Invincible victory icon. Icon of the Mother of God of Czestochowa, or “invincible victory”

The Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God is called “Invincible Victory” in another way. She, the omnipotent one, is revered in all churches. If you believe the legend, it was written by the evangelist Luke, who lived in the ancient city of Jerusalem. The icon was painted on an ordinary board, which had previously been knocked together for the table at which the holy family always gathered.

Previously, peasants hid it in the rocks, where they themselves hid from persecution. Saint Helena gave the icon to Constantinople. It was installed in a chapel, which was located in the king's palace.

The face remained there for five centuries, until in the 17th century it was transported to Rus' by Prince Peremyshl, brother of Alexander Nevsky. Even then, people were talking about the miraculous properties of the image, there were rumors about the great miracles that it performed.

So the face stood in the king’s palace until the lands began to belong to Poland. Western Ukraine. When the Belz castle was besieged by the Tatars, Prince Vladislav knelt down to the miraculous image, begging for help. He took it in his hands and carried it outside the castle walls. At that moment, a black cloud appeared in the sky. The Tatars got scared and moved away from the castle.

After this, the Mother of God came to Vladislav in a dream. She spoke with the prince about the need to move the icon to Jasna Gora in the Częstochowa region. The prince did as the Virgin Mary ordered in a dream. So in 1382 the holy face was identified on the mountain. And since then no one has moved him from there. To this day, the miraculous icon is located there.

For many years, scientists have been arguing about where the image came from and what its age is.

Is it true, historical facts confirm the fact that the image was rewritten. In the book of the Pauline monastery there is evidence of this process. But there is not much difference in what layer of paint lies on the face, if in history there are countless examples of its miraculous action.

This is interesting! There is an opinion that the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God has been rewritten, but the real layer has long been erased.

In the Middle Ages, the monastery was attacked by the Hussites. They stole everything from the church, including the image. But it was not possible to take the loot far, because the horses stood motionless. Everyone realized that this was how the miraculous action of the icon of the Mother of God appeared, and they threw the image to the ground. The invaders died on the spot. Since then, two cuts have remained on the face, which serve as a reminder for all those who want to repeat the theft.

Historical events

What do they pray for?

The Polish monastery, located on Yasnaya Gora, is as significant as the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Russia. An incredible number of people are waiting for a miracle, coming to the face for help, asking for mercy from the Mother of God. But there are also a huge number of those who have already waited for this miracle. Regardless of gender and age, everyone knows about this miraculous image. Many people do big way all over the country just to make a pilgrimage to the face.

It is not surprising that the face attracts representatives of various faiths, not only Catholics, but also Orthodox. There is only one explanation for this: The Mother of God helps everyone who asks. Moreover, you can contact her for any reason, ask for anything. Because the path to it is always open to everyone.

History knows of cases when people who previously followed a godless path begin to believe in God after seeing an image. And there are a lot of such miracles. In Poland there is a special book of miracles, where all the good deeds that the icon performed are recorded.

The book has been updated for six centuries, during which time it has accumulated thousands of stories and testimonies. In order to make an entry in the book, according to legend, you need to kiss the cross. Thus, there is another miraculous evidence in the scriptures.

Educational! What is Father Herman and how to get there.

Useful video: Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God

Akathist to the face

The Icon of the Mother of God of Czestochowa has witnessed many historical events, in particular the formation, baptism and joining of the church of the entire Russian people. From the text of the akathist we learn that through revelation, which was transmitted through the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, this miraculous image should play a significant role in the liberation of Russia from godlessness, as well as in the liberation of the Fatherland. To do this, you need to show obedience to the Queen of Heaven.

Pay attention! It is from the akathist that one can learn what the Mother of God commands in order for liberation and revival to come. In it, everyone will find information about the history of the face.

The elders give their blessing for the reading of the akathist in churches. Usually these actions are performed on the eve of the feast of the Council. Holy Mother of God. On January 7th, all believers begin reading akathists or prayers at four o'clock.

Prayers are read most often:

  • about the salvation of Russia;
  • about the gift of an honest and kind king;
  • about salvation from the forces of Antichrist.

If possible, this should be done collectively.

The same akathist is read on the day of the miraculous Czestochowa Icon, which is traditionally celebrated on March 19. All believers can read it, and you can download the akathist and see a photo of the face on the Internet.

About the church

The Church of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God was often attacked. The Hussites could not steal and take away the face of the Hussites. And in 1655 the Swedes tried to besiege Jasnaya Gora. They captured almost all of Poland. The Swedes greatly outnumbered the Poles. But the locals heroically defended the monastery, and the Swedes had to withdraw their defenses.

Such a rescue of the holy place greatly influenced the Polish people and raised their patriotic spirit. All of Poland was liberated from enemies. Henryk Sienkiewicz describes these events in detail and reliably in his book “The Flood”.

History remembers one more event. In 1813 the monastery was captured Russian army. The Napoleonic wars were going on then. The abbot of the monastery brought copies of the image as a gift to the military leaders, which are valued to this day. The lists were then kept in the Kazan Cathedral. In 1932, the cathedral was closed, but the lists were not lost; they were transferred with honor to the State Museum of the History of Religion.

History remembers when the Iron Curtain fell. This event took place in 1991, when World Youth Day was celebrated. The most important guest of the holiday was Pope John Paul II. On this day, about five hundred thousand people bowed to the miraculous face, including young people from the Soviet Union.

What to ask the Mother of God

People come to the Mother of God for the most various help, asking for peace, harmony and health. The meaning of the icon is very great.

According to legend, her miraculous powers are aimed at the following ailments:

  • She cures diseases, eliminates illnesses. There are known cases when the image healed even those people who were terminally ill. Therefore, they turn to the Mother of God even in cases where there is absolutely no hope for salvation and healing.
  • Before the exciting and long journey The face blesses you for a successful and calm journey.
  • The Icon of the Mother of God of Czestochowa reconciles and smoothes out conflicts. Thanks to it, it is possible to unite two even strongly warring forces.
  • The Mother of God can guide you on the right path. Those who have gone astray can ask for blessings from the face. Therefore, those addicted to alcohol and other bad habits They are looking for salvation from her.

The powers of the Mother of God are extremely great. She gives spiritual harmony to those who rush through life, languish and suffer in their thoughts. Gives wisdom to fools who wander through life without meaning or purpose, not knowing where to go or how to act. Relieves those who are in trouble or stuck in a dark period of life from evil misfortunes.

You can ask a lot of things from an icon, and judging by the endless list of miraculous deeds it has performed, it can do a lot. She is open to everyone, and she will accept and understand every heart. This is an unknown force, which has no equal in the world. And no one can unravel this power and know it. But only for thousands of years have people come to the Mother of God to find salvation in her.

Others consider this icon to be a family icon, the guardian of women's happiness and family hearth and well-being. God's intercessor protects families and children from illness and evil forces. An image takes on special power if it is passed on from generation to generation.

Thus, the older generation blesses their children and grandchildren for good deeds and good deeds. Before the face, you can read prayers that ask you to protect your family and be its intercessor. This is a shrine that carefully preserves the hearth.


Many copies are still made from this shrine. They are kept in both Orthodox and Catholic churches and temples. But there is one unique list, the fate of which is unknown. This list was made by the icon painter Blasius Lux. It was kept in the temple in the name Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius in the center of Częstochowa. The church was consecrated in 1872. But in modern times it was rebuilt into a Catholic church.

This is interesting! The list was able to heal even paralyzed people and those who themselves could not walk. Lik was also beautiful in appearance: he was decorated with pendants made of silver and gold, and later he had a bronze robe.

But in 1918, Poland liberated itself from Russia, the church was occupied by Catholics, and twenty years later it became a church.

Lists of this icon are still being made. Just a few years ago, the Archbishop of Tiraspol ordered Polish icon painters to create this miraculous image. It was consecrated in the Czestochowa Monastery, then taken to Tiraspol, where the Christian shrine is kept to this day.

Useful video: Icon of the Mother of God “Invincible Victory”


The legends about the miraculous power of the face are amazing. In 1935, a memorial complex, dedicated to this wonderful image. In ancient times, he stayed in the church of the castle of Prince Lev Danilovich. Later, the Belz authorities ordered a copy of the miraculous icon. It was placed in the chapel of St. Valentine, which is located near the chapel of St. Nicholas, an Orthodox Christian church. Thus, it was noted that holy place, where in ancient times the miraculous image was kept.


Russian version of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God or "Invincible Victory"

Getting to the beginning of the presentation of the material, the author wants to notify the reader that for the Russian Orthodox Church(both before 1917) and after its revival by I. Stalin in 1943) the topic of the “Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God” is extremely topical.

And adherents of this idea prove that they are right, using all the arguments available to them. There were also the following reasons:

Here is information from one of the Orthodox sites, supervised and directed from the Russian Orthodox Church MP, which has long understood the importance of the Internet in the fight for its parishioners ( (9) /1 (9) -1.htm ). We read further without cuts...

