What is another name for the chanterelle mushroom? Common Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)

Lovers " mushroom hunting“Chanterelles are valued not only for their excellent taste, but also because their flesh contains no signs of worms or damage by insects. All this is thanks to the substance chitinmannose, which has the property of destroying helminths and their eggs.

Many people like to collect chanterelles, because they grow in large colonies. If you find several pieces in front of you, look around, look under fallen leaves or moss. From one clearing you can collect 2-3 buckets of these delicious fruiting bodies. But novice mushroom pickers are concerned about the question: Are chanterelles poisonous?

In nature, there are representatives of an inedible species called false chanterelles; they can be poisoned. In addition, the situation may be aggravated by individual intolerance to mushrooms by the human body. Then another question arises: Are false chanterelles poisonous or not, and if so, how poisonous?

First, you need to figure out what real chanterelles look like, so that even an inexperienced mushroom picker can distinguish an edible product from an inedible one. Real chanterelles usually grow in mixed and coniferous forests, from mid-summer to October. Mushrooms have an orange-yellow hue with a characteristic pleasant aroma of pulp. The caps are funnel-shaped with wavy edges and plates descending almost to the middle of the stem.

False chanterelles are not poisonous, although you can get poisoned from them. Usually it is not strong, but does not bode well for your body.

However, poisonous mushrooms similar to chanterelles, called orange talkers, can still pose a danger to humans. It is these that some mushroom pickers confuse with the real chanterelle, growing in the same forests.

How to distinguish chanterelles from poisonous mushrooms so as not to harm yourself and your loved ones by serious poisoning? There are several factors that help to correctly recognize inedible chanterelles:

  • false chanterelles never grow in large groups, like real species;
  • orange talkers grow on rotting or old trees, and edible species only on the ground;
  • inedible chanterelles have bad smell, but the real ones smell like peaches or apricots;
  • hats false mushrooms have a regular round shape with smooth edges, and real chanterelles are funnel-shaped with wavy edges.

We invite you to look at a photo of poisonous chanterelles, clearly showing their main differences from edible mushrooms:

If you are still poisoned by false chanterelles, do not worry, this does not pose a danger to humans. At proper treatment the patient recovers easily and quickly.

How else can you distinguish poisonous chanterelles from edible mushrooms?

How else can you distinguish poisonous chanterelles from edible ones and improve your experience in collecting mushrooms?

  • Poisonous chanterelles have smaller caps, not reaching 6 cm in diameter;
  • the plates are thin, often repeating and do not turn into the mushroom stalk, like in real ones;
  • pressing on poisonous mushroom its shade does not change at all, unlike real mushrooms;
  • The smell and taste of the pulp of false chanterelles is very unpleasant compared to edible ones.

There is also another type of false chanterelle - is it poisonous? We are talking about the gray chanterelle, which is inferior in taste to the edible species. The shape of the cap and legs of the gray chanterelle strongly resembles the real one, but has a brown or gray tint, which makes the fruiting body unattractive to mushroom pickers.

It is worth saying that in many reference books the poisonous chanterelle is considered a conditionally edible mushroom. Many mushroom pickers collect these species, although they are of lower quality than real chanterelles. But if you prepare them correctly: soak them thoroughly for 2-3 days, boil them for 20 minutes with salt and spices, then poisoning can be avoided. But still, experts recommend not to eat these mushrooms, especially if you have problems with digestive system. If they contain harmful toxins, these chanterelles can be poisonous. In people with sensitivity to these substances, the first signs of poisoning appear: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain and diarrhea. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately call ambulance, because the preservation of human health will depend on your reaction.

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (indefinite position)
  • Order: Cantharellales (Cantharellales)
  • Family: Cantharellaceae (chanterelles)
  • Genus: Cantharellus (Chantelle)
  • View: Cantharellus cibarius (Common Chanterelle)
    Other names for the mushroom:

Other names:

  • The fox is real

  • Yellow chanterelle
  • Chanterelle
  • Cockerel

Common chanterelle, or The fox is real, or Cockerel(lat. Cantharēllus cibārius) - a species of mushrooms of the chanterelle family.


