number of uses. First, look at what small carpentry workshops, that is, your future competitors, specialize in today, and how they are doing.

Regarding the choice of assortment, carpentry workshops usually have two options: broad specialization or narrow specialization. In the first case, the emphasis is on quantity (more customers, larger assortment, more choice), in the second - on quality (narrow assortment, high quality workmanship, narrow audience). In other words, if you learn to create many different products from wood, you can offer them to more people, and by focusing on one or two products, it will be easier for you to improve your skills and create exclusive products.

What products can carpentry workshops produce:

    Doors/windows. The most obvious solution for a carpentry workshop is to create doors and window units that everyone needs, and make extra money by installing them. The problem is that doors and windows have been actively “stamped” by large manufacturers for a long time, and the market today is very saturated. In most cases, it is useless for carpentry shops to compete with factories. The price for these products will still be cheaper, and it has become difficult to surprise the customer with anything.

    Stairs. Stairs provide more space for creative thought. Unlike doors and windows, a carpentry workshop that specializes in stairs has the opportunity to offer original sizes, unusual shapes, unusual species, and a unique design in general. However, there are already many companies on the market that create stairs and have achieved a high level of skill in their business, and it will be very difficult to catch up with them from scratch.

    Furniture . With furniture, the situation is approximately the same as with the first two categories. Now on the market there is a huge amount of furniture for every taste and budget. Thanks to such hypermarkets as Castorama, Leroy Merlin, Ikea, furniture is becoming an increasingly accessible and mass-produced product. However, even the variety that is on the market leaves many opportunities to create an exclusive assortment that cannot be found in stores. A small workshop can rely on an original assortment, offering tables, chairs, chests of drawers, cabinets, armchairs and other expensive types wood and with an unusual design.

    Small goods. This is a broad category of goods that is united by one quality - size. Here we mean souvenir goods, and all kinds of gift kitchen sets with cutting boards, spatulas and rolling pins, and frames with baguettes, and board games, wooden toys (you can see unusual ideas for wooden toys) and so on. If, say, in jewelry, size does not matter, then in carpentry everything is different. Even for a designer wooden product made from expensive wood, you won’t get much income, since the price of 1,500-2,000 rubles will seem excessively high to the buyer. The average consumer will always have an alternative in the form of a plastic product at a price 5-10 times cheaper. Connoisseurs of original art will always have to find it with great difficulty. Therefore, before you decide to produce wooden toys, pipes, salt shakers, ashtrays, cutting or gingerbread boards and other things, think about whether you can regularly produce and sell at least 50 of these small products in order to receive at least 50 thousand for them . rubles. Or is it better to make one chest of drawers in the same time and sell it for the same money?

What is the best way to position your products today?

The second question, which is also better to think about in advance, is the question of unique trade offer and the issue of quality. To make your products different from what the mass market offers, first of all pay attention to the material. Firstly, what kind of tree will it be? What colors and supplies will you use? What will be the design of your products?

*according to Yandex Wordstat as of September 12, 2018

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If we talk about the furniture segment, then according to search queries, the most popular wood for it is pine. It is almost five times more popular than oak. At the same time, experienced joiners and carpenters advise not to be too deluded by pine. Firstly, well-dried pine is difficult to find. The properties of this wood are such that it is difficult to paint well, leaves a lot of dirt on the instruments, and as a result, leads to costs.

*according to Yandex Wordstat data as of September 11, 2018.

Secondly, products made from the most popular wood have a price corresponding to their mass production. Let's say, teak furniture will cost several times more than pine furniture. That is, by choosing an unusual material, you can significantly increase the profitable component, which is included in the price of the finished product.

One way or another, the quality of your furniture products will depend on the components. You can work along the path of maximum cost reduction by purchasing cheap components from China, or give preference to more expensive but reliable suppliers of accessories. Austrian, German and Italian manufacturers of accessories that have representative offices in Russia and actively promote their products are considered recognized leaders in the quality of fittings.

Representatives of the carpentry business are increasingly becoming supporters of the fact that today handmade products need to be positioned as expensive. The market situation has changed diametrically. If earlier everything that was produced by carpenters was bought hand and foot, and there was a constant demand for carpentry work, now, in order to survive, work on quality, not quantity. As with many other areas of business, today's woodworkers are increasingly required to master sales and marketing.

*according to Google Trends service

The peculiarity of the carpentry business is that no one will tell you exactly what price you should charge for a table, chair or bedside table, because there are no average prices in the carpentry business. Modern approach like this: you count the price of the materials, paints, varnishes and components used, and then multiply the result several times. And exactly how much depends on how expensive the master positions himself and on the level of his skill. As a rule, a markup of 100% is not justified; today, manual labor can and should be charged a much higher price.

What kind of room is needed for a carpentry shop?

Let's return to more traditional questions directly related to opening a workshop. To accommodate a small carpentry shop, a room with an area of ​​50-60 square meters is best suited. meters. Renting such premises will cost approximately 20 thousand rubles per month.

Average rent for renting industrial premises in Russia, rub.*

Premises 50-60 sq. m

Premises 70-80 sq. m.

*according to analysis of Avito advertisements as of September 12, 2018

It’s clear that not everyone can afford rent, especially at the start. Therefore, most often carpentry workshops are opened at home, using sheds, garages or basements for these purposes.

Ready ideas for your business

When choosing an area, you first need to consider the length of the room. If you are manufacturing door and window frames, the length of the room should be at least four meters. The inside of the workshop should be warm and dry, since wood is afraid of moisture. When arranging the room, do not forget that you need smooth floors, since the machines must be installed stably.

For uninterrupted operation, it is advisable to supply the workshop with three-phase electricity. If the workshop room is built of wood, the wiring must be laid in wires or corrugated pipes, and sockets and equipment must be grounded.

If the workshop is located close to housing, take care to soundproof the walls and doors. It is advisable that the windows face the direction where there are no residential buildings. It is also necessary to comply with the requirements for fire safety. The internal lining of carpentry is usually treated with fire retardants, which prevent fire. It is advisable to have a powder fire extinguisher or at least a bucket of sand in the building in case electrical appliances catch fire.

Ready ideas for your business

Many workshops do not pay special attention ventilation. However, without a flow of fresh air into the workshop, you are doomed to constantly inhale wood dust. And this threatens certain health problems, which you can easily find out about on the Internet.

What equipment is needed for a carpentry shop?

