Biography of chef James Oliver and his wife Juliet. Jamie Oliver biography recipes

One of the most famous British chefs, James Oliver, is forty-one years old and his fame has long crossed the borders of his native state. He appeared on English television in 1997 in documentary film“Christmas at the River Cafe”, and in 1999 he began hosting his own TV program called “The Naked Chef”. Jamie's recommendations on a rational diet and his home cooking recipes brought this energetic, cheerful guy not only worldwide fame, but also the Order British Empire for his contribution to the popularization of healthy eating. His TV shows “The Naked Chef”, “Lunches in 30 Minutes”, “Cooking in 15 Minutes” and others are broadcast on television in 100 countries around the world, including Russia. Both the TV presenter himself and Jamie Oliver's wife are welcome guests at many social events, which, by the way, are rarely attended.

Jamie met his wife, the charming model Juliet Norton, back in 1993, when he was only 18 years old. In 2000, their wedding took place and by this time Oliver had made a significant step in career growth, having the opportunity to adequately provide for their family. He and Jewel - that's what Jamie calls his wife - bought a home in the village of Clavering, Essex. In 2002, the young couple had their first daughter, Poppy Honey, and in April 2003, their second daughter, who was named Daisy Boo. The third girl, Petal Blossom Rainbow, was born in April 2009. After the birth of his son Badie Bear in September 2010, Jamie said that four children was enough for him and it seemed like it was time to get a vasectomy, but in 2016 it turned out that Jules was expecting a child again.

The Oliver couple appeared on the red carpet during the premiere of the comedy drama Eddie the Eagle about an unlucky racer and the audience was surprised and delighted to see that 41-year-old Jules was preparing to become a mother again and was not going to hide it, wearing a loose black jumpsuit with a bright leather jacket . They were both in in a great mood and, answering questions from journalists, Jamie nevertheless promised that it was theirs last child, saying in defense: “I love children. I have a strange job, a strange life, but my family helps me stay grounded in reality.” The fifth child of the Oliver family was born in August and turned out to be another boy, named River Rocket.

After being discharged from the Portland clinic, where Jamie’s fifth heir appeared, his wife wanted to capture this event “for many centuries” and the whole family posed together for the photographer. James and Juliet, 14-year-old Poppy, 12-year-old Daisy, 6-year-old Petal and 5-year-old Badi, who met their mother with their little brother in their arms, appeared in the media, touched not only fans of the popular chef, who was specially invited to the 1999 10 Downig Street to cook a fabulous lunch for Prime Minister Tony Blair. They charmed everyone. Jules later wrote a book about her difficulties with childbearing, which, it turns out, were at the very beginning of her marriage to Oliver.

Jamie and Jlls have a big, friendly family in which love and harmony reign. Juliet, of course, devotes all her time to home and raising children, and Jamie earns them all their daily bread. Bread, by the way, is very rich: the annual income of the most famous chef in the world is about 14 million pounds sterling. This amount of profit consists of the proceeds received by the activities of his own company, Fresh One Productions, fees for appearances on TV in the UK and other countries, as well as books he has published in more than 30 languages. About a dozen of them were published in Russia. Jamie opened Jamie's Italian restaurants in Oxford, Dubai, Sydney, Singapore and Dublin. In Russia, you can taste Oliver's signature dishes in St. Petersburg: in the restaurant on Konyushennaya Square, and in Moscow - in the Fashion Season shopping gallery on Okhotny Ryad.

Juliet is the first judge and taster of her husband's new recipes and his first student. In one of his books, he admitted to readers: “Jules’s opinion helps me a lot to make recipes accessible to everyone - if she can handle them, then you can too.” His wife, who knows how important his work is to Jamie, is used to his overloaded schedule and, of course, is pleased when he takes on a huge share of the “food” household chores. She has understanding and respect for his charitable work in employing troubled teenagers and his work to improve the healthy nutrition of British schoolchildren: Jamie's initiative in this matter was taken up by the government and led to significant changes in the school nutrition system.

Jamie's TV shows in Britain are adored by all housewives: he is an excellent “teacher” and talks about all the culinary manipulations performed on the screen in detail and thoroughly, without missing a single detail. He often invites TV viewers into the kitchen of his home and uses vegetables from his garden, grown with my own hands, without pesticides and other harmful additives. There is no doubt that Jamie Oliver's wife is considered one of her husband's biggest fans. happy women in the country. And the famous “Naked Chef” has a lot of fans, and not only in his homeland. Perhaps Queen Elizabeth herself favors him, having awarded Oliver the Order of Knighthood in June 2003, after which he began to be called Sir James Oliver.

