How are kilowatts designated? How to calculate kilowatt hours

By purchasing country house or if you are planning to supply electricity to a cottage, you should think about such an important parameter as the dedicated electrical power supplied electricity. Practice shows that the required minimum power to power a house with an area of ​​up to 150 m2 is from 7 to 10 kW. This indicator depends on many factors:

  • number of people living in man at home,
  • type of heating (electric, gas),
  • general condition at home (insulated or not, insulated according to standards or not).

You can calculate the required minimum by adding up the power consumption of household appliances. Here you need to keep in mind that there are devices that work constantly or very often (light bulbs, heated floor systems, convectors), and there are devices that turn on relatively rarely (vacuum cleaner, washing machine, electric saw, etc.). The power consumed by the device is indicated on its packaging or in the instructions. To calculate the minimum required total power, you need to add up the power of all constantly operating devices (in this case, the lighting power is calculated by multiplying the number of lamps in all rooms of the house by the power of one lamp, usually 60 W). You also need to remember the nuances: electric gate drives, electric ignition of the stove, heating of water in the shower and other little things can add up to additional power. We round the addition result up and increase it by another 5-10% at least. This will avoid the risk of operating at peak loads using all power, which is unsafe for devices and wiring. It must be borne in mind that the resulting number is the result of adding the power of only constantly switched on electrical appliances, to which rarely switched on devices will also be added from time to time. Therefore, calculations provide only an approximate idea of ​​the total power required.

Calculation example

Let's take a house as an example. total area 80 m2, where a family of four lives. The house has three rooms, a kitchen, a corridor and a bathroom. The rooms use two lamps, each with a 60-watt incandescent lamp. Total - 120 watts per room and 120*3=360 watts for 3 rooms. One 60-watt lamp is used in the kitchen, hallway and bathroom. Total - another 180 watts. Summarizing, we get 540 watt/hour for lighting only.

Let us now calculate the required power for the operation of devices that are constantly turned on or are used very often. A refrigerator, TV and computer consume an average of 0.5 kW. Electric water heater - about 1 kW. Electric kettle - about 1 kW.

Let's add to this the power of devices that are rarely turned on. Washing machine - 2 kW. Dishwasher- approximately 1.5 kW. Moreover, the operation of these devices at maximum power never occurs simultaneously.

Total: 6.5 kW.

To save or not?

When calculating the required number of kilowatts, you should remember that powerful electrical appliances are turned on relatively rarely. Therefore, it makes no sense to supply 10 kW to the house and overpay if you can supply 7 kW and regulate consumption, turning on “wasteful” appliances alternately (do not turn on the electric kettle if the electric oven is working, etc.).

It's also not worth skimping. If you supply 5 kW to the house instead of 7, you will have to sacrifice heating in order to turn on the kettle. Or lighting - for the sake of an electric stove.

Knowing the area of ​​the house can also help with the calculation. For every 10 m2, about 1 kW of heating energy is required if an electric boiler or convectors are used. This is quite expensive - only for heating you will have to provide 20 kW of supplied power and pay rather large bills every month. It is much better to use gas heating if communications allow or use solid fuel (wood, coal, pellets). In addition, it is worth taking care of insulating the walls, roof and floor in accordance with the standards - this will significantly reduce heating costs.

Is it possible to connect more?

Additional power can be connected if cottage village there is a capacity reserve. The cost of connecting 1 additional kilowatt is about 30 thousand rubles. The connection will have to be coordinated with the production and technical department of the local electrical network. As a rule, there are no restrictions on power consumption, however, the requested additional power must be correctly calculated and reflected in the terms of reference, on the basis of which power grid specialists will issue technical specifications to connect the house to the line and determine the available power of the electrical network.

Based on what has been written, we would like to draw your attention to the need to involve specialists in solving engineering issues.

Tariffs (prices) in the electric power industry are usually understood as a system of price rates, according to which calculations are made both for the electricity itself and for services that are provided on the retail or wholesale market. This definition is established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Electric Power Industry”.

In relation to the population, we can say that tariffs/prices are the cost of the electricity we consume. The amount of such energy is measured in kWh (kilowatt-hours), and the cost of each kWh is set by the tariff. As an example, we can give the electricity consumption of a simple household appliance: an iron has a power of 1 kW, if you use it without interruption for 4 hours, then 4 kWh will be spent (the price of each kWh is regulated by the tariff).

