Valentina Grigorieva official Instagram. The love story of a flight attendant and the sexiest politician in Russia

In the lists of the sexiest politicians in Russia, the first place is always reserved for Mikhail Abyzov. Sergey Viktorovich, forgive me. This month, 45-year-old Abyzov left his post as Minister of Open Government: as RBC writes, the politician will take up some large government project. Abyzov’s advantages are not limited to his brutal appearance: Mikhail is one of the ten richest politicians in the country. IN Forbes list the country's wealthiest businessmen, Abyzov ranks 162nd with $600 million earned from sales profits securities, liabilities and property. Abyzov transfers his salary as a politician to charitable foundations.

Having retired from government affairs, Abyzov devotes all his time to his beloved Valentina Grigorieva. For almost two years, the couple managed to hide their relationship from strangers (but not from us, of course). Super publishes the first photos of the former minister and his girlfriend. Valentina - sister Victoria's Secret model Katya Grigorieva. Valya has been called the most beautiful flight attendant in Russia more than once. 28-year-old Valentina works as a flight attendant in business class at a leading Russian airline.

We really wanted to write that Abyzov met Valentina on board the plane, and with her command “Breathe easy,” he was unable to follow the advice of his future lover. But no, they did not meet during the flight. The politician accidentally saw a photo of Grigorieva on a social network: in the picture Valya was in her uniform. Captive beautiful smile flight attendant Abyzov found her phone number in a matter of days. As we learned from sources close to the couple, at the time of his acquaintance with Grigorieva, Abyzov had already separated from his wife. Moreover, three months after the start of the relationship, the politician introduced new girl with my ex-wife!!! and children. Our sources claim that Valentina managed to charm them so much that ex-wife considers Grigorieva his friend.

Abyzov and Grigorieva live together in a politician’s mansion near Moscow. The lovers spend all weekends and holidays together, and go on vacation with Abyzov’s children. Valentina and Mikhail's favorite places are Italy and Morocco. Valentina does not show her beloved on social networks, but dedicates

The country has been watching the reality show “Top Model in Russian” on the Muz-TV channel (now Yu) for four years now. This season it was hosted by the fiancée of the famous football player Cristiano Ronaldo - Russian supermodel Irina Shayk. 15 compatriots competed for a contract with one of the largest modeling agencies in the world. Only three reached the finals. Moreover, two of them are from Murmansk! These are sisters Valya and Katya Grigoriev. Valentina told the KP correspondent about the backstage of the show via Skype from Malta, where she went to language school to improve your English.

Dad didn't let me go on "Vacation to Mexico"

I got to the “Top Model in Russian” casting for the company. Together with my sister, I came to my parents in St. Petersburg, both of them were not going well in their personal lives, so we took the offer to participate in the casting as an opportunity to unwind,” Valya confesses. - We could have just as easily gone to the casting “Vacations in Mexico”, which took place there, but we knew that dad wouldn’t let us go there.

According to Valentina, the “Top Model” jury assessed not only external data, but also how interesting it would be for the viewer to watch the “aquarium fish.”

Out of thousands of applicants, 15 were selected.

I was asked if I would give the win to my sister if she lost. To which I replied that each of us would rejoice at the other’s success and would support us in case of loss, but, of course, no one believed me,” Valya smiles.

By the way, the sisters have been friends since childhood. They are the same age (Katya is 23, Valya is 22), they played with only dolls, they never shared boys. Three years ago, together we went to conquer the “Beauty of the Arctic”, Katya became the second runner-up, and Valya became the first. And at the All-Russian stage, Grigorieva Jr. received the title “Beauty of the West”. Naturally, the sisters sometimes quarreled during the project, but overall they provided each other with tremendous support.

Interestingly, in order to avoid information leakage, all connections with the outside world were cut off for the girls. The beauties were ordered to delete their pages from social networks and turn off their mobile phones. It was even possible to call relatives only through the organizers, and then once every three days. It was also strictly forbidden to talk to the film crew, and the language barrier made it difficult to communicate with both the English-speaking jury members and the residents of Paris.

"IN golden cage we were not accommodated"

““See Paris and die” - the one who said this has probably never been to Paris,” Valentina continues. - In this European country I saw cigarette butts on the pavement, garbage under my feet, something smelled bad...

And the conditions in which the participants lived during their first time in Paris left much to be desired...

We were not put in a golden cage. Mice, cockroaches, and bedbugs were running around the cabinets and cabinets of the hotel rooms. Because of this, we slept restlessly and woke up groggy. In addition, there was one shower and toilet for 15 people! I burst into tears when my sister was bitten by bedbugs. She and I went to bed in the hall, promising each other that we would go home tomorrow. I think they were just testing our endurance. We wanted to show what there is in the modeling business reverse side medals.