The chanterelle has a cap that is egg- or orange-yellow (sometimes fading to very light, almost white); the outline of the cap is first slightly convex, almost flat, then funnel-shaped, often irregular shape. Diameter 4-6 cm (up to 10), the cap itself is fleshy, smooth, with a wavy folded edge.

Pulp dense, elastic, the same color as the cap or lighter, with a faint fruity smell and a slightly pungent taste.

Spore-bearing layer in the chanterelle it is folded pseudoplates running down the stalk, thick, sparse, branched, the same color as the cap.

Spore powder:

Leg The chanterelles are usually the same color as the cap, fused with it, solid, dense, smooth, tapering towards the bottom, 1-3 cm thick and 4-7 cm long.


This very common mushroom grows from early summer to late autumn in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests, at times (especially in July) in huge quantities. It is especially common in mosses and coniferous forests.

Similar species

It looks vaguely like a common chanterelle. This mushroom is not related to the common chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius), belonging to the Paxillaceae family. The chanterelle differs from it, firstly, in the deliberate shape of the fruiting body (after all, a different order is a different order), an inseparable cap and stem, a folded spore-bearing layer, and elastic rubbery pulp. If this is not enough for you, then remember that the cap is orange, not yellow, and the stem is hollow, not solid. But only an extremely inattentive person can confuse these types.

It also resembles the common chanterelle (to some inattentive mushroom pickers). But to distinguish one from the other, you just need to look under the cap. In the hedgehog, the spore-bearing layer consists of many small, easily separated spines. However, it is not so important for a simple mushroom picker to distinguish a hedgehog from a chanterelle: in the culinary sense, they are, in my opinion, indistinguishable.




1) The chanterelle mushroom is never wormy (well, with the exception of special occasions). 2) The chanterelle mushroom rots very neatly - clearly changing color and consistency at the point of rotting; You can always say - this is still rotten, but then it’s not. 3) Chanterelle mushroom is deprived internal structure- it is completely uniform within its own limits!

There is also an alternative, white fox. Somewhere a long time ago I saw that it was distinguished as a separate species, but where? This is not in the literature that I currently use. Well, God be with them. The main thing is that we know that deciduous forests, on the edges, in the grass, a mushroom grows, the format indistinguishable from a chanterelle, but white, denser and neater. And this is good, because uniformity, on the contrary, is very, very bad.

On the other hand, I know an easy way to turn a white fox into a yellow one. You just need to put it in water and leave it like that for several hours. After doing this simple experiment, you will be very surprised.

The mushrooms got their name because of their characteristic reddish-yellow color. This color is due to the high content of vitamin C.

There are edible and poisonous species chanterelles. False representatives of this group of fungi grow on rotting trees and are most often found in swamps and near lakes. Edible chanterelles, most often, grow in coniferous and mixed forests.

This group of fungi belongs to the chanterelle family, class Agaricomycetes.


Chanterelles are a well-known group of mushrooms that are found throughout Russia and Ukraine.

Mushroom dimensions

The mushroom is small in size, with a long thick stem. The average diameter of the cap is 10 cm, the stem reaches dimensions of 10-13 cm in length and 1-2 cm in width.


Chanterelles have a yellow-orange flat cap. It is wavy at the edges and curled towards the center. If you look at the cap from above, you can see that it is irregular in shape. The top of the chanterelle can be from 1 to 10 cm in diameter. It has a tubular structure.


The flesh of chanterelles is dense, white. There are fibrous and fleshy ones. When pressed, it changes color to red. The aroma resembles the smell of dried fruits, and the taste is sour.


The leg of the chanterelle is usually thick and long. Can reach 15 centimeters in length. It does not have a skirt or ring and, most often, simply grows together with the top. The color is orange-yellow, more saturated at the top. The cap expands from bottom to top and has small scales in the lower part.

The common chanterelle prefers to grow in mixed and coniferous forests. It can be found in places where moss and long plants grow. The season for collecting chanterelles is considered to be mid-summer - late autumn.

