Lady Bear butterfly is a summer miracle by the stream. Why isn't it on fire yet?

Belongs to the family of bears Arctiidae, numbering 6,000 species in the world. There are about 90 species in Russia. One group of bears is called lichen bears, they are thinner, faded and not furry. Another group is the true bears - butterflies with a thick spotted abdomen and comb-like antennae. Often butterflies are very colorfully colored - black, yellow, red, white. Most bears are twilight-nocturnal species; there are also several species that are active during the day.

It is believed that the thick “fur” of the caterpillars helps them insulate themselves on cold nights. In any case, the butterflies were called “bears” for this thick hair covering of their caterpillars. Warty hairy bear caterpillars feed on a wide range of host plants, but they are especially fond of a variety of grasses.

Among the bears there are pests - for example, the American white butterfly Hyphantria cunea. Young caterpillars of the American white butterfly build a web nest and live together in it. During the day, the caterpillars leave the nest and eat leaves, and in the evening they return to it and spend the night together. Having matured, the caterpillars leave their “native nest” and live alone, and then pupate.

Caterpillars of the dipper Spilarctia imperialis also live in colonies, constructing a common web nest. This helps protect against many non-specific predators - not just any insect will get into the thick of the web. But the ground beetle Parena perforata lives right in these nests. More precisely, its larvae live in the nest and feed to their heart’s content without leaving the nests of these caterpillars. The only thing that limits the larva is the size of the caterpillar: small ground beetle larvae cannot cope with a hefty caterpillar and are forced to make do with small caterpillars.

The Kaya bear is one of the most common in our country; it is distributed from the European part of Russia to Siberia and Far East. This one is comparatively large butterfly reaches 80 mm in wingspan. Butterflies are found in July-August, their wings are colored differently, but usually brown with a yellow-white pattern - good example dismembering coloring. The hind wings and abdomen are brick red with shiny black spots. An alarmed female bear immediately opens her “camouflage” on her front wings, showing black or blue eye-shaped spots on her red hind wings, and immediately shoots a toxin from the glands located in her abdomen at the enemy struck by her red underwear. The caterpillars, like most bears, feed on herbaceous plants, and also on honeysuckle, mountain ash, willow, and can eat raspberries and apple trees.

It is known that many butterflies (including bears) hear well. Between the chest and abdomen, bear butterflies have a tympanic organ that hears ultrasound in the range of 3-100 kHz. Thanks to this organ, the butterfly hears the ultrasonic cry of the bat, which is tracking it. After this, he performs an anti-mouse maneuver, falls with a turn, sits down and waits until the danger has passed.

Ursa bears are famous as the most talkative family of butterflies. Indeed, many of them make a variety of sounds. At the same time, some bears have a perfect sound apparatus (like cicadas): the timbal plates, sharply returning to their place after the muscles change their curvature, produce a loud sound. The bear butterfly locates the bat and can communicate with other individuals of its species. Some female bears can emit sound using special “castanets,” which are dense chitinous plates on the edges of their hind wings. When the wings are brought together, the plates hit each other and click. Moreover, the chamber under the folded wings serves as a resonator, amplifying the sound.

Some female bears were not satisfied with passive sound defense (evading encounters with a bat), but themselves went on the offensive: Cycnia tenera produces ultrasonic clicks of considerable force (“ticks”), which prevent bats from finding their direction. Other bears are inedible for bats. And in order to reduce the number of mutually unpleasant conflicts, mother bears, in response to the “hunting howl” of a bat, emit identification ultrasonic signals that allow them to be distinguished from other edible butterflies - something like “I am completely inedible, and you know it.” This signal is “read” by the bat as an indication that the object is inedible.

It is less known that butterfly caterpillars also hear and this is very beneficial for them. Many wasps, such as ammophila wasps, hunt butterfly caterpillars to feed their larvae. So, they track caterpillars by smell - they “sniff out” the caterpillar along the trail in the grass forest. And the caterpillar hears the wasp: it perceives its buzzing and hides - it freezes or falls from the blade of grass. True, she can hear it from a maximum of ten centimeters away, but sometimes this even saves the caterpillar’s ​​life - how come the winged huntress hasn’t yet seen the fat caterpillar’s ​​body, still wandering between the stems?

