Hedgehog: a detailed description of an edible mushroom. Blackberry mushroom (hedgehog): description of types and cooking features

The combed blackberry is a rare representative of its kingdom. It is edible and useful for proper preparation very tasty. However, this mushroom is not only quite rare, but also little-known, and therefore inexperienced mushroom pickers often avoid it.

The appearance of the blackberry mushroom immediately evokes an association with a prickly representative of the fauna


The blackberry comb mushroom belongs to the Hericiaceae family of the order Russula. It is quite large and can be eaten. It can be described as follows:

  • mushroom body irregular shape, often pear-shaped or spherical, slightly flattened on the sides;
  • mature blackberries are dark – from yellow to brown, young white or cream-colored;
  • the weight of one mushroom can be up to 1.5 kg;
  • width – no more than 20 cm;
  • from the lower surface of the body of the blackberry comb, many soft outgrowths hang down, shaped like needles, their length is no more than 6 cm;

    Note! Exactly this part The fruiting body of the blackberry comb is a hymenophore and makes it very similar to a hedgehog!

  • the dense pulp is whitish and does not darken even when cut, but when it dries it turns yellow;
  • The taste of the pulp is compared to shrimp.

Blackberry (hedgehog) comb is a saprotroph - an organism that obtains the substances necessary for normal growth and development by destroying the body of other plants. Therefore, it can be found on stumps and tree trunks. The most preferable species for this mushroom would be beech, birch or oak. At the same time, settling on living plants, it “selects” damaged areas, for example, saw cuts and broken parts of large branches.

The blackberry comb mushroom is most common in areas with warm and humid climate, therefore most often found in forests predominantly of Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territory, Amur region, in Crimea, as well as in the Caucasus and northern China. Regarding the central and northern regions Russian Federation, then it is extremely rare to find a blackberry mushroom in this territory.

The fruiting season begins in last month summer and continues until mid-autumn. However, if you managed to find a blackberry mushroom on one of the trees, then on this further searches may be stopped, since it usually grows “alone.”

Benefits and treatment

The medicinal properties of the blackberry comb mushroom have not yet been fully studied, however, something about its benefits is still known.

  • Its extract helps fight memory impairment, including for older people.
  • It is believed that the substances present in its composition, with proper therapy, can prevent cancer.
  • It is used as an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent, as well as to get rid of warts.
  • Consumption of blackberry has a positive effect on nervous system– depression and increased excitability recede.

    Note! According to representatives traditional medicine Blackberry preparations can correct emotional state and alleviate the course of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases!

  • When consumed, the concentration of cholesterol in the blood is reduced and the prevention of diseases of the vascular system is ensured.

Note! The wild blackberry comb mushroom is now a rarity, plus, it is listed in the Red Book. It is actively cultivated in some countries, including Russia, but the product grown in this way, although affordable, is considered less healthy!

Cooking features

There is an opinion that only young blackberries can be tasty, but this assumption is wrong. A mature mushroom is also quite capable of fully revealing all its taste qualities, and the recipe for preparing comb blackberry does not have any complex secrets - it just needs to be boiled in salted water. After a short heat treatment Blackberries become softer, which allows them to be used in a wide variety of dishes.

Mushroom soup with melted cheese

For four servings you will need:

  • blackberry mushroom – 300 g;
  • chicken meat – 180 g;
  • processed cheese – 200 g;
  • potatoes - 3 medium tubers;
  • butter– about a tablespoon;
  • medium head of onion;
  • salt, pepper

Pour one and a half liters of water into a saucepan and cook chicken fillet within 20 minutes from the moment of boiling, add salt. Remove the meat from the broth and cut into small cubes.
Finely chop the onion and saute it in butter for about 5 minutes. Chop the mushroom as desired, pre-boil it (if necessary) and add to the onion. Stir and adjust to taste with salt and pepper.

Return the broth to the stove and heat it up. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and add them to the broth. After a quarter of an hour, when the potatoes become soft, add the mushrooms and onions, and after another five to seven minutes add the chicken fillet.