“If we turn to the history of our Fatherland, we will notice that the Russian land in times of trials was always saved by the Mother of God, and therefore our Motherland is called the House of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Our ancestors, being in trouble, collectively resorted to Her intercession, and the Queen of Heaven always gave what was asked for through one or another icon. The entire centuries-old history of the Russian people is full of such wondrous Intercession of the Queen of Heaven. And the hard times we are experiencing are no exception. The Icon of the Mother of God MILIUS is called upon to do many things

As the “Guardian of the Future of Salvation” in the destinies of the long-suffering Fatherland, she is called upon, through a repentant cathedral prayer service before Her image, to free our country from the Judeo-Masonic yoke; how INVINCIBLE VICTORY is called upon to become our shield, our Invincible Victory in the coming trials; designed to unite all Slavs into one powerful Russian-Slavic kingdom; called to "Make us new for the coming King"

Now the icon of the Mother of God MILIUS is glorified throughout the country. Ancient copies have been found, many newly-appeared icons, newly painted, one of which contains a piece of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, given by the late Patriarch of Jerusalem Diodorus as a blessing to this image.

Prayers are served everywhere, akathists are read (in Moscow - the Church of the Prophet Elijah /Vorontsovo pole, no. 16/, Intercession in Medvedkovo, /Zapovednaya st. no.52a/, in Rastorguevo, Peredelkino).

Near Pskov, in the church of St. blgv. Prince Alexander Nevsky, with the blessing of the elder Archpriest. Nikolai Guryanov, constantly serves prayer services for Fr. Oleg Stroev.

On March 18, 2001, on the eve of the feast of the icon, in Moscow, at the monument-chapel to the heroes of Plevna, with the blessing of the clergy, a cathedral prayer service to the icon took place, at the end of which R.B. Benjamin, who returned the same day from Lake Pskov, conveyed Fr.’s blessing to everyone. Nicholas to glorify the icon in Russia.

Miraculously, icons of MILIUS appeared, painted on canvas, in the city of Ivanovo, in the Kazan Church. The icons repeatedly streamed myrrh as the priest told parishioners about the significance of MILIUSA for Russia.

The icon painter from the Novokosinsk Church in Moscow saw St. Seraphim showed him the icon of the Mother of God and ordered him to paint it. It was the image of MILIUSA.

Amazing lines from the book “On the miraculous image of the Mother of God of Iveron-Montreal”: “The uncreated light of Christ’s miracles is becoming more and more dazzling, everything is getting darker in the kingdom of this age, and the murder of Joseph Muñoz Cortes, the keeper of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, is, we hope, another sign of the exhaustion of the old, times that have become obsolete, a sign of the imminent approach of INVINCIBLE VICTORY." (St. Petersburg, New Business, 2000, p. 219).

The face of the Most Pure One on the icon of Her MILIUS, cut three times by Tatar swords, is unusually mournful, like on no other icon of the Mother of God in our country (perhaps the state of Her face reflects the spiritual state of our people). The Mother of God was wounded in the neck by a Tatar arrow, from which blood flowed.

Throughout New Testament history, a peculiarity has been noticed that after intense prayer in front of an icon, the patriotic spirit miraculously ignites in those praying.

We also consider it important to present the vision of St. Nektary (Tikhonov), the last Optina elder. Recorded by S.A. Nilus March 19 (March 6/19 and September 27/9 are the days of celebration of the icon).

“Father Nektary is still in the hospital. Today I went to visit him again. I asked about his vision. “It was with me all night,” the priest said and told me in general terms its contents. “In all the details,” he added, - it’s too long to tell. Here’s the main thing: I see a huge field, and on this field there is a terrible battle between a countless horde of apostates and a small army of Christians. All the apostates are excellently armed and are fighting according to all the rules of military science, while the Christians are unarmed.

At least I don’t see any weapons on them. And, to my horror, the outcome of this unequal struggle: the moment of final triumph of the apostate hordes is coming, since there are almost no Christians left. The festively dressed crowds of apostates with their wives and children are rejoicing and already celebrating their victory...

Suddenly, an insignificant crowd of Christians, among whom I see women and children, makes a sudden attack on their own and God’s opponents, and in an instant the entire huge battlefield is covered with the corpses of the Antichrist army, and its entire innumerable crowd is killed and, moreover, to the extreme to my surprise, without the help of any weapon. And I asked the Christian warrior standing next to me: “How could you defeat this countless horde?” - “God helped!” - that was the answer."

(“Unknown Nilus”, vol. 1, p. 375; “Russia before the second coming. Prophecies of Russian saints”, p. 469)

“The ancient Czestochowa shrine, which after the war of 1812 became a symbol of the victory of Russian weapons, is called by our contemporaries - Orthodox believers in the akathist dedicated to it “Invincible Victory”; sometimes it is also called very rarely - “Milius”.

The Częstochowa image became a military banner in some parts of the Russian Armed Forces.

Memorable events for Orthodox Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents were the flights of the cross on airplanes with the Czestochowa image around Moscow and St. Petersburg in 2002.

“Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar. Under the Antichrist, Russia will be the most powerful Kingdom in the world. And all other countries, except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the horrors and torments written in the Holy Scriptures,” the saint predicted . Lavrenty Chernigovsky.

The Russian Orthodox Tsar is entrusted with a special mission in the Universe.

He will have to fulfill the prophecy inscribed on the tomb of the First Christian Emperor Constantine the Great: “The Russian people, uniting with all the languages ​​that want to take revenge on Ishmael, will defeat him a second time and take Sedmikholmie with all its accessories”...

(V.V. Arkhipov. Byzantine prophecies about the fate of Constantinople. M. Pilgrim, 2002)

“Russian hopes will be fulfilled. On Sophia in Constantinople, the Orthodox Cross will shine, Holy Rus' will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and will prosper, like a heavenly cloud,” the monk-seer Abel the Prophet predicted about the same thing.

(turn of the 18th-19th centuries. Holy Tsar Nicholas II and the new Russian martyrs. M.: "Stavros", 2004) ".

Well, the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God is a divine guarantee for achieving these goals!

But information about the purpose of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God would be incomplete without this information. ( We read without cuts, but with comments.

“Emperor Constantine the Great, at the behest of God, built Constantinople, in a dream he heard a voice: “In Byzantium it is fitting for the city of Constantine to be created.”

Having gathered a multitude of people, the Tsar with the Patriarch and with the entire priestly rank served a thanksgiving prayer to the Lord and the Most Pure Mother of God and handed over the city and its inhabitants into the hands of the Most Holy Lady Theotokos “Hodegetria” (Guide). This dedication took place on May 11, 330.

Reference: In 324, after victories in internecine wars, the Emperor of the Roman Empire, Constantine the Great, launched a system that had existed since the 7th century BC. e. as a Greek colony in the city of Byzantium, major construction was carried out - the hippodrome was rebuilt, new palaces were built, a huge Church of the Apostles was erected, fortress walls were being built, works of art were brought to the city from all over the empire.

As a result of large-scale construction, the city is expanding several times, and population growth is significantly increasing due to migration from European and Asian provinces.

On May 11, 330, Constantine officially moved the capital of the Roman Empire to the city on the Bosporus and named it New Rome, Constantinople."

Now, let’s continue what we interrupted with the presentation of the material:

“On the same day, but already in the 10th century, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir dedicated Kyiv to the Queen of Heaven, consecrating the famous Church of the Tithes in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

The capital of Kievan Rus was built in the likeness of the capital of Byzantium - Constantinople.

In the 11th century, Yaroslav the Wise, the son of Vladimir, built the majestic St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv in the image of St. Sophia of Constantinople.

In the 10th century, the ambassadors of Prince Vladimir admired the greatness and beauty of the Orthodox service in the St. Sophia Cathedral, which predetermined the choice of faith by Prince Vladimir.

But Moscow, not Kyiv, became the collector of the Russian Land. Moscow, like Constantinople, is located on seven hills in the very center of Holy Rus'.

Moscow was destined to become the Third Rome: "... everything that previously gave Constantinople the significance of the head, the capital of the entire Orthodox world - royal dignity, patriarchal dignity, abundant and revered shrine - all this was now transferred to Moscow." (Kapterev N. The nature of Russia’s relations with the Orthodox East in the 16th and 17th centuries, M. 1885)

After the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453, the “abundant and revered shrine”, the Hodegetria icon of the Mother of God disappeared from Constantinople.

In 1654, the icon was transferred from Athos to Russia as a gift to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

The icon was solemnly greeted by Patriarch Nikon in Moscow and placed in the Assumption Cathedral.

Perhaps Blachernae Hodegetria will return to Constantinople.

Two icons of the Mother of God: Vladimir and Czestochowa, written as “Hodegetria,” are destined to fulfill their mission in restoring the Orthodox Kingdom in Rus'.

From ancient times to the present day, Holy Rus' has been under the protection of the Mother of God Hodegetria of Vladimir.

