The strange marriage of Liza Boyarskaya. Are Liza Boyarskaya and her husband Maxim Matveev getting divorced? The whole truth about the personal life of D’Artagnan’s daughter, Sophia Boyarskaya’s husband

The chosen one of the popular actress Liza Boyarskaya is called Maxim Matveev. He is an Honored Artist of Russia. The actor’s biography began in the city of Svetly, which is located in Kaliningrad region. Date of birth: 07/28/1982.

He graduated from school with a silver medal and planned to become a surgeon. However, chance intervened. In parallel with his studies, Maxim attended a children's creativity studio.

At the performance school event V. Smirnov, a theater teacher, drew the attention of the young man. Matveev was offered to submit documents to the Sobinov Conservatory in the city of Saratov for the acting department.

Maxim did not notice artistic inclinations in himself, but decided to listen to the teacher. Based on the exam results, the selection committee assigns the young man directly to the second year.

Having received his diploma, Matveev decided not to stop. He goes to Moscow, where he enters the Moscow Art Theater School. As a student, he plays in the theater. Chekhov, where he is immediately accepted into the troupe upon completion of training.

For several years, Maxim has been involved in many productions. Critics and the theater community highly appreciate the work of the young artist.

In 2007, Matveev’s cinematic career began. Successful debut took place in Valery Todorovsky’s film “Vise”. Venerable directors drew attention to the actor’s talent.

Soon he appears in the cult film “Hipsters” and many other box-office projects. The actor gains fame and demand in the profession.

At the same time, the artist’s personal life is developing. In 2008, Maxim signed at the registry office. His first wife was a theater colleague. Wife's name is Yana, surname is Sexte. However, the marriage turned out to be fleeting.

A year later, Matveev meets Liza Boyarskaya. A whirlwind romance began between them. The actor honestly talks about his feelings to his wife. The couple divorces, maintaining a warm relationship.

In 2010, the wedding of Maxim and Lisa took place. Soon a son was born into the family. Both are engaged in active professional activities.

Now the artist’s track record includes more than 30 films and many roles played in the theater. Since 2007 Maxim has been participating in volunteer movement as a clown doctor at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital. Since 2013, he has become a member of the board of a charitable children's foundation.

Photo of Matveev in his youth.

Liza Boyarskaya: biography, personal life, husband, children

Elizaveta is from Leningrad. Date of birth: 12/20/1985. She was born in star family, becoming the twelfth actress in the list of the famous acting dynasty.

Lisa's parents folk artists RSFSR Larisa Luppian and Mikhail Boyarsky. The daughter had to prove for a long time that she received roles not through patronage, but thanks to her own creative talent.

From the age of 13, Lisa was interested in jazz and classical dancing. Then the girl graduated from modeling school. Unlike her older brother Sergei, whom her parents saw only as an actor, Lisa was not attracted to the theater. At the age of 15, she accidentally found herself filming, but her first episodic roles did not leave a good impression.

IN school years she was constantly praised for her ability to perfectly organize events. Therefore, Lisa decided to become a PR manager, or, as a last resort, become a journalist.

However, before submitting documents to the university, the girl suddenly felt a craving for the stage. She urgently preparing to enter the theater academy. Admissions Committee I checked Lisa for more than an hour, but she passed the test.

Boyarskaya entered the RGISI in the workshop of Lev Dodin. Despite her famous surname, which for some reason aroused mistrust among teachers, Elizabeth showed talent. She was the best student in the course and was awarded a presidential scholarship.

Today, the actress’s filmography includes more than 60 film roles, a lot of colorful characters in the theater, and many professional awards and prizes. In 2018, Elizaveta Mikhailovna was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Since his youth, the personal life of the Russian cinema star has been under the tireless surveillance of journalists and paparazzi.

Despite her bright appearance and increased attention from the opposite sex, not one scandalous story associated with the name of a popular artist.

Boyarskaya men

The young actress’s first romance began with classmate Danila Kozlovsky. They were the most beautiful couple at the academy, which was called "Romeo and Juliet".

