Accounting for the movement of goods and materials in accounting. What is goods and materials? Storage of material assets

Under the ringing abbreviation are hidden inventory items, without which no enterprise can operate normally.

Let's figure out how modern Russian accounting formalizes the movement of inventory items in a company, and what primary documents are needed for this.

What is goods and materials?

In the concept of commodity- material assets include the company’s assets that are used in the process of business management, act as an object for sale, and most importantly, they are materials and raw materials for the production of the company’s products.

Inventories also include goods purchased for resale.

Accounting for inventory items in accounting: postings

Inventory assets are taken into account in accounting at their actual cost, which includes the costs of their acquisition, including additional taxes, transportation costs for delivery, and customs duties.

To record the receipt, movement and write-off of inventory items, accounting accounts are used in accounting.

This is a group of accounts from the “Inventory” section, from 10 to 19.

Inventory and materials in the form of goods purchased for resale are accounted for in the “Finished products and goods” section under account 41.

An example of accounting entries for receipt of goods and materials:

In this case, the subaccount of account 10 “Materials” is determined by the type of goods and materials received. In addition to the supplier, materials can come from the founder, from an accountable person, or be manufactured on our own at your enterprise. In such cases accounting entries will look like this:

As for goods purchased for resale, account 41 appears in the postings.

By analogy with materials, goods can come from accountable persons, as a contribution to the authorized capital, as well as from own production. All postings will be similar, only instead of account 10, account 41 will appear.

Accounting for inventory items in accounting: documents

The receipt of materials in accounting by the enterprise is accompanied by the execution of such primary documents as invoice M-15, receipt order M-4. In some cases, an act of acceptance and transfer of materials or an accounting certificate may be issued.

The receipt of goods in accounting is formalized by acts in the forms TORG-1, TORG-2 and so on up to the form TORG-6. In addition, a journal for registering inventory items that require a curtain of containers, TORG-7, can be compiled.

Mezentseva Vasilisa

The concept of inventory.

Accounting for inventories at enterprises is organized in accordance with accounting standard No. 7 “Accounting for inventories,” which defines the scope of the standard, changes in inventories, their cost and valuation, recognition of expenses, and disclosure in reporting. This standard is used by entities when preparing and disclosing financial statements prepared on the basis of calculating the cost of inventory.

Inventory assets are assets in the form of:

· stocks of raw materials, materials, purchased semi-finished products and components (parts), fuel, containers and packaging materials, spare parts, other materials intended for use in production or in the performance of work and services;

· work in progress;

· finished products, goods intended for sale in the course of the entity's activities.

Account 002 "Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping"

Account 002 “Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping” is intended to summarize information about the availability and movement of inventory assets accepted for safekeeping.

Buying organizations record on account 002 “Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping” values ​​accepted for storage in the following cases: receipt from suppliers of inventory assets for which the organization legally refused to accept invoices of payment requests and pay them; receiving from suppliers unpaid inventory items that are prohibited from being spent under the terms of the contract until they are paid for; acceptance of inventory items for safekeeping for other reasons.

Supplier organizations record in account 002 “Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping” goods and materials paid for by buyers that are left in safe custody, issued with safekeeping receipts, but not taken out for reasons beyond the control of the organizations. Inventory assets are recorded on account 002 “Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping” at the prices specified in the acceptance certificates or in the payment request accounts.

Analytical accounting for account 002 “Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping” is maintained by owner organization, by type, grade and storage location.

Account 003 "Materials accepted for processing"

Account 003 “Materials accepted for processing” is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of raw materials and customer materials accepted for processing (raw materials supplied by customers), not paid for by the manufacturer. Accounting for the costs of processing or refining raw materials and materials is carried out on production cost accounts, reflecting the associated costs (with the exception of the cost of raw materials and materials of the customer). The customer's raw materials accepted for processing are accounted for in account 003 "Materials accepted for processing" at the prices stipulated in the contracts.

Analytical accounting for account 003 “Materials accepted for processing” is carried out by customers, types, grades of raw materials and materials and their locations.

Account 004 "Goods accepted for commission"

Account 004 “Goods accepted on commission” is intended to summarize information about the availability and movement of goods accepted on commission in accordance with the contract. This account is used by commission agencies.

