How to cook condensed milk in a can, slow cooker and pressure cooker: the best recipes. How to cook condensed milk in a jar

Today we will learn how to cook condensed milk in a can at home. Not from scratch from milk, but already prepared, purchased, as you probably already understood.

Boiled condensed milk has many uses in cooking. Let's start with the fact that you can eat it simply with spoons or spread it on bread. Boiled condensed milk also goes into various creams for cakes; you can even coat cakes or finished cookies with it, serve with pancakes, wrap a sponge roll, or make wafer rolls.

How long to cook condensed milk in a jar

Nowadays you can buy absolutely everything in the store. And, it would seem, what could be easier than going and buying a can of ready-made boiled condensed milk?

Why is condensed milk boiled?

But if you look at the composition of such a product, you will simply be horrified. Stabilizers, vegetable oils, soy products and many other substances that are unnecessary for our body. Opened condensed milk has a strange taste and strange brown syrup inside.

Therefore, you need to cook condensed milk yourself, from high-quality products made in accordance with GOST. The secret of preparation lies in choosing the milk itself in an iron can.

And the question immediately arises: what kind of condensed milk can be cooked? We look at the numbers of the state standard, they are written large on the front of the can. This is GOST 2903-78, and the composition should contain only milk and sugar, fat content 8.5%, no vegetable fats and other components, otherwise it is unknown what you will get.

How long to cook a can of condensed milk depends on the choice of cooking method. We will tell you about this further.

How to cook a can of condensed milk in a saucepan

The easiest way is to cook condensed milk in a saucepan. This is exactly how our mothers cooked it for anthill, honey cake and other delicious cakes.

Anthill cake

Place a jar on its side (or 2 jars) in a saucepan and fill it with water so that it completely covers it; you can add more water.

Bring to a boil and mark the time for how long to cook the condensed milk in a saucepan - 2 hours over low heat, covering with a lid so as not to steam the kitchen. If overcooked, it may explode.

Important! To prevent a can of condensed milk from exploding, it must be completely covered with water. If the water evaporates, add more hot water.

After cooking, a can of condensed milk should not be opened immediately. It should cool in the same water in which it was boiled. No adding cold water!

How to cook condensed milk in a jar

Cooking condensed milk in a pressure cooker

If you cook condensed milk in a pressure cooker, then after 15-20 minutes it will turn out the same as after 1.5-2 hours of cooking in a saucepan.

This method of cooking condensed milk is also good because you don’t need to add water during cooking, and we also save time on preparing boiled condensed milk.

Place the jar on the bottom, fill cold water so that the jar is well covered, almost to the extreme mark, and bring to a boil. Close the lid. We have already written above how long to cook a can of condensed milk in a pressure cooker.

After the steam has escaped, cool the jar in the water in which it was boiled.

How to cook condensed milk in a can in a slow cooker

With the advent of the multicooker, housewives learned to cook absolutely everything in it. And we even know how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker.

Here you need to be as careful as possible, because if the jar explodes, your favorite unit will be hopelessly damaged. How to properly cook a can of condensed milk in a slow cooker?

During cooking in the multi, the water does not boil away as quickly as on the stove, which is good news. Therefore, we place the jar on the bottom on its side; it is advisable to lay a silicone mat so that the surface does not scratch.

Pour in cold water so that it does not reach 1 notch to the extreme mark, close the lid and turn on a mode that quickly heats the water, for example, “Boiling”.

As soon as the water boils, switch the multicooker to the calmest mode - this is “Stewing”, so that the desired cooking temperature is maintained. And cook the same as in a saucepan for 2-2.5 hours.

Open the lid and let it cool in the water.

Cook a can of condensed milk in a slow cooker

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

We have given you all the recipes on how to cook ready-made condensed milk in cans. But cooking condensed milk in the microwave is also an interesting process.

Of course, you can’t put a jar in the microwave. You can’t put any metal in it at all; even a gold-plated plate instantly begins to crack and “let off” sparks.

Therefore, we will cook open condensed milk by pouring it into glass, porcelain or special plastic.

Attention! Condensed milk with herbal additives behaves unpredictably in the microwave, be careful!

Set the microwave to the highest power setting and place a bowl in it. You only need to cook condensed milk in the microwave for 10-15 minutes. But every 2 minutes you need to remove and stir the product.

How long to cook a can of condensed milk

We told you how long it takes to boil a can of condensed milk in various kitchen appliances and units, and now a few interesting facts about the condensed milk itself.