The great Russian shrine, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is located in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, where the crowning of the Russian Autocrats took place. The first Russian Tsar, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, was blessed with this icon.

The Vladimir Mother of God will bless the last Orthodox Tsar in the Universe if we beg him from the Lord and Guardian of the Royal Family.

The spiritual connection between Constantinople and Holy Russia was not interrupted.

On the same day, the memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and Queen Helena and the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God are celebrated (June 3). In one cathedral there is a shrine of Constantinople and a shrine of the Russian Land.

The Vladimir and Czestochowa icons of the Mother of God were painted by the Apostle and Evangelist Luke in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem."

All of the above can still be explained by at least a distorted understanding of history, but this passage exceeds all conceivable fantasies:

“The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is written on the board of the table at which the Holy Family ate.

Perhaps the Czestochowa Icon of the Lady is also written on the same board.”

Celebration of the Presentation Vladimir icon September 8 marks the celebration of the Czestochowa Icon of the Lady.

The very feast of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God reminds us, Christians of recent times, that through repentance and prayer the impossible can be accomplished.

In 1395, the formidable conqueror Tamerlane invaded Russia and, marching towards Moscow, reached the Don. Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich with his army came out to meet him, but most of all, the prince trusted in heavenly intercession.

He asked the people to strictly fast during the Dormition Fast and ordered the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God to be transferred from Vladimir to Moscow.

Meeting the icon, the people knelt and cried out to the Lady: “Mother of God, save the Russian Land!”

At the hour of the meeting of the icon in Moscow on September 8, 1395, the Radiant Virgin appeared to Tamerlane in a dream vision with countless angels holding fire swords. Tamerlane woke up in horror.

The elders explained to him that the radiant Virgin is the Mother of the Christian God. “Then we won’t be able to deal with them!” - Tamerlane exclaimed and turned his hordes back. At the meeting place of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the Sretensky Monastery was founded.

In this monastery on September 6, 1998, Holy Russia met its last Sovereign. A color photocopy of the icon of the holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II, not yet glorified in Russia, began to smell fragrant on this day in the Sretensky Monastery.

There is a mystical connection between Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky and Tsar Nicholas II. Due to his love for the Mother of God and reverence for God, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky is rightly considered the first Russian Tsar.

In Holy Rus', under Prince Andrei, five times more churches were erected than before him. The temples were built of white stone.

The ritual of killing blgv. Vel. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky confirms the murder of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. First and the last Tsar in Holy Rus' they were killed on the same day - July 17.

But it is impossible to erase the memory of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, since in Holy Rus' they love and honor the Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God, which was established by the prince.

The Lady of Czestochowa took the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II and the Royal family under her protection and protection. On March 6/19, 1918, on the day of the celebration of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to offer prayers not for the Tsar, but for the Provisional Government, calling him blessed.

“Russia took the path of destruction the day it stopped openly praying for the Tsar,” said the saint of God.

But the Guardian of the Royal Family did not leave the Tsar and the Royal Family.

The Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God was intended for the Royal family from the time when the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helena, mother of Tsar Constantine the Great, found Life-giving Cross Lord's.

On this day, March 6/19, 326, Palestinian Christians gave her the Hodegetria icon of the Mother of God.

The Icon of the Mother of God began to be called “Czestochowa” after the name of the village of Czestochowo in Poland.

The Mother of God herself chose Mount Jasnaya in the village of Częstochowo for her residence when the apostate from Orthodox faith, Prince of Opolsky, took Her icon from Galician Rus' to the Western possessions.

The Lord punished the apostate. Both sons of Prince Opolsky turned out to be childless, and his family was interrupted. The Mother of God stopped in the West in order to protect the Orthodox world from it. last times.

Predicted the significance of the Częstochowa Icon in recent times Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky. S.A. Nilus, answering the question of what St. Seraphim said about the future of Russia, said: “No one knows the destinies of God... although much was revealed to the great seer.

I will only say that he spoke more than once to close people about the terrible time we were going through and cried bitterly at the same time. But he also said that in time the Lord would give Russia a certain period of time, about 15 years, for repentance and that Poland would play some positive role in the liberation of our homeland.

If after this Russia still does not repent, then the wrath of God will be poured out on it in even greater proportions” (“Unknown Nilus”. M.: Pravoslavny Pilomnik, 1995. Vol. 2, p. 352).

The positive role of Poland was revealed by the Venerable Seraphim himself to the servant of God Valentina Sizova.

He conveyed to her the command of the Mother of God to pray collectively for the salvation of Holy Rus' and the granting of the Orthodox Tsar to the Lady of Czestochowa. It was the will of the Mother of God that the Patriarch himself serve the prayer service. It was also revealed to Valentina Sizova that the grace to save Holy Rus' passed from the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God to the Czestochowa Icon.

This was confirmed by the myrrh-streaming of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God in the city of Ivanovo in the Kazan Church.

The icon streamed myrrh twice when the priest said that the grace to save Holy Rus' had passed from the Sovereign Icon to the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God.

This incident was described by the keeper myrrh-streaming icon of the Holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II, Priest Peter (Vlaschenko) in the brochure “Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God” (M.: “Kovcheg”, 2002, p. 38).

The story of Valentina Sizova began in 1991, when she first venerated the holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov after their second discovery

Holy relics of St. Seraphim was found in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg in December 1990.

In the same cathedral in 1991, the holy relics of St. Joasaph of Belgorod were found for the second time. The Kazan Cathedral previously contained a copy of the miraculous Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God."

As we see, if we say allegorically, the “cauldron” of ideas generated by the cult of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God and human passions heated on their basis is already in a pre-emergency state, since the Russian Orthodox Church MP has not installed any safety valves there!

Well, now let's get to the heart of the matter.

How do historians and theologians of the Russian Orthodox Church MP derive for their parishioners the Russian version of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God?

Here's how! Simple and without any fancy stuff!

True again the story begins with Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen!

( (9) /1 (9) -1.htm): “The Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God belongs, according to legend, to those 70 icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary that the saint painted Evangelist Luke (October 18).

It was written in Jerusalem, in the Upper Room of Zion, and was originally kept in Jerusalem by John the Theologian

In 66-67, during the invasion of Roman troops led by Vespasian and Titus, Christians fled to the town of Pella. Together with other shrines, they preserved the Czestochowa image of the Mother of God in the caves.

In 326, when the holy Queen Helen (May 21) went to Jerusalem to venerate the holy places and found the Cross of Christ, she received this icon as a gift from Christians, brought it to Constantinople and placed it in the palace chapel, where the shrine remained for five centuries."

And here is the beginning of the Russian version:

“In the 10th century, Princess Anna was blessed with this icon for her marriage to Prince Vladimir, who took her to Kyiv.

Prince Vladimir the Great ordered the icon to be placed in the Tithe Church - the first stone church in Kyiv, where it remained until 1240."

But how did the Icon get from Kyiv to Lviv?

And it's very simple!

Do you remember who was the last Great One Prince of Kyiv before its capture by the Tatars - the Mongols in 1240?

Don't remember? A Daniila Romanovich Galitsky(1201, according to other data 1204 -1264) - Prince of Volyn (1205-1206, 1211-1231), Galician (1211-1212, 1229-1231, 1233-1235,1238-1254), 1st king of Galician Rus' ( 1254-1264), Grand Duke of Kiev (1240), politician, diplomat and commander, son of Prince Roman Mstislavich, from the Galician branch of the Rurikovich family

In 1240, Daniil Galitsky occupied Kyiv and installed Dmitry as a thousand, who led the defense of the city during Batu’s invasion in September-December 1240.

During the Tatar defeat, Daniel went to Hungary with his son Leo to woo the royal daughter for him (the marriage was concluded only in 1247).

He returned to Rus', but could not get into the Russian land, since there were few squads with him, and he returned to Hungary.

Kyiv was taken, governor Dmitry was captured, and the Tatars moved further to Volyn and Galich.

Dmitry himself showed miracles of political ingenuity; he convinced Batu Khan to go further to the West against the Hungarians and leave Galicia.

But, before the siege of Kyiv began, Batu Khan secretly took our icon to the small princely town of Belz, which was bypassed by the Tatars.

“Then the miraculous image was brought with great honor by the founder of the city of Lvov (Lemberg - 1268 - 1270), the Galician-Volyn prince Lev Danilovich, and placed in the Belz Castle under the supervision of the Orthodox clergy.

Subsequently, during the conquest of Western Ukraine by the Poles, the miraculous icon went to the Polish ruler, Prince Vladislav Opolsky.

The Tatars, having invaded Russia, besieged the Belz castle. Trusting in the help of the Mother of God, Prince Vladislav took the shrine out of the church and placed it on the city wall. Pierced by an enemy arrow, the miraculous image retained forever traces of the bleeding blood.

