How to force your husband to stop drinking if he doesn’t want to? How to make a drinker stop drinking: myths and reality.

A drunkard in any family is a terrible misfortune. How to force a person to stop drinking and explain to him that a harmful attraction to alcohol can deprive him of what is most precious to him - the health and love of loved ones? After all, alcoholism leads to such terrible consequences as:

  • Formation of a distorted stereotype of family relationships in children;
  • Domestic violence;
  • Injuries and murders.

Children from families with drinking parents rarely choose a sober path in life, repeating the sorrowful path of their ancestors. Therefore, the primary task of the relatives of an alcoholic is to get rid of his illness.

Review of techniques

It is very difficult to force an adult to do anything without the necessary motivation. Quitting drinking alcohol is doubly difficult, because a person is already addicted and cannot imagine life without his favorite drink. The success of the enterprise depends on many factors: the age of the patient, his social status, the presence of powerful motivators, etc.

The less alcoholic experience, the easier it is to force a person to give up a bad habit. You can help a person by raising his internal self-esteem. He must remember that he was interested in something before or has not yet managed to realize himself in his favorite job; several incentives can be found. The stronger the “drinker” himself wants, the higher the result will be.

Important note: in families where a man is loved and surrounded by attention, alcoholics are rarely found. Dissatisfaction with the scenario of one’s life is the first reason that pushes a person to the bottle.

You can force your husband to stop drinking with a little trick. What does a drunk person expect when returning home? On dissatisfied faces and hysterics, scandals and crying. If you meet an alcoholic calmly, with a smile on his face, he may become ashamed of his behavior. A radical change in the expected and the real in some places is a measure that can discourage and make you think. If a father loves his children, he will definitely scold himself for setting a bad example for them. A woman just has to calmly explain this to her husband in the morning. Helping a person find himself again is difficult and thorny path, requiring patience and understanding. But the result of the work is a strong family and a loved one who quit drinking.

Support from family and friends

You can force many people to give up alcohol by asking their relatives for help. The person who can most significantly help a person is his mother or father, because only they know their child’s “weak” points that can be put pressure on for the necessary motivation. Would a son who loves his parents drink to the point of insanity in front of them or break his promise to quit? To do this, you need to visit old people more often, under the pretext of sitting with your grandchildren or helping organize some kind of holiday. Important detail: the husband should not know the exact date the arrival of his mom and dad, this will keep him constantly in emotional anticipation.

In addition to parents, great help in the fight for a sober appearance loved one his friends who are calm about alcohol can help. The word of a friend is very significant for many men; it is unlikely that after impressive lectures the spouse will want to drink if he has not yet lost his moral character and self-esteem. In this case, not only those friends who are always in sight can help, but also school friends (found, for example, on the Internet). Any person wants to appear before old friends in the most favorable light; this can help in the fight against alcoholism.

A woman should support her husband, even if he breaks down. The most important thing is a timely helping hand, an understanding that together a family can overcome any difficulties. And even more so, stop drinking.

Isolation of the husband from his drinking comrades - important milestone fight against alcoholism.

Constantly drinking husband

Some families practice frequent drinking of alcohol, supposedly to relieve stress after a hard day. Moreover, such people often do not realize their dependence on alcohol. Helping your spouse stop drinking in such a situation is difficult, but possible.

In this case, a person can stop drinking only if he is offered another way of relaxation. This could be a walk with the dog, a visit gym or swimming pool, sauna or massage. It is necessary to choose the best option in each specific case; there is no general recipe for everyone.

Important: than longer person drinks alcohol (even in small portions), the more difficult it will be for him to give it up!

Distraction to raise a child - good way take free time a person who would like to take a sip of alcohol. After all, a normal parent will not help his son or daughter with homework (or with toys) “too much.”