Goods accepted for commission are recorded in account 004 “Goods accepted for commission” at the prices specified in the acceptance certificates. Analytical accounting for account 004 “Goods accepted for commission” is carried out by type of goods and organizations (persons) - consignors.

Account 10 "Materials"

Account 10 “Materials” is intended to summarize information about the availability and movement of raw materials, materials, fuel, spare parts, inventory and household supplies, containers, etc. valuables of the organization (including those in transit and processing).

Materials are accounted for on account 10 “Materials” at the actual cost of their acquisition (procurement) or accounting prices.

Organizations engaged in the production of agricultural products, products of their own production of the reporting year, reflected in account 10 “Materials”, are taken into account at the planned cost during this year (before the preparation of the annual reporting calculation). After preparing the annual reporting cost estimate, the planned cost of materials is adjusted to the actual cost.

When accounting for materials at accounting prices (planned cost of acquisition (procurement), average purchase prices, etc.), the difference between the cost of valuables at these prices and the actual cost of acquisition (procurement) of valuables is reflected in account 16 “Deviation in the cost of materials.”

Account 11 "Animals for growing and fattening"

Account 11 “Animals for growing and fattening” is intended to summarize information about the presence and movement of young animals; adult animals in fattening and feeding; birds; animals; rabbits; bee families; adult cattle culled from the main herd for sale (without fattening); livestock accepted from the population for sale. The costs of raising or fattening these animals are taken into account in account 20 “Main production” or 29 “Service production and farms”.

The purchase of animals from other organizations and persons is reflected in the debit of account 11 “Animals for raising and fattening” and the credit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” or 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” and other relevant accounts (for the amount of delivery and other similar expenses).

Animals culled from the main herd are registered under account 11 “Animals for growing and fattening” from the credit of account 01 “Fixed assets” (productive livestock at original cost; working livestock - in the amount of actual amounts received from sale and culling).

Young animals received as offspring are accounted for in the debit of account 11 “Animals for rearing and fattening” and in the credit of the account, which accounts for the costs of maintaining animals that bear offspring.

Account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets"

Account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” is intended to summarize information on the procurement and acquisition of inventories related to funds in circulation.

The debit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” includes the purchase value of inventories for which the organization received settlement documents from suppliers. In this case, entries are made in correspondence with accounts 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 20 “Main production”, 23 “Auxiliary production”, 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”, 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, etc. . depending on where certain values ​​came from, and on the nature of the costs of procuring and delivering inventories to the organization.

The credit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” in correspondence with account 10 “Materials” includes the cost of inventories actually received by the organization and recorded.

The amount of the difference in the cost of acquired inventories, calculated in the actual cost of acquisition (procurement), and accounting prices is written off from account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” to account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets.”

The balance of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” at the end of the month shows the availability of inventories on the way.

Account 20 "Main production"

Account 20 “Main production” is intended to summarize information about the costs of production, the products (works, services) of which were the purpose of creating this organization. Specifically, this account is used to record costs:

for the production of industrial and agricultural products;

for the implementation of construction and installation, geological exploration and design and survey work;

for the provision of services to transport and communications organizations;

to carry out research and development work;

The debit of account 20 “Main production” reflects direct costs associated directly with the production of products, performance of work and provision of services, as well as costs of auxiliary production, indirect costs associated with the management and maintenance of the main production, and losses from defects. Direct costs associated directly with the production of products, performance of work and provision of services are written off to account 20 “Main production” from the credit of inventory accounts, settlements with employees for wages, etc. Expenses of auxiliary production are written off to account 20 “Main production” from the credit of account 23 “Auxiliary production”. Indirect costs associated with the management and maintenance of production are written off to account 20 “Main production” from accounts 25 “General production expenses” and 26 “General expenses”.

Losses from defects are written off to account 20 “Main production” from the credit of account 28 “Defects in production”.

Account 21 "Semi-finished products of own production"

Account 21 “Semi-finished products of own production” is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of semi-finished products of own production in organizations that maintain separate records of them. In particular, this account can reflect the following semi-finished products manufactured by the organization (with a full production cycle): pig iron in ferrous metallurgy; raw rubber and adhesives in the rubber industry; sulfuric acid at nitrogen fertilizer plants chemical industry; yarn and raw materials in textile industry etc.