Development serious relationship Lisa's strict father interfered. Under the influence of Mikhail Boyarsky, who rejected the candidate hand and heart, the couple broke up.

The next contender on the list was Sergei Chonishvili. Vivid and passionate feelings flared up between them. However ex-lover did not meet the criteria of Lisa’s father, who was categorically against such an age difference.

The new chosen one, Novosibirsk actor Pavel Polyakov, also turned out to be an unworthy match, according to the pope. The affair with Konstantin Khobensky, which was actively discussed in the press, was pure fiction of journalists.

Only the next relationship with the star of the film “Hipsters” was unanimously approved by the parents.

Boyarskaya Elizabeth's husband - Maxim Matveev

They met on the set of the film “I Won’t Tell,” where they played a couple who was going through a relationship crisis. The actors were so inspired by the script that they rehearsed together and went to flea markets, looking for the right props for the film.

Lisa liked Maxim earlier, after watching “Hipsters.” Therefore, when she found out who was chosen as her partner in the film, she was interested in getting to know each other.

The actors were so carried away by the story of their heroes that they did not notice how a romance began between them. The situation was complicated by the fact that Matveev was married at that time.

When filming ended, Maxim began to divorce ex-wife Yana. Only after this they appeared as a couple at the premiere of the film “Admiral”.

The press immediately published publications that Boyarskaya stole her husband from a colleague. In fact, this marriage has long been bursting at the seams. A particularly exciting moment was when Maxim met Lisa’s parents.

However, Matveev turned out to be his daughter’s first gentleman, whom they warmly received. The lovers immediately spoke about their feelings, in response to hearing a blessing from Larisa and Mikhail.

In 2010, on July 28, the actors secretly signed at the registry office. The celebration was celebrated later, receiving congratulations from family and friends.

Maxim Matveev lost weight: before and after photos

After publishing an excerpt from the performance on Instagram, the artist’s subscribers and fans were shocked. Many noticed that in his new image he became a copy of Brad Pitt.

There are several versions of why the actor changed so much:
1. The first, most reliable - initially it was necessary to lose weight for the role of Vronsky. IN at the moment The artist is busy in a production of the Tabakerka Theater called Kynaston, where he plays Desdemona.

The female character required an artist transformation. Maxim started losing weight, ate dried fruits, and pumped up his abs to make his body look sculpted.

2. The second assumption is that Matveev is seriously ill. According to some sources, he has problems with the liver and pancreas due to alcoholism.

It is believed that the actor is on the verge of nervous exhaustion. Neither one nor the other is confirmed by doctors. Moreover, he is in excellent physical shape.

3. Latest version- lose 20 kg within a month in a bet with a friend, an expensive Gelendvagen car is at stake. Maxim has a gambling nature, so he could well agree for the sake of such a win.

Boyarskaya divorced her husband

Publications about the divorce of a star couple appear regularly. However, today sources who are part of the close circle of spouses have radically different information.

Some argue that the couple not only did not break up, but are also waiting for an addition to the family. This version is confirmed by the canceled performances of both for the coming months, as the actors intend to take maternity leave.

Another truth is that Lisa and Maxim separated amidst a distanced family life. They are known to live and work in different cities. Matveev in Moscow, Boyarskaya in St. Petersburg.

However, Lisa only laughs about this and says that they are entitled to bonuses from the rocket engine for constant travel.


The son of the star couple was born on April 7, 2012. The boy was named Andrey. The birth of a baby did not prevent the continuation of active professional activities actors. For a long time Lisa's parents helped the couple.

Recently, a nanny was hired for Andryusha, who teaches the child English language and reading, takes him to sports and music classes.

All spouses free time dedicated to my son. In September, information appeared that the actress was pregnant again.

Many readers are interested in Boyarskaya Elizaveta’s husband Maxim Matveev, whose photo often appears on the pages of the press. Today, some consider him an actor of the future, others - a star of another generation. This is what we will talk about in our article.

