Are there mushrooms in mid-October? Mushroom calendar

About heels we call one of the varieties of edible lamellar mushrooms autumn honey mushrooms. These are the most productive and collected honey mushrooms, among the most common summer honey mushrooms and winter. Scientific name of the mushroom “true honey fungus” or “autumn honey fungus” (Armillariella mellea) . Usually, autumn honey mushrooms end the mushroom season. IN Central Russia they are often called “Assumption” for their massive appearance at the end of August, just on the Feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God(August 28). On this day, experienced mushroom pickers go to the forest for the first autumn mushrooms, which bear fruit from this time on for two to three weeks. In a dry summer, the first wave of fruiting may go unnoticed or move more late date. In some regions, and honey fungus is widespread throughout the entire Northern Hemisphere in addition to permafrost and tropical latitudes, there is a second and even third wave of honey mushroom fruiting, depending on the weather and climatic conditions terrain. There, autumn honey mushrooms are collected until mid-October.

In the photo: autumn honey mushrooms (true honey fungus, Armillariella mellea). On the following pages, see other photos of autumn honey mushrooms.

When and how to collect autumn honey mushrooms.

The generosity with which the forest gifts us with these fragrant mushrooms can satisfy everyone, so the appearance of honey mushrooms is eagerly awaited. Collecting honey mushrooms is a real pleasure. They meet in families, so they manage to pick up a lot of mushrooms at once, sometimes not even carrying them away at once. There is a real “silent hunt” for honey mushrooms - who is first? attacked mushroom place– cut off all the mushrooms at once. Returning again, you may not find them - there are many “hunters”. And those cut and laid under a bush, sprinkled with grass and branches, will go unnoticed and will wait for your second arrival. But this is only if you want to process so many mushrooms later, and you know how to navigate the forest.

Honey mushrooms are well transported. Placed in large baskets, buckets, bags, car trunks and whatever is at hand at that moment, they are safely delivered to the recycling site. The main thing is to cook them quickly and scatter them so that they don’t “burn.” In cooking, the caps and legs of young honey mushrooms are often used. However, some mushroom pickers prefer to collect mature mushrooms with a large cap. “There’s something to pick up with a fork!” - they say. From large honey mushrooms, only the caps are collected; their legs are hard and not suitable for food. Overgrown honey mushrooms or collected in a lingering rainy weather partially lose their attractiveness appearance, mushroom aroma and taste qualities, but they are still good fried, boiled and pickled. Inexperienced mushroom pickers may confuse autumn honey mushrooms with similar false mushrooms. Therefore you need to know them distinctive features.

Autumn is the best time to pick mushrooms. Of course, they grow both in summer and spring, and some species even in winter. But the most correct mushroom- autumn. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? To answer this question, you must first understand what kind of weather these forest gifts like.

Seasonal characteristics of mushroom growth

Fungi are complex organisms. Their main part - the mycelium or mycelium - is hidden from view by a layer of forest humus, and only fruiting bodies appear on the surface, which attract mushroom pickers. Mycelium grows all year round, so it is not easy to answer the question at what temperature mushrooms grow in autumn.

Along with humidity, one of the most important conditions for fruiting for most species is warm earth. Therefore, the first mushrooms appear in the spring. In April-May, when clearings, clearings and forest burnt areas freed from snow warm up, morels and stitches appear. They are the ones who open the mushroom season, and then other mushrooms pick up the baton.

Towards the end of May and early June, after warm rains, the first moss mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, and even white ones appear. But these are only scouts; the main layer will appear later, when the rye begins to sprout. By the way, these mushrooms are popularly called spike mushrooms.

Boletuses, or as they are also called, krasoviki, redheads, appear a little later, when the aspen has faded. At the same time, colorful caps of russula peek out from the grass, and cheerful flocks of chanterelles scatter in the moss, like orange beads.

But the summer layers are short - a week, two at best, and the mushrooms disappear as if they never existed. A real mushroom It will only grow in the fall, when the braids of the birches begin to turn golden and splash crimson on the foliage of the aspens.

Mushroom growth calendar

To illuminate this issue in as much detail as possible, we will use visual material. Below is a table that will tell you when and for which “animal” it is better for lovers of “silent hunting” to go into the forest.

