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Every person periodically faces the need to learn material of varying content and volume. This comes easily to some, but the vast majority of people face difficulties, not knowing how to quickly memorize a given amount of text.

The functioning of the human brain is still not 100% understood; we only know that we use a small part of the brain’s abilities. Psychological processes events occurring in the human mind are amenable to daily training. Memory and other mechanisms of consciousness can be developed to unprecedented heights. A strong memory will allow you to achieve success in any area of ​​human life; it will be needed in “everyday” life, study, and will easily improve intellectual abilities.

To learn text, artistic or scientific content, you will need constant memory training with exercises specially designed for this. Human memory is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile. It represents the ability to remember and store any amount of information.

Each type of memory develops differently in people. Some people find it easier to remember a text by saying it out loud, while others, on the contrary, learn it better after visualizing what they read. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of memory is better developed in order to use it for memorization in the future.

The same information can be learned well in several ways. There are three ways to remember required material V short terms.

  • Method of rational memorization;

It is based on the use of logical memory. In the process of rational memorization, the semantic and logical connection of the material with life experience is consolidated in the mind. With rational memorization, awareness of the text read occurs and information is more easily perceived. This method helps to remember the material by heart, trains intellectual abilities and increases knowledge.

  • Method of mnemonic memorization;

This is the most interesting way out of three. It helps to remember non-semantic information by processing it into images and associative connections. Mnemonic memorization is based on life experience, translating the text into images familiar to consciousness. This method helps to remember a large amount of material that does not carry a semantic load. These could be dates, phone numbers, names, addresses. It helps combat everyday forgetfulness by increasing the ability to mechanically remember things that happen.

  • Method of rote memorization.

This method involves memorizing the material. It is considered ineffective and difficult to train, since it can fail at any moment, “falling out” of memory. As we age, our rote memorization ability declines.

Memorization techniques

To quickly understand the text, use different techniques memorization. One of the most effective method thoughtful reading. It is well suited for memorizing large and small volumes. This method is used by actors, for whom it is more important than anyone else to know how to quickly learn a text by heart.

  • First, we slowly and carefully read the text that needs to be remembered. It's better to read it out loud. When reading, you need to understand the main idea of ​​the text, its main plot, so that you can remember it faster.
  • If the volume of material is large, we break it down into meaningful parts. Each part must be learned separately, finding the main words or phrases in them. This will help in the future to restore all the text in order.
  • After this, you need to rewrite all the text manually. This must be done slowly, delving into the essence of what is written.
  • After everything is rewritten, we retell what we remember. We need to remember the smallest details, relying on keywords. If you can’t remember a moment, it’s better not to look at the recording, but try to do it yourself. You can peek only as a last resort.
  • Next, we rewrite a second time only what we remembered without prompting.
  • At the last stage, we carefully re-read the text and retell it. It's better to do this before bed.

This memorization method is suitable for learning a text word for word. It will help students, schoolchildren and everyone who needs help short time know how to learn a large amount of information. Theater and film actors use this method to remember their roles.

Tricks for fast memorization

There are a few more simple but very effective tricks for memorizing the entire text, based on the nuances of our brain. To do this you need:

  • Highlight the main points in the text with a bright marker;

This will allow you not to be distracted by unnecessary text. Actors thus highlight their lines in the script.

  • Sing words or text;

This non-standard method memorization. Having sung the material, it will be better embedded in your memory and you can recall it faster.

  • You need to read until the meaning becomes completely clear;

It is very important to feel feelings and emotions, if this fiction that the heroes experience.

  • After reading, you need to ask yourself questions about the content;
  • Read out loud with expression;
  • Write the text with the other hand;

If you are left-handed, write with your right hand, if you are right-handed, write with your left. This tricky way will force the brain to spend more effort analyzing all the written material.

  • Find a training partner;

The actors rehearse in pairs, this helps in their work. You can also ask someone you know to test your knowledge of all the material. Learning by heart is more interesting and much easier in a company.

  • Record the text on a voice recorder;

Record the text on a recording device and listen to it throughout the day while doing your daily routine or while traveling. This will help you remember voluminous text without being distracted from other things and without wasting extra time.