The harmful darkness that then descended on the Tatar army forced them to lift the siege of the castle and retire to their own borders. The Heavenly Intercessor, in a dream vision, commanded the prince to transfer the miraculous icon to the Clear Mountain of Czestochowa.

Having founded a monastery on Yasnaya Gora in 1352 - (the mountain of “testimony” - as it was called for the many miracles that took place there), Prince Vladislav transferred the miraculous shrine to it, entrusting it to the monks of the Pauline Order for safekeeping. A few years later the monastery was plundered by the Hussites.

Having deprived her of all her treasures, they wanted to steal the miraculous image, but an invisible force held back the horses, and the cart with the shrine did not move. In a rage, one of the robbers threw the holy icon to the ground, and the other struck the face with a sword. Immediately, fair punishment befell everyone: the first was torn into pieces, the second’s hand withered, the rest fell dead or were struck by blindness.

In the middle of the 17th century, the Swedish king Charles X Gustav, having taken Warsaw and Krakow, was defeated at the Czestochowa Monastery on Jasna Gora. The help and intercession of the Queen of Heaven encouraged the Poles, and King John Casimir, returning to Lviv, published a manifesto according to which he entrusted his state to the patronage of the Mother of God, calling Her image in Częstochowa the “Polish Queen”. The war with the Swedes in 1656 ended successfully for Poland.

Many miracles from the Czestochowa miraculous image were attested in a special book kept in the temple of the Czestochowa Monastery. Many copies were made from this icon, both for Catholic and Orthodox churches."

But, in 1812, Emperor Napoleon I declared war on the Russian Empire, and his army, having reached Moscow and captured the city, soon began to retreat, and in the course of a series of battles was completely defeated.

So Russian troops occupied Poland again.

And here begins a new page in the Russian version of the history of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God.

There is a lot of conflicting information on this matter. Here's an example:

“In 1813, after the capture of the Czestochowa fortress by the Russians, the abbot and the brethren of the Lavra presented General Saken with a copy of the Czestochowa icon.

Emperor Alexander I decorated the list with a rich chasuble and placed it in St. Petersburg, in the Kazan Cathedral.

However, the icon, called in Russia “the symbol of the victory of Russian weapons,” was lost forever after the events of 1917.”

Well, since we have a new historical figure, let me tell you more about him.

Fabian Wilhelmovich Osten-Sacken(Fabian Gottlieb von der Osten-Sacken, 1752-1837) - Russian field marshal general (since 1826), prince (since 1832).

His father, Baron Wilhelm Ferdinand Osten-Sacken, with the rank of captain, was an aide-de-camp to Field Marshal Count Minich. Fabian's mother, née von Udam, was the daughter of a Swedish major.

The full spelling of the surname is von der Osten-Sacken, although often in orders he was simply called Sacken. Upon receiving the princely title (in 1832), the prefix von der Osten was removed from his surname.

Baron Osten-Sacken spent the first years of his childhood in poverty.

At the age of 14, he was enlisted as a lieutenant officer in the Koporye Musketeer Regiment. He began active service as a sergeant in 1767.

In 1769 he took part in the blockade of Khotin. On September 7, 1769, for military distinction, he was promoted to ensign and transferred to the Nasheburg Musketeer Regiment.

He took part in military operations against the Turks in 1771-1772 under the banner of General Suvorov and against the Polish Confederates in 1770-1773.

In 1785 he was transferred as a captain to the Land Noble Cadet Corps.

In 1786 he received the rank of major and on the same day was renamed lieutenant colonel.

In 1790 he took part in the assault on Izmail under the command of General Suvorov.

In 1793 he was transferred to the Chernigov Musketeer Regiment. Participant in the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1794, was awarded for battles with a golden sword with the inscription “For bravery.”

On September 28, 1797, he was promoted to major general and appointed chief of the Ekaterinoslav Grenadier Regiment. On July 11, 1799, he received the rank of lieutenant general.

Participated in the Swiss campaign, which was unsuccessful for the Russian army. In 1799, while covering the retreat of General Rimsky-Korsakov's corps in the Battle of Zurich, he was wounded by a bullet in the head and captured by the French General Massena.

In 1801 he was released and was appointed chief of the St. Petersburg Grenadier Regiment.

In the war with Napoleon of 1806-07, commanding a division in Bennigsen’s army, he took part in the battles of Pultusk and Preussisch-Eylau, but soon after that he was accused by the commander-in-chief of disobedience, put on trial and lived for 5 years in St. Petersburg, in extreme need.

In 1812, by order of the highest order, the investigation into the Osten-Sacken case was terminated, and he was sent to Tormasov’s army as a corps commander.

Distinguished himself during foreign trip Russian army against Napoleon 1813-14; commanded a corps (more than 50 thousand people) as part of the Silesian army. He distinguished himself in the battle of Katzbach, where he commanded the right wing of the army.

On the same day, August 14, 1813, he was promoted to general of the infantry. For the capture of the Gallic suburb during the "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig, he was awarded the Order of St. George, 2nd degree.

In 1814, for the battles of Brienne-le-Chateau and La Rotiere, he was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

After the occupation of Paris by the troops of the anti-Napoleonic coalition on March 19, 1814, he was appointed governor of the city and managed to earn the favor of the inhabitants.

In June, when control was transferred to local authorities, he resigned as governor of Paris. The city presented him, as a token of gratitude, with a carbine, a pair of pistols and a gold sword, strewn with diamonds, on one side of which was inscribed: “City of Paris to General Saken.”

In the definition on the basis of which this weapon was presented to our commander, it is said that “he established peace and security in Paris, saved it from unnecessary expenses, patronized public and judicial places, and that the inhabitants, thanks to his vigilance, could indulge in their ordinary activities , and considered themselves not to be in a state of war, but to enjoy all the benefits and guarantees of peacetime."

In 1815, Saken took part in the second campaign of Russian troops in France, commanding the 3rd Infantry Corps in Warsaw, which became part of the army of Field Marshal Barclay de Tolly.

Upon returning to Russia, he commanded the infantry corps, then from 1818 the 1st Army after the death of the former commander Barclay de Tolly; in 1818 he was appointed a member of the State Council. On April 8, 1821 he received the title of count.

In 1825, Tsar Nicholas I, on the day of his coronation, sent Osten-Sacken a field marshal's baton.

In 1831, Osten-Sacken, who then had his main apartment in Kyiv, immediately suppressed the unrest that began in Ukraine (Kiev, Podolsk and Volyn provinces) as a result of the Polish uprising of 1831, for which in November 1832 he received the princely dignity of the Russian Empire .

In 1835 he received honorable retirement following the abolition of the 1st Army. After retirement he lived in Kyiv.

He died on April 7, 1837 at the age of eighty-four and was buried in Kiev - Pechersk Lavra near the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (the grave has been preserved).

Now having become familiar with life. And with all the deeds of the glorious General Osten-Sacken, we can get to the heart of the key issue.

And the story is quite mysterious, but not new and typical of the ruling elite of that time. Reduced to the fact that there was public policy to seize cultural and artistic values ​​in the countries they conquered and move them to Russia.

In 1813, when Russian troops under the leadership of Osten-Sacken entered the Czestochowa monastery, which with a stretch can be called a fortress, allegedly the abbot and brethren of the Lavra presented General Sacken with a copy of the miraculous image.

Subsequently, a “list” of the Czestochowa icon was placed in St. Petersburg in the Kazan Cathedral.

However, the icon, called in Russia “the symbol of the victory of Russian weapons,” was lost forever after the events of 1917.”

But, and here we are waiting for a sensation, partly explaining the excitement of the Orthodox media regarding the Czestochowa Icon as Simov’s “victory of Russian weapons”:

Thus, in the book: “Materials of a scientific conference dedicated to the memory of commander M.I. Kutuzov-Golenishchev,” published in St. Petersburg in 1993 on page 87, you can find an article. Its essence is this.

"Upon the occupation of the Polish fortress of Czestochowa by Russian troops, M. Kutuzov requisitioned from the family cathedral, the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, donating it to the Kazan Cathedral.

As for the Polish clergy, they made a copy of the mentioned icon, which is still carried out at the head of religious processions on the day of the so-called “lamentation”.

Unfortunately, through the efforts of the censors, this fact is not allowed to be made public under the pretext of “preventing trauma to the psyche of Catholic believers.” I think, however, that the truth should remain the truth."

Now about how the story of the icon brought from Poland and placed in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg developed?

Here we can say the following: different sources The answer to this question is the same!

On behalf of the Holy Synod, in subsequent years it was done historical research and it is recognized that this icon “is the original Czestochowa icon,” but in Czestochowa, only a copy remains.

But none of the sources names the archival documents of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, where the data on the examination of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God from the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg should have been preserved.

And for modern historians, there is something to work on, exploring the archives of the Patriotic War of 1812-1914 and the archives of the Holy Synod in order to reveal the secret of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God.

But, then came 1917, during the October, Godless Revolution, the image of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God - MISSING!!! WITHOUT A TRACE!!!

