Sharapovo sorting center then where to. "Russian Post" hit the sorting

Relatively recently, mail played a vital role in the life of every person. The only way to communicate between cities was by sending a letter or telegram. Moreover, to keep abreast of events, people subscribed to newspapers. With the development of cellular communications and the Internet, for a short period it seemed that mail was completely obsolete. But there were parcels and registered letters. And here the development of online stores has opened a new page in

Today, most people prefer to shop online. Parcels are delivered by Russian Post. All of them pass through a special distribution center. For international postal items there is sorting center in Sharapovo. Where is it, we will talk to you today.

"Post office"

Each region has a branch that is responsible for delivering correspondence in its area. All branches are divided into 10 macro-regions, each of which has one common center where all parcels arrive for further distribution. There are two branches in Moscow, which are united into one macro-region.

But that's not all. The Vnukovo logistics center is located on the territory of the region, which processes shipments not only within the country, but also international parcels.

What's going on here

Let us repeat once again where it is: the sorting center in Sharapovo is located not far from Podolsk. Life is in full swing here around the clock: huge machines blink with red lights, conveyors hum. As a result, all parcels and letters are distributed and sent to post offices in six regions of Russia.

A person may not even know where it is. The sorting center in Sharapovo operates as follows. Let's say a person sent a letter to Vladivostok. It will go first to the Podolsk ASC, then to regional office.

Let's take a look inside

Residents of the region know exactly where it is. The sorting center in Sharapovo is a place of work for many. Here, 350 people work per shift, and a total of 1,650 people are employed. It sorts ordinary and registered letters, as well as parcels. After that, they are sent to regional post offices, where their final recipients receive them.

For you it all ends when you drop the letter in mailbox. But work postal service This is just the beginning. It arrives at the distribution center, receives a dispatch date, and the mail containers go to the regional sorting center.


The majority of shipments at the processing center are corporate correspondence. This number also includes notifications from government agencies, for example, fines from the traffic police. But the functional tasks do not end there; packages and parcels are also processed here.

You can see where the sorting center in Sharapovo is located on the map above. The sorting speed here is maximum - only 21 hours. This is how much time passes between the entry and exit of correspondence. About 3 million letters and parcels pass through the center every day. In spring, the influx increases greatly, because government agencies send holiday notifications. December is not far behind - the season of congratulations.

Modernization of work

The sorting center in Sharapovo underwent improvements two years ago. First of all, the task was to simplify and speed up the processing of correspondence. This was done thanks to automation and competent logistics:

  • Now all parcels are sorted using special equipment. Today you can see on every letter or parcel the imprint “Left from the sorting center in Sharapovo”, the date and time. Previously, parcels could not leave the center for several days. In order for these changes to start working, a large-scale reorganization and optimization of all business processes was carried out.
  • The second point is logistics. The routes were revised and unnecessary points were removed. For example, a person in Omsk sent a letter to an addressee in his city. It goes to the Moscow sorting center and then comes back. Local shipments are now processed within the city.

Departments that are subordinate to

Address of the sorting center in Sharapovo: 102975, Moscow, Sharapovo. That's all the data. In fact, the address is not written down anywhere; all clarifications on this issue come down to the wording “near the village of Sharapovo.” Apparently, this object is simply impossible here. On the other hand, since this does not prevent letters and parcels from freely getting here and going to their addresses, it means that it is really not difficult. The object is subordinate to:

  • plot;
  • several workshops.

How does sorting work?

A person, or rather an operator, begins work. Its task is to initially scan the barcode. At the same time, information appears in a special program about what type of mail was received. The data is uploaded to the official website. Now a client who knows the identification code can find out where his parcel is located.

Exemplary order reigns here, which allows you to avoid mistakes. All containers are distributed among the workshops: written correspondence, parcels and express shipments. To date, the last workshop is only partially automated. The use of manual scanning continues. According to the employees themselves, this is due to the fact that some items have a non-standard shape.

Sorting regular emails

Manual labor is also partially preserved here. Operators put them in boxes so that they lie “facing” each other. After this, the scanner reads the addresses and distributes the letters into the required cells. This happens very quickly. Approximately 12 letters pass in one second. If the address is written down with errors, it will be returned to the operators. They manually enter the index from images of letters. Working here requires good experience and quick response.

