Complete story walkthrough of Grand Theft Auto IV. Complete story walkthroughGrand Theft Auto IV Gta 4 how to complete the last mission

Present to your attention walkthrough of the game GTA 4(computer version). In essence, it is not difficult to pass, because... Key missions are well written and all instructions are given in detail. In this passing GTA 4 We will not start with the first missions, which are very easy, but will focus on the more difficult ones. Welcome to Liberty City!

Escuela of the streets
Head to the community center, there you will meet a guy named Manny. He has a task for you. You need to destroy the drug dealers operating on the streets and interfering with the “successful” business of our new employer. Having arrived at the place specified on the map, you will see the dealer driving away. You need to follow him. Try not to get too close to him so as not to give yourself away, but also do not move too far away so as not to lose sight of him. Arriving at the place, you will see a merchant entering the warehouse.
Next you have two options:
First- the most dangerous and noisy. Approach the door and find that it is closed, using any available method (for example, using a shotgun), break the glass to the left of the entrance, climb inside and destroy the merchants.
Second- the safest, quiet and secretive (but you still have to shoot). Climb the fire escape onto the neighboring building and move along the boards to the one you need. There in the roof, you will find an open window. Climb in, or rather jump inside. To successfully complete the task, hide behind the boxes and, like a “tough nut,” kill the merchants one by one. To complete the mission, go outside by knocking down the door and shooting at the lock.
P.S. You can take money and weapons from corpses.
Complexity: 7/10

Streets Sweeper
To receive this task, go to Manny. Watch the splash video, and then find yourself some kind of car, preferably one that is faster and more maneuverable. Next, go to the point specified on the map. Having reached the place, you will see 3 - 4 enemies armed with submachine guns, as well as a moving car. You need to remove whoever is in the car. You can leave the guys at the store and chase the car, killing the guy in the car, return to the car service center and finish off the rest. Another option is to shoot the party at the service store directly from your car and immediately go to punish the merry fellow who is driving the retreating car. In any case, one end awaits you. After everyone is destroyed, Niko will dial Manny's number and inform him of the completion of the mission. That's all. Watch how the money in your account is replenished.
Complexity: 4/10

Luck of the Irish
Some time will pass and Niko's phone will ring. When you pick up the phone, you recognize Melory's voice, who will tell you that she has an acquaintance who needs your help. Looking at the map you will see marker “E” (Elizabeth), go there to receive the task. On site you will meet Patrick and Elizabeth. Patrick will tell you to help him make deals with unreliable people. You will need to climb onto the roof of a nearby building and control the situation with a sniper rifle in your hands. After the video, go to the point specified on the map, when you arrive at the place, go into the house and climb onto the roof. There you will find a sniper rifle. Don’t be shy, feel free to take it and take the position necessary for sniper fire. Your task is to kill all enemies. In order not to waste a lot of time, try to kill with one shot, with a direct hit to the head.
Kill the guys who attacked Patrick and those who try to escape in a car. Voila! The mission is completed with a good gift, in addition to the money transferred to your account, you also receive a sniper rifle!
Complexity: 2/10

GTA 4 walkthrough gta iv
Blow your cover
Go to Elizabeth. Arriving at her house, you will notice that the party is in full swing. She will introduce you to two new characters with whom you will work closely in the future (their names are Playboy X and Johnny). Playboy has a task for you. Drive to the location marked on the map, following the GPS directions. It is advisable to keep the car intact. When you get there, park in the marked place, get out of the car and go up to the third floor. Follow Playboy and then watch the video, after which you will find out that this whole deal is a setup and the buyers are police officers in disguise. Kill all the police nearby, try to hide behind various obstacles (sofas, tables, etc.). You need to get to the roof. Carefully go up the stairs, be careful, the police will be waiting for you there (about 2 - 3 people per floor) and you will have to destroy them.
Immediately after leaving, there will be a first aid kit on the roof, take it to replenish your health. In addition to the first aid kit, a small detachment of armed federals is waiting for you there; deal with them in the same way as you did on the stairs.
Your next task is to go down. To do this, move through the same roof to the next building. Take your time, remember that police are waiting for you at every step. Go down the stairs, shooting the federals who interfere with you. Next, run out into the street and get to the vehicle. Get into your car or motorcycle and leave as soon as possible. You need to break away from the police, the best way to do this is by driving onto the freeway. After losing your wanted level, take Playboy X home. Having reached the place, complete the mission and the second city will be opened.
Complexity: 7/10

The Puerto Rican connection
To receive this task, you must meet Manny. Go to him. He'll want to deal with some guys. Take a car and drive to the point marked on the map.
When you arrive at your destination, stop at the marked place. Watch a short video. So, after this scene we understand that the guys we have to kill are on this train. Your task is to chase him along streets parallel to the train. Try not to let him go too far so as not to fail the mission.
After a couple of stations, your victims will get off the train, a corresponding message will inform you about this. Now, as soon as they leave the station, they need to be killed, this can be done in absolutely any way. Once all four are destroyed, you will complete the mission!
Complexity: 7/10

grand theft auto 4 walkthrough
Call and collect
At some point your phone will ring. An unknown voice will invite you to meet. The meeting place is the docks. The card is shown as "?". Having met this man, you will find out that he is a policeman and he needs your help. The photos must be returned. You cannot refuse, otherwise you will be put behind bars. Well then what will you have to do?
Go to the place marked on the map. The policeman will give you the number of the person you need. Call the phone number and peer into the crowd of people, the one who answers the call is the person you need. After a short conversation on the phone, kill him and take the photos. The sound of gunfire will attract a decent number of police. Get away from them. The mission will be completed after you deliver the photos to the policeman.
Complexity: 2/10

The snow storm
Over the phone, Elizabeth will ask you to solve some problems with Little Jacob. Having reached the place to receive the task, you learn that Elizabeth and Jacob's cocaine was stolen. Your task is to find him and remove those who took him away.
Find the ruins of the old hospital, this can be done by following the directions of your GPS. Don't forget to take your weapon with you when you stop by the store first.
When you reach the hospital, destroy the two people guarding the entrance. The shots will alert the guards inside. Using a sniper rifle, you can kill three enemies inside the building, they are clearly visible through the windows. Next, go inside. Move very carefully, making your way to the desired room and destroying anyone who tries to interfere with you. As soon as you take the cargo, contact Jacob. Then, as usual, storming squads of police will appear around. You need to stay alive, get to the exit and escape pursuit. Be careful. Take the bulletproof vest and slowly move towards the exit, using the same path you came along. Run out of the building, get into the car and drive away. To get rid of the cops, you can either travel outside the wanted zone, or simply stop by the nearest Pay N Spray repainting salon.
Niko will call Jacob as soon as your wanted level drops.
Go to a meeting with the “little one.” Arriving at the place, watch a video from which you find out that your ex-girlfriend Michelle has been following you and works for some government organization
P.S. It is advisable to park the car in the hospital as close to the exit as possible, leaving the door open.
Complexity: 9/10

GTA 4 walkthrough
Have a Heart
Arriving at Elizabeth, you will see a couple of corpses (including Mania). The girl shot them while in a state of severe drug intoxication.
She will ask you to get rid of the bodies. Your task is to deliver the corpses to one reliable doctor who will help sell them for organs. This is probably one of the simplest missions in the game, you just need to carefully, without attracting the attention of the police, deliver them to their destination.
Complexity: 1/10

Photo shoot
This task can be obtained from Playboy X. Head to him. After a short video, you will have a new mobile phone - color and with a built-in camera. It is necessary so that you can photograph a couple of “bad” guys on one of the sports fields of Liberty City.
Get into the car and, as usual, drive to the given point. When you get there, go to the basketball court. There you will see three guys - basketball players. Take out your mobile phone, select the camera function and take pictures of them, getting as close as possible, but trying to remain unnoticed. Send the photo you took to your boss, who will soon call you back and order you to kill the guy in blue clothes. The mission will be considered completed as soon as you remove this bad guy. Be careful because... The athletes who are on the site at that moment, hearing the shots, will try to take revenge, so it is best to shoot from a long distance, using a sniper rifle.
Complexity: 2/10

GTA 4 complete walkthrough
Ruff Rider
This is the very first mission with Chief Dwayne. You come to him and see that he is very upset. His beloved left him. He gave her everything he could, and she left him and went to another guy. It is easy to guess that for Dwayne this was a real tragedy. Naturally, Niko has no choice but to offer his help.
After the video, take the car and go to a given point, and the point is a slot machine hall.
Actually, your task is to kill either both of them, or only the lurker. The second option is most suitable, since in the future the girl will be able to give you additional tasks.
So, when you get there you will see a sweet couple. The guy, noticing you, will take out a weapon and start running away. Chase him down to kill him. Having done your job, take his machine gun and money, if you want. After this, you can safely return to Dwayne to receive your reward.
Complexity: 4/10

Undress to kill
This is another mission for Duyan. The guys from the local mafia took the strip club away from him and he naturally wants it back.
Go to the strip bar, the path to which, as usual, will be indicated by your GPS system.
You need to destroy three managers (managers). One of them is in the office, immediately go there and remove it. Try to do this as quietly as possible, as loud shots can attract the attention of others and scare away the remaining two.
Go outside, where annoying guards will interfere with you. We'll have to deal with them.
The second manager is located on the back side of the building. Go there and destroy it.
When the police burst into the club, the third manager, who is in the private rooms, will run away through the back entrance and try to escape in a car. Next there is a chase, you will have to catch up and kill him. After which all that remains is to escape from the police and the mission will be completed.
Complexity: 8/10

gta 4 walkthrough missions
Final interview
Packie Mc'Reary will ask you to steal some documents from a lawyer. To get to this lawyer, whose name is Tom Goldberg, you need to pass an interview at the company “Goldber, Ligner & Shyster”. After the video, go to an internet cafe to sign up for an interview. Go to and submit your resume there by clicking on the “Submit Resume” link. After which you will be told that you will be contacted shortly.
The call will ring in a couple of minutes. An unknown voice will tell you that the interview will take place the next day. A reminder about the meeting will appear in your diary on your phone. Niko will call Patrick and tell him that everything is going according to plan.
Further, you yourself understand that you cannot go to an interview in jeans, so you will have to change into a suit. To do this, go to the Perseus clothing store. Buy a suit and boots. At the appointed time, go to Goldberg's office.
Arriving at the company office. Enter the building and go to the reception desk. Talk to the girl standing there. She will call the boss and say that you have arrived. The secretary will take you to Tom. Come into the office and listen to what the lawyer says. You will have to listen to him until a message appears that he must be killed. It is advisable to do this without much noise (unless, of course, you want problems with the police). Use a knife. Hit him several times quickly. If you don’t attract any attention, then just take your documents and go out into the street as if nothing had happened.
The mission will be completed as soon as you give all the documents to Mc'Reary.
Complexity: 6/10

In the GTA 4 game, the walkthrough offers 95 missions of the main plot, taking place in all areas of Liberty City. The tasks are both easy - one can be done in ten minutes the first time, and difficult - those that require a serious approach. Each mission moves the plot forward until the very end, with a fork in the part. The choice of the main character influences the further development of the story.