Jamie Oliver is the brightest star of culinary rock and roll.

“I love simplicity. Smoked meats and rye bread– this is a man’s happiness,” admits the most charming cook in the world. A holder of the Order of Knighthood, he is the founder of his own charitable foundation, decides government issues from his kitchen and loves when his wife cooks for him. Jamie Oliver also sincerely believes that he will teach the British how to cook.

He doesn't look like a millionaire - at all, like someone who has such weight in society that he can force the state to fork out half a million pounds sterling. And he doesn't look like a chef. More likely, a former musician or a simple English guy who belongs to the board. But in him all this was surprisingly combined: he is a millionaire, a chef from God, a former musician, and the right guy. And also a statesman, concerned about the health of the nation.

In the cohort of culinary celebrities, Jamie Oliver stands apart: well, the boyish appearance of thirty-six-year-old Oliver and his unpretentiousness in clothes do not fit in with the image of a superstar. Although these qualities of his, coupled with his captivating charm, openness, multiplied by his talent, made him a world-class star.

But first things first. He was born in 1975 in the English province, in a small village in Essex County, into a family of hereditary cooks. Oliver's parents ran a pub called The Cricketers, so his earliest childhood memories are associated with the kitchen. You could even say that he absorbed her smells with his mother's milk. Here he first played, and at the age of seven he began peeling potatoes on his own. Rolling out the dough, taking out the trash - this also became his responsibility later.

Growing up in such conditions, he should either hate this occupation, or make it the main business of his life. He chose the latter. Maybe because he was good at it. And Jamie Oliver saw how people like delicious food and that it can even become a way to influence them. So, he cooked his first chicken with crust for his father, so that he would not scold him too much for the bad grade he received at school. It worked, he repeated the same trick later with his school teacher, living in the neighborhood, and as a result received his patronage for a long time.

In general, he was an ordinary boy: He didn’t show any particular success at school, he was moderately mischievous, climbed trees well and played excellent football. But, unlike his peers, he also loved to cook. In one of his interviews, he admitted that a sandwich he once prepared for a friend with toasted bread and smoked salmon came as a shock to him - he had never eaten anything more delicious before. Who knows, maybe this episode even then made him think about the nutrition of his peers, laying the foundation for the idea of ​​his most ambitious project.

Be that as it may, at the age of 16 he left school and went to study at Westminster Catering College. Studying in college did not stop him from organizing his own music group and give yourself over to music with self-forgetfulness. Then in his shows he often used musical accompaniment, masterfully wielding not only a kitchen knife, but also drumsticks.

From trainees straight to television......

After college he interned pastry chef and delved into the intricacies of Italian cuisine under Antonio Carlucci at The Neal Street Restaurant, and in 1996 he got a job as a cook at The River Café, where he worked for three and a half years. It was here that Oliver was noticed by the BBC in 1997, filming for the first time in the program “Christmas at the River Café”. And in 1998, Oliver’s own program “Naked Chef” aired, which brought him instant fame.

Jamie Oliver knew what to call his show. First of all, it had to attract an audience - at least first unusual name. People expected to see a naked man, but in return they received an equally exciting spectacle. Millions of Britons, whose inability to cook has long been a topic for jokes not spoiled by taste, were amazed by what this young, charming hulk did on screen with the most familiar products. He exposed not himself, but the products from which he quickly, and most importantly, simply, without unnecessary equipment, prepared delicious dishes within 30 minutes. And he did it so infectiously that I wanted to immediately run to the kitchen to repeat it and try what he had prepared. There was complete confidence that you could do it too (and how come you didn’t think of doing it earlier).

Over three years, a total of 25 episodes were released, and in each new one, Jamie showed admiring viewers new dishes that in fact were not such. But with constant humorous comments, he arranged the usual ingredients in such a way that it turned out that ordinary scrambled eggs can be cooked in dozens in the most delicious ways! Thus began his ascent up the ladder of fame and recognition. At the first step he was only 23.
In the same 1999, he, and no one else, was invited to Tony Blair to prepare dinner for his high-ranking guests.

Fighter for the health of the nation.....