The issue of equipment is one of the most difficult in planning a carpentry workshop. It is worth keeping in mind that there is no universal and generally accepted list for a carpentry workshop. The choice of equipment depends on a large number of variables: what exactly is being produced in the workshop, the area of ​​the room, production volumes, the experience of the craftsman, and so on.

Therefore, you only have the desire to create wooden products, say, your own furniture, and you only have experience in making simple products that do not require any special tools (tables, simple shelves, stools, etc.). In this case, you should start not with the purchase of serious units and machines, the purpose of which you do not yet have a clear idea of, but with the purchase of the most basic set. Conventionally, it can be divided into four groups.

A minimum basic set of tools that will allow you to create simple furniture

Hand tools

Equipment and consumables

Measuring instruments

Power tools

Hand saw for wood and metal

Tape measure 3-5 meters


Hand jointers and planes


Metal ruler 50-100 cm

Impact drill

Mallet with rubber or wooden head

Forstner drills for drilling blind holes with a flat bottom

Metal square, side 30 cm.


claw hammer

Metal drills with a diameter of 2 to 10 mm in increments of 0.5 to 1 mm

Level 50-60 cm

Belt sander

Wood chisels (set)

Wood drills with a diameter from 2 to 12 mm

Screwdrivers straight and Phillips (set)

Carbide Tip Drills

Furniture stapler

Screwdriver bits (set)


Marker or pencil

Shoe knife

Adjustable wrench

If you don’t spend money on buying a workbench, but assemble it manually, then 30-40 thousand rubles will be enough to buy such a set. With a wider scope, screwdrivers and jigsaws, of course, are no longer enough, the list will expand significantly, and equipping the workshop will cost at least 200 thousand rubles, with the purchase of a good milling machine - more than 300 thousand rubles.

Approximate list of equipment for a small carpentry shop

Here are a few principles regarding the purchase and use of equipment that carpentry shop owners are advised to adhere to:

    The price of the equipment should correspond to the level of development of your business. Many craftsmen without experience are tempted to spend money on unreasonably expensive equipment that does not correspond to the level of development of their business and needs, and also does not provide any significant advantages in speed/quality. It is necessary to remember that expensive equipment of elite brands is always less liquid than cheap and “popular” equipment. It is both more expensive to maintain and more difficult to sell. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to get by with the most proven devices. For example, if your products do not have a large length, the so-called molding, there is little point in necessarily purchasing a milling machine for 100 thousand rubles or more. To begin with, it is better to get by with a manual router, which can do almost the same thing, but will cost several times less.

    Strive for equipment versatility. You should not unnecessarily shell out for those types of equipment that can be replaced or that will simply sit idle. For example, spending money on a plunge-cut saw with a guide bar when there are cheaper and more versatile circular tables. Even if you need to unravel a sheet, it is easier and faster to use the services of companies that own format-cutting machines, which can unravel the sheet at a low price and with higher quality.

    Purchase new equipment gradually or in large orders. It makes the most sense to think about purchasing new equipment as your skill increases and after large orders. The rest of the time, you should try to gradually set aside a small share of your profit for depreciation expenses, and from that you can purchase new machines.

    Observe the principles of priority when arranging equipment. If drilling and lathe machines are located close to the workbench, then grinding machines are placed at some distance from the workplace. In addition, a good craftsman should always have everything at hand, so the workbench usually has cabinets, racks and hanging shelves.

    Don't forget about safety precautions. No matter how safe and familiar the work process may seem, have a first aid kit nearby. Also use safety glasses and thick clothing. Work with buttoned sleeves; if your hair is long, hide it in a headdress.

    Don't create piles. When arranging the premises, keep in mind the purchase of new machines in the future. Ideally, the free space should be twice the space for the machines. Lack of space can disrupt the process. The work plane must be approached from several sides. Also, you should not turn the room into a warehouse: the wood should go into circulation, and not lie in the corners.

Is it necessary to hire workers for a carpentry shop?

At the initial stage, while the volumes are small, it is easier and faster for the master to act alone. However, this does not mean that no hired force will ever be useful to you. Woodworkers usually require helpers for rough work or apprentices. They may carry boards, jointer, remove shavings and debris, or perform other light duties. The labor force is usually teenagers looking for summer work or young people.

It is worth noting that experienced carpenters are usually in no hurry to grow a full-fledged replacement for themselves. And their fears are understandable: there is a great risk of turning a student into a competitor who can steal clients for himself. Therefore, the matter is often limited to auxiliary workers with negotiated wages.

Please note that the average salary of a carpenter in Russia at the time of writing is about 38 thousand rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - about 54.5 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you are absolutely sure that your net income will not differ much from these figures, think again about the advisability of opening your own workshop. Today the word “business” is very popular, but at such low speeds, being hired will have many more advantages compared to sailing on your own. In this case, it makes more sense to continue producing wooden products as a part-time job and hobby, gradually gaining experience and a client base.

Average salary level for the professions “joiner/carpenter”, “joiner/carpenter assistant”, rub.

*according to advertisements on the Avito website 09/12/2018

If you have the idea of ​​opening a carpentry shop, but you are not going to work in it yourself, then the chances of finding a free carpenter who will work for you are close to zero. All masters with experience, as a rule, are employed and have a good income, and masters “worse and cheaper” often abuse alcohol or have experience in places not so remote and, let’s say, lost to society. In this case, it will be easier and more rational for you to place your orders with existing workshops and pay for their work, and then engage in sales finished products.

Ways to sell and promote carpentry products

It is no secret that the traditional formats of carpentry workshops are at a clear disadvantage in terms of sales today. As a rule, they are located on the outskirts of cities and in industrial zones, where no one sees their activities, and the owners, who managed to find some kind of regular clientele, do not always care about promotion and modern methods of communication with the audience.

In the meantime, no matter what horrors and economic crises through the media we were not frightened from all sides; the number of the target audience, which can bring good income to carpentry workshops, is gradually growing. Pay attention to the pace of suburban construction, the emergence of new cottage villages, people who are interested in buying garden furniture and high-quality wooden products for the home. These people want to furnish their homes with maximum comfort and make them unique at the same time. Therefore, it is good if your workshop is located in full view of the target audience and is imprinted on their memory. It shouldn’t just be convenient to get to the workshop, people should see what you do. A good location will help in developing and achieving the “word of mouth” effect. According to the experience of the masters, a person who visits a workshop live almost 100% becomes its client.

