The man exchanged the paperclip for a house. Exchange a paperclip for an apartment? Easily! Learning from Yulia Topolnitskaya

Another incredible story showing limitless possibilities Internet, originated in Canada. After Alex Tew, who famously earned a million dollars by selling pixels on his home page, Canadian Kyle MacDonald became the hero of the news. A year ago, a twenty-six-year-old man set out to exchange a paper clip for a house, and, imagine, he succeeded. Kyle based his venture on the children's game "Bigger and Better," in which an item is exchanged for something more valuable. Kyle exchanged a paper clip for a wooden pen in the shape of a fish, having found someone on the Internet who agreed to do it. An enterprising Canadian gave the handle to a sculptor, receiving in return a ceramic door handle self made. He traded this pen for a camping stove, and the stove for a portable electric generator. At this stage, Kyle realized that his dream of living in his own home could become a reality and, by his own admission, he began to devote much more time to searching for options for exchange than he had previously.

The generator was traded for a neon beer sign and a keg to boot. The Canadian exchanged all this stuff for a snowmobile, and the snowmobile for a trip to a ski resort. The voucher was successfully exchanged for a van, which in turn was exchanged for a contract for an audio recording, and a contract for living in an apartment in Phoenix for a year. Then Kyle found a man who was willing to trade the right to spend an afternoon with Ellis Cooper. Finally, the Canadian exchanged the latter for christmas decoration snow globe – a ball in which some action takes place, for example, snowflakes falling, deer riding, etc. But the balloon that Kyle received was not an ordinary one - inside there were figurines of members of the band KISS. It would seem, who needs this trinket and how does it bring Kyle closer to his dream? It turned out that in the most direct way. As it turned out, Hollywood producer Corbin Bernsen is a passionate collector of marbles and that he already has 6,500 pieces in his collection, but there is no such thing. He was willing to do anything to get this rare piece and agreed to trade it for a role in his new film "Donna on Demand", which begins filming in September. The outcome of the story was not long in coming: the mayor of the city, Kipling, agreed to exchange the right to star in the film for a house in the city. The measures obtained will be used to promote the town. Like this in less than a year, according to this incredible story, a Canadian guy used the Internet to exchange a paperclip for a house. He plans to move in next month. Thematic materials in the articles: -

Enterprising Canadian Kyle MacDonald achieved his goal - as a result of a series of exchanges, starting with a big red paper clip, he received a whole house. It took 26-year-old MacDonald about a year.

MacDonald always believed that by starting with a simple paperclip, he could achieve his goal. The Internet and his remarkable marketing skills helped him in this. Simply put, the Canadian is good at praising what he has.

At the same time, Kyle promised not to accept gifts and not to agree to deliberately “sponsorship” offers. The main principle in the entire series of transactions is an honest exchange in kind.

At the first stage of exchanges, the Canadian easily exchanged a red paper clip for a pen in the shape of a fish. Handle in the shape of a fish - on unusual shape door handle. The door handle is for a camp stove, the kerosene stove is for an electric generator. The power generator was first confiscated by New York firefighters, but it was later returned to MacDonald.

The generator then gave way to an empty beer keg with a neon Budweiser sign and a promise to fill the vessel with the owner's favorite beer. Some might say it's an unequal exchange, but after receiving the keg, MacDonald began advertising it online as a "DIY party kit." Is it any wonder that Canadian DJ Michael Barrett, apparently a party animal, broke up for this? with a snowmobile?

Then the deals began to gain weight like a snowball. The snowmobile was traded for a tour in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia. Resisting the temptation to give up everything and relax, the tireless entrepreneur gave the tour in exchange for a minibus. MacDonald managed to exchange the minibus, of which there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in the world for a contract with a recording company.

It was not just a contract, but a whole “Kit for an aspiring star”: 30 hours of recording in the studio; 50 hours of mixing; transport to the Canadian city of Toronto from anywhere in the world and back; residing in Toronto, and delivering the recorded album to the folks at Sony-BMG and XM Radio.

It's unknown how well MacDonald can sing, but he didn't need to. But for the opportunity to record in Toronto, one young singer from the United States offered MacDonald and his girlfriend to live for free in her house in Arizona for a whole year. MacDonald traded an entire year of living in Arizona for just one evening with rock star Alice Cooper.

Then something incomprehensible happened: MacDonald gave an audience with the aged rocker in exchange for a toy - the so-called “snow globe”, a glass ball with figures and sparkles inside. Shake the ball and the sparkles swirl and fall onto the tiny landscape, like real snow. It’s beautiful, of course, but it’s definitely a step aside on the path to real estate.