For a good harvest, chanterelles need a lot of moisture and nutrients, which enter their body through moss and wood.

This type of mushroom feels uncomfortable in deciduous forests. It does not penetrate well under a large layer of fallen leaves. sunlight, due to which the mushrooms begin to dry out and lose their attractive appearance.

Conifers and mixed forests- This is the optimal habitat for chanterelles. The soil under pine and spruce contains many microelements that promote the development of mycelium. It is in such places that the root of the mushroom can produce several fruits in one season.

Chanterelles are found all over the world, with the exception of permafrost and deserts.

The optimal time for chanterelle growth is July-September. The mycelium begins to bear fruit best in August after warm summer rain. This group of mushrooms does not tolerate cold, so they do not grow in winter.

In addition, chanterelles do not like the hot sun, so in spring and early summer they slow down their growth. The same stop in the development of mycelium occurs after each summer rain - the fungus tries to retain moisture for a long period of time. The fruit resumes its development on the third to fifth day after watering.


There are both edible and inedible species chanterelles. The common chanterelle has a pleasant smell and delicate shade, and false mushroom smells like fish or vinegar.

The main differences between edible chanterelles and inedible ones are:

  1. Hat color. Inedible chanterelles are bright orange, while edible ones are yellow.
  2. Hat shape. Inedible mushrooms have a clear circle shape.
  3. Leg. Real mushroom has a thick stem, while the inedible one has a thin stem.
  4. Smell. Inedible representatives of chanterelles have a vinegary odor.
  5. Habitat. Inedible chanterelles grow on fallen trees in deciduous forests, while real ones grow in mixed or coniferous forests.
  6. Pulp. Edible chanterelles have yellow flesh with white flesh in the center. Fake mushrooms have orange flesh.

If the mushrooms are real, then they can be fried, boiled or baked. Chanterelles make good casseroles, pies, zrazy and soups. All these dishes will not take more than an hour of preparation. Chanterelles can also be salted, pickled or dried, but this will take more time.


There are many types of chanterelles. You need to be able to distinguish edible representatives from inedible ones.

This type of mushroom is found in deciduous and coniferous forests. It can be found from early summer to mid-autumn. A special feature of the mushroom is its bright yellow color.

The real chanterelle's hat has a hole in the center and curled edges. Yellow color. The diameter can reach 10 cm. The leg is attached to the cap in one layer and does not have a skirt. Its dimensions are 3-10 cm, and its shape is cylindrical. The pulp is dense and difficult to damage by larvae and flies. Chanterelle spore powder is yellow in color.

The name of this type of chanterelle is associated with the unique structure of the mushroom. The hat has a tubular shape. Its edges are curled downwards and have a funnel-shaped top part. The color of the pulp can vary from brown to yellow. Changes in the color of the pulp occur during heavy heavy rains.

This species is found in coniferous forests and grows in families in the same place for several years.

The diameter of the cap is 2-6 cm, the size of the leg is 8 cm in length and 1-2 cm in width.

The harvesting season for trumpet chanterelles is considered to be early summer - late autumn. It is found in coniferous and mixed forests.

A special feature of the common chanterelle is its fruity smell. The color of the mushroom varies from yellow to brown, depending on weather conditions - the more moisture, the darker the color.

The hat is flat, with curled edges. It has folds that look like plates. The size of the cap reaches 10 cm in diameter. The leg is long - up to 10 cm. Its diameter does not exceed 2 cm.

The mushroom is considered one of the most delicious views chanterelles. It is found from late July to early September in coniferous and mixed forests.

Similar species

Edible species of chanterelles are very similar to each other, so the common chanterelle is often confused with the velvety chanterelle and the faceted chanterelle.

This type of mushroom is small in size: the stem is 1 cm in length, and the cap is 4 cm in diameter. The cap of a young mushroom has a convex shape and is orange in color. There is a small hole in the center of the top, and along the edges the mushroom is curled downwards. This type of mushroom grows in southern Europe and is found in deciduous forests.