Biography of Maxim Matveev

Maxim Matveev was born in the small village of Svetly, Kaliningrad region, in 1982. He grew up in simple Soviet family, in which mom devoted herself to philology, and dad to the sea. Maxim was three years old when his father abandoned the family, so all the problems of raising little Maxim fell on the shoulders of his mother. But after a while she married a second time and it was her stepfather who became the closest person to the future actor. The second husband moved the family to Saratov, where Maxim had a half-brother.

The beginning of a creative journey, photo

As a child, Maxim did not even dream of acting in films; he saw himself first as a doctor, then as a fencer. But, despite this, he still studied at an art school and mastered the skills of a young actor.

Big changes in his biography occurred at a school graduation concert, when theater teacher Vladimir Smirnov was able to discern a special talent in the young man. It was he who suggested that Maxim continue his further studies at the Saratov Conservatory. The school graduate did not expect to hear such a proposal, but still listened to the teacher and decided to enter a university. A surprise for the future actor was not only his successful admission, but also his immediate enrollment in the senior year. Look - Boyarskaya Elizaveta's husband Maxim Matveev, whose photo is often placed on both theater and film posters, continued to follow the acting path, entering the Moscow Art Theater in Moscow.

Actor Maxim Matveev

In 2006, after completing acting courses, Matveev remained to work in the theater. On the theater stage he played many roles, including the role of Goring in the play " Ideal husband"(Oscar Wilde) became one of the best works.

In 2007, Matveev took a huge step into the world of cinema. Unlike his colleagues, there are no simple or boring roles in Maxim’s career. His debut in the dramatic film “Vise” brought fame to the actor, who was recognized not only by viewers, but also by critics. She was followed by filming in the films “Hipsters,” “Anna Karenina,” “New Year’s Tariff,” “Exchange Wedding” and others.

Today, Maxim Matveev’s career is rapidly developing both in the theater and in cinema. His performances are always full of fans. And his last role in the film “In August the Eighth” was another achievement for him.

Personal life with Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Despite his young years, Maxim is already in his second marriage. In 2008, he signed with the Latvian actress Jana Sixte, who was his theater colleague. But their marriage did not last long - one year.

Matveev's second wife was famous actress, the daughter of the famous acting couple, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, whom he met on the set of the film “I Won’t Tell,” where the future spouses played the role of lovers.

Many assume that it was the affair with Boyarskaya that was the reason for Matveev’s separation from Yana. And, perhaps, such rumors did not arise by chance, because already in 2010 Boyarskaya and Matveev got married, and in 2012 Matveev became the father of little Andrei.

IN lately Boyarskaya Elizaveta’s husband Maxim Matveev, whose photo is updated daily on social networks, lives in the capital with his son, and his wife works in St. Petersburg. Due to the fact that the actor couple lives separately, far from each other, journalists are developing rumors about their divorce. However, the star couple does not even think about breaking up.

The rising star of Russian cinema, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, got married in 2010. Her chosen one was the handsome Maxim Matveev, also a theater and film actor. What is known about him?

Student years

Was born future husband Elizabeth Boyarskoy Maxim Matveev in the city of Svetly, Kaliningrad region. In contrast to Elizabeth's acting roots, his parents are the most ordinary people: mother is a teacher, and father is a sailor. And he himself did not plan to connect his life with the stage. But chance helped.

On graduation party his acting abilities and outstanding appearance were noticed by a teacher at the Saratov Conservatory and advised young man contact your colleague in the workshop Valentina Ermakova. At one time, she discovered the talent of Evgeny Mironov, Galina Tyunina and others. After listening to Matveev, Ermakova invited him to study immediately for the second year. Moreover, he fully justified this advance.

First steps on the theater stage

While still studying, the future husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya actively began to try himself in various performances and productions. His first role was as Anne Boleyn's lover in The Royal Games. Then he was offered the role of Vaslav Nijinsky, the famous Russian choreographer and dancer, in the play God's Clown. The production included performing all sorts of ballet steps, but Maxim was good at dancing. Matveev was able to demonstrate another of his skills, namely the art of fencing, in diploma work"Don Juan" based on Pushkin's work, where he also played the main character.