The next morning, two girls flew out of the project and the Grigoriev sisters decided to wait a little longer. And then the organizers’ conscience woke up - the participants were moved to a luxurious villa: with a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, a garden and a refrigerator filled to capacity. By the way, the girls were not starved during the project, the film crew simply wanted to film as much as possible, and therefore the girls were malnourished from lack of time and extreme fatigue. And therefore, among the nightly muttering, I sometimes heard: “Cut my sausages...”.

And Valya’s strongest gastronomic impression of Paris is snails. But the beauty didn’t dare try frog legs.

The presenter gave her bracelet to Katya

I didn’t notice the cameras from the first day and, perhaps, in vain! After all, I always said frankly what I think. The most difficult thing was sharing shelter with “princesses” who were not used to cleaning up their dishes, things, and other things. There was a situation where a girl did laundry in a basin and left water in it, which “smelled” for three (!) days.

We also discussed reality show host Irina Shayk.

Shayk showed us what only Ronaldo saw - her true face, her character. At first she was bitchy, but the fewer girls remained in the project, the more soulful she became.

By the way, during the filming it was forbidden to discuss Shayk’s relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo.

She also stated that she would not give girls advice on how to marry the rich and famous.

And she even showed how different a slightly open mouth can be,” adds Valentina.

In the final, Irina gave Katya her talisman - a bracelet, which always helped her in her career. It was not done according to the script and with such a feeling that everyone on the set was crying.

However, Valentina also has a talisman - a ring with the inscription “Save and Preserve”, given by her grandmother, which protects her from the female evil eye.

Try on the look of Bond's girlfriend

In one of the photo shoots, the beauties had to appear as a friend of James Bond.

My feet are too small for a model - size 37, so I had to walk on the pebbles in 38-size “skis”, into which I stuffed napkins,” Valentina laughs. - Very unusual place photo shoot “Freedom” took place - in an abandoned psychiatric hospital, in addition to this, we had to film with a wild vulture, which was trying to bite.

A month of filming flew by in one breath.

Of course, not everything was shown on TV; it took three days to film one episode. Towards the end of the project, I realized that I had given up. I’ve always been a workaholic, I combined my studies with my job as an administrator at an amusement park, and wrote my thesis at night, but I wasn’t as tired as I was on the show.

In the final, Katya took second place, Valya took third.

In fact, Katya shared first place - she was offered the same contract in America as the winner, and was given a tourist visa with the opportunity to work. After the project, I also received many offers. I have already worked with the brands “Kamey” and Lamoda, and upon returning from Malta there will be a photo shoot with “Blendamed”. What's next?

I will fly to my sister in America and will conquer the podiums with her again...


Valentina Grigorieva, 22 years old, graduate of Moscow State Technical University, specializing in Marketing.

Doesn't like philosophy. Her motto: “Beauty plus intelligence equals success.”

Height: 176. Weight: 53.

Parameters: 85 - 61–90.

Hobbies: snowboarding, rafting, knitting.

Marital status: has a boyfriend.

Favorite models: Adriana Lima, Cindy Crawford, Irina Shayk, Natalia Vodianova.


Who are the judges?

The jury included well-known professionals high fashion:

Miss Jay is an American stylist and fashion show director (worked for Valentino, Chanel, Alexander McQueen);

Vincent McDoom - English stylist and fashion expert (worked for Marc Jacobs, Paco Rabanne); Tess Feyad is a French photographer (worked for Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle magazines).

Katya Grigorieva is an incredibly beautiful Russian model who is absolutely short time was able to achieve impressive heights in the modeling business. It is worth noting that the girl is the first and so far the only model from Russia to become the angel of the famous brand Victoria Secret lingerie.

In addition, as of 2015, the beauty managed to work with the most famous and influential fashion designers, as well as appear on the covers of the best glossy magazines. In 2015, Katya already managed to get married, but she doesn’t even think about quitting her modeling career in the midst of it.


On September 15, 1989, in the small town of Olenegorsk, Russia, a wonderful girl, Ekaterina Grigorieva, was born, who in the future became one of the most famous supermodels. In addition to her, the family has another daughter, Valentina, so the parents spent most of their time raising them.

model Katya Grigorieva

Since the father was a military girl with early childhood grew up disciplined and respected adults. Despite the fact that Katya was born in a small town, she still dreamed of becoming a famous model who would win millions of hearts, but due to the lack of a modeling agency nearby, her parents sent her to ballroom dancing. The girl liked this hobby so much that before graduating from school, she was able to earn many awards.

