Gyurza pistol: history of creation, advantages and disadvantages. Serdyukov self-loading pistol: history and description of advantages and disadvantages The pistol complex SR 1 gyurza is designed

In the near future, another rearmament of the army may begin, this time regarding small arms. One of famous projects The development of a self-loading pistol has passed the next stage, which brings it closer to the possible start of mass production and deliveries to the army. According to the latest data, serial production of weapons of a new modification may start as early as next year. If the appropriate decision is made, military personnel will be able to receive new gun SR-1MP.

He spoke about the latest successes of the project to develop a new pistol in mid-August general manager Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TsNIITochmash) Dmitry Semizorov. In an interview with the TASS news agency, published on August 16, the general director of the institute said that preliminary tests of the new pistol, conducted in the interests of the Ministry of Defense, have now been completed. Completion of this stage of checks allows us to begin new tests, the results of which will ultimately determine the fate of new development.

SR-1 pistol of early releases. Photo

According to D. Semizorov, state testing of the new pistol should begin in the fall. They are planned to be completed by the end of this year. After this, the military department will have to study the results of all tests carried out and make its decision. If approval is received and an order appears, the company is ready to manufacture and deliver the first batch of new pistols to the army next year.

As other domestic products specify mass media and the press service of the state corporation Rostec, we're talking about about the new self-loading pistol SR-1MP, which is another modification of the well-known product SR-1 “Vector”. The basic design appeared quite a long time ago, and over the past time has undergone noticeable changes, which led to the development of several modifications that differ from each other. In addition, there were several orders for the supply of serial weapons to one or another customer.

The development of the pistol, which later became known under the designation SR-1, started in the early nineties. Initially, the work was carried out as part of the army competition "Rook", the goal of which was to create promising weapons for the armed forces, differing from existing models in improved characteristics. Employees of TsNIITochmash P.I. Serdyukov and I.V. Belyaev developed a project for a new pistol complex consisting of the pistol itself and a new cartridge designed by A.B. Yuryeva. The proposed pistol design did not suit the customer, which is why the project dropped out of the competition.

However, the new development soon became of interest to the leadership of other law enforcement agencies. So, in 1993, the processing of the existing project began in accordance with the new technical specifications issued by the Federal Security Service. It was at this stage of development that the project received the designation “Vector”. The interest of the intelligence services in the project was primarily due to the basic characteristics of the fire. The parameters of the newest cartridge proposed by the authors of the project made it possible to hit an enemy using personal protection. Weapons with such capabilities were of great interest to special units.

In 1995, the developers of the Vector pistol complex received patent No. RU2049977. In addition, several prototype weapons necessary for testing were manufactured. Several pre-production batches were also released. According to reports, the prototypes of the Vector pistol were designated RG055. In 1996, the first public demonstration of the new development took place. At the same time, the pistol was positioned as a product for export under the name “Gyurza”. By this time, based on the original 9x21 mm RG052 cartridge, a new RG054 ammunition with different characteristics was created.

Diagram of a pistol from a 1995 patent.

At the end of 1996, the Vector pistol was adopted by the special forces of the FSB and FSO. The product received a new designation SR-1 (“Special development, first”). Together with the pistol, the RG054 / SP-10 cartridge (“Special cartridge, tenth”) was adopted for service. Subsequently, several other ammunitions were created on the basis of the 9x21 mm SP-10 cartridge, differing in their main design features and purpose. The shooter was able to assemble an ammunition load from cartridges with an armor-piercing, low-ricochet shell, expansive or armor-piercing tracer bullet.

In 2003, a government decree appeared, according to which the Vector pistol was adopted by special units of the armed forces. At the same time, the weapon received another designation - SPS (“ Self-loading pistol Serdyukov"). At the same time, production of a modernized pistol for special services under the designation SR-1M was launched. The start of production of new modifications of weapons did not lead to a stop in design work. Subsequently, specialists from the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering created new versions of the weapon.

Despite all the changes introduced in new modernization projects, pistols of the Vector family retain common elements designs and operating principles. The automatic operation of this weapon uses the recoil of a short-stroke barrel. From the point of view of the general layout, the Vector product is a typical modern pistol. A frame with fastenings for all main units is used, as well as a movable barrel and bolt casing. The magazine is traditionally located inside the handle. In order to facilitate the design, the pistol frame is made of metal and plastic. Metal parts are used in the upper part of the product, which is subject to high loads. Other units can be made of plastic.