In 2002 he founded charitable foundation, and in 2003 he began his main - not so much culinary as social - project under common name"Fifteen." This program was, in fact, a continuation of the idea that he successfully implemented on television - to teach the British how to cook. But if his television audience was mainly adult population countries, then this project was aimed at children. He understood that the promotion of healthy eating should begin with them, so that, as adults, they would introduce the habit of delicious cooking at home into their families.

He takes out a loan secured by his own home and opens his first charity restaurant, Fifteen, in London, where he selects fifteen troubled teenagers for training. After completing the training, they had to stay and work in the restaurant. The task he set himself turned out to be much more difficult than he initially thought. The money invested was not enough, every day there were difficulties in communicating with the wards, who, although they were selected with a penchant for cooking, were ordinary street punks - they did not listen and ran away. But passion for the job and the ability to attract others with him helped Jamie cope with problems - a year later the first “tag” became one of the most favorite vacation spots of Londoners. The next restaurant appeared in Amsterdam in 2004, then in 2006 two more - in Melbourne and Cornwall. And Jamie was invited to Buckingham Palace in 2003, where Queen Elizabeth II herself presented him with the Order of Knighthood for services to the fatherland.

In 2005, he went further and launched a large-scale campaign for the quality of school meals. The results of his research shocked the public: the standards for fat and sugar in school diets were exceeded several times! It took him a few weeks to collect signatures of a quarter of a million Englishmen on his Internet page in support of school nutrition reform. It was heard on television direct appeal to compatriots: the health of the nation is under threat!

The government was forced to respond to the problem: more than half a million pounds sterling was allocated to refurbish school canteens, train staff, and purchase quality products. Thousands of people and organizations began to move at the wave of the hand of one caring person. A special School Fund was even created to coordinate this gigantic work, and Jamie Oliver himself was recognized by Channel 4 News as the most prominent political figure of 2005.

Despite the successes, the famous culinary specialist believed that to combat obesity in the nation, it was not enough just to reform school meals and its television programs. It is necessary to carry out full-scale promotion of healthy eating: introduce cooking lessons into the school curriculum, organize culinary educational programs. He supported the need for such radical measures with figures: the fight against obesity was more expensive for England’s healthcare system than for smoking.

With revolution around the world....

His food revolution successfully exported in 2010-11. and in the USA, where the problem of obesity is just as acute and where they became interested in his experience. He chose two American cities for his shows: Huntington and Los Angeles. It was hosted by the famous American TV presenter Ryan Seacrest.

But his other reality show, “Journey Across America with Jamie Oliver,” which was released in 2009, first made him famous in America. This is not even a show, but a vision of America through the eyes of a famous chef. Jamie's America turned out to be very lively and spontaneous. Talking about what Americans eat and cook, recipes, he focuses not so much on the dishes, but on those who cook them - ordinary people. At the same time, he feels the situation very subtly, and his gentle humor and spontaneity enhance the atmosphere of simplicity and sincerity that is so inherent in his programs.

Another country that Jamie also traveled to was Italy. In 2005, he went there in a blue van with a trailer that housed a camp kitchen. In Italy, he learned to cook octopus soup and won the love of half of its inhabitants. The result of this trip was the talk show Jamie’s Great Italian Escape, the book “My Italy” and the opening of the Jamie’s Italian restaurant in Oxford.

The holder of the Order of Knighthood has many other titles and titles. Twice - in 2005 and 2010 - he became the most influential person in the UK in the leisure industry. In 2009 he was awarded the prestigious TED Prize for his desire to change the world. In addition to charitable and social activities Jamie Oliver is also actively involved in advertising. His most famous project is collaboration with Sainsbury: from 2000, for 11 years, he remained the face of this company's supermarket chain.

Happy culinary family Oliver!

A positive person like Jamie Oliver just can't help but be happy and in family life. He is married to a beauty with whom he was in love in his youth, and at the age of 36 he is already a father of many children: he has three daughters and six year old son. He lives in London with his family and grows vegetables and fruits in his garden to ensure that everything is fresh and healthy on the table.