Ideally, the workshop owner should try to abandon maximum quantity“fishing rods” in all channels that can contribute to sales growth.

Ways to reach clients:

If some methods of reaching clients are quite passive (for example, publishing advertisements) and require one-time efforts (creating a business card website), then others, for example, social networks, will require constant support and time. Therefore, it will be good if you get an assistant who will monitor these issues. Expenses for promotion can also include exhibition samples for presentations and exhibitions, custom photographs of finished products, and printing of consumable promotional products, such as business cards.

How to open a restoration workshop

A complete set of all equipment for organizing a restoration workshop will cost about three million rubles. You can reduce the cost of investments by excluding services from the list of...

The country's reserves of wood waste are extremely large. To date, in Russia, taking into account all the known various methods of its processing, only about 50% is used, and in Siberia only about 35% of the total mass of wood raw materials. Mostly remain unprocessed: logging waste (tree greens), wood processing waste (bark), sawmill waste (sawdust and shavings), which indicates that there are opportunities for the development of this industry.

Today, there are various business ideas for processing wood raw materials, but many of them require large financial investments in qualified personnel and sophisticated equipment. We are interested in a promising business with an affordable production organization and minor investments.

This type of production includes the processing of still remains into pine extract. Bottom residue is the condensate that, when cooking green wood, cedar and pine bark, accumulates at the bottom of distillation tanks. It consists of biologically active substances that dissolve in water during prolonged cooking. This condensate is rich in vitamins, provitamins, carotenes, chlorophylls, organic acids and other substances that have a beneficial effect on a living organism (even humans). When concentrated, the condensate turns into pine extract, which has high consumer properties.

This extract can be used as a feed additive for animals and birds in agriculture and as a preparation for medicinal baths. In addition, pine extract is widely used in industrial production antibiotics (for animals).

After the process of cooking wood greens, cedar and pine bark, about 90% of the feedstock remains as waste solid waste. The idea of ​​processing this raw material into feed meal will also help increase the income of the wood processing business. Shredded waste solid waste has bactericidal and other positive properties, and they are also endowed with anti-tuberculosis effects. In addition, feed meal can be used as an alternative to roughage.

To others technological solution Rational waste disposal is the preparation of fertilizer based on the waste mass of wood waste using composting. The main costs for implementing this process will be the equipment of trenches and their filling. The crushed waste mass accumulates nitrogen in the substrate and will help increase soil potential. It is especially advisable to use such composts to improve the fertility of loamy and highly mineralized soils.

In addition, the waste mass of wood waste can be used as fuel; it can be burned in a boiler room as an energy carrier. Although it is much more efficient and economical to prepare wood waste for further processing into fuel briquettes or pellets (environmentally friendly fuels). This processing will be able to solve the problem of providing the population with inexpensive energy resources, as well as reduce the volume of harmful emissions, which will reduce the negative impact of energy on environment, improve the sanitary condition of the forest and create new jobs.

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How profitable woodworking as a business can be said only in accordance with the characteristics of a particular market at a certain point in time. Simply put, market conditions vary from region to region and are subject to change. It is very important, before opening such a business, to conduct market research and draw up a detailed business plan.

Restrictions on starting a business

The most obvious limitation: you cannot open a business where there are no profitable offers for the supply of raw materials (wood of the required species). In addition, when conducting marketing research, it is important to consider:

  • how saturated the regional market is already with products;
  • what type of product is the rarest and most in demand;
  • what are the sources of raw materials and how stable are they;
  • How active is construction and what are the recent statistics in this area?

It is very important to make sure that over the past years, individuals and legal entities have been uninterruptedly buying processed wood of various types - otherwise the project will simply fail.

Enterprise organization

Since small woodworking business involves the use of special equipment and technologies, it will be necessary, in addition to the standard set of permits (fire, sanitary inspection, etc.), to ensure that:

  • the premises met technological requirements;
  • all equipment, primarily machines, was certified;
  • specialists and workers had the necessary knowledge and skills.

Important advice for entrepreneurs: do not waste your time, even on simple routine tasks that can be delegated. Transfer them to the freelancers “”. Guarantee of quality work on time or refund. Prices even for website development start from 500 rubles.

Do not neglect contacting legal specialists who will advise you on regulatory documents. The thing is that highly specialized enterprises that use special technologies imply many legal nuances- they may be unknown even to a person with sufficient experience in conducting business activities. The optimal form for organizing an enterprise is an LLC using the basic taxation system.

Selection of premises

The owner decides independently which premises to choose for the enterprise. However, it is best that it meets certain parameters: area - at least 400–500 square meters, the location is optimal from the point of view of transporting raw materials and finished products, with convenient access.

When planning the relative arrangement of rooms, you need to take into account that there should be enough space for:

  • raw material warehouse,
  • finished goods warehouse,
  • production workshop,
  • equipment repair shops,
  • offices of managers and specialists,
  • wardrobe,
  • showers and toilets,
  • rest rooms.

At your discretion, you can also organize a medical office and a canteen at your enterprise, but this will require additional permits and the hiring of additional personnel.

Selection and hiring of personnel

It should be remembered when developing a business plan: woodworking is a complex technological process, and the staff must have certain experience. In general, the following employees are required:

  • chief accountant;
  • technicians and equipment repair specialists;
  • mechanics and workers with various specializations;
  • loaders, forklift drivers;
  • cleaners, technical employees.

If necessary, full-time security guards, medical workers, and canteen workers may also be appointed. It is recommended for an enterprise to select employees whose work experience is at least three years.

Selection of equipment

Most often, dry edged boards are used for woodworking, but other options are possible. The process includes three main stages:

  • The delivered raw materials are unloaded and stored in the warehouse.
  • Raw materials are processed on machines and finished products are obtained.
  • Finished products are stored in a warehouse for subsequent shipment.
  • But this is only a basic process that requires minimal costs. If you choose to use unedged boards that have not been dried, you can save on raw material purchases, but you will need to include pre-treatment and drying in the production process. The equipment is selected in accordance with this: if you need to process dry edged boards, then it is enough to purchase and install four-sided machines; if unedged boards with natural moisture are processed, then double-saw machines, chippers and drying chambers will also be needed. In any case, forklifts will also be required to transport and handle materials.