The pistol is equipped with a 9 mm caliber barrel with a length of 120 mm (13 calibers), which has the ability to reciprocate for reloading. The barrel is locked using a larva swinging in a vertical plane. During operation of the automation, the cylinder must interact with the frame guides and move in the desired direction, ensuring the connection of the barrel and the bolt, as well as their decoupling. The final actions in the reloading cycle are provided by a recoil spring placed on the barrel. Due to the use of a movable barrel, a special stop for the rear end of the spring had to be introduced into the design of the weapon. This solution was subsequently patented.

Cartridges 9x21 mm SP-10. Photo

The pistol is equipped with a hammer-type firing mechanism with an open trigger. The double-action mechanism allows firing with or without pre-cocking. In this case, self-cocking is possible only if the trigger is previously positioned on the so-called. safety intermediate platoon.

Unlike other modern pistols, products of the Vector family do not have non-automatic safeties. The safety of handling weapons is controlled automatically. The pistol has two automatic safeties that monitor correct grip weapons and pressure on the trigger. The first automatic safety is made in the form of a button located on the rear surface of the handle. Its task is to lock the sear: when you press the key, it is released. The second safety is an additional lever on the trigger that does not allow a shot to be fired if the latter is pressed incorrectly. The design of the fuses is such that it allows a shot to be fired only when both devices are pressed simultaneously.

The pistol is equipped with fairly simple sighting devices in the form of an open rear sight and front sight placed on the upper surface of the bolt casing. The target range is stated at 100 m.

Partial disassembly of the SR-1 pistol. Photo

To supply ammunition to the weapon, a detachable box magazine was developed, placed in the receiving shaft of the handle. The two-row magazine managed to accommodate 18 rounds. Feeding is carried out using a spring. The magazine is secured in place by a latch located at the base of the trigger guard. Interestingly, the design of this unit is different for different versions pistol Thus, the SR-1 product had latch buttons on both sides, while the SPS has only one button on the right surface.

In early modifications, the Vector pistol had a total length of 195 mm and weighed 0.9 kg without ammunition. A magazine with 9x21 mm cartridges added about 300 g to the total weight. Depending on the type of cartridge used, the pistol could show an initial bullet speed of 400-425 m/s. Muzzle energy reached 635 J.

Since the mid-nineties, TsNIITochmash specialists have developed several modifications of the Vector pistol, which have certain differences from each other. First of all, the changes concerned the ergonomics of the products. Taking into account operating experience and feedback from shooters who used such weapons, some changes were made to the design of individual units. At the same time, however, the general architecture and operating principles of the weapon remained the same.

The first version of the Vector family pistol are prototypes and pre-production products RG055. Their characteristic feature is the rounded edges of the shutter casing, which were later replaced by straight ones. An export modification “Gyurza” was created on the basis of RG055. This version of the weapon differed from the original sample in a more accurate “exhibition” finish, as well as an engraving on the side of the casing depicting an attacking snake.

Pistol SR-1M. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The SR-1 pistol, adopted for service and mass-produced, intended for the FSB and FSO, received a casing with pronounced straight edges and a modified handle. In addition, to improve ergonomics, the trigger guard was modified, the front part of which received a rest for the finger of the second hand. It is known about the existence of the RG060 “Gyurza” product, which was an export version of the SR-1. The differences between the basic and export modifications were only in the external decoration. According to available data, the production of pistols for special services was carried out from 1996 to 2000, after which it was stopped due to the fulfillment of all existing orders.

In 2000, production of “military” SPS pistols began. These products differed from the previously produced SR-1 by the newly modified shape of the handle and the one-sided magazine release button. The sighting devices have also undergone some changes. The production of SPS pistols in the interests of army special forces continued for several years.

By the mid-2000s, the production of SR-1M pistols was mastered, representing an improved version existing weapons. Taking into account the operating experience of pistols by all previous customers, a new modification was created, which differed in some design features. The SR-1M received a frame from SPS with a matching handle and magazine release, as well as an updated sight. In addition, for the first time in the Vector family, a shutter stop appeared. Its design is such that the cartridge is chambered automatically when the magazine is replaced.

SR-1MP pistol with a silent firing device. Photo

Relatively recently, another modification of the pistol called SR-1MP was presented. All the main mechanisms of this product remain the same, and the innovations of the project affect only the external units. On the front of the frame it is now proposed to install a special block, on the lower surface of which there is a Picatinny rail for mounting various additional equipment, such as flashlights of appropriate dimensions, sights or laser designators. Also, the modernized pistol can be used together with the original silent firing device. The new design silencer has special fastenings that allow quick installation and removal, and are also compatible with the movable barrel of the pistol.