What happens to parcels

They are distributed over several stream lines:

  • Boxes and packages that are sent abroad.
  • Large, heavy and oversized loads.
  • Ordinary parcels.

As they follow the belt, parcels automatically fall into compartments that correspond to the post office of the city or region to which they are to be delivered.

Nowadays, it is popular to make purchases via the Internet; it is considered especially profitable to buy Chinese goods, since they have a very attractive price and the quality of Chinese goods is no longer inferior to any other. Most often people buy on Ali: clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, small appliances, and household goods.

It happens that the parcel does not arrive for a very long time, but the shipment status says “released by customs.” How long should I wait for such a parcel?

Now cases of delays of parcels from abroad at customs are a common occurrence and this happens to every third person. What are the reasons for this misunderstanding?

  • Exceeding the permissible limit for the value of the parcel;
  • Problems with documents

If the parcel is delayed by customs, the wait may be seriously delayed and you risk being left without the long-awaited goods at all.

How to track your parcel

You go to Ali and make a purchase of the product you like. After paying for it, you choose a delivery service with which the goods will be delivered to you. That is, find the “Delivery” menu to the right of the product image and click on “delivery from your country.” Next, you can see a menu where available delivery services will be displayed.

Here you choose a service that suits you; we will talk about them and their features below. But, please note, if the “released by customs” status lasts more than days, you need to contact the service administration or Ali to resolve this issue.

EMS is the world's largest delivery service

Through this system delivery you can receive the parcel from Ali. What is its difference from other companies, advantages and disadvantages. The first advantage is representation in Russia - EMS Post Russia.

One of the services for tracking parcels from EMS Russian Post is Postal Ninja. Here you can track your parcel by tracking number.

The EMS representative office in Russia delivers the parcel in the same way as it was sent from China, so the risk of confusion and delays is virtually eliminated. Here are a few more important features service:

  • The delivery service operates mobile;
  • affordable price;
  • Poski delivery by courier to your home;
  • It is also possible to pick up the parcel at the post office;
  • permissible weight - 31 kg.

If you use EMS delivery services and your package is detained at customs, here is what you need to do and what to pay attention to:

  • The parcel can be registered at customs for no more than 10 days;
  • regarding the delay, you can contact the Russian representative office of the company directly.

China Post

The state postal operator provides internal and international delivery Parcels, which has a developed system of mail processing points throughout China. Largest centers located in: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Here is a list of important features of China Post:

  • Due to heavy workload, processing your order may take from 7 days to 1 month;
  • China Post cooperates with many small online stores and large trading platforms, such as: Aliexpress, eBay, TaoBao.

It is important to understand that when you register a message on this service, it is assigned a tracking number, but it will be impossible to track its movement after crossing the Chinese border.

DHL - German logistics company

It operates all over the world, delivering parcels from different parts of the world. It has its own representative office in Russia and is a customs broker. One of the company's sorting centers is located in the south and also in the center of Moscow.

Due to tightening work requirements, DHL has suspended delivery of goods throughout Russia, with the exception of some stores, the list of which includes Aliexpress.

You can track a parcel sent through this logistics company using the tracking service. Here you will see how many points and how long it takes your product to pass through before getting into your hands and where it is currently located.

If the parcel arrives at the Vnukovo customs office, this process will also affect this service. You will see when your goods have been accepted, processed and finally received the status “released by customs of MR LC Vnukovo”.

It should be noted that 102976 Sharapovo is the location of the international postal exchange Vnukovo. Therefore, released by Sharapovo customs means that the parcel has successfully passed customs control and from that moment the established shipping deadlines within Russia begin to apply.

Delivery EPACKET

Very convenient delivery service in China. Its main advantage is that delivery through China to the Russian border is very fast, thanks to the company’s internal cooperation agreements and corporate ethics. Upon reaching the border, the parcel is handed over to the Russian Post.

If the goods are delayed at customs, you can only get information from the store that sent it to you. It is possible to track the parcel using the track number, but if the shipment status is not updated for a long time, then you can only ask questions to the store from which you made the order.

However this method shipping is one of the cheapest and fastest of all available on Ali. Many online store users use the services of this logistics company.