Most often, a guaranteed result in the fight for sober image the life of an alcoholic - treatment in a specialized clinic. Only under medical supervision a drinker can quit drinking without psychological breakdowns. There are a lot of treatment methods; only a doctor should select the optimal therapeutic course and prescribe specialized drugs.

It is important that during the rehabilitation period after getting rid of alcohol addiction, the person felt the support and love of his family and friends.

In this article we will talk about how to get your husband to stop drinking.

What can I do to get my husband to stop drinking?

What to do if the husband does not comply with either persuasion or threats?

In this article you will find 5 non-obvious tips on how to help your husband stop drinking?

When the husband is sober, he:

  1. Apologizes and asks for forgiveness;
  2. Promises that this will not happen again;
  3. Really feels guilty.

However, enough days pass and he breaks down again, and again there is drunken nonsense. It's as if he becomes a different person.

The situation is not pleasant. Moreover, this person is your husband.

When you met, he was a completely different person - the same as you fell in love with him.

Now you see that your husband cannot stop drinking on his own: the man has an alcohol addiction. But you don’t know what to do in such a situation. How to get your husband to stop drinking when all the methods you've tried don't help?

  1. Stop ignoring your husband's addiction.

First: understand that your husband has an alcohol addiction.

The main criterion for addiction is that your husband loses control over what he drinks.

I wrote about how to accurately determine whether a person is dependent or not in the article “”.

Your husband denies his addiction. He says something like:

  • "I'm fine",
  • "I'm just relaxing"
  • "I have everything under control."

No matter how your spouse justifies his addiction, he himself will never admit that he has problems with alcohol. But before you force your husband to stop drinking, you need to understand this.

Your husband is an alcohol addict and that makes it difficult for him to stop drinking.

Addiction does not go away on its own. If you do nothing, it will only get worse:

  • the husband will not stop drinking and will drink more often,
  • become more aggressive
  • lose control more often
  • to be destroyed mentally and emotionally.

You have noticed that in sobriety your husband is often withdrawn, tense, depressed and even aggressive. These signs are the consequences of alcohol dependence, manifested in sobriety.

I also wrote about this in the articles “” and “”. I recommend to read.

You need to give up illusions:

  • “Can everything get better on its own?”
  • “Maybe my husband will change?”

It's time to stop turn a blind eye to the fact that your husband really has an alcohol addiction and start doing something about it.

  1. Stop forgiving

You have been accustomed since childhood to forgive and accept. But in the case of your husband, who drinks and knows no limits, you make things worse for the man himself. By forgiving him every time, you show that alcohol addiction is normal and contribute to further use. This prevents my husband from quitting drinking.

Is not The best way How to get your husband to stop drinking.

All my husband's promises drink in moderation or stop drinking will remain unfulfilled.

Let him feel that you don’t accept him like that when he’s dependent - he’s a stranger. He remains addicted even when sober.

He drinks and knows that he will “chat” you in the morning, because you will endure everything and forgive everything. This is very selfish of him.

Be ready to accept him as your own only if he begins to lead a completely sober lifestyle.

  • The next day after a party is not sobriety. Let 3-4 weeks pass, and if the person does not break down, we can talk about a temporary restoration of the relationship.
  • By showing your harsh attitude towards the fact that he drinks, you will make a person think that his loved ones do not accept him when he drinks and is dependent.
  • Then the husband will think about quitting drinking alcohol.

Don’t put your husband to bed drunk - let him sleep where he fell. Don't bring water or take care of him when he's hungover. He must feel and experience the feeling of shame.

By the way, I have a separate video course on how to help my husband stop drinking. It is available here at this link. Well, we move on.

  1. Give up alcohol yourself

Understand that if you want to force your husband to stop drinking, you yourself need to give up alcohol.

Perhaps you say, “I drink in moderation, I know when to stop,” “My husband has the problem, not me.”

If you demand something from another person, first decide for yourself to stop drinking completely.

How can you force your husband to stop drinking if you yourself continue to drink sometimes?