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation the electricity tariff system is quite complex. In this article we will try to understand its main features.

Who and how calculates electricity tariffs for the meter?

Local executive authorities in the field of tariff regulation set electricity tariffs. The main of these organizations are:

  • Department of Prices and Tariffs;
  • Regional Energy Commission;
  • Management of tariffs and prices.

The basis for calculating tariffs for the population and categories equivalent to them are the methods developed by the Federal Tariff Service. After the final calculation of the tariff, the local authority issues a resolution, which must be published, as in printed publications(media), and on the official website of this government body.

Tariffs are reviewed, as a rule, once a year. In past periods, tariffs changed from the beginning of the year (in January), but over the past few years, electricity tariffs have increased in the middle of the year (in July). According to experts, this change in timing is due to the desire of local executive authorities to limit the growth of inflation, which, as a rule, showed significant positive dynamics at the beginning of each year.

Electricity: how much does a kilowatt cost in 2019?

The general regulator of tariffs in the Russian Federation is the state, and in each specific case the rates are set by regional authorities. We hasten to announce that in 2019... The government made a gift to the population and divided the tariff increase into two stages, thereby reducing the financial burden for the population. The first increase will be on January 1, 2019 by 1.7% and from July 1, 2019 the second increase in tariff rates by 2.4%.

Cost of 1 kW of electricity according to the meter for 2019 in Moscow and residents of New Moscow

For Moscow, the price for one kilowatt of metered electricity in 2019, from January 1, will increase by an average of 1.7% compared to the previous year. For those who are interested in how much 1 kW of electricity costs (according to the meter) for the first half of 2019, we provide the table below:

Electricity tariffs in Moscow for 2019 for the 1st and 2nd half of the year

Tariff name and its parameters Tariff size
from 01/01/2019 (1st half of the year) from 07/01/2019 (2nd half of the year)
1 The main population living in gasified urban houses
1.1 Flat rate tariff 5,47
1.2 Two-part tariff differentiated by day zone*
Peak zone 6,29
Night 1,95
Peak zone 6,57
Half-peak zone 5,47
Night 1,95
2 Consumers living in residential premises with stationary electric stoves and/or electric heating systems
2.1 Flat rate tariff 4,37
Peak zone 5,03
Night 1,37
2.3 Three-part tariff differentiated by day zones
Peak zone 5,25
Half-peak zone 4,37
Night 1,37
3 Consumers classified as population
3.1 Flat rate tariff
3.2 Two-part tariff with differentiation by day zones
Peak zone
3.3 Three-part tariff differentiated by day zones
Peak zone
Half-peak zone

Of course, such tariffs cannot be called low, however, it is worth noting that they correspond to the level of salaries and general level life of the population of the Moscow region.

How the day is divided into zones

A single tariff (another name is single-rate) is considered to be a tariff at which the price of electricity is the same throughout the day.

A 2-phase tariff is a tariff that assumes that electricity costs differently during the day (depending on the specific time interval: cheaper at night than during the day):

  • Daily rate – from 07.00 to 23.00;

There is also a differentiated electricity tariff, which implies the following intervals:

  • Peak zone – from 07.00 to 09.00 and from 17.00 to 20.00;
  • Half-peak zone - from 09.00 to 17.00 and from 20.00 to 23.00;
  • Night rate - from 23.00 to 07.00.

Cost of 1 kilowatt of electricity according to the meter for Russian cities for 2019

As for other cities, the tariffs there will be different. Let's consider them further. You can find out how much one kilowatt of electricity costs for large cities in Russia in 2019 in the table below.