But this is for mere mortals. Not so - Canadians gifted with business sense. Either MacDonald felt or knew that actor Corbin Brensen, the star of second-tier American soap operas, collects these same globes like an obsessive. Brensen already has 6,000 of these toys in his collection, and for the right to own one more, he promised MacDonald a paid role in his new film.

Well, then it’s simple. The people in the tiny town of Kipling, Saskatchewan, decided that having their own man on film set won't hurt. And for this - hurray! - suggested to MacDonald real home about two floors. White with red windows.

MacDonald said he was completely shocked by what happened. Now he's preparing to move to tiny Kipling (pop. 1,140). What he will do in a place unfamiliar to him is unknown, but something tells us that the young entrepreneur will not disappear there.


How to exchange paper clip to the house?

Is it possible to exchange a regular paper clip for a house? As it turned out, it is possible. This was achieved by 26-year-old Canadian Kyle MacDonald in 2006. Thanks to his online diary, in one year and 14 moves, he exchanged an ordinary paper clip for a real house worth $80,000.

During his life, Kyle delivered pizza, was a sales agent, and also advertised products. His greatest dream was to own his own house, which he could not afford with such work. And then an original idea came to his mind.

On July 15, 2005, Kyle posted on his blog that he and his girlfriend needed a house and intended to get it through a series of trades. Cash transactions were excluded, only pure exchange. He decided to start the exchange with an ordinary red paper clip.

Word of the funny promotion spread across the Internet, and the game turned into a real deal.

Two girls from Vancouver agreed to trade a fish-shaped ballpoint pen they found while traveling for a paperclip.

Kyle swapped this handle from an artist friend for a homemade clay door handle.

The door handle caught the eye of a certain Sean Sparks, who was moving to another city and therefore exchanged it for an old gas barbecue stove. He still had two of them, and he willingly parted with one of them.

MacDonald exchanged the tiles for a 1000-watt electric generator from one of his friends.

The generator was traded for an empty beer keg, a neon "Budweiser" sign, and a promise to fill the keg with beer.

Impressed by the story of such a wonderful chain of exchanges, a DJ from Montreal exchanged all this stuff for a snowmobile.

After receiving the snowmobile, Kyle MacDonald's first fame came. Canadian television became interested in his blog on the Internet, and he was immediately invited to film. There they asked him what he wanted to change the snowmobile for. Without thinking twice, he answered: a trip to Yak (Canadian mountain resort). Soon he received such an offer from one of the snowmobile magazines. So Kyle got an expensive trip for two to Yak.

Bruno Taillefer, a manager from the Cintas company, which produces uniforms for airport employees, wanted to get this voucher. In exchange, he gave away his old 1995 truck, which he had been meaning to sell for a long time.

The old truck, plastered with “Chintas” stickers, was purchased by a musician from Toronto to transport bulky equipment, in exchange for a contract with his recording studio.

Kyle gave the contract to an aspiring singer from Phoenix, Jodi Grant, and in return received the right to free accommodation in the second apartment of her house for a year.

This news immediately hit the newspapers. It would seem that Kyle MacDonald achieved his goal, but he did not stop. He gave up a year of free living in an apartment for one evening of communication with the famous rock musician Alice Cooper.

Readers of the blog, having learned about this, tore their hair out, they say, it was necessary to sell it so cheap! But the souvenir turned out to be quite rare and therefore highly valued by the band’s fans and collectors. Hollywood director Corbin Bernsen wanted to buy the ball for his collection. For it, he gave a paid and approved role with dialogues in his film Donna on Demand.

And the role has already been exchanged for a real house with three bedrooms, which is located in the Canadian city of Kipling. This exchange was proposed to Kyle by the Kipling mayor's office. The mayor's office held a citywide casting and gave the role to Kipling resident Nolan Hubbard.

Kyle MacDonald moved into a house exchanged for a paper clip with his beloved Dominique Dupuis. He invited everyone who participated in the exchanges to a housewarming party. Of the 14 people, 12 came to the party. In front of all these people, he solemnly became engaged to his girlfriend, putting a ring made of a small red paper clip on her finger.

Many people have tried and are trying to repeat the Canadian record. True, not many are lucky, but some are. For example, American Andrew Randazzo managed to exchange a yellow paper clip for a Pontiac in six moves in four months. So go for it, and you can do it too!