Natalie Portman's husband Benjamin Millepied left his post as director of the Paris Opera Ballet due to racism. Natalie Portman: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Interesting facts about Natalie Portman

Child Natalie Portman was born on February 22, 2017. Happy parents, 39-year-old choreographer and 36-year-old American theater and film actress Natalie Portman, named the baby Amalia. How many children does Natalie Portman have? Is the girl the actress's first child? Does Natalie Portman have any more children? We will try to answer these and other questions regarding the motherhood of a popular actress in our article.

Biography of a star mother

Natalie Portman was born on June 9, 1981 in Jerusalem. Her mother was a housewife, and her father was a doctor. When the girl was three years old, she and her parents moved to Washington, and after another 4 years to Connecticut, where the family finally settled in Long Island, New York.

Starting from four years the girl attended dances and performed with local troupes. She attended Jewish Elementary Day School and graduated from Syosset High School. Natalie grew up as a smart child; while she was at school, she even wrote research work, which provided her with the opportunity to participate in scientific competitions.

After completing high school, she studied at the prestigious Harvard University, where she acquired a bachelor's degree in psychology. In addition to her native languages ​​- Hebrew and English - the actress studied French, German, Japanese and Arabic.

In addition to studying, Portman was also interested in creativity, so she usually spent her holidays at a theater camp. When talented actress turned 10 years old, she played main role in a school play. Three years later, young Natalie Portman played the role of Matilda in Luc Besson’s film “Leon”, after which she became the idol of millions of teenagers of that time. The girl began to be invited to the filming of various films, and after a while she became a famous actress with a worldwide reputation.

At the age of 27, the popular actress decided to try herself as a film director. Her directorial work entitled "Eva" was presented on September 1, 2008 in an out-of-competition screening at the Venice Film Festival. Also on September 6, the premiere of the film anthology “New York, I Love You” took place, in which the actress acted as the director of one of the short stories, and also played the main role in another.

Personal life of Natalie Portman

Before meeting the American actress had romantic relationship with the Mexican actor Gael García Bernal, who is known to Russian television viewers thanks to his participation in such films as “The main thing is not to be afraid” and “Letters to Juliet”, and also met with the American producer and actor Jake Gyllenhaal, who gained popularity after participating in the film “The Prince” Persia. The Sands of Time."

After filming the video for the song Carmensita, Natalie Portman began a relationship with Venezuelan folk singer Devendra Banhart. But their romance did not last long.

Meet Benjamin

In 2009, Natalie Portman met her future husband and father of her children, French choreographer Benjamin Millepied, during the filming of the film. The man staged ballet numbers in the film “Black Swan”, in which the actress played the main role.

A talented choreographer helped Natalie Portman get into the role and create a convincing image. As a result, the American actress won the “Best Actress” nomination for her role in the film.

After filming the film, the young people did not stop communicating and announced their engagement in December 2010. When Milipier found out that his beloved was pregnant, he proposed to her.

Natalie Portman gave birth to a baby

U married couple there is already a boy named Aleph (a traditional Jewish name). This year, Natalie Portman's first child turned 6 years old. He was born in June 2011, and a year later, in August 2012, the Portman-Millepied couple officially legalized their relationship. After the birth of her child, Natalie Portman had to move to her husband in Paris for permanent place residence. However, such changes were not easy for the actress. According to the girl, she really misses the usual hustle and bustle of Hollywood.

Birth of Amalia

About what famous actress in position for the second time, it became known in September 2016, when the girl visited in an outfit that left no shadow of doubt about her pregnancy.

For the birth of their second child, Natalie Portman and her dancer husband Benjamin Millepied chose one of the best hospitals in Los Angeles. The birth of the baby went as well as possible, and the young mother and newborn Amalia feel good. It is worth noting that in addition to Nathalie and Millepied, little Aleph, the eldest son, was also looking forward to the appearance of a new member in the family famous family Portman - Millepied.