At the end, you need to add processed cheese to the pan and mix everything thoroughly until the last ingredient is completely dissolved.

Mushrooms with vegetables in Chinese

The blackberry mushroom recipe continues with a Chinese dish that is cooked in a wok. For two servings you will need:

  • blackberry mushroom – 150-170 g;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • sesame seed - teaspoon;
  • sesame oil – 20-30 ml;
  • soy sauce– 30 ml;
  • oyster sauce - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - half a teaspoon.

Slice the mushrooms thinly and boil if necessary. Cut the pepper into thin long strips.

Advice! The dish will look more appetizing if bell peppers will be colorful!

Heat the oil thoroughly in a wok and brown the mushrooms. Add pepper and fry everything until it softens. Pour in oyster sauce, then soy sauce, add the specified amount of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for about a minute. At the end, add sesame seeds, stir again and immediately remove from the stove. Keep covered for about 10 minutes, then serve.

Stewed blackberries in cream with lentils

For two servings you will need:

  • blackberry mushroom – 200-250 g;
  • lentils – 200 g;
  • butter – a couple of tablespoons;
  • chicken fillet – 100-150 g;
  • cream – 150 ml;
  • soy sauce – 20 ml;
  • flour - a third of a teaspoon;
  • rosemary, parsley, ground pepper.

We wash the lentils several times, add water in a ratio of 1:2 and cook for half an hour.

In a frying pan, dilute a tablespoon of butter and fry the mushrooms in it, which, if necessary, boil a little first. In another frying pan, also heat the butter and brown the diced chicken fillet in it. When the meat is covered with an appetizing crust, add mushrooms, half a portion of cream, soy sauce, a sprig of rosemary, and pepper. Mix everything, close the lid and leave for seven minutes.

Add flour to the remaining cream and mix thoroughly. Pour the creamy flour mixture into the pan and cook for several minutes, stirring constantly. When the mixture thickens enough, remove everything from the stove.

If you manage to purchase comb blackberries, be sure to prepare one of the proposed dishes from it. Also, don't forget that this product first of all, it is a mushroom, and therefore it is quite possible to prepare it for future use and then... a couple of dried mushrooms added to soup or stew will certainly cheer you up on a cold day winter evening.

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Kira Stoletova

Externally, the blackberry mushroom looks like a chanterelle mushroom, but it can also be easily confused with a toadstool. They don’t like to collect the hedgehog mushroom: it has brittle spines on the inside of the cap, they break off easily, as a result, all the mushrooms in the basket lose their attractive appearance. appearance. This is the reason why hedgehogs must be collected young.

Appearance of the mushroom

The Hedgehog's hat is cream-colored. Her reverse side strewn with needles. The diameter of the cap is from 3 to 20 cm. It is hard, but fragile.

The caps of young individuals have a convex shape, flatten over time, and a depression forms in the center. Often the barnyard cap is completely shapeless. The edges of older specimens are rolled up. Young ones have firm flesh with a firm structure and an excellent aroma. The flesh of the old ones turns red. The skin is covered with a coating (edge).

The stem of the mushroom, according to the description, is thick (up to 2.5 cm), reaching a height of 6 cm. Occasionally, the base of blackberries is wider. The color of the leg is the same color as the cap, but of a lighter shade. The hedgehog has a spinous hymenophore. The composition of the hymenophore is frequent spines.

Hedgehogs prefer to grow in different soils. The first individuals of this type grow in June, the last - in early autumn.


The hedgehog has several types:

  1. Yellow blackberry mushroom. Edible. The cap is up to 12 cm in diameter. The pulp has yellow, dense, surface with bumps. The young individual has a slightly convex cap, the edges are bent inward. It has a velvety texture, becomes denser with age, a dent forms in the center, and waves appear at the edges. The color varies: sometimes yellow, but also goes to orange; if you press it becomes darker, when dry it becomes lighter. The mushroom has a light fruity aroma. The leg is up to 5 cm high, up to 4 cm thick, in the form of a cylinder, wide at the base. It grows in June and bears fruit until September.
  2. Red-haired, or devilish. This hedgehog mushroom is an edible mushroom with a red cap, the edge of which is bent. Fragile needles are located on the inside of the cap. The leg is thick. The pulp is the same, beige in color; if pressed, it takes on an orange tint. Appears in September.
  3. Motley. The hat has a diameter of 5-10 cm. It has a convex shape; over time, a dent forms in the central part; there is a wave along the edge. The large scales of the variegated hedgehog mushroom completely cover the surface of the cap. The shade is gray. A young specimen has a velvety texture, while an old specimen has a smooth texture. Pulp white. The aroma is sharp and bitter. The leg is dry, dense, cylindrical, wide at the bottom; height - 2-5 cm, thickness - 1-1.5 cm. Legs are gray in color. Variegated hedgehog grows in coniferous and mixed forests, one at a time and in groups. Appears from late summer to mid-autumn. Conditionally edible. Old individuals of the motley hedgehog type do not eat.
  4. Blackberry coral mushroom. According to the description, the shape of the mushroom is similar to coral, coral in color. Pulp of a young specimen coral mushroom white in color, becomes yellow over time, almost without aroma. Grows in deciduous forests. Young specimens are edible. The coral hedgehog is listed in the Red Book.
  5. Hericium curly, or hedgehog's tendril. The color of the mushroom is white-pink, becoming yellow with age. The cap of this species is spiked. The edge is like a fringe. The flesh is dense, the same shade as the cap. Only young individuals are edible. The mushroom grows in late summer and early autumn in deciduous and mixed forests.
  6. False lizard. Mushroom in the shape of a spoon, fan or tongue. The hat is up to 7.5 cm in diameter, dense, with a folded edge. The texture is smooth or velvety, white-gray in color, darkening over time. There are spikes on the inside. The leg is up to 5 cm high. The pulp is soft, there is almost no aroma or taste. The mushroom is conditionally edible and is rarely eaten.
  7. Rough. The cap of the hedgehog mushroom is rough and brown in color. Diameter is about 4-14 cm. The shape is pressed in the center. The surface is uneven and covered with scales. Also on the inside there are spikes up to 1 cm high. The leg is 3-8 cm high and 1-3.5 cm thick. The color of the leg is the same as that of the cap. The pulp is light. Smell of flour. The variety grows in pine forests, from late summer to early autumn.

Useful properties

Hedgehog - common mushroom, which helps to cope with many problems:

  • has antibacterial properties, provides protection against E. coli, staphylococci, its juice can be used to treat a cut wound;
  • increases quickly muscle mass when consumed during intense training;
  • tones, adds strength and energy;
  • charges with positivity and removes depression;
  • improves sleep;
  • removes toxins;
  • improves lung function and increases lung volume;
  • nourishes the body useful substances- thanks to it, hair and nails begin to grow faster;
  • improves blood quality and accelerates its circulation.


People suffering from pancreatitis, gastritis, liver problems, or intolerance to mushrooms in general should not eat blackberries.

If a person has a fever, eating hedgehogs should also be avoided. You should not eat mushrooms earlier than 3 months after surgery. They are contraindicated for use by children under 5 years of age and pregnant women.


The hedgehog has mass useful properties- It is not surprising that it is widely used in cooking and medicine.

In cooking

Young individuals are more often used for cooking: their flesh is tender and sour. Adults use it only after cooking, which makes them softer and takes away the bitter taste. Before you start cooking, the cap is cleared of thorns. After heat treatment, this type of mushroom almost does not change in size.

To prepare fried blackberries, each mushroom is washed and cleaned. The frying pan is greased with oil and heated. Next, the mushrooms are cut into pieces and fried over low heat. When they are almost cooked, add finely chopped onion. 5 minutes before readiness add sour cream, then simmer.

To cook in batter, mushrooms are cleaned and washed, then boiled in salted water. 10–15 minutes is enough for young individuals, half an hour for old ones. For batter, for every 10 pieces you will need 1 chicken egg. Beat the eggs and mix with flour. Add spices. Fry until a crust appears. The dish is served hot, with sauce to taste.