It turns out that this delicacy was invented not in Russia, as many believe, but in America, in the mid-19th century. The goal was to evaporate some of the milk for preservation. We started making it in 1881 in the city of Orenburg.

Calorie content of condensed milk:

Condensed milk also contains 3 times more calcium than regular milk. However, you should not get carried away with this product, because it is very sweet and high in calories.

How to cook delicious condensed milk, how to cook delicious dessert or a filling made from boiled condensed milk? This is exactly what this article will discuss. Everyone knows the taste of condensed milk from childhood. How much joy there was if there was a blue and white iron can in the refrigerator. Sometimes there was no delicacy tastier than a bun coated with condensed milk.

Indeed, when you mention condensed milk, an image of a jar with a blue paper label is automatically drawn in your head. This is the most familiar look in which everyone is used to seeing her. Time passes, and now you can find condensed milk on store shelves different brands completely different packages. Unfortunately, not only the design of labels changes, but also the taste of the product itself.

Nowadays it is increasingly difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to find a favorite delicacy that is similar to the taste of childhood. Modern manufacturers actively use vegetable fats, flavorings, and various preservatives, as a rule, to increase the shelf life of the product. As a result, its taste and quality deteriorate. How to find a way out of this situation? Learn from this article how to cook condensed milk at home.

1 - How to cook condensed milk at home

Knowing how to cook condensed milk is a necessary thing. You will know for sure that the product is natural, prepared without the use of harmful additives. This means that condensed milk will be much healthier and tastier than store-bought milk.

It should immediately be noted that cooking homemade condensed milk takes approximately one and a half hours. Therefore, in order not to be distracted from the process, it is worth postponing the planned tasks until later. Although it takes a lot of time, the cooking technology is very simple. Anyone can cope with it.

The minimum set of products required to prepare condensed milk is cow's milk and sugar. You need to use full fat milk optimal 5% fat, or fresh steamed. To get a richer taste, you can add to the main ingredients powdered milk. And thanks to this you will get a thick consistency.

Ideal proportions:

  • 0.5 liters of milk,
  • 300 g milk powder,
  • 600 g sugar (300 g regular and 300 g cane sugar).

You can avoid burning if you cook using two pans (small and larger).

Pour water into a large bowl and set to heat. Mix dry milk with drinking milk in a smaller saucepan and add sugar. When the water boils, lower the small pan into the large one. Next, cook over low heat, stirring the contents occasionally. You will have to cook for about an hour and a half until the mixture thickens.

Do not increase the heat to speed up the cooking process, as the milk will burn quickly.

Ready-made condensed milk rarely turns out clean white, but in terms of taste it always exceeds the analogue from the store. If you leave it on the stove for about 2 hours longer than expected, it will become too thick and turn brown. You will get boiled condensed milk. Many people with a sweet tooth like it more than usual.

Boiled condensed milk is often used in culinary recipes as a filling. They grease cake layers with it, stuff baked tubes and nuts. In this case, there is no time to devote three hours to cooking. To shorten the cooking process, ready-made condensed milk is boiled, packaged in cans.

2 - How long to cook condensed milk in a jar

To prepare boiled condensed milk in a jar you will need about two hours.

Remove the paper label from an iron can of condensed milk purchased in a supermarket and place it in a container of water. Cooking over low heat. The jar must be completely submerged in water throughout the cooking time. If the water boils away, it needs to be added.

After the allotted time has passed, turn off the stove and remove the condensed milk from the water. When it cools down, you can taste the delicacy.

We found out how to properly cook condensed milk in a can on the stove. Now let's look at how to cook it in the oven and microwave.

3 - How to cook condensed milk in the oven

This method involves cooking condensed milk without a can.

Pour the condensed milk into a heat-resistant bowl or pan and immerse it in a large vessel with high sides, filled to the middle with water. Cover the top of the sweet mass with foil and place in a preheated oven. Cook for two hours, adding water from time to time. Then remove from the oven. Let it cool home-cooked condensed milk before use.

So, now it’s clear how to cook condensed milk at home in the oven without using a jar.

4 - How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

Another way to cook condensed milk is in the microwave. Considered the fastest. If you don’t have time to wait for a long preparation or can’t wait to taste the sweetness, it’s better to use this method.