In organizations that do not maintain separate records of semi-finished products of their own production, these values ​​are reflected as part of work in progress, i.e. on account 20 “Main production”.

In the debit of account 21 "Semi-finished products of own production", as a rule, in correspondence with account 20 "Main production" expenses associated with the production of semi-finished products are reflected.

The credit of account 21 “Semi-finished products of own production” reflects the cost of semi-finished products transferred for further processing (in correspondence with account 20 “Main production”, etc.) and sold to other organizations and individuals (in correspondence with account 90 “Sales”).

Account 40 "Output of products (works, services)"

Account 40 “Output of products (works, services)” is intended to summarize information about manufactured products, works delivered to customers and services provided for the reporting period, as well as to identify deviations of the actual production cost of these products, works, services from the standard (planned) cost. This account is used by the organization when necessary.

The debit of account 40 “Output of products (works, services)” reflects the actual production cost of products released from production, works delivered and services provided (in correspondence with accounts 20 “Main production”, 23 “Auxiliary production”, 29 “Service production and facilities ").

The credit of account 40 “Output of products (works, services)” reflects the standard (planned) cost of manufactured products, completed works and rendered services (in correspondence with accounts 43 “Finished products”, 90 “Sales”, etc.).

Account 41 "Goods"

Account 41 “Goods” is intended to summarize information about the availability and movement of inventory items purchased as goods for sale. This account is used mainly by organizations carrying out trading activities, as well as organizations providing catering services.

In organizations carrying out industrial and other production activities, account 41 “Goods” is used in cases where any products, materials, products are purchased specifically for sale or when the cost finished products purchased for completion is not included in the cost of products sold, but is subject to reimbursement by buyers separately.

Organizations carrying out trading activities also take into account purchased containers and containers of their own production on account 41 “Goods” (except for inventory used for production or economic needs and accounted for on account 01 “Fixed assets” or 10 “Materials”).

Goods accepted for safekeeping are accounted for in an off-balance sheet account (002 Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping). Goods accepted for commission are accounted for in off-balance sheet account 004 “Goods accepted for commission.”

Account 42 "Trade margin"

Account 42 "Trade margin" is intended to summarize information about trade margins (discounts, markups) on goods in organizations that carry out retail trade, if they are accounted for at sales prices.

Account 42 “Trade margin” also takes into account discounts provided by suppliers to organizations engaged in retail trade for possible losses of goods, as well as for reimbursement of additional transportation costs.

Account 42 “Trade margin” is credited when goods are accepted for accounting for the amount of trade margin (discounts, markups).

Amounts of trade margins (discounts, markups) on goods sold, released or written off due to natural loss, defects, damage, shortages, etc., are reversed to the credit of account 42 “Trade margin” in correspondence with the debit of account 90 “Sales” and others corresponding accounts. The amounts of discounts (mark-ups) relating to unsold goods are clarified on the basis of inventory records by determining the applicable discount (mark-up) on goods in accordance with the established sizes.

The amount of a discount (mark-up) on the balance of unsold goods in organizations engaged in retail trade can be determined by a percentage calculated based on the ratio of the amount of discounts (mark-ups) on the balance of goods at the beginning of the month and the turnover on the credit of account 42 "Trade margin" (excluding reversed amounts) to the amount of goods sold during the month (at sales prices) and the balance of goods at the end of the month (at sales prices).

Account 43 "Finished products"

Account 43 “Finished products” is intended to summarize information about the availability and movement of finished products. This account is used by organizations engaged in industrial, agricultural and other production activities.

Finished products purchased for assembly (the cost of which is not included in the cost of the organization's output) or as goods for sale are recorded on account 41 "Goods". The cost of work performed and services provided is not reflected in account 43 “Finished products”, and the actual costs for them as they are sold are written off from the production cost accounts to account 90 “Sales”.