The star couple does not spoil fans with information about their personal life, preferring not to flaunt information that is significant for their family. Therefore, the happy news about the birth of Natalie Portman’s second child caused joy and admiration among fans of her talent and creative work.

Natalie Portman (born Natalie Portman, real name Natalie (or Neta-Lee) Herschlag) is an American film and theater actress of Israeli origin. Widely known for her participation in the films “Leon”, “Closer”, “V for Vendetta”, “The Other Boleyn Girl”, “Black Swan”, the prequel trilogy to the epic “Star Wars”, etc. Awarded an Oscar ", two Golden Globe awards, the Israeli Genesis Prize and other prizes.

Childhood and family

Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem on June 9, 1981, to Avner Hershlag, a gynecologist and fertility specialist, and his wife, housewife Shelley Stevens.

Shelley comes from a Jewish family of immigrants from Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary; Her father's parents immigrated to Israel from Romania and Poland. During World War II, Natalie's great-grandparents died in the Auschwitz concentration camp, while another great-grandmother served in British intelligence.

When Natalie was 3 years old, the family moved from Israel to the United States - first to Washington, and then to Long Island (New York), where her father became a professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Hofstra School of Medicine. Her parents continued to maintain an emotional connection with their homeland, and Natalie for a long time attended Jewish school and is fluent in Hebrew. The actress says that despite her great love to America, Israel will forever remain her home.


IN school years the girl was interested not only in theater and dancing, but also in natural sciences. In 1998, while studying at high school Syosset, she co-authored the scientific work “A Visual Method for Demonstrating the Enzymatic Production of Hydrogen from Sugar,” for which she received a prize in the prestigious Intel Science Talent Search competition for high school students.

She also studied several foreign languages: French, Japanese, German and Arabic, and began to play her first roles as a hobby. Subsequently, despite already serious success in cinema, Natalie entered Harvard University, from which she successfully graduated in 2003 with a bachelor's degree in psychology.

In an interview, she explained: “It’s not so important to me that college can ruin my career. I want to become more smart person than a movie star."

After Harvard, Portman went to Israel and completed her master's degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2004.

First roles

Along with an interest in science and languages, Natalie showed artistic inclinations from childhood. She first joined a dance club at the age of four, and then seriously studied modern choreography at the American Theater Dance Workshop on Long Island. There was also a theater studio “Usdan Center” nearby, where the girl learned the basics of acting.

When Portman was 10 years old, the cosmetics brand Revlon offered her to become a model, which Natalie refused because she was busy with the theater. She later recalled that as a child she had more ambitions than other children: she knew exactly what she wanted and worked tirelessly.

In 1992, the 10-year-old actress took part for the first time in an “adult” production of the musical “Ruthless!” (“Ruthless!”) - she was in the second cast along with future pop star Britney Spears, and Laura Bell Bundy played in the main cast.

Natalie Portman raps (ft. Lonely Island)

The very next year, Natalie received one of the main roles - the nymphet girl Matilda with a difficult fate - in the famous crime drama by Luc Besson "Leon" (1994). The young but already fearless actress played in a brilliant duet with Jean Reno, and the main villain in the film was played by Gary Oldman.

It was during this time that Natalie adopted the stage name "Portman", after her grandmother's maiden name, in order to separate her artistic career from her family and private life.

The work of the aspiring actress was called “an amazing debut”: despite her young age, Portman played absolutely professionally, and the dramatic and touching story about the friendship of a killer and a teenage girl did not leave the audience indifferent. A little later, the young actress received an invitation to play in the film adaptation of Lolita, where her partner would have been, but the parents of the minor Natalie refused the offer - Adrian Lyne’s film told a much more open story about the love of an adult man and a girl.

After working in Leon, Natalie Portman’s fate in cinema, one might say, was predetermined. Already in 1995, she played a small role in the crime drama Heat, where she met such stars as Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and Val Kilmer.