According to the latest reports in the domestic media, the SR-1MP self-loading pistol has not yet been adopted for service, but has already made noticeable steps in this direction. Not long ago, this weapon passed preliminary tests for the Ministry of Defense. This fall, the development organization and potential customer, represented by the military department, intend to conduct state tests necessary to make a final decision. In accordance with existing estimates, characterized by a certain optimism, mass production of the new pistol and delivery finished products troops could begin as early as next year. To achieve such successes, the promising SR-1MP pistol needs to pass the last stage of testing and attract the interest of the customer, the Ministry of Defense.

Based on materials from sites:

Patent No. RU2049977:

It is often called “Gyurza”. And although in official documents The Russian Ministry of Defense, Serdyukov’s self-loading pistol is not called that; it is sold for export exactly as Model 055C GYURZA. According to its characteristics, this pistol can rightfully be called the most penetrating in the world.


The designer after whom the pistol is named, Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov, made a revolutionary breakthrough in design domestic pistols. But only specialists know about this.

The widely known and most popular TT and PM pistols ( Tula Tokareva and Makarov pistol) cannot be considered completely domestic. When creating the TT, the Browning pistol was taken as a basis, and the PM is a redesigned Walter police officer. They were once good, but with the development of individual armor protection they completely lost their power.

The need for a new personal weapon for an officer arose in the late 1980s, back in the USSR.

The pistol, known as RG055, SR-1 “Vector”, SR-1M “Gyurza”, and in 2003 officially adopted by the Russian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the designation SPS - Serdyukov Self-loading Pistol (GRAU index 6P35), was developed at the Central Research Institute Precision Mechanical Engineering (Klimovsk) by Peter Serdyukov and Igor Belyaev.

At the beginning of 1991, the developers from TsNIITOCHMASH on the topic of R&D "Rook" were given the task of developing a new pistol complex consisting of a pistol and a cartridge, which in its performance characteristics would be superior to similar weapons that are most commonly used in equipping foreign armies. developed countries, while two basic designs were tested - with a free bolt and a movable barrel, and with the use of recoil energy during a short stroke of the barrel with its rigid locking.

The first system was not successful, but the pistol of the second design, although rejected by the army, aroused the interest of various Russian special services in the mid-1990s, in particular the FSB and the FSO. All this led to the deployment in Russia of a number of programs to improve short-barreled weapons. At the first stage of this work, which ended by the beginning of the 90s, specialists from the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering from Klimovsk near Moscow determined the requirements for a promising pistol complex. For this reason, it was decided to create weapons in 9 mm caliber, but according to Western standards, where the caliber of weapons is measured by rifling, and not by fields, as was customary in the USSR.
, 2016 According to the given tactical and technical requirements, the designer of the institute A. B. Yuryev, together with technologist E. S. Kornilova, under the leadership of I. P. Kasyanov, began to develop a new, very powerful 9x21 mm pistol cartridge with a bullet with high damaging effect. This cartridge received the manufacturer's index RG052.

The assignment for the development of a new pistol stipulated that the sighting firing range should be 50 m. But even at the very beginning of the work, the leading designer of TsNIITochmash, Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov, having realistically assessed the prospects of the cartridge being developed, decided that under these conditions it was quite possible to create a pistol with an aiming range of 100 m.

It should be noted here that many of Serdyukov’s employees are able to aimed shooting they simply didn’t believe it with a pistol at such a range. As one of his closest assistants, Igor Belyaev, recalled, the dispute was resolved very simply.

Having secured the chest part of the body armor on a stand and moved 100 m away, Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov hit it several times with TT and Walther P-38 pistols, brilliantly proving to his opponents that it is not enough to have good gun, you also need to be able to shoot from it. However, a pistol with an effective firing range of 100 meters still had to be created.

In accordance with the assignment, by the fall of 1991, P. I. Serdyukov created prototypes of two systems - 7.62 mm PS and 9 mm PS (PS - Serdyukov pistol) chambered for 7.62 × 25 and 9 × 21 mm cartridges (the customer of the pistol assigned them the index 6P35 at that time). Moreover, the old 7.62x25 mm TT pistol cartridge was chosen not so much at the request of the customer, but for testing the automatic pistol.
, 2016 The reason for this decision was that the new 9x21 mm pistol cartridge was just being created, and therefore was available in very limited small quantities, and it was expensive at that time. The differences between the pistols were only in the caliber of the barrel, the dimensions of the chamber, magazine and the inside of the handle.

As a result, only in 1993, after modifications were made, during which the dimensions and weight of the pistol were reduced, and the design of the bolt and some other parts was changed, a pistol under the name “9-mm self-loading pistol PS” was released (PS - self-loading pistol , index RG055).

After the delivery of a pilot batch of 50 pistols to special units in 1993 law enforcement agencies, its trial operation began. At the same time, this sample began to be demonstrated at various exhibitions and offered for sale abroad. Trial operation revealed some shortcomings of the pistol.