In his house, as befits a chef's luminary, – spacious kitchen. Only Jamie admits that there is constant creative chaos there, but everything is at hand. The interior of the star kitchen is the most unpretentious, without frills: a large table in the center, a row of built-in cabinets along the walls, a spacious refrigerator, a dishwasher, a gas stove (Jamie does not accept electric ones). The main thing is to be comfortable, says the eminent owner. Moreover, all of its equipment is only from well-known manufacturers. Professional Series frying pan from Tefal, knives from Victorinox, Global and Sabatier, but for the barbecue he adapted his own invention - he placed a flat piece of granite in the oven. T-bone steaks, fish, chops on such an improvised baking sheet turn out almost like in a stone oven.

Well, who doesn’t know this famous British chef now? A cook with extraordinary charisma and charm, with an inexhaustible supply of energy, who, no matter what he undertakes, always achieves success. Some people like him, some don't, but he can't leave anyone indifferent. So, our Friday episode (more likely even Saturday) is dedicated to the naked chef.

Sir James Trevor "Jamie" Oliver
, also known as the Naked Chef, is an English chef, restaurateur, and media personality. Known for his cooking television shows, books, and campaign against the use of ready-to-eat lunches in public schools. It also strives to eradicate unhealthy diets and low level cooking inUnited Kingdom and United States. Jamie Oliver specializes in Italian cuisine, although he has a wide range of international culinary knowledge.

Life and Career

James Trevor Oliver was born into an ordinary British family in a small village in Essex, England. His parents were the owners of the pub "The Cricketers", where Jamie was in the wings from childhood. As Jamie admitted, a serious incentive to help in the kitchen was the opportunity to earn money for the coolest sneakers in the area. He received his education at Newport Free Grammar School. At the age of 16 he left school without obtaining a certificate to study at Westminster Catering College.

His first job was as an assistant to chef Antonio Carluccio at The Neal Street Restaurant, where he gained his first experience in preparing Italian cuisine. Then he moved to “The River Café” as an assistant cook, where he was noticed by BBC television crews in 1999, who came to film a story about “The River Café”... The story is about how the next morning after the program aired, five producers called him, Jamie never gets tired of retelling it to this day!
That same year, his TV show The Naked Chef debuted and a cookbook was published, which became a No. 1 bestseller in the UK. According to the author, the name of the TV show “The Naked Chef” perfectly reflected his culinary principles and emphasized that the author is open to people (practically, naked), and his cuisine is simple, artless, unsystematic and even frivolous, and does not contain any secrets or mysterious rituals. That delicious food does not need to be “dressed up” in anything, because a dish prepared with soul is delicious in itself.

That same year, Oliver was invited to cook dinner for then Prime Minister Tony Blair at No. 10 Downing Street - the official residence and office of the First Lord of the Treasury of the United Kingdom, colloquially known simply as "The Room" 10".

Personal life

On June 24, 2000, Oliver married model Juliet "Jules" Norton, whom he met in 1993. Today the couple has three daughters: Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver ("Honey Poppy"), Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver ("Daisy Boo") and Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver ("Flower Petal") and one son: Buddy Bear Maurice Oliver (" Teddy bear Maurice Oliver"). The Oliver family lives in London, Islington.

Most Notable Career Achievements

In 2000, Oliver became the face of the British supermarket chain Sainsbury's, a deal worth £2 million a year.

In 2002, after mortgaging his house and without telling his wife, Oliver created the Fifteen Foundation, where every year 15 young adults from disadvantaged families, without education, with a criminal history or cases of drug abuse, are trained in the restaurant business.

In 2003 he was awarded the Order of the British Empire.

In 2005 he started campaign called"Feed Me Better" ("Feed me Better" ) for the purpose of inclusion British schoolchildren for consumption healthy foods nutrition and reducing junk food. As a result, British government also promised consider the issue. This led to the fact that people voted for him as " most inspiring politician 2005 ", in accordance with Channel 4 News annual survey spectators.

Oliver's efforts to revolutionize the school food system were featured in "Jamie's School Dinners", where he challenged unhealthy food culture by showing schools how they could effectively and cost-effectively feed schoolchildren healthy food. food.

He continued to emphasize in preparation healthy food by creating the Ministry Jamie's Ministry of Food -series of television series where Oliver traveled to inspire ordinary people of Rotterdam cook healthy food. In his latest television series e" Jamie Oliver's food revolution" ("Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution") in 2009, he's going to Huntington , West Virginia to change the way Americans eat and their dependence on fast food.

Oliver's holding company, Sweet As Candy, made so much money that Jamie was included in the list Sunday Times Britain's Richest Under 30s.

