Inscriptions of Soviet soldiers on the Reichstag today. A

The Berlin building, where the German parliament, the Bundestag, sits after the reunification of Germany (since 1999), has a very interesting fate. The past is tragic, the present is “reconstructive,” and the future, as it should be, is unknown.

The Reichstag was unlucky throughout its rather short history.

The headquarters of the German parliamentarians of the German Empire, which was finally united in 1871, ordered the creation of another Kaiser Wilhelm I . The construction of the building, designed in the high Renaissance style, with a luxurious glass dome, was completed under the next Kaiser - Wilhelm II in 1894. It lasted for almost 12 years: the competition was announced back in 1882, out of 183 projects they chose the one presented by the Frankfurt architect Paul Wallot .

View of the Reichstag in a photo from the late 19th century:

It is interesting that the inscription on the pediment of the building "Dem Deutsche Volke" (“To the German People”), conceived by the architect, was banned by the Kaiser. It appeared above the central portal of the Reichstag only in 1916.

The further fate of the Reichstag was quite sad. Less than 40 years after its opening, having somehow survived the First World War and the revolution, it literally burned to the ground. Fire 1933 , which completely destroyed the meeting room, is a textbook example of provocation: apparently, it was organized by the Nazis, but all the blame was immediately placed on the communists.

After the fire, the Reichstag lay in ruins for a long time, and Hitler's decorative parliament met nearby, in the so-called Opera Kroll (this building did not survive; it was destroyed by Allied aircraft in November 1943, and its ruins were finally demolished in 1951).

Meeting of the Reichstag at the Opera Kroll on October 6, 1939,
in which Hitler announces the end of the campaign against Poland:

In 1942, meetings of the Hitlerite parliament ceased altogether, and the restored Reichstag building was used by the Nazis for various kinds of propaganda meetings.

During the storming of Berlin Soviet troops At the end of April - beginning of May 1945, the Reichstag was significantly damaged during artillery shelling.

For Soviet soldiers The Reichstag was one of the symbols of Hitler's Germany,
although in fact parliament played almost no role in the Third Reich.
But how could Soviet soldiers, motivated by a thirst for revenge for everything, know this?
what did the Nazis do in the occupied territories of the USSR?

The first attempts to reconstruct the Reichstag were made only in 1954. Moreover, they were somewhat peculiar: due to the threat of collapse, the frame of the dome, the “trademark” of the Reichstag, was blown up.

After the construction of the infamous Berlin Wall in 1961, the Reichstag ended up in West Berlin. And in the same year, the architect took up the reconstruction of the building Paul Baumgarten , through his efforts, the German parliament was expanded and significantly rebuilt by 1969, although finishing work continued until 1973. The departure from the original Renaissance plan was that the building finally lost its dome, and the corner towers were shortened by several meters. As a result, the Reichstag began to resemble a kind of fortified castle.

Reichstag without dome:

Typically, before the unification of Germany, it was not possible to use the Reichstag for its intended purpose: the special status of West Berlin did not allow the Bundestag to be transferred there. This opportunity arose only in 1990, and in 1992 the Reichstag underwent another restructuring.

80 applicants took part in the competition for the reconstruction of the Reichstag, but it was won in 1995 by the famous English architect Norman Foster .

Modern Reichstag building:

In 1999, the Reichstag again acquired a glass dome inside which housed observation galleries. Now anyone can (by appointment, of course) watch the work of German parliamentarians if they are interested.

The new Reichstag dome is a typical example of Norman Foster's work:

Inside the Reichstag dome:

The most heated debates during the reconstruction of the 1990s erupted over the inscriptions left on the walls of the Reichstag by Soviet soldiers in May 1945 and the name of the new seat of the German parliament.

As a result, the inscriptions were preserved, preserved using a special technology - "as an example for posterity" .

Inscriptions of Soviet soldiers on (and in) the Reichstag:

And the name of the Reichstag remained the same.
Although there were many options - from the "Bundeshaus" to the "Plenary Sessions Building".
But the German authorities decided that the word “Reichstag” did not carry any negative connotations.
Perhaps they were right, because one should not forget one’s history, although I would argue about the “negative connotation.”

Thank you for your attention.
Sergey Vorobiev.

Those people are no longer there

Not a day, not a year has passed since then

But, they say, to this day

In the German city of Berlin

Their terrible glory lives on...

Leonid Ignatenko

Fast-flowing time is taking away from us the events of the Second World War, of which the Great Patriotic War is an integral part. But time has no power over the memory of those who, at the cost of enormous hardship, suffering and life itself, saved the world from the greatest evil of the twentieth century - Nazism. The more valuable it is for us to know about each warrior who left in History evidence of his personal involvement in the great feat of mankind.

The Reichstag at the beginning of the third millennium...

Second world war in Europe ended on the night of May 9, 1945 with the signing of the Act on unconditional surrender German armed forces and left behind an unusually strong social phenomenon - many inscriptions of victorious soldiers on the walls of the defeated Reichstag. Subsequently they were called Victory autographs. In the West, these inscriptions are currently known as “Russian graffiti.” Thousands of soldiers and officers of the multinational Red Army, inspired by the news of Victory, picked up chalk, charcoal, paint and entrusted their names, thoughts and feelings to the cold, smoky stones of the dilapidated building. None of them even imagined that the essentially temporary inscriptions could survive. However, life decided otherwise - many of Victory’s autographs ended up immortalized on the films of front-line photo and film cameramen. Others have a completely happy fate - they successfully survived post-war repairs and reconstructions and, as a result, became an organic part of the interior of the modern Reichstag building - since 1999. permanent place the work of deputies of the Federal Assembly and the German Bundestag. New impulse This topic received development at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries. In 1990, Germany was reunified. The German Bundestag, which previously met in Bonn, decided to move the capital to Berlin and the parliament to the Reichstag. An international competition was announced for its reconstruction, which was won by British architect Norman Foster.

Norman Foster is a world famous British architect who preserved the autographs of the Victory for History...

When, during restoration work in 1994 - 1999. plasterboard panels installed on the walls during the previous renovation of the building in the 1960s were dismantled, and a lot of “Russian graffiti” was revealed to the surprised gaze of workers, engineers and architects (see video: -im-reichstag/). The question arose - what to do? A special joint commission was created, which included diplomats from Russia. The commission decided to preserve the inscriptions, taking into account that in Russia and the republics of the former Soviet Union the Reichstag is associated with the capture of Berlin, the victory over Germany, and the end of World War II in Europe as a whole. Restoration of Victory's autographs has begun, which have been cleaned and protected from external influences special high-strength transparent solution.

1990s. Restoration of inscriptions during the reconstruction of the Reichstag...

Not all German politicians have come to terms with by decision, but Norman Foster was adamant: “We cannot hide from history. It is of decisive importance for our society whether, facing the future, we can preserve the memory of the tragedies and suffering of the past. That is why it is important for me to preserve these inscriptions. Traces of the past on the walls speak of the era more expressively than any historical exhibition.”

Saved inscriptions, total quantity of which, according to German experts, there are 715, are currently located on three levels of the building: on the ground floor, in the corridors leading to the plenary meeting hall, and in the main staircase portal of the southwest wing.

Thus, many of the winners' inscriptions entered the history of the Reichstag and began to live an independent life, immortalizing the names of their authors. Legal basis This was based on the results of a vote of deputies of the German Bundestag held in 2002. By the decision of the majority, the inscriptions discovered and restored during the reconstruction of the building were preserved there forever. For the edification of posterity, as a reminder of the horrors that Nazism brought to our planet.

Open book of History...