After graduating from the Saratov Acting University in 2002, Maxim decided to enter the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio. He took the course of Sergei Zemtsov and Among the roles played during that period, it should be noted the knight Geoffrey in “The Beast of Piedmont” and Dulchin in “The Last Victim”. He also has participated in the following productions: “The Cabal of the Hypocrite” (Zachary Muarron), (Edgar), “Sacred Fire” (Colin Tebret), etc. His best role is considered to be Lord Goring from the play “An Ideal Husband” based on Oscar Wilde.

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater in 2006, the future husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya Maxim Matveev begins working at the Moscow Art Theater art theater named after Chekhov. The average viewer loves Matveev’s acting very much, his performances are a success.

Cinema and charity

The future husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya took his first steps in cinema in 2007, when he played Denis Orlov in the film “Vise”. Then a year later there was the musical “Hipsters,” where Matveev got the image of the expressive and charming Fred.

This role made him famous throughout the country. Since then, Matveev began to be invited more and more often, the list of films with his participation grew every year, despite the fact that Maxim continued to play in the theater.

At this time, he married his fellow student Yana Sexta, the actress of "Snuffbox", but their relationship was short-lived. A year later they end their marriage.

Together with Yana, Maxim Matveev began participating in the “Clown Doctor” project. Now he is the face of the charitable foundation of the same name. Together with a team of like-minded people, they dress up as clowns, visit hospitals and entertain sick children.

Meet Liza Boyarskaya

It took place on the set of the film “I Won’t Tell” in 2009. They played a married couple. They were united by a common obsession with work, and from then on a whirlwind romance began. At first, the lovers kept their relationship a secret, but a year later they got married. Maxim was warmly and cordially welcomed into the family, Lisa’s famous parents approved of their relationship and marriage.

New addition to the family

And in 2012, a long-awaited event occurred: Elizaveta Boyarskaya gave her husband a son. Elizaveta Boyarskaya's husband was present at the birth. The son was named Andrei. They say he has Blue eyes And dark hair that he looks like his famous grandfather. In general, the Matveev-Boyarskaya couple do not like to advertise their personal life, so photographs of the heir are not yet publicly displayed. Elizaveta Boyarskaya, her husband and son first tried to live together in the capital, because that’s where Matveev works, but the Moscow air was not suitable for the baby. Now he is at the Boyarsky dacha outside St. Petersburg, where he is looked after by two grandparents. And Lisa and Maxim constantly visit their son.

In families of actors, it often happens that someone is more famous and popular, while the other is talked about only in the context of the topic of his marriage partner.

Because of this, competition arises, the existence of the family itself becomes threatened. But it seems that this star couple This is not a threat. Although at the time they met, Boyarskaya was more famous and accomplished; her husband, Maxim Matveev, is no less in demand now. Although, as many film critics say, the role of his life is yet to come.

To summarize, Maxim Matveev is known not just as the husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, but first of all as a talented actor.

Liza Boyarskaya is a rather secretive character. She speaks little and reluctantly about her personal life in interviews. Joint shots with her husband rarely appear on her pages on social networks, and the couple did not present their son Andrei to the public for several years. Kira Proshutinskaya, the author and host of the television program “Wife. Love Story", which airs on the TV Center channel. Especially for this program, Boyarskaya told the story of her acquaintance and romance with her future husband, actor Maxim Matveev.

Many people think that the couple first saw each other on the set of the drama “I Won’t Tell” (2010), where they had to play a young couple on the verge of separation. In fact, Lisa and Maxim met three years earlier, when both participated in auditions for the film “1612”. And although the tests were inconclusive, Boyarskaya remembered them for the rest of her life. There she first noticed her future husband. As Lisa later recalled, she fell in love with him at first sight, as if she “fell into some kind of abyss.”

True, embarrassment and confusion did not allow the girl to take the first step towards rapprochement and acquaintance. Then the young people did not see each other for several years. In 2008, Matveev managed to marry actress Yana Sexta, with whom he worked at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.