Acceptance for accounting of finished products manufactured for sale, including products partially intended for the organization’s own needs, is reflected in the debit of account 43 “Finished products” in correspondence with the accounts for recording production costs or accounts 40 “Output of products (works, services)". If the finished products are completely sent for use in the organization itself, then they may not be accounted for in account 43 “Finished products”, but are taken into account in account 10 “Materials” and other similar accounts, depending on the purpose of these products.

What's happened inventory items?

According to International standards accounting (IAS), which is consistent with the Russian accounting system, inventory assets are assets that:

  • held for resale in the normal course of business
  • are in the process of production for further sale; or
  • exist in the form of materials or supplies that will be consumed in the process of production or provision of services

According to the above definition, inventories are divided into three categories: raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. Raw materials are the unprocessed items that will be used in the production process, work in progress are items whose production is partially completed, and finished goods are finished goods that are ready for sale.

According to IAS, inventories reported in financial statements are generally classified according to the categories above (Raw Materials, Work in Process and Finished Goods). Russian system accounting defines seven categories of inventory items reflected in the balance sheet.

These include:

  • raw materials and components,
  • animals for growing and fattening,
  • low-value and high-wear items, taking into account accumulated wear and tear,
  • work in progress,
  • finished products,
  • goods for resale,
  • and goods shipped.

For IAS purposes, the classification adopted in Russian accounting, with the exception of goods shipped, can be grouped into the following categories: raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. Goods shipped should be excluded from the inventory classification for IAS purposes as this category will be treated as a receivable under accrual accounting.

More detailed information can be found in the Accounts Receivable or Sales sections of this manual.

Many people think that everything with inventory items is simple. But difficulties often arise in taking them into account and assessing them. Organizations are also required to conduct from time to time an inventory of existing inventory items at the enterprise. Carrying out an inventory allows you to compare the information available in documents with what the organization actually has. As a result inventory commission documents the results obtained, enters information about existing shortages or surpluses of the enterprise.

Depending on the results obtained, responsible persons reflect changes in accounting documentation and assign them to certain accounts. So, surpluses come in, relating their total price to the account financial result organizations. If shortages are found that do not exceed the established norms, they are written off as natural costs. If, during the inspection, shortfalls are found above the norm, then they are obliged to repay the guilty persons. If no such surplus is found, the surplus also goes towards the financial result.

The following methods are most often used to evaluate inventory:

  • Piece by piece. All available units of goods are counted separately.
  • FIFO method. Its essence is the following principle: “the first stock goes into production first.”
  • LIFO method. Its essence is that the last stock goes into production first.
  • Average price method. It is based on the assumption that the inventory materials available at the enterprise are sold in a random order due to their mixing during production.
  • Moving average technique. It is based on the fact that mixing of inventory items occurs every time after their new arrival. As a result, sales are carried out randomly.

The movement of goods and materials from the moment of acceptance into the warehouse until the moment of leaving the enterprise's warehouse must be documented and promptly reflected in accounting. The accounting department of an enterprise is responsible for general management and control over the correctness of document maintenance. Accounting for inventory items in accounting, postings and documents used in processing transactions must comply legislative norms and accepted at the enterprise accounting policy.

Document flow at an enterprise can be carried out using unified forms or in accordance with Federal Law N 402-FZ “On Accounting” as amended. dated 05/23/2016 using your own documentation forms, provided they contain all the required details.

Document flow when accounting for inventory items

Documents for registration of operations for the movement of goods and materials at the enterprise

Operation for materials for goods for finished products
Receipt of goods and materials waybills (unified form TORG-12), bills, railway waybills, invoices, powers of attorney for receiving goods and materials (f. f. M-2, M-2a) invoices for the transfer of finished products (form MX-18)
Acceptance of goods and materials receipt order (M-4), act of acceptance of materials (M-7) in case of discrepancies between the actual receipt and the invoice data act on acceptance of goods (form TORG-1), fill out the product label (form TORG-11) log of product receipts (MX-5), data is entered into cards warehouse accounting(M-17)
Internal movement of goods and materials requirement-invoice for materials (M-11) invoice for internal movement of goods (TORG-13)
Disposal of inventory items a production order, an order for issue from a warehouse or a limit-receipt card (M-8) when using issue limits, an invoice for issue to the side (M-15) invoice, waybill, consignment note (form TORG-12) invoice, waybill, consignment note (form TORG-12), invoice for external release (M-15)
Write-off of inventory items acts for writing off materials that have become unusable, acts for identifying shortages write-off acts (TORG-15, TORG-16) acts for writing off products that have become unusable, acts for identifying shortages
Any operation mark on the warehouse registration card (M-17) mark in the warehouse accounting journal (TORG-18)
Availability control, reconciliation with used data statements on accounting for material, production and inventory (MH-19), acts on random checks of the availability of materials (MH-14), reports on the movement of goods and materials in storage areas (MH-20, 20a), commodity reports (TORG-29)