Condensed milk should be poured from the packaging into a container specifically designed for the microwave oven. Then turn on the medium cooking power mode and set the time to 15-20 minutes. Every three minutes you need to turn off the microwave to stir the sweet mass. This will not allow the milk to “escape” and will protect against the formation of lumps. The readiness of boiled condensed milk is determined by its brown color. The darker it is, the thicker the condensed milk will be.

To prepare boiled condensed milk, it is advisable to use condensed milk made from natural products. When choosing high-quality store-bought milk, you should follow certain rules.

5 - How to choose condensed milk in the store

The first thing you need to pay attention to is Name. “Whole condensed milk” and “Condensed milk with sugar” - these phrases are always indicated on the label of high-quality condensed milk, which does not contain vegetable fats or palm oil. This requirement is enshrined in law Russian Federation. Manufacturers low quality products call their products by names not protected by law - “Varyonka”, “Condensed milk”, “Natural milk product”. It is better not to buy a product with this name.

Preference should be given to condensed milk that complies with GOST. It usually has the following composition:

  • cow's milk,
  • cream,
  • water,
  • sugar,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • derivatives of sodium and potassium.

Best before date must be 12 months. A longer period indicates the presence in the product of various not very useful supplements. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the need to purchase it.

It is important to know the subtleties that you should pay attention to when choosing condensed milk. But it is equally important to know how to cook condensed milk at home yourself. Then you don’t even have to go to the supermarket to buy this product.

Video about making condensed milk

To consolidate the material and understand the best way to prepare this wonderful dessert, we recommend watching a video about cooking condensed milk at home:

Most adults and children are partial to boiled condensed milk. However, the quality of modern products under this name raises concerns - their composition is so questionable. However, this is not a reason to refuse a tasty delicacy, because you can cook it the old fashioned way with your own hands.

Selection of condensed milk

Condensed milk is concentrated cow's milk from which the moisture has been evaporated. To add sweetness to the product, sugar is often added to it, resulting in a white, viscous, but still liquid mass. Like any sweet consistency, it sticks to your hands. High-quality condensed milk is packaged in cans, which increases its shelf life to 12 months. If you cook this product, it acquires a brown tint, a thicker consistency and a pronounced caramel taste. The resulting dish is called dulce de leche, which is Spanish means "jam made from milk". However, in our country such a dish is known as boiled condensed milk.

Today, condensed milk is sold in doypack bags, plastic and glass containers. Since cooking is carried out without removing the composition from the container, only tin containers are suitable. You should carefully study the label before purchasing. Only a product designated as “Whole condensed milk with sugar.” If there is another name on the label, even if it is very close in meaning, it will not make boiled condensed milk.

You can get high-quality and tasty caramel mass from the most natural condensed milk, which contains only sugar and milk. If it contains preservatives and flavorings, as well as components starting with “E,” then during the cooking process the product may curl, separate, and behave in an unexpected way. It is worth paying attention to appearance cans - it should not have dents, damage, or traces of rust.

Naturally, only hermetically sealed containers are allowed for cooking, and their shelf life must not expire. If you choose the right raw materials and follow the cooking recommendations, you will get aromatic boiled condensed milk, reminiscent of toffee. It is definitely superior in taste and safety to store-bought analogues sold under the same name.

How and how long to cook condensed milk so as not to explode?

Cooking condensed milk takes quite a lot of time. Depending on the chosen method, this takes from 3 to 4 hours, so most housewives prefer to boil several cans at once. After cooling, they are simply put in the refrigerator and opened as needed. Cooking time affects the color, consistency and taste of boiled condensed milk.

If you “cook the jars” for an hour after the liquid boils, the “milk jam” will acquire a yellowish tint. Its consistency and taste qualities will remain almost unchanged.

If you boil condensed milk for several hours from the moment of boiling, it will acquire a pleasant caramel or light color. Brown color and will thicken slightly. This mixture is usually used for making fondants and greasing cake layers. If you extend the cooking time by one hour, you will get a thick, rich brown “varenka” with a delicious aroma. You will have to take it out of the jar with a spoon, and the composition will not drain, but will harden into a viscous sweet mass. Finally, if you boil the product for 3.5 hours, it will turn rich brown, and you will have to eat it with a knife. Boiled condensed milk will cut like butter.

In a saucepan on the stove

This method rightfully claims to be a classic, since this is how dulce de leche was prepared in Soviet period. The process does not require special skills, although “set it on fire and forget it” cannot be said about this recipe, since you need to constantly monitor the water level, adding it if necessary. This method is also attractive because it allows you to cook a lot of condensed milk at the same time. It is enough to take a wide pan and increase the volume of water to accommodate several cans at once.