Mushrooms of the autumn forest

In autumn, almost all types of summer mushrooms grow, but new ones also appear, those for which it is too hot in summer. These are, for example, autumn honey fungus, greenfinch, row and others. Moreover, in the fall, the growth of mushrooms is the most intense, since they do not like heat, and in order for the fruiting body of most species to begin to develop, 5-10 o C is enough. The temperature at which mushrooms grow in the fall affects the speed of their development: than The lower the degree, the slower they grow.

However, not only temperature indicators matter, but also humidity. If autumn is dry, then you can’t count on a good “catch” of mushrooms. However, they don’t like prolonged rains either. An experienced mushroom picker will look at how the next bad weather splashes on the roads in puddles, and sigh sadly: “Eh, the mycelium will get wet!” The mycelium, of course, will not get wet, it will remain under the dense forest floor of fallen pine needles and moss, but there may indeed be no mushrooms.

But light frosts, which are not uncommon in autumn, are not scary for mushrooms. Sometimes on a cold October morning in the forest you can find redheads, boletus, and honey mushrooms literally frozen through. When determining at what temperature mushrooms grow in the forest in the fall, you should focus on average daily values, since warming up the soil during the day plays an important role.

When the frost hits

Few of these forest dwellers can survive severe frost, and most mushroom pickers believe that the season ends in November. But that's not true.

One of the most cold-resistant mushrooms is honey mushrooms. Best temperature for their growth varies in the range of +8 ... +12 o C. Their cheerful families grow in the forest even after serious frosts. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? for example, can be found at sub-zero temperatures, even under snow.

Winter oyster mushrooms are also not afraid of frost, which can be harvested not only in November, but also in January.

Conditions for the growth of porcini mushrooms

No matter how full the mushroom picker’s basket is, his luck is judged primarily by the number of porcini mushrooms.

White, or, as it is also called, boletus, is a cunning and finicky mushroom. Sometimes you have to go around half the forest to attack a mushroom place. But if the conditions are suitable, then even in a small patch you can collect more than a dozen strong boletus.

At what temperature do porcini mushrooms grow in the fall? Firstly, we note that for white it is not so much the condition of the air that is important as the condition of the soil. The optimal soil temperature for it is 15-16 degrees Celsius.

But as for the air, the conditions for growth in summer and autumn are different. In summer, boletus mushrooms do not like excessive dampness and prolonged rains and prefer temperatures of +18 ... +20 o C. That is why they hide in the moss and under the thick paws of spruce trees, where it is not very hot.

But already in the second half of September the weather is rarely warm. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? From September optimal mode for the growth of porcini mushrooms it will be 10-15 degrees Celsius. Moreover, night frosts do not bother them at all. The main thing is that the air and soil warm up during the day.

When to collect boletus mushrooms in the fall

Boletus mushrooms, especially young and strong ones, are in no way inferior to white ones - even boiled, dried, or fried. And if they go in layers, then you can collect more than one bucket of them in a relatively small forest.

By folk superstition, the first boletuses appear when the mountain ash blooms, and then they do not leave forest glades and birch groves all summer. Unless, of course, the summer was too hot and dry. But the summer boletus has one drawback - it loves this one very much. delicious mushroom worm. So the mushroom picker has to reluctantly throw away one mushroom after another.

In autumn, boletus flowers are clean and strong. And besides, their special appearance appears - with a thick stem and a dark cap, the taste is practically no different from the white one. Finding it, however, is not easy in the fallen leaves. But if you come across one, then you can find a dozen more around it.

At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn (boletus mushrooms)? they have almost the same as the whites. For boletus, 10-12 degrees Celsius is quite enough, only these mushrooms love wetter weather, not prolonged rains, but thick autumn fogs. And if the autumn is dry, then boletus mushrooms should be looked for in damp places, in lowlands and even in a swamp.

A good mushroom picker knows at what temperature mushrooms grow. In the fall, in the forest, he will quickly fill a basket, or even take out a bag - don’t leave boletus and boletus, aspen and boletus, milk mushrooms and capillaries under the fir trees and birches! And if honey mushrooms attack, there may not be enough packages.

There are many types of honey mushrooms, so the periods for their collection vary. Today food industry well developed, honey mushrooms have been learned to be grown under artificial conditions. However, buying a product in a store is not as valuable as collecting it yourself and searching for honey. Where to collect honey mushrooms, when is the best time to do it? These questions interest many amateurs and avid mushroom pickers.