It would seem that it is no longer possible to establish who personally owns the inscriptions. However, this is not so - an experienced researcher who knows a scientifically based identification technique can do this. A rare surname, first name, patronymic, their combination, initials, the city indicated in the inscription, military rank, branch of service, are precisely those identification features that allow an experienced specialist, using computer technology and available information resources TsAMO RF, to reach the only correct, documented result. Not being able to publish my book “AUTOGRAPHS AT THE REICHSTAG”, the project of which won the 1st degree Diploma at the International Internet competition “Page of Family Glory” in May 2017, I decided to acquaint the public with the unique results of my research, as well as relatives and fellow countrymen of the authors of the Victory autographs, for whom the surviving inscriptions are especially dear, in another way - through the Internet. For this purpose, I have prepared a series of articles - original information blocks under common name“REICHSTAG: AUTOGRAPHES FROM 1945...” (see, connected by a common idea, internal logic, as well as the location of the inscriptions - in niches, on the walls, in the lobby, flight of stairs.

All articles in the series have a single introduction and ending, and are, in fact, independent articles that, if necessary, can be easily compiled into a book by removing repetitive fragments. Documentary portraits of soldiers are supplemented with excerpts from award sheets, photographs of combat operations of their military branches, and also, where possible, personal photographs of the authors of the Victory autographs. I am confident that the results of my many years of scientific research, carried out at the proper professional level (as a result of long-term work at the Central Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation - author), will not be lost, and will be in demand for as long as the inscriptions themselves will exist. They will be useful to professional historians, travelers on international routes, Reichstag guides who daily explain to tourists the origin of “Russian graffiti,” university students, as well as everyone who cherishes the heroic past of the best citizens of their Fatherland.

The basic biographical data of more soldiers and officers is presented according to a certain scheme - this data is quite sufficient for the accurate identification of soldiers by all interested parties, including relatives.

Of course, as a specialist in “Russian graffiti” in the Reichstag, I am well aware of the extensive research work carried out by Karin Felix, assistant at the Bundestag Visitor Service at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, for almost a quarter of a century. Paying tribute to her invaluable contribution to the recording, study and preservation of Victory autographs, it must still be noted that due to objective reasons and certain circumstances, Karin Felix’s capabilities in fundamentally solving the problem of identifying inscriptions were very limited. Thank you to her for her dedication to the profession, for everything that she was able to do and maintain! A fragment of Karin Felix’s book “When History Comes to Life” can be found at electronic link:üre-russisch.pdf

Karin Felix is ​​the Reichstag's leading specialist in the study of “Russian graffiti.”

For ethical reasons, I did not examine the inscribed fragments covered in Karin Felix’s book. I allowed myself only to identify the inscriptions of two veterans who, in the early 2000s, themselves identified their inscriptions - Boris Viktorovich SAPUNOV and Boris Leonovich ZOLOTAREVSKY, in order to more fully illuminate their front-line biographies.


This article is the final one in the series of articles “Reichstag - autographs from 1945...”, highlighting the results of my many years of research on the identification of wall inscriptions left in the Reichstag in 1945 by soldiers of the multinational Red Army.

In total, the author was able to identify just over 150 (20%) of the 715 names inscribed and preserved in the Reichstag ( For the entire list of identified names, see the link:

Perhaps it will seem to someone that the topic stated by the author as “not relevant” is not so pressing that it would be worth spending years of one’s life on solving this problem.

However, this is not entirely true. The relevance of this historical topic has no statute of limitations, if only because the inscriptions were deliberately left by the decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany “for centuries.” They are seen almost daily by hundreds of tourists from all over the world.

Moreover, it is the incredible difficulty of solving the problem that explains the almost complete lack of results in this direction during all the post-war years (this means scientifically based identification of inscriptions, and not their “identification”).

Not immediately, and not suddenly, but after a long and painful search, the only correct idea in this particular case for solving the problem came to me, which can be expressed in a single phrase: “If it is not possible to identify the author directly, then it is necessary to use an indirect path.”

Its implementation is as follows: first, a complete list of possible authors is determined that fall under the identification characteristics specified in the inscription, and then all the names of soldiers who, for a number of reasons, could not physically be in the Reichstag at that time are removed from the list (the “alibi” principle), except for one or several surnames from the same military unit (collective autographs) belonging to soldiers whose presence in Berlin in 1945, or in its environs, can be documented.

This scientifically based method is well known to everyone who has studied logic as a science. It has become especially widespread in jurisprudence, which only confirms the reliability of the method.

Thus, all questions related to the scientific objectivity of the methodology, as applied to solving this specific problem, disappear by themselves.

* * *

Victor Shein, nephew Shein Alexander Fedorovich(see article “Autographs in the Reichstag – Fedichkin, Shein”,

The surname Shein on the surviving autograph of Victory...

“...07/12/2017 p. Enotaevka, Enotaevsky district, Astrakhan region, Russia. Dear Leonid Alexandrovich! At your request, I am sending you two photographs of my uncle Shein Alexander Fedorovich: 1 – a military photograph, 2 – a photo of the 50s, in the photo he is with his eldest son Pavlik. After the war, my uncle lived his whole life in the village of Enotaevka. Worked at agricultural enterprises. After the war he got married. He had three sons. He was calm, reasonable and economic person. He died in 1998 and was buried here, in Enotaevka, in 1998. God grant you good luck in your noble cause. Health and prosperity!..”

1945 Germany. A.F. Shein.

1950s. A.F. Shein.

* * *

Alexey Volkov, grandson Eberg Alexander Nikolaevich(see article,

The surname EBERG on the surviving autograph of Victory...

“...05.10.2017 Moscow, Russia. Good afternoon, Leonid Alexandrovich! Thank you for the enormous and useful work you have done. I was very pleased to receive a message from you about my grandfather Alexander Nikolaevich. He was indeed there in Berlin, in the Reichstag, but at the time of the Victory on May 9, 1945, he was still in East Prussia. His inscription was made after the Victory, when he was in Berlin on an excursion, along with his fellow soldiers. Once again, thank you for the invaluable information. Mom was pleased to know that her father’s autograph was preserved in the Reichstag, and that there are still people who are not indifferent to historical facts...”

1946 Germany. Captain A.N. Eberg.

* * *

The name SURKOV on the surviving autograph of Victory...

“...06.08.2016 Syzran, Samara region, Russia. Dear Leonid Alexandrovich! On behalf of our entire large Surkov family (Stepan Evdokimovich has 3 children, 8 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren), I thank you for all the noble deeds that you do. You can’t even imagine how this news affected us, the grandchildren of Stepan Evdokimovich. We simply began to “fly” from a feeling of pride in our grandfather - after all, he walked with his fellow soldiers halfway around the world, in battles, before he signed the Reichstag. And all this in the name of so that we, his descendants, have the right to live, breathe, love and work freely in our homeland. I would like our generation to have the same unity and brotherhood as the generations of the past. They will always be an example for us...”

* * *

Dmitry Fedoristov, grandson Fedoristov Dmitry Gavrilovich(see article “Autographs in the Reichstag – Fedoristov”,

The name FEDORISTOV on the surviving autograph of Victory...

“...07/09/2017 Kurchatov, Kursk region, Russia. Hello Leonid Alexandrovich! Thank you for your letter. The data you sent really concerns my grandfather Dmitry Gavrilovich, who, as it turns out, immortalized our name in the Reichstag. Thank you - you are doing a useful, noble job. I am sending you an electronic photo of my grandfather, taken in Berlin at the end of the war, on Victory Day...”

1945 Germany. Jr. Sergeant D.G. Fedoristov.

* * *

Elena Kulikovskaya, granddaughter of the Hero of the Soviet UnionAleksashkin Nikolai Fedorovich(see article "Reichstag - The pilots were here!",

The surname ALEXASHKIN on the surviving autograph of Victory...

“...11/15/2016 Moscow. Good afternoon, Leonid Alexandrovich! You have done a titanic job, it is very interesting, thank you! My grandfather Nikolai Fedorovich was transferred to the reserve in 1962 with the rank of colonel. Later he lived and worked in Moscow. He passed away in 1990. And my grandfather’s fellow soldier, Hero of the Soviet Union, Anatoly Pavlovich Artemenko is still alive! This year he spoke on television on May 9, from the Immortal Regiment, which took place in Moscow...”