The fruiting body of the faceted chanterelle does not exceed 10 cm. The stem is connected to the cap and reaches 5 cm in length and 3 cm in width. The pulp of this type of chanterelle is very dense and tasty. It has a bright yellow color. The faceted chanterelle is found in Africa and Malaysia. The collection season is considered to be the end of summer.

Growing at home

It is quite possible to grow chanterelles yourself, but to do this you need to follow several rules.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that you need to plant mushrooms under the tree under which it was dug up: if the chanterelle grew under a spruce tree, then it should also be planted under a spruce tree. It is best to use common chanterelle for planting. This type of mushroom quickly adapts to different conditions growth and bears fruit within a month after planting.

You can plant both pieces of mushroom and spores that have undergone a certain procedure. In order to prepare spore seedlings you need:

  1. take a few ripe mushrooms;
  2. rinse them in warm water and mash thoroughly into a homogeneous paste;
  3. pour sweet water over the mushrooms (100 grams of sugar per 10 liters of water);
  4. leave for a day in a warm room;
  5. drain the water and dry the resulting mixture.

Once the seedlings are ready, you can begin planting. A hole with a diameter of 50-60 cm and 20-30 cm in length is filled with water. After the water has been absorbed, you need to add the sowing mixture, using one teaspoon of pulp per hole. Then everything is covered with fertilizer or humus. With regular watering, within a month the mycelium will begin to produce its first fruits.

Calorie content of chanterelles

Chanterelles are a group of mushrooms that are rich in proteins. The table shows the calorie content of 100 grams of raw chanterelles.

  1. In France, chanterelles are considered a delicacy and are served as a separate dish in many restaurants.
  2. The Normans believed that chanterelles were an aphrodisiac, so they added them to newlyweds’ food.
  3. Chanterelles are the richest mushrooms in vitamin C. Healing properties This mushroom helps improve skin condition and strengthen bones.
  4. In 2013, Latvia exported 73 thousand kg of chanterelles. The total amount was 315 thousand euros.
  5. In Nigeria, chanterelles are used to make cosmetics and medicines, which are considered to be of very high quality.

Chanterelle mushroom photo and description will help children write essays and prepare for the lesson.

Chanterelle mushroom brief description

Among other mushrooms, chanterelles stand out because of their bright orange-yellow color, as well as the fact that their cap and stem form a single whole. The cap is smooth, may be irregular in shape, with wavy edges. Separating the skin from the pulp is not easy. The pulp itself is fleshy, whitish-yellow, tastes sour, and has the smell of dried fruit. The stem is dense, sometimes slightly lighter than the cap, narrower at the bottom than at the top. Thanks to the substances they contain, these mushrooms are never wormy.

Chanterelle mushrooms description for children

IN big family forest mushrooms Chanterelles are easy to recognize. Due to the characteristic appearance and their bright colors are difficult to confuse with any other mushrooms and are quite easy to find in the forest. Children especially enjoy looking for these mushrooms; their red color resembles a fox fur coat. Average height red forest beauty fox - 4-6 centimeters, the diameter of a fashionable hat is 5-8 centimeters.

The hat of an adult fox resembles a funnel with wavy edges, which gradually tapers towards the bottom and smoothly turns into a leg. Both the cap and the stem of this mushroom are painted the same color, which is usually compared to the color of a fox fur coat. But you can also compare it to the color of an egg yolk.

You can find chanterelles in any forest; most of them grow where spruce and pine trees grow, but you can also find them near oak or beech. As a rule, chanterelles hide under fallen and rotten leaves, and in coniferous pine forests they prefer wet moss. These mushrooms usually grow in groups, so after finding one chanterelle, you should carefully look for its neighbors somewhere nearby.