After so many years, it can be stated that none of the powerful Bolsheviks from Smolny reacted to the “disappearance” of the Czestochowa image of the Mother of God.

There was no time to look for some kind of icon there.

Therefore, we are left with two hypotheses:

1. The Częstochowa Icon of the Mother of God, as a richly tamed icon (gold and diamonds), was simply stolen from the Kazan Cathedral and destroyed after the valuables were removed.

2. The Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God, as the main shrine of POLAND, was stolen from the Kazan Cathedral by Polish patriots who took part in the overthrow of the Provisional Government. After which it was “secretly” returned to Częstochowa in the Pauline monastery “Jasna Gora”, where it is still preserved.

Then there is a reasonable question for Orthodox theologians and historians:

“Gentlemen! What do you hope for? What kind of “Invincible Victory” is this?

Where is she? "Lists" from "lists"???

Well, as a “bonus”, for the interested reader I offer an excerpt from the book by Boris Polevoy (real name Boris Nikolaevich Kampov) (Soviet journalist and prose writer, author of the “Tale of a Real Man”, which I knew from school).

She was a correspondent during the war and visited Częstochowa, which had just been liberated by Soviet troops.

What he saw there is reflected in his memoirs (“These Four Years. From the Notes of a War Correspondent”), there are two chapters - “The Uterus of Boska Czestochowa” and “A Little Mysticism.” Of course he saw more, but we will be able to read what the Soviet censorship missed. But this is also impressive! This is what B. Polevoy writes

“Our tank burst into the monastery, where the Nazis wanted to deploy a defense, and did not allow them to gain a foothold there - which saved the icon. Then the sappers cleared the mines from the monastery, which the retreating Germans wanted to blow up for provocative purposes!”

“Have you seen it (the icon - ed.)? - Well, how can you not see it. First of all, I went to have a look, because of which I’m risking my head,” answered the brave sapper. “This Mother of God is thin, by the way. Some kind of old .

In our village, in the church, it’s even more beautifully painted, by all means.”

Nikolaev (also a military journalist - ed.) and I looked at each other. The sapper's impression of the famous icon coincided quite well with ours.

The image of the Madonna... inhabits all the churches of the Christian world.

Among them, Czestochowa, in my opinion, is the most everyday - a tired, middle-aged woman with a dark, haggard face, clutching, as it seems, not her son, but her grandson. Plus there's a scar on his cheek.

I just don’t understand what the power is that, for many centuries, has attracted hosts of pilgrims to it from almost all over the world.

I confess that Nikolaev and I, former Komsomol members and, of course, atheists, left the icon disappointed,” this was the first impression of military journalists.

And he invited them to look at the icon again (this time through the eyes of a believing Catholic - I’ll note on my own behalf).

“Look at her. Look and try not to think about anything, forget where you are,” the Catholic monk instructs them.

“In the dark temple one could see several monastic figures standing in positions of prayer,” writes Polevoy.

They were contemplating the icon, but the expression on the face of the middle-aged, stocky, pink-cheeked monk closest to us was not at all prayerful, but somehow enthusiastically excited...

I started to doze off, but what was it?

He opened his eyes. The face and hands of the Mother of God seemed to be covered with fog, melted, and then another face began to emerge from the fog: round, very young. It appeared in separate parts - first the lips, eyebrows, then the nose, eyes, a strand of hair peeking out from under the frame.

And now a completely different image looked at us from a robe sparkling with diamonds...

The Mother of God herself changed beyond recognition. She was not like any of the famous Virgin Marys and Madonnas (so the author says! - ed.), and if she had something in common with those images, then these were traits of human purity.

She was a dark-skinned girl of a distinctly oriental type, a girl of about fifteen or sixteen.

Health, physical and spiritual, seemed to appear through the dark skin. The oblong eyes, large and almond-shaped, looked at us somewhat in amazement, and the plump, loosely closed lips evoked by no means religious emotions.

For some reason it occurred to me that this girl looked like Shulamith, and not from the Bible, but in the interpretation famous story Kuprina. Someone quietly shook my elbow. Nikolaev looked at me, and his face was somewhat confused. “Did you see anything?” he asked. “Some kind of damn thing...”

The shocked atheists could not come to their senses for a long time.

They tried to find a “technical” catch - some kind of mirror break in the light and so on, and when they didn’t find anything suspicious near the icon, they began to assume that the Paulician monk had hypnosis.

The story about this “miracle” ends like this: “When they were returning to their cells, Nikolaev suddenly asked:

-What did you see? Young, about sixteen? Beautiful girl...Good. Yes, their religion is the most cunning.

Masters of cooking all sorts of relics... Whatever you say, Catholicism has a thousand years behind it...

And how good it is! So she stands before her eyes and even seems to smile a little, and her teeth turn white. And did you notice with what expression the monks looked at her on their faces?”

Well, I give the reader the opportunity to be transported to the Jasna Gora monastery and stand at the Czestochowa icon. Maybe you see what B. Polevoy described?

(end of part 2)

Icon of the Mother of God of Częstochowa


Chen-sto-khov-skaya icon-on Bo-zhi-ey Ma-te-ri from-no-sit-sya, according to tradition, to those 70 icons of the Most Holy Bo- the cities that St. Evan-ge-list of Lu-ka (on October 18th) wrote on. She was on-pi-sa-na in Ieru-sa-li-me, in the Si-on-mountain. In 66-67, during the invasion of the Roman troops under the leadership of Ves-pa-si-a-na and Ti-ta, Christians be-zha-li in me-stech-ko Pel-lu. Together with other saints, they co-kept in the caves and the Chen-sto-khovsky image of Bo-go-ma-te-ri . In the year 326, when the holy queen Elena (commemorated on May 21) went to Jerusalem to venerate the saints -stam and re-la the Cross of Christ, she received this icon as a gift from Christ, brought it to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol and stood in the palace chapel, where the saint had lived for those five centuries.

In Russia, a miraculously created image with great honor was brought to the os-no-va-te-lem of the city of Lvov (Le-ber -ga - 1268-1270), Ga-lits-ko-vo-lyn-sky prince Leo Da-ni-lo-vi-chem, and was placed in the Belz castle under the -I have no right-to-glorious spirit.

Subsequently, during the conquest of Western Ukraine, a miraculously created icon was used To the right of Prince Vladimir, glory to Opolsky. Ta-ta-ry, invading the pre-de-ly of Russia, wasp-di-li-castle Belz. Relying on the help of Ma-te-ri God, Prince Vla-di-slav took the saint out of the church and placed it on the city wall. Pierced by the enemy's arrow, the miraculously created image kept traces of the flowing blood forever. Having then descended upon the Tatar army, a harmful haze forced them to disarm the castle and leave in your pre-deeds. For-the-step-of-the-Heaven-in-a-dream-vi-de-in-the-ve-le-la prince transfer-re-not-sti-the miraculous-creative icon to the Clear Mount Chen-sto-khov-skaya. Founded in 1352 the mo-na-styr on Yas-naya mountain - (mountain "svi-de-niya" - that's how it was called for its many where miracles happened there), Prince Vladi-slav transferred the miraculous shrine into it, entrusting it for safekeeping. nie mo-na-ham Pa-u-lin-skogo or-de-na. A few years later the monastery was robbed by Gu-si-ta-mi. Having deprived her of all her treasures, they wanted to steal and create a miraculous image, but the invisible force could hold back to her, and the cart with the saint did not budge. In a rage, one of the gr-bi-te-leys threw the holy icon to the ground, and the other hit the face with a sword. Immediately a just punishment befell everyone: the first one was torn into pieces, the second one had his hand dry, the rest -whether they fell dead or would have been left behind.

In the middle of the 17th century, the Swedish king Karl X Gustaf, having taken Varsha-va and Krakow, endured the same battle near Chen-sto- Khov-sky mo-na-sty-rem on Yas-noy mountain. The help and intercession of the Queen of Heavenly rim was in Lyakov, and King Yan Ka-zi-mir, returning to Lvov, about -on-ro-do-val Ma-ni-fest, according to which he entrusted his state-sovereignty to the patronage of God Ma -te-ri, calling Chen-sto-khovsky Her image as the “Polish Queen”. The war with the Swedes in 1656 ended successfully for Poland.

Many miracles from Chen-hundred-of-the-creation-of-the-form-for-the-record-of-the-va-but in special -a book kept in the temple of Chen-sto-khov-sko-go-na-sta-rya. From this icon many copies were made, both for certain and for the right-of-glorious churches.

In 1813, when the Russian troops entered the Chen-sto-khov fortress, the sto-ya-tel and brotherhood of the Lavra presented -ne-ra-lu Sa-ke-well, sleep with the miracle of creation. Subsequently, the Miraculously-creative icon was placed in the.


Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Icon of Her “Czestochowa”

Invincible Victory, Lady of Częstochowa: the ancient good will towards us to the Self-Viewer, the Guardian of future salvation: by repentance make us new to the new King.