Remember there is no moderation, there is no such thing as cultural drinking. Only complete abstinence from alcohol is the main condition for sobriety.

  1. Create favorable conditions for sobriety

There are many reasons that prevent a husband from quitting drinking. But the best approach is to consider alcohol dependence separately from all causes.

A person goes into alcohol addiction, as if into his own other world, because he feels uncomfortable living in the real world.

If we are talking about how to help your husband stop drinking, then you need to change the position from “I want him to stop drinking” to another position:

Ask yourself questions:

  1. What can I do to get him to stop drinking?
  2. How can I change myself so that my husband stops drinking?

You can create favorable conditions in real.

When your husband is sober and everything is fine, then:

  • Stop putting pressure, blaming a person, squeezing a person.
  • Blame for all sins.
  • Stop smothering yourself with responsibilities.

This way you will remove one of the reasons why a person runs into alcohol addiction.

Perhaps you will object:

  • He's a man.
  • He must do
  • He should help
  • Be responsible
  • And generally “drag”
  • He must, must, must...

Okay, but do you need a man who drinks several times a week and very often loses his normal state?

I think no.

  • Just stop blaming him.
  • Shift the focus away from him as the “core problem.”
  • Stop focusing on this problem.
  • Take care of yourself. You forgot about yourself.

You forgot about your life.

But, I suggest, start with yourself.

Start changing yourself in better side, then your husband, looking at you, will change.

Take care of yourself.

The truth is that we cannot change another person. You cannot fundamentally influence your husband. Much depends on himself. That's why you often feel hopelessness, which causes severe pain.

Therefore, shift the vector towards yourself. You can only change yourself.

And don't agree to be humiliated anymore.

  1. Deliver information calmly and constructively

Often we get angry, offended, everything is boiling inside us, but the person just doesn’t understand.

But sometimes, a person simply has no idea what we are thinking, because he does not know how to read minds.

Learn to speak calmly, convey information not in the form of aggression, and not from the position of a victim, but constructively - like a diplomat. Even with my husband. Take your emotions away.

The position of the aggressor and the position of the victim are two extreme positions.

Either defend or attack - the two positions you use when trying to get your husband to stop drinking.
But understand, there is a third position - the position of constructive communication.

This is when you can explain your point of view and convey it in a calm tone.

Without fear and without attacking. But for this you need to be aware of yourself and not let your emotions control you during a conversation.

Practice. It won't work right away. Learn to express your point of view in a clear and constructive manner.

  • If you don't like your husband drinking.
  • If you find this unacceptable.
  • You're not going to continue living like this unless he starts to change.
  • You will make the decision.

It's better to speak now than to plan an escape. Your husband may not be aware of your strong disapproval of alcohol. Invite him to a conversation and calmly, looking him in the eye, without fear, explain that you are not going to tolerate this, and you will plan changes if the situation on his part does not change.

In a calm tone. Even in a friendly tone. Instead of aggression give the opposite reaction of calm and kindness, but leave the content of the message.

A man believes that if you are still with him, then everything suits you.

Put yourself in your own position, respect yourself, love yourself. You deserve better.

Yes, this is your husband, but you are also a person - worthy of a good life and respect.

Don't be afraid to just talk. Don't turn this into a conflict. And start talking calmly, without giving vent to your emotions. Get your thoughts across. You can write it down on a piece of paper example words, What do you want to say.

Conclusion on how to get your husband to stop drinking

Don't worry. In such a situation, do not forget about yourself.

Remember that if we want to change another person, first of all, we must ask ourselves “how can I change my attitude? what can I do in this situation?

Then you gain power over life.

Give up the position of a victim, stop feeling sorry for yourself - this will not help either yourself or your husband.

We cannot get into another person's head and change his behavior as we want. Every person comes to the realization that they need to stop drinking on their own. You can simply create favorable conditions for such a decision and awareness.