Casting Natalie Portman in Leon

The following year, another film with young Natalie was released - Woody Allen's musical romantic comedy "Everyone Says I Love You", starring Julia Roberts, Goldie Hawn and Drew Barrymore.

One more interesting work Natalie, a schoolgirl, began filming in the comedy sci-fi film by Tim Burton “Mars Attacks!” (1996). This time the girl was again lucky enough to film with outstanding and famous actors Stars: Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Pierce Brosnan, Sarah Jessica Parker and Danny DeVito.

The film about a rather comical alien invasion turned out to be quite successful and memorable, like Burton's other works. However, in this film, as in the two previous ones, Natalie was just a “child in an adult movie,” so the roles were very small. The situation was different with the tragicomedy " Beautiful girls"(1996), where 13-year-old Natalie played alongside adult and accomplished actors Matt Dillon, Uma Thurman, Timothy Hutton and others. Critics praised her work, writing that she is “a stunning bud that magically transforms even such a shallow role” .

However, this film was also a success. reverse side. During one of the interviews, the journalist asked Natalie if she realized that she had become a “pedophile’s dream”? She nodded thoughtfully, but henceforth began to avoid roles that emphasized sexuality - at least until she felt mature enough. “It influenced a lot of my subsequent decisions... because I was scared,” she later admitted.

In 1997, the girl returned to the theater stage and played the role of Anne Frank in the Broadway play based on the famous “The Diary of Anne Frank” about the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

Also in 1997, 16-year-old Natalie Portman was cast in the role of Padmé Amidala, queen of the planet Naboo, in George Lucas' film Star Wars. Episode I The Phantom Menace"(1999).

It is interesting that the role of Padme’s double was played in this film by the even younger Keira Knightley, for whom this was her first work in a big movie. When the girls were wearing makeup, they became practically indistinguishable from each other, and even their own mothers could confuse them.

The Phantom Menace grossed over a billion dollars and became a favorite part of the film saga for many fans of the universe created by George Lucas. At that time, Natalie successfully combined intensive work in cinema and theater with studying at school and participating in scientific projects. She couldn’t even come to the premiere of the blockbuster, because at that time she was intensively preparing for final exams and admission to university.

A little later, in 1999, the drama “Anywhere But Here” was released, where the role of the mother of the heroine Natalie was played by Susan Sarandon. At first, the girl refused to play in this film because the script contained a sex scene with her participation. Then Susan Sarandon and director Wayne Wang insisted on changing the script for the sake of Natalie's participation in the project.

Who is Padme Amidala?

For this work, the young actress received her first Golden Globe nomination for best role background. Before starting her studies at Harvard, she also managed to play the main role in the melodrama “Where the Heart Is” (2000).

The rise of an acting career

In 1999, having entered the psychology department, Natalie Portman announced that she was going to focus on her studies and temporarily stop her acting career, with the exception of filming the next Star Wars. She still didn’t stop acting, but studying at that moment was the main priority for the actress.

Working on the new Star Wars prequel. Episode II: Attack of the Clones" (2002) the girl led during the summer holidays of 2000. Participation in a high-budget but criticized film almost had a negative impact on Natalie's acting reputation. So, soon after filming with Lucas, she played Nina Zarechnaya in Chekhov’s “The Seagull” at New York City’s Public Theater in Manhattan, but serious viewers were more repelled by her name on the poster than attracted.

Around the same time as The Seagull, Star Wars came out, and everyone thought I was a terrible actress. I starred in the highest-grossing film of the decade, but no director wanted to work with me anymore.

In the period from 2001 to 2004, the actress starred in only a few small roles - due to problems with the acting reputation, as well as due to active study and scientific projects. Her most significant works at this time were roles in the low-budget drama Garden Country, Tom Tykwer's short film The Truth and Mike Nichols' melodrama Closer, where Portman played in a strong acting quartet with Julia Roberts, Jude Law and Clive Owen. The films were released after completing her master's degree in 2004, and Closer earned the actress her first Golden Globe Award, as well as an Oscar nomination and several other awards.