To complete it you must complete all tasks. In this article you can read about the most complex of them, with tips and descriptions. The material will be useful to people who are getting acquainted with GTA 4 for the first time.

Cousin Rescue

The task called Hostile Negotiation is included in the list of difficult missions from the popular project. It starts with a call to Niko's phone. With tears, Mallory will inform the main character about the kidnapping of Roman Bellik. Behind him are Russian criminals. The girl will tell you that the cousin of the central character owes the bandits a large sum of money.

Mallory's friend followed the kidnappers. They took Roman to a warehouse in the Industrial area. After leaving the house, Dmitry Rascalov will send a message with a photo of his captive cousin to Niko’s phone. Players will have to go to the warehouse and deal with a large number of enemies. You should first stock up on ammunition, body armor and a convenient weapon for shooting. Shoot enemies from cover as you move towards Roman.

Hostile Negotiation Mission

It is convenient to remove the main enemy from a sniper rifle. After saving Roman, he will tell you the reason for such an act. The organizer was Dmitry Raskalov, he wanted to get to Niko. Roman will promise to find an apartment for them in Algonquin. You cannot leave the warehouse until you save your cousin; the mission will be considered a failure.

Order for salvation

An unfamiliar NPC character who gave the task the previous time will force you to return to him in mission number 47. It is called “Portrait of a Killer”. The player will go to a meeting where he will be approached by an agent from a government organization. He will offer to carry out the murder order. For this, Niko will get rid of the possibility of being investigated because of old cases. After going outside, you should check your phone.

A signal will notify you of the arrival of an MMS with a photo of the target. To discover the man's name, the player must obtain a police car. There is a built-in database of criminals inside the car. With its help, users will find the target. The man's name is Adam Dimeev, his main occupation is financial support of large terrorist organizations. After this, players are recommended to buy a sniper rifle or get it in the open world. The weapon will help after arriving at the point where Dimeev’s guards are present in large numbers.

It is recommended to kill the mercenaries from a long distance, after which the target will decide to surrender. This does not matter; it must be eliminated. Players constantly come into direct confrontation with security, which is why they feel difficulties while passing.

Water confrontation

In GTA 4, the passage of a number of missions is delayed due to difficulties in passing. The list is supplemented by the Babysitting task from Derrick with a reward of 7 thousand dollars. Niko must swim by boat to the Korean Kim. The emigrant is ready to pay counterfeit money for his protection. After the meeting, a cutscene will begin in the game, after which the player must follow Kim along the route.

In a minute, enemies will appear on the boat. The user's task is to hit the driver's head. Other people will not take the helm, and therefore opponents will be left behind. Derrick will shoot at the boat, but it will take a lot of ammo to detonate it. The next target will be a helicopter that appears on the horizon. The partner will report a threat; the transport is capable of blowing up the boat of the Korean Kim and the second boat controlled by the player.

Destroying a helicopter in a mission

Derrick will point to the flare gun at the back of the ship. You need to pick it up, and then remove the flying vehicle with a targeted shot. This is easier to do when aiming forward in the direction of movement of the helicopter. When saving, shots can be spent on subsequent pursuers who will arrive by boat. After the shootout ends, Niko gets behind the wheel and accompanies Kim to the docks, where the final cutscene of the mission will appear.

Grand Heist

The list of difficult missions in GTA 4 is replenished with Waste Not Want Knots, 37 in a row. Paki organizes a raid on a major mafioso, Niko takes part in the case, and two other friends of the leader are with him. Initially, the player will play the role of a driver. Along the way, you need to pick up your partners; the next point will be an abandoned warehouse in the Colony Island area. Paki will indicate the point at which Niko will be able to climb over the fence.

There will be a security guard of 10 people on the territory. A typical firefight will end quickly; it is not recommended to shoot your own people. Friendly fire counts. If you have low health, use the first aid kit near the entrance. There will be 7 or 8 remaining guards inside. You need to kill them and get to the money on the second floor. At the exit from the warehouse there will be a trap.

The Italians will launch a forced attack from which it is impossible to shoot back. The player must quickly run between protective fences, shooting back from attackers. Paki must run with him. The player should head to the landing point, and then leave in his vehicle. The mission can be made easier by purchasing armor in advance and using SMGs in battle.

Twists and turns in a jar

Packy considers Niko a reliable guy, and therefore introduces him to his brothers and takes him on a mission to rob a bank. The mission is called Three Leaf Clover, and begins with a partner gathering and traveling to the point indicated on the map. After entering, a long screensaver begins, which demonstrates working with hostages and other gangster techniques.

Paki forces the safe to open from below. The money is collected in a bag, and after rising, a second cut-scene appears with the arrival of large police forces. At the exit, you should make a couple of shots from behind the fence and rush after Paki, who indicates the direction of escape. Cover fires will be tough, helped by the approaching scope of the M4 Carbine weapon. Health should be saved for further movement. Killing all opponents will be a signal for Paki, he will give the command to run. Niko should quickly cross the open space and hide in the alleys of China Town. New law enforcement patrols will block the road.

Alley in Chain Tawn in GTA 4

It is necessary to make targeted shots at the tank to blow up cars. Then the path leads down the street, the police are constantly chasing the gang. At the first opportunity, you should run to the subway; about 10 opponents await the player on the platform; first aid kits can be found on the walls. Then you need to run after Packie and Derrick, they will lead you to the Huntley car. As a driver, you need to break away from the pursuit, wait it out and take the group leader to his mother.

Quarrels and drugs

The mission The Snow Storm closes the list of difficult tasks in GTA 4. According to the plot, a conflict arises between Elizabeth and Jacob, the girl accuses the dealer of ruining the deal. Niko hires Elizabeth to recover a large shipment of cocaine from an old hospital building. After arriving at the place, the player must kill people near the car and focus on the upper floors, there are plenty of enemies here. Initially, you should drive your car to the entrance to the premises.

It is better to conduct a shootout inside according to the following scheme: shoot a gangster from the right side, explode a barrel in the far corner, kill other enemies. When the drugs are in Niko's pockets, the police will begin to storm the hospital. If you do not have time to kill the first wave before reinforcements, the chance of dying increases. When the law enforcement officials are dead, the player heads to the exit and gets into the car.

Before entering the Pay N' Spray car repaint, you must get rid of the pursuit. Reducing the wanted level to zero will result in Jacob calling. Niko will go to him and learn new plot details. You can escape pursuit by boat if you jump into the water near the broken gate.

Last mission of GTA 4...

You receive an SMS from Jacob asking you to meet him. Once you approach him and he gets into the car, you need to follow Pegorino's guys. Jacob thinks they will lead them to Dmitry and Pegorino himself.

As soon as the bandits leave the building, they will already be aware of the presence of Niko and Jacob.

You will chase them, and there is nothing difficult about it. From the very first seconds they will open fire on your car, so you just need to dodge bullets and try not to go astray, since Pegorino’s guys have a couple of cunning tricks in their arsenal.

Both your cars and theirs are slow enough that there shouldn't be any uncontrollable situations.

At Jimmy's house, a cutscene will be shown in which Pegorino and Dmitry are hiding from the Old Casino. Niko brakes spectacularly, sliding along the road to shield himself from the heavy fire. Niko and Jacob talk, and Bellick convinces his friend not to fight and to get out of the car.

Get back to the game. Kill the three guys on the roof on the right, then shoot at those hiding behind their cars. Once everyone on the street is dead, run towards the entrance.

Already inside you will receive an SMS from Jacob, who tells you to hope for heaven. He means a helicopter, we know.

Take cover behind the door and take out the enemies inside the building. Don't forget about the guy on the stairs to the left, as well as the ones that will be hiding behind various obstacles on your way.

Cutscene in which Dmitry kills Jimmy and runs to the roof. Chase him, kill four opponents.

Next cutscene. Dmitry and his henchman escape in a helicopter, but Niko manages to get caught on the bandwagon. Then he is knocked straight into the water. Luckily, he lands next to an empty boat.

Get in and immediately start chasing the helicopter. He will shoot at you with a rocket launcher, but the most important thing is not to lose sight of the helicopter. Jacob will arrive in a few minutes (“hope in heaven”) on . It will go down lower, so you need to get to it by boat. If you do it in time, Niko will jump. Press the sprint button several times to get inside the helicopter.

Now you need to pursue Dmitry in a helicopter, still dodging missiles. It is useless for you to shoot - it will not damage the scoundrel's helicopter. But Jacob will end up shooting Dmitry. But your car will also be damaged. Therefore, the next cutscene will show two helicopter accidents on Happiness Island.

Dmitry will run, and his henchmen will be waiting for you. After killing them, run after Dmitry. Having overtaken him, kill him. And watch the final scene.

Niko is a classic GTA 4 hero, who is also an emigrant. He arrives in Liberty City in hopes of a better life, in search of it. In addition to the main game, Episodes from Liberty City have also been added, within which the plot of the main game is revealed. There are 2 heroes, 2 episode characters - Johnny Klebitz and Luis Lopez. The new Liberty City is becoming more and more similar to its prototype - New York, where the developers have recreated almost all the main areas of the city and its attractions. A very pleasant innovation lies in the great possibilities: now you can enter almost any room, as well as walk along the floors of skyscrapers. The walkthrough of GTA 4 by Niko is written very well and in detail.

Walkthrough of GTA 4 last mission

Despite the fact that the scale of the city is significantly reduced, the developers claim that you won’t be bored there. Every nook and cranny, every yard is decorated in the game down to the smallest detail. Completing the last mission in GTA 4 can be a pleasant surprise, since there are two versions of the end of the game. To read more about the last mission, follow the link given above in the text

Hello comrades. Now I will tell you about one Eastern European immigrant, his name is Niko Belik. In fact, the progressive part of humanity, the happy owners of a console in addition to a PC, have long completed the game GTA 4 - Grand Theft Auto IV, some more than once. It so happened that while the lucky ones were playing, and PC adherents were angrily crushing their buns with envy, the developers were busy porting the game. There's only a little time left before the game's release, so we're starting to prepare a detailed walkthrough of GTA 4 - Grand Theft Auto IV. Yes, don’t worry, even though we are writing based on the console version, according to intelligence reports, the PC version will not be any different.

Mission 1: Cousin

After the introductory video, in which you are introduced to the protagonist - Niko and his relative - Roman, you will receive your first task. In essence, this is an introductory mission, it is very simple. All you need is to deliver Roman Belik home. First, get familiar with the controls a little, and then proceed to complete the mission. He lives, in his own words, in (you'll like it) Hove Beach. Pay attention to the mini map, it shows your entire route, so you just have to follow it and carefully follow the map. On the way, you will pass by the taxi company where Roman works. Remember its location, as it is one of the key locations.