The variety is not popular among mushroom pickers, so it is almost never grown. When picking mushrooms, don’t be afraid to take a hedgehog into your basket: it will be a safe decoration for your dishes and can complement your first aid kit.

The hedgehog mushroom is an amazing gift of the forests. This publication will tell you about two types of this fruit. You will learn what it looks like, in what places it prefers to grow, and what can be prepared from it.

Description of the scaly hedgehog

In nature, there is a variegated hedgehog mushroom. It belongs to the Hedgehog family. It is also called hawk, quiver, scaly hedgehog, imbricated hedgehog. In Kyrgyzstan, people consider it. It is not for nothing that one mushroom has so many names, because, looking at it, each person comes up with their own associations.

The cap of the scaly hedgehog reaches a diameter of 25 centimeters. It is convex at the edges, and in the center there is a small depression. The color can be gray-brown, dark brown with large brown scales. In young mushrooms, the cap has a velvety surface. The older he gets, the coarser his scales become and the more they bend. Its strong leg has a diameter of 1-3 cm, a height of 2-8 cm, and with age it can expand slightly at the bottom.

Where does the variegated hedgehog mushroom grow?

It can be found in deciduous, coniferous and pine forests. It can grow in any area, but prefers sandy, calcareous or moss-covered soil. Grows singly or forms rows. It can be found between August and November. The most active fruiting of these mushrooms is in September. It happens that their caps fade, and they become similar to another species - yellow hedgehogs. Let's figure out how they differ.

Yellow hedgehog mushrooms

This species is not popular among mushroom pickers. However, its taste and appearance resembles chanterelle. Alternative names for the gift of forests under consideration are notched hedgehog (hydnum), deaf chanterelle.

hat yellow hedgehogs fleshy with a textured surface. It is velvety and dry to the touch. Its edges are convex, and there is a small depression in the center. The color can range from light ocher, pink-yellow to reddish-orange, dark brown. The diameter of the cap can reach 25 cm. When pressed and ripe, it becomes dark red, and during dry weather it acquires a whitish or light yellow color. Underneath it are small elongated needle-like spikes of yellow-pink color. If you touch them, they will break easily. The yellowish stalk of this mushroom is up to 3 cm thick, up to 5 cm long and slightly tapers at the bottom.

Yellow hedgehog mushroom has external resemblance with chanterelles. The difference is that the first one has spines under the cap, while the chanterelle has plates. They are also related general environment habitat. This one also resembles small red-yellow hedgehogs, but differs in size and in that the cap and spines of the latter are orange-reddish.

Use in cooking

Blackberry is a mushroom that has a special spicy smell. It may not be to everyone's taste. It is classified in the fourth category according to nutritional value. Young hedgehog mushrooms can be used to prepare amazing marinades, pickles, and fried dishes. They will also turn out very tasty when dried. Mature specimens are more bitter, therefore, before cooking anything from them, they must be boiled.

Blackberries, or blackberries, are traditionally called several types of mushrooms that are similar in appearance, but scientists belong to different taxa (biological genera and families). Due to the fact that all these mushrooms have a spinous hymenophore (the surface on the underside of the cap), initially they were all actually classified as representatives of the same biological genus and only later were assigned to different taxa.

Types of hedgehogs

Hedgehog mushrooms are usually called about a dozen individual species of mushrooms that are similar in appearance. In particular, these are representatives:

  1. Hedgehog family -
    • Yellow hedgehog. Also known as notched hedgehog. The most famous representative of this group. A good edible mushroom. According to other sources, it is conditionally edible.
    • Rufous hedgehog. Conditionally edible mushroom. Young fruits are eaten, as old mushrooms are bitter and quite tough.
  2. Banker families -
    • Black hedgehog. Due to its dark gray color, it is easily distinguishable from its relatives. It is not eaten due to its very hard pulp.
    • Felt hedgehog. One of the most common representatives of hedgehogs. Not edible.
    • Rough hedgehog. A brown mushroom that is unpleasant to look and feel. Not edible.
    • Variegated hedgehog. Also known as imbricated hedgehog. A conditionally edible mushroom with mediocre taste, but a very bright, rich aroma. For the second reason, it is often used as a mushroom seasoning.
  3. Family Hericiaceae -
    • Coral hedgehog. One of the most unusual species in this group. Instead of the traditional body of mushrooms consisting of a stem and cap, the mushroom is something like a coral bush. Although the mushroom is quite edible, it cannot be collected due to its rarity. This species is listed in the Red Book.
    • Crested hedgehog. In appearance it is also very far from ordinary mushroom. Consists of long hanging threads formed into a “beard” or ball. Edible, but in some regions of Russia it is listed in the local Red Book.
    • Antennae hedgehog. It grows in the form of large clusters of caps, covered with “tendrils” on both sides. Edible when young.
  4. Family Exidiaceae -
    • Hedgehog gelatinous. Also known as false hedgehog. The photo clearly shows that it is almost impossible to confuse it with other hedgehogs. It has a jelly-like body consistency and a pale, translucent appearance. In Europe it is considered inedible. In the United States, the mushroom is considered theoretically edible, but absolutely tasteless.

Edible hedgehog mushrooms - photo and description

Although almost all of the above-mentioned types of mushrooms grow in most of the territory of Russia, you will not find all of them in the forest during a “silent hunt”. Most species of hedgehogs are quite rare mushrooms, and some are even listed in the Red Book, and therefore stumbling upon them in the forest is a great success.

Since there is no point in describing those types of mushrooms that you most likely will not encounter anyway, we will give here only a description of the yellow hedgehog and other most common edible mushrooms of this group.

The main unifying feature for all blackberries is the hymenophore: where other mushrooms have tubes or plates under the cap, blackberries have needle-shaped spines. They are not sharp, but, as a rule, quite elastic or even hard.

Now let's look at specific types:

  • Yellow hedgehog. Outwardly, it very much resembles a fox. Grows under conifers and deciduous trees, loves moss very much. The cap is painted in different shades from light brown to pale yellow. In turn, the leg is usually lighter. Height up to 10 cm, diameter - no more than 15 cm. The hat usually has an uneven surface, and itself is also irregular in shape. While the mushroom fruit is young, the cap is slightly convex in the center, but with age its edges rise, forming a notch in the center. Very often, the caps of individual yellow hedgehog mushrooms grow together. The pulp is white or light yellow. At the break point it darkens and acquires a light fruity aroma. Old mushrooms harden and taste bitter, which is why they are usually unsuitable for food.
  • The hedgehog is red-yellow or reddish. Mushrooms grow in groups or families, close to each other. The diameter of the cap is 5 cm, the color is red-red. The hat is very wavy with brittle edges. The leg is usually much lighter, reaching 4 cm. The pulp is light and fragile, with age it becomes tougher and begins to taste bitter.
  • Variegated hedgehog. Mushroom loves coniferous forests with sandy soil. In other areas it is quite rare. The fruit body is very large and fleshy. The cap is very large, up to 20 cm. The surface is hard and dry. The top of the cap is covered with large scales resembling tiles. Hence the second name - imbricated hedgehog. The caps are colored in different shades of brown, the scales are noticeably darker. The pulp is white. While the mushroom is young, it is soft and juicy, and then it dries and hardens, acquiring a bitter taste. The leg is thick, often widened downward. Height is within 2-5 cm. The surface is grayish, often slightly lighter than the cap.

Inedible hedgehogs

Only four are considered to be considered hedgehogs. inedible species. Moreover, there is no data regarding whether they are poisonous or simply not suitable for food for other reasons. Here's what we know about them now:

Growing hedgehog

Since all mushrooms are more or less similar to each other in taste, businesses and individuals who grow mushrooms prefer the most productive species - champignons, oyster mushrooms and a few others. At the same time, the absolute majority of forest wild mushrooms(including hedgehogs) are very difficult to industrially cultivate, and therefore are not of interest for artificial cultivation.

The exception is the combed hedgehog. The boiled pulp of this mushroom tastes very much like shrimp meat. In addition, the mushroom grows well on tree logs.