Young mushrooms most often have a hemispherical cap, while mature mushrooms have an umbrella-shaped cap. There is a convexity in the center that turns into a flat part, the edges are lowered downwards. The size of the cap can vary, ranging from 1 to 10 centimeters. On top of it are small scales that disappear as the fungus grows. The honey fungus also has different colored caps. They can be light yellow, cream, or reddish with a dark center. The legs are very elongated. Their length can be 2 – 18 centimeters, diameter – no more than 2.5 cm. However, each type has its own personality.

Honey mushrooms belong to a variety of edible forest gifts that have plates. They grow in summer, autumn, winter periods. At the same time, it is difficult to say exactly when to collect honey mushrooms.

The autumn honey fungus ends the season. It is considered one of the most frequently collected and most common mushrooms. Collection starts at last days August, but lasts only a short time, for 14 – 20 days. During this period they bear fruit well. In the case of a dry summer, this period may be missed or come a little later.

It is noticed that in northern regions globe Often a second stage of reproduction occurs based on weather conditions. In these places, honey fungus grows until mid-October.

Collection summer mushroom starts from the beginning of June and ends in October. In specimens collected in summer, compared to autumn honey mushrooms, the cap is smaller. Its shade is yellow-brown, lighter towards the middle. This product belongs to category 4. It is good for drying, pickling, and preparing stew.

Winter honey fungus grows in small clusters and only on trees. It appears in the fall and remains under the snow in the winter. If the climate is mild, mushroom picking can be done until March. They do not have strong taste characteristics, so it is better to use them for preparing stews, first courses, and pickling.

Mushroom location

Every avid mushroom picker knows where honey mushrooms grow. They like to grow in old forests, where there are many damaged and weakened trees, near stumps, in areas of wood that is dead and rotting. Most often these are hardwoods:

  1. Acacia.
  2. Poplar.

However, they are often located on spruce, pine, and fir trees. Even if honey mushrooms take a liking to some clearing, it’s not just like that. It follows that deep underground there are roots that extend from the stump.

Honey mushrooms are permanent mushrooms. They do not prefer to “jump” from one place to another. If one day a family was found next to a fallen tree, then next year you can 100% reap a good harvest from this place. And until the tree or its stump becomes rotten, mushrooms will bear fruit around them.

A completely different type is the meadow honey fungus, which loves open, spacious, grassy meadows. That's why it is found in places such as:

  • fields;
  • gardens;
  • forest glades;
  • roadsides.

Honey mushrooms grow almost until November.

This mushroom is quite sociable. They are looking for him in groups, dialing full basket. It is noticed that for meadow mushroom characterized by frequent growth not just in bunches, but with the formation of a circle. Such myceliums can have a fairly large area.

The breadth of the growth area of ​​honey mushrooms includes almost all forests; they are only absent in permafrost.

The higher the humidity in the forest, the greater the mushroom yield will be. However, it happens that a damp ravine is enough for them.

It is very important to be careful in such places so that the collected mushrooms are not confused with false honey mushrooms.

On what stumps do honey mushrooms that appear in summer grow? They are located on stumps deciduous trees, logs, various tree remains. They do not grow on living trees. Collection time is from early July to September. Small mushroom. Its cap is yellow-brown in color, with dark edges on which there are grooves. In damp weather it is translucent. The leg is brownish in color.

The first real honey mushroom among mushroom pickers is considered autumn view. It can be found in the composition big family or growing alone. Where to look for forest gifts? It lives on tree trunks, both living and dead. Also - on dead wood and stumps, in damp forests. Moving onto tree trunks, honey mushrooms cause the formation of white rot, which leads to the death of the tree. They are collected from late summer to early winter. The most productive month is September, when average temperature is +10.

Can be found on weak or damaged deciduous trees and wood. They are found along streams, in gardens, parks, and on the edges.

Distinctive features of good mushrooms from poisonous forest products

Honey mushrooms, which cannot be eaten, make up a certain amount that is similar in appearance to real mushrooms. In small groups they grow in the same areas of the forest as edible ones:

  1. Trees that are littered.
  2. Hemp.
  3. Stem parts.

For this reason, they are easily confused with edible gifts.

False mushrooms are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Inedible.
  2. Conditionally edible.
  3. Poisonous.

The first main difference by which you can distinguish a good mushroom from a bad one is the presence of a ring with a film (a skirt on a leg). It protects the young product. U inedible honey mushrooms there is no such ring.

There are also a number of other differences:

  1. A good mushroom has an aromatic mushroom smell, while a false mushroom has an unpleasant, earthy smell.
  2. A hat of a bad product with a pronounced color. It can be sulfur yellow or pale red, depending on the species. Non-false mushrooms are characterized by a light brown color.
  3. To taste false honey mushrooms bitter.