Also, before you force your husband to stop drinking, better learn about the nature of addiction, study the information on this blog so that you can convey information about alcohol addiction to your husband in a calm manner and, as it were, between the lines.

This is the basic advice on how to get your husband to stop drinking, and how to help your husband stop drinking completely.

Write your situation in the comments, share your opinion, tell us about your difficulties.

You can also take my video course “Sobriety Companion” on how to help your husband stop drinking. Take the course >>

Arseny Kaisarov

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Arseny Kaisarov


Drunkenness is a grief and tragedy for many families. Alcohol addiction destroys marriages, leads to complete personality degradation and social isolation. But this does not frighten an alcoholic, who in most cases does not consider himself such. What should relatives, friends, colleagues who want to help a person do? What are the ways and means to force an addict to say goodbye to a dangerous illness?

Causes of alcoholism

Surely many wives, mothers and even children have more than once turned to the drunkard with a request to stop being friends with alcohol. But in most cases, the response to such requests is indignation and reluctance to admit oneself as an addict. But on days of sobriety, it is worth having a heart-to-heart talk with such a person and together analyze the reasons that push him into the arms of alcohol. Typically these factors are:

  1. Drinks for company. In men's groups, respect is most often used as an argument and a way to persuade a colleague to drink. Drinking means you respect. If you don't support drinking, then it's the other way around. But such argumentation is simply a way of manipulating a person. And if we're talking about about family holidays, where all the “traditions of respect” are seen by children, then sooner or later they will copy dad, try alcohol, because in their eyes such holidays will be variants of the norm.
  2. Avoidance of personal and work problems. Usually, over a drink, men (and women too) experience forgetfulness, detachment from psychological pressure at work or domestic conflicts. If there is disorder in the family, then there will definitely be a reason to come home from work later, having a glass or two with friends. Sometimes a person comes to work tipsy. This makes it easier for him to put up with a hated profession, an evil boss, to whom a person is afraid to express his opinion, to become an opponent. More often than not, men prefer the company of a bottle rather than finding a way out of the problems surrounding them.
  3. Mood improvement tests. Often alcohol helps a person become more open and relaxed. This makes it possible to improve mood if a person is limited in the joys of life and his circle of interests is too narrow. This means that in general the life of such a person is empty, he does not know how to rejoice simple things and enjoy your hobbies, work, children, and your successes.
  4. Drinking out of habit. The absurdity of such argumentation is simply self-justification and weakness. And the fact that alcohol is quickly addictive is true. After all, the body will feel a physiological need for vodka, beer, wine. The presence of alcohol in the blood quickly becomes normal.

So, you need to start by eliminating these causes. For example, improve your mood with the help of sports, solve work problems with a frank conversation with your boss or change your place of work, and make it a habit not to spend evening gatherings with a bottle, but to take family bike rides.

Ways to get rid of “friendship” with a glass

Surely everyone understands that it is necessary to rid a person of an addiction at the initial stage. After all, alcoholism is a disease. And any treatment will be effective when the disease has not yet acquired alarming proportions, in our case - to become chronic. So, as soon as a threatening trend is noticed, it is necessary to find a replacement bad habit. Psychologists advise, if possible, to return a man to old hobbies, for example, playing chess, fishing, designing, wood carving. All this is purely individual. But the common thing is that the formation new habit a person needs 21 days. And during this period, the wife, parents, and close people must be persistent, praise the person, express admiration for his first successes, in a word, constantly provide moral support. By restraining himself with the help of close people, he can achieve the disappearance of a drinking habit that has not yet taken root. In this case, the person will feel healthier after 21 days, and his appearance will noticeably improve.

People who want to stop drinking alcohol, as well as their loved ones, should avoid situations where alcohol is consumed. We are talking about refusing to attend holidays, celebrations and parties where drinking alcoholic beverages is a mandatory component. And you can always find a reason for such a refusal, if you want.