When testing the pistol for “hydrophobia,” swelling of the barrel was discovered. To eliminate this shortcoming, it was necessary to increase the thickness of the barrel walls, which led to an increase in its mass. In this regard, it was necessary to reduce the mass of the shutter. At the same time, the technology for its production was somewhat simplified. During the revision, the design of the rear sight was simplified. To facilitate aiming in low light conditions, the front and rear sights had recesses filled with light enamel. After modification, the second version of the RG055 pistol was born. It differed from the first purely externally in the flat oblique sides of the bolt (instead of the radius surface in the first version) and the simpler design of the rear sight.

Material on the topic

In the process of eliminating them, the strength of a number of critical parts was increased. The cartridge, which during development received the name RG052, also continued to improve. It was finalized by I.P. Kasyanov. Trial operation of the pistol showed the need to slightly reduce the initial zero speed. The core zeros began to be made from a different grade of steel and using advanced technology.
, 2016 The improved cartridge received the developer index RG054. After the first batch of RG055 pistols appeared, the FSB drew attention to them. Special units of this department required powerful and compact weapons.

After completing the first tests at a specialized training ground of the Ministry of Defense, the customer decided to continue work at TsNIITOCHMASH to further refine the pistol only chambered for the 9x21 mm cartridge with a bullet with a heat-strengthened steel core.

Difficulties in financing work on the topic, as well as the loss of interest in the pistol chambered for 9x21 mm on the part of the Ministry of Defense, led to the fact that in 1993 the Russian Ministry of Security (now the FSB) ordered the development of a new pistol based on the RG055 pistol and the RG052 cartridge . Based on the interests of the customer of the pistol, a number of new requirements were presented to it, and the whole topic began to be called “Vector”.

During further work over the pistol, the strength and service life of its parts were significantly increased. The bore began to be chromed. The thickness of the handle was increased to 34 mm, and the total length of the pistol increased by 5 mm and amounted to 200 mm.

There was corrugation on the side and end surfaces of the handle, and in the lower part there was an eyelet for attaching a cord. The magazine cover began to be made of impact-resistant plastic and thicker than that of the RG055 pistol, which also increased the ease of holding the pistol. As a result of the changes and improvements made, a complex was born, consisting of the SR-1 pistol and the SP-10 cartridge.
, 2016 It was put into service in mid-1996. The name “Vector” is not included in the resolution on the adoption of this complex for service, but we can safely assume that, according to the now unofficial tradition, it will become the second name of the pistol.

The lack of regular funding and orders within the country in the early 90s forced the company to develop an export modification of the pistol complex and offer it for sale abroad.

This modification received the commercial name Model 055C GYURZA, and it began to be demonstrated at various foreign and Russian arms exhibitions. An export modification of the SP-10 cartridge was also created for it under the developer designation RG054.

The use of a proper name, so unusual for domestic small arms, “Gyurza,” appeared during a discussion of the need and prospects for selling abroad an export version of the new pistol complex.

At a meeting with the then director of TsNIITOCHMASH A.V. Khinikadze, this name was proposed by the deputy head of the department - one of the leaders of the team for the creation of the pistol complex, Vladimir Fedorovich Krasnikov. His considerations, however, were quite specific - a bite from a viper, like a shot from a new pistol, is fatal.

In 1997, the Russian Ministry of Defense again returned to considering the possibility of adopting a pistol complex chambered for 9x21 mm. The SR-1 pistol, already accepted for equipment by the FSB and some other law enforcement agencies, was considered as the basis.

The pistol was tested by specialists from the Ministry of Defense testing site. Work on additional testing of the pistol complex was named “Granit”.

Based on the test results, a number of comments were made about the pistol. In particular, complaints were again expressed about the shape of the handle, as well as about the relatively large force required to release the magazine latch - this complicated its replacement.

Based on the results of these tests, the pistol was again modified. It received a more conveniently shaped handle, a push-button magazine latch and a slightly modified rear sight design. The new version of the weapon was named the 9-mm Serdyukov self-loading pistol (SPS). The names of the cartridges have also changed.

The 9x21 mm pistol complex includes the following cartridges: 7N28 with a bullet with a lead core in a bimetallic jacket, 7N29 with a bullet with steel core and 7BTZ with an armor-piercing tracer bullet.

To maintain an acceptable weight of the pistol for the new powerful cartridge, it was necessary to use an automatic circuit with a short barrel stroke. To ensure reliable operation of the automation in difficult operating conditions, an original locking system was created.