The pan should be taken with thick walls and bottom. You must first remove the labels from the cans.

It will be possible to prepare a creamy dessert at home from ordinary condensed milk if it is quite fatty. This figure must be at least 8.5%. It is better to stack tins in dishes rather than place them vertically. In this case, they will not float up during the cooking process, and the layer of water above the jars with this arrangement will be larger. And so that the containers do not come into contact with the bottom and do not rattle while rolling over it, it is recommended to first place a piece of natural fabric on the bottom, then jars, and then fill with water. There should be enough of it so that the jars are completely hidden, and a layer of liquid of at least 2–3 cm remains above them, but 5–10 cm is better.

After this, you need to turn on high heat and bring the liquid to a boil. Then the boiling intensity should be reduced and the pan should be left for 2–3.5 hours. This is enough to get “varenka”. If you need a dish of a darker shade with a more viscous and dense consistency, you can boil the composition for up to 4 hours. If necessary, you need to add water so that the jars are never left uncovered with water. To do this, it is better to pour water boiled in a kettle into the pan.

In order not to find yourself in a situation where the boiling water suddenly runs out and the jars are left without a water cover, it is better to boil the kettle regularly.

When the specified time period has passed, the containers with boiled condensed milk are removed from the boiling water using a slotted spoon or culinary tongs and placed on a towel. The jars are hot, so you need to act very carefully and leave them to cool on a heat-resistant surface. The dish is ready (it can be opened and tasted or put in the refrigerator) after the contents are at room temperature. As a rule, this takes a whole day, sometimes a day.

You can speed up the cooling time by placing the hot jars in a pan of cold water. As soon as it warms up, drain the liquid and fill it with a new batch of cold water. Repeat until the jar becomes cold and stops heating the water, but it is better not to rush to open the container, since the condensed milk along the walls has completely cooled down, but inside the jar it is still hot and can “shoot out”.

On the stove you can cook condensed milk not only in an iron factory container, but also in an ordinary glass jar. To do this, you need to pour the product into a jar, place it in a pan and fill it with water. Its amount should match the level of condensed milk in the can. Place the pan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer the “milk jam” for 3–3.5 minutes. You should not stir it during the cooking process, but you must add water to the pan when it boils. The finished “varenka” should be left in the jar until the water in the pan has cooled.

In a pressure cooker and multicooker

When cooking in a pressure cooker, the same rules are followed - the jars are placed in a container and completely filled with water. Cooking time is a quarter of an hour, after which the jars, covered, are left in the liquid for another 3 hours. After this time, open the pressure cooker, but remove the condensed milk only after it has cooled completely. The dish is prepared in a similar way in a multicooker, but you should select the “Soup” mode.

In the microwave

You can cook condensed milk in the microwave only by opening the can and transferring it to a glass container intended for use in the microwave. Set the power on the unit to 750 W and cook for several minutes. Then take it out and mix. Repeat the process, removing the container of cream and stirring it every 2 minutes. This will prevent the milk from burning and finish cooking when the dish reaches the desired consistency.


Despite the fact that cooking condensed milk is a fairly simple process, several rules must be followed: otherwise, there is a risk of not only spoiling the “varenka”, but also causing the jar to explode.

  • The first rule concerns the amount of water in the pan. It must completely cover the jar. The fact is that the boiling point of water cannot exceed 100ºC, which means that the jar will not heat up to the above limit. Even if this happens due to the contact of the tin with the bottom of the pan, the surrounding liquid will “take” the heat onto itself. If it happens that some part of the container is not under water, this will lead to its overheating. As a result, the temperature of the sweet mass will exceed that outside the jar. This will cause the condensed milk to expand and, as a result, the can to explode.

Important! The liquid acts as a water bath. As you know, cooking food in a water bath ensures even heating and eliminates the risk of burning. With a sufficient amount of water, the caramelization process proceeds uniformly, certain parts of the composition (primarily the condensed milk at the bottom) do not burn.

Every housewife has had to cook condensed milk at home at least once in her life, but not everyone has the desire to re-cook this sweetness. The reason may be either an explosion of the jar or failure to obtain the desired consistency of the product. Problems arise due to the purchase of poor quality condensed milk and ignorance of the cooking time. In this article we will tell you how to properly cook and prepare condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk correctly?