At the same time, individual fruiting bodies of this fungus can easily grow up to 20 cm in length and weigh up to 1.5 kg. An adult mushroom looks like a hedgehog curled up in a ball, but only white and with long soft needles.

In addition to excellent taste qualities the combed hedgehog is also famous for its healing properties. It helps especially well in the fight against diseases such as sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. In folk Chinese medicine it is actively used to treat gastritis and gastric ulcers. It is also believed that it has a beneficial effect on the immune system and nervous system.

Technology of growing combed hedgehog

Since the technology for growing this type of mushroom has been mastered for a long time, the easiest and most obvious way to acquire planting material is to buy ready-made mycelium. Infected with spores of these fungi wooden sticks are sold in many offline and online stores for gardeners.

If you plan to grow hedgehog mushrooms outdoors, then the mycelium should be planted between April and October. But since this type Ezhoviki feels great indoors, it would be more productive to allocate some kind of heated shed for the beds, in which you can grow mushrooms all year round, collecting several harvests per season.

To plant mushrooms, you need to prepare a fresh (cut down no more than a month ago) log of deciduous trees. The log must certainly be free of rot. For convenience, the branches can be cut off, but the bark should be left. Typically, stumps about a meter long and up to 20 cm in diameter are used. It is important that the wood is damp. If the tree is completely dry (not dead), it should be soaked for a couple of days. Then the wood is left for a week in a warm, ventilated room.

When the log is “ripe,” holes are drilled in it up to 40 mm deep and with a diameter of no more than a centimeter. Usually such holes are made in a checkerboard pattern no closer than 10 cm. The purchased “mushroom sticks” should be inserted into these holes. Moreover, this should only be done with clean medical gloves, or at worst, thoroughly disinfected hands.

Logs with mushrooms planted in them are wrapped in polyethylene, in which ventilation holes are made in advance. The logs are then sent to warm place, where straight lines do not fall sun rays, and they leave it there. It is important that the wood remains moist; therefore, it needs to be watered every 3-4 days.

As soon as the white threads of the mycelium become noticeable on the logs, they are placed in a container with cold water. Next, the wooden chocks are placed vertically in a bright room, for example, in a greenhouse, or left outside (the main thing is not directly in the sun).

At the end of autumn, they should be covered with dry leaves or taken to the basement.

The first harvest is harvested after about six months (maximum 9 months). After this, the mycelium needs to be given a little rest - water less for a couple of weeks. Further harvests are harvested as mushrooms appear. At the same time, you should not wait for the fruiting bodies to grow to gigantic sizes. It's better to cut them young. Then they are stored better, and their taste is more pleasant.

Photo: Yellow hedgehog (Hydnum repandum)

Going to quiet hunt, most mushroom pickers collect only those mushrooms that are well known to them. And it's perfect the right approach. However, poor knowledge of local mushrooms sometimes leaves their baskets empty. Many people saw a yellow hedgehog in the forest, initially thinking that it was a chanterelle, but when they came closer or even cut it off, they passed by indifferently, considering the mushroom inedible.

Yellow hedgehog mushroom, description

Yellow hedgehog is a fairly common type of mushroom from the genus Gidnum (Hedgehog) of the Hedgehog family.
The fruiting bodies are from 5 to 10 cm high; the caps of young mushrooms are slightly convex; as they grow, they straighten out and become flat or concave. The diameter of the caps is from 3 to 12 cm, the edges are wavy, curved downwards. Neighboring mushrooms often grow together with caps.
The color of the caps varies from pale yellow, almost white, to all variants of yellow, red, and orange. As it grows and ages, the cap darkens and acquires a rusty tint. The skin does not come off.

The stem is dense, cylindrical, very often shifted from the center to one of the edges of the cap. The color is white or light yellow, darkening with age.
The pulp has a dense, brittle texture. At the break it is white or yellowish, and after time it turns brown. No milky juice is released. The yellow hedgehog mushroom has a pleasant smell with fruity notes.