In May 2005, the final part of the trilogy, Star Wars, was released. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, which became the highest-grossing film of the year. In the same year, Natalie played the main role in the independent road movie Free Zone, and then in the famous dystopia V for Vendetta based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore and the script by the Wachowski brothers. Perhaps, it was this picture and the role of the partner of the revolutionary V (Hugo Weaving), Evie, that returned Portman to the top of the acting pedestal - she could say goodbye to the boring image of Princess Padme.

James McTeigue's smart and uncompromising film caused a wide public response and became a cult classic, and Natalie Portman was awarded the prestigious Saturn Film Award. The Guy Fawkes mask used in the film is still found on the Internet as a symbol of the radical struggle against the totalitarian state.

In an interview before the release of the film, the actress explained her participation in it: “I myself am from Israel, and I cannot be indifferent to this topic, because we discuss the topics of terrorism and violence every day from early childhood.”

Then, after participating in the film almanac “Paris, I love you” (2006), the actress played one of the main roles in Milos Forman’s drama “Ghosts of Goya” (2006), where her screen partner was the famous Spanish actor Javier Bardem, and the role of the artist Francisco Goya was played by Stellan Skarsgård.

In 2007, Natalie played a small but memorable role as the gambling girl Leslie in Wong Kar-Wai's melodrama My Blueberry Nights, starring Jude Law and jazz singer Norah Jones. In this picture Portman is once again demonstrated her rebellious character and ability to feel completely relaxed in front of the cameras.

Paris, I love you": "Truth", short film with Natalie Portman

In the same year, the actress participated in two more original films: the adventure tragicomedy “Train to Darjeeling. Desperate Travelers" (with Owen Wilson and Adrien Brody) and the children's fantasy comedy "The Miracle Shop", where she played in an acting duet with Dustin Hoffman.

Critics did not rate The Shop too highly, considering its plot too “bland” and boring, but at the same time, many liked its visual style and, of course, the excellent acting.

In 2008, the historical drama “The Other Boleyn Girl” was released, telling about the era of the king. Henry VIII and the rivalry between two sisters for his heart. One of the sisters, Anna, was played by Natalie Portman, and the other, Maria, by Scarlett Johansson.

It was very interesting for Natalie to get used to the role of the imperious and principled Anna, complex character She described her character as follows: “She is strong, but she can also be vulnerable, she is ambitious and calculating, and can go over other people’s heads, but she also feels remorse.” Especially for this role, the actress practiced British English with a teacher for a month in order to get rid of her more native American pronunciation.

The next year, Natalie took part in the filming of the second almanac, “New York, I Love You,” this time not only as an actress, but also as a director. Unfortunately, this film did not do well at the box office, despite the presence of many good actors Cast: Hayden Christensen, Andy Garcia, Orlando Bloom, Christina Ricci, Ethan Hawke, Robin Wright Payne, etc. Directed one of the episodes of the film Russian director Andrey Zvyagintsev.

"New York, I love you." Novella with Natalie Portman

During the same period, the actress starred in several more films that were interesting to her from a creative point of view, but did not expect great box office success: the melodrama “Love and Other Circumstances” (2009, with the participation of Lisa Kudrow), the drama “Brothers” (2009 , with Jake Gyllenhaal and Tobey Maguire) and the film "Hasher" (2010, with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Rainn Wilson).

One of Natalie Portman's most striking and unforgettable works was the role of the neurotic ballerina Nina Sayers in Darren Aronofsky's psychological thriller Black Swan (2010). This dramatic film, in which Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel and Winona Ryder also participated, was a huge success at festivals and cinemas around the world and brought the actress an Oscar, Golden Globe, Saturn and Screen Actors Guild Award for best actress

I try to find roles for myself that require maturity, because otherwise a film actress can get terribly stuck in the role of a cute girl.