Moths with a thick, shaggy body and colorful wings are representatives of the bear family. There are 11 thousand species in the world. The greatest diversity was noted in South America– 5 thousand species, 150 species of bear butterflies live in Russia. Unusual name the family is obliged appearance caterpillars Their bodies are covered with thick black or brown hairs. The larvae were compared to bear cubs, and their parents were compared to mother bears. Moths have different sizes, the largest are more than 11 cm. The brightly colored lady bear butterfly lives in the temperate zone. It can be found on wet edges, along rivers and streams. In all habitats, insect numbers are declining. They are included in the Red Book in Russia and Ukraine.

Description of the species

The lady bear (Callimorphadominula) belongs to the large family of Lepidoptera, the female bear. A medium-sized insect with a wingspan of 45-55 mm. The front wings are black with a blue or green tint. They are covered with chaotically scattered yellow and white spots irregular shape. The pattern varies among different individuals. The hind wings are smaller than the front wings and are bright red, orange or yellow. Along the edge there are black spots and bands.

Lady Bear Butterfly

Information. Synonyms for the name are: bear-girl and bear-hostess.

The head is black, the eyes are bulging, occupying most of it. The antennae are black, thread-like. Distinctive feature type - presence oral apparatus. Many butterflies of the family do not feed, but the lady bear has a developed proboscis, which allows it to drink the nectar of flowers. IN free state the organ is coiled in the shape of a spiral.

The body of the imago is thickened, densely covered with hairs. The chest is black, there are two on the back yellow stripes. The abdomen is red with a wide longitudinal stripe of black color. Walking legs are short.

Distribution area

The species is distributed in the Palearctic zone. In Europe it lives over a large area, northern border- Sweden. Found in Asia, the Middle East - Turkey, Iran. In Russia it lives in the central, southwestern, and northwestern regions. Butterfly in large quantities lives in the Caucasus. The species is observed in the south of the Ural Mountains.


Favorite habitats of Callimorphadominula are mixed or sparse deciduous forests. They often settle in bushes, along road ditches, and on the banks of streams. Butterflies become active after dark. During the day they hide in damp, shady places. But there are exceptions to the rules; sometimes adults can be seen during the day, when moths fly over flowers, collecting nectar from umbrella plants.

The moths fly in June-July. The species is sedentary; males and females do not spend much time looking for a partner.

After mating, eggs are laid on the main food plants of the caterpillars:

  • stinging nettle;
  • jasmine;
  • buttercup;
  • geranium.
There are several subspecies of Callimorphadominula living in Europe and Asia:
  • C. d. philippsi – Azerbaijan, northern Iran;
  • C. d. rossica – Caucasus. Transcaucasia;
  • C. D. persona – Italy.

These are just a few subspecies. Also interesting is the yellow form of the female bear f. flava.

Defense mechanism

The species has a weak flight, so catching a moth is not difficult. At the same time, they do not have many natural enemies. This is due to the presence of poison in the body of insects. The hemolymph of the imago is bitter; not many birds and reptiles like it. Defense mechanism is present not only in adult representatives of the species, but also in larvae. Long and thick hairs are a decoration, and a kind of shield from predators. Even in humans they can cause allergic reaction, if you frighten the caterpillar by picking it up.

Information. The bright colors of the wings warn animals about the danger of the lady bear to their health.


Lepidoptera are insects with complete metamorphosis. The lady bear gives birth to one generation per year. Caterpillars appear 6-8 days after laying. At the first instar they are light yellow, with a large round head and many hairs on the body. The offspring are polyphagous; in addition to the plants listed above, the caterpillars prefer to feed on raspberries, blackberries, willows, nettles, honeysuckle, and forget-me-nots.

The adult larva is black and blue with bright yellow longitudinal stripes on the back and sides. The burning hairs on the caterpillar's body are collected in bunches. The yellow stripes are interrupted by black and white warts. Caterpillars enter winter diapause. They wrap themselves in a light, loose cocoon and hide among the foliage and plant debris. Pupation occurs in May of the following year. The pupa is dark brown.

How to save butterflies?

Variegated butterflies Callimorphadominula became one of the many victims economic activity person. Their number is declining everywhere, in some regions they remained in single copies, and were included in the Red Books of regions as rare species. Protective measures to preserve the number of insects are being taken in 20 regions of the Russian Federation. The lady bear butterfly is also included in the appendix to the Red Book of Russia.

There are several reasons for the decline in butterfly numbers:

  • Burning the grass into forest-steppe zone habitat.
  • Reducing the area of ​​biotypes suitable for life and reproduction - wet meadows with forbs, forest edges.
  • Removing fallen leaves in which the insect overwinters.
  • Isolation of local populations, making it difficult for the species to spread to new territories.
  • Grazing of livestock, uncontrolled haymaking, direct destruction of butterflies.

Among the protective measures taken to preserve the species are regulation of recreational load, control of grazing and haymaking in forest clearings. In the habitats of the female bear, regulated use of insecticides is introduced. Great value has the identification of new habitats of butterflies and taking them under protection.

Ursa Family

I love this beauty, but try to find her during the day - she hides and flies at night. I see caterpillars often, it’s hard not to notice them - in the fall they crawl across the road for the winter, and in the spring, having already grown a lot, they hang on willows, aspens, sit in the grass - they are polyphagous, that is, they eat different types plants.

At the end of May, I took the largest caterpillar from the willow and brought it home. I put the willow branches in a jar of water and covered the water with cotton so that the caterpillar would not drown. I put all this in a three-liter jar and covered it with a handkerchief with an elastic band. I wiped the jar from condensation to prevent mold.

The caterpillar gnawed on the leaves for two weeks, and I regularly brought it fresh ones. Then she wove a cocoon between the leaves, strengthening it with prickly hairs from her body. And then a couple of weeks later a butterfly was born. I photographed it and took it to the forest.

During the day these butterflies sleep. But if they are frightened, they show their lower bright wings and shoot a poisonous liquid from their abdomen. Kayas fly from July to August, and then young caterpillars appear and spend the winter.

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In May I found two such caterpillars near a dacha in the Naro-Fominsk region. I regret that I didn’t take one in for upbringing - now they are flying somewhere, but I can’t find them. These are secretive moths and are quite rare among us. It seems to me that there should be more of them further south.

The small caterpillar overwinters, then feeds and grows in the spring. The butterfly flies in June-July. The caterpillar is polyphagous - I saw one on meadow geraniums, the other on cereals.

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I often see these small (5 mm) bugs on flowers - they feed on pollen. Larvae are predators. In some species of little ones they prey on aphids, in others they live in rotten wood and eat bark beetle larvae. “Malacus” in Latin means soft, gentle. These beetles do not have such hard covers as others.

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Although the rider hatched from the pupa of the lady bear, I still met the butterfly at the end of June - it was sitting in the grass in the place where I took the caterpillar. Only her right wing is slightly deformed - apparently she was born this way. No one will eat it, because... many bears are poisonous.

Later I met two more she-bears of this species - on chamomile and yarrow.

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The lady's caterpillar feeds on buttercups, nettles, poplar, and rowan.

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Phymatopus hecta with sheath Psyche sp.

Slender moth heather, family Slender moths

Last year I didn’t see them anywhere, but now I see them all the time, and only males. Females are lighter.

Flies in June-July. The caterpillar lives on heather, bracken and knotweed.

Nearby you can see the case of a bagworm butterfly - the caterpillars construct cases from bark and blades of grass and carry them around. Male butterflies are usually gray and fluffy, while females are wingless.

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Ringed centipede, female (Nephrotoma crocata)

The males are smaller, slimmer and somewhat twitchy - they jump back and forth among the flowers. One even somehow got his feet entangled in an inflorescence, and I pulled him out of there. The thing at the end of the female’s body is the ovipositor.

Centipedes lay eggs in damp soil and silt near the shores of water bodies. They don't bite. The ringed centipede feeds on nectar.

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Beauty Girl (Calopteryx virgo)

Last year I photographed these dragonflies for a long time, and found only males. And this year, females also appeared - they sat next to the males at the edge of the forest. Sometimes they took off, caught midges, sat on leaves and chewed food. One male was so calm that he even sat on my hand!

The larvae of beauties develop for 2-3 years in shallow reservoirs.

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Meadow tick (Dermacentor reticulatus), family Ixodid ticks

This is the only animal I can't stand. It doesn’t have charming eyes, fluffy mustaches, and it doesn’t even itch – it silently does its dirty work!

Our ticks carry borreliosis (Lyme disease). If you remove the tick immediately, you will not get sick; if later, you need to take 200 mg of Doxycycline within 72 hours after the bite to prevent borreliosis. And don’t wait a day for the doctor to pull out the tick - pull it out yourself with a needle and that’s the end of it (it takes a particularly long time to pull out the proboscis).

The photo shows a characteristic hunting pose - with its legs spread out, the tick sniffs out prey. If anyone suddenly needs it, here I wrote in more detail about ticks -

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Linden corydalis (humpbacked capuchin - Ptilodon capucina), family Corydalis

This species has a cool caterpillar, but for some reason I can’t find it. I met a butterfly for the first time - it was sitting in the grass on a slope above a stream, and I had to balance on one leg so as not to fall into this stream. The butterfly is nocturnal, so it sleeps during the day, and you can safely photograph it. We have two generations of capuchins - at the beginning of summer and at the end of summer. The pupa overwinters.

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Pearl megarissa (Megarhyssa perlata), family Ichneumonidae (Ichneumonidae)

Ichneumon in Greek means bloodhound.

Megarissa pearl is listed in the Red Books of many regions. Rarely seen, there are few photographs of her on the Internet.

I once read in the magazine “In the World of Animals” a photo story by a macro photographer about pearl megarissa. I was struck by its size and variegated coloring - the rest of our riders are monochromatic, black or red. A lot of time has passed since then, and now I finally found Megarissa! Yes, not just one, but three at once.

At the beginning of July, I was walking out of the forest in the evening; it was almost eight. I saw a bunch of fallen birch trees, took a closer look, and there one megarissa was flying and buzzing, another was sitting and cleaning its tail, and the third was drilling into the tree with its ovipositor.

Riders smell the larvae of bark beetles and other insects directly through the bark. They drill into the bark with their ovipositor and lay an egg directly into the larva. The ichneumon ichneumon larva develops inside the host and eventually destroys it.
Some small species of ichneumon fly are bred en masse in scientific institutes to treat fields against pests.

The riders are not at all interested in the person and do not try to prick him - unless if you grab them and squeeze them with your hand.

Megarissa specializes in horntails - these are hymenoptera, like sawflies, also vegetarians, the larvae live in diseased wood. Megarissa lays an egg exactly next to the horntail larva under the bark. The hatched megarissa larva rides on the horntail until it eats it. When the rider lays an egg, he puts an odorous mark so that another rider does not touch this victim - after all, it is already occupied.

The body length of Megarissa without ovipositor is about 4.5 cm, and the ovipositor longer than body! In flight and in the sound of its wings, it resembles some kind of skinny dragonfly with a long thread trailing behind it.

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Speckled bear (Spilosoma lubricipeda), Ursa family

If you touch this fluffy butterfly, it falls over and pretends to be dead. Usually hides during the day and flies at night. In case of danger, shows it to enemies yellow belly, warning of toxicity. The caterpillars are fluffy, dark with a yellowish stripe, and are found on nettles, willow, geraniums and some other plants. Butterflies fly from May to July.