1945 Hero of the USSR Guards Captain N.F. Aleksashkin.

* * *

Vladislav Gorenpol, grandson Gorenpol David Yakovlevich(see article “Reichstag - The Brandenburgers were here!”,

The surname GORENPOL (GAREMPOL) on the surviving autograph of the Victory...

“...12/21/2017 Duisburg, Germany. Dear Leonid Alexandrovich! Thank you for your work, for searching for and preserving the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. I am very pleased with this extremely important information about my grandfather for our family! Unfortunately, he left us in 1992, but we remember him and are proud of him! Low bow to you and great gratitude! I will definitely visit the Reichstag to see my grandfather's autograph. Health to you and good luck in everything! Now I have a very good reason to visit Berlin!..”

1945 Germany. Captain D.Ya. Gorenpol.

* * *

Sergey Shatrun, son Shatrun Mikhail Ustinovich(see article “Autographs in the Reichstag – Gorbachevsky, Shatrun”,

The surname SHATRUN on the surviving autograph of Victory...

“...06/28/2017 Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Good afternoon, Leonid Alexandrovich! The inscription really belongs to my father, and my mother Shatrun Nadezhda Mikhailovna was also present. Unfortunately, they are no longer alive. Eat joint photo parents in Berlin, opposite the Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate. My mother served as a nurse in my father’s unit. After the war, my father worked on the railway in Bataysk. He died in 1980 from a heart attack...”

1945 Germany. Red Army soldier N.M. Shatrun and captain M.U. Chatroon.

* * *

The place of residence of the relatives of Leonid Mikhailovich Gorbachevsky, who lived in Moscow after the war, has also been determined. His granddaughter Maria Kobzova posted a photo of her grandfather on the Zvezda radio website.

* * *

Olga Panzhina (Artemyeva), fellow villager Borisova Anna Abramovna(see article “Autographs in the Reichstag - Borisov”,

The name BORISOV on the surviving autograph of Victory...

“...05.16.2017 p. Shalamovo, Myshkinsky district, Kurgan region, Russia. Hello, Leonid Alexandrovich! Sorry that I couldn't answer you right away. I am sending you a post-war photo of Anna Abramovna - after the war she worked as a teacher primary classes at our rural school. Unfortunately, she died young, in 1957. We are proud of our fellow countrymen who took part in the war, but this news about Anna Abramovna’s autograph preserved in the Reichstag increased our pride. At the rally on May 9, I conveyed this information to the residents of our village...”

1950s A.A. Borisova.

* * *

Evgeniy Popov, grandson Popov Vasily Gavrilovich(see article “Autographs in the Reichstag - Popov”,

The name POPOV on the surviving autograph of Victory...

“...01/02/2018 Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk region, Russia. Leonid Alexandrovich thank you very much! Vasily Gavrilovich is my grandfather who reached Victory! I knew that he was in Berlin, but I didn’t know that he left an autograph on the Reichstag, which was preserved. There were two brothers in the family - Ivan Gavrilovich and Vasily Gavrilovich. Both went through the entire war, survived... Ivan Gavrilovich had many wounds, and the remaining fragments, from which he died in 1980. Vasily Gavrilovich outlived his brother by 10 years. They were wonderful, bright people, and very physically strong. Russian heroes can be said to be two meters tall, “handed with a sledgehammer”! Maybe that's why they went through all this hell.... Thank you! You can’t even imagine what important news this is for our family!..”

* * *

As we see, the authors of Autographs of Victory were not lost in eternity - they lived the life allotted by fate with dignity. Having gone through the monstrous trials that befell their generation during the Great Patriotic War, they eventually returned to peaceful labor.

The names of some of them can be found captured by relatives on modern Internet sites.

So, for example, grandsonEberg Alexander Nikolaevich(see above "Reichstag - Sokolov, Okishev, Eberg", ) posted on the Immortal Regiment website a biography of his grandfather and his photo album with memories. You can view these invaluable materials by email:

* * *

There, on the Immortal Regiment website, you can also find the name of the former head of the hospital, Lieutenant Colonel Milberg Lev Grigorievich (see article"Reichstag - Milberg, Rasulov, Cherkassky", Nand on the same website proza.ruhis grandson talks about his grandfather’s pre-war life (see. ).

The surname MILBERG on the surviving autograph of Victory...

* * *

And recently I was incredibly lucky - by posting a “search query” on the Internet, consisting of last name, first name and patronymic, I was able to establish the post-war fate of another author of the surviving Autograph of Victory. This is a woman, her name isStreltsova Anisya Nikiforovna(see article “Autographs in the Reichstag – There were doctors here!”, ).

The name STRELTSOV on the surviving autograph of Victory...

On January 13, 2009, the newspaper “Volnaya Kuban” (Krasnodar) published an article by correspondent Igor Sizov“We are proud of you, Anisya Streltsova!”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Anisya Streltsova (see. ). It, like a mirror, reflects the fate of the great military generation (respecting the copyright of the newspaper, the article is presented in full, without changes or abbreviations - author):

“...On New Year’s Day 2018, the oldest reader of our newspaper, Anisya Nikiforovna Streltsova, turned 90 years old.

Any newspaper is a community of journalists and readers. The journalists of “Free Kuban” are well known in our region, their names are on everyone’s lips. But who are they, our readers? What are they doing? What are their interests? What biographies? For many years, everyone wanted to find out who the oldest reader of “Free Kuban” was, but somehow everyone never got around to it. And then luck appeared in person. The editorial office received a call from the social protection service of the Lazarevsky district of Sochi.

Do you know that Anisya Streltsova, a resident of Volkonka station, turns 90 years old on New Year’s Day?

Happy for her! Congratulations! But just tell me: what does our newspaper have to do with it?

What does it have to do with it! Yes, this is the oldest reader of “Free Kuban”! I remember your publication from the pre-war years! Our advice to you: come to Volkonka urgently...

Let's go! Let's meet! Everything was confirmed down to the details! Indeed, the oldest reader of our newspaper, Anisya Streltsova, lives not far from the Volkonka station, in a residential village consisting of houses of the Chemitokvadzhe military pilots’ sanatorium. He has been subscribing to Volnaya Kuban for many years. And her biography turned out to be simply wonderful!

Our oldest reader was born in 1918 in the Urals. My father worked as a carpenter at the construction of a chemical plant in Berezniki. There are six children in the family. It was difficult to feed everyone; the children started working very early. As soon as Anisya graduated from seven-year school, she went to work as a nurse in a clinic. In the evenings I studied paramedic courses.

Meanwhile, the 1930s were ending, and war loomed on the doorstep. On weekends with a group of local girls and boys from primary school military training A young lieutenant Grigory Streltsov began to study. He gave very clear commands: “Get in line! Be equal! Stab with a bayonet! Aim more accurately! Fire!" And only one evening, completely against the rules, he turned to a young nurse from the group:

Maybe we can take a walk in the park today...

A week later he came to our heroine’s parents and said:

I am being transferred to serve in Kuban! I ask you for your daughter’s hand in marriage and hope that she will come with me. I promise to be a good husband...

In December 1940, a young family arrived at their place of service in the city of Kropotkin. Lieutenant Grigory Streltsov was a party man and on the very first evening he brought home latest number newspaper "Bolshevik", this is what "Free Kuban" was called in the pre-war years.

And do you remember what our newspaper was like then? - we started asking Anisya Streltsova.

I remember it very well! Then Kuban was preparing for spring sowing, and journalist Valentin Ovechkin called on everyone to convert special attention for the maintenance of agricultural machinery. Even then, subscriptions were carried out for a set of gramophone records with speeches by Joseph Stalin. Yes, and about the theater to me

Well, then, already in the summer, my husband showed me your newspaper with an appeal from Vyacheslav Molotov: “Citizens and women of the Soviet Union! This morning fascist Germany treacherously attacked our country! Then it became clear to us that this war would separate us for a long time. Grisha immediately left for intelligence school in Armavir, and I, as a nurse, was drafted into the army. Our hospital was first in the village of Kazanskaya, then it was transferred to Novorossiysk...