    Business plan for a woodworking enterprise

    High-quality woodworking equipment for small businesses must be selected after a thorough analysis of statistics and reviews, best of all - under the guidance of an experienced specialist who can point out the pros and cons of certain machines. The question of whether it is worth saving and choosing Russian products or whether it is better to give preference to foreign machines remains open, and there are no clear opinions on this matter. All purchased equipment must be insured against production risks.

    Financial prospects, payback

    As a business idea, woodworking looks quite promising - provided all technical nuances are followed. The cost of premises and the purchase of equipment, depending on the scale and location, averages 10–20 million rubles. In addition, insurance costs should be taken into account depending on the conditions of equipment insurance - usually from 0.3 to 0.6% of the insured amount per year.

    With regular deliveries and stable cooperation with customers, an entry-level woodworking enterprise can bring in one million rubles a month, in regions with active construction - from one and a half million. Thus, the payback period is from one and a half years. This business well suited for those who are ready to pay enough attention to the process and have an initial capital of 20 million rubles or more.

    28.07.2015 23:35


    Coursework: Business plan for a wood harvesting and processing enterprise

    Business plan for a wood harvesting and processing enterprise

    (topic name)



    1. Business plan

    1.1 Summary

    1.4 Competition

    1.5 Marketing

    1.6 Operational action plan

    1.9 Forecasting and risk assessment

    1.10 Financial cash flow schedule

    1.11 Project financing strategy


    APPENDIX - Block of calculation tables for the file

    Figure 1 - Financial profile of the project

    Figure 2-Determination of break-even production volume

    1 Business plan

    A business plan is one of the first generalizing documents to justify investments and contains aggregated data on the planned product range and production volumes, characteristics of sales markets and raw material base, production needs for land, energy and labor resources, and also contains a number of indicators that give an idea of ​​the commercial , budgetary and economic efficiency of the project under consideration and primarily of interest to the project’s investor participants.

    To summarize, it can be noted that a business plan is a document that describes the activities of an enterprise and allows one to foresee the movement of finances.

    A business plan is an object of intellectual property, a subject of trade secret and is subject to appropriate protection.

    1.1 Summary

    Business plan for a wood harvesting and processing enterprise. The volume of the workpiece is 165 m3; payback period 4 years. We have own funds in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, the amount of a bank loan is 130 million rubles.

    In the near future, thanks to reasonable prices and high quality, our company will occupy one of the leading places in the sale of forest products. Thus, cooperation between your bank and our company will increase your prestige.

    The credo of our company: You help us, and we will help you!

    We work on mutually beneficial terms.

    We have special offers for you. For example, your bank will appear in advertising campaigns along with our products.

    We look forward to cooperation and strong business relationships with you!

    1.2 Structure of commercial products

    The company's commercial products include:

    · coniferous pulpwood;

    · other coniferous round timber (LM);

    · birch plywood logs;

    · firewood;

    · lumber (LM) export GOST 26002;

    · PM of the domestic market GOST 8486;

    · woodworking products (WW).

    The company operates for import and export. PM is exported to Western Europe at a price of ____ rub/m3, import - Central Russia (Moscow, Krasnodar). We process shavings and wood chips on site or distribute them throughout the region.

    1.4 Competition

    Competitors include an enterprise of a similar profile, LDK No. 3, which is also engaged in the procurement and processing of wood.

    1.5 Marketing

    To enter the market, this company places the main emphasis in its marketing strategy on conducting an advertising campaign. The success of product promotion depends on this. The main emphasis in advertising should be on the quality of the products produced and low prices compared to the prices of competing companies.

    · Advertisements in newspapers, magazines;

    · Information on Internet sites;

    1.6 Operational action plan

    The initial stage for an enterprise is the idea of ​​the enterprise itself, drawing up a business plan. This is followed by protection of the project in the bank with further provision of a loan. After that - purchase necessary equipment(see Appendix 1, Table A3) Next, we equip the premises and hire management and operating personnel.

    In 5 years, the profit of the enterprise will amount to _____ million rubles, which I can invest in the development of this enterprise, in the development of business relations with partners, and the creation of joint projects to sell our products.

    1.7 Organizational structure of the enterprise

    The management staff consists of 16 people:

    · general director - 1 person;

    · deputy director - 1 person;

    · chief engineer - 1 person;

    · Head of the financial department - 1 person;

    · economist - 1 person;

    · chief accountant - 1 person;

    · materials accountant - 2 people;

    · payroll accountant - 2 people;

    · cashier - 2 people;

    · head of the material and supply unit - 1 person;

    · manager - 1 person;

    · Marketing specialist - 1 person;

    · secretary - 1 person.

    Workers – 70 people.

    1.8 Legal support project

    We will sign a service agreement with a law firm, that is, the lawyer will solve specific problems as needed.

    How to organize a wood processing business

    The company will not have to enter highly paid position lawyer, which will save money.

    1.9 Forecast and risk assessment

    External conditions are not constant, very often circumstances develop in such a way that we cannot influence them in any way (but we can foresee): changes in prices for fuel, electricity, transportation costs. Situations may also arise related to industrial accidents, personnel illnesses, and dishonest attitude towards the work of employees. As noted above, all this can be provided for; for this it is necessary to have a certain reserve of funds in the account.

    There is also the risk of lack of sales: its probability is small, however, in order to reduce it, contacts with potential buyers should be established already at the pre-production stage; and the risk of insolvency of buyers: the probability of this risk is difficult to assess, and this must be done during marketing, checking the solvency of customers Before making a transaction, be extremely careful and vigilant.

    1.10 Financial plan

    To carry out the productive work of the enterprise, it is necessary to draw up a business plan and purchase equipment in the amount of 82 thousand rubles, the initial capital of the enterprise is 100 thousand rubles, the amount of a bank loan is 130 million rubles. We begin to repay the loan with interest from the 15th month of operation of the enterprise in the amount of ____ thousand rubles. After paying off the first loan, the balance in the account is ____ thousand rubles.

    1.11 Sources of funding

    The source of monetary financing for the enterprise is RosBank. Also sources of financing are own funds and funds of partners.


    A business plan gives a real picture of the development and activities of the enterprise. The production of our products is economically feasible because it brings profit and has good profitability.

    The business plan is designed in such a way that after 5 years of operation the profit will reach one million rubles. The design task has been completed.


    1. Zunin L.N., Rymashevsky V.L., Smirnova O.L. - Organization and production planning at a logging enterprise: guidelines for the implementation of a course project. - Arkhangelsk: ASTU Publishing House, 2005-40p.