Distinctive feature The appearance of hedgehogs is the appearance of the hymenophore - the spore-bearing layer on the underside of the cap. It is formed by small needle-like spines - outgrowths. Young mushrooms have short, elastic outgrowths. As the fruiting body grows, they lengthen to 8 mm and easily break off and crumble. It is almost impossible to confuse yellow hedgehog mushrooms with other inedible or toxic mushrooms. Even the false beetle bears little resemblance to it due to the gelatinous appearance of the fruiting body.

Photo: Yellow hedgehog, back side of the cap

The hedgehog can be found mainly in mixed forests northern hemisphere. On the territory of the country it lives both in the European part and in Siberia, in Far East. Grows under almost any trees and shrubs. Found both singly and in large and small groups.
The hedgehogs appear in early July and form fruiting bodies until October.

The benefits and harms of yellow hedgehog

The hedgehog mushroom contains up to 3.5 - 3.9% protein, similar to the proteins of meat products. It contains vitamins C, groups B, D. B small quantity metal salts present:

The yellow hedgehog mushroom is useful to the body as a source of protein, vitamins and minerals.
It contains the compound campesterone, a substance similar to cholesterol of animal origin. Today, attitudes towards this substance are ambiguous; some scientists consider it useful and capable of reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the human body, other researchers deny these properties.

Dishes made from hedgehog mushrooms are contraindicated for children under 5 years of age and the elderly. They should be excluded from the diet of patients with problems of the liver, gallbladder, intestines and stomach.
It remains to be seen what and how to prepare from these mushrooms.

Photo: Yellow hedgehog, needle-like outgrowths on the underside of the cap

How to cook yellow hedgehog, recipes

Yellow hedgehog can be considered a universal forest mushroom. It is also good in soup, it can be dried or frozen for future use. It’s a good idea to prepare it for eating immediately after harvesting.
Despite the fact that on the Internet you can find recommendations for frying or stewing young blackberries without first boiling them, it is still better not to skip this stage. During boiling, the fruiting bodies become somewhat soft, and the dish made from them becomes more tasty and juicy. You should not avoid cooking mature mushrooms; they have a richer taste.
For any dish, mushrooms are sorted, the ends of the stems with the remains of soil and mycelium are cut off, and washed. The spines of young mushrooms hold tightly and do not need to be removed. In mature mushrooms they break off easily and are very easy to remove with your hands under running water. If you don't do this, they will clog ready dish, in which they will look like small worms.
Place the prepared fruiting bodies in a spacious saucepan, fill with water, take about 2 liters of water per 1 kg of mushrooms, add salt and cook after boiling for 20 - 25 minutes, remove the scale as it forms.

Fried yellow blackberry

This dish is the simplest and most delicious. Cut the boiled mushrooms into medium-sized pieces, cut small specimens into halves or leave whole. Heat 50 ml of oil for 1 kg of boiled mushrooms and add the prepared blackberries, fry in an open frying pan for about 40 minutes until the liquid has evaporated. Before serving, squeeze a clove of garlic into them and sprinkle green onions and cilantro. These mushrooms go great with boiled potatoes.

Yellow blackberry fried in batter

For this dish you need:
boiled whole mushrooms, medium-sized, one size 20 pcs.;
eggs 3 pcs.;
milk 60-70 ml;
how much flour will be needed;
oil 180-200 ml.
1. Beat the eggs with a fork, add milk, 2-3 pinches of salt and add flour in parts until you get a dough similar to liquid sour cream.
2. If the mushrooms were cooked with stems, it is advisable to cut them off and leave only the caps.
3. Heat the oil in a small saucepan on high.
4. Dip the mushrooms in the batter and lower them into the oil. To prevent the temperature from dropping, you need to do this in batches, lowering 5-6 pieces at a time.
5. Mushrooms should be semi-deep-fried until golden brown. To ensure even cooking, turn them over 2-3 times with a fork.
6.Place the finished blackberries in batter on paper napkin, it will absorb excess fat. Serve sprinkled with fresh herbs.

If there are lovers of elastic and crunchy mushrooms in the family, then yellow hedgehog mushrooms will certainly appeal to your taste; in France, young hedgehog mushrooms are considered tasty delicious mushrooms. When dry, they are crushed and used as an additive to sauces, julienne and other dishes.