If a person or his loved ones are determined to do everything to quit addiction, then they should initially avoid those companies, friends, people who used to be drinking companions. After all, they probably put pressure on the addict with their authority or are morally stronger than him. And men tend to show respect for each other in this way. That is why it is so difficult for representatives of the stronger half of humanity to give up alcohol.

But you can use a radical method, if possible. This is a complete change of scenery, that is, moving to another city, region, village. The absence of former drinking buddies, people who pushed you to drink, and the busyness of the addicted person, the workload of household responsibilities will allow you to forget about your addiction, of course, if your loved ones help with this.

This method of forcing a person to stop drinking alcohol is recommended for those who actually already suffer from addiction, in whose body a physiological need for alcohol has been formed. And then an important condition for achieving the goal is the refusal to hold any family holidays, anniversaries, birthdays and the like. Also, you should not attend events with alcohol, citing good reasons.

If a person himself wants to quit drinking, then he needs to create a motivational list that allows his thoughts to return to the goal. These may be the following motives:

  1. Stop drinking to be an example to your children.
  2. Have more time for housekeeping.
  3. Don’t spend money on booze and save your family budget so you can invest more money in your children’s education.
  4. Improve your body health and don’t waste money on medications.
  5. Achieve success at work or promotion.
  6. Learn another specialty foreign language, do major renovation cars, apartments.

Usually, promising goals become a good motive for quitting the drink and devoting your free time to the task you have set for yourself. If we are talking about purely male activities, for example, a car, wood carving, mastering welding work that a person likes, then it will really take a lot of time, require concentration, which will allow you to switch from negative to positive.

Since, according to statistics, men are still more dependent, then a big role in returning them to full-fledged healthy life belongs to women, wives. They are the ones who know all the weaknesses, the character traits of their halves. Therefore, they sometimes tend to come up with individual ways to sober up their husbands from the alcohol dope. Many people use children as a motivator. For example, if the father is strong in drawing, mathematics, English, then teaching the child in this subject will only strengthen the man’s authority in his own eyes and in the children’s eyes. General activities Sports with your child, motorcycle repair and even computer competitions are a good way to switch your husband’s attention to the positive and increase his self-esteem.

Other methods of influence are also applicable to some men. Sometimes a phrase calmly said by the wife like: “Is it difficult for you to fix the washing machine yourself? Of course, you don’t want to and you can’t!” can force a man to do this on a dare, proving his relevance and uniqueness.

A woman must demonstrate to her husband how much brighter, more interesting, and more joyful a life free from addiction can be. And in order for him to feel supported, it is worth spending more time together.

Nowadays, women are also becoming addicted to alcohol. And for them, the best motivator to quit this harmful activity is not a hobby, not work, not sports, but children. They are the most precious treasure in life for a mother, and the child’s requests are the main incentive to make a responsible decision. Therefore, the threat of deprivation of maternal rights can be used for them as a way to get rid of alcohol addiction.

If you have used all possible methods of influencing an addicted person and to no avail, then you can try traditional methods. But it is usually proposed to treat a person without his knowledge by adding herbs to alcohol. The effect of such treatment is the formation of a person’s persistent aversion to any type of alcohol. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosages in the preparation of infusions and decoctions. Without knowing what is really happening, the addict will be afraid of the conditions that he will experience when drinking alcohol in combination with herbal preparations secretly added to him.

Patience, wisdom, great strength wills should become companions of those people surrounded by dependent person.

How to influence an alcoholic? First and most importantly, you must stop solving his problems, let him feel responsible again. Perhaps his conscience will awaken.

Try not to scold drinking man, but just find a moment when he relaxes and chat. Suggest specific actions you can take if he goes on a drinking binge again. And under no circumstances let everything go. If you have already thought more than once about how to get a drinker to stop drinking, then find out as much as possible about treatment methods and try to explain them to the addicted person.