Reflection of receipt of inventory items in accounting

Accounting entries for accounting for receipt of inventory items

Operation Dt CT Comment
materials received from the supplier (posting) Dt 10 Kt 60 according to incoming materials
Dt 19 Kt 60
Dt 68 Kt 19 according to the amount of VAT to be reimbursed
finished products arrived (accounting at actual cost) Dt 43 Kt 20
(23, 29)
when accounting for actual cost based on the amount of finished products received
finished goods received (accounting cost method) Dt 43 Kt 40 when accounting at book value based on the amount of finished products received
Dt 40 Kt 20 for the amount of actual cost
Dt 90-2 Kt 40 for the amount of discrepancies between the cost and the accounting value (direct or reversing at the end of the month)
goods have arrived from the supplier Dt 41 Kt 60 at the cost of purchasing goods
Dt 19 Kt 60 according to the VAT amount on the invoice
Dt 68 Kt 19 according to the amount of VAT to be reimbursed
Dt 41 Kt 42 by markup amounts for trade organizations

Reflection of the movement of inventory items in accounting

The movement of inventory items between warehouses is reflected by the correspondence of analytical accounting accounts within the corresponding balance sheet account.

Reflection of disposal of inventory items in accounting

The disposal of goods and materials when they are transferred to production or released to customers is reflected by the following entries:

Operation Dt CT
Manufacturing Enterprise Management Accounting

Accounting for inventory items

Accounting for inventory items (TMV) requires, as a rule, the processing of large volumes of information. Therefore, the configuration makes the user’s work as easy as possible through the widespread use of the default automatic data insertion mechanism, the ability to enter documents based on other documents, and using other techniques.

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products is implemented in a configuration in accordance with PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories” and methodological instructions on its application.

Operations of receipt, movement and disposal of inventory items (material assets) are registered by entering the relevant documents into the information base. In this case, accounting entries are generated automatically. Posting details are filled in based on the information contained in the document.

So, when registering the receipt of goods and materials by entering the document “Receipt of goods and services”, the range of incoming goods and materials is listed in the tabular part of the document on the “Goods” tab. Moreover, in the process of filling out the tabular part by the user for each item, the configuration automatically inserts an accounting account, a VAT account and some other data. This data is used by the configuration to automatically generate transactions.

A posting is generated for each entry in the “Products” tabular section. As a subconto (object of analytical accounting) of the debit of the transaction, indicate the directory element "Nomenclature" from the column of the same name in the tabular section "Goods".

Thus, analytical accounting of inventory items is carried out on the basis of the “Nomenclature” directory. This directory stores the names and other details of inventory items.

When automatically substituting an accounting account inventory accounting by default the configuration selects the most suitable entry from special list, stored in the information base.

To indicate the accounting account for settlements with the counterparty in the default transaction, the most suitable entry from another similar list will be selected.

Thanks to the use of the principle of default, it is possible to divide the work of accounting for inventory items between accountants and other employees of the enterprise as follows. Accountants carry out general methodological manual, control and fill out lists used to substitute accounting accounts into documents for accounting for movements of inventory items. (Moreover, the supplied configuration already contains lists pre-filled with the minimum required sets of records). And the employees responsible for registering movements of inventory items (employees of the logistics department, production units etc.), enter documents, fill them in with the names of inventory items, contractors and other details, after which accounting entries are generated automatically according to the rules prescribed by accountants.

Inventory assets can be disposed of for several reasons: as a result of sale, transfer to production, write-off, etc. The configuration supports the following methods for valuing inventory items upon their disposal:

  • at average cost;
  • at the cost of the first acquisition of inventories (FIFO method.