Price for electricity by meter in Russian cities
City Tariffs for houses with electric stoves, rub/kWh. Tariffs for houses with gas stoves, rub/kWh.
Moscow 4.37 RUR/kWh. 5.47 RUR/kWh.
Saint Petersburg 3.46 RUR/kWh. 4.61 RUR/kWh.
Barnaul 3.25 rub/kWh. 3.99 RUR/kWh.
Vladivostok 3.04 RUR/kWh. 3.74 RUR/kWh.
Volgograd 2.96 RUR/kWh. 4.22 RUR/kWh.
Voronezh 2.62 RUR/kWh. 3.74 RUR/kWh.
Yekaterinburg 2.77 RUR/kWh. 3.96 RUR/kWh.
Izhevsk — rub/kWh. — rub/kWh.
Irkutsk 1.08 RUR/kWh. 1.08 RUR/kWh.
Kazan 2.62 RUR/kWh. 3.75 RUR/kWh.
Krasnodar 3.00 RUR/kWh. 4.28 RUR/kWh.
Krasnoyarsk 1.76* rub/kWh. 2.52* rub/kWh.
Nizhny Novgorod 3.02 RUR/kWh. 4.31 RUR/kWh.
Novosibirsk 2.60 RUR/kWh. 2.60 RUR/kWh.
Omsk — rub/kWh. — rub/kWh.
Permian 2.85 RUR/kWh. 3.99 RUR/kWh.
Rostov-on-Don 2.72 RUR/kWh. 3.89 RUR/kWh.
Samara 2.84 RUR/kWh. 4.06 RUR/kWh.
Saratov 2.44 RUR/kWh. 3.48 RUR/kWh.
Tolyatti 2.84 RUR/kWh. 4.06 RUR/kWh.
Tyumen 1.98 RUR/kWh. 2.82 RUR/kWh.
Ulyanovsk 2.62 RUR/kWh. 3.74 RUR/kWh.
Ufa 2.14 RUR/kWh. 3.06 RUR/kWh.
Khabarovsk — rub/kWh. — rub/kWh.
Chelyabinsk 2.23 RUR/kWh. 3.19 RUR/kWh.

* electricity tariffs within the social norm of consumption.

The following average rates apply for the supply of electricity in Russian cities:

  • The cost of 1 kW with electric stoves in Russian cities ranges from 1 rub. up to 4 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 kW with gas stoves ranges from 1 rub. up to 5.5 rubles.

The information above allows us to conclude that citizens of the Russian Federation will still have to pay more for electricity, but the largest increase in tariffs by 2.4% will occur only from 07/01/2019.

Social norm for electricity consumption and current tariffs

Please note that electricity rates will become even more confusing in the coming period. The reason for this will be the introduction of a social norm for electricity consumption. The point here is that a predetermined amount electrical energy the household has the opportunity to receive at a social (“reduced”) tariff, and everything that will be consumed in excess of the established norm. It will be necessary to pay at a rate that is 30% higher.

This means that there will be a doubling of the gradation of tariffs, namely: if at the moment for the population rural areas There is a single one-rate tariff for electricity, then after the innovation of the social norm there will already be 2 such tariffs (within the limit of the social norm and exceeding it).

Another important point is that social norm has a clear link to the number of residents who are officially registered and live in a given living space. Now subscribers will have to not only calculate the amount of payment for electricity by multiplying the consumed kWh. at the current tariff, but also to calculate, based on the number of registered residents, which part of the electricity is included in the social norm, and which already exceeds it.

It should be noted that for those categories of citizens who will not be able to pay for electricity, subsidies are provided, through which it will be possible to partially cover household expenses for the provision of utility services.

What are the tariffs for rural areas and for the city?

To a large extent, electricity tariffs depend on the area in which the consumer lives (city or rural area). Thus, the tariff in rural areas will be 30% cheaper than in urban areas.

This point has its own nuances, namely: the reduced (preferential) tariff applies only in rural settlements. Whereas in the case when a village, both dacha and cottage (for example: DNT, SNT, etc.) has rural status municipality does not have (is not located within the rural settlement), then residents will have to pay for electricity according to the tariffs provided for the city. The same rule fully applies to urban-type settlements (urban-type settlements). Although the standard of living in them, as well as their amenities, does not differ significantly from villages and towns, residents of such urban settlements must pay for consumed electricity at the tariffs provided for the city.

In addition to the above information, we invite readers to watch a video that will tell you exactly how to calculate the cost of 1 kW of electricity and what this amount consists of.

In conclusion, it should be noted that electricity bills should be paid on time and at the tariffs that are provided in a particular region. Only in this case will subscribers not have any problems with regulatory authorities.