Translation: Invincible Victory, Lady of Częstochowa: Witness of us of old, Protector of future salvation: renew us with repentance for the new King [Jesus Christ].

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Icon of Her “Czestochowa”

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Queen Theotokos, chosen from all generations and blessed by all generations, heavenly and earthly! Look mercifully at these people standing before Your holy icon, fervently praying to You, and through Your intercession and intercession with Your Son and our God, may no one depart from me One hundred of this hope is empty and he is ashamed in his hope; but let everyone receive from You everything according to the good intention of his heart, according to his need and desire, for the salvation of the soul and the health of the body. Pray, Merciful Lady, the most heavenly God, may he always preserve his holy church, strengthen our Orthodox bishops with his highest blessing, and protect his saints in peace The word of truth grants whole, healthy, honest, long-living and rightly ruling churches, from all visible and invisible He will mercifully deliver the enemies of all Orthodox Christians and will invariably and unfailingly preserve them in Orthodoxy and the firm faith until the end of the ages. Look with mercy, O All-Singing One, and look upon Your merciful intercession for our entire All-Russian kingdom, our reigning cities, this city and this holy temple, and pour it on her Your rich mercy, You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of us all. Leaned to the prayers and all your rabies, flowing in the saint of your icon, hearing sig there and the stalls, and your slavery can in the holy church of the Seem. If both a non-believer and a foreigner, walking and passing here, pray, hear, O child-loving Lady, and do this love for mankind and mercifully, even to help him and to salvation. Guide the hardened and scattered hearts in our countries on the path of truth. Those who have fallen away from the pious faith, turn back and reconnect with Your saints in the Orthodox Catholic Church. In the families of all people and in our brethren, protect and maintain peace, establish brotherhood and humility in the young, support old age, instruct adolescence, make courage, orphans and widows for go, oppressed and in the midst of sorrows, provide comfort and protection, raise babies, heal the sick, captives Free us, protecting us from all evil with Your goodness and comforting us with Your merciful visit and all those who do us good. Grant, O Good One, fruitfulness to the earth, prosperity to the air, and all the gifts that are timely and useful for our benefit, through your omnipotent intercession before the All-Holy Life-Giving Trinity, with the holy chosen saints of Her, Cyril and Methodius. Fathers and mothers who have departed before, our brothers and sisters, and all who from ancient times have fallen to Thy holy icon, this rest in the villages of the saints, in a place of light, in a place of evil Rather, in a place of peace, where there is no sorrow and sighing. When our departure from this life and transmigration to eternal life arrives, appear to us, O Most Blessed Virgin, and grant the Christian death of our life painless, without shame, I will partake of the Holy Mysteries, and in the future we will all be considered worthy, together with all the saints, endless blessed life in the kingdom of Your beloved Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Blessed Virgin Mary before the Częstochowa Icon

Kontakion 1

To the chosen Voivode, Savior of the Russian land, we offer praise. You, Mother of the Heavenly King, deliver our country from all misfortunes and from all sorrows and troubles free those who call: Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Ikos 1

The angelic council in Heaven silently sings to Thee, Lady, and we are earthly, flowing to Thy miraculous icon, painted by Saint Luke, crying out to Thee: Rejoice, Mother of the Never-Evening Light; Rejoice, Holy Spirit, Holy Abode; Rejoice, bright knowledge of grace; Rejoice, Rejoicing of the Angelic Powers; Rejoice, burning Kupino; Rejoice, Ever-Seer of the Lord of Hosts; Rejoice, Unfading Flower of incorruption; Rejoice, Image of Christ's Resurrection; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the piety and faith of the holy Queen Helen, who found the Honorable Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem, You gave her, O Mother of God, Your icon, preserved from ancient years through Your faithful servants, so that people may pray before Her, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The holy Queen Helena understood that this image was God’s blessing to the reigning city, and placed it there in the cathedral church, where many healings were received from it, singing the praises of the Mother of God: Rejoice, Chalice, who draws eternal joy; Rejoice, Source, pouring out indescribable sweetness; Rejoice, reddest Devil of Paradise; Rejoice, most glorious Vertograd of Christ; Rejoice, Village of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, shame on the enemies of God's Truth; Rejoice, you who comfort us with spiritual joy; Rejoice, you who call upon You with faith, who do not put you to shame; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High preserved Your icon, Mother of God, in the days of heresies from desecration, and from the cruel iconoclasts of destruction, and from the hands of barbarian captivity, as if You were the Guardian of the Christian, singing to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the treasure of Thy holy icon, Saints Cyril and Methodius enlightened the Slavic lands with the light of the Christian faith, may the pagans bring to light the true God and glorify the Mother of God like this: Rejoice, our sovereign builder; Rejoice, Omnipotent Victorious; Rejoice, Liberator of the captives; Rejoice, Patroness of the Burdened; Rejoice, Intercessor for the whole Universe; Rejoice, O Giver of imperishable life; Rejoice, Deliverance from idolatry; Rejoice, our reconciliation with God; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 4

In stormy days of turmoil and disorder, Your icon, the Most Holy Virgin, saved all those who flowed to it and received all from You, protection and intercession of blatantly grateful hearts: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing and seeing the miracles manifested from Your icon, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Prince of Russia, has preserved this shrine from generation to generation, praying tenderly before her: Rejoice, Lamb and Shepherd Mother Imperishable; Rejoice, most blessed Virgin; Rejoice, you who show us Motherly love; Rejoice, you who cover everyone with an honest robe; Rejoice, eternal blessings, faithful hope; Rejoice, our zealous Prayer Book; Rejoice, Judge of the All-Righteous Supplication; Rejoice, forgiveness of all our sins; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 5

Walking more God-like from city to city of Rus', Your Red Icon, Most Holy Theotokos, everywhere showing your glory and Your Son, Christ our God, to people crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the habitation of the city of Belz, the formidable attack of the Hagarians, having carried Your miraculous icon, Most Holy Virgin, onto the walls of your city and praying with faith to Ti for intercession, You then hastened to help them, let their name be Ti: Rejoice, pouring out Your mercies on us; Rejoice, Thou who propitiate the Lord; Rejoice, Preservation from troubles by Your icon; Rejoice, Orthodox Christians Salvation; Rejoice, Evil One Who Stumbles; Rejoice, You who show mercy to us; Rejoice, Russian countries Consolation; Rejoice, sacred Decoration of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 6

I preached to people everywhere about Your wondrous intercession, as when the wickedness of the Tatars, with an arrow, had wounded the image of Your Most Pure Face on the icon, then suddenly darkness and gloom came upon them, and they killed each other, running back, but when they returned, seeing this miracle, they praised the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Grace and darkness have risen and the horn of Christian people has risen, as You, O Mother of God, have strengthened the Orthodox faith, with miracles and signs from Your holy icon appearing to a person praying like this: Rejoice, wonderfully delivering from the invasion of foreigners; Rejoice, you who save us from captivity and defeat; Rejoice, pierced by the Hagaran arrow; Rejoice, Mother and Virgin Ineffable; Rejoice, you who exude currents of miracles to those who pray; Rejoice, turning sorrow into joy; Rejoice, key of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, Helper of an honest life; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to leave Your icon in the city of Czestochowa, You made the cart with the icon immovable, when some evil spirits tried to steal it from the city, Christians, having found Your image unstolen, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new miracle, to terrify the wicked, You then showed from Your image, the Most Pure One, striking with blindness and quick death the blasphemers, who wounded Your icon with a sword and cut it into three parts, but we cry out to You in honor of this icon: Rejoice, Mother of God slain; Rejoice, Pre-Chosen One from the beginning of time; Rejoice, first Guide to Heaven; Rejoice, most honorable of all Angelic Powers; Rejoice, merciful Mother of all; Rejoice, inexhaustible Vessel of grace; Rejoice, you who show help to those who ask; Rejoice, you who arrange a good life; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 8

It was strange for the Swean army to see how their hitherto invincible formidable army was suddenly defeated near the city of Czestochowa, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God stood, and before it people could not stop singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

To all who pray and flock to the icon of Your Ambulance, the Most Holy Virgin appears, as in ancient times, even now interceding and protecting those who worship You, accept this praise from us: Rejoice, O Council of the ineffable Mystery; Rejoice, grace of God's Treasury; Rejoice, overcoming the foreign armies; Rejoice, salvation from murder and destruction; Rejoice, O All-Tsarina of the world above and below; Rejoice, all blessings to the giver; Rejoice, deliverance from enemies and troubles; Rejoice, constant man of wonder; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 9