Having met again on the set of “I Won’t Tell,” Lisa and Maxim could no longer hide the fact that they liked each other. During the short filming period, which lasted less than three weeks, they spent a lot of time together, walking, talking, and rehearsing. Getting to know each other, the actors realized that they were close in spirit and looked at many things the same way.

Then Boyarskaya was reproached more than once in connection with married man. In an interview with Kira Proshutinskaya, the actress admitted that Matveev himself took the initiative in developing relations. And if not for this fact, Lisa would never have been the first to pursue him or any other man.

Soon Maxim filed for divorce, and in 2010 he married Boyarskaya. The ceremony was modest and did not fit into the ideas of traditional weddings. The bride and groom came to the painting in casual clothes, and for the festive banquet Lisa chose a short cocktail dress.

Biography of Maxim Matveev

Maxim Matveev is three years older than his wife; he was born in 1982 in the Kaliningrad region. When he was 3 years old, his parents divorced, and until the age of 10 the boy grew up without a father. True, then he had a stepfather.

He graduated from school in Saratov, planned to get a law degree, but eventually entered the Saratov Conservatory at the theater department. The fact is that at a ball organized for medal-winning graduates, among whom was Matveev, the host, professional actor Vladimir Smirnov, drew attention to him. It was he who advised the young man, who showed himself superbly in various competitions at this event, to enter the theater school.

Having received a diploma from the Saratov Conservatory in 2002, Matveev went to Moscow and became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of Igor Zolotovitsky. In 2006 he was admitted to the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.

In cinema, Matveev clearly made a name for himself from the very first films - “Vise” (2007) and “Hipsters” (2008) by Valery Todorovsky. The actor also became famous for his leading roles in the films “Exchange Wedding” (2011), “August. Eighth" (2012), Weekend (2013), "Loves - does not love" (2014). In theater circles, Matveev is known as an actor who is ready for bold experiments for the sake of a role. For example, for the play “Kinaston” he lost 20 kg, switching to a menu of vegetables, fruits and fish.

WITH ex-wife Jana Sexte

Charity occupies an important place in the life of Maxim Matveev. Since 2007, he has been performing as a clown in front of little patients at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital (RCCH). And since 2013 he has been leading charitable foundation"Doctor Clown" and trains other actors in the art of entertaining children in difficult hospital conditions. Both his former and current wives are his comrades in this important matter.

By the way, the actor managed to maintain warm relations with his first wife, Yana Sexte. friendly relations. In 2013, she married composer Dmitry Marin for the second time, and a year later gave birth to a daughter, Anna.

Family life of Boyarskaya and Matveev

For a long time after the wedding, the couple lived in different cities. Lisa spent a lot of time in St. Petersburg, where she works at the Maly Drama Theater. Maxim remained in Moscow, appearing on the stage of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. Even the birth of the acting couple’s first child did not change the situation: in April 2012, their son Andrei was born.

Larisa Luppian with her grandson Andrey

Journalists regularly wrote about the discord in the family of Boyarskaya and Matveev, predicting their imminent breakup. However, they denied all the rumors, assuring that peace and harmony reigned in their marriage. According to Lisa, she is not a supporter of violent passions in family life, she has enough of this in the movies. At home, comfort, mutual understanding, and respect are important for the actress. It is easy for Matveev and Boyarskaya to get along together because they are equal emotionally and quickly find common language and resolve conflict situations.

Elizabeth’s mother, actress Larisa Luppian, spoke in an interview about her vision of her daughter’s family life. According to her, in their marriage Matveev is the unconditional leader, whom his wife always listens to. And Maxim’s fatherly qualities are simply beyond praise. He copes well with his son, plays with him a lot, makes toys, and surrounds him with love and care.

Maxim Matveev with newborn Grigory

The actors hid the boy from the public for a long time, until rare publications featuring little Andrei began to appear online. But his mom and dad are still against public photo shoots. According to them, they do not want increased attention for the child. On the contrary, they carefully protect his childish spontaneity so that this wonderful time in a child’s life does not turn into work.