    2. Meskon M.I., etc. - Fundamentals of management: translation from English - Moscow: “DELO LTD”, 1994.-702p.

    3. Marketing: textbook / edited by prof. Utkina E.A.-Moscow: “EKNOS”, 2002-302p.

    4. Selyanov A.K., Nabokov V.I. Management terminology: dictionary.-Moscow: Marketing Publishing House, 2002.-224 p.

    Download abstract

    Woodworking machines for small businesses

    Today, equipment is almost a key element in any type of activity. Accordingly, many devices are expanding the scope of their application, allowing them to be used for more original and previously unknown purposes. So, for example, equipment for working with wood today can easily be used in the activities of small workshops, creative designer shops, etc.
    It is thanks to such universalization that equipment that previously could only be used in production now looks quite adapted for small volumes of work. So, there is a whole category of units that are woodworking machines for small businesses.
    Developing the topic of equipment in small manufacturing or creative companies with a small scale of activity, it is worth noting that machines designed for working with wood can be used in several areas and for various purposes. Firstly, some small workshops today provide manufacturing or repair services small items furniture. By the way, author’s workshops that make exclusive models to order can also be classified in approximately the same category.

    Business plan for creating a wood processing enterprise (page 1 of 5)

    Such units are no less in demand for the work of craftsmen who create wooden fakes with their own hands for the purpose of their further sale.
    Among such equipment it is worth mentioning small milling machines, which allow you to work with any wood and perform a wide range of functions with this material. Wood engraving machines are also present in this segment. They are, to a greater extent, in demand for creative workshops when creating original drawings on such an elite and high-quality material as wood.
    In addition, it is impossible not to note such woodworking machines for small businesses as small combined units capable of performing a very wide range of tasks at once. The convenience of their use in small-scale production is explained precisely by the versatility of the devices, ease of configuration and small dimensions, which is also advantageous for small areas and premises.

    Woodworking machines for lining

    Lining is a wood processing product, a popular finishing and decorative material that is used for cladding ceilings and doors and walls. The thickness of this cladding board often does not exceed 22 millimeters....

    Woodworking machines for the garden

    The cottage is a great place to relax fresh air from saws, gas-polluted cities and city bustle. There is something to do in the countryside for both adults and children. Some can just relax outside, breathing clean air, A…

    According to technological and instrumental characteristics, wood processing can be classified as follows:

    Sawing, planing, milling, cutting, peeling, debarking, chopping, drilling, gluing, hammering, tenoning, drying, protective impregnation, impregnation that improves properties, protective surface treatment.

    The flammable environment in wood machining shops consists of wood, wood waste, oils and lubricants in woodworking machines. When mechanically processing wood, a significant amount of dust and small shavings are released, which are more fire hazardous than compact wood. Wood dust generated during the operation of grinding machines can form explosive and fire-hazardous mixtures with air.

    The main sources of ignition in wood machining processes are:

    Frictional heat during overheating of fan bearings, conveyors, electric motors of machine tools in case of violation of their lubrication regime, misalignment of shafts and saws, contamination of the surface with dust or wood waste, heating and ignition of drive belts when slipping. Frictional heat can also be a source of ignition when sawing hard wood, the presence of branches in it, overloading and distortion of saws;

    Impact sparks, which are formed in the event of a violation of the relative position of moving and stationary parts of mechanisms, as well as in the presence of metal inclusions in the wood: nails, pieces of metal, etc.;

    Sparks and electric arcs due to mechanical damage to the insulation of electrical cables connected to the electric motors of machine tools;

    Thermal manifestation of faulty electrical equipment, lighting and power networks (short circuits, overloads, high transient resistances), overloading of electric motors of machine tools;

    Spark discharges of static electricity during the operation of pneumatic transport;

    Lightning strikes and its secondary manifestations;

    The heat of spontaneous combustion of wood waste impregnated with oil (when it accumulates under machines or is stored for a long time), as well as oil-soaked cleaning materials;

    Use of open fire (smoking, hot repair work). The spread of fire in wood machining shops is facilitated by: flammable building structures; wood and wood processing waste; air ducts of ventilation systems; production waste disposal systems, conveyor lines and technological openings.

    Specific requirements for ensuring fire safety during mechanical wood processing processes (regulate):

    Premises and equipment must be regularly cleaned of dust, shavings, sawdust and oily cleaning materials. The frequency of cleaning dust from high-lying building structures, utilities and lighting fixtures in premises should be determined depending on the time of accumulation of dust in dangerous quantities and in accordance with the workshop instructions on fire safety measures;

    Cleaning dust in production premises removal of building structures, equipment, utilities and lamps should be done using explosion-proof industrial vacuum cleaners or a special pneumatic cleaning system, and in their absence - in a wet way that does not allow dust. Compressed air cannot be used for cleaning;

    To remove waste, woodworking machines must be equipped with working local suction. Operation of machines with the ventilation and pneumatic transport systems turned off is not allowed;

    To prevent sedimentation of waste in the air ducts of local suction and pneumatic transport, the speed of air movement during suction is taken to be at least 15 m/s;

    In pneumatic transport and aspiration systems, in bunkers, stagnant zones leading to dust deposition must be excluded;

    Chip and dust transportation systems must prevent spillage of materials;

    The serviceability of electrical equipment and wiring must be monitored; overloading of the electrical equipment of machines is not allowed;

    It is necessary to periodically monitor the bearing temperature;

    For work, a sharp and properly sharpened cutting tool must be used;

    Explosion-proof fans must be used in pneumatic transport systems;

    To prevent metal objects from getting into aspiration and ventilation installations that remove flammable substances, air ducts behind local exhausts must be equipped with meshes with a mesh size of 10x10 mm or magnetic traps;

    The transmission of motion from the electric motor to the mechanisms must be carried out using V-belts.

    Technological processes and equipment of main production

    Processes and equipment

    To remove fire and explosion hazardous waste (dust, sawdust, shavings, vapors of flammable liquids and gases), local suction must be provided in the process equipment.

    Operation of technological equipment is not allowed:

    when the ventilation, aspiration and pneumatic transport systems are turned off, to which local suction is connected;

    in case of violation of the established operating parameters of these systems;

    in the event of a malfunction of ventilation, aspiration and pneumatic transport systems, as well as in the event of a malfunction of any equipment included in these systems (air ducts, fans, cyclones, hoppers, dust collectors, etc.), leading to the formation of explosive steam and dust-air mixtures and the emergence of sources pollution.