Very soon you will find yourself on Mohawk Avenue, drive up to the point marked on the map and watch the video. Once you gain control of the character, explore Roman's apartment, save and go downstairs to the street. Now is the time to steal your first car. To do this, simply go to the driver's seat and throw it out of the car. Please note that some drivers will not just give up the vehicle and you will have to kick them a little. Head north until you reach Cisco Street, turn left. Check the map, Roman's location is indicated by a letter. Park at the entrance to the taxi office and watch the new video.

Mission 2: Call

After the scene, you will find yourself in the garage, where Roman and a car will be waiting for you. You'll have to take him to an underground card game. Despite the large debts, he is confident that today the card will definitely fall into the suit. When you get there, park the car and listen carefully to Roman. While he is playing, you must protect him and if the brothers appear in order to get the debt out of him, you must call. To do this, he will give you his old phone.

Roman will call you first, answer the call. Then keep your eyes on the opposite side of the road. When the car described by Roman parks there, and two gloomy-looking men get out of it, quickly take out your phone and call Roman. He will run outside and get into the car. Your task is to escape from your pursuers, it is very simple to do, the desired route is indicated on the map.

Mission 3: Three is already a crowd

Get in the car and drive around the city. Try not to go far from Roman's apartment. After some time, you will receive a text message. After reading the message, you will find out that Roman is in trouble. He will ask you to go back to the office. Drive quickly where you are told. There you will discover that debt collectors have finally found your relative. After a small brawl, you will have to go after Malory and her friend. Follow the indicated route, the girls will be standing on Crocket Avenue. Stop in front of them and then honk your horn to get their attention. When they land, continue along the route indicated on the map. Michelle's apartment is located on Mohawk Avenue, north of your apartment. The result of the trip will be meeting Michelle and exchanging phone numbers. It is clear that this opportunity cannot be missed. After talking with Roman, go buy fashionable clothes; you can’t seduce young ladies in the rags that you’re wearing right now.

The store is marked on the map so you can easily find it. Dress up to impress the girl.

After leaving the store, Niko himself will call Roman and tell him about his successes. Get in the car and drive around until Michelle calls you and asks you out on a date. On the way to her house, Roman will call you and ask for help, he was again attacked by debt collectors. This is one of many upcoming choice points. You can go on a date or go to help Roman. As a result, this will lead to a deterioration in relations with one of the characters; decide for yourself who is more important to you. It’s impossible to please everyone at once, so we make a choice. I decided to go on a date.

Mission 4: First Date

Everything is simple here, we’re taking Michelle to the carnival, the GPS system will show the route. Arriving at the place, you will find that there will be no holiday, then Michelle will suggest going to the bowling club, agree. Play it, this mini-game is very well done. It doesn't matter who wins. After five innings, Michelle will say that she had a great time and ask to take her home. Return to her car and follow the directions of the navigator to go home. As soon as you drop her off at the house, the mission will be counted. Keep in mind that you can call her again and ask her out on a new date, just don't do it right away.

But now Roman will call you and complain about his fate. Since you went on a date and did not help him, he was unable to fight off the Albanians. Now he is in the hospital. Mark a point on the map and follow him. Your task is to take him back to the taxi depot.

Mission 5: Easy Walk

Wait for a while, then return to the taxi office to visit Roman. Vlad and Melory will be in the office. After talking with Vlad in negative tones, we wait until Roman arrives. It turns out that he owes money to Vlad too. Since we have no money, we will have to work a little. When Vlad leaves, the phone will ring. This is Roman’s regular client who needs to be taken somewhere. We'll have to do this.

Just drive up to his house and wait until he gets into the car. He will ask you to take him to Masterson Street. Before this, Gemini will ask you to drop him off at the warehouse to pick up something. As soon as you drop him off, go straight to the back of the warehouse. Get ready as the police have ambushed Gemini. As soon as they appear, immediately run away. Your task is to break away from the police. The chase has a two-star difficulty, so you won't be chased very zealously.

You need to get out onto some long street in order to safely escape from the police. Even when you pull away, continue to drive forward until all the stars disappear, which means the police have given up looking for you.

Then stop to let your navigator update your destination and head to Gemini. He'll be glad you overthrew the police so easily. Nothing further will be difficult. When you take him to the place and drop him off, Niko will call his brother. Go back to the office immediately, you need to find out what happened there.

Mission 6: Greetings from Jamaica

Arriving at the office, you find Roman sitting on the phone. He will say that he cannot take care of his next client right now, so he will have to help again. Our client is Jacob. Roman will warn you that he’s a junkie, so you’ll have to keep an eye on him. Head to the meeting point. Jacob will be waiting for you at the large gate to the park. Take him in the indicated direction. Along the way he will talk a lot, be sure to listen to him. Take him wherever he asks. He will also offer you a gun.

Having reached the place, get out of the car and head to the marked point. Arm yourself with a pistol and crouch down so that you cannot be seen. In general, you have to wait until Jacob starts firing. Join the event right away. Having killed all the enemies below, do not relax, as one will suddenly sneak up behind you. Jacob will warn you of the danger. Immediately turn around and kill the enemy. Run to Jacob, and then immediately run out into the street and jump into the first car you come across. I found a parked car almost immediately. You will again have to run away from the police. There are no tips here, everything is the same as in the previous mission.

Having broken away from your pursuers, take Jacob to the final point of the mission. As a result, you will be credited with the mission, and you will acquire a gun.

Mission 7: Chinese Store

Go to meet Vlad, he will be waiting for you at the bar. There he will inform you that he wants to assign one task. You will need to extract a debt from the owner of a Chinese store. Go outside and jump into the car. Go to the point indicated on the map. You need to play everything out in such a way as not to harm the old man and at the same time collect the debt. You can take out the barrel and shoot out the window or break whatever comes to hand with a bat. The main thing is to scare him. All that’s left is to take the money and take it back to Vlad.

Mission 8: Laundry

Vlad's next task is to take the money again. Come inside. As soon as you do this, the owner, who does not want to pay money, will break through the back door. Quickly run after him, you need to intercept him. Running out into the street, you will see him driving away. Quickly jump into the nearest car and drive after him.

Your task is to catch up and make him stop. His car is marked with a red dot on the mini-map. You have to constantly push it to cause damage. When the car receives enough damage, it will stop, and you can calmly deal with the fugitive. Remember that if you lose sight of the fugitive or he gets far enough away, you will fail the mission. It’s best to sit behind him and push him to the side of the road or into oncoming cars.

Having received a promise to pay, call Vlad and enjoy a successfully completed mission.

Mission 9: Clean Start

In the bar you will receive another task from Vlad. He has problems with drugs, but he will entrust you with a slightly different mission. Your task is to get to the ghetto and pick up the parked car there. You won't be able to get to the point by car; you'll definitely need to use the metro. The metro station is located on the street next to the bar, so you don’t have to steal a car, you can walk.

We go into the subway and follow the prompts to the desired platform. Wait for the train to appear and get on it. You only need to go one stop. Having reached the place, go outside, you need to find a silver one. Finding it is quite simple, the place is marked on the map. You need to go north of the metro station. When you approach the car, Niko will talk to the guy standing next to him. After this scene, the guy and his friend will chase you, even if you don't try to get into the car. Therefore, there is no need to stand on ceremony, jump into the car and crush the assholes.

After killing the enemies, go to Vlad. A little later the phone will ring and Vlad will tell you to go to the car wash to wash the car first. Well, it’s much easier. Just follow the indicated route. After washing, the route to the garage will be marked on the map. Remember that you must drive the car extremely carefully so as not to get it dirty or damage it. The garage will be open, so you need to park and the mission will be completed.

Mission 10: Ivan

The mission will begin in a bar with a conversation between Roman and Mickey. Then Vlad and Niko retire to talk about business, and then the mission begins. Go to the place indicated on the radar, in the process Ivan will join you and decide to race with you. Just stay close, don't do anything. When he stops and gets out of the car, do the same. You will have to run after him. Essentially, it all comes down to learning how to run, jump on roofs, climb stairs, etc. As a result, having driven Ivan into a corner, you will have to decide what to do next. You can leave him alive, or you can kill him. Decide for yourself.

Mission 11: Concrete Jungle

To get this task, go to Jacob, he lives on Dillon Street. Go to the door and ring the bell. Make sure you have subtitles turned on; without them, Jacob's argot is almost impossible to understand. In general, he needed you for a mission.

We go out into the street, get into the car and take Jacob wherever he asks, the route will be marked on the map. Having reached the place, you will be asked to park on the adjacent lane in order to help Jacob if necessary. As you can imagine, he has reason to be concerned. Enter the alley and turn the car left. When Jacob calls you and tells you about the men running away, go to the far end of the alley. Don't get out of the car, just run them over at full speed. Then go back and pick up Jacob.

Take him along the indicated route, everything is simple here. When you get out of the car, grab your gun and get ready. Hug the wall while Jacob takes out the door. Enter the house and make your way to the left into the dining room and then into the kitchen. There will be three bandits, one with a shotgun. After killing everyone, take the money and weapons. Return to the car, this will complete the mission.

Mission 12: Uncle Vlad

Head to the taxi office, where you will find a drinking Roman. Things are bad, we'll have to help again. Once in the car, drive along the route indicated on the map. Having arrived at the place and talked with Vlad, you will have to deal with two thugs. It's quite difficult to do this without a firearm, so don't be shy.

Run out the back door, jump into the car and start chasing the speeding car. It is marked with a red dot on the map. Chase Vlad until he reaches the checkpoint. There he will run out of the car and try to escape. Follow him out. After a short scene, Niko will knock him down and throw his corpse into the water.

Mission 13: Crime and Punishment

Having decided on Vlad, you can either call Roman yourself, or wait until he calls himself. As a result, you have to go to a meeting at a bar. After a short video, you will find yourself in the mansion of the tycoons, the bosses of Vlad, who you killed. Your first task from the new bosses is to steal a police car. Head to the location where you dropped Michelle off after your first date. The location will be marked on the map. The easiest way is to find a police car, and not wait until the driver leaves it, but push them with the bumper. When the policeman gets out of the car, quickly kill him and, if necessary, his partner, and then take the car. Ride around until you reset the possible pursuit. Please note that the car must remain in good condition.

You can now stop vans for inspection. You need one that transports equipment. You will see three vans on the map, stop them one by one until you find the one you need. A man will jump out and point a gun at you. Deal with him, then take the van. Following the route, you will reach a garage, after which the mission will end.

Mission 14: Do you have protection?

Go to Faustin's house, it is located in the southern part, and knock on the door. Your task will be to deliver Dmitry to a sex shop on Delaware Avenue. Get into the car parked at the entrance and look at the map. A route will appear on it. It's not too complicated. Having reached the place, park the car and follow Dmitry inside. He does a great job on his own, go into the back room and watch him handle things.

Notice the guy to your left. Dmitry will order to shoot him in the leg, for a better understanding. Aim better; if you hit the wrong target, the mission will not count. On the way to the car, Dmitry will ask you to take him to one more place. Once you reach the gun store, go inside and buy an ultrasound - $1500. To complete the mission, take Dmitry back to Faustin's house.