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Who would have thought that the laminated wing looked so funny in infancy!

And an adult is like this -

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Adult grasshoppers fly well, sometimes they even fly to our third floor.

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Epiphragma ocellare, family Limoniidae

The pattern on the wings impressed me - just like a mosquito!

Swamp mosquitoes are similar in appearance and lifestyle to long-legged mosquitoes. But they are usually smaller and have different wing venation. The larvae live in ponds or damp places, feed on dead organic matter, and some are predatory. Adults do not bite and hide in damp places.

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Enoplognatha ovata, family Theridiidae

These spiders are usually pale green-yellow, but sometimes you come across these elegant ones. The size of the female is 6 mm. At the same time, she easily catches insects twice her size.

They live in raspberry bushes or in the grass, where they build small nets in the form of hammocks. They are quite harmless to humans, although there is a black widow in the same family.


At the cinema:

“The Amazing Spider-Man” - at first I was skeptical about the reboot of this project, but in the end I liked this film more than the old Spider-Man. A real adventure drama, where you sympathize with the main villain, and a couple of the main actors look nicer than Toby and Dunst. The only thing I didn’t like was the soundtrack - I don’t even remember what kind of music it was.

“Brave” is a beautiful, good, kind cartoon about the search for a golden mean in relationships between generations. True, there are not enough adventures, and the soundtrack is weak.

"Magic Mike" - the film is billed as an incendiary comedy, but in fact it is a boring melodrama. However, the dance numbers are good, and Matthew McConaughey is surprisingly wonderful as the owner of the strip club.

Rock of Ages - I'm a fan of musicals and rock, so I'm excited! I wrote a review here, where you can listen to how he sings... Tom Cruise -

I read that Katie filed for divorce from Tom - they say that he is a despot and a tyrant, did not allow her to star in new films and wanted to send her daughter Suri to a Scientology school. I wonder if he tied her to a chair?


On the Internet:

“Game of Thrones” - I’ve heard a lot about this series (2 seasons of 10 episodes each have been filmed so far), its rating on Kinopoisk is high. The film turned out to be really fascinating and extremely tough and frank - I do not recommend it for children under 16. This is something like the story of the War of the White and Scarlet Roses in a light fantasy treatment. Politics, intrigue, love, war. Actually, from fantasy there are only Shadows, Others and Dragons (occasionally). It's a pity for wolves and ravens - people treat them unfairly.

Sean Bean and his Eddard Strack are wonderful. It's a pity that in almost all films Sean Bean is killed. IN lately Sean looks a little tired and shabby, they say he drinks too much. Eh, there used to be one like this sexy man. I would take an example from Tom Cruise - he looks 10 years younger and plays sports.
My favorite characters in Game of Thrones are Daenerys (the blonde), Lord Stark and his daughter Arya.

“Lollipop” - at one time this film was actively discussed, but I only watched it now. The film is provocative, controversial, with only two actors on the screen. But it's exciting and interesting. True, the ending is stupid, and in general it’s absurd - a Terminator girl. And the plot is this: a teenage girl decides to make fun of her pedophile uncle... There are also older films on the theme of victim and executioner, for example, “The Virgin and Death” by Polanski.

“The Girl and the Little Fox” - (France, 2007) - I recommend it to all nature lovers. Nowadays this is rarely filmed, and I’m afraid children are reluctant to watch such things. It's a pity, this is a worthwhile film, deep, dramatic. A bright, beautiful, kind movie that immersed me in pleasant memories - as a child I also ran through the forests. Only I didn’t get lost in the caves. It’s great that the girl in the film understood an important thing - if you love, don’t strive to possess.

As for foxes, it is not difficult to tame cubs; some even keep them at home. But then you can’t return them to the forest - they will die. Adult foxes are difficult to tame, but some come to the dachas and take the chicken directly from their hands.

It’s interesting that at the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics you can buy truly domestic foxes -
I saw a story about them. These foxes have been selected for years on the principle of “the kindest and most tame.” As a result, we got a pure line of absolutely domestic foxes - they never bite, they can be picked up, they are not dangerous for children, and they get along with dogs and cats.
By the way, domestic fox She becomes very attached to her owner, and if he wants to return her to the farm, it will be stressful.

Ursa Butterflies

As a rule, these are medium-sized butterflies, sometimes large. Usually with a bright pattern of spots and stripes. Why was this gentle creature called that? The fact is that bear caterpillars are covered with thick dark hairs, like wool. There are more than 6,000 species in this family, found in all parts of the world.

U Ursa Major the wingspan reaches 8 centimeters. They are brown with a yellow pattern along them. leading edge, hind wings are yellow, with a black pattern, the abdomen is red. This butterfly is now rare, but was once very common in Europe. Caterpillars overwinter twice before pupating.

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Dippers: mint and rustic

They feed mainly on the leaves of honeysuckle and bird cherry, as well as other low-growing plants.

The bear Kaya has a span of more than 6 centimeters. Her forewings are brown with a yellow-white pattern. The abdomen and hind wings are usually brick red with shiny black spots. The caterpillar is hairy and dark brown, and is not particularly picky about food. This butterfly is very widespread in Europe.

Trans-Caspian gloomy bear - this amazing insect is also called the cave butterfly. Butterfly in the cave! This in itself is unusual. No, of course, some butterflies living in mountainous areas often hide under the arches of caves from the scorching summer heat. But the bear is gloomy, this special case, she lives in a cave. Butterflies hang on the walls, as well as on staloctites and stalagmites. At night they leave their shelters and sometimes fly to the light from the fire of tourists who have explored the caves. But the most mysterious thing is that the hairy caterpillars of this butterfly were discovered very far from the caves, and lived on wormwood.

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Butterflies are usually brightly and variegated in color, with a thick body, and more or less large. Unlike cutworms, the abdomen is often brightly colored, with spots or stripes that stand out against the general background. Small species are mostly not brightly colored. Males have comb-like antennae, bare eyes, and a short proboscis, often reduced. Gus. very hairy (hence the name of the family). Most species of this family feed on grasses, plants, geese. lichens - on lichens and liverworts. Over 50 species have been discovered in the European part of the USSR.

1.! URSA BEAR (Arctia caja L.). 47-80 mm. Years in VI-VIII. The species is very variable. Range - almost the entire European part, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia. Gus. polyphagous, feed on a wide variety of grasses, plants, as well as some trees and bushes. Black, with very long black hairs, gray at the tip. At the end of spring they live in meadows, on many grasses. rast. The pupa is black, in a soft cocoon with woven hairs.

2. VILLAGE BEAR (Epicallia villica L. (Arctia). 50-60 mm. Years VI-VII. Common, except for the northern ones. Hussies live on plantain, nettle, yarrow, strawberry and other herbal plants. Because variations in the pattern on the wings of butterflies distinguish several of their varieties. They are distributed in the southern and middle regions of the European part, in the Caucasus and Central Asia. They are black, with brown hairs and a dark red head, the pupa is black, the abdominal rings are with red cutouts, and are white. - gray cocoon.

3.! URSA HERA (Euplagia quadripunctaria Poda. (Callimorpha hera L.). 50-55 mm. Years at the end of VII-VIII. Range - middle zone, south. Flies during the day. Distributed in the southern, partly in the middle regions of the European part, on The Caucasus and Central Asia. Loves mountainous areas. Hus are found on plantain, clover, gorse, oak and beech. In the lutenscens variety, there are yellow or orange stripes. The hind wings and abdomen are not red, but yellow.

4. HOST BEAR (Pericallia matronula L.). 70-80 mm. Years in VI-VII. It is found in the middle regions and southern Siberia. Gus. live on bird cherry, honeysuckle, hazel, hawkweed, plantain, blueberry, dandelion, etc. The color is dark brown.

5. URSA HEBE (Ammobiota hebe L. (Arctia). 47-53 mm. Years in V-VII. Range - middle and southern regions of the USSR, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Southern Siberia. Not common. Gus. develop on yarrow , milkweed, quinoa, dandelion and other herbs. Black, with long gray-black and rusty hairs.

6. LADY BEAR (GIRL) (Panaxia dominula L. (Callimorpha). 45-55 mm. VI-VII years old. Flies in the middle, southern and partly northern regions, in the Caucasus. Females have red hind wings and abdomen, males have yellow ones. Gus. polyphagous, live on various grasses, plants, nettles, strawberries, raspberries, willows, poplars, etc. Black and blue, with yellow hairs and spots on the back and sides.

7.! PURPLE DIPPER (Rhyparia purpurata L.). 42-45 mm. Flies during the day, in VI-VII. Gus. polyphagous, develop on wormwood, yarrow, plantain and other herbs, less often on willows, bird cherry, raspberries, apple trees, etc. The butterfly is common in our middle, northern, partially southern regions, the Caucasus and Southern Siberia. Gus. black, with reddish and yellowish hairs. Butterflies need protection.

8. MEADOW BEAR (Diacrisia sannio L.) - male. Males 40-48 mm, females 35-42 mm. Years in VI-IX. Gus. develop on nettle, bedstraw, plantain, dandelion and other herbs. rast.

9. MEADOW BEAR - female (smaller than male).

10. BLOODY BEAR (Hypocrita jacobaee L.). 30-39 mm. Years in V-VI. Gus. live on the godson. The butterfly is cylindrical, black, found throughout the European part, except the northern part, but with gaps.

11. Plantain bear (Parasemia plantaginis L.) - male. 32-37 mm. Years in V-VII. It is found almost throughout Europe and Siberia, in forests. Gus. live on plantain and other herbs. rast. The color is black, with red in the middle.

12. Plantain bear - female.

13. POPLAR LICHEN (Eilema complana L. (Lithosia). 32-35 mm. Years VI-VIII. In our country it is widespread in the middle regions in coniferous forests. Gus. live on various lichens; blackish, with a black dorsal line with white spots.

14. AMERICAN WHITE BUTTERFLY (Hyphantria cunea Drury.) - male. 25-40 mm. Years in V-VIII. Area - southwest. Gus. polyphagous, damage up to 200 garden, forest and agricultural plants. When they multiply in masses they are very harmful. The butterfly was brought from the USA at the beginning of the Second World War (discovered for the first time in Hungary, and in 1952 in Transcarpathia).


16. WHITE STRIPED BEAR (Coscinia cribraria L. (Callimorpha cribrum L.) - female. 38-43 mm. Years VI-VII. Geese. Found on heather, cereals and other herbal plants.

17. YELLOW STRIPED BEAR (Euprepia striata L. (Callimorpha, Coscinia) - male. 32-35 mm. Years VI-VII. Geese live on heather, cereals, wormwood and other herbal plants.

18. BROWN-YELLOW BEAR (Huphoraia aulica L.). 35-40 mm. Years in V-VI. Gus. develop on peas, plantain, yarrow and other herbs. rast.

19. MOCKED BEAR (Spilosoma menthastri Esp.). 35-42 mm. Years in V-VI. Gus. live on nettle, buckwheat, mint, sorrel and other herbs. rast.

20. PUTTLE DIPPER (Utetheisa pulchella L.). 32-40 mm. Years in V-IX. Area - MS. strip, south. Gus. develop on plantain, forget-me-not and other herbs. rast.

21. BROWN BEAR (Phragmatobia fuliginosa L.). 32-38 mm. Years in V-VIII. Area - MS. strip, south. Gus. polyphagous, live on grass. rast. Sometimes they harm beets and other garden plants.

22. FOURSPOTTED LICHEN (Lithosia quadra L. (Oeonistis) - female. 44-52 mm. Years VI-VIII. Found everywhere except in the north. Gus. live on lichens, trunks of oaks, beeches, pines, chestnuts and fruit trees, often on the leaves of these trees.