    Technological equipment intended for mechanical processing, processing and transportation of fire and explosive substances and materials must be equipped with metal detectors or other foreign object catchers. Working with disconnected or faulty metal detectors (catchers) is prohibited.

    All types of conveyors must be equipped with automatic devices to turn off the electric motor in case of overload.

    When operating conveyors, friction of the side edge of the conveyor belt on wooden structures, its slipping, and accumulation of sawdust, dust and other small particles under the belt are not allowed.

    When performing manual decanning operations, it is necessary to use fireproof detergents. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to use flammable liquids and flammable liquids if there is a justification drawn up by technologists and approved by the head of the enterprise about the unacceptability of TMS for carrying out specific technological operations.

    These operations must be performed in cabinets, shelters, chambers and other devices equipped with local suction.

    Hydraulic drives of equipment and machines.

    It is prohibited to operate the hydraulic system if the following malfunctions occur:

    the appearance of noise, knocking and vibration;

    the appearance of external fluid leaks;

    damage to measuring instruments and signaling devices.

    It is not allowed to tighten bolts, nuts and other connections on a system under pressure and during its operation.

    It is prohibited to operate the drive at a temperature and pressure of hydraulic fluid exceeding the values ​​​​established in the operating instructions.

    Systems must be equipped with pressure gauges, safety valves and other devices that protect against pressure increases above the value established by the technical documentation.

    In hydraulic drives it is necessary to use the working fluid specified in the technical documentation. Mineral oils should be replaced, if possible, with fireproof liquids.

    Metal trays should be installed under hydraulic system containers and other possible places of smudges and oil spills.

    Refilling of hydraulic equipment and hydraulic drive systems with working fluids must be carried out centrally. When manually refueling, methods should be used to prevent liquid spills and standard containers that meet fire safety requirements.

    Refueling of hydraulic drive systems operating outdoors must be done during daylight hours.

    Leaks of oils and working fluids in hydraulic drive systems and hydraulic equipment must be eliminated in a timely manner; spilled oils and fluids must be removed immediately.

    Technological pipelines of fire and explosive substances,

    materials and finished products.

    The laying of technological pipelines must be carried out in accordance with the project developed in accordance with the “Instructions for the design of technological steel pipelines Ru up to 10 MPa, SN 527-80” and “General explosion safety rules for explosion-hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries” and adopted in the prescribed manner.

    The maximum speed of liquids moving through pipelines and flowing into containers is determined from the condition of preventing their dangerous electrification. Calculation of permissible speeds is carried out in accordance with RTM “Permissible speeds of liquid movement through pipelines and outflow into containers (apparatuses, tanks) RTM 6-28-007-78”.

    It is prohibited to use flexible hoses (rubber, plastic, etc.) as stationary pipelines.

    The use of flexible hoses is permitted to perform unloading and loading operations into railway tanks and other non-standard equipment, as well as to perform auxiliary operations (purging of pipeline sections, removal of exhaust gases and vapors, clearing pipelines of flammable liquid residues, etc.).

    The movement of flammable liquids by pressing must be carried out with an inert gas.

    Pipelines must be provided with the possibility of purging them with inert gas or other products that prevent the formation of explosive concentrations. The supply of inert gas or other product to process pipelines must be carried out using removable sections of pipelines or flexible hoses, with the installation of shut-off equipment on both sides of the removable section; upon completion of purging, these sections of pipelines or hoses must be removed, and plugs (with tails) must be installed on the shut-off equipment.

    In order to protect against static electricity, as well as electrostatic and electromagnetic induction from the secondary effects of lightning, pipelines throughout their entire length must represent a continuous electrical circuit connected to a grounding device. Between pipelines and other extended communications (structure frames, cable sheaths, etc.) in places where they are mutually close by 10 cm or less, metal jumpers should be welded or soldered every 25-30 m.

    The flange connections of process pipelines must have protective covers to prevent the jet emission of products when gaskets break.

    In production workshops, pipeline diagrams should be posted indicating the location of valves that shut off the flow of products in case of fire, as well as instructions for their safe operation, including methods for cleaning the internal surfaces of pipelines, and repairs.

    Carrying out any repair work on pipelines filled with these products is not permitted.

    It is prohibited to leave valves open on idle pipelines. Idle pipelines must be disconnected from existing communications and pipelines with plugs.

    The installation and removal of plugs on pipelines must be noted in a log signed by the person who installed or removed the plug. All plugs must be numbered and rated for the required pressure.

    On all taps, the position of the plug must be clearly indicated by a line sawed through the end part and painted white.

    Ventilation, aspiration and pneumatic transport.

    The design and material of fans and other devices of ventilation, aspiration and pneumatic transport installations * for rooms where the air contains flammable gases, vapors or dust must exclude sparking. Fans of aspiration installations designed to remove wood dust and fibers formed during the refining of paint and varnish coatings, must be explosion-proof or spark-proof.

    Ventilation and pneumatic transport air ducts must have devices for periodic cleaning (hatches, dismountable joints, etc.).

    At places where fire barriers intersect, air ducts of ventilation units must be equipped with automatic fire-retarding devices (dampers, valves).

    Installations serving fire and explosion hazardous premises must have remote devices to turn them off in case of fire or accidents in accordance with the requirements specifically specified for each room.

    Fan impeller blades must not have dents, bends, or tears, and the impellers must be balanced and not interfere with the shrouds.

    It is prohibited to operate the units if any of their equipment, air ducts, devices and elements are faulty, as well as if the fan drive belts are slipping and the units are overloaded.

    Switching on supply and general exchange exhaust ventilation units serving rooms in which the formation of explosive steam and gas-air mixtures is possible must be done 10-15 minutes before the start, and turning them off 10-15 minutes after the end of operation of the process equipment.

    The activation of local exhaust ventilation and pneumatic transport systems must precede the commissioning of production equipment. They are turned on 3-5 minutes after the end of operation of machines, machines, and devices.

    Connect to installations more receivers than those provided for in the project are prohibited.

    In the event of a fire, ventilation must be turned off immediately, with the exception of installations designed to supply air to the airlocks of premises of production categories A and B, as well as ventilation installations serving hardening chambers in the production of fiberboards.