In science and everyday life, units of measurement of physical quantities such as kilowatts, kilowatt-hours and hours are often used. Each of these units corresponds to a specific physical parameter. Power is measured in kilowatts, energy (work) is measured in kilowatt hours, and time is measured in hours. In practice, it is often necessary to convert one quantity into another, for example, power into energy. At the same time, it is also necessary to convert the corresponding units of measurement - kW to kWh. Such a conversion is quite possible if the time is known in advance or can be calculated.

You will need

  • calculator or computer


  • In order to convert kilowatts to kilowatt-hours (kW to kWh), clarify what exactly was measured in kilowatts. If the meter readings were measured in “kilowatts”, and at the time of payment you are asked to indicate kilowatt-hours, then simply correct kW to kW h. The name “kilowatt” (kW) is often used in everyday life as an abbreviation for kilowatt-hour.
  • Sometimes kW must be converted to kWh to estimate how much electricity an electrical appliance will “wind up” on the electric meter during a certain operating time. To calculate how many kilowatt-hours of energy will be consumed by a device, multiply its power (in kW) by the operating time (in hours) . If power or time are specified in other units of measurement, then before starting calculations, be sure to convert them to the above ones.
  • For example, if you want to know how much electricity will be used by a 100 W (watt) light bulb for half a day, first convert the watts into kilowatts (100 W = 0.1 kW), and the day into hours (0.5 days = 12 hours) . Now multiply the resulting power and time values. It turns out: 0.1 * 12 = 1.2 (kWh).
  • Using the method described above, you can estimate the energy consumption of the entire apartment during the month (for example, for planning a family budget). Of course, you can simply add up the power of all electrical appliances and multiply this sum by the number of hours in a month (30 * 24 = 720). However, this will greatly overestimate your energy consumption. For more accurate calculations, it is necessary to take into account the actual average operating time of each electrical appliance during the month, then multiply this time by the power of this device, and then add up the energy consumption indicators of all devices. So, for example, if one 60 W light bulb hangs in the entrance and works around the clock, and the second, with a power of 100 W, illuminates the toilet and is used for about 1 hour a day, then in a month the meter will “wind up”: 0.06 * 24 * 30 + 0.1 * 1 * 30 = 43.2 + 3 = 46.2 ( kW h).

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Technical units

Code Unit name Symbol Code letter designation
national international national international
212 Watt W W VT WTT
214 Kilowatt kW kW KVT KWT
215 Megawatt;
thousand kilowatts
10 3 kW
222 Volt IN V IN VLT
223 Kilovolt kV kV HF KVT
227 Kilovolt-ampere kVA kV.A KV.A KVA
228 Megavolt-ampere (thousand kilovolt-ampere) M.V.A M.V.A MEGAV.A MVA
230 Kilovar kvar kVAR KVAR KVR
243 Watt hour Wh W.h VT.H WHR
245 Kilowatt hour kWh kW.h KW.H K.W.H.
246 Megawatt hour;
1000 kilowatt-hours
10 3 kWh
247 Gigawatt-hour (million kilowatt-hours) GWh GW.h GIGAVT.H G.W.H.
260 Ampere A A A AMP
263 Ampere hour (3.6 kC) A.h A.h A.Ch AMH
263 Ampere hour (3.6 kC) A.h A.h A.Ch AMH
264 Thousand amp hours 10 3 Ah 10 3 A.h THOUSAND A.H TAH
270 Pendant Cl C KL COU
271 Joule J J J JOU
273 Kilojoule kJ kJ KJ K.J.O.
274 Ohm Ohm OM O.H.M.
280 Degree Celsius hail

kW*hour - Kilowatt hour. Unit converter.