Every gender and age rejoiced visually when the Russian Tsar Peter sang a prayer before the icon of the Mother of God, remembering how this image was once the property of the Tsar and the Russian princes, praising the Lord and His Mother before them with the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Having covered the entire Christian world with the omophorion of His mercy, quickly flowing to our aid, together with the saints of God and St. Nicholas, interceding for us before God, listen now to the voice of our prayers before Your image: Rejoice, Thou who illumines us with the light of truth; Rejoice, Thy hand that stretches out and prays for us; Rejoice, Thou who united God and man; Rejoice, you who have enlightened mortal nature with immortality; Rejoice, faithful souls Delight; Rejoice, removal of soul-destroying deeds; Rejoice, O nourisher of pious Christians; Rejoice, good Almighty of the humble and wise; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 10

To save the human race, the Mother of God, from the darkness of unbelief and delusion, show the world the light of the Orthodox faith and only give to the Russian army to overcome the fortress where Her miraculous icon stood, and before it sang with gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is undefeatable and the fence is solid, You are the faithful Russian people who honor Thee, O Mother of God, as in many copies from the Czestochowa icon You have shown Your favor, You have granted the request and turned away the wrath of God from those who sing Thee: Rejoice, Thou Who has established the Russian Power; Rejoice, under the nose of the Orthodox Tsar all the Repentant; Rejoice, Thou who denounces the teachings that are harmful to the soul; Rejoice, O thou who watcheth the prayers of the humble; Rejoice, consolation in sorrows and troubles; Rejoice, salvation from unexpected death; Rejoice, Granter of Victory to the faithful; Rejoice, Thou who art crowned with an imperishable crown; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 11

We sing and bring praise to Thee, O Most Holy Virgin, we pray before Thy icon, on it we see wounds inflicted by the hands of wicked men, unhealed by our sins, we cry out to God, having Thee as an Intercessor for us: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your luminous icon shines with miracles, even to this day, showing us Your mercy, as many times people strive to hide the various wounds of Your Most Pure Face, depicted on this icon, but the isographers labored in vain, as if they were the wrongdoers, which we inflict on You with our sins and iniquities. , but release everything to us, O Virgin, and have mercy on those who call: Rejoice, strong Faith has taken away; Rejoice, the beginning of the miracles of Christ; Rejoice, Opening of the Gates of Paradise; Rejoice, all-powerful Manifestation of the mysteries of God: Rejoice, pleasant censer of prayer; Rejoice, you who carried everything; Rejoice, tormented by human sins; Rejoice, established in the love of God; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 12

Cover us with grace, O Most Holy Virgin, emanating from Thy wondrous icon, through Thy intercession save and have mercy on the Russian country, in which in the days of ancient times Thou shone with many miracles and show us, praying before Thy image, the miracle of salvation, singing to Thy Son and God : Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing songs of praise with unworthy lips, we trust in the mercy of God and Yours, O Mother of God, intercession and intercession for us sinners before the Lord, as if the power of Russia would grant victory to the adversaries, liberation from foreign filth, the protection of the Orthodox Tsar and the Kingdom of Heaven guidance, and take it out with us, calling Ti: Rejoice, All-Enlightening One with Divine Fire; Rejoice, you who drive away the darkness of sin; Rejoice, softening of the cruelty of our hearts; Rejoice, return of those lost to the path of salvation; Rejoice, Indestructible Wall; Rejoice, Invincible Victory; Rejoice, Heaven and Earth Decoration; Rejoice, Hope of our Resurrection; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation.

Kontakion 13

Oh, All-Sung Mother, who gave birth to all the saints most holy word, look now at Your earthly Kingdom and beg the Lord Almighty, may He not enter into judgment with us, but may He grant us forgiveness of sins, liberation from the yoke of demons and Holy Rus' Resurrection, crying out to God in faith: Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “Czestochowa”

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Queen Theotokos, chosen from all generations and blessed by all generations, heavenly and earthly! Look mercifully at these people standing before Thy holy icon, fervently praying to You, and act by Thy intercession and intercession with Thy Son and our God, so that no one will depart from the place of this hope of theirs, empty and disgraced in their hope; but let everyone receive from You everything according to the good will of his heart, according to his need and desire, for the salvation of the soul and the health of the body. Pray, Merciful Lady, to the most heavenly God, that he may always keep his holy church, strengthen our Orthodox bishops with his highest blessing, protect with peace and the saints of his church whole, healthy, honest, long-lasting, and grant the right of those who rule the word of his truth, from all visible and invisible He will mercifully deliver the enemies of all Orthodox Christians and will relentlessly and unfailingly preserve them in Orthodoxy and the firm faith until the end of centuries. Look with mercy, O All-Sung, and with the charity of Your merciful intercession on our entire All-Russian kingdom, our reigning cities, this city and this holy temple, and pour out Your rich mercy on her, for You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of us all. Bow down to the prayers of all Your servants who flow here to this holy icon of Yours, hear the sighs and voices with which Your servants pray in this holy temple. If both a non-believer and a foreigner, walking and passing here, pray, hear, O beloved Lady, and do this kindness and mercifully, even to help him and to salvation. Guide your hardened and scattered hearts in our countries on the path of truth. Convert those who have fallen away from the pious faith and bring them back into rank with Thy saints, the Orthodox Catholic Church. In the families of all people and in our brethren, protect and maintain peace, establish brotherhood and humility in the young, support old age, instruct adolescence, gain courage, stand up for the orphans and widows, the oppressed and in their sorrows, comfort and protect, raise babies, heal the sick, captives free us, protecting us from all evil with Your goodness and comforting with Your merciful visit and all those who do us good. Grant, O Good One, the fruitfulness of the earth, the goodness of the air, and all the gifts that are timely and useful for our benefit, through your omnipotent intercession before the All-Holy Life-Giving Trinity, together with Her holy chosen saints Cyril and Methodius. Our fathers and mothers, our brothers and sisters, who have departed before, and all who from ancient years have fallen upon Thy holy icon, may this rest in the villages of the saints, in a brighter place, in a greener place, in a place of peace, where there is no sorrow and sighing. When our departure from this life is ripe and to eternal life relocation, appear to us, Blessed Virgin, and grant the Christian death of our life painless, shameless, peaceful and partaker of the Holy Mysteries, so that in the future we will all be worthy, together with all the saints, of endless blissful life in the kingdom of Your beloved Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom is due all glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen.

HAVING SETTLED MEEKNESS, BECOME A WARRIOR... St. Neil of Sinai Word on the Gospel saying: “He who has a vagina, let him take it, likewise let him take the fur; but he who has not, let him sell his robe and buy a knife” (Luke 22:36). Chapter 1 The proposed saying at first glance seems to contain a great contradiction and is contrary to other instructions of the Lord, but in a sublime sense it represents something useful for those being taught, and it shows the care of the One who teaches, namely: that His instructions are for spiritual ages for prosperity and improvement according to As they increase, He makes them conform to each state. For why does he now command those who have already learned to offer their cheeks to those who strike to take a knife? Why does he order to sell the robe and buy a knife to those who, after accepting the commandment not to have two clothes, actually had one robe that they were wearing? Did the Lord really want the Apostles to walk naked, which, admittedly, is indecent and inconsistent with the traditions of the Lord? He who cared about their spiritual freedom and the lack of His property, who gave them a carefree life, could not also neglect decency, commanding them to walk with their bodies naked. For just as it is uncharacteristic of wisdom to stretch beyond what is necessary and burden the soul with unnecessary vain worries, so it is insane and alien to the state of chastity to deny the body the necessary services. Therefore, we must find a solution consistent with both commands, and show what directly follows from both commandments, namely: that the first commandment is appropriate for beginners, and the second for perfect ones. For if it is indecent to have a naked body in the literal sense, then in the contemplative sense it is not only decent, but also extremely useful. Therefore, whoever defends the literal meaning of this saying can eliminate the difficulty presented in it this way: To the Apostles, who were still approaching godliness, the Lord commanded non-covetousness, wanting them to engage only in the study of Divine lessons, but also knowing that for the imperfect it is only dangerous to acquire property , who have succeeded and no longer suffer harm from property, allows them to fearlessly use their property, since they are no longer partial to money, like many others, and are not overcome by the charms of the love of money, and says: “When I sent you without a vagina and without fur, ... food What have you been deprived of quickly?” (Luke 22:35). And now I say to you: “Whoever has a vagina, let him also take the fur” (Luke 22:36). For at first they had to, without carrying anything with them, experience the power of the Teacher, who every day, without their worries, gave them what they needed for the body (and not even this alone, but also what we said shortly before), so that, having actively learned non-covetousness, acquired an unchangeable skill towards it, gradually succeeding in impartiality towards themselves, because the love of money destroyed many - it plunged Judas into the abyss of betrayal, who was accustomed to money because of the “ark” entrusted to him to serve the faithful (cf. In. 12:6). Chapter 2 But I no longer know how someone who defends the literal meaning in the words will defend himself: “Whoever has a knife, let him take it, and whoever doesn’t have it, let him sell the robe... and buy a knife,” when the Lord everywhere demands that his disciples be peaceful and meek. Let us therefore see how this command, although it relates to the body and is literally impossible, is possible and useful in the spiritual sense. Already approaching suffering and preparing to ascend to the Cross, both through the malice of the Jews and according to his own will for the sake of the saving Economy, the Lord says this to the disciples, preparing them for the fight against those who resist the truth, but not for the fight on unimportant pretexts, where the disposition of those who fight is controlled by irritation , but to competition in feat, which was inspired by God out of fiery zeal for godliness. For the Lord has already seen that the shameless Jews are furiously rebelling against the Divine teaching and are in a hurry to put an end to the saving sermon, and therefore, raising up his disciples to this feat with the Jews, he commands them to put aside their former meekness, and, armed with a strong word, go to denounce those who are trying to overthrow the truth. Although a Christian, first of all, needs the necessary attire, befitting the name of his title, because no less than clothes a Christian is adorned with a sedate serenity of spirit and a modest disposition, however, during the struggle with opponents, he also needs the weapon of the word. “Therefore,” says the Lord, “at the time when I sent you as teachers to Israel, you did well, showing a peaceful state of mind and with such behavior attracting the disobedient to obedience, with meekness bringing them to obedience, because a strong word is more effective for persuasion right life, which itself presents to those who know it a convincing reason to admit that they are disgraced. But since after My Ascension the enemies of truth will attack it, then let each of those who care about moral well-being put aside care about maintaining peace and prepare for the competition, for there is no incongruity for the most important to leave for a while the less important and, putting aside meekness, to become a warrior.” .