Wow! Yes, such horrors happened in Novorossiysk during the war!

That's right! I remember a brigade of sailors walking past our tents to the front line. Everyone shouted to us, they say, wait for us, girls! We waited for them in vain, no one returned, everyone died on the outskirts of the city! Then I remember the crush at the port! There was only one boat left, but there was no time to evacuate the women and children! Screams, tears! Do you know the monument car in Novorossiysk? He was burning before my eyes! There were horses in it, they neighed so terribly, jumping out of the fire! And the Germans shot these horses from planes, there was blood all over the square...

Was your hospital a field hospital?

Yes, it was called the 116th field hospital. They received the wounded from the front line, bandaged them and took them to Tuapse. By the way, in the evenings we read your newspaper to the soldiers; at that time military reports were published in it. And once I had a chance to directly collide with your brother. At a checkpoint near Arkhipo-Osipovka, a guard stopped:

Who is the eldest in the ambulance? They told you to come to headquarters!

I come in and introduce myself:

Lieutenant of the medical service Anisya Streltsova!

And the stocky officer gets up from the table and says in response:

Frontline correspondent Mikhail Svetlov!

Will you ever be from Bolshevik? We read this newspaper in the house before the war...

He then laughed! No, he says, not from Bolshevik, but from Komsomolskaya Pravda. He spent almost an hour asking about our service. For the first time I learned what they are like, real newspapermen! As a farewell, he read me some of his poems about Grenada. There is such an area in Spain...

Yes, like the entire Red Army! We were transferred from Novorossiysk to Kursk, where tank battle was! They crossed the Dnieper and took Kyiv! They crossed the Vistula and took Warsaw! We crossed the Oder, and there was already Berlin! When the shooting ended, the girls and I asked to run to the Reichstag. We rushed over, and there Lydia Ruslanova was giving a concert on the steps, singing all about Russian felt boots!

I see a bucket of paint standing near the column. Well, I wrote for myself and my husband: “Anisya and Grigory Streltsov. We've reached Berlin! Although Grisha was no longer alive, he died in the Carpathians. It was bitter, of course! After the war, she did not leave the army. At first I worked in district hospitals, and then I was sent to the village of Lazarevskoye. Again I began to subscribe to your newspaper, it was already called “Soviet Kuban”. And my service was as a nurse at the Chemitokvadzhe sanatorium. Our military pilots were on vacation.

Did you meet any interesting people?

Of course! One day they brought in a group of young pilots, and with them a whole team of doctors. Everyone spent whole days in the gym, working out. At night I see a guy sitting in the hall, reading some textbook. I tell you, you should sleep! And he says: yes, I have an exam tomorrow, I want to show off my knowledge! What kind of exam is so serious? Yes, he says, I’m going to the stars!

Then I just smiled to myself. He will also say, to the stars. But it's true! About three months later I open “Soviet Kuban”, and there is this guy in the portrait! And the caption: “Soviet man in space! The first cosmonaut on the planet is Yuri Gagarin!” If I had known earlier, I would have talked to him longer that night...

Do you still subscribe to our newspaper?

Certainly! This is a memory of my husband, and of the battles near Novorossiysk, and of work in the sanatorium for cosmonaut pilots. When Evgeny Rozhansky writes about Malaya Zemlya, I look for all the familiar names in his articles. I find it sometimes! And I really like reading Olga Tsvetkova. She recently wrote an essay about Valentina Tereshkova; it was nice to remember her meetings with “Chaika”. In a word, thank you for not forgetting us pensioners! Don't forget us anymore...

My God, what wonderful readers we have! How many good deeds they managed to accomplish in their lives! And the country was defended during the war! And at the Reichstag they found time to sign! And Yuri Gagarin was given a worthy send-off! And most importantly, they retained an interest in life until their gray hairs, an interest in everything that happens in the country!

This is who “Free Kuban” can rightfully be proud of! Our readers are our main pride, one might say!

Happy anniversary to you, our dear oldest reader Anisya Streltsova! We are proud of you!

We are proud of you today and will always be proud...”

Perhaps it’s better about the victorious front-line soldiers, regardless of whether they managed to leave the Autograph of Victory on the Reichstag or not, you can’t say! For us, our descendants, they will forever remain the Victors, who, at the cost of enormous hardships, suffering and sacrifice, saved the world from the horrific consequences of the catastrophe prepared for humanity by the Nazis.

2012 A.N. Streltsova.

* * *

P.S. Anisya Nikiforovna Streltsova passed away when she was already well over 90. However, in 2012 she managed to record a video story in which she expressed the thoughts and feelings of her generation (see.


Leonid Aleksandrovich Ignatenko (Ignatenkov) was born in 1949 in the village. Tsetkino, Nikopol district, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine, in the Russian Ignatenkov family, which the famine of 1933 forced to leave their centuries-old places in the village. Krasnaya Sloboda, Suzemsky district, now Bryansk region, Russia. In 1970 he graduated from the Kharkov Motor Transport College named after. S. Ordzhonikidze. In 1970-1972 served in the Soviet Army. After graduating from the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba in 1978 (RUDN University, Moscow), worked for several years as a high school teacher in the Republic of Zambia, Central Africa, then in Nikopol, Ukraine. From 1992 to 2016 worked at the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant as a smelter, correspondent for the factory newspaper Elektrometallurg. For many years he was the permanent leader of the Poisk factory group, on a voluntary basis. In 1993, based on the results of his scientific research work (identification), the labor collective of the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant in the Nikopol region erected memorial complex“Height 167.3 “Nechaev’s Tomb”, immortalizing more than 1,400 previously unknown names of soldiers of the 8th Guards Army, who fell in 1943-1944. in the battles during the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi occupiers. He revealed and documented the existence of the only “double fire ram” in the history of world aviation, committed by Soviet fighter pilots on the Southern Front in 1941 (see -taran). By Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 425 of June 11, 2001, for outstanding successes achieved in search work, he was awarded the Order of Ukraine “For Merit”, 3rd degree. In 2006, for his effective assistance to Russian search engines, he was awarded a commemorative medal “For the search for those killed in the Arctic.” In 2011, he was awarded the “Dignity” Badge by the International League for the Defense of Human Dignity and Security. He is the winner and repeated prize-winner of the International Internet competition “Family Glory Page”. He has a number of commendations from the Council of Veterans of the 8th Guards Army. During the period 1989 – 2009. made 24 creative trips to the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Podolsk, Moscow Region, Russia). In 2016, the candidacy of L.A. Ignatenko was presented by the management of the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant with the honorary title “Honorary Citizen of Nikopol”. He created his own, scientifically based method for identifying the authors of Victory autographs drawn in the Reichstag by soldiers of the Red Army in 1945. Using modern computer technologies and information resources of the Central Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation ( open access), over the course of five years, he almost accurately identified more than 150 authors of victory inscriptions preserved in the Reichstag after the reconstruction of 1994-1999, during which over 700 inscriptions of Red Army soldiers were discovered under plasterboard slabs installed in the 1960s. Labor-intensive but successful long-term work to identify the authors of Victory’s autographs required the researcher to maximize the mobilization of his creative forces, research skills, knowledge and life experience. The results of the research, which Leonid Ignatenko consistently presented in a series of 103 documentary stories on the website (see, are of international significance - scientists from many museums in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, as well as the German-Russian Museum Berlin-Karlshorst (German: Deutsch-Russisches Museum Berlin-Karlshorst) - a museum of the history of the Second World War. The cycle of stories begins with an introductory article - “Reichstag: autographs from 1945...”, and ends with the final article “Autographs in the Reichstag - soldiers’ destinies”.

Leonid Aleksandrovich IGNATENKO, local historian, master's degree, graduate of the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba 1978 (RUDN University, Moscow).