An experienced mushroom picker will immediately remember distinctive features, which will help to recognize a bad mushroom, but for an amateur it is better to approach the collection with special attention. If there is the slightest doubt, it is better not to put such a mushroom in the basket.

A trip to the forest for honey mushrooms will in any case bring you pleasant emotions, as these mushrooms grow large families and, having found a suitable tree, you can quickly fill the basket. Collection is carried out almost all year round, since there are many types of these mushrooms, and they can be collected even in winter. But for this you need not only to know what they look like edible species, but also by what rules they are collected.

Features and methods of collecting winter, spring and autumn honey mushrooms with photos and videos can be found in this article. It will help experienced mushroom pickers improve their knowledge, and beginners - master the necessary techniques.

With the onset of the first autumn month comes the time to collect honey mushrooms. In conditions high humidity they grow very quickly. You can meet them both in deciduous and mixed forests on stumps and old trees (Figure 1). Although they are small, collecting them is a real pleasure, because they grow in whole families, and you can immediately collect a whole basket of fragrant forest gifts.

Figure 1. Places and rules for collecting honey mushrooms

Sometimes they are hidden under a layer of fallen leaves, and then it becomes more difficult to find them, but how great is the joy of a mushroom picker who discovers a family growing on a stump. Fans of quiet hunting are well aware of the features, conditions and rules of collection, and beginners will find it useful to familiarize themselves with the materials in this article.


You should know that various types can be harvested almost all year round, except during periods of severe frost. So, autumn ones are harvested from August to November, meadow ones - from May to June and from September to October, summer ones bear fruit from August to October, and winter ones - throughout the fall until frost.

Note: You need to look for them when you are old enough deciduous forests, on stumps and trunks of fallen trees, and sometimes on living wood. The exception is meadow, which grow exclusively in open areas among grass. Look for them on forest edges, pastures, fields, and meadows.

When collecting, be careful and remember that along with edible ones, you can also find false ones, some of which are poisonous. To prevent such a specimen from accidentally ending up in your basket, learn to distinguish between real and false specimens (Figure 2).

Here's what you should pay attention to

  1. True honey mushrooms grow only on wood, while false ones can also grow on the ground.
  2. Hats false species They are painted in bright colors - bright red, greenish-gray, and the plates on their reverse side are dark in color.
  3. The main sign of edibility is the leathery ring on the stem under the cap. False ones have fragments of such a ring, but they are difficult to see. In addition, the cap and stem of a real mushroom are covered with scales, which are completely absent in false ones.

Figure 2. Main differences between true and false species

In addition, real varieties have a pleasant mushroom aroma, while false varieties have an unpleasant earthy odor.


If you want to harvest, go to a forest that is over 30 years old. In such a forest area you can find enough places where honey mushrooms like to grow - rotten stumps, dead trunks, dead wood, protruding tree roots.

When to collect winter and other species? The best time for this they call it early morning, since it is then that they are still fresh and dense after the coolness of the night, which means they are more resistant to transportation and storage.


When choosing a collection method, you should give preference to those that protect the mycelium from mechanical damage. Therefore, it is unacceptable to pull out mushrooms, because such actions lead not only to damage to the mycelium, but also to its death, as a result of which growth in this area stops.

It is recommended to carefully cut off the stem with a knife or twist the mushroom from the mycelium. However, with the first method there is a risk of infection entering the mycelium through an incised wound on the leg, so it is better to use the second method. When unscrewing the mushroom, it must be rotated around its axis until it easily separates. The hole remaining after such actions must be trampled or lightly dug in.


All lovers of “silent hunting”, whether an experienced mushroom picker or a beginner, must follow the following rules (Figure 3):

  1. You can collect only well-known species. If you have the slightest doubt about its edibility, you should discard it.
  2. It is recommended to select young, healthy mushrooms, because they have the ability to accumulate dangerous toxic substances, and therefore you do not need overgrown, wormy, rotten specimens. It is better to hang it on a branch with the cap down so that the wind can carry and disperse its spores for the future harvest. At the same time, mushrooms that are too young and not yet ripe should not be collected. Leave them to other mushroom pickers.
  3. Try not to damage the mycelium. Therefore, it is better to twist the tubular species, and break or cut off the lamellar and marsupial species.
  4. If you find an edible mushroom, do not rush to leave this place. Most species grow in whole families, so a careful search can reveal many mushrooms in one place.
  5. Remember that mushrooms do not grow in tall grass and windbreaks.
  6. When going into the forest, take a basket with you, not a bucket, since mushrooms quickly suffocate in a confined space without ventilation.
  7. Before placing your find in the trash bin, clear it of soil and debris. Place them caps down or sideways.
  8. Don't try to take all the mushrooms from the forest. This is impossible. Raw mushrooms spoil quickly, so they need to be processed quickly.