The choice of one method or another is set in the information base in the organization’s accounting policy settings.

In addition to synthetic accounting of inventory items on accounting accounts, the configuration provides analytical accounting by their types - item items (that is, elements of the "Nomenclature" directory) and by storage locations (warehouses). This allows you to generate accounting reports reflecting the availability and movement of inventory items by item items and storage locations in monetary and quantitative terms.

In accounting, postings to account 10 (Materials) play an important role. The cost of production and the final result of any type of activity - profit or loss - depend on how correctly and timely they were capitalized and written off. In this article we will look at the main aspects of accounting for materials and posting them.

The concept of materials and raw materials in accounting

These nomenclature groups include assets that can be used as semi-finished products, raw materials, components and other types of inventory assets for the production of products and services, or used for the own needs of an organization or enterprise.

Purposes of materials accounting

  • Control of their safety
  • Reflection in accounting of all business transactions involving the movement of inventory items (for cost planning and management and financial accounting)
  • Formation of cost (materials, services, products).
  • Control of standard stocks (to ensure a continuous cycle of work)
  • Revealing
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of mineral reserves.

Subaccounts 10 accounts

PBUs establish a list of certain accounting accounts in the Chart of Accounts that should be used to account for materials in accordance with their classification and item groups.

Depending on the specifics of the activity ( budgetary organization, manufacturing plant, trade and others) and accounting policies, accounts may be different.

The main account is account 10, to which the following sub-accounts can be opened:

Subaccounts to the 10th account Name of material assets Comment
10.01 Raw materials
10.02 Semi-finished products, components, parts and structures (purchased) For the production of products, services and own needs
10.03 Fuel, fuel and lubricants
10.05 Spare parts
10.06 Other materials (for example: ) For production purposes
10.07, 10.08, 10.09, 10.10 Materials for processing (outside), Construction materials, Household supplies, inventory,

The chart of accounts classifies materials according to item groups and the method of inclusion in a certain cost group (construction, production of own products, maintenance of auxiliary production and others, the table shows the most used ones).

Correspondence on account 10

The debit of 10 accounts in the postings corresponds with production and auxiliary accounts (on credit):

  • 25 (general production)

In order to write off materials, they also choose their own method in the accounting policy. There are three of them:

  • at average cost;
  • at cost of inventories;
  • FIFO.

Materials are released into production or for general business needs. Situations are also possible when surpluses are written off and defects, losses or shortages are written off.

Example of postings on account 10

The Alpha organization bought 270 sheets of iron from Omega. The cost of materials was 255,690 rubles. (VAT 18% - 39,004 rubles). Subsequently, 125 sheets were released into production at average cost, another 3 were damaged and written off as scrap (write-off at actual cost within the limits of natural loss norms).

Cost formula:

Average cost = ((Cost of remaining materials at the beginning of the month + Cost of materials received for the month) / (Number of materials at the beginning of the month + Number of materials received)) x number of units released into production

Average cost in our example = (216686/270) x 125 = 100318

Let's reflect this cost in our example:

Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount Base document
60.01 51 Paid for materials 255 690 Bank statement
10.01 60.01 to the warehouse from the supplier 216 686 Request-invoice
19.03 60.01 VAT included 39 004 Packing list
68.02 19.03 VAT is accepted for deduction 39 004 Invoice
20.01 10.01 Posting: materials released from warehouse to production 100 318 Request-invoice
94 10.01 Writing off the cost of damaged sheets 2408 Write-off act
20.01 94 The cost of damaged sheets is written off as production costs 2408 Accounting certificate

Materials accounting- is one of the main accounting transactions in the organization. The materials must be taken into account and the necessary entries must be made. The article discusses how to properly organize accounting for the receipt of materials, and provides tables with transactions that need to be reflected in the accounting department. For a more convenient perception of information, examples are given.

In accounting, account 10 “Materials” is used to account for materials. The debit of this account reflects the receipt of inventory items, and the credit their write-off.

Materials can arrive at the enterprise warehouse in several ways: (click to expand)

  • purchase of materials;
  • free transfer of materials;
  • in the form of a contribution to the authorized capital;
  • can be made in-house.