    Internal surfaces, air ducts of local suction units and fans should be cleaned as they become dirty, but at least once a month. The separators of spray booths and booths should also be cleaned as they become dirty, but no less than after 160 hours of operation. It is prohibited to clean separators in the workshop:

    To prevent the entry of random objects into aspiration pneumatic transport units that remove flammable substances, air ducts behind local suction outlets must be equipped with meshes.

    Operation and maintenance of installations must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the all-Union rules for the operation of gas purification installations, and conditions that exclude the possibility of the emergence of ignition sources and initiation of an explosion.

    Installations that remove wood dust from grinding, calibrating and calibrating grinding machines, dust from machines for grinding paint coatings, dust and fabric fibers from machines for polishing paint coatings must be aerodynamically separated from installations for other purposes and from each other, those. must have independent air duct networks, separate collectors, dust collection equipment and bunkers.

    In installations designed to remove wood dust or dust and fibers formed during the refining of paint and varnish coatings, dust (fibers) are collected in dust collection equipment before the aspiration air enters the fan.

    Dust collection equipment, bunkers; sludge settling chambers and other components (elements) of installations must be fire and explosion proof.

    Dust collectors and bunkers for the discharge and short-term storage of production waste must be located outside production buildings (on the territory of the enterprise).

    Cyclones, bins (for dry chips and explosive dusts), bag filters, pipelines of pneumatic transport systems and external sections of air ducts of installations using the dry method of air purification from explosive dusts and fibers must be equipped with emergency pressure relief devices (safety membranes, anti-explosion valves).

    Air ducts of installations must be made of non-combustible materials.

    Air duct routes should be laid within the floor where technological processes associated with the formation of combustible dusts (fibers) are carried out.

    It is prohibited to place air ducts of aspiration units in basements and basement floors, technical undergrounds and underground ducts.

    Gates for alternating connection of process equipment to installations, valves, hatches on air ducts and other devices with moving elements must be made of materials that do not create sparks upon collision (friction) that can be sources of ignition or initiate an explosion.

    These devices must be easy to open and close, and also be fixed in a given position.

    Aspiration and pneumatic conveying installations must be equipped with devices for removing static electricity.

    Electrical equipment of installations, as well as control and measuring instruments used during operation, must comply with the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules and environmental conditions.

    The placement of cyclones and installation bunkers, as well as fans, on the territory of the enterprise must comply with the fire safety requirements of building codes and regulations.

    The procedure and methods for complying with explosion and fire safety requirements during operation and maintenance of installations must be specified in the instructions on fire safety measures or in the instructions for operation and maintenance of installations.

    Personnel involved in the operation and maintenance of installations are required to scheduled checks, preventive inspections and cleaning of equipment, air ducts, as well as all devices and elements of these installations and take measures to eliminate malfunctions that may cause the occurrence and spread of a fire or explosion.

    Checking, preventive inspection and cleaning of equipment, air ducts, as well as all devices and elements of installations from flammable deposits must be carried out according to the approved schedule.

    The results of checks, inspections, cleaning work, detected malfunctions and measures taken must be recorded in logs for the operation and maintenance of installations. The logs should record the dates of the specified work and the names of those who performed the work.

    Repairs and cleaning of installations must be carried out in the presence of a responsible person, in ways that exclude the possibility of fire and explosion.

    During the operation of installations, it is necessary to carry out constant monitoring in order to:

    1) identifying and eliminating leaks in air ducts and places of their connection to equipment, especially in the discharge sections of air ducts of pneumatic conveying units;

    2) checking the performance of metal detectors;

    3) checking the operation of blocking devices, as well as the condition of emergency pressure relief devices.

    Bin gates should be opened only for the period of unloading production waste from them. The waste collected in them must be removed in a timely manner. It is impossible to overload cyclones and pollute the area where they are located with production waste.

    Protection against static electricity.

    Anti-static electricity protection * must be carried out in accordance with the requirements regulatory documents and guidance materials specified in Appendix 2 and relevant sections of these rules.

    Each enterprise should make a list technological processes, equipment, structures, installations and utilities that require protection from static electricity. The list must indicate the protective equipment used.

    A list of technological processes, equipment, structures, installations and utilities that require protection from static electricity must be compiled technological enterprises and be updated periodically.

    Means of protection against static electricity must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and be in good condition.

    Specialized wheeled trackless vehicles intended for transporting flammable liquids, as well as separate containers for transporting such liquids installed on vehicles, must be grounded.

    During the operation of static electricity protection equipment, it is necessary to ensure constant monitoring of their serviceability, as well as compliance by maintenance personnel with operating instructions and maintaining operational logs.

    To remove charges of static electricity that accumulate on people, especially when performing certain manual operations (washing, cleaning, wiping, gluing) using non-electrically conductive substances, it is necessary:

    provide for the installation of floors with increased electrical conductivity or electrically conductive grounded zones, platforms and work platforms, grounding of door handles, handles of devices, machines, apparatus;

    provide workers in these premises special clothing and special shoes in accordance with current standards;

    Avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic materials (nylon, perlon, etc.) and silk, which contribute to electrification, as well as rings and bracelets that accumulate static electricity charges.

    Electrical installations.

    When installing and operating electrical installations, the requirements of PUE, PTB and PTE must be observed.

    The construction and operation of temporary electrical networks is not permitted. An exception may be temporary illumination installations made with a hose cable.

    After replacing burnt-out electric lamps in industrial premises of explosive and fire hazardous categories, the level of explosion protection and (or) degree of protection of the lamps must be ensured depending on the class of the explosive and fire hazardous zone established by the facility.

    Malfunctions in electrical networks and electrical equipment that can cause sparking, short circuits, or excessive heating of the flammable insulation of cables and wires must be immediately eliminated by the personnel on duty. The faulty electrical network should be disconnected.

    In switchgears, cables should be equipped with tags indicating the brand, voltage, core cross-section, number or name of the connected consumer.

    During operation of ballasts, electrical panels and cabinets, it is necessary to constantly monitor their serviceability and sealing. Storing foreign objects in cabinets and panels is prohibited.

    During operation of luminaires, constant monitoring of their serviceability must be carried out. The operation of faulty lamps is prohibited.

    Electric heating devices may be used only in exceptional cases in specially designated isolated rooms that do not belong to categories “A” and “B”, if it is impossible to replace this heating method with another. Such cases may include the use of electric heating devices in first aid stations, laboratories, etc., as well as for technological purposes (glue dispensers, electrically heated clamps, etc.) in woodworking shops in the manner provided for in paragraphs. and

    The use of household electric boilers in production warehouses and administrative premises is prohibited.