Influence the drinking person through people who have authority for him. In addition, you also need the support of a psychotherapist who can tell you how to act in a given situation.

What should you never do? The fact is that it is almost impossible to persuade an alcoholic to go to treatment. “I want to stop drinking!” - usually the alcoholic pronounces these words in rare moments of enlightenment of the mind. This is usually enough for a very a short time, until the next binge. This is where doctors can come to your aid. They will be able to tell you how to get the drinker to stop drinking. Under no circumstances should you secretly use any folk remedies, add herbs, because, firstly, many plants affect the heart and liver, which in an addicted person already work with disturbances, and can lead to chronic diseases. Secondly, alcoholics are very suspicious people and, if they suddenly find out that you are using any drugs, they can end up in the hospital. Also, do not frighten or threaten the addicted person. Most likely, an inadequate reaction will follow in the form of a showdown or a scandal.

There are several methods to do it yourself. One of them lies in the subconscious attitudes that people close to the alcoholic use. You must, first of all, know the motives that caused alcoholism in an addicted person. We must try to eliminate the causes that led to this disease. In order to know how to force a drinker to stop drinking, you need to gradually lead him to an independent decision to go to treatment. In this case, you will need patience, trust and time.

Sometimes there are situations in which an addicted person agrees to treatment. But since alcoholism is complex, its treatment, as a rule, begins with cleansing the main vital systems: liver, heart, kidneys. If you are seriously thinking about it, then here you can get some good help. Chinese medicine with the time-tested method of acupuncture or acupuncture.

After a few sessions, you will be able to notice that the alcoholic’s blood supply has improved and the craving for alcohol has decreased. In this case, special conversations are held in which the patient also gets rid of psychological dependence. In this case, it is important that the person himself wants to get rid of his addiction.

Alcoholism worsens the quality of life of the drunkard himself and the people around him. There are many cases where spouses of alcoholics managed to rid their husband of his addiction at home or in addiction centers. But a big role in this matter is played by the will of a person and his desire. Convincing a person to stop drinking alcohol is sometimes difficult. An alcoholic does not consider himself an addict and does not see anything wrong with systematically drinking beer, vodka, and wine.

Do I need to persuade

The first step towards overcoming alcoholism is understanding the problem and the consequences that happen when drinking alcohol to excess. If a person understands that constantly drinking is bad, then there will be no need to persuade him to undergo treatment; it will be effective by personal consent. Therefore, the main task is to convince the alcoholic that alcohol is bad and only causes harm. If a person thinks that he is relaxing like this, he needs to come up with other methods of relaxation. It is necessary to convey to the alcoholic that this is turning into a habit that spoils his health, relationships with relatives and colleagues.

If a person does not see the terrible thing in a situation, but those around him suffer from it, there is no time to realize it. It is necessary to forcibly send him for treatment to a drug treatment center or try home methods of getting rid of the addiction.

How to convince someone to stop drinking and get coded

It is possible to force a drinker to stop drinking alcohol; it is worth following simple advice from a psychologist, thanks to which you can dissuade him from drinking:

  1. Constructive dialogue. It is unobtrusive to indicate that you feel shame when you are around. Do not allow screaming or violent outbursts in a conversation with an addict.
  2. Motivations. The belief that when he stops drinking, his life will change: friends will appear, he will be able to succeed at work, his relatives will treat him with respect.
  3. Evidence to stop drinking. All kinds of significant advantages of giving up alcohol.
  4. Involvement of relatives. If you cannot persuade your husband or son alone, you need to convene a council where everyone will give arguments to stop drinking.

Myths and reality when dissuading an alcoholic from quitting drinking can be different. The most common motivational factor is health. At stages 1 and 2 of alcoholism, you can act using a sense of self-preservation. You can compare what health indicators were like before he started drinking. No less important are financial losses, which the family of an alcoholic feels.