The cost of materials upon receipt can be taken into account in two ways:

  1. At actual cost (accounting occurs directly on account 10).
  2. At accounting prices (the accounting price can be the planned cost, average purchase prices), in this case, accounting for the cost of materials is formed using additional accounts 15 and 16.

Video lesson “Accounting for materials, postings, examples”

IN this video lesson expert teacher of the site “Accounting and tax accounting for dummies” Natalya Vasilyevna Gandeva talks in detail about Account 10 “Materials”, accounting, typical wiring and practical examples. To watch the video, click on it ⇓

You can get the slides for the presentation in the lesson using the link below.

Accounting for receipt of materials at actual cost (postings, example)

If inventory items are accepted for accounting at actual cost, then they are immediately debited to account 10 at the cost indicated in the supplier’s documents. If the organization is a VAT payer, then the tax amount is allocated for reimbursement from the budget to a separate sub-account. Postings when accounting for materials at actual cost are as follows:

Example of accounting for receipt of materials upon purchase

Postings for accounting for receipt of materials upon purchase

Sum Debit Credit Operation name
600000 60 51 Paid the cost of parquet
508475 10 60 Parquet was capitalized excluding VAT
91525 19 60 VAT allocated
6000 60 51 Delivery paid
5085 10 subaccount TZR60 Parquet delivery costs taken into account
915 19 60 VAT allocated
360000 20 10 Materials written off for production
360000 20 10 subaccount TZRTZR written off for production

TZR are written off once a month in one transaction. To determine the amount of write-off of transportation and procurement costs, the following ratio is determined:

Accounting for materials at accounting prices using accounts 15, 16 (postings, example)

If to account for materials, not the actual cost price is used, but the accounting price, then the accounting department uses additional accounts 15 and 16. Inventory and materials are entered into the debit of account 15 at the actual cost, and into the debit of account 10 at the accounting price. The difference between the actual and accounting price is called a deviation and is reflected in account 16. The excess of the accounting price over the actual price is reflected in the credit of account 16, the excess of the actual price over the accounting price is reflected in the debit of account 16. The wiring is shown in the table below.

Postings for accounting materials at accounting prices

The table below shows the main entries for accounting for receipt of materials (materials and materials).


Credit Operation name
60 51 The cost of the supplier's goods and materials has been paid
15 60 The cost of inventory items is taken into account according to supplier documents excluding VAT
19 60 VAT allocated
10 15 Inventories are capitalized at the accounting price
15 16
16 15 The excess of the actual price over the accounting cost is written off

Let's consider this option for accounting for materials using a specific example.

Example of accounting for receipt of materials

Postings for accounting for the purchase of materials for production

Sum Debit Credit Operation name
240000 60 51 Payment transferred to the supplier
200000 15 60 Inventory and materials are accounted for at actual cost excluding VAT
40000 19 60 VAT allocated
250000 10 15 Materials were capitalized at the accounting price
50000 15 16 The excess of the book price over the actual cost is written off
100000 20 10 400 pieces written off for production

If the purchase price exceeds the accounting price on account 16, a debit balance, this balance at the end of the month is written off to those accounts where the materials were written off proportionally according to the formula:

(debit balance at the beginning of the month on account 16 + debit turnover on account 16) x credit turnover on account 10 / (debit balance at the beginning of the month on account 10 + debit turnover on account 10).

If the purchase price is less than the discount price, then account 16 has a credit balance, which at the end of the month is written off according to the formula:

(credit balance at the beginning of the month of account 16 + credit turnover of account 16) x credit turnover of account 10 / (debit balance at the beginning of the month of account 10 + debit turnover of account 10)

In our example, the purchase price is less than the accounting price, account 16 has a credit balance, we determine the above ratio:

At the end of the month posting D20 K16 write off the amount of 20,000.

In addition to purchase, materials can be supplied to the enterprise in other ways: (click to expand)

  1. Producing materials in-house: wiring D10 K20 (23)- materials manufactured were capitalized.
  2. Receipt of materials as contribution to: posting D10 K75.
  3. Donation (free transfer of materials): free receipt of materials is documented by posting D10 K98, then account 98 is closed at 91 by posting D98 K91.

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