281 Fahrenheit hail F hail F CITY OF FARENG FAN
282 Candela cd CD KD C.D.L.
283 Lux OK lx OK LUX
284 Lumen lm lm LM LUM
288 Kelvin K K K KEL
289 Newton N N N NEW
290 Hertz Hz Hz GC HTZ
291 KHz kHz kHz KGC KHZ
292 Megahertz MHz MHz MEGAHz MHZ
294 Pascal Pa Pa PA PAL
296 Siemens Cm S SI SIE
297 Kilopascal kPa kPa KPA KPA
298 Megapascal MPa MPa MEGAPA MPA
300 Physical atmosphere (101325 Pa) atm atm ATM ATM
301 Technical atmosphere (98066.5 Pa) at at ATT ATT
302 Gigabecquerel GBk GBq GIGABK GBQ
303 Kilobecquerel kBq KBq KILOBK KBQ
304 Millicurie mCi mCi MKI MCU
305 Curie Ki Ci CI CUR
306 Gram of fissile isotopes g D/I g fissile isotopes G FISSIONING ISOTOPES GFI
307 Megabecquerel MBq MBq MEGABC MBQ
308 Millibar mb mbar MBAR MBR
309 Bar bar bar BAR BAR
310 Hectobar GB hbar GBAR H.B.A.
312 Kilobar kb kbar KBAR K.B.A.
314 Farad F F F FAR
316 Kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 kg/m3 KG/M3 KMQ
320 Mole mole mol MOL MOL
323 Becquerel Bk Bq BC BQL
324 Weber Wb Wb WB WEB
327 Knot (mph) bonds kn UZ KNT
328 Meter per second m/s m/s M/S MTS
330 Revolutions per second r/s r/s OB/S R.P.S.
331 Revolutions per minute rpm r/min RPM RPM
333 Kilometer per hour km/h km/h KM/H KMH
335 Meter per second squared m/s2 m/s2 M/S2 MSK
349 Pendant per kilogram C/kg C/kg CL/KG C.K.G.

All electricity consumers receive an invoice once a month to pay for the electricity they have consumed. Have you ever wondered what exactly we pay for? If you asked this question to passers-by, you would probably get the following answers:

"For electric current!" "For the light!" "For electricity!"

All of these answers are very inaccurate. Yes, of course, the only thing is that the power plant supplies apartments with a very necessary thing. Receiving it continuously, we turn on the light, TV, computer or iron.

How is this thing measured, without which it is difficult to imagine life? modern man? When buying cheese, for example, we know that we need to weigh it in order to pay the appropriate amount. If cheese costs, for example, 540 rubles per kilogram, then half a kilogram will cost 270 rubles.

How to convert kW to kWh

The unit of measurement in this case is kilogram. The unit of measurement for electrical energy is the kilowatt-hour. The invoice always indicates how many kilowatt-hours we used, the cost of 1 kilowatt-hour and the total amount.

The meter shows kilowatt-hours, that is, the amount of energy consumed. A kilowatt is a unit of power equivalent to horsepower (one horsepower is equal to 0.736 kilowatts, or, conversely, 1 kilowatt is equal to 1.36 hp).

What is a kilowatt-hour?

Let's figure it out. When we turn on the lights light bulb, current passes through the filament of the light bulb. This is clear to everyone. If we open the tap, water will immediately flow out of it. This is also understandable, since the pumps constantly pump it. Residents of big cities know that sometimes it happens that top floors tall buildings, water barely flows, even if you open the tap to the limit. The reason is low pressure, that is, the water pressure in the water supply network is insufficient.
In this case, there are some similarities between the supply of water and electricity. Our light bulb sometimes, and especially in the evening, glows with a weak reddish light. We can say that the “electrical pressure” is low. The concept of “electrical pressure” does not exist in technology. Instead of “electrical pressure” we will say electrical voltage in the electrical network.
The similarity between the phenomena occurring with water in the water supply network and electricity in the electrical network does not end there. A stream of water can be compared to another very important concept in electricity - current, or rather, current strength. The strength of the jet depends on the water pressure in the water supply. Likewise, current depends on voltage.

Let's return to the water analogy. A fully open faucet creates certain (the best) conditions for water to flow out. Under these conditions, if they do not change, the strength of the water jet will depend only on the pressure in the water supply network. But we can reduce the flow by gradually turning on the tap. In this case, the pressure in the network would not change. What has changed? The conditions for the flow of water would change, that is, the size of the hole through which the water flowed. The hole has become smaller, which means that the obstacles in the path of water will increase, caused by the resistance to the water in the tap provided by the reduced hole.