In October 2009, it was reported that Oliver is in process raising $22 million for financing 30 him Italian restaurants in Asia.

In December 2009, Oliver received the TED Prize. The TED Prize is an annual prize created by TED that recognizes outstanding individuals who are driven by a strong desire to make a difference in the world and who are given the opportunity by TED to put their vision into action.

On November 3, 2010, the opening of 200 took place -local restaurant and Oliver's "Barbecoa".

Restaurant "Fifteen"

The concept of the restaurant was simple and at the same time original - Oliver hired 15 “difficult” young people to teach them culinary skills and make them respectable members of society. Not all of them completed the course. Millions watched them learn on Channel 4's Jamie's Kitchen. Meanwhile, Fifteen was rated by 8,000 readers of the Square Meal Guide as "terrible", "shocking", "sarcastic" and "rude" and was named one of the six worst restaurants in London.
Following this poor rating in January 2004, Jamie Oliver's Fifteen was voted the worst restaurant in Harden's Guide, receiving the lowest rating for food, decor and service.
The guide said that the restaurant was amateurish and Oliver was accused of taking advantage of “his position” to set prices to match Gordon Ramsay.

However, many celebrities came to the defense of the famous English chef Jamie Oliver. So Hollywood actors Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston said: “We were fans of Jamie’s programs for a long time, and his cooking is simply amazing.”

Top culinary chef Heston Blumenthal also defended Fifteen, saying: "I went to this restaurant a couple of months ago and had a wonderful meal."

Following the success of Fifteen in London, restaurants of the same name opened in other parts of the world: Fifteen Amsterdam opened in December 2004, Fifteen Cornwall in Newquay opened in May 2006, and Fifteen Melbourne opened in September 2006 with Oliver's Australian friend, chef Tobie Puttock Puttock).

The most interesting thing is that the Fifteen restaurants do not bring profits to James Oliver himself, because all the proceeds from them go to the Sassy Chop charity organization created by the Naked Chef, which will teach cooking to other poor boys and girls. In the coming years, it is planned to open three more such restaurants in Britain and one each in New York and Sydney.

TV show

  • 1999 - The Naked Chef - 6 episodes of 30 minutes + Christmas special Christmas Comes Early
  • 2000 - Return of the Naked Chef - 9 episodes x 30 minutes + Christmas special Christmas In New York
  • 2001 - Happy Days with the Naked Chef - 8 episodes of 30 minutes + Christmas special Christmas Party
  • 2002 - Jamie's Kitchen - 7 episodes of 60 minutes
  • 2002 - Oliver's Twist - 2 seasons of 26 episodes of 30 minutes each
  • 2005 - Jamie's School Dinners - 4 episodes of 60 minutes
  • 2005 - Jamie's Great Italian Escape - 4 episodes of 30 minutes
  • 2006 - Jamie's Return to School Dinners
  • 2007 - Jamie's Chef - 4 episodes of 60 minutes
  • 2007 - Jamie At Home
  • 2007 - Jamie At Home Christmas Special - 1 episode 60 minutes
  • 2008 - Jamie's Fowl Diners
  • 2008 - Jamie Cooks Christmas - 1 episode 60 minutes
  • 2009 - Jamie's Ministry of Food
  • 2009 - Jamie Saves our Bacon
  • 2009 - Jamie's American Roadtrip
  • 2010 - Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
  • 2010 - Jamie Does (2010) Channel 4 Series (6 episodes)
  • 2010 - Jamie's 30 Minute Meals (2010) Channel 4 series (20 episodes)

Books in English
  • Something for the Weekend
  • The Naked Chef
  • The Return of the Naked Chef
  • Happy Days with the Naked Chef
  • The Naked Chef Takes Off
  • Jamie's Kitchen
  • Jamie's Dinners
  • Jamie's Italy
  • Cook With Jamie: My Guide to Making You a Better Cook
  • Jamie's Little Book of Big Treats
  • Jamie at Home: Cook Your Way to the Good Life
  • Jamie's Ministry of Food: Anyone Can Learn to Cook in 24 Hours
    • Published in America as Jamie's Food Revolution: Rediscover How to Cook Simple, Delicious, Affordable Meals
  • Jamie's Red Nose Recipes
  • Jamie's America
  • Oliver, Jamie (2010). Jamie does.... London: Michael Joseph. p. 359
  • Jamie's 30-minute Meals
Books translated into Russian
  • Jamie Home
  • Happy days with the Naked Chef
  • My Italy
  • Ministry of Nutrition
  • Jamie's kitchen
  • Cooking with Jamie
I have one book by Oliver in Russian - “Happy Days with the Naked Chef” and I found so many translation errors in it that after that I began to buy books exclusively in English. So keep that in mind. I can’t say anything about other books in Russian.