In the future, Katya admits that her good upbringing and professional skills that she earned in ballroom dancing helped her a lot in her modeling career. After graduating from school, she is forced to give up her hobby and go to Murmansk to enter a technical university, majoring in marketing.

Modeling career

  • Height– 180 cm;
  • Weight– 54 kg;
  • Options– 83-61-89 cm.

Having moved to Murmansk, Katya, without thinking twice, decides to visit a couple of modeling agencies. Because of her tall stature and delicate figure, she is immediately offered a contract and moved to Asia. The aspiring model was in seventh heaven, but her parents were categorically against her leaving for an unfamiliar country, and even for such a long time.

Katya Grigorieva photo in the magazine

Despite the fact that the model was angry with her loved ones, she still continued her studies and graduated from the university in 2010. Having become an adult, she decides to resume her attempts to become a model and decides to take part in the Miss Russia competition. Seeing the applicants, she was a little confused, since the girls looked like professional models, and she had only minor achievements behind her.

The aspiring model, unfortunately, did not manage to reach the finals, but she never gave up trying to connect her life with the fashion industry. For the next 2 years, the girl was engaged in self-development and tried in every possible way to gain valuable experience.

Only in 2012, Katya again decided to take part in the same competition and this time reached the top ten finalists. Such progress pleased her and, despite the fact that even on the second attempt she could not get into the top three, she decides to take a brave action and participates in the famous show “Russian Top Model!”

To support her sister, Valentina also takes part in it and subsequently becomes a model. At first glance, it may seem that the sisters are unlikely to be able to get along on such a competitive show, but they already had joint projects behind them: participation in the Beauty of the Arctic, Miss Russia and Beauty of Russia beauty contests.

Katya Grigorieva during the competition of the show Top Model in Russian

In 2014, the model makes her debut at high fashion shows in New York, presenting the Donna Karan brand. After this performance, invitations simply rained down on the girl, among which were such famous brands as Versace, D&G, Oscar de la Renta, Celine, Givenchy, Gucci, Roberto Cavalli and other equally famous brands.

Almost the entire year, the young model took part not only in shows, but also in professional filming, stunning photos from which were decorated with famous fashion glosses. In the same year, she was invited to perform as a model at the final Victoria Secret fashion lingerie show. Appearing on the podium, the girl captivated everyone with her beauty and sophisticated figure, but, unfortunately, she never received the desired offer to become an angel of the brand.

Almost immediately after the show, the model’s photo appears on the cover of the world-famous glossy Vogue. For this photo shoot, the magazine editors invited Patrick Demarchelier himself. Seeing the famous fashion photographer, the girl was not at a loss, but on the contrary showed herself very worthy, as evidenced by the sensual and feminine photos in the magazine.

Gallery is clickable

In 2015, her photos graced the pages of the Stella McCartney Pre-Fall lookbook. In April of the same year, she finally officially became angel Victoria Secret. She managed the almost impossible, since before her no girl from Russia had received such an honor.

Katya Grigorieva new angel

If you remember the beginning of her career, the model stumbled and lost more than once, but still found the strength in herself and continued to move forward. Her desire to become a model overcame her laziness and allowed her to gain worldwide fame and recognition. Despite her achievements, Katya continues to improve her professional skills and is not afraid to ask professional models for advice. In 2015 alone, she has more than 30 shows, and this is only the beginning of her journey. Let's hope that in the future she will definitely please us with new photos and unique contracts with global brands.

Each of them has its own story and its own path to success, but there is only one thing in common: all 10 beauties whom we remember today come from Russia. Having started in the 90s, the boom of Russian models does not end now. Recently, Ekaterina Grigorieva joined this star society and managed to become the first Russian-speaking Victoria’s Secret angel in history. And it all began once upon a time with “Marusya” by Natalya Semanova, which was opened by Vyacheslav Zaitsev, blond Olga Pantyushenkova and stalwart Tatyana Zavyalova. Today we remember everyone who constantly proves that Russian women are the most beautiful girls in the world.

Now Western media they call her Kate with admiration. But Katya once lived in Olenegorsk, a small town Murmansk region, in a military family. But at the age of 20, Grigorieva decides to try her luck and auditions for Miss Russia. True, the girl does not make it to the finals. But after 2 years - in 2012, Ekaterina tries herself again and is already among the top ten finalists. After the competition, the beauty immediately takes part in the show “Top Model in Russian”, where, having brilliantly passed most of the tests, she becomes vice-miss of the competition along with her sister, also a model, Valentina Grigorieva. But Kate made her debut on the international catwalk only in 2014 at New York Fashion Week, opening the Donna Karan anniversary show.