Electric current along its path also experiences some resistance, depending on the size (cross-sectional plane) and length of the wire, as well as on the quality of the material from which the wire is made. It is absolutely clear that the longer the wire, the greater the resistance it creates, and, conversely, the more larger area cross-section, the lower the resistance. A comparison with the flow of water through long and short, wide and narrow pipes will clarify the situation for us. How can we imagine the influence of the type of material? We know that copper conducts electricity well, but iron is much worse. Let's mentally compare copper with a smooth pipeline, and iron with a rough one.

As you know from a physics course, force electric current directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance. All physical quantities: voltage, current, resistance - have their own units of measurement. Voltage is measured in volts, current in amperes, resistance in ohms.

1 amp = 1 volt/1 ohm

Let's return to the water one last time. Let's make her do some work. Let a stream of water fall from a height h onto the turbine blades. The larger the stream of water (for example, water flows out of two pipes), the more work the turbine will do. What if water falls on the turbine blades from a height twice the original height? The turbine will then do twice as much work. Conclusion - the operation of the turbine depends on the product of the drop height h of water and the amount of water q. What else is missing from our conclusion? Of course, time. The longer the water falls on the turbine blades, the more work the turbine will do. So, the work done by water is directly proportional to the height of the fall, the amount of water falling per second on the turbine blades, and time.

Let's compare electric current with a stream of water. The height of the water drop h corresponds to the water pressure, therefore the voltage, measured in volts. The amount of water flowing in one second is nothing more than the current measured in amperes. Time is measured in seconds in both the first and second cases. The work done by current is equal to the product of voltage, current and time and is called a watt-second.

1 watt-second = 1 volt * 1 amp * 1 second

1000 watts = kilowatt, and 3600 seconds = 1 hour.

It follows that 36,000,000 watt-seconds = 1 kilowatt-hour (abbreviated 1 kW).
This is where the concept of kilowatt-hour is formed.


The material was prepared by the methodologists of the State Medical Center for Dog and Music: Ryzhikova O.A., Belyshev A.Yu., Dmitrishina E.V.

In order to find out how many kilograms of TNT are in a kilowatt-hour, you need to use a simple online calculator. Enter in the left field the number of kilowatt-hours you want to convert. In the field on the right you will see the result of the calculation. If you need to convert kilowatt-hours or kilograms of TNT to other units of measurement, simply click on the appropriate link.

What is "kilowatt-hour"

An off-system unit of measurement of the amount of energy (produced or consumed) or work performed. The traditional application of kWh is to measure household consumption or electricity generation in national economy. A kilowatt-hour is the amount of energy that a 1-kilowatt device consumes or produces in 1 hour. 1 kW/h = 1000 W * 3600 s = 3.6 MJ.

In a physical sense, the rate of change in power can be expressed in kilowatt-hours: by how many kilowatts will the consumed or generated power change in one hour. For example, a 100 W electric lamp operating 8 hours a day consumes 0.1 kW * 8 h/day x 30 days = 24 kW/h in 30 days.

What is a “kilogram of TNT”

A measure of energy release, expressed in terms of the amount of trinitrotoluene (TNT) that releases a specified amount of energy upon explosion. Depending on the conditions of the explosion, the specific energy of decomposition of trinitrotoluene ranges from 980 to 1,100 cal/g. This unit is used for comparison different types explosives and is 1,000 cal/g and 4,184 J/g.

Kilowatt hour

Used in energy assessment nuclear explosion, explosions of chemical devices, falls of cosmic bodies (asteroids, comets), volcanic eruptions, etc.

For example, the TNT equivalent of 1 kg of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 is equal to an explosion of approximately 20,000 tons of TNT. Explosion energy nuclear bomb over Hiroshima in 1945 ranges from 13-18 kt TNT. This coefficient indicates how many times stronger (weaker) the explosive is compared to TNT.

In order to find out how many megawatts are in a kilowatt, you need to use a simple online calculator. Enter in the left field the number of kilowatts you are interested in that you want to convert. In the field on the right you will see the result of the calculation.

If you need to convert kilowatts or megawatts to other units of measurement, simply click on the appropriate link.