For this work, Natalie Portman, like her colleague and friend Mila Kunis, had to lose noticeable weight and spend significant time learning academic dance in order to look convincing as a ballerina. However, although in some ballet scenes, doubles were used instead of both actresses, the filming was not without injuries: having fallen while performing a difficult step, Natalie received a cracked rib and a concussion.

Chris Hemsworth), astrophysicist Jane Foster. Despite the financial success of the films, Portman refused to participate in the third part of the franchise and broke her contract with the studio.

Later, he played leading roles in the fantasy melodrama Knight of Cups (2015) and the western Jane Takes a Gun (2016). Special attention attracted the attention of the biographical drama “Jackie” (2016), where Portman brilliantly played Jacqueline Kennedy. The role of the famous first lady brought the actress nominations for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. IN recent years Natalie starred in the drama Planetarium (2016) and the musical melodrama Song to Song (2017) with Michael Fassbender and Ryan Gosling.

In addition, in 2015, Portman made her feature directorial debut, the Israeli film A Tale of Love and Darkness, which tells the story of a family famous writer Amos Oz.

Beliefs and social activities

Natalie Portman is a staunch animal advocate. At age 8, she saw her father's demonstration of a medical laser on a chicken and has since stopped eating meat. The actress switched to strict veganism in 2009 after reading Jonathan Safran Foer’s book “Meat. Eating Animals" During her pregnancy, Portman began eating eggs and dairy again.

Later she took off documentary under the same title in which she talked about the work livestock farms in the USA and negative sides industrial cultivation livestock For this work she was awarded an Environmental Media Association award. environment") in 2017.

Natalie also does not wear clothes and shoes made using leather, fur or feathers, and in 2007 she launched her own line of shoes made without the use of animal materials. She participates in various actions related to animal protection: in particular, she traveled to Rwanda to film the documentary “Gorillas on the Edge” and participated in advertising campaign PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is against the use of real fur.

Personal life of Natalie Portman

For a long time, Natalie Portman preferred not to dedicate the press to her personal life. From time to time, reports appeared in the tabloids that she was dating actors Gael Garcia Bernal and Jake Gyllenhaal, Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine, or even a member of the famous multi-billionaire clan Nat Rothschild - but whether this is true or not is unknown.

In 2006, the actress shared her views on how she sees her future family: “I would definitely prefer to raise my children in the Jewish tradition, but the most important thing is to have someone next to me.” good man and a true partner."

In 2007-2008, Natalie dated Venezuelan folk singer Devendra Banhart, and in 2009 she met New York Ballet Theater dancer Benjamin Millepied, a Jew of French origin who was the choreographer of Black Swan. The couple hid their relationship from the press for a long time, but on December 27, 2010, Natalie and Benjamin officially announced that they were engaged and expecting a child.

Their son Aleph Portman-Millepied was born on June 14, 2011, and Nathalie plunged into motherhood with pleasure. “If I'm not filming, I spend almost all my time with my family,” she says. – So my life revolves around kindergarten, cooking, children’s parties and going to bed.”

She also admits that motherhood has taught her to withstand stress more resiliently, which also helps when working in films. On August 4, 2012, Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied officially got married in a modest Jewish ceremony in California, and on February 22, 2017, their daughter Amalia was born.

Natalie Portman now

Despite the fact that the actress is actively involved with both children, she does not stop acting in films. So, in 2018, the drama “The Death and Life of John F. Donovan” was released, in which Kit Harington, Jessica Chastain, Kathy Bates and Susan Sarandon star alongside Portman, as well as the science fiction film “Annihilation”, in which she plays the lead role.

In addition, at the end of 2017, the actress was awarded the Israeli Genesis Prize, which is called the “Jewish Nobel Prize", with the wording "for commitment to Jewish values." Natalie was going to spend half of the amount, which was 1 million, to help women in Israel and beyond, but after the actions of Israeli troops in Palestine, she refused the award and participation in the ceremony, which caused a flurry of criticism from local politicians.