Reports about the Reichstag. PartIII

Parliament belongs to the people. “Dem deutschen Volke” - “To the German people,” is written above the entrance to the Reichstag in Berlin. Architect Paul Wallot wanted to place this kind of dedicatory inscription back in 1894, for the opening of the imperial parliament building on its facade, but encountered resistance from the German Kaiser Wilhelm II. He did not like the mention of “the people” in this context.

The site designated for the dedication remained empty for more than ten years. Only at the height of the First World War, when in 1916 the deputies from the Social Democratic Party agreed to vote for war loans, and Germany was already pretty tired of the war, did the Kaiser decide to respond with a broad gesture. The letters were cast in a calligraphic font fashionable at the time, unicial from bronze of two French cannons taken during the liberation wars of 1813-1815.

From 1894 to 1918, the Imperial Parliament of Kaiser Germany worked in the Reichstag building in Berlin, and then, until the fire of 1933, the parliament of the Weimar Republic, from whose window it was once proclaimed. The building was destined to become the seat of parliament again only in 1999.

The original letters are still on the façade of the Reichstag - silent witnesses to the arson of 1933, the rise of the National Socialists to power, and the holding of anti-Semitic and anti-communist exhibitions in the damaged building such as “The Eternal Jew” (“Der ewige Jude”) or “Bolshevism without a mask” ( "Bolschewismus ohne Maske"). Later, models of “Germany” (“Welthauptstadt Germania”) were demonstrated here - the new “capital of the world”, which his court architect Albert Speer was going to build on the site of Berlin, by order of Adolf Hitler.

The Reichstag arson served as a formal pretext for the reprisal against the opposition and the seizure of power by the National Socialists, and its circumstances have not yet been fully investigated. Hitler blamed the arson on the communists, and the communists blamed Hitler. During the fire, the Reichstag meeting hall was almost completely burned out. The next one-party “parliament” (we need to put quotation marks here), which included exclusively deputies from the NSDAP, held its meetings in the Krolloper near the Brandenburg Gate. Berliners sarcastically called this operetta “parliament” “the highest paid male choir in the world” (“höchstbezahlter Männergesangsverein”).

Interesting fact. During the search for a site for the construction of the Reichstag, which took more than ten years after the corresponding decision was made in 1871 (we talked about this in the previous part of the report), deputies were offered to purchase the Kroll Opera and build a building in its place. They put the issue to a vote several times, but invariably rejected this option. The deputies did not want the Kaiser's parliament building to stand on the site of a former entertainment venue...

From 1933 to 1942, the Nazi Reichstag met for its propaganda and demonstrative meetings only 19 times - including on September 15, 1935 for a visiting session in the “city of NSDAP party congresses” Nuremberg to vote on the “racial laws” that marked the beginning of mass destruction European Jews.

Video: Inscriptions of Soviet soldiers

During the Second World War, the windows of the Reichstag, which did not play any role in the system of architectural and ideological symbols of the National Socialist dictatorship, were walled up. In some of its premises, AEG established the production of radio tubes, in others they housed a military hospital and the obstetric department of the Berlin Charité clinic.

During the first post-war decade, the building, located in the western part of Berlin, was in a dilapidated state. In 1954, due to the threat of collapse, the remains of the dome were blown up, although, according to some architects, without much need. Soon they decided to carry out renovations, but in the conditions of divided Germany it was not clear for what purpose the Reichstag building would be used.

Repair work dragged on until 1973. The West German architect Paul Baumgarten, who won the competition, refused to restore the dome, and also, in keeping with the pragmatic spirit of the 60s, removed many of the carved and plaster decorations in the neo-Renaissance and neo-Baroque styles, citing the fact that they were already suffered greatly during the war and gradually collapsed after it.

Inscriptions in Russian

The walls inside were lined with white panels, under which traces of battles were hidden, as well as the autographs of Soviet soldiers, thus - willingly or unwillingly - preserving them for the future. The former conference hall, which burned down in 1933, was restored with the expectation of German reunification, so that there was enough space for all deputies. In some rooms there was a historical exhibition telling about the history of the building.

In 1971, the victorious powers adopted a new Quadrilateral Agreement on West Berlin (Viermächteabkommen über Berlin) on the status of this part of the divided city. During the period of detente Soviet Union, the USA, Great Britain and France agreed that West Berlin was not an integral part of Germany, but the Federal Republic of Germany received the right to represent its interests in the international arena if they did not affect strategic and security issues.

This agreement prevented plans to hold some plenary sessions of the Bundestag in West Berlin. True, faction meetings and commission hearings were sometimes held in the renovated Reichstag building, to which deputies flew from Bonn. But these events were rather symbolic in nature: they demonstrated Germany’s desire to unite the country.

German reunification

One of the most significant events in modern German history took place near the Reichstag building on October 3, 1990. At midnight, the black, red and gold flag of a united Germany was raised on the flagpole in front of the western portal. It was on this day, less than a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, that the formal legal reunification of the country took place. Newsreel footage shows the steps of the Reichstag illuminated by floodlights. Chancellor Helmut Kohl and his wife surrounded by German politicians. A mass of thousands of people in the dark sings the national anthem about unity, justice and freedom: “Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit...”

During the renovation of the building in 1995-1999, before the German capital moved from Bonn to Berlin, almost all of the changes made by Baumgarten were corrected, focusing on Wallot's original plans. But the reconstruction, of course, did not pursue the goal of restoring the Reichstag to its previous form. Preserving traces of history was one of the conditions of an open international competition, which was won by British architect Norman Foster.

Visitors and deputies are reminded of the capture of the Reichstag in 1945 by inscriptions made by Red Army soldiers. Now, thanks to special restoration technology, they look as if they appeared just yesterday. All the soldiers' autographs found on the walls after the "Baumgarten" cladding was removed were first recorded in photographs and then translated into German.

Some of the inscriptions were left for viewing, some had to be removed under plaster, but in such a way as to preserve them, that is, preserve them. The inscriptions containing obscene words and obscenities were removed, having previously agreed with Russian diplomats.

During tours of the building, guides like to repeat the story about the first deputies who entered the Reichstag after the parliament moved from Bonn to Berlin. One of them, seeing the autographs of Soviet soldiers, thought that these were fresh traces left by some hooligans in the newly renovated premises. The deputy called the parliamentary affairs department to tell him about this blatant disgrace, but they explained to him the origin and meaning of these inscriptions. Let us note that not all deputies liked the idea of ​​preserving historical reminders, but they did not receive support.

See also:
History of the Brandenburg Gate

    Symbol of unity

    Until the mid-19th century, Berlin was surrounded by a city customs wall. It was possible to enter its territory through eighteen gates, which were later dismantled, with the exception of one and only one. Today they are the most popular landmark of the German capital and an architectural symbol of a united Germany.

    "Athens on the Spree"

    This is what the place looked like in 1764. About a quarter of a century later, the Prussian king Frederick William II ordered the construction of a new gate here. Architect Karl Gotthard Langhans prepared a project in the style of classicism, taking as a role model the antique gate that formed the entrance to the Acropolis. Berlin at that time was the center of cultural life in Europe and was even called “Athens on the Spree”.

    Gate of Peace

    Construction of the gate was completed in August 1791. In 1793, a quadriga was installed on them, which is now ruled by the goddess of victory Victoria. But initially this place on the Gate of Peace (Friedenstor), as they were then called, was occupied by Eirene, the daughter of Zeus, the goddess of peace in ancient Greek mythology. The design of a triumphal chariot drawn by four horses was developed by the sculptor Johann Gottfried Schadow.

    image" src="" title="1814" alt="1814">!}

    Triumphant return

    In 1814, after the defeat of Napoleon's troops by a coalition led by Russia and Prussia, the quadriga was solemnly returned from Paris to Berlin. The gate has acquired a new look. They became the Prussian triumphal arch. The author of the project was the architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Quadriga was now ruled not by the goddess of peace, but by the goddess of victory Victoria, who received an iron cross and a wreath of oak leaves as a reward.