Materials used

Briton Jamie Oliver, aka Jamie, aka The Naked Chef, is a famous cooking show host, author of a dozen books with step by step recipes delicious dishes, owner of a chain of Italian restaurants. The culinary genius of the chef is combined with the charm and humor of a talented showman, winning millions of fans in different corners peace.

Oliver uses the acquired influence not only for enrichment. He works with young people, captivating even difficult teenagers with the culinary arts. The chef fights childhood obesity, promotes healthy eating and introduces healthy dishes into school canteen menus. He was awarded the Order of the British Empire by the Queen and has since been officially named Sir James Oliver.

Childhood and youth

James Trevor Oliver was born on May 27, 1975 in the village of Clavering, Essex, UK. He grew up in Cambridge, where his parents, Trevor and Sally, own The Cricketers pub and restaurant. The establishment was built in the 16th century and has been owned by the Oliver family since 1976. Eight-year-old Jamie and his sister Anne-Marie were helping their parents in the pub.

At the age of 11, the boy could cut vegetables and also perform all the duties of the kitchen staff. In addition to cooking, the future TV star had other interests. In 1989, the teenager, together with musician and composer Lee Haggerwood, founded the band Scarlet Division, where he plays the drums. In October 2000, their single Sundial reached number 42 in the UK music chart.

At the age of 16, James began studying at Westminster College of Catering. He continued his education in France.


Jamie Oliver's professional career began as a pastry chef at the Neal Street Restaurant of the famous chef Antonio Carluccio. There, Jamie fell in love with Italian cuisine and met Gennaro Contaldo, from whom he learned to cook traditional Italian dishes.

Later, the young chef moved to London's The River Cafe, where he took the place of sous chef and worked for three and a half years. Here he learned how to masterfully cook tuna and became familiar with healthy eating. After Oliver starred in the 1997 BBC documentary Christmas at the River Cafe, the chef's biography became the biography of a TV star.

In 1999, the cooking show “The Naked Chef” was released, which made Jamie famous and brought him a BAFTA Award. The intriguing title of the show has nothing to do with eroticism. Director Patricia Llewellyn, who gave the project the name The Naked Chef, meant that the chef was completely frank with the audience, not hiding anything. By the way, later the producers offered Jamie to pose naked, but he invariably refused.

Millions of fans responded to the call to “Cook with Jamie Oliver”: from housewives and teenagers to the Duchess of Cornwall. At a mock cooking match in London with Duchess Camilla, Sir James made batter, decorated cupcakes and raised money for charity picnics.

Jamie has been involved in charity work since 2002, when he opened the restaurant “Fifteen”, where he hired fifteen young people with no experience in cooking, but with a criminal past. This idea proved successful and led to the creation of the Fifteen network in England and Australia.

In 2005, he launched the Feed Me Better campaign to teach British schoolchildren about healthy eating. With government support, Oliver changed standards school breakfasts and promoted the introduction of a tax on sugary drinks.

The famous chef has an official website, also in Russian. There they present the chef’s new books, projects with his participation, and add links to videos from his YouTube channel. Short videos from Jamie's cooking channel are combined into cycles based on the main product used or type of dish.

Jamie Oliver's Food Tube has a series of video recipes dedicated to cooking chicken or shrimp in different ways. Thanks to the original sauces borrowed by the author of the recipes in national cuisines peoples of the world, an ordinary piece of beef or fish acquires a new taste, becoming the basis of a family lunch or gala dinner.

In a fun and satisfying way, Oliver teaches food lovers how to make quick toppings for pizza or pies from what's left in the refrigerator after yesterday's dinner. Traditional English pudding was also invented by thrifty housewives and brought to perfection by the hands of a professional.

Personal life

The chef is married to the charming model Juliet Norton, better known as Jules. The future spouses met back in 1993, when Jamie was not yet famous. The young couple got married in 2000, when he was able to adequately provide for his family. The couple bought a house and settled in Oliver's home village. March 18, 2002 was born into the family eldest daughter Poppy Honey Rosie, and on April 10, 2003 - the second, Daisy Boo Pamela.