Mission 15: End of the Road

Head to the club on Tulsa Street. There you will find Dmitry and Faustin, they have a task for you. Your task is to kill. The work is unpleasant, but someone has to do it. Get into the car and go to your destination. Along the way, by calling Dmitry, you will make sure that the task needs to be completed. Having arrived at the place, get out of the car and run up to the platform.

After gaining control of Niko, immediately kill the first enemy and run after Leni. The main thing is to kill him before he gets off the platform and gets into the car. If he jumps into the car, things will get seriously complicated. It is not so easy to stop him, despite the fact that he drives quite slowly. And you clearly don’t need the extra attention of the police. So my advice to you is to kill him right away, while still on the platform.

Mission 16: Internet

Arriving at the taxi office, you will stumble upon Roman and his new friend. After they laugh at you enough, which is what you wanted, Nico had never heard of the Internet. Then you will be sent to the nearest Internet cafe to get acquainted with the subject.

The cafe you are looking for is called tw@. By following the directions on the map, you will reach your destination in no time. Approach the girl at the cash register, she will tell you where to sit. Follow the on-screen prompts to become familiar with the Internet and email. This will complete the task.

Mission 17: Love did not pass

Go to Faustin's house to start the next stage of the plot. He's worried about where Dmitry went, but that's not your concern. You need to follow Faustina's daughter and find out if she is having an affair with a motorcyclist. If yes, kill him. Having reached the place, you will see your daughter and the Motorcyclist. After a short scene, you will have to get on a motorcycle and go in pursuit. Driving it is not that difficult, the main thing is not to crash into anything and maneuver in traffic. Despite the game's prompts, do not shoot while riding a motorcycle. Wait until the guy meets his friends and they drive into the park. Stop the motorcycle and grab the car, now it will be much easier to chase the guys.

Motorcyclists will be divided into two groups, one next to the road, the other in the center of the park. Deal with them in this order. When everyone is killed, call Faustin and complete the mission.

Mission 18: Shadow

Visit Jacob at his home, where you will meet his companion. You will need to visit one dealer. In essence, the mission is simple. We go out into the street and go to the point marked on the map. Jacob will then order the dealer to be tracked. We follow him until we find ourselves on the top floor of one building. There you can knock down the door and get into the apartment. Take the best gun you have and take out the enemies inside. When Niko calls Jacob, the mission will be completed.

Mission 19: Ready to Explode

Head to Faustin's house. Shit his wife will open it. After some time, Faustin himself will appear and, after a small squabble with his wife, will give you a new task. First you need to get hold of a truck. Go outside and go to the area indicated on the map. There you will find an 18 wheeler truck. Ahead you will see a gas station, before reaching it, turn right and see a truck behind you. We get out of the car and get into the truck.

Now you need to drive it to the garage marked on the map. Please note that you are transporting explosives, so colliding and simply driving the truck carelessly is strictly not recommended. Once you reach the garage, park inside and activate the bomb. Niko will run out into the street. Get into any car and quickly get out of the area. Mission completed.

Mission 20: Search and Destroy

Roman will introduce you to his new friend - Bruce. After talking with him a little, you will receive a task. First you need to steal a police car. Remember that this is quite difficult to do, it is better to steal a parked car without police, stealing an occupied car is difficult, you will have to run away from the police for a long time before they stop looking for you.

Go to Asparagus Avenue, staying as close as possible to the house that is your destination. Go inside and look for the guy they ordered for you. He will run away and try to escape in a car.

Chase him until he starts to slow down, then start ramming his car until he finally stops and runs on foot. Just run him over to complete the mission.

Mission 21: It couldn't be simpler

The mission is terribly simple. Bruce will order the car to be stolen. Well, let's take it and steal it. When you steal a car, you will be chased by three enemy cars. Just run away from them, don't get involved in a shootout.

Mission 22: Molotov

Dmitry will call you and offer to meet, as a result he will offer to kill Faustin. Well, let's try.

Take the car and go to the club. Stop the car at the indicated location and some time after Faustin enters the club, you will receive a message from Dmitry. He reports that around the corner of the club, he left you some package - a bulletproof vest. Pick it up, it will come in handy.

Arm yourself with a shotgun and enter the club. After the video, at the end of which you will have to deal with two bodyguards, after which you can switch to a pistol or an ultrasound. Destroy the newly approaching enemies until you see Faustin running out.

Once outside, turn right and deal with the remaining bodyguards, and go to the stairs leading to the roof. When you find yourself next to Faustin, get ready, he will open fire on you. The best strategy is to rush forward and take a few shots on your body armor. You will lose a little health, but you will be able to shoot him point blank.

Mission 23: Russian Revolution

Talk to Dmitry about payment, and then drive around the area a little until Jacob calls you and informs you that the Russian mafia has a lot of hostility towards you.

Go to the warehouse where you agreed to meet with Dmitry. After completing the video, you will find yourself under fire from superior enemy forces. Luckily there is plenty of cover around. Don't leave any enemies behind you and only move to the next cover when there are no enemies around. Watch out for the enemies on the second floor, they can cause a lot of trouble.

When everyone except Dmitry and old acquaintance Niko are destroyed, the police will arrive, and Dmitry and the second man will escape. About eight police officers will be waiting for you on the street. Kill as many people as possible without leaving the garage, and when you do have to leave, hide behind the nearest car. Steal one of the police cars and drive away. Break away from the pursuit, and then take Jacob wherever he asks.

Mission 24: Roman's Sorrow

When you receive an alarm call from Roman, immediately go to meet him. We need to hide it somewhere. The apartment was burned, as was the office. New coordinates will appear on the map, head there. It's good that Mallory found you a new place to live. Go to the specified coordinates to Juliet Avenue. After talking with Roman, Mallory will appear and tell you that she knows people who can give you a job.

Mission 25: Out of the Closet

Go to Bruce, he has a job for you. When you arrive at the place, you will find Roman there, he and Bruce have come up with a kind of plan. Bruce wants to punish the debtor, for this he needs to find one person, and for this you were introduced to him through a dating site for fagots.

Go to an internet cafe and visit the LoveMeet website. Select the gender you are interested in - male and look for Tom French in the list. Send him an email inviting him to chat. That's it, you can go about your business until you receive a call from Roman, with information that Tom is interested. Check your mail, then go to the place indicated on the map - a cafe on Bart Street. Arriving at the place you will find Tom. Sit down at the table for a while, then stand up and shoot him.

Mission 26: Number One

Bruce wants you to steal a souped-up car to take part in underground racing. Let's go on a search. The navigator will show you where to go. Having arrived at the place, get into a sports car and go to the racing venue. Arriving at the place you will find five racers ready to race.

You just need to win the race, I won’t give you any advice, it all depends on your driving skills. At the end you will have to take Bruce home, he will praise you for your excellent performance and give you a car.

Mission 27: Business on the Street

There is a community center on Quentin Avenue, head there to meet a guy named Manny. He runs serious affairs and is ready to provide work. He wants to clear the streets of drug dealers, he will have to do it.

Having arrived at the place, you will see the dealer driving away in his car, go after him. Don't get too close or too far away to avoid losing or exposing yourself. Climb the fire escape to the neighboring building, then move along the boards to the one you need and look for an open window in the roof. Jump down. You will lose some health, but it is much more important now to kill the enemies. Hide in shelters and kill them one by one. Collect all the money and weapons, then go outside to complete the mission.

Mission 28: Street Cleaner

Go to Manny, he has a new task for you. After the cutscene, when you regain control, go outside, get into the car and head east to Windmill Street. Follow the directions of the navigation system, it will take you to your destination.

Upon arrival, you will see many armed enemies and a car quickly driving away. You can spit on your enemies, your task is to intercept the car. Chase her and shoot. Your task is to kill those inside. Then, making sure that they are dead, return to the auto shop where you left the enemies and destroy them. When the last enemy is destroyed, Niko will call Manny and inform him that the mission is complete.

Mission 29: Irish Luck

After some time, Mallory will call you and say that she has another acquaintance with work for you. Look at the map and find the letter marker. go there. There you will meet Elizabeth and Patrick McReary. Patrick will tell you that he does not trust the people with whom he will make a deal. You will have to sit on the nearby roof with a rifle and monitor what is happening.

Head to Juliet Avenue and climb to the roof of the marked building. You need to take the sniper rifle that lies there.

Go to the marked observation point and sit down. You will have to kill all enemies indicated on the map. Shoot in the head or chest for one-shot kills.

The second task is to save Patrick. Kill the enemies that attack him. And finally, the third task is to kill enemies trying to escape in a car.

Mission 30: Cover

Elizabeth has a holiday, there are crowds of merry people in the apartment. She will introduce you to two new people: the first is Johnny, the second is . There is a case involving heroin and you can participate in it. Go to the address indicated and park your car in the marked area.

As you start climbing up the stairs, don't forget to grab the shotgun lying on the first floor behind the stairs. Climb to the very top until you meet a biker. He takes you to the next room. However, the buyer will behave strangely - he will ask too many questions. Later it turns out that this is a police operation.

Quickly attack the enemies nearby, but leave what you're doing as soon as he tells you to go up the stairs. This must be done immediately, as the police blocked all exits. When going upstairs, be careful, you will meet policemen, they will have to be destroyed.

Eventually you will end up on the roof. Immediately behind the door leading to the roof there will be a first aid kit, you can improve your health. You need to cross the roof and reach the opposite wall to get into the next building. Move slowly, destroying the police along the way.

You'll have to do everything exactly the opposite. Having reached the door, we need to go down to the first floor. Along the way you will come across police officers, we act as usual. Once on the first floor, run out into the street and make your way to the nearest car. Get inside and take it where he says, the place will be shown on the map. Once you reach the point, you will successfully complete the mission.

Mission 31: Puerto Rican Connections

Go meet Manny at the Public Relations Center. He will give you a task to deal with some guys, agree. Get into the car and go to the place indicated on the map. Having arrived at your destination, you will see a train with Manny's enemies leaving the station, you will have to chase it.

Watch for the red train dot and stay on parallel streets. You must arrive at the Kyago Avenue station at the same time as or slightly before your train. The game will display a message that the people you need have gotten off the train. Try to meet them at the descent from the station, a shotgun will be great here. There will be four enemies in total, do not miss any of them if you want to complete the mission successfully.

Mission 32: Destruction for Dummies

Go home to, after a long scene, you will receive a task. First, go after the car with the weapon, it is marked on the map, then head to the target. First, use your sniper rifle to kill the enemies on the roof of the high building directly in front of you, then follow the directions to climb up to the roof. Once on the roof, get ready to shoot again.

There are three snipers hiding somewhere in the area. You can find them on the map. Your task is to kill all three. Then go downstairs to the street and take the machine gun and go to the goal. Please note that not all enemies here will be visible on the map, so you will have to be extremely careful.