One of the most incredible and best actresses of our time will be discussed in this article. She has an incredible number of projects that leave a mark on the mind for a long time and make you think about many things.

This article is about the gorgeous Natalie Portman and her family, in particular about the kids who filled the life of the actress and her husband with happiness.

Childhood and first steps on the path to fame

Maybe someone didn’t know, but Natalie was born in Jerusalem on June 9, 1981. The girl has interesting roots, which on her mother’s side go to Russia and Austria-Hungary, and on her father’s to Poland and Romania. The girl was born into the family of a doctor (obstetrician-gynecologist) and a housewife. The family traveled a lot. When Natalie was three years old, her parents moved to Washington, and four years later they went to Connecticut. After some time, the family settled in Long Island, near New York.

A funny incident happened to an 11-year-old future star, thanks to which the girl entered the world of show business. One day Natalie and her mother were having lunch at a pizzeria. As luck would have it, it was in this establishment that a modeling agency held a competition. It should be noted that on at the moment The actress is a true vegetarian. Her mother advised the girl to take part in the competition, and it was the right decision: the little girl managed to get a contract to advertise Revlon perfumes.

Despite her busy schedule, Natalie graduated with honors from high school, after which she entered Harvard and graduated with a degree in psychology. Surely the actress's specialty helped her cope with very complex psychological roles with such believability, which do not for a second allow one to doubt the professionalism of the star with capital letters.

Start of a career

It's no secret that the world first learned about this incredible and very smart girl when she starred in her first film, "Leon." At that time she was only 12 years old. It is interesting that the director, the great Luc Beson, did not immediately approve the little starlet for the main role, because he needed an actress a little older and with experience in dramatic scenes. But later he was not at all disappointed; Natalie coped one hundred percent.

His Majesty's lucky chance once allowed an unusually talented flower to bloom, and since then the actress's career has only gone up. Very soon after "Leon", in 1995, the actress managed to work with such famous personalities, like Al Pacino and Robert De Niro.

Then the actress’s career began to gain rapid momentum. After the release of all parts of the famous “Star Wars”, the actress began to be invited only to the main roles. It is noteworthy that Natalie herself tried to select diverse roles, showing her acting skills from different angles.

Grown-up star

Separating acting and university studies, the actress decided to focus entirely on the latter. She did a variety of work related to her profession, whether it was writing for the university newspaper, participating in a counter-terrorism event, or simply doing various academic work.

After graduating from university, the actress worked hard and participated in various film projects. But in the process of work, Natalie also did not forget about charity. So Portman became an ambassador for FINCA International and visited Uganda, Ecuador and Guatemala, helping residents start their small business.

Personal life

All the time, the actress worked a lot, leaving no time for her personal life, so little is known about her novels. In addition, Natalie is very conservative in love affairs. She always left her personal life behind the scenes.

Only a few novels of the actress are known, several of which remain in question. So, Natalie dated Jake Gyllenhall, and also briefly with actor Garcia Bernal. There was an opinion that the actress began an affair with the lead singer of the Maroon Five group, but he denied everything. There was also a rumor about a possible romance between the actress and a member of a multi-billion dollar family, Nat Rothschild, but there was no confirmation of this either.

After some time, the actress was invited to one serious and promising project, “Black Swan,” for her participation in which the actress received her first Oscar. During the filming of the film, Natalie met a ballet dancer. Their meeting turned out to be fateful.

Natalie Portman's husband and children

The couple began a whirlwind romance; already in December 2010, the guys announced their engagement. And on June 14, 2011, the actress gave birth to her first child, Aleph Portman Millepied. a year later, the couple officially registered their relationship.

Natalie was raised in a strict Jewish family, so she is raising her son the same way: quite strictly, not allowing him to watch a lot of TV or play games for a long time. But such upbringing also has its advantages. At the moment, Aleph knows several languages, and also has excellent success in sports.

Most recently, Natalie Portman's second child was born - the long-awaited daughter Amalia Millepied. The actress dotes on her little ones. By the way, Natalie Portman's children look more like their dad than the actress.