Six years later, on April 3, 2009, Jules gave birth youngest daughter Petal Blossom Rainbow. After the birth of his son, Buddy Beer Maurice, on September 15, 2010, the happy father declared that he was completely happy and ready to have a vasectomy. But on August 8, 2016, Jamie became the father of another boy named River Rocket.

Oliver arrived with all his older children to meet his wife and newborn son from the Portland Clinic. The photo of the family touched fans of Sir James. Juliet tastes her husband's new dishes and tests his recipes. In one of the books the cook wrote:

“Jules' insight helps to simplify recipes so that they are accessible to every lover. If she can handle them, then so can you.”

Jamie Oliver now

Oliver’s book “Five Ingredients: Quick and easy food”, published in a good translation, became a New Year’s gift to Russian fans. Each of the hundreds of dishes consists of just five components that are quickly and easily combined, giving delicious result. These are not balanced lunches, but salads, pasta and rice with vegetables and herbs, hearty dishes from meat. A separate chapter is devoted to desserts: there are no complex cakes here, but there are recipes for delicious cookies.

Sir James Oliver is not giving up the fight for the health of schoolchildren. In January 2018, he called on the UK government to ban the sale of energy drinks to children. Jamie believes caffeinated drinks are turning children into drug addicts, making it difficult for them to concentrate and learn in school.

An ordinary can of energy drink contains a dose of caffeine one and a half, or even two times more than the permissible dose. daily norm for children junior classes. Despite the fact that cans of energy drinks are labeled as products not intended for children, bright packaging and a range of flavors lead to the fact that a quarter of consumers are children. Waitrose stores and the NASUWT union supported Jamie's initiative.

The famous culinary specialist manages fifty restaurants of Italian cuisine, Jamie's Italian, two of which operate in Russia. They are located in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Managing such an extensive network of establishments is not easy. In 2018, Jamie plans to close 12 of 35 restaurants due to losses in the UK, in 2017, he had to close a branch in Istanbul and six locations in his homeland.

The fate of the remaining restaurants has not yet been decided. If landlords agree to lower rents and managers begin to serve customers better, then perhaps the business will remain afloat. Jamie now owes suppliers and employees seventy million pounds, and last year's losses amounted to thirteen million pounds.


  • 1999-2001 - “The Naked Chef”
  • 2002 - “Jamie’s Kitchen”
  • 2002-2004 - “Living deliciously with Jamie Oliver”
  • 2005 - “Jamie's School Lunch”
  • 2005 - “Italian Holidays with Jamie Oliver”
  • 2006 - “Jamie's Kitchen. Australia"
  • 2009 - “Journey Across America with Jamie Oliver”
  • 2010 - “Jamie Oliver's Culinary Travels”
  • 2011 - “Great Britain Jamie”
  • 2012 - “Cooking Duel with Jamie Oliver”
  • 2013 - “We cook deliciously and inexpensively”
  • 2013-2016 - “Jamie Oliver. Cooking Channel"
  • 2014-2015 - “Cooking duel with Jamie Oliver. Season 2"
  • 2014 - “Home Cooking with Jamie Oliver”
  • 2015 - “Sugar Rush”

Jamie Oliver Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth400 million Euro
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Yearly SalaryN/A
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Product EndorsementsSainsbury's & Sobey's
ColleaguesGordon Ramsay, Nigella Lawson & Gennaro Contaldo



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Jamie Oliver: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Jamie Oliver with beautiful, cute, gracious, Wife Juliette Norton
Who is Jamie Oliver dating in 2019?
Relationship statusMarried (Since 2000)
Current Wife of Jamie OliverJuliette Norton
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wives
Has any kids?Yes, father of: Poppy Honey Rosie Olive (12), Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver (11), Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver (5), Buddy Bear Oliver (4)
Will the marriage of English tv-personality & chef Jamie Oliver and current Wife, Juliette Norton survive 2019?

Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Height178 cm
Weight57 kiloClothing styleclassic
Favorite colorsred
Feet size12
Waist size132
Buste size150
Butt size136
Does Jamie Oliver have a tattoo?No

OMG! 50 Celebrity Tattoos Gone Horribly Wrong!

Official websites/fansites:

Does Jamie Oliver have official Social Media profiles?