Move forward and destroy everyone. One of the enemies will be sitting on the roof, take him out with a rifle. After some time, a helicopter will appear, quickly run towards it and destroy the enemies so that not a single target escapes. Using the nearby stairs, you will reach the final goal - this will complete the mission.

Mission 33: Snow Storm

Elizabeth will call you and ask you to help deal with Jacob, they have problems that need to be resolved. Arriving at the place, you will find them arguing about the stolen cocaine. Well, we'll have to help and solve this problem.

You need to find an old hospital, go to Colony Island, it will be marked on the map, and don’t forget to check if you have a weapon, there’s no way without it. Having arrived at the place, kill the enemies guarding the entrance. Those inside will be wary. Get through the hole in the fence using a sniper rifle and kill three enemies inside the building, they are clearly visible through the window.

Then drive the car as close to the hospital entrance as possible, leaving the door open. This will help after completing the mission. Come inside. Kill the guy on the right, then shoot the barrel to blow up the guy at the end of the hall. Next, move towards drugs, bringing death. Once you take them, contact Jacob. After this, the police will storm the hospital.

Your task is to stay alive and get rid of persecution. Take the bulletproof vest and leave the way you came. You need to have time to remove the first wave of police before reinforcements arrive.

Get into the car and drive to the Pay N "Spray salon, where you can repaint the car. It is important that the police do not see you entering the auto paint shop. Once you finally get rid of the police, Niko will call Jacob and you will meet with him. From video, you will learn that Michelle actually worked for the government and was watching you.

Mission 34: Sell your heart

When you visit Elizabeth, you will see that things are very bad. She's on cocaine, waving a gun and afraid that she'll go to jail. Manny and his friends arrived at the wrong time and were killed. Your task is to take the corpses to a doctor who will sell the organs and help get rid of the bodies. The mission is simple, you just need to drive the car carefully and not attract the attention of the police.

Mission 35: Photo Hunt

Visit Playboy X, he will give you a new task. Having received from him a new mobile phone with a digital camera inside. It is needed so that you can take pictures of several guys on the basketball court, and among them you could find the one who needs to be killed.

Take a car and drive to the basketball courts. After the tutorial video, go to the desired site, take out your mobile phone, and take a photo of the three guys standing in the middle of the site.

If you were close enough and took the right photo, Playboy will call you and order you to kill the guy in blue.

Please note that after you start completing this short mission, all the nearby basketball players will not deny themselves the opportunity to count your ribs. My advice is to go as far as possible, hide, take a sniper rifle and kill the right guy. After it, the mission will be considered completed.

Mission 36: Brutal Rider

Here is the first mission with Dwayne. It includes his girlfriend and her new boyfriend. Dwayne is upset that the girl he gave everything to without asking for anything in return is now dating another guy. Considering that he gave her all his savings, Niko offers to help.

Take a car and go to the arcade in Chinatown. There you will meet a sweet couple, and you will have a choice - which one to kill. The girl should not be killed, as in the future she can become another side task. The guy will take out the ultrasound and rush away from you, chase him to kill him. Take everything he has, including the money, and return to Dwayne.

Mission 37: Strip to Kill

Dwayne wants to return the strip club that was taken from him by gangsters. Go to a strip club. There will be three managers inside. Two of them will be chatting on the stairs, and the third is in the office, counting money. Go there and shoot him. In order not to attract attention, try to kill him quietly, you can use a weapon with a silencer if you have one. When you go outside, you will find out that they have relocated, but for now you will have to take care of the zealous guards. The second manager can be found behind the building.

By the time you finish with the second manager, the police will probably already arrive. The third manager hangs out in the private rooms. The police will burst through the back door, and the manager will try to escape from you in a car. We need to catch up with him as soon as possible and kill him. Quickly leave the scene of the crime and drive around the city until you break away from the pursuit, if there is one, of course.

Mission 38: Negotiations

Mallory will call you and say that Roman hasn’t been home for a long time. A little later, a second call will follow, in which she will tell him that he was kidnapped by the Russians. And then Dmitry will send a message with a photo of the captured Roman. Go to the abandoned warehouse where he is being held. You won't be able to drive into the area, so go on foot. Don't forget to bring a machine gun. Having reached the checkpoint, you will see a video, after which the main action will begin.

Just kill everyone and move forward. Roman is being held on the top floor, so you need to get there. When everything calms down, run to the center to attract the attention of the people walking above, this will make them give away their positions. Now you can take cover again and destroy your enemies.

Having cleared the second floor in the same way, we go up to the third. You will hear Roman's screams, be careful, there will be enemies here too. Finally you will see the office space where Roman is being held, go there.

Shoot the enemy holding Roman at gunpoint, then run to the car and drive away.

Mission 39: Call

At some point, an unknown person will call you and offer to meet you at the docks - this is a policeman and he needs you. You need to return some photos, and if you refuse, you will immediately be handed over to the authorities, so there is no choice.

Go to the specified address. You have the suspect's phone number. There are a lot of people around, call and see who answers the call. Kill him and take the photos. Take them to the policeman and the mission will be completed.

Mission 40: Final Interview

Mc"Ryri wants you to steal some files from lawyer Tom Goldberg. To do this, you need to pass an interview at the company. After the video, go to the Internet cafe. There, go to the website and click on the link. After writing your resume, You will be notified that you will be contacted as soon as possible.

After a minute or two, the phone will ring and say that the interview will be tomorrow. The corresponding mark will appear in the telephone scheduler. Niko will call McCreary and say that the matter has already begun. Next, you need to visit the Perseus clothing store to buy a suit and good boots. And only after that go to Goldberg’s office at the appointed time.

Talk to the girl sitting at the registration desk. She will inform Goldberg that you have arrived and will take you to him. There you will sit and listen to his chatter until a message appears that the lawyer needs to be killed. This can be done in several ways. However, the most effective is the use of a knife. Quickly switch to him, stand up and hit Tom several times. This way, you won’t make a fuss, calmly take the files you need, and leave the building without incident.

Once on the street, go to Mc'Riri and give it to him. The mission will be completed.

Mission 41: Dutch Nights

Mc'Riri will order you to get rid of the drug dealer. He doesn't want to wait until the necessary evidence is collected, all he wants is to destroy him. Go to Vauxite Street, where the dealer is hiding.

Take the car and follow the GPS to the indicated point. As soon as you arrive, call McRiri, he will say that the guy is on the second floor. Go to the stairs on the first floor, it is guarded, so you will have to shoot.

Using cover, move up. Your victim will run to the roof, chase him, not forgetting to shoot from his friends. This is quite easy to do if you have an automatic machine. On the second floor there will be a first aid kit on the wall on the left. Take it.

Eventually you will reach the roof. The guy you need will be hiding behind an iron container, but when you get close to him, he will give up. And now you will have a choice - kill him or leave him alive.

I decided to take pity on him and not kill him, he promised to re-educate. Then he will give you a side quest. Regardless of the decision made, you will have to run away from the police. If you have a lot of health, you can jump from the roof to the ground and steal a car, and then reset the pursuit. The mission is then considered completed.

Mission 42: Decoy

Mak'Riri wants you to kill the new boss of the group. He promises that this will be the last mission from him.

First you need to pick up a sniper rifle. Once you are in the car, you will be told to go to Denver Avenue. It's a few blocks away.

On the spot, you will need to get to the roof in order to kill the right person from there. But as soon as you position yourself there, it turns out that although the window is open, there is no way to get into the victim.

Use the scope to find out the phone number 545-555-0122. when he appears at the window, shoot. Once he is dead, the mission is completed.

Mission 43: Harbor

Mission 44: Unconnected Murder

Paki wants to rob the mafia with the help of you and two more of his friends. Take a car that can fit four people and take your accomplices. After this, go to the abandoned warehouse on Colony Island, near the parking lot. Climb over the fence.

You will be greeted by about ten bandits. Hide and shoot back from them. Try not to shoot at your friends. Once the area is cleared, enter the building. If you have little health, then the first aid kit is near the entrance. There will be seven or eight people inside, whom you also need to get rid of. Move to the second floor, where you will need to take money. Once you take the money, go back down.

The Italians attack you there. Your goal is to get out of this trap as quickly as possible along with Paki and the money. Kill everyone who comes your way, but don't try to destroy everyone else, as there are too many of them and your health is too low. Run to the dock behind the warehouse. There, get on the boat and take Paki to safety.

Mission 45: Trefoil

Go to Paki, there you will meet his two brothers and witness a short dialogue. They want to involve us in a new operation, but not everyone trusts us. One of the brothers will say so directly.

Take a four-seater vehicle and pick up the guys. Once they are inside, drive to the bank marked by the GPS. Once you arrive, go inside and watch the video. Once the safe is open, go down and get the money.

Unfortunately, the police got wind of the robbery and are already surrounding the bank building. Go to the entrance and shoot them a couple of times. After you kill the policemen closest to you, Paki and his friends will rush to the right around the corner.

There will be a lot of police around, so be careful and take cover. Once all the police are eliminated, Packy will tell you to run. Run across the street, shooting back at the police indecently close to you, and hide in the back alleys. Hug the wall and shoot until it explodes at the two or three police cars that have just arrived. This is the best way to get rid of pursuers for a while, but it requires a significant amount of ammunition.

Move down the street, shooting back from the police. When you have a chance, run down the street and go into the subway. Kill two or three policemen on your way. By then you will have little health, so don't hesitate to take cover. A dozen police officers will be waiting for you on the platform. We'll have to deal with them too.

Packie and Derrick will run away through the tunnel, follow them, along the way you can take a first aid kit on the wall. Get outside. Grab the car and get away as quickly as possible, you need to stop the police pursuit. After that, take Paki to his mom to complete the mission.

Mission 46: Wrong is True

Not far from Columbus Avenue, there is a question mark on the map, go to this place. Michel will meet you there, after a short conversation, he will introduce you to the stranger. He won’t say his name, but Niko is completely in his hands, he will have to complete the task. We need to deal with the Russian mafia.

Take a car and drive to the specified address without attracting attention. When you get there, stop the car and go to the door marked with a marker. On the small table you will find Oleg's laptop. Call a stranger, he will tell you to check your email. You need the top of the three letters; after reading it, you will call the stranger again and find out Oleg’s new location. Go there.

Find a large, fast car, as you will have to maneuver in heavy traffic. Calmly pursue him until he comes out onto the bridge. This is where you need to start pushing his car. Try to make sure that he gets into a disaster. When the car takes enough damage, he will stop and lock himself inside, begging for mercy. Kill him and the mission will be completed.

Mission 47: Portrait of a Killer

Go back to the stranger, he will have a new task. A government agent asks you to kill a man so that you won't be prosecuted for old cases. As soon as you find yourself on the street, you will receive an MMS with a photo of the victim.

Get a police car and find this guy through the computer. After uploading the photo, it turns out that the victim’s name is Adam Dimeev and he belongs to a group of people who provide financial support to terrorists.

Go to the indicated place, there will be many guys guarding Dimeev. If you don't have a sniper rifle, you'll have a tough time. Get hold of a rifle and kill as many enemies as possible from a respectful distance.

Left without guards, Dimeev will surrender, but this does not matter, we will have to kill him.

Mission 48: Eraser

A government agent wants you to track a person with ties to terrorism. When you arrive at the place, the agent will call you and order you to follow the helicopter, which will film the city. When he sits down, you need to drive him away.

You must have a vehicle fast and maneuverable enough to keep up with the helicopter. You will need to drive along the highway, since the helicopter crosses the city and is clearly visible. He will land at the bridge, at the dock. The main thing is to arrive at the place on time. You will immediately need to kill the two guards at the entrance, then the people around the helicopter. After that, you can climb inside and fly away. You need to fly to the airport, where government agents will pick him up.

Mission 49: Official Version

In the northwest of the Grammer road, the helicopter you just stole will be waiting for you. Go to the place, where you will find that Jacob will assist you. Having arrived at the place, climb into the helicopter, after which a video will start in which you will be shown a helicopter that you need to follow.

The easiest way is to follow it on the radar; it will be indicated by a red dot. Try to stay as close as possible. When the pursued target leaves the residential areas, move closer. Once above the surface of the water, approach it, adjust your altitude so that you fly at the same level. After this, Jacob will shoot down the helicopter with his rocket launcher.

Mission 50: Road to Fall

Paki's friend, Italian Ray Baccino, lives on Denver Avenue. Go to a meeting with him and receive your first task. It turns out that one of Ray's former friends doesn't like the increased losses in the business. He asks you to find and kill the culprit. Once outside, read the message from Ray - there will be a photo of the guy you need. Remember his face, get into the car and move along the path indicated in the navigation system.

Having arrived at the place, you will need to establish the place of residence of Teddy Banavidetsi. To do this, talk to the guy in a sports sweatshirt with a number, he hangs out nearby. True, he won’t want to tell you anything, but by pointing the gun, you’ll quickly find out everything. It turns out that Teddy lives in room 151 K, on ​​the top floor.

Enter the building and take the elevator up. At this time, the guy with whom you had a nice chat will call Teddy and he will already be waiting for you fully armed. You'll have to hide and shoot back. The main thing is to use cover and then you can easily move forward.

Move towards the stairs and go up to the next floor. Kill the guys in the room on the left. There will also be a first aid kit there. Eventually you will reach Teddy's door. There you will have to finish off three more enemies. Then go to the kitchen, there is a first aid kit. After you leave the kitchen, Teddy will knock you down and run away. Run to the roof, killing two of his friends along the way. On the roof, take out another enemy, then run after Teddy. You need to try to hit him with a pistol or shotgun, as jumping over rooftops is dangerous.

After killing him, you will receive a call on your mobile phone, which means that the mission is completed.

Mission 51: Garbage Truck

Go to Ray, he wants you to collect something for him. Go outside and go around the corner, approach the Garbage Truck. After this, a video will start in which you will meet Ray's friends - Tuna Fish, Johnny Spazi and Luca. After this, they will tell you to take the garbage truck to Chinatown.

The two guys in the back will take the packages. You will have to open the container of the garbage truck. After that, get into the garbage truck and drive to the next goal.

As soon as the guys put down the bags and jump on board, a car will start chasing you. Drive to the target marked on the map as quickly as possible. The garbage truck is not very maneuverable, so it will be difficult. Strive to ensure that there is as little damage as possible.

When you arrive at the point indicated on the map, a video will start. Mission complete.

Mission 52: Failure

In the previous mission, you were not able to pick up the things Rey needed, so you have to do it now.

Get into the car and drive to the indicated point. After the video, Luka will try to run away, and since he can tell Rey that you stole the diamonds from him, you should kill Luka.

Chase him and shoot at the car, but don't blow it up. Otherwise, if Luke dies, all the diamonds will be lost. Try to remove the guy who is leaning out of the window and shooting at you. After this, it will be easier to pursue the car.

Eventually, there will be a showdown in Central Park. Kill three opponents, at this time Luka will hide in the toilet. Shoot at the booths until you find and kill him.

Niko will call Ray and say that he destroyed the brigade, and he has the diamonds. Then he will make an appointment on the bridge. Go through the park and give the jewelry to Ray. This will complete the mission.

Mission 53: Museum Treasures

Niko wants Rey to help him find a man named Florian Kravic. Ray, of course, agrees, but not for nothing. He says that he agrees to help, but before that he needs to go to the Museum and sell the diamonds there.

You need to meet a guy named Johnny. Take a car and go to the museum. Meet Johnny, it will turn out to be a biker from one of the previous missions. After the video in which the bandit interrupts the purchase, you will need to leave the museum building. Naturally, security will try to remove you, but fortunately there are plenty of covers inside that you can easily hide behind.

Move along the top floor balcony, killing enemies. Don't forget to heal yourself, there will be a first aid kit hanging on the wall. One of the defeated enemies (on the stairs) will have a Desert Eagle pistol - it is not only possible, but also necessary to take it. There will be another first aid kit almost at the exit. Surely you will need it. As soon as you get a chance to get into the car, do it and press on the gas as hard as you can to get out of this hell. Drop the tail and that's it, the mission is over.

Mission 54: There are no traffic jams in the subway

Return to Ray again, this time he will want you to calm down some motorcyclists. In reality, this means that they need to be banged. Take a car and go to the place where the bikers hang out. After the cutscene, you must jump on the motorcycle and start chasing. Ultimately, they will go underground. Don’t skimp on ammunition, shoot at your enemies with all your heart, this way you’ll kill them faster.

Remember that it will not be possible to remove them before the subway; inside, beware of scheduled trains, but when leaving the subway, you can very well kill motorcyclists. All in your hands.

Mission 55: Weekend with Florian

A little later, Ray will contact you and tell you that he has found Florian Kravik. You need to meet with Talbot Daniels, and he, in turn, will take you to Kravik. After Niko calls Roman and says that he needs his help, look for a car and go home. Roman will be waiting for you there. Take it with you, then go to Talbot.

After the conversation, he will agree to show you where Kravik lives. In the car, it will actually tell you where to go, like where to turn. Listen to it carefully, it would be a good idea to turn on the subtitles in case you don’t understand something.

Ultimately, you find an apartment and find out that the guy you need to find, Niko, has changed his name to Darko Brevik.

Mission 56: The Last Deal

Returning back to Ray, you realize that he is in trouble. The diamond dealer wants to kill Ray, you need to stop him. The dealer lives at the Majestic Hotel and his location will be marked on the map. Having reached the hotel (using the navigation system), watch the video, then take the elevator up.

When you get up, you will meet guys who will say that they weren't really looking forward to meeting you. Kill the one closest to you and hide behind cover. Eliminate everyone in the room, then go upstairs. Move, remembering to use tactical cover. In the kitchen there will be a first aid kit on the wall. Go upstairs and kill the dealer in the bedroom as he packs his suitcase. Decide for yourself what to do with his wife.

After that, run to the roof. There are a few hostile guys there, but they shouldn't give you too much trouble. After killing all the enemies, you will receive a small wanted level and the goal is to escape pursuit. Collect ammunition and body armor, and go down the stairs to the roof level below. There will be an elevator that will help you get to the ground. From here we jump into the car and drive around the city until we give up the pursuit.

Mission 57: Action is better than words

Remember when Packie and I robbed the bank, his brother was there. Did we still meet him then? If you go to Garry, Packie's brother, now, he can give Niko a job. He wants you to bomb a car and use it to eliminate Tony Black. Everything needs to be arranged in such a way that Ancelotti is sure that the Albanians arranged it.

Go to the point indicated on the map, there you can find a bomb and a car. Once the bomb is planted, Niko will contact Garry. Ancelotti and the Albanians meet in. Tony's car is parked in an alley just off Feldspar Street. Your task is to plant a bomb unnoticed. Then you need to go back to the others.

After finding Tony's car, place a bomb on the back side. Then drive to the opposite side of the street and wait, you need to be on Ancelotti's tail. You need to act in such a way that they do not notice you. Be behind them, at a sufficiently large distance, but at the same time do not lose sight of them. Follow them on the map.

In a few minutes, they will arrive at their headquarters. You must get out of the car, go to the place indicated on the map and call Garry - an explosion will sound.

After the explosion, you will need to kill the surviving Italians. It’s good if you have a sniper rifle, in which case you can move further away and kill them from a respectful distance. After killing all the enemies, quickly run away from the crime scene, the police are looking for you. Drive your car around the city without attracting attention until you get away from the pursuit.

Mission 58: I need your rags, boots and motorcycle

Go back to Garry, he has a job for you again. By the way, you will meet Kate there. After the video, you and Garry will go to the kitchen, where he will offer you a new job. Someone is watching him, we need to figure out what’s going on. To do this you need to dress up as an Albanian. Luckily for you, the guys have a dead Albanian in the refrigerator and, oddly enough, his clothing size matches Niko's.

After the video, go outside and get on the motorcycle. Follow the directions of the navigation system and drive to your destination. After another cutscene, Franky will try to escape on a motorcycle, so you need to chase him and stop him.

There will be several moments during the chase where you will get close enough to Franky to take aim at him. Try not to miss them. Once he is dead, the mission is complete.

Mission 59: Hatred

We met with Benny not long ago, let's visit him and at the same time find out if he has a job. It turns out that he is worried about some troubles. One guy threatens him. He asks Niko to sort out the situation and he promises to help. The downside is that Benny will have to be used as bait.

Take the car and take him to central park. After this he must run all alone. Stand still for three seconds and follow him so as not to arouse suspicion and look like an ordinary person.

After he runs into the tunnel, a guy with a bat will be waiting for him at the exit. Benny is kind of gay, and the guy with the bat really doesn't like them. He will try to run away, you must run after him, you can shoot a couple of times. Having reached the scooters, get on one of them and continue the chase. After killing an enemy, you will receive wanted stars and an assignment: pick up Benny. Take your time, get rid of the persecution first, this is more important now.

Afterwards, you can calmly and without haste return and pick up Benny. He will ask you to take him home. Basically, if you don’t want to take a long trip, take a taxi and do everything quickly. This will complete the mission.

Mission 60: Ride Together

Return to Benny, it turns out that he is being blackmailed. He naturally wants to find the assholes and viciously abuse the hell out of them.

Take a good car, Benny will ask for a luxury car, so you'll have to steal one. Go on a date with the extortionists, the route is shown in the navigation system. When you arrive, watch the video. The enemies will try to elude you, but we will stop them.

Follow them. Don't waste bullets, wait until they get out of the cars and run. This is where you can calmly shoot them. We get away from the police again, and after we give up the pursuit, we take Benny home.

Mission 61: Truck Chase

Ray has a friend Phil. At some point, he will bring you together and you will be able to complete a couple of tasks for him. The first time Phil wants you to steal a drug truck from the triads. As soon as you arrive at the place, they will show a video with a truck that needs to be stolen. There are many hostile types around him. Use covers and remove them. I would recommend a sniper rifle, a headshot solves a lot of problems.

After everyone is killed, the driver will try to escape with the truck. The fact is that shooting won’t solve anything here; you’ll have to run after the truck until a video starts in which Niko tries to stay on it.

Once it is hooked, you need to quickly press the run button many times to climb onto the roof. Crawl towards the cabin, maintaining your balance as you turn. And having reached the driver, Niko himself will kill him.

Call Phil. He will say that the truck is a gift for his nephew, and it needs to be taken to him. Once you arrive at the location, the mission is completed.

Mission 62: Boat Trip

Head to Benny again. This time he will ask you to accompany him on some kind of boat trip. You need to swim to the island of fireflies. After the video, Dmitry's guys will appear and open fire on you. In response, you need to pursue them without wasting ammunition.

Start the boat chase. You need to chase your enemies until they land on the shore and run away. Quickly dock, get out of the boat and kill the fleeing enemies. One will be on the wooden pier, the other two are behind the hill.

Returning to Benny will complete the mission.

Mission 63: Put in place

Have you forgotten our old friend Mc'Riri? Return to him and take an order to eliminate one type who is threatening his family. Get a police car, as always, be extremely careful. Stealing police cars is one of the most difficult tasks. Enter the victim's name into the computer. You will find out which establishment this guy usually visits. Find this place on the map and go there using the navigation system.

The difficulty is that you not only have to kill this guy, but also deal with his cronies. Having arrived at the place, turn on the sirens to scare him away and when he rushes towards his friends, sit on his tail.

As soon as he runs into the house, stop the car and, using it as cover, kill the guy standing at the entrance. Go into the house and kill everyone. As soon as the last enemy is dead, you will have to run away, since you have come under the attention of the police. Once you reset the police pursuit, the mission will end.

Mission 64: Nanny

There is a place on the map called the Booth Tunnel; it connects two city blocks. Go to it and look for a small pier nearby. There you will encounter Derek. He will offer you a small job. He wants you to work as a sea captain. He must meet a Korean named Kim to give him contraband and counterfeit dollars.

Take a boat and get out on the water. After a short cutscene, you will have to follow Kim's boat. Soon a third boat will appear and attack the Korean. Try to stay close to the aggressors and hit the person driving the boat right in the head. Derrick will provide you with fire support, although not very effective. It is much easier to leave a boat without a driver than to blow it up, wasting a lot of bullets.

Then Derrick will tell you that a helicopter has appeared on the horizon. There is a rocket launcher in the back of the boat - take it and destroy the helicopter so that it does not interfere with you. If there is still ammunition left, do not hesitate, use the rocket launcher against the boats. The main thing in the dark is not to hit Kim.

Once all enemies are eliminated, return to the driver's seat and follow Kim to the docks.

Mission 65: Tunnel of Death

And Derek again. This time he will ask you to kill his old drinking buddy named Aiden O'Maley. Soon after this, Packie will call you and say that O'Maley is under surveillance and has more police protection than the mayor of Liberty City himself.

Paki left you a truck, let's use it. The convoy with O'Malley must pass through the tunnel, so Paki wants you to block the tunnel on one side. As soon as the convoy enters, Paki will block them on the other.

Later, Niko will say that he will not kill O'Malley, since the first person to be mistaken for a suspect will be Derrick. He wants to set it up as a prison escape.

Once you block the tunnel, the battle will begin. In principle, you can practically not lose health if you use a truck as cover and shoot from an assault rifle or AK-47. Once everyone is dead, get into the van with O'Malley and drive through the tunnel, then break out and get away from the police.

Niko will suggest getting rid of the truck as it is attracting too much attention, and you will go to a quiet place. And from there, on Paka’s orders, to another.

After a short conversation with O'Malley, you, unfortunately, will have to kill him, this will end the mission.

Mission 66: Blood Brothers

Francis McReary orders the murder of his brother Derek, because he wants to tell the whole truth to journalists about Francis.

Take a car and go to the park. As soon as you get into the car, Derek will call you and say that he has suspicions about Francis. Like, he wants to kill him and all that. And he, in turn, will ask Niko to kill his brother, Francis.

When you arrive, Francis will call and say that Niko can take the window washer elevator and take a position there to kill Derrick. Niko will say that he himself knows what to do.

Having reached the roof on the elevator, watch the video and decide who to kill.

If you kill Francis Mc'Reary, you will receive thanks from Derek and the right to Francis' funeral.

After killing Derek Mc'Riri, you will receive $10,000 from Francis, as well as the opportunity to use his help to remove several wanted stars. In the funeral mission, Derek will be mourned, accordingly.

Whatever you decide, something needs to be done. After the murder, get off the roof using the same elevator and reset the police pursuit.

Mission 67: Funeral

This is actually the funeral that was promised five minutes ago. You need to attend the funeral of someone from McCreary, regardless of who you killed. To do this, at Paki's request, you need to buy a good suit and good shoes.

Next there will be a video in the church, after which the Albanians will attack. Sit at the entrance to the church and shoot at the newly arriving enemies. Use cover and fire until everyone on your side flees the scene. Then Paki will tell you to get into the hearse and take your brother's body to the cemetery.

Follow the directions on the map. A little later the Albanians will attack you again. Keep moving, but try to be careful not to drop the coffin. The whole point is to drive quickly but carefully. If there is a lot of damage, the varnished box with the body will simply fly out of the car.

Once you reach the cemetery safe and sound, you will see the completion of the mission.

Mission 68: Pride of Pegorinno

Jimmy Pegorino asks you to work for him as a security guard while he negotiates with another influential family.

Get into Pegorino's car and wait until the others get in. Then drive to the abandoned refinery. Taking a sniper rifle, climb to the vantage point and take up an observation position. You must observe the negotiations and open fire if any unpleasant situation arises.

Enter the warehouse (entrance door next to the car) and go upstairs. Follow the meeting, then shoot the guys, go down and save Pegorino.

You will be met by three or four opponents. Hide behind the car and shoot them from cover. Move on, shooting at the mafiosi along the way. You need to be fast, since Pegorino is not strong enough to withstand an attack without Niko for a long time. Having reached Jimmy, watch a short video in which they will try to escape from you in a car. Don't shoot, but sit on the tail. When the guys stop, kill them, take their car and go back to Pegorino.

Then take him home. The mission will end here.

Mission 69: Payback

Jimmy has problems again, and we will solve them again. Take a car and go to the place marked on the map. After the cutscene, the enemy will try to evade you. We act as always, you need to sit on his tail and ram him as much as possible. When his car stops, jump out of your own car and open fire. Take the money from the corpses and then give up the pursuit. After this, the mission will end.

Mission 70: Riding the Wave

Head to the strip bar on Tinderbox Street. Go inside and look for a guy named Phil. Phil says there's a truck waiting for you on Catskill Avenue. Having arrived at the place, get into the truck and take it to the place marked on the map. It turns out that the Russian guys don't trust you. We'll have to kill them.

Shoot until Phil rushes into the thick of the enemies. Now we need to hurry so that he is not killed. Once you find yourself in the middle of a battle, get ready. First of all, you need to kill those enemies who took positions at the top. Go in from behind and kill the guys on the docks. Then go to the left pier, there is a bulletproof vest there. Get on the boat and get out of there.

After you cross the bridge, you will be chased by two boats. We need to fight back. Once you reach the yellow marker, the mission will end.

Mission 71: Continuous Line

Jimmy needs you to kill his former bodyguard, who is lying in the hospital under guard. Take a car and go to the hospital.

Leave your car near the entrance and do not close the door behind you - this will help when escaping from the building. Weapons also need to be hidden while walking along hospital corridors. Anthony can be found in the Emergency Department, which is to the right of the entrance. There will be a separate room where you can change clothes so as not to attract attention.

Once in the room, ask the police to leave the room, and break the vital apparatus yourself. Exit through the window. And run away, the mission is over.

Mission 72: Causing Damage

Phil will ask you to take him to the factory on Argus Street. Once there, enter the basement through the passage next to the generator, behind the building.

Go through the gap in the wall and kill two or three guys, then go up the stairs. There will be two more there. There is another enemy lurking in the back room. After you reach the next floor, Charlie will try to run away from you. First of all, kill his bodyguards.

Move slowly, knocking out enemies one by one, until you reach a room with windows. There Charlie will jump out onto the roof. Kill the guys in the room first, then go out to the roof. There will be a first aid kit and new enemies.

Charlie will cross the roof and run towards the stairs by the chimneys. Run after him. Now the most difficult thing will happen, a helicopter will fly in, and you need to try to kill Charlie before he flies away in the helicopter. Once you kill him, the mission will end.

Mission 73: Live and Die in Alderney

Phil wants to go to the old mansion to check the drugs and weapons hidden there.

Take the car and take him to the mansion. After he shows the drugs and weapons, an FBI car will appear.

Leave the garage and follow Phil, shooting back from the FBI. Eventually, Phil will tell you that you need to get rid of the car and continue on foot. Drive into the alley and watch the video.

Kill the two policemen who appear, then go down the alley. There will be a lot of police there. Take them all out and go after Phil. You will come to a van. But during this trip a police helicopter will appear. You can either shoot at him, or, once you reach the van, try to escape that way. Ultimately, you just need to get rid of the police tail.

The easiest way to stop the pursuit is to repaint the car, but this must be done without the police noticing. After that, go to the house marked on the map. Mission completed.

Mission 74: Retinue

Go to the hospital to meet with Nick Gravely, the head of the mafia family. He has a friend who wants to tell something to the authorities of Liberty City, but Dmitry obviously won’t like it. Your task is to protect Comrade Gravelli on the way to the Municipality building.

Get in the car and meet this person. After the conversation, you will be told to get into the car and follow in a convoy between two other cars. Try not to crash into them.

Eventually you will be ambushed on the road. Kill the enemies in the alley opposite, in the building on the right and at the end of the street. Then hide behind the car and shoot the enemies on the roof.

As soon as you kill everyone, you still need to deliver the man to the municipality. As you approach the building, pursuers will appear. They need to be thrown off your tail in the same way as you previously evaded police chases.

However, if your driving is not good, you can wait for your pursuers at the ambush site. Four cars will arrive pretty soon, you will just need to shoot them on foot.

Mission 75: Lunch

On Gravelli's orders, you need to kill the Korean guy who slipped him counterfeit money.

Drive to the restaurant. Before entering, find a motorcycle and a car in the parking lot behind the building; you need to shoot out all four wheels. Come to the restaurant.

The receptionist at the entrance will tell you to leave, but we need Kim, he is upstairs. Fight your way to him. At the top, continue forward until you reach the manager's office. Talk to him.

He will tell you in confidence that Kim ran away through the kitchen. Leave the office, kill three hostile guys.

Follow Kim through the back door of the kitchen, grabbing the first aid kit along the way. Shoot the Korean while he is running towards the car. Since you have punctured the tires, Kim will soon crash into the wall, unable to steer out of the street. That's where you'll catch him.