The well-being of loved ones and comfort in the home play an important role for many men. The alcoholic must be quit, indicating to him that it is because of his new hobby. The loss of a woman whom a man loves sometimes makes him forget about alcohol. If you are not ready to pack up and leave, then you should not blackmail your spouse; you need to come up with other methods. Many people lose their jobs due to drunkenness. It is necessary to convince the person that no one will want to work with him because he is untidy. appearance, delays and smell.

Help from a psychologist

If home methods fail to persuade an alcoholic to seek treatment, psychological help. After several sessions of communication with a drunkard, the doctor will determine the exact reason for frequent drinking and develop a treatment regimen. Therapy consists of the following stages:

  1. Causes of addiction and their elimination.
  2. Drawing up motivation on the way to healthy image life.
  3. Increased self-esteem, re-awareness of the world around you.
  4. Strengthening relationships.
  5. Finding goals in life.
  6. Drug therapy.

But when simple methods If you can’t overcome your addiction, the psychotherapist recommends coding and other methods of treatment. If there are no other methods to convince a drunkard, it is necessary to persuade him to consult a psychologist for advice. If it is difficult for him to decide on such a step, he must sign up for a couples consultation, having previously met with the doctor, without his consent.


If simple conversations If it is not possible to influence an alcoholic, then it is necessary to use other methods, one of which is alternative medicine. This can be done secretly, simply by adding various herbal decoctions and tinctures to food and drinks, which will encourage the alcoholic to seek treatment. Do not worry that the recipes cause harm, they are completely safe for humans and are not addictive. The most effective methods we can name the use of such means:

  • St. John's wort. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herb are brewed in 2 liters of boiling water. The broth should stand for half an hour, cool, strain and add 2 tablespoons to the alcoholic’s tea.
  • Red pepper. Dissolve a bag of pepper in 0.5 liter of ethyl alcohol, shake, leave for 2 weeks. You can add it to alcohol at the rate of 2 drops per 700 ml.
  • Baranets. Steam 10 branches of the herb in a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes and leave for about half an hour. Take the decoction after a person has not drunk for 3-4 days.

The disadvantage of lamb decoction is that it will not be effective if you drink it while drunk. And if you take it on time, then aversion from alcohol is guaranteed.

Help of drugs

In addition to home treatment, there are also hidden drug methods that will provoke a person’s aversion to alcohol. They are available in the form of drops and it is better to consult with a narcologist about which drug to buy. The average dose is 15–30 drops, taken 2–3 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months. The most common means are:

  • Lavital;
  • Colma;
  • Proprothene 100.

The advantages of medications are their low cost and the fact that they can be added to an alcoholic’s food and drinks without him noticing. But if the condition progresses and the person behaves inappropriately, then the use of drops will be ineffective.

How to force a girl

Female alcoholism develops over 1–3 years. We know firsthand how difficult it is to get a lady out of a drinking binge. This is more difficult than getting a man to stop drinking.

The motivation for quitting alcohol should be:

  • need for raising children;
  • change in appearance;
  • fear of losing important people;
  • fear of remaining infertile.

Women get drunk faster than men, this is explained by low water content in the body, big amount fat cells and the lack of sufficient enzymes to break down ethyl. With regular consumption of vodka, beer or wine, a woman looks untidy, gains overweight, the face becomes flabby and unattractive, the voice becomes rougher, bruises appear under the eyes.

The methods of influencing an alcoholic girl are identical. Contacting a psychologist will bear fruit if you cannot give up drinking on your own. The doctor uses the same methods of influence as when working with a male alcoholic. The difference is in the lady’s emotional perception of the situation, her “gentle” nervous system.

How to live on

In order to prevent relapses of binge drinking, it is necessary to engage in prevention. It is important to remember that even a former alcoholic is weak person, and therefore it is worth supporting it so that it does not break. Recommendations regarding behavior with someone who has given up are simple; you need to:

  • change your social circle by limiting your relative’s stay with people who like to drink;