    The use of electric heating devices intended for performing technological operations or repairing parts is permitted in cases where this is provided for in the technological documentation approved by the chief engineer.

    The use of electric heating devices in all cases must be formalized with written permission from the fire department and the person responsible for the operation of electrical equipment.

    Electric heating devices must have closed electric heating elements, be installed on a fireproof base and be under constant supervision.

    Electric heating devices intended for technological purposes must be equipped with indicator lamps indicating that the voltage is turned on.

    After finishing work, it is necessary to turn off electrical equipment (with the exception of emergency lighting) in all buildings and premises.

    Lighting of the enterprise territory, as a rule, should be carried out with xenon lamps or spotlights installed on masts.

    Installation of floodlights on the roofs of buildings with roofs made of flammable materials is prohibited.

    During the operation of electrified mechanisms and portable electrical equipment, measures should be taken to protect their cables from mechanical damage.

    Operation of mobile electrified mechanisms in the event of a faulty electrical equipment, lack of protective equipment and grounding of the power cable is prohibited.

    Each enterprise must have an executive diagram of external and internal electrical networks and electrical installations.

    Evacuation lighting networks must be connected to power sources independent of the main network or automatically switch to independent power sources when the main sources are turned off. These networks must not have plug sockets.

    Protection of electric motors subject to overloads for technological reasons must comply with the requirements of the PUE.

    Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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    Wood processing as a business is a fairly profitable area entrepreneurial activity. Wood is a wonderful material with many positive qualities, used in a variety of areas of construction and light industry.


    Currently, the only rational method of disposal is combustion, respectively, to obtain energy. This procedure is carried out in special boilers or thermal power plants. The latest device helps to significantly reduce energy costs in small and medium-sized enterprises.

    However, it is better to use debris such as branches and sawdust as fuel for the structures described above. This will allow you to significantly save on fuel purchases (there is no need to purchase briquettes, you can simply purchase wood waste) and save the environment.


    According to experts, obtaining charcoal is the most effective way recycling. Although the method is directly related to combustion, it is largely separate. To produce charcoal, a process called “pyrolysis” is used - the decomposition of raw materials in a device without access to oxygen.

    There are three classes of coal:

    • Class A. A similar group is obtained as a result of processing branches and other hardwood waste.
    • Class B. Obtained by mixing hard and soft waste.
    • Class C. Mix of hard, soft and softwood.

    Among all groups, only the first is actively used in industry: in the production of active carbon, silicon, and the product is also used as a reducing agent in metallurgical plants.

    Processing stages

    Wood can be processed in various ways, depending on what kind of product should be obtained. The desired product can be obtained by various types wood processing:

    • chemical wood processing
    • mechanical recycling
    • advanced wood processing
    • comprehensive wood processing

    Chemical processing coupled with mechanical processing will produce plywood, particle boards or fiberboard.

    Using heat treatment, you can obtain various resins, coal, and acetic acid. Let us consider the processing in detail; it allows you to obtain paper, cardboard, cellulose or chipboard from branches and sawdust.

    The process involves the following stages:

  • The tree is divided into pieces such as branches, trunk and greenery. Then they are sorted by species, subjected to hydrothermal treatment, and rotten areas and foreign elements are disposed of.
  • After primary processing, wood waste is crushed. The wood is completely processed into chips using a chipper. To obtain wood chips, which will later be used to make fiberboards or paper, disk machines are used. Processing using a drum chipper is only suitable for hydrolysis production.
  • The next step in the process is to transport the chips for further processing using scraper or belt conveyors.
  • After the initial processing of branches and other wood waste, you can further work with the shavings and compress them into briquettes or other wooden semi-finished products.

    Chemical method

    Processing wood waste using forest chemical technology makes it possible to obtain products that are used in almost all spheres of human activity, such as turpentine, rosin, acetic acid and other goods.

    The basis of the chemical method is the hydrolysis reaction, after which monosaccharides are formed. These substances are then processed biochemically, resulting in the formation of products such as glucose or ethyl alcohol. But chemical processing is more aimed at extracting furfural, which is the basis for the manufacture of drugs, plastics and many useful products.

    Not every type of wood waste is suitable for carrying out such a procedure. More often they use secondary raw materials from birch, aspen and ash. There is also chemical recycling, which is environmentally friendly, but the disadvantage of such recycling is its economic irrationality; it requires large investments and careful work with chemicals.

    Mechanical method

    The main essence of the method is changing the size and volume of elements. Mechanical methods involve planing, cutting and milling operations. Chips are first created from the original wood raw materials, and only then they are processed into chipboard material.

    Mechanical processing, compared to chemical processing, is more economical in terms of money and time. However, there is a nuance: equipment for wood processing is not universal; completely different machines are used for each type of raw material.

    It is worth highlighting briquettes, which are created by mechanical processing. Briquettes are one of many forms of preparing wood waste for use as fuel. Briquettes are an excellent business that requires little investment and has a short payback period. Therefore, recycling as a way to get rid of wood waste is irrational.

    Quality Standards

    Depending on what the final product will be due to a process such as deep processing, there are certain standards that the wood chips must meet. For all areas, it is imperative to exclude the presence of various impurities, such as rot, sand, earth or metal particles.

    • To produce paper or cardboard, wood chips are taken that do not contain bark at all.
    • For the production of fibreboards, it is possible to utilize waste with a bark content of up to 15%.
    • The highest quality fiberboard can be obtained only from wood chips that contain no more than 3% bark.

    Compliance with these standards ensures the quality of products.

    There is the concept of “fine gauge” - this is a low quality raw material. The diameter in the upper cut of the fine-grained wood is 2-6 cm, hardwood 2-8 cm, length 1-3 m. Over time, this material is increasingly used, despite its low quality. Processing of small wood takes place, as processed raw materials are used in construction, agriculture and mining.

    Profitable business

    If we consider wood waste processing as a business, then we can highlight several undoubted advantages of entrepreneurship in this area.

    • Firstly, this is relevant, because efficient use Wood waste is not widely used today. A lot of raw materials quite suitable for processing are left to rot.
    • Secondly, quick payback, although the initial costs may seem quite impressive, mainly due to the need to purchase specific equipment. With proper productivity and established distribution channels, all costs can be recouped in the first year.

    Thus, we can conclude that proper processing of wood and branches is quite a profitable business, of course, with proper organization of production.