Mission 76: Assets

Returning to the hospital, you will see that our employer is not alone. The Italians need you to help destroy the drug vans.

As you approach the gate behind which the trucks are located, you will be shown in a short video how many opponents there are.

Jump over the fence to the right of the gate and make your way to the back of the building. There you will find a trash container with which you can climb onto the roof using ventilation pipes. You will notice a sniper monitoring the area. Don't pay attention, calmly climb to the roof.

There, one way or another, you will have to kill this very sniper, after which the tedious shooting will begin at those who are below. Some will try to climb onto your roof - be careful. You can take the body armor that is nearby.

Once the large mass is killed, go down and shoot the vans. It's better not to shoot at the doors, aim at the engine - this way the cars will catch fire faster. If you have grenades or, even better, a rocket launcher, then no problems should arise. In any case, as soon as the vans are engaged in fire, there is no need to waste any more ammo on them. In principle, it is even enough to set fire to the first van in the chain. The rest will explode behind him.

All black vans must be destroyed, then the mission is considered completed.

Mission 77: Surveillance

Jimmy will tell you that you need to kill Phil and Ray. He wants you to prepare. In a minute he will call you and tell you that you need to visit Ray. Go to the place, there you will see Ray surrounded by many bodyguards. You need to kill them all.

Jimmy will tell you that Rey is going to get gas. You need to sit on his tail and wait until he is on the improvised one. Then throw a grenade or fire a rocket launcher there. Finish off the survivors and that's it, the mission is over.

Mission 78: I'll take her

After you visit Jerry in prison, Packie will call you and tell you that you need to look for a pink Feltzer on, well, let's do it. You have to kidnap the old man's daughter, Grace.

Go to an online cafe and order a car. Once found, you will receive the girl’s phone number, which you can use to make an appointment to see the car. You need to call between 08:00 AM and 21:00 PM.

Grace will invite you to her home. When you arrive, chat with her, she will say that Niko has a sexy accent. Get in the car and take it for a test drive to the South Coast. Afterwards, Niko will tell the girl that he kidnapped her, and you will need to take her to the designated place.

She will try to turn the steering wheel so that you lose control. Whenever such impulses arise, hit the brakes. She may also call the police, so be careful. If she succeeds, she will have to get away from them, keeping in mind that the girl might jerk the steering wheel.

Be patient. Ultimately, Niko will knock her out and be able to drive home safely.

Mission 79: Someone Important

Immediately after the mission with the destruction of the vans, you will receive a call and be told that Darko Brevic has arrived in the country. Niko calls Roman and says that Darko has arrived. He wants to go with his brother.

Take a car and pick up Roman on Firefly Island. From there go to the airport. Go through the security post and go to the mission marker.

You will have a choice - kill Darko or give him life. This choice is especially important after Niko learns the ridiculous price of the death of his friends - one thousand dollars. Niko is furious, but Roman will advise leaving Darko alive so that he will suffer even more. Take your pick, I personally killed him.

Whatever you choose, Roman will ask you to take him to Brucie. Having arrived at the place, he will invite Niko to go with him, but he will refuse, asking him to leave him alone.

Mission 80: Protect the girl

Packy will call you and ask you to visit Garry. Go to prison on a date with him. Jerry says that an old friend of the girl you recently abducted has shown up in town and wants to bring her back.

Drive to the house marked on the map. Having stuffed Grace into the trunk, you need to take her to Paki. Azelotti's guys will chase you and shoot at Niko, you need to be careful. Too much damage to your car will kill Grace. Once you reach the point indicated on the map, you will complete the mission.

Mission 81: Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Jerry will say that the kidnapped girl's friend wasn't the only problem. At the exit from the prison, Packie will appear and inform you that Grace will soon be exchanged for a large bag of diamonds.

Take a car and drive to the place indicated on the map. Once you arrive there, get into the car. The exchange must take place at the factory, which is located on the island.

After a short video in which you will see diamonds, the guys who arrived will open fire on you. Hide behind the car and kill all enemies one by one.

Those guys on the left can be blown up with gasoline barrels. Follow Paki along the passage, kill two more kamikazes who decided to attack you. Take cover behind metal containers. Once everyone is dead, Paki will go left, you need to go right.

Three cars will arrive. Kill the people in them. Once everyone is dead, follow Paki again. Rise higher. When you reach the end of the bridge, the guy with the diamonds will be trapped. He can either give them away and live, or throw them away and die. He chooses the second - to throw the bag into the back of the truck driving below.

Kill the two guys behind the pipes. If Paki does this, then you won’t get any wanted stars and that’s good. Next you need to take Paki home to his mother. Go downstairs, get rid of the police and get into the car. And go home to Paki.

Mission 82: If the price is right

If, while working with Pegorino, you chose not revenge, but money, then now you need to go to Phil Bell. After talking with him, go to Port Tudor to talk with the Russians. Take the car and go to the Docks.

After asking whether there are drugs or not, drive to the yellow mission marker. Dmitry will call and say that he took the drugs, but you can get money from the Russians at the Docks before they realize what's going on.

Follow Phil around the building and climb onto the roof. Once there, Bell will shoot through the window and you will go inside. Next you will need to hold back the onslaught of more than 30 enemies.

When everyone is killed, it turns out that the guy with the money is locked in the office and Phil needs your help. Move next to him.

The guy with the money will try to run away, so you need to chase him. On the street he will jump into the truck. Get on a motorcycle or in a car and go in pursuit.

Shoot the truck until it is damaged enough. Then the guy will come out of it, and that's when you kill him, taking all the cash.

Mission 83: Mr. and Mrs. Belik

Roman is marrying Mallory and wants Niko to wear a nice suit to the wedding. If you don't already have one, buy one, and don't forget good boots.

Depending on what decision you made earlier, this mission develops in two different directions.

So, if you didn't kill Dmitry:

You will have to go to the wedding alone, because Kate is angry with you because you did not listen to her and sacrificed your principles in favor of the money that Dmitry promised.

Mallory and Roman go outside to meet some people they know.

At this time, an assassin approaches Niko. He tries to disarm him, but he manages to shoot and the bullet hits Roman directly. And only after this Niko manages to shoot the attacker. This plot thread leads to the death of his brother.

If you killed Dmitry

You pick up Kate from your mom and go to the wedding. There she dies from Pegorino's bullet. Niko, distraught and blaming only himself for her death, returns home.

Mission 84: Revenge [Final mission if Roman dies]

You receive an SMS from Jacob asking you to meet him. Once you approach him and he gets into the car, you need to follow Pegorino's guys. Jacob thinks they will lead them to Dmitry and Pegorino himself.

As soon as the bandits leave the building, they will already be aware of the presence of Niko and Jacob. You will chase them, and there is nothing difficult about it. From the very first seconds they will open fire on your car, so you just need to dodge bullets and try not to go astray, since Pegorino’s guys have a couple of cunning tricks in their arsenal.

Both your cars and theirs are slow enough that there shouldn't be any uncontrollable situations.

At Jimmy's house, a video will be shown in which Pegorino and Dmitry are hiding from you. Niko brakes spectacularly, sliding along the road to shield himself from the heavy fire. Niko and Jacob talk, and Bellick convinces his friend not to fight and to get out of the car.

Get back to the game. Kill the three guys on the roof on the right, then shoot at those hiding behind their cars. Once everyone on the street is dead, run towards the entrance.

After the SMS from Jacob, take cover behind the door and take out the enemies inside the building. Don't forget about the guy on the stairs to the left, as well as the ones that will be hiding behind various obstacles on your way.

While chasing Dmitry, kill four opponents. Next cutscene. Dmitry and his henchman escape in a helicopter, but Niko manages to get caught on the bandwagon. Then he is knocked straight into the water. Luckily, he lands next to an empty boat.

Get in and immediately start chasing the helicopter. He will shoot at you with a rocket launcher, but the most important thing is not to lose sight of the helicopter. In a few minutes Jacob will arrive in a brand new helicopter. It will go down lower, so you need to get to it by boat. If you do it in time, Niko will jump.

Now you need to pursue Dmitry in a helicopter, still dodging missiles. It's useless for you to shoot - it won't damage the scoundrel's helicopter. As a result, you will see a video that will show the crash of two helicopters.

Dmitry will run, and his bodyguards will be waiting for you. After killing them, run after Dmitry. Having overtaken him, kill him. And watch the final video. The game is over.

Mission 85: Tub of Cold Water

From now on, only those who decide to kill Dmitry read, i.e. choose the revenge option.

If you chose the death of Dmitry, then you will need to kill him, to do this we head to the ship marked on the map.

First, we shoot everyone who is near the truck at the port. After this, you will need to finish off those who are hiding on the ship. The best way is to climb onto metal containers and shoot from there with a sniper rifle.

Then go up the stairs. There you will find grenades and armor. Completely clear this level of the ship, then head to the door and go inside the ship. You will immediately come across five enemies. Take cover behind the doorway and kill them one by one.

Go inside, take the first aid kit.

Go up the stairs. Three more bandits are waiting for you there. Do not try to use grenades, as there is too little space and with a high degree of probability you can seriously damage your health.

Move along the corridor, not forgetting about the enemies in the cabins, to the right and left. Come out onto the deck. A bunch of more opponents will appear. Don't run ahead, use cover.

Go back inside the ship. Hide behind the doorway to get rid of the enemies pursuing you.

After a small skirmish with Dmitry, you will have to get rid of the next wave of his bodyguards.

He will hide in the hold behind the box. You can shoot there from a rocket launcher, or throw a grenade, or walk up and shoot him personally. Then take the opposite route and go down to the shore. Mission complete. In this case, it is not Roman who will die at the wedding, but Kate, and you will have to avenge her.

Mission 86: Damaged [final mission if Kate dies]

Take the car and meet Jacob and Roman. A cutscene will follow, after which you must chase Pegorino. You don’t have to waste bullets on it, it’s useless. Ultimately, you will arrive at the mafia casino.

Hide behind the car and kill everyone you can reach from this point, including the guys on the roof, to the right.

Once everyone in the immediate radius is dead, move forward. Take out the mafioso, then go to the house. Once you are near him, Jacob will say that he has a rescue plan, he means a helicopter.

Enter the house. There will be several enemies there. After killing them, you will find a first aid kit on the left. Go through the room and watch the video. After her, Jimmy Pegorina will run along the roof, chase him up the stairs. Once outside, you will encounter two guards. After killing them, take their ammunition, since yours is probably already low.

Follow Jimmy. Get into the car and continue to pursue Pegorino along the coastline. You need to go fast enough, otherwise you will miss it.

You will reach a place where the mafiosi have blocked the road. Therefore, turn left, a helicopter will appear and you need to jump on it. Once inside, you will need to continue to pursue Pegorino and shoot him with the helicopter's stationary machine guns.

No matter how well the helicopters fly, you will still be shot down and make an emergency landing. Niko will tell Jacob and Roman to wait until he finishes his business. Chase Pegorino and kill his two guards. Jimmy will be hiding behind a tree near the hot dog stand. Shoot him.