    Nazi propaganda

    During the Third Reich, the National Socialists used the Brandenburg Gate for their propaganda. Immediately after Hitler seized power in January 1933, they staged a torchlight procession here. Berlin was to become the "Capital of the World". Plans for the creation of "Germany" included the construction of a new gigantic triumphal arch, the demolition of entire neighborhoods, but not the Brandenburg Gate.

    After the war

    During the bombing of World War II and the capture of Berlin, the Brandenburg Gate was seriously damaged. In a divided city, they found themselves in the Soviet occupation zone. Until 1957, the flag of the USSR flew over them, and then the GDR. The Quadriga was completely destroyed. All that was left was the head of one of the horses. Now it is in the museum.


    The sculpture had to be restored. IN this issue East and West Berlin, despite the political confrontation, agreed to cooperate. For this, they used casts made during the war shortly before the start of the war. massive bombings Berlin. An exact copy of the quadriga was installed in 1957. However, soon the GDR authorities made adjustments: they removed the cross and the Prussian eagle.

    No Man's Land

    On August 13, 1961, construction of the wall began. As a result, the Brandenburg Gate found itself in a restricted area between East and West Berlin. The wall passed right in front of them. Only East German border guards now had access here, and these historical gates themselves became a symbol of the division of Germany.

    "Tear down this Wall!"

    The speech that US President Ronald Reagan delivered here on June 12, 1987 went down in history. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this Wall!” he called on the Soviet leader. “Open these gates!” Reagan's words, amplified by powerful speakers, were heard throughout East Berlin. Back then no one knew what would happen in just two years.

    Fall of the Belin Wall

    Immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, thousands of people went to the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate the event. The symbol of the division of Germany became a symbol of the reunification of the country.


    Today, the Brandenburg Gate is not only a popular attraction, but also a place for concerts, celebrations, and demonstrations. In 2006, during the world football championship in Germany, the so-called mile for fans was held for the first time - a multi-day fan festival with live broadcasts of matches on giant screens.


    Every autumn, Berlin hosts the Festival of Lights, which includes the Brandenburg Gate. They also become a place of expression of solidarity after terrorist attacks and other emergencies. This photo was taken in June 2016 after an attack on a gay club in the American city of Orlando.


    The 10-meter Hanukkah was installed in front of the Brandenburg Gate in December 2015. According to the traditions of Judaism, the candles of this lamp are lit during the eight days of Hanukkah. The ceremony was attended by the German Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Monika Grutters. Currently, about 12 thousand Jews live in the German capital.


    The Brandenburg Gate is a monument to European and German history, witnesses to numerous wars and a symbol of hope. "Frieden" - "Peace". This light installation could be seen on the Brandenburg Gate in 2014 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

  1. The Reichstag building or Reichstag (Reichstagsgebäude (inf.) - “state assembly building”) is a famous historical building in Berlin, where in 1894-1933 the German state body of the same name met - the Reichstag of the German Empire and the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic, and since 1999 the Bundestag has been located .


    The building was designed by Frankfurt architect Paul Wallot in the Italian High Renaissance style.
    The foundation stone of the German parliament building was laid on June 9, 1884 by Kaiser Wilhelm I.
    Construction lasted ten years and was completed under Kaiser Wilhelm II.

  2. Inscriptions on the walls of the Reichstag. May, 1945.

    "The heart was still beating with the heat of battle,
    And silence had already entered the world,
    It's as if time has stopped here
    Suddenly not believing who the war was over.
    Under the arches of the charred vault,
    In some pristine silence,
    Soldiers of the greatest campaign
    They signed it right on the wall.
    The Reichstag ruin was breathing
    To all the fumes of the world battle,
    And it is more sonorous than any chorale
    A choir of names sang, growing like the surf.
    He sang, flying over fire and blood,
    Before the war, a defeated face,
    As if overshadowing the headboard
    The last dying soldiers.
    Everyone wrote their name openly,
    So that people of future times know,
    So that this feat, accomplished by all of them,
    Done in the name of humanity!"

    Nikolai Tikhonov.

  3. Reichstagsgebäude

    The Reichstag building in Berlin is a most interesting monument in every sense.
    Its walls remember as much as other houses and buildings do not “make money” for centuries.
    But he is only a century and a half old!

    History of construction

    The “Iron Chancellor” of Prussia and then Germany, Otto Bismarck, united the scattered German duchies and principalities into one, and, naturally, the question arose about where the government of the newly born state would sit. It was decided to build a building that would reflect the greatness and power of the new country.

    The place was quickly chosen: on Republic Square (then Kaiser Square), not far from the river, almost on its bank.
    But suddenly the Prussian diplomat and collector of Polish origin, Count Rachinsky, who owned the land, sharply opposed construction.
    The German government announced a competition for projects in the hope that the unyielding count would change his will: the Kaiser really did not want to take away the land by force.
    But this measure did not have any effect; construction was delayed for several more years, until the son of the now deceased Rachinsky sold the site for development.

    The first stone was laid in 1884 by William I, the first meeting of parliament took place 10 years later, when William II reigned.

    Architectural appearance

    The main idea of ​​the architectural project developed by Paul Wallot was simple: the new Germany, reflected in stone, was supposed to give the impression of strength, sovereignty and statehood.
    This style of architecture is called imperial. The architect deliberately “weighted” the building, making it massive, large, solid.

    The Reichstag is made in the shape of a square, in the corners of which there are four towers topped with the national flags of Germany. They symbolize the 4 German states, which became the basis for the unification of the country. In the center of the building there is a glass dome (it became such as a result of reconstruction after the Second World War, since the previous one was destroyed). Initially, Emperor Wilhelm did not like the dome very much, because it was taller than all the other domes in the city, and the Kaiser perceived this fact as an attack on the symbols of his power, but still gave in to the author of the project. Today, the height of the dome is 75 meters; at the top there is an observation deck, which offers a magnificent view of the surrounding area.

    The central entrance is designed in the form of a solemn ancient Roman portal with 6 pairs of columns, above which there is a portico with a bas-relief depicting the triumph of a united Germany. On both sides of the portico there are carillon turrets - mechanical musical instrument, but today there are no bells on it, the instrument does not work.

    On the towers there are allegorical statues, symbolizing all aspects of life in the state: industry, agriculture, army, art and so on. There are 16 of them in total. It is curious that among the statues there is an allegory of the brewing industry as the basis for the well-being of Germany and its people.

    On the portico, in addition to the bas-relief, there is the inscription “Dem deutsche Volke” (“To the German people”). The letters are cast from guns from the Napoleonic Wars. It appeared on the pediment in 1916.

    The interiors, the design of which was also developed by Vallot, included finishing of the meeting rooms from wood (mainly to increase acoustic effects), a lot of stucco, designed to copy the style of decoration of city administrative buildings of the 16th-17th centuries: garlands, rosettes, bas-reliefs.

    The most unusual thing in the Reichstag building today is the dome. During the Second World War it was completely destroyed, and the building itself was severely damaged. After the war, it ended up in West Berlin (the parliament met in Bonn). Recovery historical monument started in the 60s, and worked on the dome in the 90s. The construction of the dome, designed by architect Foster, included its installation on the roof of the building, which was made of glass and concrete. It was a grandiose idea to implement: weighing 1200 tons, 23.5 m high and 38 m in diameter, the dome was not only a decoration, an observation deck, but also a ventilation device, as well as a dimmer.

    There are two paths along the dome: one for ascending to the observation deck, the second for descending. In the center there is a structure of mirrors controlled by a computer. This is a giant funnel that provides ventilation to the plenary hall and regulates the supply of daylight depending on its brightness: the mirrors rotate at a certain angle and thus increase or decrease the illumination.

    Practical Germans provided environmentally friendly energy supply for the building. Part of it is supplied by thermal springs, part - solar panels. This is how the current owners of the building combined history and modern technology.

    History of the Reichstag

    At the beginning of its existence it was the building of the parliament, then of the Weimar Republic. The Nazis (they came to power legally through elections) did not move the work of parliament to another place.