Next, the Russian beauty participated in the shows of Elie Saab, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Oscar de la Renta, Celine, Givenchy, Gucci, Roberto Cavalli, Alexander McQueen and others famous brands. In the same year, Grigorieva was invited to the final show of the Victoria’s Secret brand, with which she signed a contract in April 2015. Without hiding her joy, 25-year-old Ekaterina wrote on her page on the social network: “This day has come! First angel of Russia!”

The story of a Nizhny Novgorod girl who once sold bananas and later became one of the highest paid models in the world is really more like a fairy tale. The modern Cinderella began her career at the age of 15, and a year later she found herself in Paris, having received a long-awaited contract with the popular agency Viva Model Management. Afterwards, a brilliant career awaited her, a magnificent marriage to the English lord Justin Portman and happy motherhood. After 10 years of marriage, the couple decided to divorce, but Natalya was left with three children: 2 sons and a daughter, who did not interfere with the supermodel’s success. And in May last year, Vodianova gave birth to another boy from French billionaire Antoine Arnault. By the way, Vodianova gave birth to her first child at 19, and already at 22 she became a star, appearing on the cover of British Vogue magazine.

Further - more. Work with such famous companies as Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Valentino, L’Oreal Paris, Calvin Klein and many, many others. By the way, Vodianova managed to conclude the most lucrative contract in the history of the brand with Calvin Klein. It is not surprising that now 33-year-old Natalya ranks 7th in the list of the world's richest models by Forbes version. In addition to success in the fashion business, she succeeded on television: in 2009 she hosted the Moscow Eurovision Song Contest, and in 2013 she became a co-host of the Voice. Children". She acted in films, and quite successfully. Vodianova is one of those about whom they say: “The impossible is possible.” She has become a subject of admiration not only here, but also in the UK, where, thanks to her Naked Heart Foundation, which helps create safe playgrounds throughout Russia, the beauty is called the second Princess Diana.

Anna Vyalitsyna

Nizhny Novgorod gave the world another beauty - Anna Vyalitsyna. The girl entered the modeling business just a year later than her fellow countrywoman Vodianova, and at 23 she was already included in the list of the 20 most sought-after models in the world. During her career, the top model managed to represent almost all the most famous brands: from Victoria’s Secret to Chanel. Yes, it was Anna who hugged a bottle of Chanel Chance perfume in an advertising campaign since its release in 2002.

In addition, the blonde beauty with a charming smile has advertising campaigns with Dolce & Gabbana, Tommy Hilfiger, Diesel, Victoria's Secret and many others. And her image of a “wild good girl” still does not allow men to sleep peacefully. Thus, not only all Western photographers were able to fall in love with Anna, but also one of the most eligible bachelors in the world, Leonardo DiCaprio. 6 years ago, Vyalitsyna won the heart of a popular actor so much so that the Titanic star even took her to Ibiza. And after a while, in 2010, Anya began an affair with the leader of the mega-popular group “Maroon 5” Adam Levine. True, after a 2-year relationship, the couple broke up, remaining in friendly relations. So the model is rightly called the “Russian heartbreaker.” In addition, Anna deservedly entered the top three “V”: Vodianova- Vyalitsyna– Volodina - three Russians who conquered the whole world with their beauty.

The third “V”, by the way, was discovered by the same photographer who once discovered Vodianova. Alexey Vasiliev accidentally visited a beauty contest in Zhenya’s hometown of Kazan. But the breakthrough in Volodina’s career was the shooting of Italian Vogue, after which the most famous photographers in the world began to invite the Russian beauty one after another to photo shoots. In the same year, Evgenia, together with Natalia Vodianova, became the face of a Gucci advertising campaign. And in 2003, Volodina was chosen as the new face of the J"adore fragrance, a well-known and still very popular perfume from Christian Dior. But, unfortunately, at the very last moment, the customers refused the services of the top model, which, of course, upset her.

However, this failure did not in any way affect her brilliant modeling future: Volodina became the face of such fragrances as Incanto from Sal-vatore Ferragamo, In Love Again from Yves Saint Laurent and brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Celine and others. Gentle and feminine, but at the same time strong and daring, Zhenya could not leave absolutely anyone indifferent. That is why in the fashion world she has long been called the “Russian Amazon.” But don’t think that everything was so easy and simple. Once upon a time, just after moving to Paris, the girl had to go to castings every day in order to somehow earn a living - she had to live on 75 euros a week. But Zhenya had neither connections nor knowledge of languages. But the supermodel stubbornly stood her ground and achieved what she wanted - now Volodina is one of the richest and famous women on the catwalk and is one of the top models in the world with an income of over a million dollars a year.