How to cook condensed milk and what are the nuances?

1. Remove the label from the glass jar and rinse the jar under water.

2. Choose a container suitable for cooking. It is best to take a large saucepan, as the water will boil away, and you are unlikely to want to constantly stand at the stove.

3. Place a towel on the bottom of the pan.

4. Place the cans of condensed milk at the bottom of the pan and fill it with water to the maximum.

5. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and note the time.

  • Condensed milk should be boiled for 1.5 to 4 hours.
  • The cooking time depends on the purpose: you need cream for a cake or a filling for nuts with condensed milk.

6. Check the water level in the pan every 20-30 minutes. Jars should always be completely submerged in water.

  • You can only top up hot water, since with a sudden change in temperature, the jars may burst.
  • If there is not enough water in the pan, the jar may explode, which is dangerous due to the risk of getting a burn. And it’s quite difficult to remove the scattered remnants of condensed milk.

7. When you finish cooking the product, be sure to cool it, but do not put it in cold water, otherwise the bank will burst. Wait for the pan with its contents to cool naturally.

You can cook condensed milk in any way convenient for you. Now we will look at 3 options for preparing the product: in a jar on the stove, in a slow cooker and in the microwave.

How to cook condensed milk in a can on the stove?

This method is considered the most common; all housewives know it. How to cook condensed milk on the stove?

1. Place a towel on the bottom of the pan.

2. Take a can of condensed milk, place it in a pan or place it on its side.

3. The pan is filled with cold water so that the jars are closed completely and with a reserve.

4. After the water boils, the gas is reduced and from this moment the time until the product is completely ready is noted.

  • As we said above, condensed milk is cooked for 1.5 to 4 hours.
  • It is important to ensure that the jars in the pan are always filled to the brim with water, and that you can only add boiling water from a boiling kettle.

5. If you want to get a liquid, viscous consistency of a light color (caramel), cook the condensed milk for 1.5-2 hours at a constant light boil. As a rule, such condensed milk is ideal for making sausages from cookies, Potato cakes and for topping pancakes or pancakes.

6. To obtain a thickness at which the condensed milk becomes like toffee, it must be cooked for 2.5-3 hours. To achieve maximum thickness and dark color of condensed milk, you need to cook it for 4 hours.

Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

1. With this cooking method, as with cooking on the stove, the label is removed.

2. Wipe the jar with a damp sponge.

3. To prevent scratches on the non-stick coating of the multicooker, place a cloth napkin on the bottom of the bowl.

4. Condensed milk in a can is placed on the bottom of the multicooker (or sideways).

5. Banks are fully covered clean water up to the maximum level. This will help prevent the jar from exploding.

  • In a multicooker, water practically does not boil away. However, it is better to be on the safe side, especially if your appliance does not close the steam release valve.

6. In the “Boiling” or “Frying” mode, the water is brought to a boil, after which the multicooker lid is closed.

7. Select a mode with a temperature of 100 degrees (“Multi-cook” or “Stew”), and the condensed milk is cooked for 2-3 hours. The time is set depending on the result you want to achieve.

You can make your own condensed milk in a slow cooker. To do this you need:

1. Take 200 gr. The product contains the following components: 250 gr. sugar, 250 gr. milk powder and 250 gr. milk.

2. A glass of sugar is poured into a container and mixed with dry milk.

3. Then milk is slowly poured in.

4. The resulting mixture must be whisked (you can use a blender) until the sugar is completely dissolved in the milk.

5. The whipped mixture is poured into the multicooker bowl, which is set for 1 hour in the “Stew” mode.

6. The milk will begin to boil in 15 minutes; you urgently need to open the lid and mix the contents.

  • While preparing milk, stir it periodically.
  • To get the real creamy taste of condensed milk, use natural milk powder; a substitute will not work here. If for some reason it is not possible to prepare condensed milk with natural milk powder, use infant formula or dry cream. To prevent milk from curdling during cooking, add 1/3 tsp. soda and mix the mixture thoroughly. In this amount, the soda will not be felt, and the milk will not curdle.

7. When the condensed milk is ready, leave it in the multicooker bowl until it cools completely. Only after this can the contents be poured into a glass container and tightly closed with a lid.

8. Place the cooled condensed milk in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave?

This method of preparing condensed milk is the fastest and easiest. For this method, use glass or ceramic containers, plastic dishes won't work here.

1. The container with the contents is sent into the microwave oven chamber for 2 minutes, the power is set to 700 W.

2. Remove the container from the microwave, mix the milk thoroughly and put it in the oven again for 2 minutes at the same power. This is done to prevent condensed milk from escaping from the microwave.

3. When cooking, it is important to stir the contents of the container every 2 minutes. Only 4 sets of 2 minutes are done, for a total of 8 minutes.

Condensed milk can be cooked in an oven at medium power. How it's done:

1. The container is removed for the first time after 40 seconds, the contents are mixed and returned to the device.

2. Condensed milk should be taken out and stirred every 45-60 seconds (only during the first 10 minutes).

  • Stir vigorously to prevent the milk from curdling.

3. When the contents of the container thicken, you need to stir more often - every 20-30 seconds.

In general, the cooking process is 15-25 minutes (cooking time depends on the desired result).

In a microwave oven, like in a slow cooker or on the stove, you can achieve the required consistency and color of condensed milk. The cooking time at maximum power is 8-15 minutes, and we must not forget to stir the milk every 2 minutes. Some housewives prefer to boil milk at a power of 400 W for 30 minutes and consider this method of preparing condensed milk to be the best. The advantage of cooking in the microwave is the speed of the process. The disadvantages include: 1 - frequency of stopping the device for stirring milk; 2 - not everyone will be able to cook condensed milk in a microwave oven.

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Boiled condensed milk enjoys well-deserved popularity. This delicacy is delicious on its own and is suitable for filling in cakes and pastries.

On store shelves you can find finished product, but it is often made with added vegetable fats. Therefore, many people still cook condensed milk at home. It's not difficult, a little attention and patience - and the result is a fragrant sweetness with a beautiful caramel shade.

Delicious boiled condensed milk is obtained from a high-quality starting product. You should not give preference to a cheap product. It is very likely that it contains additives that will prevent it from thickening during cooking.

To get a fragrant, viscous mass, you need to carefully choose milk with sugar:

  • buy a product with the GOST mark;
  • check the expiration date;
  • Do not take damaged or dented cans.

But even high-quality condensed milk from different companies differs in taste. After trying different varieties, choose the one you like best.

How long does it take to cook condensed milk?

The proverb that says that there are no comrades for taste and color completely applies to boiled condensed milk. Many people cook it until it becomes a dark, solid mass. There are also lovers of a soft, light-colored consistency. This option is well suited for adding to cakes and other desserts. And everything depends on only one parameter - cooking time.

  • Condensed milk needs to be cooked for at least 1.5 hours. At this stage, a soft sweetness of light beige color is obtained. It is easy to mix and whip and is therefore often used to make cream.
  • After 2-2.5 hours, the product acquires a brown color and medium thickness. This mass is convenient to use as a filling for everyone’s favorite “nut” cookies. Or you can simply lick it off a spoon, washing it down with hot tea.
  • If heating continues for more than 3 hours, the milk boils down and turns into a dense dark clot. At the same time, it acquires a thick chocolate color and a slight smell of burnt sugar.

How to cook condensed milk at home

You need to remove the label from a jar purchased in a store and wash the jar itself, if possible, removing any glue remaining on it.

Study the composition

For homemade For dumplings, you need to take condensed milk containing only milk fat. Actually, it should consist of 100% milk and sugar.

Adding palm or other vegetable oil changes its properties and spoils the taste. It also means that starch and other thickening agents have been added to the milk.

Add water on time

The cooking process continues for several hours, so the water from the pan inevitably boils away and has to be topped up.

To do this, be sure to use hot water. If you take it cold, a sharp temperature contrast may occur and the jar will burst. To save yourself the trouble of adding water, it is better to immediately take a pan of sufficiently large volume.

Do not open a hot jar

You should not open an iron can immediately after cooking, no matter how much you would like to see the result as quickly as possible. As soon as a hole appears in the lid, the hot contents will splash out with force. The boiling sticky stuff can seriously burn your skin, not to mention the need to clean up.

How to cook condensed milk at home

Condensed milk is usually sold in tin cans. We have been accustomed to cooking it in this container since Soviet times. Actually exist various ways cook this deliciousness. All of them are suitable for self-use at home in the kitchen.

In a tin can

Condensed milk is boiled without opening the can. It is simply placed on its side in a pan, filled with cold water and boiled over low heat. To reduce water evaporation, you can loosely cover the pan with a lid.

Milk fat content

Milk, which contains more fat, needs to be cooked longer heat treatment. Therefore, it is better to check what value is indicated on the label. The average time ratio is:

  • with a fat content of 8-8.5%, the approximate cooking time is 1.5-2 hours;
  • with a fat content of more than 8.5%, you need to focus on a time of 2-2.5 hours.

Amount of water

The size of the pan matters a lot. There must be at least a centimeter of water above the jar. If the water boils away, the jar will simply explode and decorate the entire room from floor to ceiling with sticky stains. Therefore than more water fits in the pan, the better. There is no need to pour to the very edges, otherwise the water will splash out onto the stove when boiling.


The cooking process itself is not complicated. First, place the dishes on high heat so that the water heats up faster. The stove is then set to low heat to maintain a gentle simmer.

The main thing is not to forget about the culinary action taking place and regularly check the water level, adding it as needed.


To cool, the jar is simply left to lie in the water in which it was boiled. When it cools down to room temperature, you can take it out and open it.

In a glass jar

Some manufacturers produce condensed milk in glass containers. You can also make dumplings from it.

This method is also suitable for those who believe that metal cans are harmful to health and spoil the taste of the product.

The advantage is that you can observe the process through transparent glass.

  • We pour condensed milk from an iron can, or immediately take one that is packaged in glass at the factory.
  • Place a mat on the bottom of the pan, place a jar on it, and cover it loosely with a lid.
  • Pour water to a level just above the milk level.
  • Boil over low heat for 3-4 hours, not forgetting to add evaporating water.

There is no need to stir the milk during cooking. To cool, leave the jar in the same water without removing it.

No jar at all

You can cook condensed milk directly in an aluminum saucepan. But it is better to take a cast iron frying pan with thick walls. It will provide more uniform heating. Condensed milk is poured into a bowl and brought to a boil over medium heat. .

It is important to constantly stir the contents of the pan with a spoon or wooden spatula. If you get distracted for a while, the milk will burn to the bottom.

Reduce heat to low and continue to simmer until desired thickness and color. The mass is stirred regularly so that a hard crust does not form on the walls.

In a water bath

There is a way to avoid constantly standing at the stove and stirring. If you place a wire rack or colander on top of a pan of water, you can organize cooking in a water bath.

The boiling water will evaporate and heat the bowl of condensed milk placed on the grill. You don't have to worry that the treat will burn. But you still need to monitor the water level and add it to the dishes.

We use kitchen appliances

Many housewives are already accustomed to preparing all dishes using household appliances. Boiled condensed milk is no exception here. A modest saucepan can be replaced with a modern unit.


Place the jar in the multicooker bowl in a horizontal position and fill it with water just below maximum level. The device is started in the “Boiling” mode and wait until the water boils. Then, in the “Stew” mode, cook the condensed milk for two to three hours.

When finished, open the lid and allow the condensed milk to cool. After this, it is ready for use.

The video will show you how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker in 13 minutes.


Under no circumstances should you put a tin can in the microwave. Condensed milk should be transferred to a ceramic pot or just a glass bowl.

The total cooking time will be 10-15 minutes if you turn the microwave on full power. But every couple of minutes you need to open the door and stir the mass. This method is much faster than traditional cooking, although the taste will be slightly different.

Pressure cooker

Using a pressure cooker will slightly reduce the cooking time. But you don’t have to monitor the boiling water, and there is no danger that the jar will explode.

You just need to put the jar in the pressure cooker, fill it with water and boil for 15 minutes. After this, turn off and leave to stand with the lid tightly closed. In about 3 hours, the contents will cool down and the condensed milk will reach the desired condition.

Although cooking condensed milk is a simple matter, some sweet lovers are afraid of spoiling something. Some useful tips will help you gain self-confidence.

What to do to prevent the jar from exploding

Everything will be fine if:

  • make sure that the jar does not stick out of the water;
  • do not add cold water to boiling water;
  • Do not cook condensed milk in a damaged jar.

How to cook a lot of condensed milk at once

If you have a large enough pan, you can cook several cans in it at once. The main thing is to fit more water. It is recommended to place a silicone mat on the bottom. Then the cans will roll and hit each other less.

No wonder everyone loves boiled condensed milk. You can buy condensed milk with sugar in any store, and making an original, unique delicacy from it is very simple. The appetizing smell and beautiful color turn a simple dish into a real culinary masterpiece. It decorates any sweet table and is included in various desserts.