At the beginning of December 2018, a second son, Grigory, was born into the family of Boyarskaya and Matveev. Shortly before this, Lisa finally moved to Moscow, where Andrei began going to kindergarten. She herself still plays on the St. Petersburg theater stage, so she spends a lot of time traveling. And yet she admits that family comes first for her, so for the sake of the opportunity to all live together, she is ready to endure any inconvenience.

Last winter, there were already rumors that not everything was going smoothly between spouses Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev: the media began to write that the actors no longer lived together... However, the actress personally dispelled all doubts in this regard.

Photo "Persona Stars"

"Friends! If public duo does not appear together at events, does not post daily on social media photographs of their family everyday life, does not show their child, this does not mean at all that they have problems and are breaking up. We may be old-fashioned, but there are some things we only want to share with each other! Happiness does not lie in this,” Boyarskaya explained in her microblog.

Today it turned out that the fans’ guesses were not empty. After five and a half years of official marriage, the couple actually separated and are preparing to formalize their divorce. It is known that Lisa’s father is against this story being widely publicized. Therefore, the artists continue to play the ideal family. At the same time, Boyarskaya and Matveev have been living separately for several months, she is in St. Petersburg, and he is in Moscow.

“Lisa and Maxim broke up several months ago,” Sergei Turuntsev, an employee of the St. Petersburg MDT, tells StarHit. - Everything is mutual, it just seems that love has passed over the years... Perhaps living in two cities has done its job - after all, Lisa and Maxim had an unconventional marriage. Of course, Lisa could not hide the fact of her breakup with her husband from her colleagues; her relationship with Maxim was an important part of her life. When one of the artists noticed that she came to the theater without wedding ring, did not deny that her union with Matveyev had come to an end. I know that they recently even wanted to legally divorce, but Liza’s dad Mikhail Boyarsky sharply opposed this - they say that they need to maintain the image of an ideal family, no matter what. Or maybe he still hopes that his daughter and Maxim will all be able to endure and fall in love again... The father now helps her with his grandson - he often walks with him, takes him to developmental courses, and does homework with Andryusha in the evening.”

Photo by Andrey Fedechko/Antenna – Telesem

Last year, on the set of the film “Contribution,” Lisa and Maxim played the main roles. On film set their colleagues already noticed that their relationship seemed to have cooled down.

"Lisa and Maxim are very professional people, so personal relationships at work did not affect in any way. Yes and them family problems they tried not to discuss it on set, although many were aware: it’s difficult to hide such things,” actor Daniil Lebedev, who worked with the couple on the set of the film “Contribution” last year, comments to StarHit.

The Moscow Moscow Art Theater is also aware of the discord in famous family. According to make-up artist Olga Salnikova, it was impossible not to notice Matveev’s broken state. Apparently, the actor is very worried about his divorce from his wife.

“Maxim has always been secretive, and after breaking up with Liza, he completely retreated into himself,” Olga Salnikova, make-up artist at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, told StarHit. - At first, I couldn’t get my act together during rehearsals - I missed some comments, but we are all human, so we treated all this with understanding. We try not to touch on the topic of his relationship with his wife; he himself asked to refrain from commenting on this matter in his presence. But he did not hide from his colleagues that he and Lisa were no longer together. Of course, they will figure it out themselves, no one interferes. We all hope this is temporary. Moreover, their son is very small, Maxim dotes on him and is now very worried that Andryusha moved back with his mother to St. Petersburg. And besides, so many months have passed since they broke up, and they still haven’t filed for divorce, so maybe there’s still a chance.”

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev met in 2006 at an audition for the film “1612” by Vladimir Khotinenko, in which both ultimately did not star. According to Boyarskaya, they immediately liked each other, but did not dare to meet each other. But, as they say, you can’t escape fate. The actors met again four years later on the set of the film “I Won’t Tell” and got married a year later. Two years later, the couple had a son, Andrei.

Let us remind you that not so long ago it became known about the separation of another famous couple, Svetlana and Fedora Bondarchuk. The couple decided to divorce after 25 years of marriage without mutual reproaches: in a civilized and quiet manner (read more).