    On the night of February 28, 1933, the Reichstag was damaged by fire. The symbol of the state was burning. The arson was blamed on the communists, and this served as the pretext for a large-scale wave of repression and terror unleashed by the Nazis. Dark times were beginning in Germany.

    They ended in 1945, when Berlin was captured by Soviet troops.

    One of the main characters in the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle” dreamed of leaving his painting on the Reichstag. The whole world was circulated by photographs of a dilapidated building with inscriptions on the walls left by such ordinary wars. It was like a victory over Nazi Germany: we signed the main building of the country, we won, fascism was destroyed.

    And the red banner of the Great Victory was also hoisted on the Reichstag, on the right turret of the carillon.
    What happened to these inscriptions after the war? It would seem that it would be natural for the defeated side to destroy even a hint of violated statehood.
    But no. Honor and praise to the Germans: they do not want to forget what their compatriots have done, they do not want the world to forget about the danger that fascism poses.
    And they left inscriptions. They are in the large meeting room, in some rooms, on the roof.
    From the steps of the destroyed Reichstag, Berliners addressed humanity: “Peoples of the world! Look at this city..." And don’t repeat our mistakes - I really want to continue this emotional appeal.
    Today you can come to the Reichstag on a tour by pre-registering on the website. This excursion will remain in the memory for a long time, because the Reichstag is not just a building, it is a living history.

    In the first weeks after the capture of the Reichstag, thousands of Soviet soldiers signed there.


    On the Reichstag the word "Vasya"
    (Right above the swastika-cross)
    All glowing with soldier's happiness,
    Knocked out the soldier with a bayonet.
    Well, you are clever, little soldier,
    Winner and hero!
    At the Reichstag taken by storm,
    Well, he included his autograph!
    Look, read, Europe,
    And America - dare
    Whose infantry took the Reichstag!?
    Who destroyed the "spider paradise"!?
    She walked here from the Volga in battles,
    She died, and again...
    She continued her long journey,
    To take the damned Reichstag!
    Here, read, Berlin, and remember,
    Remember in your heart - forever!
    In the conquered Reichstag
    Painting of a Russian bayonet!
    Name Vasya for all Vasya,
    What lies in the damp ground,
    On the wall of the Reichstag imperiously,
    Painted a soldier with a bayonet!

    (Masasin Mikhail Vasilievich)

    He signed on the wall

    He signed on the wall
    I, Ivanov N.N. from Penza
    And above, the lines, in the depths...
    Victory! Alive! And here is my monogram...

    I sat down by the wall and took out my pouch
    There was a smell of smoke above the soldier
    Hands were shaking... for so many years
    He went to Berlin for this date

    And how many roads there were
    And pain, and blood, and fear, and troubles
    Oh, how hard the threshold of war is
    How high is the price of Victory...

    All the snows of Moscow remember you
    The walls of Stalingrad remember you
    Where there is a backbone, you broke
    The enemy, in the crucible of terrible hell

    Odessa remembers you, and Kerch
    And Brest, and Kursk, and Rzhev and Prague
    War bloody creepy tornado
    Brought you to the lair of the Reichstag

    And the Volga cries, the Don cries
    Both the Dnieper and the Vistula echo
    And the bells are ringing
    And life is noisy with cheerful laughter...

    Soviet soldiers left many inscriptions on the walls of the Reichstag, some of which (including in the meeting room) were preserved and left during the restoration of the building.

    In 1947, by order of the Soviet commandant’s office, the inscriptions were “censored”, that is, inscriptions of an obscene nature were removed and several “ideologically consistent” ones were added.

    The issue of preserving the inscriptions on the Reichstag was raised in the 1990s during its reconstruction (with the initial stages of renovation revealing many inscriptions hidden by the previous restoration in the 1960s). By agreement of the President of the Bundestag R. Süssmuth (English) Russian. and ambassador Russian Federation in Germany in 1996, statements with obscene and racist content were removed and only 159 graffiti were left. In 2002, the question of removing the inscriptions was raised in the Bundestag, but the proposal was rejected by a majority vote. Most of the surviving inscriptions of Soviet soldiers are located in the interior of the Reichstag, now accessible only with a guide by appointment. At the top, on the right pediment on the inside, the inscription: “Astrakhan Makarov” is preserved.

    There are also bullet marks on the inside of the left pediment.

    One of the walls with inscriptions left during the restoration of the Reichstag

    On September 9, 1948, during the blockade of Berlin, a rally was held in front of the Reichstag building, attracting over 350 thousand Berliners. Against the backdrop of the destroyed Reichstag with the now famous call to the world community “Peoples of the world... Look at this city!” Mayor Ernst Reiter addressed.

    The Berlin Wall, erected on August 13, 1961, was located in close proximity to the Reichstag building. It ended up in West Berlin. Subsequently, the building was restored and since 1973 it has been used for the exhibition of a historical exhibition and as a meeting room for the bodies and factions of the Bundestag.

    After the reunification of Germany on October 4, 1990, the day after the actual date of German unification, the first meeting of the first all-German Bundestag took place in the Reichstag. On June 20, 1991, the Bundestag in Bonn decided by 338 votes to 320 to move to Berlin to the Reichstag building. After a competition, the reconstruction of the Reichstag was entrusted to the English architect Lord Norman Foster. In May 1995, the Council of Elders of the Bundestag, after lengthy debate, decided to build a modern glass dome, inside which people can walk.

    Norman Foster managed to save historical view the Reichstag building and at the same time create premises for a modern parliament, open to the outside world. The building is divided into levels based on the principle of transparency and expediency. The structures of the parliamentary secretariat are located in the basement and on the ground floor, as well as technical devices and life support systems. Above is the plenary level with a large meeting room, above which is the visitor level. Even higher is the presidium level, above it is the faction level and, finally, the roof terrace and the impressive dome of the building. The transparency of the building is ensured by modern building materials: lungs steel structures and large glass areas, decorative concrete, matt white or beige natural stone give the massive building a silvery hue. For orientation, the color concept of the Danish artist Per Arnoldi is used: the doors of each level are painted a certain color.

    Today the Reichstag building is one of Berlin's tourist attractions. Until November 2010, free access to the building's dome and the observation deck on the roof of the Bundestag was open, but tourists must first register on the Bundestag website. The German Bundestag is the most visited parliament in the world. Since the Bundestag moved to Berlin in 1999, over 13 million people from all over the world have visited the Reichstag building. For comparison: during the stay of the German Bundestag in Bonn in 1949-1997, about 11.5 million people visited it. After Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière declared an increased terrorist threat on November 17 due to the possibility of Islamists infiltrating Germany to carry out attacks on Christmas Day, the building was surrounded by temporary metal barriers and the dome was closed to tourists. Currently
    At this time, the dome is open to tourists by appointment on the Bundestag website.

How often it happens in life that you don’t know something, don’t notice something, don’t attach importance to something, and suddenly the moment comes when you seem to see the light.

Several years ago, my good German friend Ruth Walter told me what an indelible impression a tour of the Reichstag building in Berlin made on her. No, she was shocked not by the building itself with its unusual architectural structures, not by its scale, but by just a few walls and niches of corridors with numerous inscriptions of Soviet soldiers, left there by them at the end of the war, in May 1945.

When she showed me photographs of the Reichstag walls with inscriptions in Russian, there were tears in her eyes: “They fought not only for their Motherland, but for us too. By risking their lives, they gave us peace.”

And I, in turn, was shocked not so much by the fact of the inscriptions left, but by the way the German woman who survived the war spoke about it.

Of course, then I forgot about it, there were things to do, work and many other things that seemed more important at that time. But a few years later, a series of events brought me back to this topic, and I met Karin Felix, an employee of the Reichstag.