At the moment, Natalie Portman's husband teaches ballet at the National Theater of Paris, and also does not stop dancing. Benjamin also had experience in directing the film “Reflection.”

In general, Natalie Portman has a wonderful husband and wonderful children. We can safely call them an exemplary family. Undoubtedly, Natalie’s children have a confident and great future ahead of them.

Pictured is Natalie Portman with her children.

Natalie Portman is one of the most beautiful and sought-after Hollywood actresses, born in Israel on June 9, 1981.


The girl was born into the family of a talented doctor, and her mother was a housewife and devoted all her time to her husband and children. With my future wife Natalie's father met in Chisinau, and they emigrated to Israel together. Natalie's roots are Russian. Portman is the surname of the girl’s beloved grandmother.

As a child

When the baby was only three years old, the father received advantageous offer from one of the American clinics conducting research on combating infertility, and the family decided to move. There, the grown-up Natalie began going to Jewish school and her parents did everything so that she would not forget about her roots.

The girl never dreamed of an acting career, even though she was already in preschool age she began touring with a children's musical ensemble. She respected her father’s authority very much and wanted to be like him so much that she even began to write scientific works who took prizes at school Olympiads.

Few people know that the girl has a Harvard diploma and even an academic degree. But she herself always believed that acting career like a roller coaster - it goes up and down. But once built scientific career– this is always a prestigious job and good earnings. This also shows the influence of her father.


However, she entered the acting path at a very at a young age. Every year, like many children from her circle, she spent several weeks in a specialized theater camp. Castings were often held there, at which talented children were selected to participate in professional filming.

Having won one of them, Natalie, at the age of 10, found herself on a real stage, playing the role of a girl in an adult play.

Natalie’s finest hour was her role in the thriller “Leon the Killer,” which she performed at a completely unchildish level. On the day of its premiere, the girl became a real star. They started talking about it not only in America - the film received several prestigious international awards.

This was followed by several more small roles and consolidated her success and star status fantastic action movie “Star Wars”, all parts of which are included in the classics of world cinema. Since then, the actress began to be invited only to lead roles. Moreover, it was she who tried to make sure that these roles were diverse. Most of all, the actress was afraid of becoming a hostage to one image.

Over the years creative career she starred in more than thirty films. On the screen she became a queen and a ballerina, a heroine and a criminal, a shy woman and a seductress. And it was from this diversity that the actress drew energy and strength for her new works.

The actress was equally successful in comedic roles. Today, she continues to actively act and takes part in numerous television projects.

Personal life

For a long time, Natalie was a convinced vegetarian. She was so impressed by the death of a chicken, which was cut up with a laser beam at a surgical conference, demonstrating the capabilities of the new device. But at the insistence of doctors in 2011, while bearing her first child, she was forced to reconsider her views and include animal food in her diet.

However, this did not stop her from remaining a fierce defender of animals and a fighter for a clean environment. She accepts active participation in various international projects, produces his own line of fashionable shoes made from artificial materials, and appears in social videos calling for the abandonment of skins and furs.

The actress is no less passionate about charity work. She can often be seen in third world countries, where she comes to support disadvantaged children. Sincerely believing that everyone has the right to a decent life, Natalie is promoting a project that allows third world women to use microfinance opportunities to open their own businesses.

With all this hassle and constant filming, the actress had practically no time left for her personal life. Occasionally, rumors appeared about her affairs with this or that actor or musician, but they faded away very quickly, without finding enough evidence.

And only in 2010, long-awaited changes finally took place in her life. While playing the role of an outstanding ballerina in the film Black Swan, she became close to her scene partner, the talented dancer Benjamin Millepied. Quite quickly the couple got engaged, which caused considerable surprise. But everything became clear when the actress gave birth to a son in 2011.

With Benjamin Millepied

A year later the official marriage took place, and in 2017 the family welcomed a second child – a girl. Now they live in Paris.