Figure 3. Collection methods and rules

Do not knock down unfamiliar mushrooms. After all, there may be a mushroom picker who will not only recognize this mushroom, but also pick it up.

Collection of honey mushrooms: video

To better learn about the collection process, we recommend watching the video, which shows where to look for mushrooms, how to distinguish them and collect them correctly.

When to collect winter mushrooms

Most mushrooms are collected in the summer and autumn months. The exception is winter varieties, the harvest of which can be harvested even with the onset of slight cold in December, and in conditions of early and warm spring - in January and March. They appear in the forest in October and can continue to bear fruit until March (Figure 4). It all depends on the climate and weather conditions, since growth stops at temperatures below zero.

Figure 4. Collection of winter species

It is very difficult to confuse a winter variety with any other species, since most mushrooms do not tolerate cold weather, and with its onset they die off in their above-ground parts, which means they are simply absent.

When to collect spring honey mushrooms

Spring honey mushrooms are an early species. They can be found both in mixed and in coniferous forests on old stumps and protruding tree roots, as well as on damp mossy litter from mid-May to the end of October (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Features of collecting spring species

The largest harvest can be harvested in June-July, when these mushrooms are especially prolific, and since they grow in the low mushroom season, they attract increased interest from mushroom pickers.

Collection of autumn mushrooms: video

The most popular are autumn varieties. From the video below you will learn how to collect them correctly and what places in the forest you should inspect to find a rich harvest of mushrooms.

The peak mushroom season begins in autumn. What mushrooms can be picked early and late autumn? We'll tell you in this article.

Autumn is generous with the gifts of nature. At this time of year, you can enjoy not only fragrant apples, pears, and vegetables from the garden, but also diversify your menu with mushroom dishes.

Important: " Silent hunt“, this is what mushroom pickers call their hobby. Why? Because they usually go out to pick mushrooms in a friendly group. And this is a very exciting activity.

Many people believe that mushrooms only grow in autumn. In fact, this is not entirely true. Mushrooms grow in both spring and summer, and some even in winter. It’s just that in the fall, thanks to the wet weather, a huge number of them grow.

The month of September is good because you can still collect summer species mushrooms, but traditionally autumn ones are already appearing.

Traditionally, the September types of mushrooms include the following:

There are many subspecies of honey mushrooms. Among them there are edible and poisonous, sometimes it is difficult even for an experienced specialist to distinguish. Some mushroom pickers do not consider these mushrooms edible.

Picky mushrooms that can be found in mosses or under grass. Chanterelles grow throughout the fall. The chanterelle's leg has folds, and the cap may be irregular shape and curved outward. All types of chanterelles are considered edible or conditionally edible. Conditionally considered edible false chanterelles. Their hat is much brighter than that of ordinary foxes.

Chanterelle mushrooms

White mushroom

It is also called boletus. You've also probably heard the name "king of mushrooms". The mushroom is named porcini because its pulp white does not darken when cut. The diameter of the cap ranges from 5-20 cm.

In wet weather the cap can be slippery; in dry weather it can become cracked and dry. If you turn the mushroom over, you can see that the flesh is porous. The color of the cap darkens as the mushroom ages, from white to brown. The leg is dense and fleshy.

“King of Mushrooms” - Boletus

Variety porcini mushroom- dubovik

The boletus has a light leg that widens downwards with dark inclusions. Temperate hat brown. The boletus grows in birch or mixed forests. But you can also find it in a spruce forest, where there are interspersed birches. Loves wet soil, but warmed by the sun.

In addition to the above, other mushrooms also grow abundantly in September:

  • Milk mushrooms
  • Butter
  • Mokhoviki
  • Saffron milk caps

Video: How to pick mushrooms correctly?

What edible mushrooms are collected in October: list, photos, names

In October, before the onset of frost, you can collect decent baskets of various mushrooms. Although the number of mushrooms in meadows and forests will not be as record high as in September. In October, it is worth looking for mushrooms near stumps and under trees.