Now you know what the “released by customs” status means and how you can find out additional information about the dispatch and timing of receipt of your goods. We also figured out how long to wait, how to track the parcel and where to contact if it is delayed.

FSUE Russian Post has launched an automated international postal exchange place (IMPO) in Vnukovo, which by the end of 2014 will have to process two-thirds of parcels in the capital district. The head of Post, Dmitry Strashnov, said that similar MMPOs will be opened in every federal district of Russia.

During yesterday’s opening of MMPO, Dmitry Strashnov noted that Vnukovo MMPO is “the first center where customs processing is combined with automatic sorting.” According to him, today 50 thousand parcels a day pass through MMPO in the village of Sharapovo, 5 km from the capital’s Vnukovo airport. The company plans to increase this figure to 250 thousand.

“By the end of 2016, eight similar logistics factories will appear - one in each federal district,” the top manager added.

The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov noted that the new sorting center is opening on the eve of New Year's holidays when the load on the postal network increases many times over. “Already today we are beginning to feel a daily increase in parcels. This period will be the most difficult,” the minister emphasized. At the same time, he is confident that after the appearance of MMPO Vnukovo, “there will no longer be a problem with the New Year’s peak in our country.”

According to his information, today every fourth parcel in Russia passes through the sorting workshop in Vnukovo, and in a year this volume will be two-thirds.

In turn, Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Ruslan Davydov noted that the key problem for the department remains the problem of staffing levels. It is limited by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on optimizing the number of employees and employees of government agencies, and the current employees of the Federal Customs Service are not enough to cope with the growing volumes of international correspondence. In accordance with the government order, it is planned to allocate an additional 274 staff positions, but only next year. Currently, 20 customs officers are employed in processing parcels at Vnukovo.

“In this case, there is actually the emergence of a new industry, or rather the explosive growth of a new industry - distance selling, a huge surge in overseas online trading and hence the rise in overseas parcels. This is the reason that it is necessary to make additional separate decisions regarding the customs service,” supported FCS representative Nikolai Nikiforov. According to him, necessary documents are already preparing.

The new MMPO was created on the basis of the Vnukovo Logistics center, the request for the purchase of which was recently granted by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (see ComNews dated November 22, 2013). Its territory is 65 thousand square meters - more than the rest of the MMPO combined. Previously, Vnukovo Logistics leased out these areas for storage, a representative of Post explained to reporters. As Dmitry Strashnov clarified yesterday, the company spent about 3 billion rubles on the purchase of space, and the equipment cost another 6 million euros. “The cost is fair in today’s times,” believes the head of the postal operator.

Now one MMPO workshop has been launched with an area of ​​13 thousand sq.m., of which the working area is 10 thousand sq.m. Within a year, three more workshops will open with a working area of ​​10 thousand, 8 thousand and 6 thousand sq.m. The center will reach full capacity in the third quarter of 2014.

Place international exchange will work around the clock, in three shifts. In this regard, it is planned to build a dormitory for workers next to the workshops, said Dmitry Strashnov.

The sorting machine used in the new MMPO has no analogues in Eastern Europe, First Deputy Director of the Main Center for Mainline Mail Transportation (GCMP) Alexander Timofeev told reporters. It operates at speeds up to 2.5 m/s. During the process, the operator only registers items, determining their weight and adjusting the data. They are then processed automatically and sent to cells corresponding to specific regions.

Correspondence with a damaged barcode is rejected and re-sorted - its share is about 2%. From 1.5% to 5% of parcels are received for physical inspection of parcels, which, if necessary, is carried out by customs service specialists. The cost of electricity consumed to process one parcel is 2 kopecks.

The equipment supplier for the postal exchange place was the Italian company Selex ES. There are only five or six companies in the world that specialize in installing postal equipment, said a representative of Russian Post.

"Russian Post" opens new MMPOs on the eve of " high season", which usually falls on the weeks before and after the New Year. At the beginning of September, a point was launched at the Kazansky railway station in Moscow with an area of ​​5.4 thousand square meters (see. news ComNews from September 4, 2013). On last week MMPO was launched at the Novosibirsk Tolmachevo airport (2 thousand sq.m.) and Yekaterinburg Koltsovo (3.7 thousand sq.m.).