Yellow, elegant foxes are always growing large families. The young ones are convex, neat, even, like buttons, sewn to the ground in a row. Older ones - with a tall leg, but with an even, still flat cap, fleshy, dense, just what a mushroom picker needs. And the smell! Special, chanterelle, you can’t confuse it with anything. WITH eyes closed, only by smell can you distinguish chanterelles from any mushrooms. In one of the books about mushrooms I read: “The smell of a birch leaf with a hint of mint.” It’s beautifully said, but whether it’s true, judge for yourself. The elastic body of chanterelles in old age becomes rubbery in dry weather, flabby in damp weather. The cap takes the shape of a funnel with uneven, winding, or even torn into separate blades edges. Chanterelles are loved by people for their inability to become worms. For some reason, mushroom flies avoid them. But you can find a hard wireworm in this mushroom. Another good thing about chanterelles is that they are unpretentious to weather conditions. They can be found at the height of summer, when in the forest there is inter-mushroom - a time gap between mushroom waves, layers. Chanterelles are not afraid of dry days or excessive dampness. Chanterelles begin to grow quite early, in June, but still later than the first boletuses and aspen boletuses. However, it is different in different areas. But they immediately pour out in huge piles, stripes, circles.

Chanterelles are edible mushrooms. Representatives of the chanterelle family number 60 species, most of which can be eaten and also used for therapeutic purposes.

The peculiarity of the appearance of chanterelles is the absence of a pronounced cap. The latter is almost completely fused with the leg. Outwardly, they resemble an umbrella turned outward.

The color of the chanterelle's mushroom body ranges from light yellow to pronounced orange. The cap is smooth, with wavy edges, depressed in the middle. Its diameter can reach 12 cm. The stem of the mushroom tapers downwards. The mushroom has a slightly sour aroma.

Chanterelle bears fruit en masse, usually growing in whole groups. It occurs between June and October in all forest areas Russia. In particular large quantities it grows after heavy rains.

The bright color of the mushrooms makes them quite easy to find. In addition, edible species of chanterelles usually grow in large families, so when going into the forest after rain, you can count on a large harvest of these mushrooms.

The most common variety of this mushroom is the common chanterelle. The most common types of chanterelles are true, common and tubular.

Chanterelles include:

  • amino acids;
  • chitinmannose;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • trametonolinic acid.

The fox also has a double - conditionally edible mushroom, which is still not recommended to eat. To distinguish a real fox from false, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • edible species always grow in whole groups;
  • when you press on the flesh, the chanterelle changes its color, and false fox retains the same color;
  • Edible mushrooms have a thicker stalk;
  • at inedible chanterelles unpleasant repulsive odor and bad taste.

Chanterelles edible species are suitable not only for preparing dishes from them: with the help of such mushrooms they treat various diseases.

Places of growth

Chanterelles grow in mixed and coniferous forests, as well as in birch groves. Groups of these fungi most often appear in places with high humidity: in moss, litter of pine needles or fallen leaves, next to rotten trees.

During periods of heavy rain, chanterelles do not rot, and during drought they do not dry out, but simply stop growing.

You can collect only undamaged chanterelles, without mold or stains. Also, you should not collect limp, flabby and withered specimens.

Chanterelles are easy to transport: they can be put in bags and not be afraid for their integrity.

Beneficial and harmful properties of chanterelles

These mushrooms are characterized by a rich composition, which determines their valuable properties. Chanterelles have the following actions:

For medicinal purposes, chanterelles are consumed in powder form or fresh: boiled or fried mushrooms lose most of their valuable properties.

Despite the benefits of chanterelles, certain categories of people should not consume them. So, contraindications to their consumption are:

Those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should treat mushrooms with special caution, since chanterelles are a difficult-to-digest product. If you have kidney disease, you should also limit your consumption of chanterelles and other types of mushrooms.

Despite the fact that most types of chanterelles are edible, they can still cause harm to health if they were collected near existing industrial enterprises or large highways. In such places they accumulate a large number of heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Methods for growing chanterelles at home

Chanterelles can be grown independently at home, both for personal consumption and for subsequent sale of products. To grow mushrooms on a plot, it is necessary to create conditions for their growth that are as close to natural as possible.

Selection of planting material

You can purchase ready-made mycelium in a specialized store. Another option is to collect planting material in the forest. Mushroom caps are suitable for this purpose. They need to be soaked in a container, sweetening the water, and left for 10-20 hours. You need to add sugar in a proportion of 100 g per 1 liter of liquid.

When the specified amount of time has passed, the caps of the chanterelles need to be kneaded with your hands directly in the water. Strain the resulting liquid. Leave both the solution and the pulp - both will be useful during the planting process.

Next, choose an area under the tree. It must be the same species as the tree from which the seed was collected. A layer of earth needs to be removed around it (depth - 15 cm, diameter - 1.5 m). This area should be watered in advance with a decoction of oak bark - it will help eliminate microorganisms in the ground that can destroy fungal spores.

2-3 hours after treating the land with a decoction, water the area with a decoction of chanterelle spores. Place the remaining mush from the caps on open areas of the tree roots.

Fill the hole with the removed soil and carefully pour water over the trunk. Watering should be done moderately and regularly.

You can expect a harvest in a year, in the summer.

On winter period the area enriched with chanterelle spores should be covered with a layer of hay or dry branches.

Growing chanterelles using mycelium

Chanterelles can also be grown and propagated using mycelium, which is the small vegetative bodies of mushrooms. This method of planting is considered the most reliable, although the wait for the first harvest will be longer. The mycelium can be purchased at the store or you can collect it yourself, in the forest.

It is necessary to collect the soil that is closest to the area where the mushrooms grow. It is better to do this in mid-spring or late summer.

It is necessary to dig up several layers of earth (width - one bayonet of a shovel, thickness - 15 cm). Each lump of earth must be transported very carefully so as not to damage the mycelium threads.

After this, the fragments of soil with mushroom threads are divided into 5-10 parts and each is placed in a separate box or plastic bag. There is no need to cover them so that oxygen constantly penetrates to the mycelium.

Containers with soil should be stored in a cool place throughout the year. Such a long period of time will make the mycelium more viable. Microorganisms capable of destroying spores will die during this time.

Mycelium can germinate within 15 months, so it is important not to overexpose it.

A year later, in June, you can begin planting. Around the tree in the area you need to dig holes 20 cm deep and fill it with dry soil with mycelium, compacting it tightly.

After planting, you need to immediately water the planted area. There should be at least a liter of water per hole, and at least 10 liters on the soil around them.

In the cold season, areas with planted mycelium should be covered with leaves, dry branches, and pine needles.

There is no intensive way to grow chanterelles (in a greenhouse), since these mushrooms require natural temperature and the presence of tree roots in the immediate vicinity.

If the site does not have the necessary trees near which chanterelles prefer to grow, then first you need to plant their seedlings. Can be dug young tree, near which there is a family of chanterelles, in the forest, capturing soil with mushrooms.

The use of chanterelles in cooking and medicine

Chanterelles are suitable not only for preparing various dishes based on them, but also for making medicines.

Chanterelles in different dishes

Chanterelles have high taste qualities Therefore, they are included in various dishes.

Before they are cooked, the mushrooms are processed: thoroughly washed, then dried. After this, the roots of the chanterelles are cut off and the soil is scraped off, and the broken edges of the cap are cut off.

You can store chanterelles in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days, as they spoil quickly. Under no circumstances should they be placed in plastic bags, as the mushrooms will suffocate in them and become moldy.

The following delicious dishes are prepared from these mushrooms:

  • mushroom soup;
  • vegetables baked in the oven with chanterelles;
  • pie with cheese and mushroom filling;
  • pilaf with chanterelles;
  • fried potatoes with mushrooms;
  • spaghetti with mushrooms;
  • creamy sauces with pieces of chanterelles;
  • buckwheat porridge with fried chanterelles;
  • omelette with mushrooms.

Chanterelles can also be pickled for the winter and frozen. It should be remembered that fresh frozen mushrooms are stored in freezer no longer than six months. Dried mushrooms in powder form can be stored for a year.

The use of chanterelles in the manufacture of medicines

Thanks to medicinal properties Chanterelles are also used to prepare remedies for various diseases.

Before using chanterelles for therapeutic purposes, you should consult your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.

Chanterelle mushrooms grow in forests. They can also be grown on your own plot of land in a home farm, but only in an extensive way: such mushrooms do not grow in greenhouses. Based on chanterelles, you can prepare various dishes and medicinal compositions for various diseases.


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