Still available this month porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus.

In October, the following mushrooms grow abundantly:

  1. Saffron milk caps
  2. Bitters
  3. greenfinch

Saffron milk caps

Saffron milk caps grow in spruce forests. The second name for saffron milk caps is spruce trees. Saffron milk caps have a concave cap, the edges are slightly bent, and the inside of the cap is lamellar. The cap of these mushrooms is smooth and slippery. The pulp is orange. Saffron milk caps are one of the most delicious mushrooms. They can be fried, salted, and dried.

Milk mushrooms

These mushrooms, like others, are divided into two types: conditionally edible and edible.

TO conditionally edible include:

  • bitter milk mushroom (bitter)
  • milk mushroom yellow
  • milk mushroom white (real)
  • milk mushroom parchment
  • milk mushroom black

TO edible:

  • marsh mushroom
  • bluish milk mushroom
  • camphor milk mushroom

These mushrooms may differ in the color of their cap. Milk mushrooms reach large sizes- up to 20 cm in diameter. The milky juice is white, abundant. As it ripens, the flesh of the milk mushroom becomes brittle and crumbles easily.

Important: The term “conditionally edible mushrooms” does not mean that they cannot be eaten. Can. Only first it needs to be processed: frying, boiling, drying, salting. Regarding edible mushrooms, it is believed that they can be eaten raw.

What edible mushrooms are collected in November: list, photos, names

November is the latest autumn month. The first frosts begin this month, but you can still collect a basket of late mushrooms, such as:

  • greenfinch
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Butter


Butterflies get their name from their slippery, sticky, oily cap. Brown hat, with reverse side porous. This mushroom is very nutritious. The oiler loves coniferous soil, but there must be bushes and grass.

There are deciduous, swamp, and cedar boletus. Late boletus can be recognized by its richly colored cap with yellow flesh. Late boletus hides in mosses.

Has a long thin leg. The leg is hollow inside. Externally, garlic mushrooms are similar to honey mushrooms; they can be distinguished by the characteristic smell of garlic. Hence the name. When cooked, the smell disappears; when dried, it intensifies.

The latest mushrooms in autumn in November: list, photos, names

In late autumn you can find:

  • Talkers
  • Zelenushki (rows)
  • Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms grow at once “as a whole friendly company.” You can find them on trees. Oyster mushrooms are also grown in industrial scale. Oyster mushrooms have a soft cap with soft gray skin.


The caps of the talkers are thin, these mushrooms themselves are small, but fragrant. Talkers grow on soft litter, shallow. Among the varieties of talkers, there are many poisonous ones, so it is recommended to collect them only for experienced mushroom pickers.

Mushroom talker


Greenfinches grow in dry pine forests. They can be found singly or in groups. These are the latest mushrooms to grow until frost. After treatment, the greenish color does not disappear. If you eat a lot of greenfinches, you can get poisoned. Therefore, it is better to consume them in moderation.

How quickly do mushrooms grow after rain in the fall?

Important: For mushrooms to grow, the soil must be well saturated. It is important that it is warm for some time. Such conditions are favorable for the growth of mushrooms.

Mushrooms grow in different ways. For example, boletus may appear 10 hours after rain. Other mushrooms, especially late autumn ones, will have to wait up to 12 days.

Experienced mushroom pickers are sure that it is not necessary to wait 12-14 days after the rain, you just need to know the good places.

It is also important to go to pick mushrooms when they reach the required size. On average, mushrooms reach medium size in 3-6 days. Full height up to 12-14 days.

At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn?

High temperature (30-35°) inhibits the growth of fungi. The mechanism of mushroom growth is such that the mycelium begins to develop at a temperature of 20-25°. During this time it should rain, the mycelium should be saturated nutrients. And only at a temperature of 6-10° the fruiting body actively grows.

It happens that mushrooms grow in waves after each heavy rain. But it doesn’t happen year after year. It also happens that the year does not indulge in a mushroom harvest. Many mushroom pickers say that mushrooms have their own quirks.

Picking mushrooms is not only a useful activity, but also an exciting one. Many quiet walks through the forests and beautiful places calms down. Don’t forget to arm yourself with a knife for cutting mushrooms and a basket, or maybe several.

But if you decide to go mushroom hunting and don’t know whether this mushroom is edible, it is better to ask an experienced mushroom picker to help. Almost all types of mushrooms have false doubles, which can be extremely dangerous to your health and life.

Video: How to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones?