Command and conquer generals walkthrough china. Walkthrough for the game Command & Conquer: Generals

To say that the “Generals” have changed a lot is to lie a little. Most of their changes are not noticeable individually. And only their total sum allows us to think about the fact that no matter how rotten the Danish kingdom in the face of the entire series Command & Conquer, you can still enjoy the game. Because the balance remained at the same level. And the long-awaited generals have finally appeared in the game about generals. True, they initially take a long time to be removed from the special mode and only then will they become available in multiplayer, but that’s already something. From now on, the same Chinese will not be alike, like twin brothers. And for an American pilot general, one may be easy prey, while the other may be an eternal toothache. But I will not further torment the reader with obscure statements and will immediately move on to a review of delicious new products.

Otherwise everything is the same. Terrorists don't like Americans. Americans don't like terrorists in retaliation. The Chinese do not like terrorists, but if possible, they desert to join the ranks of terrorists. However, not all is well in the terrorist camp. Now they easily fight against each other. Variety, however...


See table No. 1.

Fire Base. The unfortunate Americans suffered for a long time, trying to deal with crowds of terrorist infantry with the help of their flying devices and jeeps. Their prayers were heard and the Americans received a super-powerful bunker. Moreover, this bunker exists quite well even without a population in it (simply shooting at a long distance from a cannon). And if you populate it with a group (up to 4 fighters) of snipers and shooters with anti-tank guns, then the enemy infantry will have a very difficult time. The only drawback of this structure is that the gun fires very slowly. But don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially considering the range and damage power of this weapon’s shells. In exchange for such a gift, the Americans were deprived Internment camps. And rightly so. There's no point in him...

Internet Center. Where can a decent Chinese rob a bunch of money from the damned capitalists (or from the have-not terrorists)? Naturally - in the Internet center. Normal Chinese hackers have found a new haven, where they gather en masse and steal everything that is bad from the Internet. Now they rob with ease. Although scatter around different corners bases (so as not to expose your whole bunch of hackers to the danger of dying from one missile strike) no one prohibited. However, in addition to the mission of uniting hackers throughout China, the Internet center carries out a couple more important functions. Naturally, you have to pay for these features, but it's worth it. The first improvement gives the Chinese the right to 24/7 tracking of enemy command centers. The second periodically demonstrates all the buildings that the enemy managed to rebuild. And knowing the enemy's plans is an essential part of victory. You can only own one Internet center at a time.

Sneak Attack Tunnel Network. After studying the appropriate technology, terrorists acquire new tunnels with the ability to hide them from the enemy. That’s how a tunnel appeared near the enemy’s defensive lines and the landing immediately began. Unfortunately, the enemy is unlikely to allow the second batch of paratroopers to enter its territory, but the first may be quite enough. Sometimes it is simply necessary for transferring from island to island (if the map is island).


See table No. 2.

Few new fighters have arrived, but some of them are quite noticeable. However, this does not apply to everyone. It is worth noting the general tendency to disable enemy vehicles and buildings. But for now it's just new idea, no combinations with it yet work out.

And pay attention to the variations of the old fighters among the new generals. They are often much better than completely new vehicles and buildings that fall into service with the parties.


Americans are unlikely to deprive themselves. That's how it happened this time too. Americans have the largest amount of equipment. It's just that she's kind of weird. Not all of it will be of any use to you. And there are very few truly necessary samples. Do we take quantity?

Bomber B3 (B3). Arrogant and extremely confident in his abilities, he breaks through enemy defenses even in the most difficult conditions. The same B52, only invisible, due to which it reaches the specified target an order of magnitude more often than other strategic bombers. Especially in the context of the fight against terrorists who do not watch the sky. This improvement is being explored in strategic center.

Support aircraft (Spectre Gunship). As surprising as it may sound, such a fire support aircraft was actually planned to be created by the American troops. It is not clear who they wanted to use it against. In reality, one or two arrows will quickly bring him down from heaven to earth. But we are not talking about reality, but about a game where this thing is included in the category of superweapon. Having arrived at the place (and it flies to the place faster than it flies at it), the plane begins to make circles over it and demand your close attention. Because if you don’t indicate a specific goal to him, then these circles above the goal will all end. Therefore, show him respect and show him targets for his machine guns and cannon as these same targets disappear from the face of the earth.

Laser Jeep (Avenger). The Americans have long suffered from the inability to fully defend against air attacks in the field. At home they always had “patriots” at hand, who instantly destroyed enemy flyers. But in an open field...Well, oh well. Who is there to destroy? The Chinese fly every other time, but the terrorists were not given wings at all. And if anything happens, we’ll protect our armored fist with the help of patrolling fighters. However, new times came, there were a lot of generals and everyone who was not too lazy began to fly (excluding those same unfortunate terrorists). So we had to release an extremely useful machine that is “always with you.”

The Laser Jeep is outrageously expensive, but necessary for attacking troops. After all, it protects not only from airplanes and helicopters. He also shoots missiles (and these are Tomahawks and SCADs). Of course, if you come across a flock of 5-6 SCADs, then a couple of laser jeeps will not save you. But they will defend against randomly meeting single enemy fighters. And on the ground, the jeep will help, deftly (albeit weaker than at air targets) firing its lasers. And the jeep is not deprived of the attention of drones. Install the one you like best.

Microwave Tank. Disabling enemy buildings is original. The dream of Russian energy workers. We just cut off his access to the outlet - and we sit and rejoice. Why are we happy? Well? one Patriot was turned off. So there are probably two more nearby. Also, the forester (read “Crusader”) will come and knock us on the head so that we don’t mess around with electricity. No, we don’t need that kind of hockey.

Battleship. They won't let you build them. Therefore, use what you have been given and do not be indignant. You can only meet him in the campaign or on original maps. Gives the enemy heavy blanks at your first request. A fairly significant period of time passes between salvos. It does not have air defense, so it can be brutally shot by the first helicopters that arrive.

Hellfire Drone. A regiment of drones arrived, and the reconnaissance and combat drones were joined by an infernal one (apparently, since the name of the combat drone had already been filled in, it was necessary to name it more sonorously). The combat drone could not cope with the masses of enemy combat vehicles, and a new device was allocated to help it, firing missiles. It is almost useless against infantry, but enemy tanks will suffer greatly from it. Unlike a combat drone, it cannot repair.

Sentry Drone. The Americans, no matter how hard they try to appear white and fluffy, strive to use the tactics of their despised terrorists. This guard drone is a tricky thing. And he sees the invisible, and he himself is invisible. That is, theoretically, if you place it close to your defensive lines, you will always be able to see who came to you and why. In practice, numerous manipulations with the identification of invisible fighters make the drone almost useless. And how happy the enemies will be when they discover an unexpected spy in the center of their ranks! So the point of it is only to plant on the closest approaches to the enemy’s base (where he doesn’t check anything) and record the passage of columns to your borders. Without appropriate improvement, he doesn’t shoot at all, but stands on the sidelines and watches.

Aircraft Carrier. Another "tenant of the campaign." A mobile airfield carrying a flight of Predators. They only carry out missions to the target (without any additional instructions). Restores destroyed fighters independently, without additional capital investments.


China already has the quantity. After all, it is the largest country in terms of population. That's why they take quality. The only thing that makes you think about the scope of application is beam tank. The rest are quite valuable weapons that arrived on time.

Strategic bomber (Carpet Bomber). Looking at the entire American game, the Chinese realized that carpet bombing was not such a bad idea. And they gladly accepted it. So now they have their own bomber laying out a trail of bombs right across the enemy positions. In all other respects - analogue B52.

Beam tank (Tank ECM). Chinese power engineers also thought about the problem of the enemy’s excess energy. And they decided to disable the most nimble enemy fighters. The tank works well in narrow gorges, where the enemy will have to march in a column of one or two vehicles. By slowing down the first one, he will not allow the others to pass. And the “Lords” or “Battle Masters” standing nearby will take care of the “frozen”. More applicable than the American counterpart, but its value is also questionable.

Helicopter (Vehicle Helix). If the “Overlord” is lifted into the air and the turret with guns is taken away from it (well, such a heavy weight won’t pull it!), giving in return a small machine gun, then you will get a helicopter like this. The Chinese have long been drawn to the ocean of air, and it seemed to them that MiGs did not provide full habitat in it. And then a helicopter appeared. Why did I compare it to "Overlord"? Yes, because you can add all the same bells and whistles to it as to the “Overlord” - a propaganda tower, powerful machine gun or a bunker for infantrymen. Among other things, the helicopter can transport five paratroopers and throw napalm bombs. The last skill is studied separately for each helicopter and is used according to additional instructions. After specifying the bombing location, the helicopter hovers over it and begins methodical work to cover the area with napalm. It is very convenient if you need to block a point from where enemy troops are creeping in from behind the map (meaning a campaign). The rest is a helicopter, just like a helicopter. It won't win the battle, but it's worth using.

Listening Outpost. Naturally, he eavesdrops. And he hears all sorts of invisible people who want to infiltrate your positions. Unlike armored personnel carrier Oh, and she herself is invisible. But only while standing still and not shooting. This machine, of course, does not shoot by itself. There are 2 “seats” inside, occupied by 2 tank hunters right when the device left the factory. That is, in reality the listening station itself costs only 200 coins! Tempting.


With terrorists, everything is disgusting in terms of numbers. And the quality of the bus raises doubts about its necessity. But a motorcycle!..

Motorcycle (Combat Bike). The developers may not have even expected what would come out of this seemingly inconspicuous vehicle. The point is that rebels, who sit so comfortably on a motorcycle, can be replaced with ones that are much more comfortable on it terrorists. And those, having broken through to enemy buildings, quickly blow everything up. Motorcycles fly towards the enemy at absolutely breakneck speed (which, however, is lower for terrorist motorcyclists), which allows the infantry to get to the enemy before he shoots them.

In general, any infantryman can be mounted on a motorcycle. So you can easily create a guard of RPG shooters on motorcycles. But is it necessary? Another advantage of motorcyclists is that they are transport, which means that snipers will not be able to shoot them.

% This is interesting: We put Jarman Kel on the motorcycle and see what this completely invulnerable killer gets up to. He won’t be able to deal with everyone alone, but now he has an excellent chance of escaping from any mess.

Bus (Vehicle Bus). Strange vehicle, designed to transport 8 infantrymen. Armored and slow moving. Moreover, you cannot shoot from it. Home delivery of terrorists?

Saboteur. The idea of ​​shutting down enemy buildings also sank into the minds of terrorists. But, of course, in my own way. They send invisible saboteurs into enemy territory, who temporarily disable buildings. At the same time, the saboteurs disappear. Apparently, they are joining the team of the affected building. And the fact that they stop their work is apparently explained by the fact that the work is hard, and the poor fellows drink themselves to death in attempts to remove nervous tension.


This goodness has become even more numerous, and it has become even more useful. We study and don’t say that we haven’t seen it.


1. Countermeasures. Cost - 1000, production time - 40 seconds. Produced at the airport. All aircraft have a 50% chance to dodge missiles flying at them.

2. Bunker Busters. Cost - 1500, production time - 40 seconds. Produced at the airport. Stealth aircraft gain the ability to damage infantry entrenched in buildings (before this, they destroyed buildings without harming those sitting in them).

3. MOAB (Mother of All Bombs). Cost - 4000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced in a strategic center. B52 turns into B3.

4. Chemical Suits. Cost - 1000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced in a strategic center. Infantry becomes more resistant to radiation and toxic damage.

5. Supply Lines. Cost - 800, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in a strategic center. Resource-extracting vehicles (for example, Chinooks) bring home 10% more production. At the same time, they take away the same amount of resources from the site.

6. Sentry Drone Gun. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced at a military plant. Sentry drones they get the opportunity to shoot from a machine gun (before this there was some kind of weak gun).


1. Neutron Mines. Cost - 500, production time - 25 seconds. Produced separately for each building. When these mines explode, the drivers of the equipment die, leaving the equipment itself behind.

2. Satellite Hack I. Cost - 1000, production time - 20 seconds. Conducted in the Internet center. Chinese hackers discover the ability to identify all enemy command centers (all the time).

3. Satellite Hack II. Cost - 2500, production time - 20 seconds. Carried out in the Internet center after the previous improvement. All enemy buildings are periodically identified. Including invisible ones.

4. Neutron Shells. Cost - 2500, production time - 60 seconds. Produced in a building with a nuclear missile. Nuclear weapons fire neutron shells that knock infantry out of vehicles and buildings.

5. Napalm Bomb. Cost - 800, production time - 30 seconds. Produced separately for each helicopter. After this, the helicopters are able to carry out napalm bombing specified point(produced continuously unless cancelled).


1. Booby Trap. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in barracks. Rebels gain the ability to mine neutral buildings and characters.

2. Fortified Structure. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in the palace. All terrorist buildings are now more fortified.

3. Worker Shoes. Cost - 1000, production time - 10 seconds. Produced on the black market. Terrorist workers start running faster and bring in 10% more more money.

Generals points

They gave a little bit to everyone. Namely, two new general improvements. True, the newly minted generals skillfully manage the original general improvements, and sometimes acquire their own.


1. Specter Gunship. An airplane flying to the target and spraying the enemy with machine guns and a cannon. Requires General Rank 5.

2. Leaflet Drop. The Americans still do not let up in their desire to turn off everything, and have gone further along this path than other nations. To do this, they drop leaflets on enemy positions, which leads to the unfortunate people starting to read them and quit working. No, radical measures like B52 are better. Also requires General Rank 5.


1. Frenzy. Already at the third level, the Chinese have the opportunity to increase the defeat of a group of enemy troops with the help of their general. The promotion consists of 3 levels (and starts from the third level of the general), with each level increasing the duration and power of defeating the enemy.

2. Carpet Bomb. At the fifth level of generalship, the Chinese gain the ability to build a bomber that drops its bombs in a “track”, while destroying everything that falls under these bombs. Not a bad weapon of mass destruction. Moreover, it only takes 2.5 minutes to recharge it.


1. Sneak Attack. At the fifth level of generalship, terrorists gain the ability to instantly build a special bunker on any territory (as long as they can see it). And, if you camouflage this bunker, you can transfer troops directly to enemy positions.

2. GPS Scrambler. Also at the fifth level, terrorists get the opportunity to hide their troops and secretly transfer these groups to enemy battle formations. Why do this when there is previous technology?


SM. tables ¹¹ 3 и 4.

This is a new single-player game mode featuring only new generals. It's time to talk about them. The fact is that generals have finally appeared in the game, three for each side of the conflict. Each of the generals, although he leads the army that is familiar to you, nevertheless, uses only one of its strengths. That is, the American flying general does not need tanks, but has many aviation enhancements. That is, each general has not only conspicuous advantages, but also serious disadvantages.

Generals can be used in a regular single player game, but challenge mode is a special mode just for them. In it, the general you choose fights in turn with 6 computer opponents (each time different), completing this list with a battle with the “boss”. "Boss" is a general who owns all technologies and is able to build any troops.

This is not to say that this is an unusually new mode, but it is still an attempt at a non-linear campaign. And for a while it can be captivating. And you might even like it.

% This is important: Manipulations with general points for individual generals are not described; see screenshots of their development. Otherwise, the magazine space will not be enough to analyze how high this or that general’s skill has risen or fallen. If a general does not have a picture of the distribution of his points, then it coincides with the standard one for the nation. The tables display only those soldiers and buildings whose changes in numerical characteristics were critical. The rest were changed qualitatively (not in numbers).


The main weapon of the Americans is technology. These are the different examples of it that American generals are trying to change. If you understand what's what, the new generals will be very easy to use. And yet - not a single American general knows the words “Crusader” and “Paladin”. We made it...

General Alexander

Superweapon General. The only female general is extremely attracted to high technology. He loves the Aurora bomber, adding the word “Alpha” to its name. For her, it is cheaper by as much as 500 money (no other changes were noticed). Its “patriots” are equipped with an EMP system that disables enemy equipment when hit. Beam destroyers cost only 2500, and they are supplied with excellent power plants, the improvement of which gives them 300% additional energy. All cars, except aviation (cars also include helicopters), cost 20% more.

The tactics of this general’s wife are to hide and not stick out. And then destroy the enemy with endless volleys of beam destroyers. Her “patriots” will help her hide, stopping enemy ground equipment and shooting down any aircraft with one hit (you don’t fly much with the engine off).

Strengths. You can't really get close to this general with technology. And it’s not recommended to fly up at all - a waste of money.

Weaknesses. Vulnerable to weapons of mass destruction. It copes very poorly with enemy infantry; a sniper is a necessary acquisition for them.


General Granger

Aviation General. His most important invention was laser missile defense on airplanes. It’s not that planes are not afraid of missiles at all, but they fly past several missiles completely freely. But a swarm of missiles from a whole bunch of “patriots” will create difficulties for this general too. Naturally, such joy must come from something. Granger has pride - "Royal Predators". Cheaper, livelier and so on. Combat Chinooks are flying next. Loopholes were fitted to peaceful transport helicopters, and now they are capable of snarling fire no worse than Chinese helicopters. Moreover, simple helicopters remain in production, but combat helicopters do not lose the ability to transport money. "Comanche" with a little effort on your part (additional payment for improvement of 1500 at the airfield) become invisible. All flying equipment is cheaper for this general. He gets the Spectra earlier, but he doesn’t need to open the stealth planes at all, he already has them.

This general has no originality in his decisions. We build more aircraft and wipe out the enemy’s base. If something interferes with our aircraft, we supplement them with a beam destroyer and destroy the obstacle. An interesting tactic for helicopters is "Chinooks" with shooters with anti-tank guns against enemy anti-aircraft guns and "Comanche" against infantry.

Strengths. Enemy infantry units are destroyed quickly and without losses. Any vehicle that crawls without anti-aircraft guns is potentially doomed. Terrorists who have not placed a bunch of mobile anti-aircraft guns at their base also have no chance.

Weaknesses. The laser general of the Americans and all the Chinese with their rapid-fire guns are a huge problem. EMP installations and terrorist mobile anti-aircraft guns cause less of a headache, but they also have to be taken into account.

General Townes

Laser General. Naturally, he is fluent in this particular type of high-precision weapon. The owner of laser tanks, extremely accurate in combat, but using energy. Don't forget to add energy installations, because even the fact that a laser tank uses only 1 unit of energy can lead to the fact that if it overuses energy, your entire armada will turn off right on the battlefield. The company will be supplemented by laser systems (instead of “patriots”), which, although they do not shoot very painfully, are extremely accurate. No plane can escape such people if it just gets into their sights. The price for laser jeeps has been sharply reduced - down to 1500. Well, in order to feed this army, the general has improved energy stations that give him more energy.

Laser tanks and laser jeeps - that's all the tactics. Expensive, but where to go? But this army will reliably protect you both from the air and on the ground.

Strengths. Resists well against generals relying on cheap troops and aviation.

Weaknesses. We are terribly vulnerable to attacks on the energy base. Laser tanks do not have time to do anything with the powerful "Overlords".


The Chinese strategy is more varied. Their generals are experimenting not only with equipment, but also with infantry. However, this does not mean that the Chinese are more vulnerable. Sometimes it's even the other way around.

General Fai

Infantry general. He is famous for replacing the Red Guards with machine gunners in his troops. The guys are very terrible force. True, for 300 coins you will no longer get a pair, but only one machine gunner. But these guys don’t know how to shoot at planes and become a threat to aviation. Helicopters are generally afraid of these animals and fly away from them. Don't look at the small damage - the frequency of shots of machine gunners is 2 times higher than that of the Red Guards. For infantry, it is important to use the general's first point for a double stripe for his infantry. Then the brutalized machine gunners will also be able to heal themselves during the battle.

Other originalities follow from the main one. The combat armored personnel carrier is no different from others, it just carries 8 machine gunners (for which it has deservedly increased in price). Well, they can also fire directly from an armored personnel carrier. The combat helicopter immediately receives a bunker for infantry with the option of additionally acquiring a rapid-fire cannon (forget about the “talking” turret). But listening stations immediately have the ability to treat the soldiers surrounding them and can accommodate up to 10 soldiers (another armored personnel carrier). The bunkers also accommodate as many as 10 soldiers and mines are immediately placed around them. All infantry are born with one stripe, and mental workers (Black Lotus and hackers) move faster. Finally, the parachute landing will not be from Red Guards, but from machine gunners. Naturally, we will have to forget about the “Lords” and masters of battle.

Strengths. The pilots nervously smoke on the sidelines - today is not their day. Only the high-speed Aurora can try to bomb the positions of the harmful infantry. Those using infantry and ground equipment will also have a rest - machine gunners are superior to any infantrymen in the range and density of fire, and they need a lot of equipment. The symbiosis of strong infantry and accompanying equipment is very organic. However, to win you need to play very actively; sluggish twitching of the mouse will only lead to defeat.

Weaknesses. War with any means of mass destruction that uses radiation and chemicals is harmful to this general. The infantry is too weak in health and they die too easily from such “blows of fate.”

General Kwai

Tank General. All "Overlords" are equipped with "talking towers" and allow you to install a rapid-fire cannon. They are also strengthened by the fact that all tanks start with one stripe and are cheaper (albeit by 100, but still). But MiGs and helicopters are more expensive, and nuclear and infernal weapons were not delivered to the troops. But something always has to be sacrificed. As compensation, the landing is carried out not by infantry, but by 1, 2 or 4 “battle master” tanks.

As a result, the general is in no hurry. And it won’t be possible to rush it - the “Overlords” move very slowly. But if it gains strength! Naturally, the main way to solve problems is to create a massive tank fist and then smear the enemy on the asphalt.

Strengths. It is useless to use infantry against these mastodons: for them, bullets are like seeds bouncing off their armor. They also do not pay much attention to the efforts of any American generals who cannot fully protect their lines from heavy tank attacks.

Weaknesses. Terrorist missile buggies are some kind of disaster, there is no control against them. The speed of the tanks does not allow them to catch up with the nimble pests, and most of the tank general’s means of combating them are reduced or complicated.

General Tao

Nuclear General. In all his endeavors he relies on the power of a nuclear bomb, as well as on the fact that its introduction into any area of ​​life will only bring benefits. Therefore, his tanks are faster due to the fact that from the very beginning of the game they are equipped with nuclear engines. And they hit the enemy more powerfully, since they use nuclear charges. MiGs gain the ability, after appropriate improvement, to strike not with conventional bombs, but nuclear warheads. Nuclear cannons do not need to be studied - this general has them from birth. The strategic bomber appears earlier than others and drops the same bombs on the enemy. nuclear bombs. The nuclear power plant is more powerful and produces as much as 20 units of energy. And this celebration of the militant atom ends with the fact that General Tao’s troops tolerate radiation more easily, while its effect on the enemy is stronger.

Method of use: radiation to failure. More the better. It hardly harms us anyway. Considering that not a single fighter was taken away from this general, but such powerful support was added, he is potentially the most powerful of the new generals.

Strengths. The enemy infantry groans and bends in the radioactive smoke. Terrorists simply groan from his atrocities. A tank general thinks about the meaning of life.

Weaknesses. American planes look with surprise at what kind of bedlam is happening on the ground. In heaven, they are completely indifferent to Chinese sophistications. And the infantry in the bunkers hastily put on anti-radiation suits and looks to the future with hope.


Terrorists have few completely new fighters. They atone for this with various modifications of the old ones. And it turns out no worse than the Americans who are overly technological and burdened with new projects. Or maybe it's better...

Dr. Thrax

The most poisonous general. His motto: “Poisons for the masses.” The poisonous rebels under his command forgot how to shoot, but learned to water the enemy from their backpacks. Poisonous terrorists carry a bottle of chemicals in their bosoms and when they explode, they contaminate the surrounding area. The poisonous networks of tunnels received a chemical sprayer instead of a machine gun, and look with contempt at enemy infantry. Tanks come into life defeating the enemy with toxins. In this case, anthrax used for poisoning immediately belongs to the beta class, and later it can be studied to the gamma class.

The Poisoner did not receive significant advantages over the ordinary Chinese general, and differs from him only in his greater hostility towards enemy infantry. Not impressive.

Strengths. The enemy infantry cries with grief and instantly dies. Drivers of light vehicles use obscene language about completely corroded tires - their death will be quick and unenviable.

Weaknesses. The efforts of the poisoners are completely incomprehensible to heavy equipment. The tank general of China generally looks with terrible surprise at what the terrorists who have not yet been crushed by his tanks are trying to do around him. American infantry are dressed in protective suits and buried in bunkers.

General Juhziz

Demolition General. Without explosives - not a step. His booby traps are much more powerful. All his fighters are born kamikazes. Everyone carries a pack of dynamite with them and, just before the arrival of death, strives to use it for its intended purpose (preferably in a crowd of the enemy). At the same time, terrorists cause much more damage than usual, and combat motorcycles carry not rebels, but terrorists. Cars with explosives are cheaper, and the rebels initially know how to mine neutral objects. Because of this, I had to forget about the possibility of using camouflage.

Its use is mining everything. And my favorite trick is opening a tunnel near the enemy base with a crowd of motorcyclists emerging from there. Fireworks at the enemy base are guaranteed.

Strengths. It makes no difference to him who he fights against. Effectively using this general's strengths is quite difficult against any opponents.

Weaknesses."Overlords" with rapid-fire guns nullify all the efforts of this general. Poisoning and nuclear contamination also have a harmful effect on the main creators of Juziz's victory.

Prince Kassad

Secretive general. His troops are not visible until the very last moment, and only the most cunning Chinese generals manage to find the buildings. Rebels initially have the ability to camouflage, and all buildings get the ability to go into an invisible state for little money. This general has hijackers from the beginning and is always hidden. He also gets the ability to hide troops earlier using the GPS Scrambler, and this ability is restored faster.

A very bad general. Not exactly lethal, but it requires the enemy to constantly maintain in his troops machines that have the ability to see the invisible. Ambushes are his thing. The tunnels with terrorists “flying out” from there will look very strong from his side. Ambushes from hijackers also look good in his execution.

Strengths. The Americans will be very upset when crowds of ghosts break into their base over and over again. It is very difficult to determine where he needs to use weapons of mass destruction; it is necessary to first probe the base.

Weaknesses. Tanks crush infantry. And the “Overlords” with rapid-fire cannons perfectly see all the hiding infantrymen and hidden mines.

Generals - go to battle!

What has changed in the field of tactical decisions? Little. And yet.

Supporters of the American military doctrine received laser jeeps and the ability to attack with full-fledged tank armadas with protection from air raids. Considering how much attention was paid to aviation in the expansion, this is a very good decision.

In general, the Americans still rely on strikes with beam destroyers (against the Chinese and Americans) and clearing out the remaining enemy with Comanches or Aurors. A quick invasion by a group of jeeps (with TOW) or a Chinook Rush (landing rangers trained for capture at an enemy base) is also quite possible.

Firing points allow you to more successfully defend not only against equipment, but also against infantry. You can also use Tomahawks set to defense mode for defense and fill buildings with groups of snipers and shooters with anti-tank guns. The first will shoot infantry, the second - equipment. It’s not that the buildings will become impregnable in this way, but the enemy will have more problems.

The Chinese are still relying on a tank assault. Still, they haven’t come up with anything better than “Overlord.” But they are quite capable of a quick attack with rapid-fire weapons. Now the Chinese have options on the topic “What to take to detect invisible people” - the listening station is very good. And China’s offensive forces have always been completely balanced.

The addition of helicopters does not allow for the creation of a strong tactic based on them, but for the Chinese infantry general they are very suitable.

% This is interesting: If you drop mines on an enemy base and immediately after planting them launch a nuclear strike at that point, you will be pleasantly surprised by the force of the explosion.

The most important acquisition of terrorists is combat motorcycles. Read above what you can do with them. If you don’t want to bother with fast and nimble cars, then the only option is a quick attack with Scorpions or jeeps. Well, the “hit and run” tactics with the help of mobile SCADs. Rocket buggies perform very well against vehicles. Heavy equipment, for example, "Overlords", especially suffers from them. Americans who do not equip their tanks with drones are also a potential target for a group of 6-8 buggies. Do not forget that this machine is quite fragile and there is no need to expose it to attack - it will fall apart in a moment. Well, what does she need speed for?

And don’t forget - almost all terrorist vehicles are very well strengthened by picking up fragments of enemy equipment. The second rocket on the Scorpion - what’s not great?

Walkthrough Campaigns

The campaigns are still all about beating up the poor terrorists. Already everything is done - the Americans, the Chinese, and the terrorists themselves on their own. And only unfortunate terrorists fight off everyone as best they can. Well, that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that 15 new campaign missions are back with you.

US Campaign

What else can Americans do? Of course, they bring peace throughout the world. By forceful means, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

Mission #1

The terrorists are not letting up, and from Southern Kazakhstan - from their base in Baikonur - they are very successfully launching missiles at American bases in Northern Europe. It should be noted that not only the military does not like this. Civilians are not happy about this either. But the mobile detachment headed by you will still have to sort this out.

Mission Goals:

1. Capture the railway station by destroying the base guarding it.

2. Destroy the terrorist base around launcher.

You have a lot of troops, even more money. Grab the entire armada and move it forward along the road. To the east of the Stinger nests you can find several abandoned Chinese tanks, this will definitely be enough for you for the rest of the mission. And if you build a propaganda turret on the captured "Overlord", then you will have no problems at all with the wounded and broken.

Clear the area in front of the railway station from the enemy and, as soon as there is no one to defend it, a train will arrive at the station. It will leave the station as soon as it is completely full. Therefore, fill it first with tanks, and then take the remaining places with infantry (there will be no second flight).

Having landed at the arrival point, destroy everyone who offers resistance and demolish all the buildings on the edge of the pit. Capture the radio station as well. It is from this that the bombers will be guided to the enemy base.

Mission #2

So that's what you are, aircraft carrier...

The United States took active offensive action and the war moved to Somalia. Now it is necessary to support the landing - and the terrorists will be expelled from yet another country.

Mission Goals:

1. Protect the docks. Protect arriving trucks. Capture the warehouse.

2. Escort the convoy to the warehouse.

3. Destroy terrorist bases in the mountains.

The beginning will be very passive. Until all 10 supply trucks arrive, the terrorists won't start anything serious. You don’t have many troops yet, so there’s no point in twitching either. Simply occupy the northern and eastern bunkers, and capture the oil rig and repair station located to the west. Help will gradually be given to you, but there is still no point in moving anywhere.

As soon as the last truck arrives, the convoy escort phase will begin. For this we take helicopters and jeeps and lead the convoy to the site (a warehouse near which a green flare is lit). There is no need to defend the warehouse, immediately pack up and leave for the starting point (you will only lose all your troops near the warehouse).

Now the bulldozer has arrived, you can start building the base. Please note that you will not be allowed to build an airbase, so treasure the helicopters you received at the beginning of the mission, there will be no more of them. If you want adventure, then high in the north there is a site where reinforcements are thrown. But there are enemy buildings near it, and you will have to immediately rebuild the defense line, which will be quite difficult.

The enemy on a mission is destroyed quite passively - reconnaissance of the territory is carried out using a satellite and spy drones, after which an artillery strike from battleships or an air raid from an aircraft carrier is carried out on the targets found.

Mission #3

Well, the Americans have reached out to Russia. Now, together with the Chinese, they are conducting Operation Snowfall on the slopes of Elbrus. We made it...

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy the terrorist base. Colonel Barton must survive.

2. Follow Colonel Barton to your destination.

The mission is not difficult. Everything is complicated only by the need for the colonel's survival. His death is an instant end to the mission.

At the start of the mission, several snipers, several guard drones and the colonel himself are relied upon. He will carry out the task. The desired base is located slightly northwest of the starting point. When approaching the base, the Chinese hackers will capture the terrorist base on the other side, so there will be snipers next to Barton, quickly shooting everyone who tries to interfere with the Chinese. It’s not difficult to take the base itself. It is only important that there are snipers nearby again (to shoot enemy infantrymen who are in the way). After taking the base, another part of the map will open and several of your infantrymen will be released from prison.

Next, you should clear the village and the surrounding area. When destroying patrols from jeeps and Scorpions, always start with the jeep. He is more dangerous to Barton because of his machine gun. It is better to shoot the buildings in the village by hiding Barton in the next building. There is a church in the village: when you approach it, you will receive reinforcements from several infantrymen.

There is another base near the bridge. This is where the mechanized patrols come from. Destroy it and take control of the equipment found on it. Not far from the bridge there will be another such equipment parking. When you take that too, you will have enough troops to demolish everything on the other side of the bridge. And there it’s already close to the agreed point.

Mission #4

The war has moved to the oil fields of Iran. Terrorists have a hard time. But in the struggle for the last remaining territories, they resist with all their might...

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy the terrorist base.

2. Destroy the radio station so that terrorists stop coming to you.

The first law of this mission is not to believe the advice about firing points. Border defense is carried out by jeeps with drones. Then Tomahawks and laser jeeps will be added to these jeeps. The latter should stand on the river bank (to repel attacks of enemy SCUDs, if any arrive).

Take control of all the oil rigs. But keep in mind - the western towers are mined (clear them with bulldozers). Build a tight line of defense from jeeps in the north. You can place several snipers near the southern bridge; they will cope with rare terrorists. Hold the generals' points until the Lightning appears. Two points will be enough for them - they must bomb that same radio station in two passes. Another point for the paratroopers. These same paratroopers will be useful to you to capture three guns located on enemy territory. The fact is that the enemy never attacks the guns, but they fire at the areas where the enemy especially likes to gather. They will also advise you to release CIA operatives, but they will be of no use. Just a completed side mission.

While the liberation army is gathering, destroy all the weapons sellers' buildings with Lightning Bolts. And, if you go through the western passage, then take a closer look at your feet - it is completely mined. Finishing off terrorists left without heavy equipment will not be a problem.

Mission #5

American military observers discovered the base of Dr. Thrax, the latest fan of poison weapons. And there are huge quantities of these weapons in his warehouses. So, either the weapon is destroyed, or after the blow inflicted by the mad chemist, there will be a huge number of victims.

Mission Goals:

1. Capture 4 toxic missiles.

You don’t have to wait for hints and immediately send one of the jeeps assigned to you to the east. There is a base of terrorists there who do not agree with Thrax’s decision that it is better to destroy everything than to surrender. The sooner it gets to you, the faster you can organize the flow of money and a response to the enemy.

The mission is won through the unlimited use of weapons of mass destruction. We need both SCUDs and beam destroyers. The former are well suited for clearing territories from enemy troops (especially around the missiles themselves). The latter will be great at destroying particularly harmful enemy buildings. If you delay the mission, the enemy himself will begin to use weapons of mass destruction, and then the final countdown will begin, at the end of which it will be considered that the missiles have taken off and reached the target. Therefore, carefully destroy the enemy’s command center and clear the space around the missiles. After all, it is not at all necessary to destroy everything in your path. It is enough that no one stands near the missiles. Then you can drop troops and quickly get your hands on the missiles.

And don't forget about your own defense. The enemy will not leave you alone so easily. He will attack your positions constantly.

Another defeat of the terrorists has been completed. Will they appear again? Time will tell everything...


China Campaign

China is waging its war against terrorists. Yes, he, of course, helps the United States, but no one knows how this cooperation will end.

Mission #1

The terrorists who captured the American base in Germany rejoiced early. The Chinese are rushing to the rescue and soon there will be no horns or legs left of the terrorist groups.

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy all terrorist units on the map.

“Kill them all” is a simple and clear task. We build a “talking tower” on the “Overlord” and add several rapid-fire tanks to the squad. The enemy dies with a doomed look and the knowledge that it was impossible to stop your tank avalanche...

Mission #2

While China defends US interests in Europe, terrorists have entered the very heart of China and are threatening its weapons depots. How to fight without weapons?

Mission Goals:

1. Protect the reactor and weapons depots. They must not be captured or destroyed.

2. Destroy all terrorist bases.

The first task takes as much as 12 minutes, as indicated by the counter in the lower right corner of the screen. All this time you are allowed to build only infantry (bulldozers are not available to us, and there are no buildings for the construction of heavy equipment). But you can send a detachment that will capture one of the enemy bases located in the corners of the map, which will give you the opportunity to actively conduct hostilities long before the control 12 minutes expire (you can create an army of terrorists). It is enough to build many, many infantry and go to one of the corners of the map.

Nuclear weapons will be key in defense. They need to be placed in the corners of the base (the base is in the shape of a diamond, but they need to be placed in the corners corresponding to the corners of the map) and switched to defensive mode (designate the shelling area). In this state, they will automatically shoot terrorists running out of the darkness. Those that break through the clouds of radiation must be met with fire from bunkers, rapid-fire cannons and "dragons".

During the defense, build more infantry. If you fail to conquer one of the enemy bases, wait for reinforcements. It will give you the opportunity to rebuild your base and produce rapid-fire guns. And there will be a lot of reinforcements. But if you capture one of the enemy’s bases, you don’t have to wait for reinforcements. Mobile anti-aircraft guns and rocket buggies will deal with the enemy before help comes to you.

Statue. These are the ones that need to be destroyed.

Mission #3

The terrorists did not stay in Germany for long. But during this time they managed to build monuments, around which the spirit of fighters for freedom of destruction rises. Accordingly, to reduce this very spirit, monuments need to be destroyed.

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy all 6 monuments before international opinion reaches 0.

The mission is for a while and they won’t let you swing for a long time. Destroying each monument will add points to your time counter, but you still need to do everything as quickly as possible. The key to victory will be unlocking the strategic bomber, but keep in mind that they will never be able to destroy the farthest statue, it will only be a waste of time. Bomb the eastern statues with it, and advance your troops to the northern one.

Immediately after the mission starts, attack the nearest statue. This and rapid growth points for the general (the enemy is destroyed), and a few more points for the rapidly decreasing counter of international opinion. Your base will be periodically attacked by invisible rebels (in order to capture your buildings). Therefore, one of the listening stations must be left at the base. Well, and add a couple of quick-firing guns to it. In general, there will be no massive offensive, so powerful defensive structures need not be built.

The main army should consist of rapid-fire guns and “dragons”. Unfortunately, you are not entitled to "Overlords", so you will have to make do with little. Speed ​​up the extraction of money and be sure to build 2 factories for the production of equipment, one simply will not have time to produce it in the required quantities. Try to move more to the north, let strategic bombers operate in the east.

Mission #4

The terrorists in Germany have been defeated and their troops are trying to retreat. Let's not let them leave.

Mission Goals:

1. Do not allow any terrorist to escape.

The mission is not even simple. The point is that terrorists do not run to random places, but to previously known points. And there are only three of them. But it’s too early to think about it yet. If even one terrorist breaks through, the mission will be lost. As the mission progresses, the terrorists will change entry points, and at the end of the mission they will go along all the roads at once.

The Chinese and Americans are brothers forever.

Naturally, we must immediately begin to build a base. And slowly send fighters to capture stationary guns that are standing orphaned. The route of movement of the next group of terrorists will be shown, but it is better to keep a group of troops nearby by this time in order to have time to block the path before the terrorists leave the map. The only good thing is that they are not moving just anywhere, but to the northeast of the map, so it is enough to cover a fairly small space.

A very good option would be bunkers with mines placed around them. Rapid-firing guns are placed nearby, and grenade launchers are planted in bunkers. At the same time, the enemy tries to bypass the bunkers and is shot by grenade launchers. And what remains is easily achieved with rapid-fire guns. MiGs in patrol mode are well suited as a means of rapid response. They will “cover” the vanguard and return just in time to finish off the squad. If you find exit points for terrorists, it would be a good solution to hang helicopters over them in napalm bombing mode. Only among them it is necessary to include helicopters with “talking towers”. And don’t put quick-firing guns on these helicopters, in this case they are useless. It is better to install bunkers with tank hunters. They will be of great help if enemy mobile anti-aircraft guns arrive.

Mission #5

The terrorists, who did not have time to retreat from Germany, decided to take extreme measures. They have captured an American base and now have some chance of survival.

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy all terrorists.

The American base to the west of ours is in the hands of terrorists. The terrorists' main offensive will be launched from it. Thus, the great Chinese dream of fighting against the Americans came true (which was not in the original game).

You need to start by building defensive lines in the west of your base. It is most convenient to start from the westernmost rapid-fire gun and lead the line of defense further to the south. Place buildings on the base farther from each other (so as not to give the enemy convenient targets for weapons of mass destruction). The attack must begin to the south. There is the largest base of buildings of Americans and terrorists (mixed) and, if you hurry, you will not need to make heroic efforts to destroy it. The main thing is not to get on the train passing through the center of this base. In addition, along the path of your movement you will come across a large amount of abandoned American equipment (it is enough to put your soldiers there).

The second should be a terrorist base, located in the southwestern corner of the map. It will be more complicated, but it will still be easier than an American base captured by terrorists. Moreover, the SCUD at this base is much more dangerous for the Chinese than the beam destroyer at the captured American base.

After this, only the former American base will remain. A long and powerful bombing of it with means of mass destruction will ultimately yield a positive result. Terrorists will be expelled from Europe...

Terrorist Campaign

Terrorists continue to defend their rights to undermine and poison. And it’s okay that the Americans are stopping this. The terrorists will cope.

Mission #1

Terrorist leaders are going to meet to discuss a plan of joint action, but American troops are quite confident in operating on foreign territories. Therefore, you will have to make a lot of effort to guide the leader’s car to the airstrip.

Mission Goals:

1. Escort the terrorist leader's car to the airport.

A warm-up mission that allows you to remember the past and restore lost skills. First of all, collect with your machines the supplies carefully laid out around. As we remember, any terrorist cars that have taken part in looting the wreckage a couple of times become much stronger than those that just came off the assembly line. Walk carefully and slowly to the terrorist base - no one is chasing you, and fighting with a whole crowd risks losing your entire army.

Take troops from the base and, if necessary, build more. Use them to collect containers scattered around the area and also slowly destroy the remaining pockets of American resistance. All that remains is to bring the leader’s car to the runway. There will definitely be no surprises in this mission.

Mission #2

And there are disagreements between terrorists. Now Prince Kassad has broken away from the general trend and wants to lead the terrorists who are going the “right road.” We are not on the same path.

Mission Goals:

1. Capture the command center in the city.

2. Capture the command center at the enemy base.

3. Destroy the enemy command center.

Except last mission, then this one is the heaviest. It is useless to build defensive lines here; defense must be mobile. The fact is that an invisible enemy does not contribute to the safety of bunkers at all, and it becomes quite difficult to build them. Therefore, the main defense group will be a team of 3 Scorpions, a pair of mobile anti-aircraft guns and a mobile radar. There should be 3 such groups and, for better life, they must defend the passages between the pyramids and to the west of the pyramids.

Time to bring your infantry here and capture this building.

Making money in the usual way is a very short-lived process and brings little income. A little to the west of your base there is an oil rig, but you won’t be able to run to it as an infantryman - snipers are working. But you need to get it quickly - so either send a motorcyclist, or take a fighter in a jeep. When you stake out the passages between the pyramids, it will be possible to capture another tower. Again, clear all the houses of snipers, otherwise they will kill every fighter trying to capture the tower. Mobile radar and anti-aircraft guns help well in this case. Once you have full control of these passages, the accumulation phase of funds will begin. big army. At this time, you just need to make sure that one of your units is not destroyed. It will also be nice if you pick up the remains of enemy equipment with your vehicles.

Having gathered a good army, you can begin to break through along the river bank. Moreover, you can find another tower there. Please note that a little further from this tower the shore is tightly mined. But it's better than running into enemy attacks in the labyrinth east of the pyramids. If you then blockade the city by blocking the passage across the bridge, then getting to the command center in the city will be very easy.

You can get to the other side only by using SCADs. The fact is that the invisibility issued to you works very lousy in these conditions. SCUDs are destroying bunkers on the other side, and then a tank avalanche can begin. Right up to the next command center.

To get to the next command center, you will probably have the special ability of a network of tunnels for covert attacks. The fact is that you simply can’t get there any other way. Transfer a group of tanks and destroy the remaining command center.

Mission #3

Power plants. We clear out enemy firing points and begin to capture.

The American fleet in the Mediterranean interferes with the active actions of terrorists. The aircraft carrier Regan, which is the backbone of the enemy battle group, is especially disruptive. But there are chances to destroy it...

Mission Goals:

1. Capture the beam destroyer.

2. Capture energy stations.

3. Destroy the aircraft carrier.

The first task is carried out very easily - a group of hijackers is set against a tank, and the rest of the troops are sent to attack enemy infantry and equipment. After this, all troops destroy the guards of the beam destroyer. After that all the equipment remains to guard the destroyer, and the infantry is transferred to carry out the next task. The fact is that the enemy will periodically drop troops to the destroyer. And security equipment will be quite useful there. Place it like in the screenshot, and enemy infantry will usually trample the tank, and enemy Lightning Bolts will not be able to engage both the vehicle and the destroyer at once.

Stop, cars!

The infantry, having crossed to the other side, attacks the tanks guarding the remnants of the terrorist base. After this, you can pick up unattended equipment (especially anti-aircraft guns), and use the resulting Jarman Kel to destroy the Tomahawk driver. Take care of the Tomahawk. It will still be very useful to you. Kel destroys the tank drivers, after which the enemy infantry goes on the attack and heroically dies under the dagger fire of anti-aircraft guns. "Tomahawk" destroys enemy firing points, after which the second task is actually completed. Important point: Do not capture all energy stations at once. Two is enough for you. It’s just that captured stations are shot at by enemy helicopters, and at first you don’t have enough forces to guard them. And start capturing from the western energy stations - it will be easier to defend the remaining ones. The energy received should be used to destroy delivery zones, airfields and a strategic center on the visible part of the map. The latter is harmful because it sees invisible fighters.

We cross to another island through hidden tunnels. The first thing Kel moves there, and with him are several camouflaged rebels. Kel's task is to immobilize the tanks, the rebels - to capture these tanks and destroy the building closest to the landing site, captured by the enemy. After this, the Tomahawk is safely transported and destroys the remaining buildings. Now you have the opportunity to build equipment. Several mobile anti-aircraft guns to guard power stations would be a very timely “delivery.”

Next, the Tomahawk destroys enemy bunkers in the canyon, and you come to another terrorist base guarded by the Americans. Now full-fledged construction can begin. Just don’t forget to equip the base with a large number of anti-aircraft defense equipment.

A detachment of rocket buggies, covered from the air by mobile anti-aircraft guns, can completely cope with the capture of the other bank. And if you cut out all the means of detecting hidden ones, then it will be possible to destroy the aircraft carrier without even destroying the entire American base. Just enter Kelom into her territory and fire a beam from the destroyer at the ship that appears on the horizon.

Mission #4

The aircraft carrier is destroyed and no one else interferes with the insidious plans of the terrorists. Therefore, their next goal is a storage facility for toxic substances guarded by American troops. It won't be long until victory.

Mission Goals:

1. Capture the ferry with team #1.

2. Capture the mobile radar with team #2.

3. Capture the water station with team No. 2.

4. Destroy the airfield with team #1.

5. Destroy the energy stations with team No. 2.

6. Seize storage facilities for toxic substances.

7. Drive 10 trucks with toxic substances.

We take the cars and go down to the radar.

The main feature of this mission is the importance of accurately following the instructions given. The first task is completed by simply shooting down enemy equipment with the help of Kel. After that, everyone boarded the ferry and crossed to the other side.

The second group's task is no more difficult. Take jeeps standing unattended and shoot enemy jeeps. Don't forget to equip your jeeps to the limit by picking up lying around containers. And capture a hospital not far from the starting point - treating infantry is very important for you.

Now you have a radar with which you can look at the valley in front of the first group - it is entirely filled with mines. Destroy and you can pass freely. And the second group has a more difficult task. Usually it is best done this way: the hijackers are sent to the enemy tank, immediately after that 2 cars with terrorists are sent to the enemy bunkers, and as they approach the target, all other troops are sent forward. Usually someone survives and takes over the water station.

Capturing the water station opens the way to the airfield for the first group. Two jeeps will easily and without problems deal with the unfortunate structure. After this, you can go south and free a whole detachment of assistants (and at the same time pick up a couple of Tomahawks and many poison machines). The terrorists get into their cars, and the Tomahawks destroy a chain of enemy bunkers along the road, after which the second squad easily destroys the power stations.

Now the units have united and can destroy the defense line along the poison storage facility. Liberate a couple more camps with soldiers - the extra soldiers won't hurt you. Troops must be brought into the storage area immediately after the destruction of the defense line, and all at once. Because very soon enemy troops will arrive from the south and east. If they start hitting trucks, don’t be afraid, new trucks will be given, but their passage line needs to be cleared. Victory will be counted after the tenth truck has delivered its cargo to its destination.

Mission #5

It's time for the final assault, watch out America. Terrorists seize a Chinese base in Germany and are ready to end such a long war. They have enough poison for everyone.

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy the enemy base.

The last one is always the most difficult. So it is this time. You have a Chinese base and few terrorist capabilities in your hands. First, we send all the troops along the southern passage to the oil rig and immediately build 2 rapid-fire guns near it. In the next passage, 2 more rapid-fire guns are being built, supported by a bunker with grenade launchers. At the same time, the base for the Chinese is being built. For the terrorists, you only need one building for now - the command center (without it you won’t be able to issue command actions).

When rebuilding your base, pay special attention to tanks. For it is the four “Overlords” who will go to storm the enemy base in the east. It is not necessary to finish off the base, it is only important to knock out points of resistance on it (read “Patriots”). The rest must be captured and brought under your control.

By the time the enemy base is captured, an unhealthy revival will appear at the northern enemy base. If you have built an Internet center and spotted their base, then it would be a very good decision to bomb a group of power plants just west of the second command center. The fact is that these very power plants are the only fuel for enemy buildings. And each destruction of them will delay the next shooting of your positions from beam destroyers. And Americans will receive less money (you understand why).

Without energy he is not scary.

And then - only the construction of extensive bases and the development of the territory (with the destruction of American bases). Produce as many weapons of mass destruction as possible and actively use them against the enemy (especially against beam destroyers and energy stations). The rebels from the base in the center of the map can also provide some help (but not significant), but in order for them to “come to life”, your troops must approach the territory of their base. Otherwise, they will stupidly die under American fire.

This is how a terrorist's dream comes true...



Fire support aircraft

Oddly enough, this plane was taken from life. Such aircraft actually entered the American army, and their purpose was fire support landing troops, reconnaissance and sabotage groups, protection of air bases, surveillance and reconnaissance. They (the earliest modifications) have existed since 1975. Created on the basis of the C-130H Hercules aircraft. The first models were armed with a six-barreled Vulcan gun; the AC-130U switched to 25 mm, 40 mm and 105 mm guns; that is, it most closely matches what is available in the game. Aircraft were not used in armed conflicts.


It is known that there are almost no numbers in the game. Therefore, it is sometimes quite difficult to perceive the posted numbers. But it is necessary. And now I will remind you how this is done.

coolant- life points. View radius- the range at which a building or soldier will notice the enemy. Energy consumption- a plus in this column means that the building, on the contrary, generates energy. Experience— the number of experience points required for a soldier/vehicle to reach the next level (the total indicator is indicated, not the number per level). Speed— the speed of movement of an intact/damaged soldier or mechanism. Damage— primary damage/secondary damage from explosion/damage range.

Table 2
New troops
Name Price coolant Construction time View radius Experience Speed Damage
Bomber B3 - 1000 - - - 200/180 -
Support aircraft - 1000 - 300 150/450/900 290/200 and 120/90 90/0/20080/25/200
Laser jeep 2000 300 10 150 200/300/600 30/20 100/0/10010/0/300
Microwave tank 800 480 10 200 200/300/600 50/0/200
Hell drone 500 100 5 100 - 60/30 40/5/150
Sentry drone 800 300 10 180 100/150/300 60/50 8/0/150
Battleship - 10000 - 300 200/300/600 - 300/15/no
"Predator" from an aircraft carrier - 160 4 180 100/200/400 175/120 100/5/320
Strategic bomber - 1000 - 300 - 125/75 300/50/100
Beam tank 1000 250 5 150 100/150/300 -
Helicopter 1500 300 20 200 100/200/400 75/60
Listening station 800 240 15 250 100/200/400 40/30 -
Terrorist motorcycle 500 100 8 180 - 90/68 -
Motorbike 500 100 8 180 200/400/800 120/90 8/0/150
Saboteur 800 120 15 150 - 30/20 -
Bus 1000 400 15 150 - 75/70 -
Table 4
Generals' troops
Name Price coolant Construction time View radius Experience Speed Damage
Aurora Alpha 2000 120 30 150 200/400/800 480/240 400/20/300
Royal Predators 1100 240 20 200 100/200/400 175/120 100/5/320
Combat Chinooks 1200 300 10 300 - 150/60 -
Laser tank 900 480 10 150 200/300/600 30/25 80/5/150
Assault armored personnel carrier 2400 240 25 175 - 40/30 -
Machine gunners 350 120 10 100 20/40/80 25/15 10/0/12512/0/350 (air)

Fireworks. Terrorists beat terrorists. To say that the “Generals” have changed a lot is to lie a little. Most of their changes are not noticeable individually. And only their total sum allows us to think about

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Fireworks. Terrorists beat terrorists.

To say that the “Generals” have changed a lot is to lie a little. Most of their changes are not noticeable individually. And only their total sum allows us to think about the fact that no matter how rotten the Danish kingdom in the face of the entire series Command & Conquer, you can still enjoy the game. Because the balance remained at the same level. And the long-awaited generals have finally appeared in the game about generals. True, they initially take a long time to be removed from the special mode and only then will they become available in multiplayer, but that’s already something. From now on, the same Chinese will not be alike, like twin brothers. And for an American pilot general, one may be easy prey, while the other may be an eternal toothache. But I will not further torment the reader with obscure statements and will immediately move on to a review of delicious new products.

Otherwise everything is the same. Terrorists don't like Americans. Americans don't like terrorists in retaliation. The Chinese do not like terrorists, but if possible, they desert to join the ranks of terrorists. However, not all is well in the terrorist camp. Now they easily fight against each other. Variety, however...


See table No. 1.

Fire Base. The unfortunate Americans suffered for a long time, trying to deal with crowds of terrorist infantry with the help of their flying devices and jeeps. Their prayers were heard and the Americans received a super-powerful bunker. Moreover, this bunker exists quite well even without a population in it (simply shooting at a long distance from a cannon). And if you populate it with a group (up to 4 fighters) of snipers and shooters with anti-tank guns, then the enemy infantry will have a very difficult time. The only drawback of this structure is that the gun fires very slowly. But don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially considering the range and damage power of this weapon’s shells. In exchange for such a gift, the Americans were deprived Internment camps. And rightly so. There's no point in him...

Internet Center. Where can a decent Chinese rob a bunch of money from the damned capitalists (or from the have-not terrorists)? Naturally - in the Internet center. Normal Chinese hackers have found a new haven, where they gather en masse and steal everything that is bad from the Internet. Now they rob with ease. Although no one forbade scattering to different corners of the base (so as not to expose your entire bunch of hackers to the danger of dying from one missile strike). However, in addition to the mission of uniting hackers throughout China, the Internet center performs a couple of other important functions. Naturally, you have to pay for these features, but it's worth it. The first improvement gives the Chinese the right to 24/7 tracking of enemy command centers. The second periodically demonstrates all the buildings that the enemy managed to rebuild. And knowing the enemy's plans is an essential part of victory. You can only own one Internet center at a time.

Sneak Attack Tunnel Network. After studying the appropriate technology, terrorists acquire new tunnels with the ability to hide them from the enemy. That’s how a tunnel appeared near the enemy’s defensive lines and the landing immediately began. Unfortunately, the enemy is unlikely to allow the second batch of paratroopers to enter its territory, but the first may be quite enough. Sometimes it is simply necessary for transferring from island to island (if the map is island).


See table No. 2.

Few new fighters have arrived, but some of them are quite noticeable. However, this does not apply to everyone. It is worth noting the general tendency to disable enemy vehicles and buildings. But so far this is just a new idea, no combinations with it have yet been possible.

And pay attention to the variations of the old fighters among the new generals. They are often much better than completely new vehicles and buildings that fall into service with the parties.


Americans are unlikely to deprive themselves. That's how it happened this time too. Americans have the largest amount of equipment. It's just that she's kind of weird. Not all of it will be of any use to you. And there are very few truly necessary samples. Do we take quantity?

Bomber B3 (B3). Arrogant and extremely confident in his abilities, he breaks through enemy defenses even in the most difficult conditions. The same B52, only invisible, due to which it reaches the specified target an order of magnitude more often than other strategic bombers. Especially in the context of the fight against terrorists who do not watch the sky. This improvement is being explored in strategic center.

Support aircraft (Spectre Gunship). As surprising as it may sound, such a fire support aircraft was actually planned to be created by the American troops. It is not clear who they wanted to use it against. In reality, one or two arrows will quickly bring him down from heaven to earth. But we are not talking about reality, but about a game where this thing is included in the category of superweapon. Having arrived at the place (and it flies to the place faster than it flies at it), the plane begins to make circles over it and demand your close attention. Because if you don’t indicate a specific goal to him, then these circles above the goal will all end. Therefore, show him respect and show him targets for his machine guns and cannon as these same targets disappear from the face of the earth.

Laser Jeep (Avenger). The Americans have long suffered from the inability to fully defend against air attacks in the field. At home they always had “patriots” at hand, who instantly destroyed enemy flyers. But in an open field...Well, oh well. Who is there to destroy? The Chinese fly every other time, but the terrorists were not given wings at all. And if anything happens, we’ll protect our armored fist with the help of patrolling fighters. However, new times came, there were a lot of generals and everyone who was not too lazy began to fly (excluding those same unfortunate terrorists). So we had to release an extremely useful machine that is “always with you.”

The Laser Jeep is outrageously expensive, but necessary for attacking troops. After all, it protects not only from airplanes and helicopters. He also shoots missiles (and these are Tomahawks and SCADs). Of course, if you come across a flock of 5-6 SCADs, then a couple of laser jeeps will not save you. But they will defend against randomly meeting single enemy fighters. And on the ground, the jeep will help, deftly (albeit weaker than at air targets) firing its lasers. And the jeep is not deprived of the attention of drones. Install the one you like best.

Microwave Tank. Disabling enemy buildings is original. The dream of Russian energy workers. We just cut off his access to the outlet - and we sit and rejoice. Why are we happy? Well? one Patriot was turned off. So there are probably two more nearby. Also, the forester (read “Crusader”) will come and knock us on the head so that we don’t mess around with electricity. No, we don’t need that kind of hockey.

Battleship. They won't let you build them. Therefore, use what you have been given and do not be indignant. You can only meet him in the campaign or on original maps. Gives the enemy heavy blanks at your first request. A fairly significant period of time passes between salvos. It does not have air defense, so it can be brutally shot by the first helicopters that arrive.

Hellfire Drone. A regiment of drones arrived, and the reconnaissance and combat drones were joined by an infernal one (apparently, since the name of the combat drone had already been filled in, it was necessary to name it more sonorously). The combat drone could not cope with the masses of enemy combat vehicles, and a new device was allocated to help it, firing missiles. It is almost useless against infantry, but enemy tanks will suffer greatly from it. Unlike a combat drone, it cannot repair.

Sentry Drone. The Americans, no matter how hard they try to appear white and fluffy, strive to use the tactics of their despised terrorists. This guard drone is a tricky thing. And he sees the invisible, and he himself is invisible. That is, theoretically, if you place it close to your defensive lines, you will always be able to see who came to you and why. In practice, numerous manipulations with the identification of invisible fighters make the drone almost useless. And how happy the enemies will be when they discover an unexpected spy in the center of their ranks! So the point of it is only to plant on the closest approaches to the enemy’s base (where he doesn’t check anything) and record the passage of columns to your borders. Without appropriate improvement, he doesn’t shoot at all, but stands on the sidelines and watches.

Aircraft Carrier. Another "tenant of the campaign." A mobile airfield carrying a flight of Predators. They only carry out missions to the target (without any additional instructions). Restores destroyed fighters independently, without additional capital investments.


China already has the quantity. After all, it is the largest country in terms of population. That's why they take quality. The only thing that makes you think about the scope of application is beam tank. The rest are quite valuable weapons that arrived on time.

Strategic bomber (Carpet Bomber). Looking at the entire American game, the Chinese realized that carpet bombing was not such a bad idea. And they gladly accepted it. So now they have their own bomber laying out a trail of bombs right across the enemy positions. In all other respects - analogue B52.

Beam tank (Tank ECM). Chinese power engineers also thought about the problem of the enemy’s excess energy. And they decided to disable the most nimble enemy fighters. The tank works well in narrow gorges, where the enemy will have to march in a column of one or two vehicles. By slowing down the first one, he will not allow the others to pass. And the “Lords” or “Battle Masters” standing nearby will take care of the “frozen”. More applicable than the American counterpart, but its value is also questionable.

Helicopter (Vehicle Helix). If the “Overlord” is lifted into the air and the turret with guns is taken away from it (well, such a heavy weight won’t pull it!), giving in return a small machine gun, then you will get a helicopter like this. The Chinese have long been drawn to the ocean of air, and it seemed to them that MiGs did not provide full habitat in it. And then a helicopter appeared. Why did I compare it to "Overlord"? Yes, because you can add all the same bells and whistles to it as to the “Overlord” - a propaganda turret, a powerful machine gun or a bunker for infantrymen. Among other things, the helicopter can transport five paratroopers and throw napalm bombs. The last skill is studied separately for each helicopter and is used according to additional instructions. After specifying the bombing location, the helicopter hovers over it and begins methodical work to cover the area with napalm. It is very convenient if you need to block a point from where enemy troops are creeping in from behind the map (meaning a campaign). The rest is a helicopter, just like a helicopter. It won't win the battle, but it's worth using.

Listening Outpost. Naturally, he eavesdrops. And he hears all sorts of invisible people who want to infiltrate your positions. Unlike armored personnel carrier Oh, and she herself is invisible. But only while standing still and not shooting. This machine, of course, does not shoot by itself. There are 2 “seats” inside, occupied by 2 tank hunters right when the device left the factory. That is, in reality the listening station itself costs only 200 coins! Tempting.


With terrorists, everything is disgusting in terms of numbers. And the quality of the bus raises doubts about its necessity. But a motorcycle!..

Motorcycle (Combat Bike). The developers may not have even expected what would come out of this seemingly inconspicuous vehicle. The point is that rebels, who sit so comfortably on a motorcycle, can be replaced with ones that are much more comfortable on it terrorists. And those, having broken through to enemy buildings, quickly blow everything up. Motorcycles fly towards the enemy at absolutely breakneck speed (which, however, is lower for terrorist motorcyclists), which allows the infantry to get to the enemy before he shoots them.

In general, any infantryman can be mounted on a motorcycle. So you can easily create a guard of RPG shooters on motorcycles. But is it necessary? Another advantage of motorcyclists is that they are transport, which means that snipers will not be able to shoot them.

% This is interesting: We put Jarman Kel on the motorcycle and see what this completely invulnerable killer gets up to. He won’t be able to deal with everyone alone, but now he has an excellent chance of escaping from any mess.

Bus (Vehicle Bus). A strange vehicle designed to transport 8 infantry. Armored and slow moving. Moreover, you cannot shoot from it. Home delivery of terrorists?

Saboteur. The idea of ​​shutting down enemy buildings also sank into the minds of terrorists. But, of course, in my own way. They send invisible saboteurs into enemy territory, who temporarily disable buildings. At the same time, the saboteurs disappear. Apparently, they are joining the team of the affected building. And the fact that they stop their work is apparently explained by the fact that the work is hard, and the poor fellows drink themselves to death in an attempt to relieve nervous tension.


This goodness has become even more numerous, and it has become even more useful. We study and don’t say that we haven’t seen it.


1. Countermeasures. Cost - 1000, production time - 40 seconds. Produced at the airport. All aircraft have a 50% chance to dodge missiles flying at them.

2. Bunker Busters. Cost - 1500, production time - 40 seconds. Produced at the airport. Stealth aircraft gain the ability to damage infantry entrenched in buildings (before this, they destroyed buildings without harming those sitting in them).

3. MOAB (Mother of All Bombs). Cost - 4000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced in a strategic center. B52 turns into B3.

4. Chemical Suits. Cost - 1000, production time - 60 seconds. Produced in a strategic center. Infantry becomes more resistant to radiation and toxic damage.

5. Supply Lines. Cost - 800, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in a strategic center. Resource-extracting vehicles (for example, Chinooks) bring home 10% more production. At the same time, they take away the same amount of resources from the site.

6. Sentry Drone Gun. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced at a military plant. Sentry drones they get the opportunity to shoot from a machine gun (before this there was some kind of weak gun).


1. Neutron Mines. Cost - 500, production time - 25 seconds. Produced separately for each building. When these mines explode, the drivers of the equipment die, leaving the equipment itself behind.

2. Satellite Hack I. Cost - 1000, production time - 20 seconds. Conducted in the Internet center. Chinese hackers discover the ability to identify all enemy command centers (all the time).

3. Satellite Hack II. Cost - 2500, production time - 20 seconds. Carried out in the Internet center after the previous improvement. All enemy buildings are periodically identified. Including invisible ones.

4. Neutron Shells. Cost - 2500, production time - 60 seconds. Produced in a building with a nuclear missile. Nuclear weapons fire neutron shells that knock infantry out of vehicles and buildings.

5. Napalm Bomb. Cost - 800, production time - 30 seconds. Produced separately for each helicopter. After this, the helicopters get the opportunity to carry out napalm bombing of the specified point (this is carried out constantly, unless canceled).


1. Booby Trap. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in barracks. Rebels gain the ability to mine neutral buildings and characters.

2. Fortified Structure. Cost - 1000, production time - 30 seconds. Produced in the palace. All terrorist buildings are now more fortified.

3. Worker Shoes. Cost - 1000, production time - 10 seconds. Produced on the black market. Terrorist workers start running faster and bring in 10% more money.

Generals points

They gave a little bit to everyone. Namely, two new general improvements. True, the newly minted generals skillfully manage the original general improvements, and sometimes acquire their own.


1. Specter Gunship. An airplane flying to the target and spraying the enemy with machine guns and a cannon. Requires General Rank 5.

2. Leaflet Drop. The Americans still do not let up in their desire to turn off everything, and have gone further along this path than other nations. To do this, they drop leaflets on enemy positions, which leads to the unfortunate people starting to read them and quit working. No, radical measures like B52 are better. Also requires General Rank 5.


1. Frenzy. Already at the third level, the Chinese have the opportunity to increase the defeat of a group of enemy troops with the help of their general. The promotion consists of 3 levels (and starts from the third level of the general), with each level increasing the duration and power of defeating the enemy.

2. Carpet Bomb. At the fifth level of generalship, the Chinese gain the ability to build a bomber that drops its bombs in a “track”, while destroying everything that falls under these bombs. Not a bad weapon of mass destruction. Moreover, it only takes 2.5 minutes to recharge it.


1. Sneak Attack. At the fifth level of generalship, terrorists gain the ability to instantly build a special bunker on any territory (as long as they can see it). And, if you camouflage this bunker, you can transfer troops directly to enemy positions.

2. GPS Scrambler. Also at the fifth level, terrorists get the opportunity to hide their troops and secretly transfer these groups to enemy battle formations. Why do this when there is previous technology?


SM. tables ¹¹ 3 и 4.

This is a new single-player game mode featuring only new generals. It's time to talk about them. The fact is that generals have finally appeared in the game, three for each side of the conflict. Each of the generals, although he leads the army that is familiar to you, nevertheless, uses only one of its strengths. That is, the American flying general does not need tanks, but has many aviation enhancements. That is, each general has not only conspicuous advantages, but also serious disadvantages.

Generals can be used in a regular single player game, but challenge mode is a special mode just for them. In it, the general you choose fights in turn with 6 computer opponents (each time different), completing this list with a battle with the “boss”. "Boss" is a general who owns all technologies and is able to build any troops.

This is not to say that this is an unusually new mode, but it is still an attempt at a non-linear campaign. And for a while it can be captivating. And you might even like it.

% This is important: Manipulations with general points for individual generals are not described; see screenshots of their development. Otherwise, the magazine space will not be enough to analyze how high this or that general’s skill has risen or fallen. If a general does not have a picture of the distribution of his points, then it coincides with the standard one for the nation. The tables display only those soldiers and buildings whose changes in numerical characteristics were critical. The rest were changed qualitatively (not in numbers).


The main weapon of the Americans is technology. These are the different examples of it that American generals are trying to change. If you understand what's what, the new generals will be very easy to use. And yet - not a single American general knows the words “Crusader” and “Paladin”. We made it...

General Alexander

Superweapon General. The only female general is extremely attracted to high technology. He loves the Aurora bomber, adding the word “Alpha” to its name. For her, it is cheaper by as much as 500 money (no other changes were noticed). Its “patriots” are equipped with an EMP system that disables enemy equipment when hit. Beam destroyers cost only 2500, and they are powered by excellent energy plants, the improvement of which gives them 300% additional energy. All cars, except aviation (cars also include helicopters), cost 20% more.

The tactics of this general’s wife are to hide and not stick out. And then destroy the enemy with endless volleys of beam destroyers. Her “patriots” will help her hide, stopping enemy ground equipment and shooting down any aircraft with one hit (you don’t fly much with the engine off).

Strengths. You can't really get close to this general with technology. And it’s not recommended to fly up at all - a waste of money.

Weaknesses. Vulnerable to weapons of mass destruction. It copes very poorly with enemy infantry; a sniper is a necessary acquisition for them.


General Granger

Aviation General. His most important invention was laser missile defense on airplanes. It’s not that planes are not afraid of missiles at all, but they fly past several missiles completely freely. But a swarm of missiles from a whole bunch of “patriots” will create difficulties for this general too. Naturally, such joy must come from something. Granger has pride - "Royal Predators". Cheaper, livelier and so on. Combat Chinooks are flying next. Loopholes were fitted to peaceful transport helicopters, and now they are capable of snarling fire no worse than Chinese helicopters. Moreover, simple helicopters remain in production, but combat helicopters do not lose the ability to transport money. "Comanche" with a little effort on your part (additional payment for improvement of 1500 at the airfield) become invisible. All flying equipment is cheaper for this general. He gets the Spectra earlier, but he doesn’t need to open the stealth planes at all, he already has them.

This general has no originality in his decisions. We build more aircraft and wipe out the enemy’s base. If something interferes with our aircraft, we supplement them with a beam destroyer and destroy the obstacle. An interesting tactic for helicopters is "Chinooks" with shooters with anti-tank guns against enemy anti-aircraft guns and "Comanche" against infantry.

Strengths. Enemy infantry units are destroyed quickly and without losses. Any vehicle that crawls without anti-aircraft guns is potentially doomed. Terrorists who have not placed a bunch of mobile anti-aircraft guns at their base also have no chance.

Weaknesses. The laser general of the Americans and all the Chinese with their rapid-fire guns are a huge problem. EMP installations and terrorist mobile anti-aircraft guns cause less of a headache, but they also have to be taken into account.

General Townes

Laser General. Naturally, he is fluent in this particular type of high-precision weapon. The owner of laser tanks, extremely accurate in combat, but using energy. Don't forget to add energy installations, because even the fact that a laser tank uses only 1 unit of energy can lead to the fact that if it overuses energy, your entire armada will turn off right on the battlefield. The company will be supplemented by laser systems (instead of “patriots”), which, although they do not shoot very painfully, are extremely accurate. No plane can escape such people if it just gets into their sights. The price for laser jeeps has been sharply reduced - down to 1500. Well, in order to feed this army, the general has improved energy stations that give him more energy.

Laser tanks and laser jeeps - that's all the tactics. Expensive, but where to go? But this army will reliably protect you both from the air and on the ground.

Strengths. Resists well against generals relying on cheap troops and aviation.

Weaknesses. We are terribly vulnerable to attacks on the energy base. Laser tanks do not have time to do anything with the powerful "Overlords".


The Chinese strategy is more varied. Their generals are experimenting not only with equipment, but also with infantry. However, this does not mean that the Chinese are more vulnerable. Sometimes it's even the other way around.

General Fai

Infantry general. He is famous for replacing the Red Guards with machine gunners in his troops. The guys are a very scary force. True, for 300 coins you will no longer get a pair, but only one machine gunner. But these guys don’t know how to shoot at planes and become a threat to aviation. Helicopters are generally afraid of these animals and fly away from them. Don't look at the small damage - the frequency of shots of machine gunners is 2 times higher than that of the Red Guards. For infantry, it is important to use the general's first point for a double stripe for his infantry. Then the brutalized machine gunners will also be able to heal themselves during the battle.

Other originalities follow from the main one. The combat armored personnel carrier is no different from others, it just carries 8 machine gunners (for which it has deservedly increased in price). Well, they can also fire directly from an armored personnel carrier. The combat helicopter immediately receives a bunker for infantry with the option of additionally acquiring a rapid-fire cannon (forget about the “talking” turret). But listening stations immediately have the ability to treat the soldiers surrounding them and can accommodate up to 10 soldiers (another armored personnel carrier). The bunkers also accommodate as many as 10 soldiers and mines are immediately placed around them. All infantry are born with one stripe, and mental workers (Black Lotus and hackers) move faster. Finally, the parachute landing will not be from Red Guards, but from machine gunners. Naturally, we will have to forget about the “Lords” and masters of battle.

Strengths. The pilots nervously smoke on the sidelines - today is not their day. Only the high-speed Aurora can try to bomb the positions of the harmful infantry. Those using infantry and ground equipment will also have a rest - machine gunners are superior to any infantrymen in the range and density of fire, and they need a lot of equipment. The symbiosis of strong infantry and accompanying equipment is very organic. However, to win you need to play very actively; sluggish twitching of the mouse will only lead to defeat.

Weaknesses. War with any means of mass destruction that uses radiation and chemicals is harmful to this general. The infantry is too weak in health and they die too easily from such “blows of fate.”

General Kwai

Tank General. All "Overlords" are equipped with "talking towers" and allow you to install a rapid-fire cannon. They are also strengthened by the fact that all tanks start with one stripe and are cheaper (albeit by 100, but still). But MiGs and helicopters are more expensive, and nuclear and infernal weapons were not delivered to the troops. But something always has to be sacrificed. As compensation, the landing is carried out not by infantry, but by 1, 2 or 4 “battle master” tanks.

As a result, the general is in no hurry. And it won’t be possible to rush it - the “Overlords” move very slowly. But if it gains strength! Naturally, the main way to solve problems is to create a massive tank fist and then smear the enemy on the asphalt.

Strengths. It is useless to use infantry against these mastodons: for them, bullets are like seeds bouncing off their armor. They also do not pay much attention to the efforts of any American generals who cannot fully protect their lines from heavy tank attacks.

Weaknesses. Terrorist missile buggies are some kind of disaster, there is no control against them. The speed of the tanks does not allow them to catch up with the nimble pests, and most of the tank general’s means of combating them are reduced or complicated.

General Tao

Nuclear General. In all his endeavors he relies on the power of a nuclear bomb, as well as on the fact that its introduction into any area of ​​life will only bring benefits. Therefore, his tanks are faster due to the fact that from the very beginning of the game they are equipped with nuclear engines. And they hit the enemy more powerfully, since they use nuclear charges. After appropriate improvement, MiGs gain the ability to strike not with conventional bombs, but with nuclear warheads. Nuclear cannons do not need to be studied - this general has them from birth. The strategic bomber appears earlier than others and drops the same nuclear bombs on the enemy. The nuclear power plant is more powerful and produces as much as 20 units of energy. And this celebration of the militant atom ends with the fact that General Tao’s troops tolerate radiation more easily, while its effect on the enemy is stronger.

Method of use: radiation to failure. More the better. It hardly harms us anyway. Considering that not a single fighter was taken away from this general, but such powerful support was added, he is potentially the most powerful of the new generals.

Strengths. The enemy infantry groans and bends in the radioactive smoke. Terrorists simply groan from his atrocities. A tank general thinks about the meaning of life.

Weaknesses. American planes look with surprise at what kind of bedlam is happening on the ground. In heaven, they are completely indifferent to Chinese sophistications. And the infantry in the bunkers hastily put on anti-radiation suits and looks to the future with hope.


Terrorists have few completely new fighters. They atone for this with various modifications of the old ones. And it turns out no worse than the Americans who are overly technological and burdened with new projects. Or maybe it's better...

Dr. Thrax

The most poisonous general. His motto: “Poisons for the masses.” The poisonous rebels under his command forgot how to shoot, but learned to water the enemy from their backpacks. Poisonous terrorists carry a bottle of chemicals in their bosoms and when they explode, they contaminate the surrounding area. The poisonous networks of tunnels received a chemical sprayer instead of a machine gun, and look with contempt at enemy infantry. Tanks come into life defeating the enemy with toxins. In this case, anthrax used for poisoning immediately belongs to the beta class, and later it can be studied to the gamma class.

The Poisoner did not receive significant advantages over the ordinary Chinese general, and differs from him only in his greater hostility towards enemy infantry. Not impressive.

Strengths. The enemy infantry cries with grief and instantly dies. Drivers of light vehicles use obscene language about completely corroded tires - their death will be quick and unenviable.

Weaknesses. The efforts of the poisoners are completely incomprehensible to heavy equipment. The tank general of China generally looks with terrible surprise at what the terrorists who have not yet been crushed by his tanks are trying to do around him. American infantry are dressed in protective suits and buried in bunkers.

General Juhziz

Demolition General. Without explosives - not a step. His booby traps are much more powerful. All his fighters are born kamikazes. Everyone carries a pack of dynamite with them and, just before the arrival of death, strives to use it for its intended purpose (preferably in a crowd of the enemy). At the same time, terrorists cause much more damage than usual, and combat motorcycles carry not rebels, but terrorists. Cars with explosives are cheaper, and the rebels initially know how to mine neutral objects. Because of this, I had to forget about the possibility of using camouflage.

Its use is mining everything. And my favorite trick is opening a tunnel near the enemy base with a crowd of motorcyclists emerging from there. Fireworks at the enemy base are guaranteed.

Strengths. It makes no difference to him who he fights against. Effectively using this general's strengths is quite difficult against any opponents.

Weaknesses."Overlords" with rapid-fire guns nullify all the efforts of this general. Poisoning and nuclear contamination also have a harmful effect on the main creators of Juziz's victory.

Prince Kassad

Secretive general. His troops are not visible until the very last moment, and only the most cunning Chinese generals manage to find the buildings. Rebels initially have the ability to camouflage, and all buildings get the ability to go into an invisible state for little money. This general has hijackers from the beginning and is always hidden. He also gets the ability to hide troops earlier using the GPS Scrambler, and this ability is restored faster.

A very bad general. Not exactly lethal, but it requires the enemy to constantly maintain in his troops machines that have the ability to see the invisible. Ambushes are his thing. The tunnels with terrorists “flying out” from there will look very strong from his side. Ambushes from hijackers also look good in his execution.

Strengths. The Americans will be very upset when crowds of ghosts break into their base over and over again. It is very difficult to determine where he needs to use weapons of mass destruction; it is necessary to first probe the base.

Weaknesses. Tanks crush infantry. And the “Overlords” with rapid-fire cannons perfectly see all the hiding infantrymen and hidden mines.

Generals - go to battle!

What has changed in the field of tactical decisions? Little. And yet.

Supporters of the American military doctrine received laser jeeps and the ability to attack with full-fledged tank armadas with protection from air raids. Considering how much attention was paid to aviation in the expansion, this is a very good decision.

In general, the Americans still rely on strikes with beam destroyers (against the Chinese and Americans) and clearing out the remaining enemy with Comanches or Aurors. A quick invasion by a group of jeeps (with TOW) or a Chinook Rush (landing rangers trained for capture at an enemy base) is also quite possible.

Firing points allow you to more successfully defend not only against equipment, but also against infantry. You can also use Tomahawks set to defense mode for defense and fill buildings with groups of snipers and shooters with anti-tank guns. The first will shoot infantry, the second - equipment. It’s not that the buildings will become impregnable in this way, but the enemy will have more problems.

The Chinese are still relying on a tank assault. Still, they haven’t come up with anything better than “Overlord.” But they are quite capable of a quick attack with rapid-fire weapons. Now the Chinese have options on the topic “What to take to detect invisible people” - the listening station is very good. And China’s offensive forces have always been completely balanced.

The addition of helicopters does not allow for the creation of a strong tactic based on them, but for the Chinese infantry general they are very suitable.

% This is interesting: If you drop mines on an enemy base and immediately after planting them launch a nuclear strike at that point, you will be pleasantly surprised by the force of the explosion.

The most important acquisition of terrorists is combat motorcycles. Read above what you can do with them. If you don’t want to bother with fast and nimble cars, then the only option is a quick attack with Scorpions or jeeps. Well, the “hit and run” tactics with the help of mobile SCADs. Rocket buggies perform very well against vehicles. Heavy equipment, for example, "Overlords", especially suffers from them. Americans who do not equip their tanks with drones are also a potential target for a group of 6-8 buggies. Do not forget that this machine is quite fragile and there is no need to expose it to attack - it will fall apart in a moment. Well, what does she need speed for?

And don’t forget - almost all terrorist vehicles are very well strengthened by picking up fragments of enemy equipment. The second rocket on the Scorpion - what’s not great?

Walkthrough Campaigns

The campaigns are still all about beating up the poor terrorists. Already everything is done - the Americans, the Chinese, and the terrorists themselves on their own. And only unfortunate terrorists fight off everyone as best they can. Well, that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that 15 new campaign missions are back with you.

US Campaign

What else can Americans do? Of course, they bring peace throughout the world. By forceful means, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

Mission #1

The terrorists are not letting up, and from Southern Kazakhstan - from their base in Baikonur - they are very successfully launching missiles at American bases in Northern Europe. It should be noted that not only the military does not like this. Civilians are not happy about this either. But the mobile detachment headed by you will still have to sort this out.

Mission Goals:

1. Capture the railway station by destroying the base guarding it.

2. Destroy the terrorist base near the launcher.

You have a lot of troops, even more money. Grab the entire armada and move it forward along the road. To the east of the Stinger nests you can find several abandoned Chinese tanks, this will definitely be enough for the rest of the mission. And if you build a propaganda turret on the captured "Overlord", then you will have no problems at all with the wounded and broken.

Clear the area in front of the railway station from the enemy and, as soon as there is no one to defend it, a train will arrive at the station. It will leave the station as soon as it is completely full. Therefore, fill it first with tanks, and then take the remaining places with infantry (there will be no second flight).

Having landed at the arrival point, destroy everyone who offers resistance and demolish all the buildings on the edge of the pit. Capture the radio station as well. It is from this that the bombers will be guided to the enemy base.

Mission #2

So that's what you are, aircraft carrier...

The United States took active offensive action and the war moved to Somalia. Now it is necessary to support the landing - and the terrorists will be expelled from yet another country.

Mission Goals:

1. Protect the docks. Protect arriving trucks. Capture the warehouse.

2. Escort the convoy to the warehouse.

3. Destroy terrorist bases in the mountains.

The beginning will be very passive. Until all 10 supply trucks arrive, the terrorists won't start anything serious. You don’t have many troops yet, so there’s no point in twitching either. Simply occupy the northern and eastern bunkers, and capture the oil rig and repair station located to the west. Help will gradually be given to you, but there is still no point in moving anywhere.

As soon as the last truck arrives, the convoy escort phase will begin. For this we take helicopters and jeeps and lead the convoy to the site (a warehouse near which a green flare is lit). There is no need to defend the warehouse, immediately pack up and leave for the starting point (you will only lose all your troops near the warehouse).

Now the bulldozer has arrived, you can start building the base. Please note that you will not be allowed to build an airbase, so treasure the helicopters you received at the beginning of the mission, there will be no more of them. If you want adventure, then high in the north there is a site where reinforcements are thrown. But there are enemy buildings near it, and you will have to immediately rebuild the defense line, which will be quite difficult.

The enemy on a mission is destroyed quite passively - reconnaissance of the territory is carried out using a satellite and spy drones, after which an artillery strike from battleships or an air raid from an aircraft carrier is carried out on the targets found.

Mission #3

Well, the Americans have reached out to Russia. Now, together with the Chinese, they are conducting Operation Snowfall on the slopes of Elbrus. We made it...

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy the terrorist base. Colonel Barton must survive.

2. Follow Colonel Barton to your destination.

The mission is not difficult. Everything is complicated only by the need for the colonel's survival. His death is an instant end to the mission.

At the start of the mission, several snipers, several guard drones and the colonel himself are relied upon. He will carry out the task. The desired base is located slightly northwest of the starting point. When approaching the base, the Chinese hackers will capture the terrorist base on the other side, so there will be snipers next to Barton, quickly shooting everyone who tries to interfere with the Chinese. It’s not difficult to take the base itself. It is only important that there are snipers nearby again (to shoot enemy infantrymen who are in the way). After taking the base, another part of the map will open and several of your infantrymen will be released from prison.

Next, you should clear the village and the surrounding area. When destroying patrols from jeeps and Scorpions, always start with the jeep. He is more dangerous to Barton because of his machine gun. It is better to shoot the buildings in the village by hiding Barton in the next building. There is a church in the village: when you approach it, you will receive reinforcements from several infantrymen.

There is another base near the bridge. This is where the mechanized patrols come from. Destroy it and take control of the equipment found on it. Not far from the bridge there will be another such equipment parking. When you take that too, you will have enough troops to demolish everything on the other side of the bridge. And there it’s already close to the agreed point.

Mission #4

The war has moved to the oil fields of Iran. Terrorists have a hard time. But in the struggle for the last remaining territories, they resist with all their might...

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy the terrorist base.

2. Destroy the radio station so that terrorists stop coming to you.

The first law of this mission is not to believe the advice about firing points. Border defense is carried out by jeeps with drones. Then Tomahawks and laser jeeps will be added to these jeeps. The latter should stand on the river bank (to repel attacks of enemy SCUDs, if any arrive).

Take control of all the oil rigs. But keep in mind - the western towers are mined (clear them with bulldozers). Build a tight line of defense from jeeps in the north. You can place several snipers near the southern bridge; they will cope with rare terrorists. Hold the generals' points until the Lightning appears. Two points will be enough for them - they must bomb that same radio station in two passes. Another point for the paratroopers. These same paratroopers will be useful to you to capture three guns located on enemy territory. The fact is that the enemy never attacks the guns, but they fire at the areas where the enemy especially likes to gather. They will also advise you to release CIA operatives, but they will be of no use. Just a completed side mission.

While the liberation army is gathering, destroy all the weapons sellers' buildings with Lightning Bolts. And, if you go through the western passage, then take a closer look at your feet - it is completely mined. Finishing off terrorists left without heavy equipment will not be a problem.

Mission #5

American military observers discovered the base of Dr. Thrax, the latest fan of poison weapons. And there are huge quantities of these weapons in his warehouses. So, either the weapon is destroyed, or after the blow inflicted by the mad chemist, there will be a huge number of victims.

Mission Goals:

1. Capture 4 toxic missiles.

You don’t have to wait for hints and immediately send one of the jeeps assigned to you to the east. There is a base of terrorists there who do not agree with Thrax’s decision that it is better to destroy everything than to surrender. The sooner it gets to you, the faster you can organize the flow of money and a response to the enemy.

The mission is won through the unlimited use of weapons of mass destruction. We need both SCUDs and beam destroyers. The former are well suited for clearing territories from enemy troops (especially around the missiles themselves). The latter will be great at destroying particularly harmful enemy buildings. If you delay the mission, the enemy himself will begin to use weapons of mass destruction, and then the final countdown will begin, at the end of which it will be considered that the missiles have taken off and reached the target. Therefore, carefully destroy the enemy’s command center and clear the space around the missiles. After all, it is not at all necessary to destroy everything in your path. It is enough that no one stands near the missiles. Then you can drop troops and quickly get your hands on the missiles.

And don't forget about your own defense. The enemy will not leave you alone so easily. He will attack your positions constantly.

Another defeat of the terrorists has been completed. Will they appear again? Time will tell everything...


China Campaign

China is waging its war against terrorists. Yes, he, of course, helps the United States, but no one knows how this cooperation will end.

Mission #1

The terrorists who captured the American base in Germany rejoiced early. The Chinese are rushing to the rescue and soon there will be no horns or legs left of the terrorist groups.

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy all terrorist units on the map.

“Kill them all” is a simple and clear task. We build a “talking tower” on the “Overlord” and add several rapid-fire tanks to the squad. The enemy dies with a doomed look and the knowledge that it was impossible to stop your tank avalanche...

Mission #2

While China defends US interests in Europe, terrorists have entered the very heart of China and are threatening its weapons depots. How to fight without weapons?

Mission Goals:

1. Protect the reactor and weapons depots. They must not be captured or destroyed.

2. Destroy all terrorist bases.

The first task takes as much as 12 minutes, as indicated by the counter in the lower right corner of the screen. All this time you are allowed to build only infantry (bulldozers are not available to us, and there are no buildings for the construction of heavy equipment). But you can send a detachment that will capture one of the enemy bases located in the corners of the map, which will give you the opportunity to actively conduct hostilities long before the control 12 minutes expire (you can create an army of terrorists). It is enough to build many, many infantry and go to one of the corners of the map.

Nuclear weapons will be key in defense. They need to be placed in the corners of the base (the base is in the shape of a diamond, but they need to be placed in the corners corresponding to the corners of the map) and switched to defensive mode (designate the shelling area). In this state, they will automatically shoot terrorists running out of the darkness. Those that break through the clouds of radiation must be met with fire from bunkers, rapid-fire cannons and "dragons".

During the defense, build more infantry. If you fail to conquer one of the enemy bases, wait for reinforcements. It will give you the opportunity to rebuild your base and produce rapid-fire guns. And there will be a lot of reinforcements. But if you capture one of the enemy’s bases, you don’t have to wait for reinforcements. Mobile anti-aircraft guns and rocket buggies will deal with the enemy before help comes to you.

Statue. These are the ones that need to be destroyed.

Mission #3

The terrorists did not stay in Germany for long. But during this time they managed to build monuments, around which the spirit of fighters for freedom of destruction rises. Accordingly, to reduce this very spirit, monuments need to be destroyed.

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy all 6 monuments before international opinion reaches 0.

The mission is for a while and they won’t let you swing for a long time. Destroying each monument will add points to your time counter, but you still need to do everything as quickly as possible. The key to victory will be unlocking the strategic bomber, but keep in mind that they will never be able to destroy the farthest statue, it will only be a waste of time. Bomb the eastern statues with it, and advance your troops to the northern one.

Immediately after the mission starts, attack the nearest statue. This is a rapid increase in the general’s points (the enemy is destroyed), and a few more points to the rapidly decreasing counter of international opinion. Your base will be periodically attacked by invisible rebels (in order to capture your buildings). Therefore, one of the listening stations must be left at the base. Well, and add a couple of quick-firing guns to it. In general, there will be no massive offensive, so powerful defensive structures need not be built.

The main army should consist of rapid-fire guns and “dragons”. Unfortunately, you are not entitled to "Overlords", so you will have to make do with little. Speed ​​up the extraction of money and be sure to build 2 factories for the production of equipment, one simply will not have time to produce it in the required quantities. Try to move more to the north, let strategic bombers operate in the east.

Mission #4

The terrorists in Germany have been defeated and their troops are trying to retreat. Let's not let them leave.

Mission Goals:

1. Do not allow any terrorist to escape.

The mission is not even simple. The point is that terrorists do not run to random places, but to previously known points. And there are only three of them. But it’s too early to think about it yet. If even one terrorist breaks through, the mission will be lost. As the mission progresses, the terrorists will change entry points, and at the end of the mission they will go along all the roads at once.

The Chinese and Americans are brothers forever.

Naturally, we must immediately begin to build a base. And slowly send fighters to capture stationary guns that are standing orphaned. The route of movement of the next group of terrorists will be shown, but it is better to keep a group of troops nearby by this time in order to have time to block the path before the terrorists leave the map. The only good thing is that they are not moving just anywhere, but to the northeast of the map, so it is enough to cover a fairly small space.

A very good option would be bunkers with mines placed around them. Rapid-firing guns are placed nearby, and grenade launchers are planted in bunkers. At the same time, the enemy tries to bypass the bunkers and is shot by grenade launchers. And what remains is easily achieved with rapid-fire guns. MiGs in patrol mode are well suited as a means of rapid response. They will “cover” the vanguard and return just in time to finish off the squad. If you find exit points for terrorists, it would be a good solution to hang helicopters over them in napalm bombing mode. Only among them it is necessary to include helicopters with “talking towers”. And don’t put quick-firing guns on these helicopters, in this case they are useless. It is better to install bunkers with tank hunters. They will be of great help if enemy mobile anti-aircraft guns arrive.

Mission #5

The terrorists, who did not have time to retreat from Germany, decided to take extreme measures. They have captured an American base and now have some chance of survival.

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy all terrorists.

The American base to the west of ours is in the hands of terrorists. The terrorists' main offensive will be launched from it. Thus, the great Chinese dream of fighting against the Americans came true (which was not in the original game).

You need to start by building defensive lines in the west of your base. It is most convenient to start from the westernmost rapid-fire gun and lead the line of defense further to the south. Place buildings on the base farther from each other (so as not to give the enemy convenient targets for weapons of mass destruction). The attack must begin to the south. There is the largest base of buildings of Americans and terrorists (mixed) and, if you hurry, you will not need to make heroic efforts to destroy it. The main thing is not to get on the train passing through the center of this base. In addition, along the path of your movement you will come across a large amount of abandoned American equipment (it is enough to put your soldiers there).

The second should be a terrorist base, located in the southwestern corner of the map. It will be more complicated, but it will still be easier than an American base captured by terrorists. Moreover, the SCUD at this base is much more dangerous for the Chinese than the beam destroyer at the captured American base.

After this, only the former American base will remain. A long and powerful bombing of it with means of mass destruction will ultimately yield a positive result. Terrorists will be expelled from Europe...

Terrorist Campaign

Terrorists continue to defend their rights to undermine and poison. And it’s okay that the Americans are stopping this. The terrorists will cope.

Mission #1

Terrorist leaders are going to meet to discuss a plan of joint action, but American troops are quite confident in operating on foreign territories. Therefore, you will have to make a lot of effort to guide the leader’s car to the airstrip.

Mission Goals:

1. Escort the terrorist leader's car to the airport.

A warm-up mission that allows you to remember the past and restore lost skills. First of all, collect with your machines the supplies carefully laid out around. As we remember, any terrorist cars that have taken part in looting the wreckage a couple of times become much stronger than those that just came off the assembly line. Walk carefully and slowly to the terrorist base - no one is chasing you, and fighting with a whole crowd risks losing your entire army.

Take troops from the base and, if necessary, build more. Use them to collect containers scattered around the area and also slowly destroy the remaining pockets of American resistance. All that remains is to bring the leader’s car to the runway. There will definitely be no surprises in this mission.

Mission #2

And there are disagreements between terrorists. Now Prince Kassad has broken away from the general trend and wants to lead the terrorists who are going the “right road.” We are not on the same path.

Mission Goals:

1. Capture the command center in the city.

2. Capture the command center at the enemy base.

3. Destroy the enemy command center.

Apart from the last mission, this one is the hardest. It is useless to build defensive lines here; defense must be mobile. The fact is that an invisible enemy does not contribute to the safety of bunkers at all, and it becomes quite difficult to build them. Therefore, the main defense group will be a team of 3 Scorpions, a pair of mobile anti-aircraft guns and a mobile radar. There should be 3 such groups and, for a better life, they must protect the passages between the pyramids and to the west of the pyramids.

Time to bring your infantry here and capture this building.

Making money in the usual way is a very short-lived process and brings little income. A little to the west of your base there is an oil rig, but you won’t be able to run to it as an infantryman - snipers are working. But you need to get it quickly - so either send a motorcyclist, or take a fighter in a jeep. When you stake out the passages between the pyramids, it will be possible to capture another tower. Again, clear all the houses of snipers, otherwise they will kill every fighter trying to capture the tower. Mobile radar and anti-aircraft guns help well in this case. Once you have full control of these passages, the phase of accumulating funds for a large army will begin. At this time, you just need to make sure that one of your units is not destroyed. It will also be nice if you pick up the remains of enemy equipment with your vehicles.

Having gathered a good army, you can begin to break through along the river bank. Moreover, you can find another tower there. Please note that a little further from this tower the shore is tightly mined. But it's better than running into enemy attacks in the labyrinth east of the pyramids. If you then blockade the city by blocking the passage across the bridge, then getting to the command center in the city will be very easy.

You can get to the other side only by using SCADs. The fact is that the invisibility issued to you works very lousy in these conditions. SCUDs are destroying bunkers on the other side, and then a tank avalanche can begin. Right up to the next command center.

To get to the next command center, you will probably have the special ability of a network of tunnels for covert attacks. The fact is that you simply can’t get there any other way. Transfer a group of tanks and destroy the remaining command center.

Mission #3

Power plants. We clear out enemy firing points and begin to capture.

The American fleet in the Mediterranean interferes with the active actions of terrorists. The aircraft carrier Regan, which is the backbone of the enemy battle group, is especially disruptive. But there are chances to destroy it...

Mission Goals:

1. Capture the beam destroyer.

2. Capture energy stations.

3. Destroy the aircraft carrier.

The first task is carried out very easily - a group of hijackers is set against a tank, and the rest of the troops are sent to attack enemy infantry and equipment. After this, all troops destroy the guards of the beam destroyer. After that all the equipment remains to guard the destroyer, and the infantry is transferred to carry out the next task. The fact is that the enemy will periodically drop troops to the destroyer. And security equipment will be quite useful there. Place it like in the screenshot, and enemy infantry will usually trample the tank, and enemy Lightning Bolts will not be able to engage both the vehicle and the destroyer at once.

Stop, cars!

The infantry, having crossed to the other side, attacks the tanks guarding the remnants of the terrorist base. After this, you can pick up unattended equipment (especially anti-aircraft guns), and use the resulting Jarman Kel to destroy the Tomahawk driver. Take care of the Tomahawk. It will still be very useful to you. Kel destroys the tank drivers, after which the enemy infantry goes on the attack and heroically dies under the dagger fire of anti-aircraft guns. "Tomahawk" destroys enemy firing points, after which the second task is actually completed. An important point: do not capture all energy stations at once. Two is enough for you. It’s just that captured stations are shot at by enemy helicopters, and at first you don’t have enough forces to guard them. And start capturing from the western energy stations - it will be easier to defend the remaining ones. The energy received should be used to destroy delivery zones, airfields and a strategic center on the visible part of the map. The latter is harmful because it sees invisible fighters.

We cross to another island through hidden tunnels. The first thing Kel moves there, and with him are several camouflaged rebels. Kel's task is to immobilize the tanks, the rebels - to capture these tanks and destroy the building closest to the landing site, captured by the enemy. After this, the Tomahawk is safely transported and destroys the remaining buildings. Now you have the opportunity to build equipment. Several mobile anti-aircraft guns to guard power stations would be a very timely “delivery.”

Next, the Tomahawk destroys enemy bunkers in the canyon, and you come to another terrorist base guarded by the Americans. Now full-fledged construction can begin. Just don’t forget to equip the base with a large number of anti-aircraft defense equipment.

A detachment of rocket buggies, covered from the air by mobile anti-aircraft guns, can completely cope with the capture of the other bank. And if you cut out all the means of detecting hidden ones, then it will be possible to destroy the aircraft carrier without even destroying the entire American base. Just enter Kelom into her territory and fire a beam from the destroyer at the ship that appears on the horizon.

Mission #4

The aircraft carrier is destroyed and no one else interferes with the insidious plans of the terrorists. Therefore, their next goal is a storage facility for toxic substances guarded by American troops. It won't be long until victory.

Mission Goals:

1. Capture the ferry with team #1.

2. Capture the mobile radar with team #2.

3. Capture the water station with team No. 2.

4. Destroy the airfield with team #1.

5. Destroy the energy stations with team No. 2.

6. Seize storage facilities for toxic substances.

7. Drive 10 trucks with toxic substances.

We take the cars and go down to the radar.

The main feature of this mission is the importance of accurately following the instructions given. The first task is completed by simply shooting down enemy equipment with the help of Kel. After that, everyone boarded the ferry and crossed to the other side.

The second group's task is no more difficult. Take jeeps standing unattended and shoot enemy jeeps. Don't forget to equip your jeeps to the limit by picking up lying around containers. And capture a hospital not far from the starting point - treating infantry is very important for you.

Now you have a radar with which you can look at the valley in front of the first group - it is entirely filled with mines. Destroy and you can pass freely. And the second group has a more difficult task. Usually it is best done this way: the hijackers are sent to the enemy tank, immediately after that 2 cars with terrorists are sent to the enemy bunkers, and as they approach the target, all other troops are sent forward. Usually someone survives and takes over the water station.

Capturing the water station opens the way to the airfield for the first group. Two jeeps will easily and without problems deal with the unfortunate structure. After this, you can go south and free a whole detachment of assistants (and at the same time pick up a couple of Tomahawks and many poison machines). The terrorists get into their cars, and the Tomahawks destroy a chain of enemy bunkers along the road, after which the second squad easily destroys the power stations.

Now the units have united and can destroy the defense line along the poison storage facility. Liberate a couple more camps with soldiers - the extra soldiers won't hurt you. Troops must be brought into the storage area immediately after the destruction of the defense line, and all at once. Because very soon enemy troops will arrive from the south and east. If they start hitting trucks, don’t be afraid, new trucks will be given, but their passage line needs to be cleared. Victory will be counted after the tenth truck has delivered its cargo to its destination.

Mission #5

It's time for the final assault, watch out America. Terrorists seize a Chinese base in Germany and are ready to end such a long war. They have enough poison for everyone.

Mission Goals:

1. Destroy the enemy base.

The last one is always the most difficult. So it is this time. You have a Chinese base and few terrorist capabilities in your hands. First, we send all the troops along the southern passage to the oil rig and immediately build 2 rapid-fire guns near it. In the next passage, 2 more rapid-fire guns are being built, supported by a bunker with grenade launchers. At the same time, the base for the Chinese is being built. For the terrorists, you only need one building for now - the command center (without it you won’t be able to issue command actions).

When rebuilding your base, pay special attention to tanks. For it is the four “Overlords” who will go to storm the enemy base in the east. It is not necessary to finish off the base, it is only important to knock out points of resistance on it (read “Patriots”). The rest must be captured and brought under your control.

By the time the enemy base is captured, an unhealthy revival will appear at the northern enemy base. If you have built an Internet center and spotted their base, then it would be a very good decision to bomb a group of power plants just west of the second command center. The fact is that these very power plants are the only fuel for enemy buildings. And each destruction of them will delay the next shooting of your positions from beam destroyers. And Americans will receive less money (you understand why).

Without energy he is not scary.

And then - only the construction of extensive bases and the development of the territory (with the destruction of American bases). Produce as many weapons of mass destruction as possible and actively use them against the enemy (especially against beam destroyers and energy stations). The rebels from the base in the center of the map can also provide some help (but not significant), but in order for them to “come to life”, your troops must approach the territory of their base. Otherwise, they will stupidly die under American fire.

This is how a terrorist's dream comes true...



Fire support aircraft

Oddly enough, this plane was taken from life. Such aircraft actually entered the American army, and their purpose was fire support for landing troops, reconnaissance and sabotage groups, defense of air bases, surveillance and reconnaissance. They (the earliest modifications) have existed since 1975. Created on the basis of the C-130H Hercules aircraft. The first models were armed with a six-barreled Vulcan gun; the AC-130U switched to 25 mm, 40 mm and 105 mm guns; that is, it most closely matches what is available in the game. Aircraft were not used in armed conflicts.


It is known that there are almost no numbers in the game. Therefore, it is sometimes quite difficult to perceive the posted numbers. But it is necessary. And now I will remind you how this is done.

coolant- life points. View radius- the range at which a building or soldier will notice the enemy. Energy consumption- a plus in this column means that the building, on the contrary, generates energy. Experience— the number of experience points required for a soldier/vehicle to reach the next level (the total indicator is indicated, not the number per level). Speed— the speed of movement of an intact/damaged soldier or mechanism. Damage— primary damage/secondary damage from explosion/damage range.

Table 2
New troops
Name Price coolant Construction time View radius Experience Speed Damage
Bomber B3 - 1000 - - - 200/180 -
Support aircraft - 1000 - 300 150/450/900 290/200 and 120/90 90/0/20080/25/200
Laser jeep 2000 300 10 150 200/300/600 30/20 100/0/10010/0/300
Microwave tank 800 480 10 200 200/300/600 50/0/200
Hell drone 500 100 5 100 - 60/30 40/5/150
Sentry drone 800 300 10 180 100/150/300 60/50 8/0/150
Battleship - 10000 - 300 200/300/600 - 300/15/no
"Predator" from an aircraft carrier - 160 4 180 100/200/400 175/120 100/5/320
Strategic bomber - 1000 - 300 - 125/75 300/50/100
Beam tank 1000 250 5 150 100/150/300 -
Helicopter 1500 300 20 200 100/200/400 75/60
Listening station 800 240 15 250 100/200/400 40/30 -
Terrorist motorcycle 500 100 8 180 - 90/68 -
Motorbike 500 100 8 180 200/400/800 120/90 8/0/150
Saboteur 800 120 15 150 - 30/20 -
Bus 1000 400 15 150 - 75/70 -
Table 4
Generals' troops
Name Price coolant Construction time View radius Experience Speed Damage
Aurora Alpha 2000 120 30 150 200/400/800 480/240 400/20/300
Royal Predators 1100 240 20 200 100/200/400 175/120 100/5/320
Combat Chinooks 1200 300 10 300 - 150/60 -
Laser tank 900 480 10 150 200/300/600 30/25 80/5/150
Assault armored personnel carrier 2400 240 25 175 - 40/30 -
Machine gunners 350 120 10 100 20/40/80 25/15 10/0/12512/0/350 (air)

1 2 3 4 All

  • Information
  • Description
  • Peculiarities
  • Syst. requirements
  • Opinion of criticism
  • Publication rating: no ratings

The plot of the game begins in the 2010s. The player gets the opportunity to choose one of three factions, and not two, as in previous games. In Generals, the United States and China, two superpowers, are under attack from the Global Liberation Army(eng. Global Liberation Army), a terrorist organization from the Middle East with an unclear list of leaders. Both the US and China are depicted as main characters in the series, and often collaborate with each other throughout storyline. These three factions engage in a war similar to the real war on terrorism. Each campaign includes seven missions. It is advisable to first go through the campaign for China, then for GOA and then for the USA. Under this arrangement, China retaliates for GOA's disastrous nuclear attack on Beijing and ultimately completely destroys the terrorist cell that was in charge of operations in the Pacific region. This campaign is accompanied by incidents such as the destruction of the Three Dams Gorge and the use of Chinese nuclear weapons. Here begins a campaign of terrorists who are trying to recover from failure in China (accumulating capital and pitting superpowers against each other), seizing the Baikonur Cosmodrome to launch Soviet missiles with biological weapons. After this, the US campaign begins, which pursues the GOA to their main headquarters, and also confronts the Chinese general who sympathized with the terrorists. Each faction is depicted in a unique manner: the US Army uses modern technology, while China uses old, but proven and effective technology from developing countries. His strength is also expressed in the number of troops (large groups of units receive a “horde bonus”). The main focus of terrorists is on small attacks (using chemical weapons) and numerous cheap fighters. Unlike Tiberian Sun or Red Alert, Generals has no main characters except on the battlefield (where they play a minor role). The player is the general of the corresponding army and earns “general points”, which increase their rank and open access to new abilities (for example, ordering an air strike and the ability to repair units in a certain area). Despite the extremely positive portrayal of China in the game, which is so unusual for most American computer games, the Generals series is banned for sale in this country, likely due to the depiction of a nuclear attack on Tiananmen Square in the first mission of the Chinese campaign, as well as due to the injudicious use of nuclear weapons. wide-range weapons. The story of Generals continued in the Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour expansion. Each faction in the game has its own written musical accompaniment. The opening and closing theme music for the Chinese campaign is the country's national anthem. The United States theme song consists of epic, militaristic music composed by Bill Brown. The GOA campaign soundtrack can be described as a combination of Arabic music and heavy metal, similar to the Somali theme in Black Hawk Down

CPU: 1.5 GHz
RAM: 256 MB
Video card: 64 Mb

US Campaign. As usual, the Americans must eliminate the terrorists. Help them do this. Mission #1 So, the terrorists are still in Baghdad. The final part of the operation to destroy them is underway...US Campaign. As usual, the Americans must eliminate the terrorists. Help them do this. Mission #1 So, the terrorists are still in Baghdad. The final part of the operation to destroy them is underway. However, they have a stationary missile system SCUD, which simply must be destroyed so that these evildoers do not launch a missile strike. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy all terrorist troops. 2. Destroy the SCUD Missiles. The mission is as simple as the truth. From the very beginning you have a considerable number of troops. Namely a group of Crusaders and Jeeps. That is, there will be something to shoot at infantry and at tanks. The fact that they do not allow improvements to be made - and to hell with them. There is no point in building a base further here. Particularly enthusiastic ones can order Paladins (there is 1 general point), but makes a lot of sense this is not the case. The enemy is easily destroyed by what he has. The main thing is to immediately attach combat drones to all equipment. The mission is completed simply by blunt pressure on the enemy. No frills. Just a stupid attack. Moreover, do not forget that tanks cope with infantry rather poorly and do not forget about Jeeps. Not far from the start of the mission, you will come across a camp with captured Pilots. Place them in your tanks and Jeeps and your “invincible armada” will become even stronger. There will be a small pocket of resistance near the SCAD missiles, but this is also not serious yet. Mission No. 2 The Iraqi terrorists were wiped out and their leaders fled to Yemen. But the Americans don’t want to leave them alone there either. So the Comanches comb the narrow city streets in search of bandits. However, these very narrow streets are extremely convenient for launching Stingers. And now you have to help your own pilots out of trouble. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Rescue three Pilots. So, the new tools have become available to you Ambulance and an improvement in the form of TOU missiles for Jeeps. Well, no fish, no cancer, fish. A Sniper with general's glasses has also appeared (and there are already 2 of them on offer), but he is only useful for defending his base. First, you need to strengthen your base a little more with the help of the Patriots and capture 2 oil rigs located just north of the base. Just don't forget to give them some kind of security. The enemy, although rarely, still makes raids, and he does not capture enemy resource centers, but destroys them. After that, add troops to your army, equip your equipment with drones and go. Just leave a couple of Jeeps at the base. Still, the Patriots do not cope very well with infantry. Although you can put a couple of snipers there. Not far from the base there is a Hospital, upon capture of which all your infantry will have the opportunity to “self-medicate”. Next, the work of stupidly clearing the city will be necessary. Captured Pilots sit one at a time and a piece of the map with a new Pilot opens only n! after the release of the previous one. The immediate approaches to Pilot are guarded quite well, and when the assault on his place of detention begins, everyone runs to this place. You can also use Colonel Barton and Snipers to shoot from buildings, but the latter base is well fortified, so it will still have to be destroyed by a tank assault. And Snipers can also be seen well by enemy Jeeps. But they are quite capable of shooting down crowds of Fanatics who will certainly harm your tank armadas. Mission No. 3 Having chased terrorists to Kazakhstan, the Americans did not calculate their strength. Kazakh terrorists turned out to be an order of magnitude stronger than Iraqi ones. Now we have to retreat. And you have to cover the retreat. MISSION GOALS: 1. To provide an opportunity for 100 American soldiers to escape. And here is the first difficult mission. There is a canyon dividing the map diagonally. Retreating Americans are walking along the canyon, pursued by evil terrorists. The terrorists who have passed through the entire canyon then go to your base, located northwest of the canyon. And to the southeast of the canyon there are a couple of oil rigs that terrorists are not interested in at all (therefore they don’t even need protection). You have as many as 3 general points at your disposal. However, the most valuable thing you can buy with them is Repair. "Lightning" is good, but it will not have a large number of targets, and Stealth Planes will be destroyed by excess enemy air defense. You've finally got the Comanches at your disposal, but you won't be able to build any tanks on this mission. Therefore, tanks will have to be protected. The first thing that is done is to transfer a couple of Rangers with the help of a Chinook through the canyon in order to capture the oil rigs. Secondly, the defense of the eastern part of the base is being strengthened. This is where the terrorists will come after the end of the persecution. 6-7 Patriots will be enough there. Troops are not needed there at all. They will be needed in the west. Don't touch the helicopters yet. The next action is to transport ground equipment to the western exit from the canyon to the base. There, quickly build as many Patriots as possible (and don’t forget about the energy stations at the base). After building 3-4 Patriots, take the equipment to the very edge of the exit (so it can intercept part of the enemy walking along the canyon and continue building Patriots behind it. And after that you can take out the helicopters (if your number has reached 7-8, then in a smaller number there will simply be meaningless losses) to the very middle of the canyon, after which to observe the destruction of the enemy, periodically adjusting events. US Mission No. 4 begins a consistent invasion of Kazakhstan. The landing on the shores of the Caspian Sea has begun... MISSION OBJECTIVES. : 1. Destroy the Stinger Nests that are interfering with the landing from the air. 2. Build a base and destroy the enemy’s training camp in the Caspian Sea. Well, to hell with them, the landing was successful, but it’s not possible to build a base yet - Bulldozers can only be landed from the air. However, you have 4 Tomahawks and a bunch of other equipment, plus three general points, one of which is usefully spent on Lightning, and the rest are optional. Destroy all enemy Bunkers using Tomahawks. Just remember that even then you won’t be allowed to produce them. Therefore, guard these four better than your own eyes. After the Bunkers, destroy the target four Stinger Nests. To help the Tomahawks, you can attach a Reconnaissance Drone to one of the Crusaders and place it beyond the reach of enemy air defense. After destroying the air defense, you will receive reinforcements in the form of a pair of bulldozers and several tanks. After this, all that remains is to build a base, release a few more tanks and jeeps and move on to the systematic destruction of the enemy. Well, as always, Comanches are great as cover for Tomahawks. The enemy will sometimes weakly try to disturb you (there’s no other word for it), but your troops will easily cope with this. Mission No. 5 The Americans are trying to negotiate peace with terrorists in the city of Cabaret. And they think that terrorists should not be trusted very much (I wouldn’t trust the Americans very much either). And they turn out to be right. Peace ambassadors are shot, the war continues. MISSION GOALS: 1. Prevent the establishment of a terrorist base across the river. 2. Destroy the main terrorist base. This time you have as many as 4 general points, which can be invested in a double Lightning strike. Nothing else special was added. The mission is quite tricky to complete. There is a slow and leisurely first part and a fast and dangerous second, which begins only after completing the first mission goal. Therefore, we take our time and get everything from the first part of the mission. It ends only with the destruction of the last building of the base (Stinger Nests do not count), so you can settle down on the enemy’s shore, and only after that destroy this building. As a gift, you are invited to capture the Hospital in the north of the map, after which your infantry will be able to self-medicate. To capture or not is your choice. In the meantime, we need to add more tanks, make 3-4 Tomahawks (by the time the first mission goal is completed, there should be 6 of them), and then methodically start destroying the enemy. The right bank of the river must be completely cleared, no Stinger Nests should remain on it. After this! you create your base near the resources remaining from the enemy, protect it with a couple of Patriots and build an army that must fulfill the second goal of the mission. This is about 12 tanks, 6 Tomahawks, several Comanches (3-4 pieces). After creating this army, transfer all troops to the right bank. And don’t leave helicopters over the river - only over land. Because the terrorists, upset by the loss of the base, destroy the dam and it washes away everything in the river valley. Including the bridge and everything that was over the river. After the enemy is completely destroyed, an additional part of the map will open, and you will receive reinforcements in the form of a pair of Bulldozers, a Crusader and a group of infantry. You should not use spy drones over the enemy map. This will provoke an immediate attack. From now on, everything must be done quickly. Not far from the former bridge, quickly build 5-6 Patriots, supporting them from behind with tanks and infantry. Just don't put the Patriots in a bunch, pull them out in a line from north to south. At the same time, bring the Tomahawk! and, Comanche and a small group of infantry to the north of your new base , destroying enemy strongholds along the way. Soon a hint will sound, according to which you will see the location of 2 oil derricks (and move towards them with Tomahawks) and the enemy will have SCUD Missiles. Don't pay attention to "nobody's" oil processing plant. It will be too difficult to contain her. Having captured the oil rigs, move west from them along a narrow path in the mountains, covering your Tomahawks with Comanches. If everything was done normally, then very soon you will see SCAD Missiles. Destroy the air defense points located nearby (if necessary, use Lightning Bolts against them), and then use the joint efforts of the Comanches and Tomahawks to demolish the SCUD Missiles. After this, all urgency disappears and you can gradually destroy the enemy base. Mission No. 6 The Americans have already reached southeastern Kazakhstan. But then it was discovered that the rebellious Chinese general had fled to the terrorists. Now we will also have to deal with the Chinese troops... MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the terrorist base in the northeast. 2. Destroy the command center and the Chinese nuclear missile. Well, now you have almost all the means to destroy the enemy. Namely, the Beam Destroyer, a raid by a flight of 3 Lightnings and B-52s. Moreover, the latter is given to you without spending any points at all. And you are free to spend 4 more General points at your discretion. The mission is also tricky, but here the entire map is available from the very beginning. In the meantime, we need to strengthen our base. Place Patriots near the bridge and on the northern outskirts of the base, and then build all available buildings on it. Build a couple of Comanches right away. Otherwise, you will be periodically pestered by enemy Rocket Buggies and will have to do something with them. Constantly spend the resource of attack aircraft and B-52s on enemy fortifications, but do not touch the Command Center for now. When the Beam Destroyer appears at the base, it will be time to scan the Chinese territory. Look for their Nuclear Missile and boldly destroy it. They won't need it anymore. After this you can finish off the terrorists. There will be a hint about another resource warehouse far to the south, but right away! after destroying the terrorists, a Chinese assault group will land near it, which will attack your base a little later. Therefore, it is much more profitable to build Delivery Zones and receive a stable and safe profit from them. All that remains is to walk through the Chinese base with Comanches and Tomahawks. But don’t forget that Chinese rapid-fire guns are extremely dangerous for helicopters, so it’s worth using super-powerful weapons on them. Mission No. 7 The Chinese, concerned that terrorists are going to use chemical weapons, enter into an alliance with the Americans. Fighting is already taking place on the outskirts of Akmola... MISSION GOALS: 1. Destroy the terrorist base. Now you also have Aurora Bombers at your disposal. And also 7 general points with the opportunity to choose whatever your heart desires. If you go north immediately after the start of the mission, you will find an abandoned Chinese base. Well, restore it, their “Overlords” will not interfere at all. Immediately build a line of defense from rapid shooters and Patriots. Your frequent guests will be Rebels in a state of invisibility, so then it will be extremely advisable to install “talking” towers to distinguish them. Also very soon they will announce preparations for the launch of the SCAD rocket. But its location will be highlighted, which will make the task easier for your attack aircraft and B-52s. However, the enemy’s air defense is very intense, so I personally had to carry out a double raid with my “mass destruction” weapons due to their high losses when approaching the point that needs to be hit (it is located in the depths of the defense). Next, the tedious process of destroying the enemy will begin. It is important to take care of your sources of income in advance because! initial reserves of resources are used up very quickly. Therefore, produce several Hackers as quickly as possible and set up several Delivery Zones. After this, as many weapons of mass destruction as possible are built (such as Nuclear Missiles and Beam Destroyer). And a very simple tactic is activated - we deliver a massive strike on a certain area, and additional strikes on the remaining points of resistance. The survivors are captured by a group of Comanches. Start with the wall that is just across the river. Because it is inhabited by too many Shooters with RPGs. Just be sure to wait for 4-5" accumulation strong blows ", otherwise the enemy will have the opportunity to rebuild again. You can use "Overlords", rapid fire and Dragon Tanks, but terrorists constantly carry out numerous and tedious attacks and your group will have to be monitored in order to protect it from destruction. China's campaign. And China too problems with terrorists. And what do these terrorists need on a piece of land completely populated by the Chinese... Mission No. 1 In general, the terrorists did not bother the Chinese. The Chinese were peacefully holding a large military parade. no problems, no one counts the dead, but you need to know when to stop! MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the nuclear materials storage facility, as in the first mission for the Americans, you don’t need to build anything, which is best spent on that. , so that your Soldiers receive their first badge. Battle Masters, Dragon Tanks and armored personnel carriers are produced at the factories. The easiest way to pass is to make several Dragon Tanks and burn out the enemy who is trying to cross your path. To them you need to add several Tank Hunters to fight enemy Scorpions. But in the end, this well-coordinated team will quickly reach the storage facility and complete this mission. To speed up movement, you can place Tank Hunters in armored personnel carriers. Mission No. 2 So this is where the terrorists are creeping into China! The base of this nasty thing was discovered in Hong Kong. And since Hong Kong is already completely Chinese territory, the Chinese will have to figure it out on their own. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the Terrorist Convention Hall. 2. Destroy the Poison Machine and the Weapons Seller. You have 2 general points and the opportunity to choose Artillery Preparation. True, only the first level, but this is also a lot. To begin with, there are not many troops at all. Only those that survived the explosion on the bridge. So rebuild your base and be glad that you now have Rapid Fire Tanks. It is they who will decide the fate of the entire mission. The enemy does not have heavy equipment, so 3-4 tanks will cut out the enemy with great speed. The passage near the base is covered by 2-3 Dragon Tanks in fire curtain mode. And Rapid Fire Tanks with a number of Tank Hunters are heading towards the Convention Hall. Please note that they bypass the block with the Congress Hall on both sides, so when you go directly to storm it, leave security in the rear. Otherwise, at one point the enemy will attack from both sides and it will be difficult to do anything. The desired Poison Machine and Weapons Seller are located in the north of the map. This is an optional task, but you will have to complete it, if only for the reason that you will pass by this building and they will interfere with you in the rear. Mission No. 3 The terrorists are not even going to calm down when they show up in a new place. The Chinese leadership is going to take appropriate measures... MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the Dam. 2. Destroy the terrorist base. You have 3 general points, which can be spent on Artillery preparation (as many as 2) and Cluster mining. A pleasant surprise of this mission is that you will be given MIGs here. And these MIGs will not only be present in the game, but will decide the fate of the terrorists. The first task is very simple: next to the starting point there is that same dam. Place the Dragon Tanks on the fire curtain in the direction of the south (this is where the enemy troops will come from) and start shooting at the dam with the Battle Masters. After its destruction, a huge wave will wash away the enemy base, carelessly located downstream. Moreover, the resource warehouse that belonged to her will now go to you. Clear the area south of your base from the remaining enemies and you can build an Airfield. The enemy will now cross the river just north of your base, through a small island. This is where it wouldn’t be superfluous to mine it. You need to send your first MIG for reconnaissance. By a pleasant coincidence, the enemy only has 1 Stinger Nest. Artillery preparation on it, after which the MIGs begin constant shelling of enemy territory. And a full team of Migs can do a lot. And if you add another Airfield, then things will go even faster. Just upgrade Napalm and your MIGs will become even more powerful. Mission No. 4 Terrorists, in their best traditions, produce a toxin at a mining factory. The Chinese authorities do not want wide publicity with the introduction of a large contingent of troops and are planning reconnaissance with the help of the saboteur "Black Lotus" followed by an air strike... MISSION GOALS: 1. Destroy the Stinger Nests. 2. Capture the Military Factory. 3. Destroy the last Stinger Nest. You start with 3 General points, but there is no choice in the form of Artillery Preparation. It's a shame, but that's not the main thing. You only have a group of infantry and the Black Lotus under your command. Plus there is no way to produce equipment. True, it is possible to produce Hackers. But in just a couple of minutes you will see a simpler and more convenient way to get money - the Oil Rig. Let the Black Lotus capture it. The infantry must destroy Stinger Nests and the enemy infantry covering them. There is nothing complicated about this. Moreover, the Soldiers simply shoot the shooters from the Stinger, after which the entire crowd pecks at the defenseless Nest. You can use the Black Lotus to capture enemy Poison Machines. But you can simply drop mines at their location. Don’t be lazy to look into the distant passages, you will be rewarded with UN boxes of money. After capturing the factory, build 4-5 Gatlings and 2-3 Dragon Tanks. The first ones are for destroying infantry, the second ones are for clearing and destroying buildings. In addition, the Dragons will very effectively burn out the last Stinger Nest. After this, all that remains is to watch how several MIGs destroy the toxin factory. Mission No. 5 The Chinese realize that they cannot cope with the terrorists on their own and are receiving support from the Americans. It is expressed in the possibility of calling air strikes against terrorists. And the case has already moved to the territory of Kyrgyzstan, to the city of Balakchi. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy 3 terrorist camps and the main terrorist base. 4 general points is already a lot. These are at least 2 levels of artillery preparation, cluster mines and a Nuclear weapon. Plus, don’t forget about the American carpet bombing. To begin with, you have a completely comfortable base. Only complete the Military Factory and populate the Bunkers with infantry. After this, you can build MIGs and begin methodically clearing enemy territory with the help of air and artillery strikes. And a column of “Overlords” (yes, yes, they were finally given) will follow along the ground, in company with rapid fire. You can also strike with Nuclear weapons. Although, of course, the last base will have to be taken by the “Overlords” column. The mission is tedious, but very easy. Mission No. 6 Terrorists continue to roam around the world in search of at least some safe place for themselves. This time, they took root in Bishkek, capturing one of the Chinese railways. You will have to use the black Lotus again. This time to destroy a key railway bridge. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Guide Black Lotus to the railway bridge. There was a joke about the general's glasses. 4 points - for only 1 promotion. Oh well. Happiness is not in glasses. And misfortune lies in yet more restrictions. They are not allowed to build anything. You only have the opportunity to produce infantry (without Hackers, of which you were given 3 at the beginning and no more) and armored vehicles (without Overlords). And you need, no more, no less, to lead your “Black Lotus” through the enemy-saturated positions and destroy the bridge. However, the task is quite feasible. First, we complete the defensive lines of the base and transport several Gatling guns to the other side of the river. Among the valuable targets there are mining centers that the Black Lotus can shake out for money, a light equipment plant (which she can also capture) and a train station, to which the enemy will periodically receive reinforcements. 1-2 Gatling guns are placed near this very station and the problem of reinforcements is immediately solved. On the other side, everything is a little more complicated. Start by putting the Hackers in a secure location and let them make money. There is a stadium from which crowds of Fanatics come and a circular road clogged with tanks. Therefore, slowly move forward, mastering new positions with Rapid-Firing Tanks, and then place a fire curtain with Dragon Tanks so that it captures the stadium at least a little. As a result, it will collapse, unable to withstand the constant scorching. After this, you will still have to build several Battle Masters and carefully destroy the Scorpions and Marauders plying here one by one. Just burn out the last lines of defense of the bridge with Dragon Tanks. Get the Black Lotus onto the bridge and enjoy your victory. Mission No. 7 Terrorists again. Now also in Tajikistan. The Chinese government is going to extreme measures and giving you access to its nuclear arsenals... MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Set up a base and find resources. 2. Destroy all terrorists. At the beginning, you receive 4 general points, for which it is advisable to purchase cluster mining and all 3 levels of artillery preparation. Then save up for a nuclear weapon. Place a “talking” tower on one of the “Overlords” that survived the “meat grinder” to heal your units, and on the second one, a rapid-fire one. With all your troops, advance along the road, destroying enemy troops, to the enemy base. Destroy it, but capture the Resource Collection Center. A little further down the road there is a bottleneck where a pair of Dragon Tanks can very effectively lay down a curtain of fire. At the same time, your 2 bulldozers are building a base, trying to build an Airfield as quickly as possible. 2 MIGs are built and they go north along the eastern edge of the map, after which they pass along the northern edge of the map. Two MIGs - so that at least one can fly. At the same time, there is an enemy base, namely SCAD missiles. After this, try to drop cluster mines closer to the missiles (although the likelihood of this being successful is extremely low). N! oh anyway, a couple of artillery strikes destroy the SCUDs. After this, completely rebuild the base (including Nuclear missiles ) and start striking the enemy base. Only after the constant waves of incoming enemies have subsided, build a column of “Overlords” and begin the offensive. Moreover, if you captured the enemy’s Resource Production Center, you can build Barracks and create Jennen Kell there. And he shoots excellently from the Overlords Bunker. If you did everything right, then another parade of the Chinese army will appear before your eyes. They defeated the terrorists! Terrorist campaign. How much do terrorists need? Yes, as much as everyone - just to correct the world a little. But for some reason they don’t like them for this and are offended in every possible way. There is another very clever trick for terrorists, missed in the game description. The fact is that some of their equipment, namely Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns, Jeeps and Marauders, not only gain experience and bring you money by picking up the remains of enemy equipment. They are still improving themselves. The improvement can be carried out 2 times, but each time each improved machine dramatically changes its characteristics. For example, a Marauder improved 2 times acquires a second barrel and a very large firing range and rate of fire. Therefore, units fed in this way quickly cease to be “whipping boys” and move into a completely different category. So it is quite possible that you will be able to raise a “professional army” from junk (as it seemed before) machines. Mission No. 1 The evil Chinese are making life miserable for white and fluffy terrorists in Chimkent. Many of our brothers died. We will have to restore justice. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the Chinese base. 2. Blow up the dam. You only have 1 general point, but you will soon gain a second one, so you can choose any promotion at the beginning. Pay attention to the introductory video. This is how blasting operations are carried out correctly. While security is being “attended” to the provocateur, exploding cars drive up close to the sabotage object and then it becomes too late to do anything. The first goal of the mission is fulfilled as if by itself. You have already partially destroyed the Chinese base. All that remains is to finish off the remaining buildings and destroy the infantry detachment coming to the rescue. You will then be escorted to your own base. It is better to start from a small enemy base located east of yours. Its disadvantage is that there are quite a few Battle Master tanks there. Therefore, carry out all the upgrades for the Explosive Truck and put into practice the skills you just learned with the provocateur and the suicide car that enters later. Finish off the remaining tanks with Scorpions. By the way, collect the remains of enemy tanks with Jeeps. They will certainly use something - guns, grenade launchers. Next, build equipment at your base (the Weapons Seller does not directly belong to the base and needs to be found near your base) and move from the location of the enemy base to the north. When you destroy the enemy "talking" tower, be prepared for the arrival of enemy tanks. Otherwise, the infantry reinforcements that come to you will be destroyed very quickly. Shoot another enemy base a little further north. And there it’s already a stone’s throw from the dam. For some reason, UN Mission No. 2 is sending humanitarian aid to the Almaty region. There would be no need to immediately hand them over to terrorists. You have to pick it up yourself. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Collect 40,000 money. You have 2 general points and have the opportunity to choose Marauders for this mission. Why not? The main opponents here are UN jeeps. The most effective way to quickly gain money is to shoot all civilians. Why are they stealing our money? The second point of this plan is to plant many RPG Shooters and Rebels in all the houses of the central village with a 5-road intersection. And plant workers nearby so that they can repair the houses. The result will be that the money convoys will remain entirely in this city, without leaving far. And planes arriving later will also leave close to the village. Moreover, immediately after the planes begin to arrive, you will be allocated several Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns. But it’s worth taking care of them, since they are not allowed to build them yet. Then another part of the map will open, and the most impudent ones will be able to directly connect to the feeder, organizing a direct attack on the American base. Mission No. 3 We found new allies in Astana. But for greater joy, it’s worth bombing the city. In the meantime, everyone is afraid to steal a little more money. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy civilian buildings and collect 40,000 money. You need to complete this mission with an alliance of two combat units - Marauders and Fanatics. Only the Fanatics need to be given an improvement in the form of Kalashnikovs as soon as possible. And then they will not only be able to storm buildings filled with infantry and will not be able to fight against the Gatlings. Everything else will be within your reach. And the Marauders... Try to pick up the remains of enemy equipment with them. After two pickups, the Marauder turns into a double-barreled rapid-fire long-range weapon assault gun. He would say “like the “Overlord””... But no, he also spits venom. So a boosted Marauder is even better. So a couple of Marauders undergo upgrades and go to knock the enemy out of the buildings they occupy. And the Fanatics destroy all empty buildings and shoot enemy infantry. Both the Chinese and the Americans are trying to ruin your life. The Americans are eliminated from the game by blocking the bridge with a pair of Marauders. The Chinese - simply by carefully tracking their movement towards you from the north. US Mission No. 4 has become completely insolent in its impunity. But the action, this time, moved to Turkey. And then we will destroy their wonderful air force. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the American Airfield. This is where you get to fully experience American aviation. Invest your general's points in the "percentage for kills". There will be many destroyed enemies here. Helicopters (don’t send Fanatics without anti-aircraft protection), airplanes, and even B-52s that periodically fly up to your positions will harm you. The key to passing is the rapid construction of Stinger Nests and Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns. Let Fanatics guard the road just below the starting point in company with Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns. They are quite enough for this. When you approach the possibility of an assault (sufficient funds and forces have been accumulated), then use a pair of Jeeps (with workers on them) and a pair of Mobile anti-aircraft guns to break through the Canyon to the American base. There is a relatively safe nook where you can build a tunnel and a couple of Stinger Nests. After this, you don’t have to drag the entire mass of troops through the canyon, but simply transfer them through the tunnel. After this, a quick breakthrough to the American base with the launch of Fanatics, who must destroy the energy stations. After which the American base is simply taken with bare hands. Mission #5 What a disgrace! The US has taken over our storage facilities for toxic chemicals around Aral Sea ! They need to be returned! And then what to fight with? MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Capture 4 toxic chemical storage facilities and destroy all Americans guarding them. You have 4 General points, which, of course, must be spent on getting money. You don't have anything particularly new (except for the Truck with Explosives). Your base is not in a completely neglected state, but it has no defensive lines. The Americans will attack from 2 sides - from the east, across the bridge and from the north, across a fairly wide area. The bridge is mined and several tunnel crossings are placed near it. Plus, you need to place several Stinger Nests along the shore to protect against enemy aircraft, which will quite freely come to visit you across the river. With the northern direction, everything is not so simple. There you need to plant a large number of infantry in the houses (with and without grenade launchers) and place Rocket Buggies behind the houses. Then the enemy's attacks will break against your strong defense. And, of course, don’t forget to repair houses after enemy attacks. Having built the defense, you can think about the attack. It is better to attack across the bridge to the east. Because from the north! Enemy units are constantly moving and you will have to not only deal with the security of storage facilities, but also be distracted by enemy reinforcements. To be honest, it’s quite possible to get those same 4 storage facilities here. The most important thing is not to destroy them, but to capture them. So the mission may well end long before the entire map is liberated from the Americans. Your attacking unit will most likely consist of Marauders, Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns and Rocket Buggies. Plus some infantry to capture buildings. You can also capture one Poisoning Machine to clear houses and Bunkers of enemy infantry. Mission No. 6 Treason! Several terrorists fled to the Chinese. So now we have to fight our own. MISSION GOALS: 1. Destroy all traitors. You have 3 trucks with nuclear warheads (just captured from the Chinese) and a fairly large base. The traitors' base is visible nearby. Scatter your 4 general points as before. In the first 2 minutes, quickly establish defenses and order the construction of troops. At the same time, your troops should be pulled together into a single fist. And this fist will begin to break through directly to the enemy base. The enemy pays very little attention to your Nuclear charges. Therefore, it would be quite fair to destroy first the two bunkers guarding the entrance, and blow up the remaining ones at the base, destroying enemy buildings. After this, break into the base with the remaining troops and destroy everything that remains there. There is no point in stalling for time, since the enemy will throw in SCAD Missiles, which are controlled from the Command Center, and the Missiles themselves are located outside the map. After destroying the enemy base, the enemy from all over the area will begin to converge on your positions. If you have managed to take care of defense, then you will no longer be afraid. And if everything is done correctly, the mission proceeds very quickly. Mission No. 7 Your task is to capture the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It is from this that you can launch a rocket filled with toxic chemicals. The fate of all terrorists is in your hands. MISSION OBJECTIVES: 1. Capture the mission control center. Capture the rocket launch pad. The most valuable thing you have is 7 general points. Which should be used for a toxic bomb, getting money and be sure to invest at least one point in Rebel Ambush. The workers available at the base must build the Barracks and the Weapons Seller. A Radar, several RPG Shooters and Scorpions or Marauders are built here (enemy tanks will soon crawl in). By the time your Radar appears, the American Strategic Center will be shown. Near it you will see a place where enemy Chinooks are stealing resources. To the south of this area, throw your anthrax bomb. If everything is done in a timely manner, then soon after the bomb falls, a column of American troops will pass through the contaminated area towards your base. Few will make it, and those who do will be very badly damaged. After the poison disappears, throw your Rebels into the enemy base. Let them start with the Strategic Center and then take over everything else around it. Gradually take control of the entire American base and there will be more! rather, the passage is for the Americans - several Comanches are built, which cut out all the guards at the base, and then around the rocket. If everything is done quickly, then you won’t have to deal with the Chinese at all. But if you delay the mission, then build Jennen Kell at your base, who will deal with the Chinese “Overlords,” and deal with the Chinese base with American aircraft. And watch the flight of the rocket you captured.

US Campaign.
As usual, the Americans must eliminate the terrorists. Help them do this.

Mission #1
So the terrorists are still in Baghdad. The final part of the operation to destroy them is underway. However, they have a stationary SCAD missile system, which simply must be destroyed so that these evildoers do not launch a missile strike.

1. Destroy all terrorist troops.
2. Destroy the SCUD Missiles. The mission is as simple as the truth. From the very beginning you have a considerable number of troops. Namely a group of Crusaders and Jeeps. That is, there will be something to shoot at infantry and at tanks. The fact that they do not allow improvements to be made - and to hell with them. There is no point in building a base further here. Those who are especially keen can order Paladins (there is 1 general point), but there is not much point in this. The enemy is easily destroyed by what he has. The main thing is to immediately attach combat drones to all equipment. The mission is completed simply by blunt pressure on the enemy. No frills. Just a stupid attack. Moreover, do not forget that tanks cope with infantry rather poorly and do not forget about Jeeps. Not far from the start of the mission, you will come across a camp with captured Pilots. Place them in your tanks and Jeeps and your “invincible armada” will become even stronger. There will be a small pocket of resistance near the SCAD missiles, but this is also not serious yet.

Mission #2
Iraq's terrorists have been wiped out and their leaders have fled to Yemen. But the Americans don’t want to leave them alone there either. So the Comanches comb the narrow city streets in search of bandits. However, these very narrow streets are extremely convenient for launching Stingers. And now you have to help your own pilots out of trouble.

1. Rescue three Pilots. So, among the new tools, Ambulance and improvements in the form of TOU missiles for Jeeps have become available to you. Well, no fish, no cancer, fish. A Sniper with general's glasses has also appeared (and there are already 2 of them on offer), but he is only useful for defending his base. First, you need to strengthen your base a little more with the help of the Patriots and capture 2 oil rigs located just north of the base. Just don't forget to give them some kind of security. The enemy, although rarely, still makes raids, and he does not capture enemy resource centers, but destroys them. After that, add troops to your army, equip your equipment with drones and go. Just leave a couple of Jeeps at the base. Still, the Patriots do not cope very well with infantry. Although you can put a couple of snipers there. Not far from the base there is a Hospital, upon capture of which all your infantry will have the opportunity to “self-medicate”. Next, the work of stupidly clearing the city will be necessary. Captured Pilots sit one at a time and a piece of the map with a new Pilot opens only n! after the release of the previous one. The immediate approaches to Pilot are guarded quite well, and when the assault on his place of detention begins, everyone runs to this place. You can also use Colonel Barton and Snipers to shoot from buildings, but the latter base is well fortified, so it will still have to be destroyed by a tank assault. And Snipers can also be seen well by enemy Jeeps. But they are quite capable of shooting down crowds of Fanatics who will certainly harm your tank armadas.

Mission #3
Having chased terrorists to Kazakhstan, the Americans miscalculated their strength. Kazakh terrorists turned out to be an order of magnitude stronger than Iraqi ones. Now we have to retreat. And you have to cover the retreat.

1. Give 100 American soldiers the opportunity to escape. And here is the first difficult mission. There is a canyon dividing the map diagonally. Retreating Americans are walking along the canyon, pursued by evil terrorists. The terrorists who have passed through the entire canyon then go to your base, located northwest of the canyon. And to the southeast of the canyon there are a couple of oil rigs that terrorists are not interested in at all (therefore they don’t even need protection). You have as many as 3 general points at your disposal. However, the most valuable thing you can buy with them is Repair. "Lightning" is good, but it will not have a large number of targets, and Stealth Planes will be destroyed by excess enemy air defense. You've finally got the Comanches at your disposal, but you won't be able to build any tanks on this mission. Therefore, tanks will have to be protected. The first thing that is done is to transfer a couple of Rangers with the help of a Chinook through the canyon in order to capture the oil rigs. Secondly, the defense of the eastern part of the base is being strengthened. This is where the terrorists will come after the end of the persecution. 6-7 Patriots will be enough there. Troops are not needed there at all. They will be needed in the west. Don't touch the helicopters yet. The next action is to transport ground equipment to the western exit from the canyon to the base. There, quickly build as many Patriots as possible (and don’t forget about the energy stations at the base). After building 3-4 Patriots, take the equipment to the very edge of the exit (so it can intercept part of the enemy walking along the canyon and continue building Patriots behind it. And after that you can take out the helicopters (if your number has reached 7-8, then a smaller number will simply result in meaningless losses) to the very middle of the canyon, and then watch the destruction of the enemy, periodically adjusting events.

Mission #4
The United States begins a consistent invasion of Kazakhstan. Terrorist training bases have already been discovered. The landing on the shores of the Caspian Sea has begun...

1. Destroy the Stinger Nests that are interfering with the air landing.
2. Build a base and destroy the enemy training camp. American battleships in the Caspian Sea? What nonsense! Well, to hell with them. The landing was successful, but the base has not yet been built - Bulldozers can only be landed from the air. However, you have 4 Tomahawks and a bunch of other equipment. Plus three general points, one of which can be spent profitably on “Lightning”, and the rest - at will. Destroy all enemy Bunkers using Tomahawks. Just remember that even then you won’t be allowed to produce them. Therefore, guard these four better than your own eyes. After the Bunkers, destroy the target four Stinger Nests. To help the Tomahawks, you can attach a Reconnaissance Drone to one of the Crusaders and place it beyond the reach of enemy air defense. After destroying the air defense, you will receive reinforcements in the form of a pair of bulldozers and several tanks. After this, all that remains is to build a base, release a few more tanks and jeeps and move on to the systematic destruction of the enemy. Well, as always, Comanches are great as cover for Tomahawks. The enemy will sometimes weakly try to disturb you (there’s no other word for it), but your troops will easily cope with this.

Mission #5
The Americans are trying to negotiate peace with terrorists in the city of Cabaret. And they think that terrorists should not be trusted very much (I wouldn’t trust the Americans very much either). And they turn out to be right. Peace ambassadors are shot, the war continues.

1. Prevent the establishment of a terrorist base across the river.
2. Destroy the main terrorist base. This time you have as many as 4 general points, which can be invested in a double Lightning strike. Nothing else special was added. The mission is quite tricky to complete. There is a slow and leisurely first part and a fast and dangerous second, which begins only after completing the first mission goal. Therefore, we take our time and get everything from the first part of the mission. It ends only with the destruction of the last building of the base (Stinger Nests do not count), so you can settle down on the enemy’s shore, and only after that destroy this building. As a gift, you are invited to capture the Hospital in the north of the map, after which your infantry will be able to self-medicate. To capture or not is your choice. In the meantime, we need to add more tanks, make 3-4 Tomahawks (by the time the first mission goal is completed, there should be 6 of them), and then methodically start destroying the enemy. The right bank of the river must be completely cleared, no Stinger Nests should remain on it. After this! you create your base near the resources remaining from the enemy, protect it with a couple of Patriots and build an army that must fulfill the second goal of the mission. This is about 12 tanks, 6 Tomahawks, several Comanches (3-4 pieces). After creating this army, transfer all troops to the right bank. And don’t leave helicopters over the river - only over land. Because the terrorists, upset by the loss of the base, destroy the dam and it washes away everything in the river valley. Including the bridge and everything that was over the river. After the enemy is completely destroyed, an additional part of the map will open, and you will receive reinforcements in the form of a pair of Bulldozers, a Crusader and a group of infantry. You should not use spy drones over the enemy map. This will provoke an immediate attack. From now on, everything must be done quickly. Not far from the former bridge, quickly build 5-6 Patriots, supporting them from behind with tanks and infantry. Just don't put the Patriots in a bunch, pull them out in a line from north to south. At the same time, bring the Tomahawk! and, Comanche and a small group of infantry north of your new base, destroying enemy strongholds along the way. Soon a hint will sound, according to which you will see the location of 2 oil derricks (and move towards them with Tomahawks) and the enemy will have SCUD Missiles. Don't pay attention to "nobody's" oil processing plant. It will be too difficult to contain her. Having captured the oil rigs, move west from them along a narrow path in the mountains, covering your Tomahawks with Comanches. If everything was done normally, then very soon you will see SCAD Missiles. Destroy the air defense points located nearby (if necessary, use Lightning Bolts against them), and then use the joint efforts of the Comanches and Tomahawks to demolish the SCUD Missiles. After this, all urgency disappears and you can gradually destroy the enemy base.

Mission #6
The Americans have already reached southeastern Kazakhstan. But then it was discovered that the rebellious Chinese general had fled to the terrorists. Now we will also have to deal with the Chinese troops...

1. Destroy the terrorist base in the northeast.
2. Destroy the command center and the Chinese nuclear missile. Well, now you have almost all the means to destroy the enemy. Namely, the Beam Destroyer, a raid by a flight of 3 Lightnings and B-52s. Moreover, the latter is given to you without spending any points at all. And you are free to spend 4 more General points at your discretion. The mission is also tricky, but here the entire map is available from the very beginning. In the meantime, we need to strengthen our base. Place Patriots near the bridge and on the northern outskirts of the base, and then build all available buildings on it. Build a couple of Comanches right away. Otherwise, you will be periodically pestered by enemy Rocket Buggies and will have to do something with them. Constantly spend the resource of attack aircraft and B-52s on enemy fortifications, but do not touch the Command Center for now. When the Beam Destroyer appears at the base, it will be time to scan the Chinese territory. Look for their Nuclear Missile and boldly destroy it. They won't need it anymore. After this you can finish off the terrorists. There will be a hint about another resource warehouse far to the south, but right away! after destroying the terrorists, a Chinese assault group will land near it, which will attack your base a little later. Therefore, it is much more profitable to build Delivery Zones and receive a stable and safe profit from them. All that remains is to walk through the Chinese base with Comanches and Tomahawks. But don’t forget that Chinese rapid-fire guns are extremely dangerous for helicopters, so it’s worth using super-powerful weapons on them.

Mission #7
The Chinese, concerned that terrorists are planning to use chemical weapons, enter into an alliance with the Americans. Fighting is already taking place on the outskirts of Akmola...

1. Destroy the terrorist base. Now you also have Aurora Bombers at your disposal. And also 7 general points with the opportunity to choose whatever your heart desires. If you go north immediately after the start of the mission, you will find an abandoned Chinese base. Well, restore it, their “Overlords” will not interfere at all. Immediately build a line of defense from rapid shooters and Patriots. Your frequent guests will be Rebels in a state of invisibility, so then it will be extremely advisable to install “talking” towers to distinguish them. Also very soon they will announce preparations for the launch of the SCAD rocket. But its location will be highlighted, which will make the task easier for your attack aircraft and B-52s. However, the enemy’s air defense is very intense, so I personally had to carry out a double raid with my “mass destruction” weapons due to their high losses when approaching the point that needs to be hit (it is located in the depths of the defense). Next, the tedious process of destroying the enemy will begin. It is important to take care of your sources of income in advance because! initial reserves of resources are used up very quickly. Therefore, produce several Hackers as quickly as possible and set up several Delivery Zones. After this, as many weapons of mass destruction as possible are built (such as Nuclear Missiles and Beam Destroyer). And a very simple tactic is activated - we deliver a massive strike on a certain area, and additional strikes on the remaining points of resistance. The survivors are captured by a group of Comanches. Start with the wall that is just across the river. Because it is inhabited by too many Shooters with RPGs. Just be sure to wait for 4-5 “strong blows” to accumulate, otherwise the enemy will have the opportunity to rebuild again. You can use "Overlords", rapid fire and Dragon Tanks, but terrorists are constantly carrying out numerous and tedious attacks and your group will have to be monitored in order to protect it from destruction.

China Campaign.
And China also has problems with terrorists. And what do these terrorists want on a piece of land completely populated by the Chinese...

Mission #1
In general, terrorists did not particularly bother the Chinese. The Chinese were peacefully holding a large military parade. And then this is a disgrace. Cars with explosives, explosions. No, there are no problems, no one is counting the dead, but you have to know when to stop!

1. Destroy the nuclear material storage facility. As in the first mission for the Americans, you don’t need to build anything. You have one general point, which is best spent on getting your Soldiers their first badge. The factories produce Battle Masters, Dragon Tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers. The easiest way to pass is to make several Dragon Tanks and burn out the enemy who is trying to cross your path. To them you need to add several Tank Hunters to fight enemy Scorpions. But in the end, this well-coordinated team will quickly reach the storage facility and complete this mission. To speed up movement, you can place Tank Hunters in armored personnel carriers.

Mission #2
So this is where terrorists are creeping into China! The base of this nasty thing was discovered in Hong Kong. And since Hong Kong is already completely Chinese territory, the Chinese will have to figure it out on their own.

1. Destroy the Terrorist Convention Hall.
2. Destroy the Poison Machine and the Weapons Seller. You have 2 general points and the opportunity to choose Artillery Preparation. True, only the first level, but this is also a lot. To begin with, there are not many troops at all. Only those that survived the explosion on the bridge. So rebuild your base and be glad that you now have Rapid Fire Tanks. It is they who will decide the fate of the entire mission. The enemy does not have heavy equipment, so 3-4 tanks will cut out the enemy with great speed. The passage near the base is covered by 2-3 Dragon Tanks in fire curtain mode. And Rapid Fire Tanks with a number of Tank Hunters are heading towards the Convention Hall. Please note that they bypass the block with the Congress Hall on both sides, so when you go directly to storm it, leave security in the rear. Otherwise, at one point the enemy will attack from both sides and it will be difficult to do anything. The desired Poison Machine and Weapons Seller are located in the north of the map. This is an optional task, but you will have to complete it, if only for the reason that you will pass by this building and they will interfere with you in the rear.

Mission #3
The terrorists are not even going to calm down when they show up in a new place. The Chinese leadership is going to take appropriate measures...

1. Destroy the Dam.
2. Destroy the terrorist base. You have 3 general points, which can be spent on Artillery preparation (as many as 2) and Cluster mining. A pleasant surprise of this mission is that you will be given MIGs here. And these MIGs will not only be present in the game, but will decide the fate of the terrorists. The first task is very simple: next to the starting point there is that same dam. Place the Dragon Tanks on the fire curtain in the direction of the south (this is where the enemy troops will come from) and start shooting at the dam with the Battle Masters. After its destruction, a huge wave will wash away the enemy base, carelessly located downstream. Moreover, the resource warehouse that belonged to her will now go to you. Clear the area south of your base from the remaining enemies and you can build an Airfield. The enemy will now cross the river just north of your base, through a small island. This is where it wouldn’t be superfluous to mine it. You need to send your first MIG for reconnaissance. By a pleasant coincidence, the enemy only has 1 Stinger Nest. Artillery preparation on it, after which the MIGs begin constant shelling of enemy territory. And a full team of Migs can do a lot. And if you add another Airfield, then things will go even faster. Just upgrade Napalm and your MIGs will become even more powerful.

Mission #4
Terrorists, in their best traditions, produce a toxin at a mining factory. The Chinese authorities do not want widespread publicity with the introduction of a large contingent of troops and are planning reconnaissance with the help of the Black Lotus saboteur, followed by an air strike...

1. Destroy the Stinger Nests.
2. Capture the Military Factory.
3. Destroy the last Stinger Nest. You start with 3 General points, but there is no choice in the form of Artillery Preparation. It's a shame, but that's not the main thing. You only have a group of infantry and the Black Lotus under your command. Plus there is no way to produce equipment. True, it is possible to produce Hackers. But in just a couple of minutes you will see a simpler and more convenient way to get money - the Oil Rig. Let the Black Lotus capture it. The infantry must destroy Stinger Nests and the enemy infantry covering them. There is nothing complicated about this. Moreover, the Soldiers simply shoot the shooters from the Stinger, after which the entire crowd pecks at the defenseless Nest. You can use the Black Lotus to capture enemy Poison Machines. But you can simply drop mines at their location. Don’t be lazy to look into the distant passages, you will be rewarded with UN boxes of money. After capturing the factory, build 4-5 Gatlings and 2-3 Dragon Tanks. The first ones are for destroying infantry, the second ones are for clearing and destroying buildings. In addition, the Dragons will very effectively burn out the last Stinger Nest. After this, all that remains is to watch how several MIGs destroy the toxin factory.

Mission #5
The Chinese realize that they cannot cope with terrorists on their own and are receiving support from the Americans. It is expressed in the possibility of calling air strikes against terrorists. And the case has already moved to the territory of Kyrgyzstan, to the city of Balakchi.

1. Destroy 3 terrorist camps and the main terrorist base. 4 general points is already a lot. These are at least 2 levels of artillery preparation, cluster mines and a Nuclear weapon. Plus, don’t forget about the American carpet bombing. To begin with, you have a completely comfortable base. Only complete the Military Factory and populate the Bunkers with infantry. After this, you can build MIGs and begin methodically clearing enemy territory with the help of air and artillery strikes. And a column of “Overlords” (yes, yes, they were finally given) will follow along the ground, in company with rapid fire. You can also strike with Nuclear weapons. Although, of course, the last base will have to be taken by the “Overlords” column. The mission is tedious, but very easy.

Mission #6
Terrorists continue to roam around the world in search of at least some safe place for themselves. This time, they took root in Bishkek, capturing one of the Chinese railways. You will have to use the black Lotus again. This time to destroy a key railway bridge.

1. Guide Black Lotus to the railway bridge. There was a joke about the general's glasses. 4 points - for only 1 promotion. Oh well. Happiness is not in glasses. And misfortune lies in yet more restrictions. They are not allowed to build anything. You only have the opportunity to produce infantry (without Hackers, of which you were given 3 at the beginning and no more) and armored vehicles (without Overlords). And you need, no more, no less, to lead your “Black Lotus” through the enemy-saturated positions and destroy the bridge. However, the task is quite feasible. First, we complete the defensive lines of the base and transport several Gatling guns to the other side of the river. Among the valuable targets there are mining centers that the Black Lotus can shake out for money, a light equipment plant (which she can also capture) and a train station, to which the enemy will periodically receive reinforcements. 1-2 Gatling guns are placed near this very station and the problem of reinforcements is immediately solved. On the other side, everything is a little more complicated. Start by putting the Hackers in a secure location and let them make money. There is a stadium from which crowds of Fanatics come and a circular road clogged with tanks. Therefore, slowly move forward, mastering new positions with Rapid-Firing Tanks, and then place a fire curtain with Dragon Tanks so that it captures the stadium at least a little. As a result, it will collapse, unable to withstand the constant scorching. After this, you will still have to build several Battle Masters and carefully destroy the Scorpions and Marauders plying here one by one. Just burn out the last lines of defense of the bridge with Dragon Tanks. Get the Black Lotus onto the bridge and enjoy your victory.

Mission #7
Terrorists again. Now also in Tajikistan. The Chinese government is taking extreme measures and giving you access to its nuclear arsenals...

1. Set up a base and find resources.
2. Destroy all terrorists. At the beginning, you receive 4 general points, for which it is advisable to purchase cluster mining and all 3 levels of artillery preparation. Then save up for a nuclear weapon. Place a “talking” tower on one of the “Overlords” that survived the “meat grinder” to heal your units, and on the second one, a rapid-fire one. With all your troops, advance along the road, destroying enemy troops, to the enemy base. Destroy it, but capture the Resource Collection Center. A little further down the road there is a bottleneck where a pair of Dragon Tanks can very effectively lay down a curtain of fire. At the same time, your 2 bulldozers are building a base, trying to build an Airfield as quickly as possible. 2 MIGs are built and they go north along the eastern edge of the map, after which they pass along the northern edge of the map. Two MIGs - so that at least one can fly. At the same time, there is an enemy base, namely SCAD missiles. After this, try to drop cluster mines closer to the missiles (although the likelihood of this being successful is extremely low). N! oh anyway, a couple of artillery strikes destroy the SCUDs. After this, completely rebuild the base (including Nuclear Missiles) and start striking the enemy base. Only after the constant waves of incoming enemies have subsided, build a column of “Overlords” and begin the offensive. Moreover, if you captured the enemy’s Resource Production Center, you can build Barracks and create Jennen Kell there. And he shoots excellently from the Overlords Bunker. If you did everything right, then another parade of the Chinese army will appear before your eyes. They defeated the terrorists!