Memory needs to be constantly trained. Memorizing information consists of encoding it and sending it to a special part of the brain for further storage. If the information is needed, it will be easily remembered. When she long time is not used, the brain will remove it as unnecessary. Forgetting is inherent in humans; it happens after a certain time. This is a natural mechanism of the brain and it helps not to overload the brain with unnecessary information and if it is not used, it disappears from memory over time.


Organize your own conditions for studying. It is unlikely that you will succeed if there is noise or even just talking around the dorm or apartment. New material best absorbed in silence. And since students rarely have a routine and go to bed in the evening, agree with your friends so that they enter into your position and create silence. Make yourself comfortable at your desk. Think about what might be useful to you. Place all your notes and textbooks at arm's length so you don't have to look for them.

Organize your notes. To new information fit on the shelves and didn’t get confused, teach it not randomly, but in order. Learn the questions on the first ticket and move on to the next one. Do not disturb the order so as not to confuse yourself.

Allow yourself to rest. Of course, alone night- this is very little time. But if you sit over the tickets continuously, you may simply get confused, and by the morning your head will be a mess, and this will not help you much in the exam. Take breaks to drink tea or coffee. Better yet, drink cocoa and chocolate. They contain elements that help assimilate new information.

Cross out those ticket numbers that you have already memorized. This has its positive effect. You will see that you are not standing still. And crossing off another ticket will give you the necessary motivation to continue moving forward. Write cheat sheets. Even if the exam is taken by a very strict teacher, and they say that it is impossible to copy from him, still make cheat sheets. Even if you don't actually use them, it will help you learn the ticket. Since cheat sheets usually summary answer, you can remember it and remember it in right moment.

Don't try to memorize the tickets. Memorization is unlikely to lead to a positive result. Try to understand the essence of the question and remember a few key phrases that you can use as a basis for the exam. Do not leave any tickets untouched. Even if you have very little time left, at least read the answers to them.

Try to get at least a couple of hours of sleep before the exam. During sleep, new information is absorbed best, and after such a night the body needs at least a little rest. Be confident in yourself during the exam. After all, the teacher will immediately see if you don’t know the ticket. And confidence in your words can convince the most picky teacher, and you will receive a positive assessment.

No wonder the student saying goes:

“It’s either an eternity or one night until the exam.”

Very, very many people like to put off all their affairs until the last moment, when it is simply impossible to continue pulling the cat by the tail.

By the way, it’s better not to do this when writing a diploma - you can easily retake the exam.

What to do if folk wisdom is confirmed in your case?

Get ready to stay up all night

In order for the brain to work optimal mode, stock up on chocolate. In general, sweets influence mental activity in any case, but it is better to choose bitter chocolate. Doctors also advise eating fish, but you need to take moderation here, because after a hearty dinner you always want to sleep.

If coffee doesn't work for you, brew it very strong. green tea. It contains a lot of caffeine and other stimulating substances. Of course, you can turn to energy drinks for help, but it’s better not to abuse so much chemicals - more than two cans of the drink can negatively affect the functioning of the heart. It is better to choose a natural option, for example, Eleutherococcus extract. It is quite inexpensive, has a tolerable taste, and you only need to drink a tablespoon at a time.

Protect yourself from unnecessary distractions

Since there is no time to read books anymore, a search engine will help you. Immediately look for ready-made answers to your question, and where to write. For better memorization, you can do short summary. Then it will be useful to re-read it several times, so the most key points better remembered.

Write cheat sheets

If any questions are difficult, write cheat sheets. Firstly, it’s easier to remember, and secondly, they will increase self-confidence. Write briefly, shorten the text to the maximum, leave only the main formulas and concepts.

Take breaks

It is necessary to take breaks during preparation. Distribute your time in the way that is optimal for you, make a schedule. For example, you work for an hour and a half without being distracted by anything, and then rest for 30 minutes. By the way, it’s better not to rest in front of the monitor. Walk to the kitchen, drink coffee, call other night owls like you. At worst, wash the dishes or tidy up the room - physical work Such a plan will relieve the brain well.

Take a rest

Try to get at least two hours of sleep before the exam. The material will be remembered better, and you will feel better. After resting, repeat the information again and confidently go to the exam.

The main thing is not to worry.

Even if it seems that you have forgotten everything, your mind will promptly prompt you with the right answer. And the spurs won’t let you down.