What is "kilowatt"

Kilowatt (abbreviated kW) is the decimal multiple of the derivative of a unit of power in International system units (SI) of watt, which is equal to 1000 watts. One kilowatt is defined as the power at which 1000 joules of work are done in 1 second. The name of the unit of measurement comes from the ancient Greek chilioi - thousand and the surname of the Scottish-Irish inventor of the steam engine, James Watt (Watt). This unit of measurement is typically used to express the power output of engines and the power of electric motors, tools, electrical equipment and heaters. In addition, kilowatts are often used to express the electromagnetic output power of radio and television transmitters. Small electric heater with one heating element uses approximately 1 kW, and the power of electric kettles ranges from 1 to 3 kW. One square meter The Earth's surface typically receives about 1 kW of sunlight.

What is "megawatt"

A megawatt (abbreviated MW) is a decimal multiple of the International System of Units (SI) power unit watt and is equal to one million (106) watts. Many processes and equipment produce or support energy conversion on this scale, including large electric motors, large warships such as aircraft carriers, cruisers and submarines, large server systems and data centers, some research equipment, such as super colliders, pulses of very large lasers. A large residential building or office building can use several megawatts of electrical and thermal energy. On railways modern high-power electric locomotives have peak power outputs of 3 or 6 MW. The power of a typical wind turbine is up to 1.5 MW.

Units of measurement of electrical energy are designated and fixed in the International System of Units.

Using household electrical appliances at home forces users to count electricity and know the units in which it is measured.

Electricity unit of measurement


The voltage (U) in the network is measured in volts (V).

In a single-phase network, which is usually used to supply electricity to private consumers, the voltage is 220V.

In a three-phase network the voltage is 380V. 1 kilovolt (kV) is equal to 1000V.

Voltage 220 and 380V is equivalent to voltage designation as 0.22 and 0.4 kV.

Current strength

The consumed load produced by household appliances, equipment and other consumers is called current strength (I) and is measured in amperes (A).


Resistance (R) no less important indicator and demonstrates the amount of resistance of materials to the passage of electric current. In everyday life, measuring resistance indicates the integrity of electrical appliances, measured in (Ohm). For measurements of great importance resistance, for example, when measuring the integrity of an electric motor, they use a megger; 1 Ohm is equal to 0.000001 megaOhm (mOhm).

1 kiloohm (kOhm) is equal to 1000 Ohm.

Resistance human body ranges from 2 to 10 kOhm.

The resistivity of the conductor is used to evaluate the resistance of materials for their subsequent use in the manufacture of electrical products; it depends on the cross-sectional area and length of the conductor.


Power is the amount of electrical energy consumed by a particular household appliance for a certain unit of time, measured in watts (W) and kiloW (kW) - 1000 W, in industrial scale They use units of measurement such as megawatt - 1 million.


Watts and gigawatts (gW) – 1 billion watts.

How is electricity measured on the meter?

To determine the amount of electricity consumed , electric meters of active energy are used, they serve to record it. There are also reactive energy meters in industry.

To determine how electricity consumption in an apartment is measured, 1 kW*hour is used. For reactive energy meters, integrated reactive power is measured as 1 kVar*hour. It should be noted that when recording the energy consumed, the meter must be written correctly, the power multiplied by the time.

You need to pay for electricity, just like for any other resources and services. In order not to be deceived when paying, you need to learn how to calculate its expenses. There are special devices for this, for example, an individual meter, which is installed in each house or apartment. However, it shows the total consumption, and we will tell you how to calculate the electricity consumption of a separate device in this article.

Power, voltage and current

The main characteristics of electrical appliances are voltage, current and power. In this case, either all three parameters can be indicated on the body or in the passport of the device, or in a selective order. In Russia and neighboring countries, electrical appliances are used that are designed for 220V AC mains voltage; in America, for comparison, the voltage may be 110 or 120V.

Let us remind you:

Current is measured in Amperes (A), voltage in Volts (V), and power in Watts (W) (see -). If the device is low-power, most likely the power will be indicated in Watts; for powerful consumers, such as a washing machine or kitchen electric stove, it is usually indicated in kilowatts (kW). 1kW = 1000W.

In the device passport, depending on the specific case, the power may not be explicitly indicated at all, but the electricity consumption for a certain period, for example, kW per year or per day or for another period of time.

So, you pay your electricity bills according to the kWh you consume. Let's take a closer look at what kilowatt hours are and how to calculate them.