Previously, international exchange places also operated in Moscow at Warsaw highway, St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Samara, Orenburg, Petrozavodsk and Vladivostok. According to the joint order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Federal Customs Service, there should be a total of 21 MMPOs in Russia.

Vnukovo will receive small packages from all airports in the capital, as well as parcels from Europe. MMPO at the Kazansky railway station specializes in “heavy” mail; letters will continue to be sorted in the old center on Varshavskoye Shosse.

Sending and receiving letters, parcels, parcels is part of modern life. Every day, millions of people receive treasured boxes or envelopes. Russian Post provides many services, one of which is parcel tracking. What does it mean: "Left the sorting center"? What other statuses are there? if her number is not tracked? About this in the article.

Post office

The Russian postal network operator and backbone enterprise is Russian Post. What does it mean: “Left the sorting center”? Senders or recipients using postal services often encounter this status. If a client sends a parcel, letter or parcel, the shipment is assigned a special track number. You can use it to track your location.

Russian Post offers its customers various types services (reception, processing, transportation, delivery, translations), exchange of written correspondence, international mail. In addition, the domestic company stores postal items, goods, cargo, distributes advertising, issues pensions, benefits, payments, accepts housing and utility payments, signs and distributes periodicals. "Russian Post" is also engaged in printing activities (creates and distributes postcards, stamps, envelopes, albums, catalogs), sells wholesale and retail various goods.

Many people are interested in: does mail work well? What does it mean: “Left the sorting center”? This status may mean that the parcel or letter is already on its way and will soon arrive at its destination. "Russian Post", despite criticism of this organization, works properly. Only for last year it delivered more than 50% of orders from online stores. This is almost two hundred million parcels, one hundred and thirty million of which are international shipments. The post office receives the most income from the provision of financial services, written correspondence, parcels and EMS shipments. The company structure includes a central management apparatus, which consists of 22 divisions and 10 macro-regional branches.


What does it mean: "Left the sorting center"? This is exactly the question that Russian Post clients, all who are recipients, are asking. The sorting center is automated. It sorts letters, parcels, parcels into branches and regional post offices and processes outgoing shipments from all over the country. After the sender places the envelope in the mailbox, it is removed, sent to the post office, weighed and date stamped. The letters are then taken to a sorting center.

More than a thousand employees work at this enterprise. The area of ​​the center occupies twenty-nine thousand square meters, and it is located in Podolsk (Moscow region). What does it mean: "Left the sorting center"? This status means that the letter or parcel is sent to the recipient's post office. It is determined by the index. In addition to letters, parcels, parcels, EMS shipments, valuables, registered letters and shipments, they are processed at the center. Time sorting lasts twenty hours. Three million items pass through the center every day.


Status "Left the sorting center" - what does it mean? Before the recipient receives the parcel, it will go through many different stages. For example, the status "sorting" means that the shipment is still in the sorting center. Parcels are placed in special export bags, which are opened, sorted and repacked. The status "Arrived at the sorting center" means that the parcel has been delivered for sorting and distribution. If the item "Arrived at the place of international exchange", it is being held at customs, within the country, or awaiting shipment abroad. The designation "Left the place of international exchange" confirms the export transaction.

What does it mean: “The parcel has left the sorting center”? If the recipient sees this status after entering the identifier number on the website, then the parcel will soon arrive at the post office. The final designation “arrived at the place of delivery” indicates that the recipient should go to the post office and pick up the item. In this case, do not forget to take your passport.


If the parcel has left the sorting station, it means that it will soon reach the recipient. The shipment tracking number comes to the rescue or postal id. This unique code of numbers, which is assigned to all parcels. There is a domestic Russian track number and an international one. It is usually indicated on the receipt, which is issued after the shipment is registered. If the parcel was sent after purchasing an item in an online store, the client is sent an identifier with which you can track the shipment.

To do this, go to the Russian Post website, enter a number consisting of fourteen digits divided into semantic parts, click “OK”. After processing the information, the user will see information about the status of the shipment. If the status “Lviv. Left the sorting center” does not change for a long time, it means that the parcel is already in If the information has not been updated for a long time, the shipment may have been waiting for the recipient for a long time.

How long does it take?

What does it mean: "Processing. Left the sorting center"? If the recipient, after entering the unique ID number, finds such an inscription, this may mean that the parcel is still in the center or was recently sent. In terms of time in Russia, parcels take about two weeks, depending on the distance, weather conditions and other factors.


What does it mean: “The letter has left the sorting center”? This status sometimes means that the information on the site has not been updated for a long time. At the center, operators receive incoming letters, read the barcode, and register them. All data is uploaded to the official website of Russian Post. You can track the path of the letter using the identifier. Containers with written correspondence, express items and parcels are distributed between workshops. Sorting process but not completely. Staff scan each correspondence manually and log it.


What does it mean: “The parcel has left the sorting center”? This status often indicates that it has been sorted and has been sent to its destination. In Podolsk, parcels are distributed along six automated lines. The first is used for international shipments, the second for small shipments, and the rest for regular parcels. Parcels are loaded manually, parcels are scanned and sorted automatically. In addition, they are checked for the presence of explosive substances.

66 SIXTY-SIX DAYS ON THE WAY THROUGH SHARAPOVO. International postal item RG899940975CN. The parcel is on the way 72 SEVENTY TWO DAYS... Of these 6 days, passing through China and arriving at the MR LC Vnukovo Sharapovo 102976 Workshop-1. From September 15 to September 21, import to the country of destination. MR LC Vnukovo Sharapovo 102976 Workshop-1, before Customs clearance, Released by customs 102976 MR LC Vnukovo Sharapovo Workshop-1, 3 three days. Further departure "ON THE WAY" from MR LC Vnukovo Sharapovo 102976 Workshop-1, to MR LC Vnukovo Sharapovo 102975 47 FORTY SEVEN DAYS!!! In MR LC Vnukovo Sharapovo 102975 for already 18 EIGHTEEN days!!! She was wanted, the documents attached to the search application were successfully lost by mail (the documents were drawn up in front of witnesses, the head of the post office and all the documents attached to the procedure). Looking for legal address Sharapovo, but no one looked for him anywhere (to file an application in court, specifically to Sharapovo) no one had information. But I came across one address, namely the appendix to the order No. 54n/162. In the document "Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2017, No. 54n/162 on places of international postal exchange that are postal facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation, there is a place under paragraph 10 in which Sharapovo is mentioned. I have never seen Sharapovo in any of the documents; he probably only began to exist in 2017. It is this settlement (village) Marushkinskoye, near the village (village) Sharapovo, Moscow, 108809". This is the legal address. I think N.V. Gogol in the evenings on a farm near Dikanka, standing nervously on the sidelines. Judging according to this “addendum to the order” the document is directly related to two departments - the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications, but interestingly, the Federal Customs Service is not in the attachment, unlike other documents. Isn’t that why the deadline (at least for I arrived in the Russian Federation and customs clearance was released by customs for a maximum of three days) remained within reasonable limits. And now you can think about what it (legal address) has to do with people who have lost hope of waiting for their parcels and what is happening with them? my personal opinion, direct, our paid parcels go to the VILLAGE TO GRANDFATHER. All post office numbers marked Sharapovo, but it seems that this is the same thing (if it really exists at all), will be able to give birth to more than one site ( Aliexpress is now in the Russian Federation) or something in the same spirit. We will buy our parcels there, and when international shipments become completely impossible to receive, we will run to boutiques and online stores in the Russian segment, and to resellers. We'll take it imported goods or renamed import substitution, ten times more expensive. But the most disgusting thing is that without being able to find out the legal addresses of such branches as No. 102976, No. 102975, etc., etc., we are deprived of the legal constitutional right to sue them (parcels were paid for by us, are at unknown addresses and sometimes have an amount that falls under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). And according to online complaints, missing and undelivered parcels can already be measured in tonnage. Based on latest events You can imagine this as a successful business model (especially in the logistics section, a sought-after product) of certain individuals. By the way, why use indexes without legal entities everywhere? addresses to which no one can really answer anything are shoved with phone numbers. those. customer support 8-800-2005-888. Or is it such a subtle mockery, like (how to apply for a search) flaunted on near the track. Thank you, we know, we have already submitted it! What is written is only a personal opinion and observation based on my personal experience.