Nizhny Novgorod turned out to be rich in beautiful and successful people - Zelyaev, like Vodianova and Vyalitsyn, are also from there. However, unlike them, the girl did not come to the modeling business on her own - her mother insisted on participating in the Elite Model Look competition, of which the slender beauty became a finalist. After that, offers poured in from Japan and Brazil, and in 2004 she made her debut at one of the largest fashion weeks - in New York. The representative of classic Slavic appearance from the first minutes captivated the world-famous designer Ralph Lauren, who invited her to play the role of the model opening the show. After some time, a 7-year contract was signed with his brand. But real success He came to Zelyaeva a year later, when during just one season the beauty took part in 50 shows at once! In addition, she managed to appear on the cover of German Elle. All this was a phenomenal success for a girl who was just starting her journey.

A few years ago, the supermodel advertised the fragrance of the fashion house Ralph Lauren Romance in the arms of her fiancé Luis Borges. “A couple in love is the best advertisement,” Ralph Lauren decided and was right - the advertisement was rightfully called one of the most beautiful in the history of the brand. Valentina managed to appear on the covers of Spanish, Chinese, Greek and Mexican Vogue and at shows of a number of the world's best fashion companies Balenciaga, Dolce & Gabbana, Elie Saab, Etro, Fendi, Gianfranco Ferre, Kenzo, Lanvin, Sonia Rykiel, Stella McCartney, Valentino . Now the Slavic beauty ranks 10th on the list of the highest paid models according to Forbes magazine and advocates tolerance towards thin representatives modeling business. “This is our job,” says Zelyaeva modestly.

Artist and Alien - this is how Sasha has long been nicknamed in the fashion world. The blue-eyed blonde spent her childhood drawing and never even dreamed of modeling career. After graduating from school, the girl entered the Russian State University for the Humanities, Faculty of Art History. While studying, Pivovarova met her future husband, the famous photographer Igor Vishnyakov. He convinced her that she had the looks to sell in the modeling world.

In 2005, Vishnyakov sent photographs of his beloved to the New York head office of the modeling agency IMG Models Management, where he had connections. The photographs created such a sensation that Sasha was immediately invited to Milan. Just 2 weeks later she opened the Prada show and became the face of their advertising campaign. Then the beauty walked in the shows of Chanel, Kenzo, Nina Ricci, Ann Demeulemeester, Chloe, Emmanuel Ungaro, Louis Vuitton and YSL.

The unconventional appearance of the Russian beauty with high cheekbones and a round forehead appealed to dozens of the world's top fashion brands. Sasha has starred for the covers of Russian, Italian, British, Australian, French and Japanese Vogue. Her fantastic appearance was so captivating that the professional artist became the only model to take part in a Prada advertising campaign for 6 seasons in a row! In 2010, the top model participated in an advertising photo shoot and video for Giorgio Armani. The alien beauty is one of the most sought-after models in the fashion world, and even the birth of her daughter did not hinder her successful career. Three years ago, Pivovarova gave birth to a girl, Mia Isis. And shortly before this, the supermodel starred in a supporting role in the film “Time”, where the main roles were played by popular actors

Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried. Sasha tries different roles and incarnations, but one thing remains unchanged - the girl still draws. If the moment comes, the artist immediately depicts everything she has ever seen: cities, designers, catwalks, children, models and much more. Her works have been published in Harper’s Bazaar and L’Officiel magazines, and at one of the Matthew Williamson shows, the model even presented a self-portrait.

The provincial Shaykhlislamov family lived 50 km from Chelyabinsk. Father is a miner, mother is a music teacher. But Irina herself was never simple: a tall, slender, green-eyed beauty with school years drove crazy not only her peers, but also already established men. True, the girl did not always dream of a brilliant career as a model - everything happened by chance. Representatives of the Chelyabinsk image club “Svetlana” noticed Shayk right on the street and immediately invited her to work. The beauty's life changes dramatically: she learns to walk beautifully, put on makeup, and work on her own style and presentation. There, an 18-year-old brunette wins the regional competition “Supermodel 2004”, receiving a fortune by those standards - 60 thousand rubles and a trip to Moscow to the federal competition.

But Irina unexpectedly terminates the contract and goes to the capital on her own. Life in the rhythm of the metropolis, endless meetings and photo shoots not only did not break her, but on the contrary gave her new opportunities - meeting the president of the international modeling agency Grace models Gia Dzhikidze. It was he who showed Tatar beauty to the world and brought it to the covers of a dozen magazines: ELLE Spain, Glamor Spain, Annabelle, GQ Spain, GQ South Africa, Jalouse, Bolero. In 2007, Shayk appeared in an advertisement for the now famous brand Intimissimi, and since 2010 he has become an ambassador for this brand. This year has become really important for the model, because she is invited to advertising campaign Armani, where she meets the love of her life - world football star Cristiano Ronaldo. The vibrant relationship lasted 5 years, but still ended banally - Irina was never able to find common language with her lover's mother. True, no one doubts that one of the sexiest models in the world will definitely meet her soul mate.