The automatic pistol operates on the principle of recoil of the barrel with a short stroke. The bolt casing completely covers the barrel in the firing position. An ejector is mounted in its recess on the right. Semi-hidden trigger available for thumb hand holding a weapon.
, 2016 It is worth noting here the fact that Browning’s “blowback” was very seriously modified, and here experts, in fact, invented a fundamental new scheme(although here it is worth saying that the contactor is used in the locking system of Walther P-38 and Beretta 92 pistols, and for quite a long time) which has no analogues in the world yet (or, at least, not declared).

At the moment of firing, the barrel is locked with a special part - the barrel lock, which, when the bolt moves backward, rotates in a vertical plane and comes out of the grooves of the bolt, thereby ensuring the disengagement of the barrel and the bolt.

Other original technical solutions were also used in the new pistol. The return spring is located around the movable barrel, for which a patented solution is used in the form of a special stop (return spring stop) for the rear end of the spring, while the front end of the spring rests against the bolt. During shooting, this part remains motionless relative to the pistol frame. By the way, to this technical solution A Russian patent for the invention was issued.

Armamid molded impact-resistant plastic is used in the design of the pistol frame. A pistol grip is made from it, integral with the trigger guard. Metal fittings are fixed in the upper part of the frame. It serves to direct the movement of the bolt and secure a number of pistol parts in it.

The trigger mechanism of the pistol is a hammer, double action. However, it has one peculiarity. To fire the first shot by self-cocking, the hammer must be pre-cocked. The mainspring is located in the trigger. The trigger pull force is 1.5-2.5 kg, and when firing with self-cocking - 4-6.5 kg.
, 2016 Safe handling of the pistol is ensured by two automatic safety devices. One of them, located on the back of the pistol grip, blocks the trigger, the second, located on the trigger, stops the trigger. The expediency of having such fuses on the pistol is justified as follows.

A pistol is a weapon, the decision to use it is made almost instantly before shooting. At a time when your life is in danger, you should not waste time taking the weapon off the safety. That is why it is advisable to carry the SR-1 pistol with a cartridge chambered in the barrel. Placing the trigger on the safety cock in this case allows you to immediately open fire as soon as you take the pistol out of the holster. Some users permanently disable the handle safety by wrapping the handle with tape or tape.

The pistol barrel has six right-hand rifling.

SPS sights are fixed, located on the bolt body, and have white inserts to facilitate aiming. Aiming at different distances is carried out by moving the aiming point out in height.

The double-row magazine for 18 rounds with a staggered arrangement does not protrude from the handle. The magazine body has rows of holes that facilitate and allow you to determine the number of cartridges in it. The magazine release button is located behind the trigger on the handle.

Early production samples of the SR-1 did not have a slide stop, but the latest SPS pistols received a slide stop that was automatically turned off when a new magazine was inserted into the pistol. The magazine is released by pressing large and index fingers on the stopper latch located behind the trigger guard. Removing the magazine is facilitated by a feeder spring, which pushes it out of the handle.

All over the world there is a good old weapons tradition of making special gift weapons based on military ones. They didn’t forget it at TsNIITochmash either. Local craftsmen have mastered the art of filigree finishing and a new pistol.

The pistol marking began to contain the manufacturer's trademark, the type of ammunition used on the right and left sides of the pistol grip and the serial number. The production of the pistol was established at TsNIITochmash and at OJSC Kirov Plant Mayak in Kirov. They can be distinguished by the size of the trigger guard (on the Kirov pistol it is slightly larger) and by the manufacturer’s trademark markings on the side surfaces of the handle. The sign of TsNIITochmash is the head of an owl, and the Mayak plant is a stylized mathematical sign - a radical.

For the creation of the pistol complex, the development group was awarded a prize from the government of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 1996. This pistol is distinguished by good accuracy and high penetration.

In August 1997, at the invitation of the Americans, in the USA at the test site Marine Corps A demonstration of a number of samples took place in the state of Florida special weapons, developed at TsNIITochmash. The RG055 pistol was also presented.

Prudent Americans, taking advantage of the opportunity, asked to test their body armor. Imagine the surprise and despair of the FBI representatives after all the bulletproof vests they presented were pierced without any problems with a pistol from the Russian special services. Although it is worth noting here that the shooting was carried out with armor-piercing cartridges, which, however, does not in any way detract from the combat qualities of the pistol.

The pistol has a “sleek” shape. The main advantage of the new pistol is its very high effectiveness against targets protected by body armor or obstacles such as the sides of a car, for which the pistol received a specially created 9x21mm SP-10 cartridge (original designation RG052) with an armor-piercing bullet.