Electricity meter

Nowadays, every apartment has an electricity meter installed, or, in other words, in simple words, electric meter. On modern models There is a display that shows the amount of kWh you have consumed since installing it.

On older models, this is indicated on a mechanical display-indicator consisting of rotating drums with numbers printed on them.

You can, if you turn off all consumers and leave the one that interests you, for example, for 1 hour, then you can find out how much Wh or kW/h it consumes. But this method is not always convenient or possible.

Please note:

On most meters, the rightmost digit is usually either separated by a comma, highlighted in a different color, or indicated in some other way. This is a tenth of a kilowatt; it is not taken into account when taking readings for payment.

It is also worth noting that not all electrical equipment consumes the power specified in the documentation during the entire operating time. This is due to the operating mode. For example, a washing machine consumes current depending on whether the heating is on, whether the pump is running, at what speed the motor rotates, and so on.

A little later we will look at a simple way to determine the real consumption of such equipment.

Electricity consumption by power

If you know the electrical power of the device, then to calculate electricity consumption you need to multiply the power by the number of hours. Let's give an example, let's say we have 2 light bulbs - 100 and 60 W and an electric kettle with a power of 2.1 kW. The light bulbs shine for about 6 hours a day, and the kettle boils for 5 minutes, you drink tea 4 times a day, which means that in total it works for 20 minutes a day.

Let's calculate the energy consumption of all this equipment.

Two light bulbs:



The electric kettle works 20 minutes a day, since we need to convert it to hours, this is 1/3 of an hour, then:



Let's convert to kW/h:


This set of electrical equipment consumes 1.66 kW/h per day.

The total cost of operating the listed equipment is:

1.66*4=6.64 rubles

How to convert amps to kilowatts?

In cases where the data on the parameters of an electrical device indicate only voltage and current of the type:

Before calculating consumption, it is necessary to calculate the power, for this we use the formula: P=U*I

For example:


Without going into details, this is true for a load with cosФ equal to one, and in fact for most household electrical equipment. Further calculations are similar to the previous ones.

How to find out the real electricity consumption of the device?

Calculations will not show real values; to find them out, you just need to take measurements. The most reliable way is to use an electricity meter. The most convenient option is to use a special meter for the outlet.

They are also called an energy meter or a wattmeter, perhaps this will help you find a device on sale.

What can an energy meter do? It's universal meter, which has the following set of functions:

    Measuring the power currently consumed.

    Measuring consumption over a period of time.

    Measurement of current and voltage.

    Calculation of expenses at the tariffs you set.

That is, you just need to plug it into a socket, and connect the device, the consumption of which you need to easily determine, into the socket located on the energy meter. After this, you can observe how the power consumption changes during operation and how much is consumed per operating cycle.

An example of using a socket meter to determine the electricity consumption of a refrigerator is shown in the video.


Calculation of electricity consumption may be needed in a number of situations, for example, to check the consumption of new equipment, or when sharing powerful consumers with neighbors for equal payment. The best way is to install an individual meter on the device or its socket version, as described above.

1 kW equals 1.3596 hp. when calculating engine power.
1 hp equals 0.7355 kW when calculating engine power.


Horsepower (hp) is a non-systemic unit of power that appeared around 1789 with the advent of steam engines. Inventor James Watt coined the term “horsepower” to clearly show how much more economical his machines were than live draft power. Watt concluded that the average horse could lift a load of 180 pounds 181 feet per minute. Rounding the calculations in pound-feet per minute, he decided that the horsepower would be equal to 33,000 of these same pound-feet per minute. Of course, the calculations were taken for a long period of time, because for a short time a horse can “develop” a power of about 1000 kgf m/s, which is approximately equal to 13 horsepower. This power is called boiler horsepower.

There are several units of measurement in the world called "horsepower". IN European countries, Russia and the CIS, as a rule, by horsepower we mean the so-called “metric horsepower”, equal to approximately 735 watts (75 kgf m/s).

In the UK and US automotive industries, the most common HP is equates to 746 W, which is equal to 1.014 metric horsepower. Also used in US industry and energy are electric horsepower (746 W) and boiler horsepower (9809.5 W).