(Karin Felix - Reichstag employee)

Karin is an amazing person. She knows by heart almost everything that is written on the walls of the Reichstag. He can tell with accuracy where this or that surname is located. For her, these are not just inscriptions. Behind every name, behind every phrase, she sees a soldier, a man who had to endure God knows what in those terrible years of the war. She told me and provided materials about several veterans who, after the war, visited Berlin, visited the Reichstag building and found their names there.

The first Soviet soldier to find his signature was Boris Sapunov in 2001. The then President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Thierse, ordered this case, the first at that time, to be documented in the Reichstag archives.
Today Boris Sapunov, Karin Felix’s “Russian dad” as she calls him, is eighty-eight years old. He is a Doctor of Historical Sciences, chief researcher of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

On April 2, 2004, Boris Zolotarevsky found his signature. At the age of 15 he went to the front, at 17 he reached the Reichstag, became an engineer and now lives in Israel. In his letter to Karin Felix he wrote:

“My recent visit to the Bundestag made such a strong impression on me that I did not find the right words to express your feelings and thoughts.
I am very touched by the tact and aesthetic taste with which Germany preserved the autographs of Soviet soldiers on the walls of the Reichstag in memory of the war, which became a tragedy for many peoples...
... It was a very exciting surprise for me to be able to see my autograph and the autographs of my friends Matyash, Shpakov, Fortel and Kvasha, lovingly preserved on the former smoky walls of the Reichstag.
With deep gratitude and respect
B. Zolotarevsky"

Lyudmila Nosova visited Berlin in April 2005, in honor of the 60th anniversary of liberation from a concentration camp. She came with a group of women from Ukraine who had survived Ravensbrück. She is over eighty, she is disabled, and uses a wheelchair.

During a visit to the Reichstag, she found herself near the wall of the northern wing of the building on the first floor and told Karin Felix that her husband had also signed there. During the storming of the Reichstag, Alexei Nosov was barely nineteen. After some searching, Karin Felix was able to show the widow his name. In capital letters, “Nosov” was written on the wall in Cyrillic.

In December 2008, when I visited the Bundestag myself and saw these inscriptions, they made a huge impression on me. But I was even more impressed by Karin Felix’s attitude towards these inscriptions and towards our veterans who visit there. With tenderness and words of gratitude, she shakes hands with each of them.

“Thank you for what you did for us. Thank you that we can live peacefully,” she tells them in Russian.

Communication with Ruth Walter and Karin Felix, their attitude towards autographs on the walls of the Reichstag could not leave me indifferent. Having taken photographs of the walls on which the inscriptions were preserved, I compiled a list of all readable names and phrases. There are more than 300 of them.

(On front-line photographs: Behind Marshal Zhukov there is an inscription on the Reichstag: “Mishin, we are from Kaluga!” Radio operator Mishin in a trench near Pustoshka. Son of the regiment Stasik).

This is a historically unique memory of soldiers and officers Soviet army, which reached all the way to Berlin. Unfortunately, many of these soldiers may never have known that their names on the Reichstag were preserved and still read 65 years later. Others do not know about it simply due to lack of information. After all, you can only see these autographs by visiting the Reichstag building itself.

Now I am compiling a catalog with the names of soldiers in Russian and German languages. I am collecting materials about those who have already found their surnames or the surnames of their relatives.
Perhaps one of the readers will recognize someone's name and respond. Then the catalog of victorious soldiers who reached Berlin and endorsed the Victory with their autographs on the walls of the Reichstag will be replenished with new stories.

So, here is a list of inscriptions.

Boris T.

May 9, 1945 Stalingraders in Berlin!!!
Captain Chistyakov
captain Rubtsov P.A.
l-t. Cherk(a) (G)
l-t. Gabidulin
l-t. Less(in)
serge. Popov
serge. Serk(p)ov
serge. Mukhin

Chekanov Ivan

Shpakov P.


Was here
Leonov Ivan Borisovich

Stalingraders Popov, Dushkova,

Moscow - Berlin
Z.N. P.S. Sokolov

Yufa from Moscow


Schumann N.K.

Moscow - Smolensk - Berlin gvr. Mukhin A. A. born 1923
9/V 45

Moscow - Kaluga
Erokhin V. Kalinin S.P.

Moscow Kantselyarsky 30.5.45


Pavlov P(?) N.
Moscow-Berlin and back Berlin-Moscow

There was a guy from Kuskov - Mezentsev D.A. (?)

Moscow-Berlin passed way l-t(K?)

Was here on 9/V 45.
from Leningrad Chi(e)(a)lkov, Valens

They paid in full for Leningrad
Sapozhkov I.

Panfilov (Tikhvin)
2-5-45 Leningrad 2-5-45
Koso(u)rov Yudichev Beskrovny

Pogrosyan Ivan.....

Glory to the Stormtroopers

2 -ml- sergeant. Nadtafov Baku

4 Sgt. Tatarkin Kursk

The Slav brothers paid in full for Leningrad I.G. Maximov

There was a guard here - .............
Leningrad - Berlin

Vyborg - Berlin

Glory to Stalin
to his officers and soldiers
Romashenko(?) Boyko
Kyiv.... 45

Tula - Bochkov
Kyiv - Fedorov

Todorov V. A.(?)

Gradina.. in Poltava region
G.K. Pereverzev Kursk

from Kharkov

Kharkov Nosik

Zaitsev Grigory is here
Kharkov - Berlin

Saratov-Berlin Faki.. 9/5

Berlin May 31, 1945
Odessa resident Pechkin G.
Leningradets Zhitmarev
visited the ruins of Berlin and were very pleased

Odessa - Berlin Greenberg

Varvarov V.A.
Radiation beam

(N)ebchenko from Ukraine

Sher(e)(s)tyukov A(?)


24.5.45 Krivoy Rog-Ordzhinikidze-Berlin
Girol M.L(?)


Lida Antonova, Yalta


Shutyaev V.V.F. from Kursk

Brest-Lutsk-Lvov-Berlin 5/V
Serge Popov A.V.

Belarusian Vankevets K.L. was here.

Tokin Vasil Gomel

Nersesyan N.G.

I'm also from Yerevan
Komsomol member


Torasenko Konstantin Fedotovich

There were.....
Akhvetsiani - Caucasus


Sokolov Yalda

Caucasus Berlin Reistakh Malchenko

Burrs. Grozny-Berlin

Caucasus - Chityan

Major Likhnenko's signalmen were here
Caucasus - Sochi - Warsaw - Berlin - Elbe

Came from the Caucasus

Mago Aliev from Kislovodsk


Tbilisi - Berlin


Glory to the Stormtroopers
1- ml - Lieutenant Ivanov E. Leningrad
2 -ml- sergeant. Nadtafov Baku
3 - ......Mar(she)inenko.... Priluk.
4 Sgt. Tatarkin Kursk

Dzhilinbaev A.
Almaty - Berlin

Simono(?) from Tataria

G. Mary Kobee

Masharipov(?) from Turkmenistan 6/5 45


From the Artyom Mine to Berlin
Vinokurova T.V.


There were Siberians
Borisenko P.F.
Fidoseev S.N.

g. ..... Siberia


T.A. was here. Zhuko....
from Altai

9/v 45

Lieutenant Colonel Cool...
22/V 45

Military railway workers from Khabarovsk to Berlin
1. Stuzhnev
2. Additional(n)ov
3. Ermolenko
4. Sounds

We were here from Orel

from Orel to Berlin

Golubev A.A. - Kalinin

Streltsova - Ural
Burobina - (?)Kazan(?)


Kod(l)onsky B.Yu.

1949 (painted)


Taraburin Gorky

Satarov was here

Zaitsev Grigory is here
Kharkov - Berlin
Saratov-Berlin Faki... 9/5

Today, 21-5-48, we were here again: Laptev Yu.A. from Sverdlovsk
Shutyaev V.V.F. from Kursk

Gradina.. in Poltava region
G.K. Pereverzev Kursk
VII / 45 Visit...... from the city of Sverdlovsk in the person of Captain Telyatov, Zharkova, Afanasyeva and Gare (meko).