Later, in addition to SP-10, a number of 9x21mm caliber cartridges were developed, including cartridges with expansive (SP-12), low-ricochet (SP-11) and tracer (SP-13) bullets. With the SP-10 cartridge, the pistol is capable of successfully hitting targets wearing class 3 body armor with rigid elements at distances of up to 50-70 meters. It can also pierce the cylinder head block of a car engine. In addition, the SPS pistol has a fairly high magazine capacity and is adapted for operational use. Currently in service with the FSB and FSO forces, it is offered for export.

The most powerful and compact pistol created in Russia. The security of the president of our country is armed with such pistols. But Washington officially prohibits the bodyguards of the top official from taking such powerful weapons with them if the Federal Security Service has to work in the United States.

The designer after whom the pistol is named, Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov, made a revolutionary breakthrough in the design of domestic pistols. But only specialists know about this.

The widely known and most popular pistols TT and PM (Tula Tokarev and) cannot be considered completely domestic. When created, the Browning pistol was taken as a basis, and the Makarov pistol (PM) was a redesigned police Walter. They were once good, but with the development of individual armor protection they completely lost their power.

The need for a new personal weapon for an officer arose in the late 1980s, back in the USSR. The work was carried out in several weapons design bureaus. But the task was completed in the most optimal way only at the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering in Klimovsk near Moscow by a design team led by P.I. Serdyukov. There, a completely domestic pistol was created, without any copying, and a new cartridge for it. This happened in the early 1990s.

Alas, at that time the main customer, the Ministry of Defense, could no longer order anything. The money remained only with the special services. And the pistol was defined as the main individual weapon for employees of these services in the new Russia. Maybe that’s why it has several “secret” names: RG055, SR-1 “Vector”, SR-1M “Gyurza”. But in the new century he acted as follows to supply the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs SPS - Serdyukov self-loading pistol. He was very fond of the GRU special forces and the Special Operations Forces units.

Despite its destructive power, the SPS is quite elegant and does not give the impression of a shooting monster. Those who have used it note that it fits very well in the hand, is comfortable and safe to use, and is very reliable. A special cartridge of 9x21 mm caliber was created for the SPS. The target firing range of this cartridge is 100 meters. At this distance, bulletproof vests consisting of two 1.4 mm titanium plates and 30 layers of Kevlar or 4 mm thick steel sheets are pierced.

After simply replacing individual elements, the SPS can fire standard 9 mm Makarov pistol cartridges and even 7.62 mm TT pistol cartridges. The Serdyukov pistol has a very well-thought-out system for protecting against accidental shooting. There is no traditional lever switch. There are two buttons - on the back of the handle and on the trigger. They provide complete safety and at the same time instant readiness to fire.

Many people think that in the era of general computerization to create new look small arms - a couple of trifles. The main thing is to know which keys to press on the computer, then the program will do everything itself and give you the best version of the same pistol. However, not everything is so simple.

As designer Pyotr Serdyukov says, today there are really no special problems in making a shooting toy. The toy can be very impressive. For example, one of the foreign creators of miniature weapons for collectors even charmed the top leaders of the domestic defense complex, convincing them that he was ready to make the most beautiful and best pistol in the world for Russian army. The designer was given carte blanche.

The pistol really turned out to be quite designer and even fired. But when they began to test it in the field, it turned out that the beautiful design of the weapon was not the most important thing. The pistol turned out to be completely unsuitable for combat. It could not withstand either excess dust, excess overheating, or firing from various provisions, nor much else that a real military weapon should withstand, and not a beautiful shooter from computer games.

The main difficulty in designing a pistol is its small dimensions. And the more powerful the cartridge, the more difficult it is to achieve reliability. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Pyotr Serdyukov managed the almost impossible. In dimensions and weight not much larger than those possessed by a Makarov pistol, it was possible to realize a shot power that far exceeds that which is typical, for example, of the American Colt of a much larger caliber.

This one is interesting little known fact from the history of the Union of Right Forces. In 1997, in the United States, new small arms created at TsNIITOCHMASH were demonstrated at one of the Marine Corps training grounds. The Americans were also shown Serdyukov’s pistol. Representatives of the Secret Service, the one that protects the top officials of the state, including the president, asked to check the strength of their body armor. All bulletproof vests were pierced through by shots from the SPS. One can imagine the reaction of agents who are confident in their armor invulnerability.

In the hands of P.I. Serdyukov his powerful ATP. Now the designer is working on a new generation pistol.

Soldiers of the Federal Security Service are armed with Serdyukov pistols. But, which is significant, even if they accompany our president to the United States, they are prohibited from importing their service weapon there - SPS. You have to use others, also good, but less powerful. Almost twenty years have passed since the shooting of the body armor of the American Secret Service at their own training ground, and overseas they still cannot recover from the shock.

Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov was born on December 8, 1945, exactly 70 years ago in the family Soviet officer. Graduated from Tula polytechnic institute. Since 1969 he has been working in Klimovsk at TsNIITOCHMASH. He is an outstanding designer. But what distinguishes him is his extraordinary modesty. Even on the “all-knowing” Internet, designer Serdyukov is talked about very sparingly.

However, we can be proud that we are contemporaries of the man who created the original, purely Russian pistol. On its basis, a new generation pistol is currently being designed, even more advanced and powerful.

The prerequisites for the creation of such a pistol appeared in the 80s, when the period of widespread equipping of the armed forces of most world countries with personal weapons began. protective devices- body armor. This in turn led to the development of weapons capable of coping with such protection. SR-1 was specially created for the competition of personal weapons of Russian servicemen. According to the competitive results, the Yarygin pistol won, but the development of the SR-1 became of interest to special forces.

In the mid-90s, “Gyurza” fell into service with the FSO and FSB intelligence services. The main reason for the interest was the fairly powerful pistol cartridges. The development of ammunition for the SR-1 was carried out specifically for special operations. The powerful performance of the 9x21 cartridge is ensured by the mass of the bullet itself, which has a steel core inside it. Such a bullet copes with a 6 mm thick steel plate and 30 layers of Kevlar. “Gyurza” not only penetrates a door and body armor, but also penetrates a protective helmet and is capable of stopping a car. The competitive characteristics of “Gyurza” have become even more relevant in the modern world.

Design Features

Despite its initial power, the Serdyukov pistol is quite compact, has quite acceptable weight and recoil force. The double-row magazine holds 18 rounds. The distance for aimed shooting is 100 meters, the initial speed of the bullet is 420 meters per 1 second. The weight of the pistol without a full magazine is within 900 g.

A notable feature of the SR-1 is that the development was not based on foreign analogues, the design is entirely Russian. For example: when creating the TT, a Browning was used as a basis, and the Makarov pistol is similar to the police Walter. In this regard, Serdyukov’s pistol can be called unique to a certain extent.

"Gyurza" is equipped with a protection mechanism against unplanned shots. The standard safety lever is replaced by two buttons, which the designers placed on the trigger and the back of the handle. Such a system maintains safety and at the same time ensures operational readiness to fire. One of the safeties is unlocked when the weapon is picked up, the other when the trigger is pressed. This method virtually eliminates an unplanned shot 100%.

SR-1 bullets are characterized by powerful penetration and at the same time high stopping power. The trigger of the weapon is smooth. Its main advantage is minimalism and the absence of unnecessary elements that complicate the use of the pistol. There are three types of cartridges for the Gyurza:

SP-1 with a lead bullet;

SP-12 with deployable bullets;

SP-13 with tracer armor bullets.

A modern modification of the Serdyukov pistol is the SR1MP model. Its design has side grooves in the front of the frame on which you can attach a Picatinny rail. The rail, in turn, is needed to equip the pistol with additional devices: laser aiming, sights, flashlights. SR1MP is also adapted for installing a sound muffler.

The main goal of the development of "Gyurza" was to improve existing species weapons, replacing used combat models and equipping military units of the highest order. The pistol was officially introduced into service with all military units in 2003 under the name “SPS” - Serdyukov’s self-loading pistol.

In 1991, specialists from the Ministry of Defense, as part of work on the “Rook” topic, formulated requirements for a fundamentally new pistol complex that would be superior to the combat army pistols of developed foreign countries. The development of a new pistol complex at the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (FSUE TsNIITOCHMASH) began with the development of a new 9-mm pistol cartridge. It was assumed that the cartridge could be used in a self-loading pistol, as well as in a promising small-sized submachine gun. Ballistic calculations showed that the bullet of the new pistol cartridge of increased power should have a mass of 6-7 g and an initial speed of 400-450 m/s.

By the fall of 1991, A. B. Yuryev, E. X. Kornilova, under the leadership of I. P. Kasyanov, developed the RG052 cartridge, for which the leading designer P. I. Serdyukov, with the help of I. V. Belyaev, developed a self-loading pistol, which received the index 6P35. A similar pistol was developed for the 7.62x25 cartridge. After the first stage of testing, it was decided to continue work on a pistol chambered for the 9x21 cartridge with a bullet with a heat-strengthened core.

Trial operation of pistols began in 1993 in special units law enforcement agencies. After modification, a new version of the pistol appeared - RG055. The improved 9x21 cartridge, modified by I. P. Kasyanov, received the designation RG054. The export small-scale version of the RG055 pistol presented at exhibitions became known as the “Gyurza”.

Also in 1993, specialists from the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation (later - Federal service security), having assessed the advantages of the “RG052 cartridge - RG055 pistol” complex, they issued an order to TsNIITOCHMASH to develop a new pistol complex based on an improved cartridge - this topic received the code “Vector” - and a small-sized submachine gun (the “Veresk” topic).

In 1996, the pistol of the P. I. Serdyukov system under the designation SR1 with the SP 10 cartridge was adopted by the FSB (the abbreviation “SR” means “special development”, “SP” means “special cartridge”. Aimed firing range - 100 m, hit radius better half bullets when fired with the SP 10 cartridge at a distance of 50 m was no more than 4 cm. The production of CP1 was established by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TsNII-TOCHMASH". The SP10 cartridge was supplemented with SP 11 cartridges with a low-ricochet bullet, SP 12 with an expansive bullet with increased stopping power, and SP 13 with an armor-piercing tracer bullet. The SP 11 cartridge was developed by L. S. Dvoryaninova, SP12 and SP13 - by M. I. Kabaev.

In 2003, the army adopted the “9-mm Serdyukov self-loading pistol” (SPS, index 6P53) and pistol cartridges:
- 7N28 with a low-ricochet bullet weighing 7.9 g (lead core, bimetallic jacket) - a low-ricochet bullet is necessary when conducting combat, for example, in urban conditions;
- 7N29 with an armor-piercing bullet weighing 6.7 g (with a heat-strengthened core, the head part of which protrudes from the shell, a polyethylene jacket and a bimetallic shell);
- 7BTZ with an armor-piercing tracer bullet weighing 7.2 g (with a steel core, lead jacket, tracer composition and bimetallic shell).

A bullet from the 7N29 cartridge reliably hits living targets in second-class personal armor at a range of up to 50 m; in unarmored vehicles, at a distance of up to 100 m it is capable of penetrating an army steel helmet.

The new pistol complex is intended primarily for arming units special purpose. The production of ATP is established in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TsNIITOCHMASH".

The pistol's barrel bore has six screw riflings, and the barrel bore is chrome-plated.

The automatic operation of the pistol operates according to the recoil pattern of the barrel with a short stroke; the barrel bore is locked with the bolt using a vertically swinging lock. The return spring is placed on the barrel of the pistol, but unlike the PM or APS, it rests on a special part - the return spring stop.

The trigger mechanism is a trigger mechanism, with the mainspring located in the cavity of the trigger itself. The trigger mechanism allows firing a shot with pre-cocking or self-cocking from the safety cock. The pistol has two automatic safeties. The rear one - in the form of a key behind the pistol grip - blocks the sear and turns off only when the grip is fully covered with the palm. The front safety is a lever on the trigger and locks the trigger, turning off at the beginning of the descent when the shooter's finger presses the lever into the trigger. Using only automatic fuses helps constant readiness weapon to fire, reduces the number of operations that the shooter must perform to fire the first shot, and eliminates the situation when the owner of the pistol tries to shoot without removing the safety.

The pistol frame is made with extensive use of plastic. The trigger guard with a front protrusion is designed for two-handed shooting. The sighting device includes a front sight and a non-adjustable constant sight, made non-glare and equipped with white inserts that facilitate aiming in low light conditions (twilight, tunnel, dark room, etc.).

SR1MP pistol with installed collimator sight and laser designator
and a gunshot silencer

The cartridges are fed from a detachable box magazine with a double-row arrangement of 18 cartridges. The magazine release button is located behind the trigger guard in the frame recess and is protected from accidental pressing. When all the cartridges are used up, the magazine feeder raises the bolt stop with its tooth, and the bolt stops in the rear position. To speed up reloading, the feed spring pushes out the magazine when the latch button is pressed, and the bolt stop is automatically turned off when a loaded magazine is installed. Thus, in the design of the pistol, all measures have been taken to combine the speed of bringing the weapon into readiness and firing the first shot with the convenience of aimed shooting. The return spring stop and contactor used in the CP1, CP1M, SPS pistols are new patented design solutions.

Designed for carrying SR1M and SPS pistols various options equipment: camouflage holster for open carry with camouflage uniforms, universal holster for concealed carry (on a shoulder sling) or on a waist belt.
The newest modification, the SR1MP pistol, is distinguished by the presence of grooves on the sides of the front part of the frame, to which a Picatinny rail can be attached for installing various additional devices on the weapon: collimator sights, laser designators and tactical flashlights. It is possible to attach a shot silencer to the SR1MP pistol.

Tactical technical characteristics of the SR1M pistol

Caliber: 9 mm
Cartridge: 9x21
Weapon weight without ammunition: 0.9 kg
Weapon length: 200 mm
Barrel length: 120 mm
Initial speed bullets: 410 (7N29) m/s
Combat rate of fire: 36 rpm
Sighting range: 100 m
Magazine capacity: 18 rounds