How to determine what gender a child is. Is it possible to find out the sex of a child during pregnancy without an ultrasound and what methods are there for early determination at home? Renewing the blood of spouses and determining the sex of the child based on it

Of course, every parent is interested in the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl. Moms and dads guess, grandmothers speak with confidence, relying on traditional methods, and only a doctor can tell with maximum accuracy the gender of the baby. We will tell you about all the methods on how to determine the gender of the unborn child.

How long does it take to find out the gender of the unborn child?

Already in the 7th week of pregnancy, you can determine the sex of the unborn child through a medical examination. The DNA test will tell you the answer: if chromosome Y is detected, then definitely expect a boy, and if X, a girl. But this method cannot be considered 100% accurate.

At week 9 you can do a gender test. The method used is similar to a pregnancy test. By the color of the indicator you will determine the gender of your unborn child: orange means you are having a girl, and green means you are having a boy.

To lift the veil of secrecy, if you are lucky, you can find out the sex of the child starting from the 14th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound scan will show how the boy or girl is doing. In the 15th week there are even more chances to be sure. But the most accurate answer will be given by diagnosis at 21-25 weeks. For more pleasure, opt for 3D ultrasound.

A 100% result is given only by a genetic study of amniotic fluid; in medical terms, a chorionic villus biopsy or amniopuncture. But it is only indicated in one case - if your doctor suspects a genetic disorder.

Planning the gender of the child by ovulation date

Of course, it’s not always possible to “plan” the gender of your unborn child, but you can try. Or remember the course of events, make calculations and understand who you are waiting for.

The gender of the baby depends on to a greater extent from father, because future mom contains only the X chromosome. Sperm that carry the Y chromosome are faster than those that carry the X chromosome, but they also live less. If you know the time of your ovulation and keep a calendar, you can be sure that the “boy” sperm will arrive faster and fertilize the egg.

But if ovulation has not occurred, and conception has already occurred, then there is a high probability that you will have a girl.

Determining the sex of the unborn child by heartbeat

At the 10th week of pregnancy, heart sounds will be clearly audible. By the number of rhythmic beats you can find out the gender of the baby: if the number of beats per minute is more than 140, then there is a chance of having a daughter, and if less, a son will be born.

Determining the sex of an unborn child by blood

There are 2 ways:

  • According to the blood type and Rh factor of the parents.

  • By “renewing” the blood.

It is believed that blood has the ability to renew itself. For women - once every 3 years, for men - once every 4 years.

For example, if a man is 36 years old and a woman is 32:

36/4= 9
32/3=10 (remaining 2 years)

A man's blood is younger, which means it will be a boy.

Determining the gender of the unborn child according to the Japanese calendar

First you need to find the number that comes out at the intersection of the parents' birth months. And in the second table you need to find the month the child was conceived and the number from the first table.

Determining the gender of the unborn child according to the Chinese calendar

The ancient Chinese table appeared more than 700 years ago, the original is kept in Beijing, and you can see it above.

To determine the sex of the unborn child, you only need the mother’s age and the month of conception.

Folk signs for determining the sex of the unborn child

  • the waist is visible from behind - a boy;
  • suffers from toxicosis, skin has become problematic - girl;
  • craving for sweets - girl;
  • craving salty food - a boy;
  • the woman became capricious - a girl;
  • the woman became clumsy - boy;
  • The baby kicks hard in the womb - it's a boy.

There are many methods of determination, but there is only one child. As one doctor said, in any case, after 9 months, all parents will find out the gender. Happy motherhood and fatherhood!

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to find out the sex of the unborn child in the early stages of gestation. Many people believe that doing an ultrasound is harmful. Doctors say the opposite and advise how to conduct the study without harming the baby.

Ultrasound allows you to determine not only the sex of the baby, but also provides information about the state of his health, which is very important in the future. early. If an incurable disease is determined, the doctor can promptly offer the woman an abortion. For expectant mothers who still reject ultrasound examination, there are other methods that can be used to determine the sex of the child.

At what week can you find out the gender of the baby?

The gynecologist prescribes a routine ultrasound examination at 10–12 weeks of gestation. By this time, the fetus’s genitals are not yet well defined, but an experienced specialist will be able to discern the sex of the child under favorable circumstances.

In a situation where the baby is successfully turned and is not covered by the handle, you can determine its gender. The chances of finding out who will be born at this time are approximately 50 out of 100.

How to determine the sex of a baby without an ultrasound at home?

There are couples who use methods without ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby - Chinese or Japanese tables. These techniques assume that the sex of the child is determined by the day of its conception. The Chinese method gives almost 80% reliability in determining whether the baby will be a boy or a girl. The Japanese system has a more modest result - 56%.

Chinese table

There are 2 types of such tables. The first shows the dependence of the baby’s gender on the age of his mother and on the lunar month in which conception occurred. The probability of having a baby of a certain gender is indicated as a percentage.

Another type of table is based on the dependence of the child’s gender on the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception. It does not show the probability percentage, and the probability of having a child of a certain gender is marked with a plus or minus.

Japanese table

There are also 2 Japanese tables. They assume that the sex of the baby depends on the date of birth of the parents. If in the first table we find the month of birth of the mother in one column, and the month of birth of the father in the other, then at the intersection we will get a certain number.

Japanese table for determining the sex of the unborn child

In another table, based on the estimated month of conception and the number from the first table, you can determine the sex of the child. The Japanese method gives less accurate results, but since it does not have a negative impact on health, it is worth doing the calculations.

Gender of the child by date of conception

The date of fertilization of the egg plays a big role in determining the gender of the child. It's all about chromosomes. Women are united only in a bunch of type XX. Male couples can contain both types X and Y. If the egg receives the Y chromosome from the future father, then an XY pair will be formed and a boy will be born. When the XX couple is formed, the parents will have a girl in 9 months.

It is more difficult to conceive a boy. This is due to the fact that the male Y chromosome moves quickly, but does not live long. Its duration is no more than 24 hours. In this regard, if conception occurs on the day of ovulation, the likelihood of having a boy is greater than a girl. In the case where the parents were a little late and conceived a baby shortly after ovulation, most likely they will have a daughter.

The described rules can be used when trying to conceive a child of a certain gender, checking the date on the calendar. To give birth to a boy, you need to try to fertilize the egg on the day of ovulation.

The sex of the child is also affected by the frequency of sex. If dad abstains for a long time, then the possibility of having a boy is reduced. With regular sexual activity, this possibility increases dramatically.

Comparison of blood type of father and mother

This technique is not universally accepted, which is understandable. The same parents may give birth to a girl, and after some time - a boy, or vice versa. Predicting gender based on blood type does not take this possibility into account.

It is believed that if the parents have the same blood type, then in the case of group 1 or 2 the child will be female, and in the case of group 3 or 4 – male. If the parents’ blood does not match, then with group 1 in one of them and group 2 in the second, the birth of a boy is likely. The same prognosis is true for groups 1 and 4 or 3 and 4 in future parents.

If parents have groups 1 and 3 or 2 and 3, the birth of a girl is more likely. Moreover, which particular group is dad’s and which is mom’s does not matter. That is, a woman can have group 1, and a man 3, or vice versa. Such a couple will most likely be the parents of a girl.

Determining sex by date of blood renewal

Our blood is constantly renewed. Women's blood completely changes old molecules to new ones every 3 years, male blood undergoes the same changes every 4 years. The method for determining gender without medicine is simple - whoever has newer blood will be the parent who will pass on their gender to the child.

It is necessary to take into account when making calculations that blood molecules change even with large blood loss - surgery, childbirth, blood donation. In these cases, the renewal cycle must be counted from the moment of bleeding.

Folk signs

It is impossible to say for sure how accurately one can determine based on folk characteristics who will be born a boy or a girl. Just for fun, it is possible to check signs on an already born baby. Let's list some of them:

  1. When a pregnant woman prefers to bite off the top of the bread, it means the birth of a boy. If the expectant mother likes the bread pulp better, she will have a girl.
  2. Bald men are more likely to father sons. This may be explained by increased testosterone levels in dads.
  3. The child begins to push his mother in the stomach. If the tremors are localized below, there is a boy in the womb. The girls push their mothers at the top of the uterus.
  4. If a pregnant woman prefers to sleep at night on her left side, there will be a son, on the right - a daughter.
  5. You can do fortune telling at home with wedding ring. The pregnant woman lies on her back. The ring is put on a chain and suspended over the woman's stomach. If the ring starts to rotate in a circle, this means the birth of a son, and in a straight line, this means the birth of a daughter.

There are many such signs. It is impossible to describe absolutely everything. Each parent decides for himself whether to believe in them. folk signs or undergo a medical examination.

Determining the sex of a child by the shape of the abdomen

The shape of the abdomen differs different women and in the same expectant mother during different pregnancies. If the belly is not visible from the back and is shaped like a cucumber, there is a boy in the womb. When the belly grows in width, it can be seen from the back; the expectant mother is waiting for her daughter.

If the belly protrudes slightly to the right, you can recognize the son. If the belly is larger on the virgin side, there will be a daughter. During pregnancy, a line often appears on a woman's womb. If it is covered with hairs, it means the birth of a boy; if, a girl is born.

Woman's appearance

There is a belief that a girl takes away her mother's beauty. When a pregnant woman has swelling on her face, dark spots, acne is a sign of the birth of a daughter. The boy contributes to the preservation of beauty. When a son is in the womb, the woman's facial skin remains clean. There is no need to be afraid of changes in appearance. After giving birth, everything will return to normal.

Taste preferences of the expectant mother

Food preferences also indicate the gender of the child. If a pregnant woman constantly craves meat and salty foods, there is a boy in her stomach. The girl will demand sweets from her mother - chocolates, cakes, etc. It should be remembered that it is harmful for pregnant women to eat sweets. large quantities. Sign taste preferences not very reliable - sometimes boys like to eat sweets.

Emotional background of a woman

With a constant dissatisfaction, desire for one thing or another, tearfulness and mood swings, a pregnant woman should expect a girl. If expectant mother constantly in good mood, does not suffer from melancholy and is not irritated, her tastes are stable and do not change throughout the months of pregnancy - she is expecting a son.

Methods of modern medicine

The easiest way to find out the sex of the child is to do a routine ultrasound. A more complex method is chorionic villus biopsy. It is done at 7 weeks. This method is accurate, but dangerous because it can cause miscarriage.

If necessary, amniotic fluid is taken for analysis (also using a biopsy). The doctor prescribes these procedures only in case of urgent need. Not long ago, a method was discovered to determine sex using the mother’s blood after 7 weeks of pregnancy. This is an expensive procedure.

Analysis of urine

To resolve the question of who is hidden in the womb - a son or a daughter, you can conduct a regular urine test. Such tests are sold at pharmacies. The instructions tell you when and how to use them. When a pregnant woman's urine is combined with the reagent, the strip changes color. If it turns green, expect a son; if it turns orange, there will be a daughter.

DNA blood test

An expensive but sure way to find out the sex of a baby is a DNA test. If the fetal DNA contains a Y chromosome, it is a boy; if only X chromosomes - you are carrying a girl. The mother's blood is taken for analysis, since from the 7th week the baby's cells appear in it. This method is rarely used - buying a test at a pharmacy is much cheaper.

Determining gender using the Testpol test

A separate section contains a description of the Testpol test. This is a determinant of the child’s sex before ultrasound based on the hormonal composition of the mother’s urine. You can find out the sex of the baby as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. A girl and a boy give different hormonal background, which defines the test.

For testing, urine is collected and placed using a syringe into a container with a reagent. The instructions describe in detail how to then determine the sex of the baby.

/ About what every super-mom knows /

The question " how to determine the sex of a child?, people have been interested in for a long time. And they were not only interested, but made many attempts to determine the sex of the child, based on various methods. U different nations V different times There were ways to determine the gender of the unborn child.

How to determine the sex of a child by blood

There is a theory about the dependence of the sex of the child on the cyclicity of blood changes. It is believed that:

  • in men, blood is replaced once every 4 years;
  • and for women - once every 3 years.

The calculation must be carried out from the date of birth.

The essence of this theory is that the “new” blood is stronger and defeats the “older”. The child will have the gender of the parent whose blood at the time of conception is “stronger”—newer.

Determining the sex of a child using diet

Nowadays, there is a widespread theory about the influence of food consumed on the future gender of the child. It follows from it:

  • eat more acute And salty and you will have a boy,
  • and eating rich food calcium And magnesium will lead to the birth of a girl.

Determining the sex of a child using an ancient Chinese table

The Chinese, for example, believed that whether a baby was born male or female depended from the day of conception. Nowadays determining the sex of a child for free can be done by correlating two table parameters:

  1. Date of conception.
  2. The age of the expectant mother at the time of conception.
Mother's age Month of conception
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M M D D
20 D M D M M M M M D M M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D D M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D M M D D D
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D M D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Determining the sex of a child table by Lyudmila Kim*

As in the previous table, you need to know the mother's age and month of conception.

*Lyudmila Kim is Vanga’s student.

Table part-1

Table part-2

The blue cell corresponds to a boy, and the pink cell to a girl.

How to determine the gender of a child for free and in advance?

For this you will need guess the moment: To conceive a boy, sexual contact must occur immediately before the expected menstruation, and if you want to give birth to a girl, work after the end of the menstrual period.

You can follow one or another method if you really want to compete with nature, or rather satisfy your curiosity. Of course, it's real surprise!

None of the methods for determining the sex of a child has yet received proven and unambiguous status. guaranteeing the desired result according to the “order” of the future gender of the child.

Only nature is capable of regulating the birth of a human being - little boy or baby girls.

Nature somehow made sure that more boys were born.

This is evidenced by statistics. It also shows that boys are less resilient and more of them die at an early age.

Should we try to change the situation and learn to order a specific gender of the child, because such uncontrollable human desires can upset the natural balance. This is an ethical dilemma.

Scientific view of the sex of the child

The sex of the child is determined by the set of chromosomes that the egg will receive during fertilization. The female egg contains XX sex chromosomes, and the male egg contains XY. Sex is determined by the fusion of one of the female sex chromosomes with one of the male sex chromosomes.

When connecting two X chromosomes, the birth of a girl occurs, and if the female chromosome connects with the male chromosome Y, a boy will be born.

Boys - Girls... In fact, the most important thing is that the baby is born healthy, don’t you agree?

And also, what theory of gender determination worked for you, please share?

What do you think?

Comments (83)

  1. Mommy

    My relatives and I counted the same results according to the Chinese table.

  2. Fashionistka

    The 100% main thing is that the little one is healthy, and the rest will follow!

  3. Nastya

    According to the calendars, two children are girls, two boys are growing up. Whoever fits means a coincidence

  4. Svetlana

    According to the first theory, I had a boy, as she predicted. I knew about her for a long time, since school. I've heard that it works often.

  5. Olga

    but it didn’t match for me, according to the sign it’s a girl, but I’m expecting a boy. Well, maybe of course I have a girl - the mischievous girl disguised herself as a boy))))

  6. Kate

    I planned my pregnancy based on ovulation and looked at the tables in advance - just like the girl wanted. Now I’m thinking about my sister!

  7. Helga

    It’s the same for both of my children; we’re expecting a 11-year-old boy and a girl now. I used this table to check myself and all my friends, everything was accurate. I planned my daughter using it. And I checked my son a few years later when I found out about the table.

  8. Irina

    I decided to try it on my first child and it worked for me
    .I will hope that it will coincide with the second one

  9. Anastasia

    past calculations showed by all indicators a girl, she gave birth to a boy. Now I’m counting again - it’s a girl again... we’ll see, there hasn’t been an ultrasound yet. so it’s clear 50/50 who gets it and who doesn’t

  10. Moldir

    I was told on ultrasound that it was a girl, but according to the test it was a boy

  11. Kate

    According to the blood it turned out to be a girl, according to other other tables it was a boy, but the ultrasound showed nothing at all

  12. Autumn


  13. Autumn

    At the moment of sexual intercourse, think and imagine who you want, he will be. VERIFIED 1000000%

  14. Future mom

    doesn't match I'm having a boy

  15. Nadia

    I have three daughters, I checked the table, everything matched. Now I’m pregnant, of course we really want a boy! According to the table, it turns out that a son will be born, but according to other methods there are discrepancies and I don’t even know what to believe and what not ((

  16. Nadia

    I have three daughters, everything matches according to the table, now I’m pregnant and of course we desperately want a son! But according to other methods there are discrepancies and now I don’t know what to believe and what not ((

  17. Love

    11/19/12 I was told on ultrasound that it was a girl, but according to all the tables it turned out to be a boy. I already have two girls. I’m just in shock.

  18. Yana

    Using Lyudmila’s table, Kim checked all her friends, they all agreed. But for some reason, one friend didn’t.

  19. Taya

    They don’t give you a certificate on how to give birth?

  20. Lena
  21. Ramina

    I counted boys using tables, and I have two daughters. Now I’m pregnant, according to the table it’s a girl, I hope it will be the other way around again and a son will be born...

  22. Anfisa

    These are just coincidences! My son is 6 years old, and according to Chinese it should be a girl.......

  23. Anfisa

    THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO HAVE A HEALTHY CHILD. And which sperm turned out to be stronger and faster at that moment - you will find out at the appointed time at birth. Congratulations to all pregnant women on this wonderful state of mind and body! And don’t forget that PREGNANCY is not a disease! It's a small life!

  24. Natalia Zorina

    The ancient Chinese planning scheme works flawlessly. I tested it on myself, on my friends, on my daughter-in-law. Class!!!

  25. Tonya

    I'm having trouble with age! At the time of conception, I was still 22 years old, a week later I became 23! And what age should I look at?

  26. marina

    All my results show differently. advise how to find out the exact gender of the child

  27. Olga

    The Chinese table is completely crap, I have all three on the contrary, by blood there is only one mistake, there are exceptions everywhere

  28. Regina

    just wondering

  29. Zhanna

    I have 3 sons, I really want a daughter, but I’m terribly afraid to take risks. I checked my boys according to the Chinese table - it matched.

  30. Alyonchik

    I feel that I will have a boy and even all these tables will agree. Even if it is stupid, but I think you can believe!!!)))

  31. Elena

    It showed me that there are two girls, but two boys are growing up. Now I’m waiting for the third one, they show a boy, but I hope it’s a girl!)))



  33. armine
  34. Indira

    boy or girl? the main thing is my baby was healthy!

  35. Shynara

    My first child and I didn’t match, according to the table it shows that it’s a boy)))) but we have a wonderful girl, 3.8 years old. And now the second pregnancy is 16 weeks, it seems to me that it’s a girl and that’s what the table shows)))) let’s see what we get on the ultrasound will say.

  36. Olga

    Nothing to say because age 18 and month of April, in the first is a boy, the second is a girl. I’d like to know, he’s been hiding on the ultrasound for 7 months, and so visible signs No.

  37. Elena

    none of them matched!!!

  38. Olga

    Why do they focus on the moment of conception and the date of birth of a woman, because whether a girl or a boy depends on the sperm, the sperm carries the germ cell of the unborn child.

  39. Katerina

    According to the table, both according to the Chinese and according to the table of Lyudmila Kim, I have the same 2 boys

  40. Alsou

    none of the above worked (((

  41. Catherine

    Girls, didn’t you try to check your children, what month was the last period of that child and the gender of the child... all three children just coincided. I always have my periods in one month and conception in another.

  42. Irina

    I love spicy! A fire boy was born.) He is fidgety and doesn’t mince his words.)

  43. Alesya

    Why is there no information about the definition of twins?

  44. Marina

    It happened to many people, including me.

  45. zhanar

    I want a boy. first time I'm doing this

  46. Olga

    Conceived in February 2013, age 31, according to the tables it turns out to be a girl, but the birth was a boy.

  47. Wasila

    According to the Chinese table, the boy is due in September, let's see who God has prepared for us

  48. Irina

    Thank you for your help! Now I'm having a boy.

  49. Anetteka

    It didn’t coincide at all. It’s been girls all year and according to the ultrasound it’s a boy

  50. Zhanar

    Why do all tables start at the age of 18? I got pregnant at 15. I gave birth to a beautiful daughter, now we are expecting our 4th child and am happy with my only husband

  51. Elena

    Let's see in 5 months according to the tables girl

  52. Ainura

    The most important thing is that the child is born healthy, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl or a boy.

  53. Julia

    Chromosomes only determine the sex of the unborn child, everything else is fiction, and if anyone matches the tables, then this clean water coincidence

  54. Christina

    Nothing matches at all, I'm waiting for the third one

  55. Sevinj

    My test shows a boy, but on the ultrasound the first time they said he looked like a boy, and the second time they said he looked like a girl. Now I don’t know what to believe, but I would like a boy, because... there is already a girl!!!

  56. Maria

    the age of the mother at the time of conception + the month in which the child was conceived + what kind of pregnancy with all births if any happened, for example, I am 27 years old, I got pregnant in October, which means by 27 + 10 (month) + 5 (pregnancy) = 42 if you succeeded positive number it means you're having a girl, if negative means you're having a boy.

  57. Olesya

    I have three sons. Starting with the second, I planned according to all sorts of different formulas to get a girl. The last son is generally 5 different methods I specifically planned the date of conception for a girl. But in the end, all the boys were born. These methods do not work for me

  58. Anna

    And they were wondering why it didn’t coincide, it turns out that those with negative Rh will have the opposite))

As soon as mom sees the two coveted lines on the test, she really wants to know who has settled in her tummy. The safest and most reliable method for determining the sex of a child is ultrasound.

However, pregnant women are sent for an ultrasound scan only after 15 weeks of pregnancy. What should an expectant mother do when curiosity haunts her? Let's consider a number of other ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby.

Traditional methods: according to the external data of a pregnant woman

The experience of grandmothers, which was previously passed down from generation to generation, can help you find out the sex of a child without an ultrasound in the early stages. Previously, there was no such medicine as there is now, and they tried to determine the sex of the child using characteristic changes in the appearance of the expectant mother and her behavior during pregnancy.

Outline of a pregnant belly

Pay attention to the shape of the belly. If the tummy protrudes forward and has an island shape, if the pregnancy is invisible from the back and there are no changes in gait, then you have a boy.

If your belly is spread almost evenly throughout the entire abdominal cavity, and your gait resembles that of a duck (swaying in different sides), then the belly-dweller is most likely a girl.

Changes in the face of the expectant mother

If every time you look at yourself in the mirror, you find it difficult to recognize yourself - swelling has replaced the blush, acne and age spots have appeared... Don’t be alarmed, it’s just that the little lady also wants to be born beautiful and borrows a little of her mother’s beauty. After giving birth, everything will return to normal.

A boy, on the contrary, usually adds charm and attractiveness to the expectant mother.

What's happening to the breasts?

- “We’re having a girl!” - Masha screamed from the bathroom, looking at her darkened nipples. And, indeed, she gave birth to a daughter! Although the fact that changes in the areola around the nipple already in the early stages of pregnancy affects the sex of the baby has not been scientifically proven, it has big number coincidences.

Boys, as a rule, do not touch their mother’s nipples, and until childbirth, the areolas remain light.

What would you like to eat?

My son will demand meat, but it will be spicier and saltier! Daughter - prefer cakes, pastries, ice cream and other sweets that are large quantities harmful to both.

However, it often happens that everything happens exactly the opposite. Therefore, watch your appetite and do not let the little pranksters manipulate you. Everything should be in moderation.

Either cry or laugh!

It's no secret that emotional condition mothers can jump at breakneck speed already in the early stages. This is because she carries a daughter under her heart. Two women in one body are a hurricane of emotions!

The son usually takes care of nervous system mother and tries not to worry her once again over all sorts of trifles. However, sometimes it happens again that the opposite is true.

The heart will tell you

The fact is that women's intuition is better developed than men's. And for expectant mothers it increases several times. Listen to yourself. It’s possible that you can already guess who settled inside there. You can't fool mom's heart!

Calculation methods: calendars and tables

The line of leaders among calculated methods for determining the sex of a child without ultrasound includes

  • calculation methods using Chinese and Japanese tables;
  • determination by Rh factor, group, as well as blood renewal of the expectant mother and father;
  • the difference between the day of conception and the last ovulation of a pregnant woman.

Chinese calendar

The calculations are based on data about the age of the expectant mother and the month in which the conception itself occurred. The intersection of these data in the table is the expected gender of the unborn child.

So, for example, if a woman is 24 years old and the baby was conceived in April, then there is a high probability of having a boy because the letter M is indicated at the intersection of 24 and IV, and if in December - girls, since the letter D is indicated at the intersection of 24 and XII.

By the way, this is the first calculation method that Chinese sages invented more than 700 years ago. If it is still popular, then there is definitely some truth in it.

Japanese table

Japanese sages decided to keep up and developed their own method of planning and determining the sex of future children. Behind for a long time this method has given itself the right to exist.

The way it works is to compare the birth months of both parents and determine the probability of a birth of a particular sex being conceived in a particular month.

In the first table we find the number that is at the intersection of the months of birth, the future mother and father.

Now we look for the column with this number in the second table. The number of symbols "X" indicates the percentage of probability.

For example, you got the number 6. A girl and a boy conceived in January in the column of number 6 have the same chances of being born, because there are the same number of “X” characters. But in February, boys significantly dominate over girls.

The hit rate is not as high as we would like, but who knows, maybe this method will give you the right results. It's safe, so you can spend a couple of minutes doing the calculations.

Rhesus - factor of future parents

Here the situation is as follows:

  • the parents have the same Rh factor (plus and plus or minus and minus) - which means there will be a boy;
  • parents have different rhesus (it doesn’t matter who has a plus and who has a minus) - a girl.

Blood types of future parents

The principle of operation is very simple - compare the blood groups of both parents and see what happens at their intersection.

If you believe the data in the table, then parents with the second blood group have a very high chance of conceiving a girl. But owners of such a rare group as the fourth can count on the appearance of a son. But again, this table does not give 100% guarantees.

Dates of conception and last ovulation

If you have information about when ovulation occurred and the sexual intercourse that led to conception, then you can determine the sex of the child in this case with an 80% probability. And an ultrasound can simply confirm the result.

It has been scientifically proven that male chromosomes (XY) are quite nimble and if you had sex at the time of or after ovulation, then you are guaranteed a boy. If everything happened a few days before ovulation, then a girl will be born. She is slower but resilient and takes longer to reach her destination.

Renewal of blood in the body of both parents

The one whose blood is renewed later will determine the gender of the unborn baby. Women's blood is renewed once every 3 years, men's - once every 4 years.

Do not forget about the fact that if there were operations, childbirth, blood donation or other blood losses, then you need to count not from birth, but from the moment of the last blood loss, because in such cases the blood is renewed automatically, even if 3 or 4 years.

Now you can independently calculate, taking into account all factors, which of you is dominant. Let's say mom and dad are 27 years old. It turns out that mom is now undergoing blood renewal, and dad next update will only be at 28 years old. Thus, if you believe this method, the couple will have a girl.

Laboratory research: tests and analyzes

Chorionic villus biopsy

This is the name given to the procedure in which doctors puncture the amniotic sac and take part of the chorionic tissue for testing to find out the sex of the child. This is a kind of operation with anesthesia.

It is done mainly when one of the parents has genetic disease and there is a high probability of its transmission and you need to know exactly who will be born. It is not recommended to do it just like that to determine the sex of the unborn child, because unpleasant consequences are possible, including miscarriage.


This procedure is very similar to a biopsy, only the amniotic fluid is tested. The procedure is carried out after 16 weeks to determine gender and the risk of various pathologies.

Blood test from a vein

The circulatory system of the baby and mother are one whole. After blood sampling, an external examination of the fetus occurs using fetal DNA studies. Thus, a few days after the test, the expectant mother can find out the sex of the child.

Pharmacy sex determination test

In America, scientists have developed a test that is similar to the one that shows two coveted stripes. This test will help determine the sex of the baby at home. True, it is expensive and is not sold in every pharmacy. Often delivered to order.

Of course, the fastest, safest and most reliable way is to examine a woman with an ultrasound. But there are a lot of other options to satisfy curiosity, and they have a right to exist. Believe it or not - it’s up to you, dear parents!

Giving birth to a child with unidentified external genitalia is one of the most difficult medical and social problems, which poses a number of difficult challenges for doctors and is painful for parents. The sexual uncertainty of a newborn baby often turns into a social crisis. This requires a quick and at the same time detailed and in-depth examination of the newborn before the gender of the child is determined and treatment begins. Examination of such a child and determination of his sex requires the participation of doctors of various specialties and the use of a number of additional diagnostic methods. It should be carried out as quickly as possible, but at the same time, take as much time as necessary. In most cases, after the birth of such a child, there is a need to transfer her to a specialized department where there is Better conditions to conduct such a survey.

In a number of cases, determining the sex of a newborn child with undefined genitalia can be a very difficult task, and should be discussed when deciding final decision The child's parents should be involved. Each such case requires an individual approach. It is recommended not to register the birth of the child and not to give the child a name, if possible, until the gender of the child has been determined. It is necessary to realize that in some cases, despite all the efforts made in the neonatal period to choose the appropriate gender of upbringing, it may later become necessary to change the gender, based on the interests of the child.

What are ambiguous (ambiguous) genitalia?

Ambiguous genitalia (synonyms: ambiguous genitalia, intersexism, intersexuality, intersex, hermaphroditism (from the names greek gods- Hermes and Aphrodite)) are external genitalia that have characteristics of both female and male. For example, it may be difficult to distinguish an enlarged clitoris from a penis, i.e. male penis. A violation of sexual differentiation should be suspected not only in the case of clearly ambiguous genital organs, but also in the case of a predominantly male appearance, but in the absence of testicles in the scrotum on both sides in a full-term newborn, hypospadias (i.e., a developmental defect in which the urethra is not reaches the top of the penis, and its opening is located somewhere on the penis) in combination with the absence of a testicle in the scrotum on one side or a very small size of the penis.

Violation of sexual differentiation should also be suspected in the case of a predominantly female appearance of the genitals with partial fusion of the labia, enlargement of the clitoris, or formations that can be felt in the thickness of the labia majora or the groin area.

Why do sexual development disorders occur and children are born with undefined genitalia?

All cases of abnormal sexual development are divided into two large groups:

Errors in primary sex determination.
Errors in sexual differentiation.

The first group includes abnormalities of the sex chromosomes and disorders of the development of the gonads.

The second group includes:
insufficient masculinization (i.e., entry of masculine traits) of the genetic male;
virilization (acquisition of male traits) of a genetic woman.

Errors in sexual differentiation caused primarily by hormonal disorders, often of a hereditary nature, occur in the fetus during pregnancy and can continue after the birth of the child. In addition to disruption of hormone production, tissue insensitivity to these hormones may occur.

Before 6 weeks of gestation, both male and female embryos develop undifferentiated gonadal tissue and the genital structures have the potential to develop towards both sexes. Appearance The genitalia of the newborn is largely determined by the presence of genetic (Y chromosome) and hormonal (testosterone) influences that direct sexual differentiation along the male path. In the absence of these influences, the fetal genital organs tend to develop according to female type. Intersex development is caused either by disturbances in the male path of development, which lead to incomplete masculinization of the fetus, or by the virilizing effect of hormones on the development of the embryo, which is female in terms of the set of chromosomes and sex.

How to determine the gender of a newborn baby with unidentified genitalia?

Determination of the sex of upbringing depends, to a greater extent, on the anatomy of the genital organs and the function of the gonads and sex hormones, and also, to a lesser extent, on the set of sex chromosomes. It is necessary not only to take into account the level of sex hormones in the blood, but also the ability of tissues to respond to them. It is necessary to inform the doctor about the mother’s illness and possible medications she may be taking, in particular, hormonal drugs, during pregnancy.
When determining the sex of a child, the following factors are taken into account:
reproductive ability (i.e., the ability to fertilize and become pregnant);
the ability for normal sexual function, the size of the phallus (penis) has great importance for the possibility of its development into a fully functioning penis during puberty, on the contrary, the severity of hypospadias is not decisive for determining the sex of education;
the ability of the gonads to produce the appropriate hormones;
violation of the development of the gonads carries the risk of their malignant degeneration; In this case, underdeveloped gonads in the form of strands of cases must be removed surgically;
set of sex chromosomes (genetic studies, karyotype determination)
structure of the internal genital organs;
The effect of textosterone on the brain is very high level the male sex hormone testosterone in the blood of the fetus of a genetic girl leads not only to the virilization of the external genitalia, but also forms connections between nerve cells brain in such a way that these individuals may exhibit male characteristics behavior.

In some cases, it can be quite difficult to accurately determine the gender of a child, and for this it is necessary to involve a team of different specialists and use many additional examination methods in order to solve this problem better in a short time. The attending physician, if necessary, can explain to family members the essence of the problem. It is desirable for parents to participate in discussing the gender of the child's upbringing. In order to evaluate the effect of sex hormones, for example, the ability of testosterone to increase the size of the penis, observation is required over several months. If there is no effect, it may be necessary to redefine the gender.

What are the treatment options for children with ambiguous genitalia?

Planning for surgical correction

Surgical correction of the genital organs is aimed at eliminating or reducing their uncertainty and ensuring satisfactory sexual function. If children are raised as girls, they usually undergo clitoral reduction surgery, usually in the 1st year of life. Vaginal enlargement is carried out a little later. If a child has been diagnosed with insensitivity to male sex hormones or testicular development disorders and they have a very small penis, the testicles must be removed and the gender of the upbringing must be determined as female. Correction of hypospadias is usually carried out at an early age.

Surgical correction solely for cosmetic reasons, that is, to provide a “normal” appearance to the external genitalia, is not urgent, compelling, or mandatory. It can be delayed until prepuberty or puberty (puberty) and involved in the child’s decision-making.

Children born with undefined genitalia may require long-term hormone therapy. Thus, patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia receive hormonal therapy for life from the moment of diagnosis. Long-term replacement therapy with sex hormones usually begins during puberty.

Peculiarities of raising children born with unidentified genitalia.

Psychological problems

Early gender determination and surgical correction of the genitals, as well as consistent education in accordance with a certain gender, can minimize psychological problems. Children born with unidentified genitalia should be under long-term supervision not only of a pediatrician, but also of a pediatric endocrinologist, pediatric urologist, and pediatric gynecologist. Whenever psychological problems it is necessary to seek the help of a psychologist and psychiatrist.

In selected cases where gender determination may raise reasonable doubts, it may be advisable to delay surgical correction until the onset of puberty to take into account the child's own feelings about sex selection.

The psychosocial crisis in the family associated with the birth of a baby with undefined genitalia is helped by communication with the parents of other such children. This situation is not a reason to be ashamed. They should be seen as special, not abnormal. Great help can provide public societies support.