As surprising as it may sound, it was not Natasha who should have become a supermodel. In 1992, a friend, who dreamed of long catwalks, spotlights and world fame, persuaded Semanova to go with her to a casting at the Slava Zaitsev Agency. As a result, both girls were accepted. Already in 1994, Natalya was invited to the then prestigious The Look of the Year in Moscow and the fragile, but even then the brightest girl wins. She became the youngest winner in the history of the competition. However, the record holder was unable to take advantage of her prize – participation in the Gianfranco Ferré fashion show. She was only 14, and according to European laws, you cannot work as a model until you are 16. Wise Ferre gives the baby a gift - he seats her in the front row next to the famous Sophia Loren. It became clear that the girl had pulled out a lucky ticket to a bright future.

Semanova began to be invited everywhere: from Moscow and Milan to Paris and New York. The famous photographer liked her for her mastery of transformation. A refined and gentle beauty could become daring and seductive in a moment. In addition, the Russian model was distinguished from others by its extraordinary plasticity and grace, which made it possible to take any pose. However, it was really difficult for a little girl in big cities: “It was very difficult for me to start working. I found myself alone in huge New York, almost a child. I called my mother every day and cried. Mom consoled and said: “Be patient, you must survive. Otherwise, why did you even go there?”

In 1999, Semanova became the face of Opium and finally secured her status as a supermodel thanks to a contract with Giorgio Armani. She appears on the covers of Marie Claire and Vogue, and participates in Lanvin and Givenchy shows. Throughout her modeling history, Natalya has participated in shows of perhaps all the top brands. She appeared on the covers of 10 world-famous glossy publications several times. For example, Semanova was featured in Vogue an unprecedented 6 times. The departure from the podium occurred immediately after the wedding with the booker of the Elite agency, where the beauty was a member. The celebration was truly luxurious - wedding dress Jean-Paul Gaultier himself sewed for the bride. Another well-known work of Semanova is filming in an advertisement for Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s perfume “Marusya”.

The stories of Zavyalova and Semanova are very similar. Only Tanya won the famous The Look of the Year competition a year before her colleague. A successful career began, but she had to work so much and sometimes in such extreme conditions that Tatyana is rightly called the “iron lady.” As a result, she completed the contract that the model signed with the Elite agency in the amount of 50 thousand dollars in just three months. In 1995, the Russian beauty already entered special category agency stars - on a par with Linda Evangelista and Cindy Crawford.

This was followed by covers of high-profile publications: Vogue, Marie Claire, Esquire, Cosmopolitan and shootings for the Pirelli calendar, where she and two other models represented Russia in the “Women of the World” theme. During her career, Zavyalova appeared on the world catwalk dozens of times and presented collections of the most famous brands, including Yives Saint Laurent, Vivien Westwood, Emanuel Ungaro, Christian Lacroix, Kenzo, Lanvin and many others. In 2000, Tatyana takes a break and returns to Moscow to pursue her personal life. The supermodel successfully married and gave birth to three daughters – Lyubov, Nadezhda and Sofia. Having made a brilliant career in the West and becoming a mother in Russia, 5 years ago Zavyalova returned, but in a different guise - as the host of the author’s program “Around the World” on the Zvezda TV channel. One of the most beautiful women showed the planets to the audience amazing countries and the city, talked about unusual traditions and events and admitted that gloss no longer gives her the same interest.

Olga Patnyushenkova

Classic story: a girl dreams of being a princess. Although this girl really had every chance: an angelic face, an expressive look, a chiseled figure and a great desire to work in the name of her dream. Mom supported her daughter in everything. In the evenings they leafed through fashion magazines, discussed models and even sewed. In 1991 they decided to act, and now 14-year-old Patnyushenkova takes 3rd place in the “Supermodel of the USSR” competition. Sweet Olya is noticed by the Red Stars agency and signs a contract with her. Two years later, the model was invited to Paris by the People agency and worked there for 2 months. Then, like a bolt from the blue, it sounded: “You have no future in the fashion world.” Tears, panic and returning home.

But Patnyushenkova was not going to give up - she met booker Dillier Fernandez, who once dealt with Naomi Campbell herself. The professional immediately explained that her career was not working out due to the lack of a bright image, and suggested cutting off the waist-length blond curls that Olya adored so much. But the girl followed the advice immediately. No one expected, but the offers followed one after another: Cacharel, Claude Montana, Louis Vuitton, Giorgio Armani, Christian Lacroix, Christian Dior, Chanel... The orders kept coming and coming, and the strength of the fragile girl was noticeably melting. As a result, according to rumors, Patnyushenkova even wanted to give up everything and return home, but remembering what she had to go through on the way to her dream, the top model continued to act. Olga real star 90s, participated in the best shows and filming. She was able to prove her worth to the whole world thanks to iron patience and perseverance.

Valya Grigorieva is cheating on former minister Abyzov. This news became top news in the media in Russia and abroad. But first, let’s find out who Valentina Grigorieva is.

Meet the pure, bright and naive girl Valya Grigorieva. Business aviation flight attendant, smart and beautiful! Valya Grigorieva is a business aviation flight attendant who quickly found a husband and left the business. Valya Grigorieva’s elderly husband is Minister Abyzov, 45 years old. This year he didn’t get into the government, but he doesn’t complain about poverty. There are more than 600,000,000 rubles in his accounts. Valya pretends to be a believing Christian and that is exactly what bought the minister.

As soon as Abyzov lost political career– Grigorieva immediately replaced him with other men.

The dear friend of the Minister of the Open Government Mikhail Abyzov, the sister of top model Katya Grigorieva, acted, perhaps, very touchingly - and published half of her beloved’s nose, accompanying the photo with a sweet verse: “I will cling to you, desperately, until I tremble. Again unshaven and slightly prickly. And you boastfully ask: “Am I good?” No, you’re not good... Just the best.” At the moment, Abyzov’s press attache confirmed that her boss is “in a state of divorce.”

They say that Valyusha Grigorieva had been waiting for this happy and exciting moment for about three years.

Speaking of “promised”. “Professional” mistresses have a slightly different method: if you want to annoy someone else’s wife, take a photo with a huge bouquet in the family’s foreign villa or in your favorite hotel room where the cheater stays on business trips. Yes, so that the location can be read. Another way is to “not intentionally” include something from the man’s personal belongings into the frame – say, glasses or shoes. Similar pictures can be seen on social networks of the frequently traveling beauty queen, whom no grand lady will ever introduce to her husband. And those who have had a sad experience warn others.

“I saw the photo and fell in love”: the flight attendant revealed the details of her affair with politician Abyzov

The most beautiful flight attendant in the country, Valentina Grigorieva, gave a frank interview to journalists

Flight attendant Valentina Gigoreva openly spoke about her relationship with the former Minister for Open Government of Russia Mikhail Abyzov.

As the girl said, the politician became a real family for her. When she returns home after a day of work, her lover always prepares dinner for her, and when she leaves for another flight, she feels that it is difficult for her to leave home.

Unfortunately, work often prevents a couple from being together. The former minister has days off on the same days as most “earthly people,” but Valentina, as a flight attendant, has to live according to a variable work schedule.

Nevertheless, it was the girl’s work that helped the lovers meet. “I am very grateful to my work for getting to know him. He saw my photo, where I was in a flight attendant’s uniform, and fell in love,” the flight attendant admits in an interview with the Super portal.

28-year-old Valentina Grigorieva is the sister of the famous Victoria's Secret model Ekaterina Grigorieva, the girl has been repeatedly said to be the most beautiful flight attendant in Russia. Abyzov is called one of the most attractive politicians because of his extremely “brutal” appearance.

By the age of 45, the ex-minister managed to rise to 162nd place among the wealthiest domestic entrepreneurs in Forbes ranking, as well as getting married and getting divorced. As we wrote earlier, ex-wife Abyzov is located in good relations with him new passion and even considers the girl his friend.

The love story of a flight attendant and himself sexual politics Russia

In the lists of the sexiest politicians in Russia, the first place is always reserved for Mikhail Abyzov. Sergey Viktorovich, forgive me. This month, 45-year-old Abyzov left his post as Minister of Open Government: as RBC writes, the politician will take up some large government project. Abyzov’s advantages are not limited to his brutal appearance: Mikhail is one of the ten richest politicians in the country. In the Forbes list of the country's wealthiest businessmen, Abyzov ranks 162nd with $600 million earned from profits from the sale of securities, liabilities and property. Abyzov transfers his salary as a politician to charitable foundations.

Having retired from government affairs, Abyzov devotes all his time to his beloved Valentina Grigorieva. For almost two years, the couple managed to hide their relationship from strangers (but not from us, of course). Super publishes the first photos of the former minister and his girlfriend. Valentina is the sister of Victoria's Secret model Katya Grigorieva. Valya has been called the most beautiful flight attendant in Russia more than once. 28-year-old Valentina works as a flight attendant in business class for a leading Russian airline.

We really wanted to write that Abyzov met Valentina on board the plane, and with her command “Breathe easy,” he was unable to follow the advice of his future lover. But no, they did not meet during the flight. The politician accidentally saw a photo of Grigorieva on a social network: in the picture Valya was in her uniform. Captivated by the beautiful smile of the flight attendant, Abyzov found her phone number in a matter of days. As we learned from sources close to the couple, at the time of his acquaintance with Grigorieva, Abyzov had already separated from his wife. Moreover, three months after the start of the relationship, the politician introduced the new girl to his ex-wife!!! and children. Our sources claim that Valentina managed to charm them so much that her ex-wife considers Grigorieva to be her friend.

Abyzov and Grigorieva live together in a politician’s mansion near Moscow. The lovers spend all weekends and holidays together, and go on vacation with Abyzov’s children. Valentina and Mikhail's favorite places are Italy and Morocco. Valentina does not show her beloved on social networks, but dedicates to him the lines “You are next to me, and this is the purest thrill.”

“My lover is preparing dinner for me.” Interview with a flight attendant - the lover of politician Abyzov

Yesterday we told you the love story of the famous politician and businessman Mikhail Abyzov and flight attendant Valentina Grigorieva. We invited Valentina, who is called the most beautiful flight attendant in Russia, for an interview about her work. But they couldn’t help but ask her questions about her personal life. Valentina did not mention her lover’s name in the interview, wanting to keep her relationship with the politician a secret from both us and our readers.

How did you get into the profession?

This comes from childhood: my father is a pilot, as a child my sister and I lived in a military aviation town, so the sounds of airplanes are familiar to me. I decided that when I graduated from college, I would go to work as a flight attendant. My father was categorically against it and said: “First you get higher education, and then do what you want." After graduating from university, I worked in my specialty for two years, and then went with my sister to the USA when she began her modeling career. I helped her as a translator. After six months abroad, I returned to Moscow and passed the interview the first time. Dad swore very much! He was against it and hoped that I would not pass the medical examination, because it was quite difficult. But I passed it. Six months of training, and I flew on my first flight as a flight attendant. The exams were quite difficult, English was needed high level: not only be able to carry on a conversation with a passenger, but also know the names of all parts of the aircraft in English. The most important and final exam takes place at the Federal Air Transport Agency - testing. I passed it and received a license to work as a flight attendant.

How important does appearance play in being a flight attendant?

I won’t lie: I have always used my appearance. When a person smiles and puts you at ease, this is 50 percent of success. There are airlines that are determined that passengers see beautiful, smiling and calm flight attendants. In my entire career as a flight attendant, I have never had a conflict with a passenger.

How to get a job in business class?

You can’t get into business right away; you need experience working in economy class. But I switched to business very early, three months after starting work. But the management felt that I was already ready to work in business class, they knew better.

Isn't it difficult for you to work like this?

No, because I know that my family is waiting for me at home, my loved one, who is preparing dinner for me. After work, dinner is always waiting for me at home. It is much more difficult to fly on a business trip for three days, for example. My man works on a 5/2 schedule, Saturday and Sunday are his days off, like all earthly people. My schedule is flexible, and weekends don’t always coincide. While there is no family, this best job. And when a family appears, it is very difficult to leave home.

Did you meet your boyfriend in the air?

No. But I am very grateful to my work for getting to know him. He saw a photo of me in a flight attendant uniform and fell in love.

Do you plan to work as a flight attendant for a long time?

I’m not planning on changing my job yet, although my family says it’s time. My dad tracks my every flight on the Flight Radar app. He makes sure that I took off and landed normally. As soon as I turn on the phone, my dad immediately writes: “How was the flight?” Even if I arrive at 4 am, he still wakes up at this time and writes to me.

How do you relax?

Our vacation lasts 72 days. Once every six months we are sent on vacation for a month. This is one of the huge advantages of my work. I can’t imagine how you can work and rest for only 28 days a year. Of course, after two weeks on vacation I’m starting to feel sick, I want to get on a plane. I often vacation in Italy, I’ve been to the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and I went to the Bahamas on vacation with my sister.

Your sister - famous model. Why didn't you go to work with her?

At first, I flew with her to New York and was with her at all castings as a translator. All designers know me, Ralph Lauren still sends greetings to me through Katya. I am confused by the great competition in the modeling world. It’s hard for Russian girls in the USA; there is no stability in this area. And I wouldn’t be able to live in the States. My sister and I are very attached to home, to family. When Katya goes there to work, she calls all the time, she really misses her family. Americans are very specific. I couldn't connect with them. I don't like their humor, for example.