The division of prayer requests in front of different miraculous icons of the Mother of God is a convention. According to the faith of the person praying, the Lord can give him help in response to prayer in front of ANY icon.

As for the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God, here are some materials about it.

The Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines not only in Poland, but throughout the world. It is located in Jasna Góra in the city of Częstochowa. Every year tens of thousands of people come to venerate the icon and ask for healing and deliverance from misfortune...

Black Madonna, Czestochowa Matka Boska, Mother of God of Czestochowa or, as it is called in the troparion, “Invincible Victory” - this miraculous icon is revered by Catholics and Orthodox Christians alike. According to legend, the evangelist Luke wrote it in Jerusalem on a board from the table at which the Holy Family gathered. During the time of persecution of early Christians, they hid the icon in caves, where they themselves hid, exposing mortal danger their lives. Saint Helena, who found the Cross of Christ, during a trip to holy places two and a half centuries later, received this icon as a gift and brought it to Constantinople, where she installed the icon in a chapel in the royal palace. The holy face stood there for five centuries. Subsequently, at the end of the 13th century, the image was transported to Rus' with great honors by Alexander Nevsky’s cousin, Prince of Przemysl, Kholmsky, Galitsky and Volynsky - Lev Danilovich. The shrine was already famous for its great miracles.

After the lands of the western part of Ukraine went to Poland, Prince Vladislav Opolsky turned to the miraculous image for help during the siege of the Belz castle by the Tatars. The prince took the image to the wall of the castle and a thick unknown cloud descended on the Tatars. Those, frightened, were forced to retreat.

In a dream, Vladislav saw the image of the Mother of God, who asked him to move the icon to the vicinity of Czestochowa and place it on Jasna Gora. Following the instructions of the Virgin Mary, the prince took the icon to the place indicated to him from above in 1382. From then to this day, the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God has been there.

Scientists express different opinions about the origin of the icon and its age. Some experts even argue that the icon has been rewritten, but there is no original layer left at all: thus, it is a copy, not an original. No one denies the fact that the icon was renewed in the Middle Ages; in a special book of the Pauline monastery it was preserved detailed description this process. This is also where doubts come from: during the restoration, the tempera paint could not adhere to the paint with which the icon was painted. Due to failures, the previous layer had to be removed. But all doubts are dispelled by the fact that the centuries-long series of miracles occurring from the icon was never interrupted. Removing the paint layer was not so significant compared to the actions of the Hussites who attacked the monastery in the Middle Ages. They set up the monastery and began to remove all the valuables from it, including the Our Lady of Czestochowa. However, the cart with the loot did not move. The horses stopped dead in their tracks. And then one of the invaders, realizing that this was a miracle performed by the icon, threw it to the ground and struck it with a saber. The punishment was not long in coming. The villain and his comrades fell dead. Since then, two deep cuts have been visible on the face of the Mother of God. They were left in memory of the miracle and as a warning to those who would try to repeat the actions of the robbers.

An inexhaustible stream

The monastery at Jasna Góra, in terms of its significance for Poland, can probably be compared with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - the greatest Orthodox church in Russia. So great is the flow of believers seeking a miracle from Our Lady of Czestha, and so great is the number of those who receive this miracle. Therefore, pilgrimage trips, and sometimes walking trips across the whole of Poland to Jasna Góra, are a revered tradition in Poland. “MatkoBoskoCzęstochowsko!” - can be heard throughout Poland, regardless of gender and age. The name of Our Lady of Czestochowa is on everyone’s lips.

In 1991, thousands of Catholics and Orthodox Christians from the USSR came here to see John Paul II. This became one of the symbols of the fall of the Iron Curtain.

The Czestochowa icon attracts not only Catholics and Orthodox Christians, but also representatives of other faiths. This does not surprise the Pauline monks at all. This has been happening for a long time. People receive what they ask from the Mother of God, and the path to her is always open to everyone. There are cases when a convinced atheist, drug addict, thief and libertine took the path of faith after seeing the icon. It is known that one such person once came with friends for a completely different reason - just to take a walk and have fun. Someone suggested “just go have a look.” They arrived just in time for the traditional ceremony of opening the icon for viewing by believers. And the moment the young man saw the image of the Mother of God, he could not hold back his tears. He was crying. After the ceremony, he was afraid, but still went to confession, and when he came out, he called his mother and asked for forgiveness for all the grief that he caused her with his behavior (before that, the woman even wanted to leave home because of her son’s antisocial behavior!) This guy is now normal person. Stealing was replaced by work, drugs disappeared on their own.


There are a great many such miracles. People write them down in a special book dedicated to the deeds of the miraculous icon. The book, which has been updated for 6 centuries, contains thousands of testimonies. The entry in it is made under the kiss of the cross and is a testimony before God and people.

Here are just a few examples of miracles:

One young couple was unsuccessfully treated for infertility in various medical institutions in Poland. But they were unable to conceive a child. The doctors said there was no hope. Seeing their suffering, their grandmother advised them to go to the Czestochowa Icon. Imagine the surprise of the doctors when the woman came for examination, being several weeks pregnant. Zuzya was born on January 4, 2012, and her great-grandmother wrote about this story in a book.

“Our Lady often supports families and has earned the title of Queen of Families,” says Pauline monk Father MelcheorKrulik. For many years now he has been responsible for maintaining the above-mentioned book of miracles.

2010 On March 7, Evelina Tseslyar’s entry appeared in the book. American doctors gave the woman a maximum of two weeks to live after her body, consumed by the disease, stopped accepting food and even water. She was in a state of critical exhaustion, but neither her boyfriend BarekMakhnik nor her friends left her and continued to pray, although hope was fading.

- "I ordinary person and the girl is far from exalted, but there, in America, when the priest came to essentially my last confession, I suddenly heard a voice that said: “Now don’t be afraid, child, everything will work out!” For some reason I decided that this was the voice of the Mother of God of Yasnogóra and She was calling me to her,” the monk retells the girl’s story. The girl was urgently sent to Poland. In front of the icon of the Mother of God, complete healing occurred. There are relevant survey materials confirming this. And a year later, on May 5, 2011, Evelina arrived with her husband and their child under her heart, just to witness this incident.

One of the most known cases for 35 years already. Yanina Lyakh, then a 29-year-old mother of two children, had been unable to move without the help of crutches for 5 years. She was assigned the 1st group of disability with the right to guardianship over her. More than 60 pages of medical report confirmed the deplorable condition of Mrs. Yanina. After many years of examination, she was given a terrible diagnosis - multiple sclerosis, which threatened the woman with blindness and complete paralysis. The husband got drunk and left home. The woman despaired; in a prayer to the Mother of God of Czestochowa, she asked for death for herself, so as not to torment the children, so that the Mother of God would take care of them. In a dream, the Virgin Mary told her to come to Yasnaya Guru on January 28, 1979. Yanina went, as usual, with crutches, moving her legs with difficulty. Approaching the Czestochowa Icon, she suddenly felt that she was standing. I tried to take a step - it worked... Mrs. Yanina’s crutches remained in the monastery among others left in different times evidence of healings. Three different doctors examined Mrs. Jadwiga. Their surprise knew no bounds. Five times after that she went on a walking pilgrimage from Warsaw to Jasna Góra. She was here this year too - January 28...

Melcheor Krulik emphasizes: the interesting fact is that it is not the Yasnaya Gura itself, as a place of prayer, that works miracles, but the icon. After all, a lot of evidence was brought by people from all over the world. People turned with faith to the Mother of God of Czestochowa and things happened to them that could only be explained by a miracle.