Who are the Rotenberg family? Everyone should know this

Asks the highest authority of British justice, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, to allow him to challenge the decision of the Court of Appeal dated July 25, 2017, which ordered the disclosure of details of his financial agreements with ex-wife — Natalia Rotenberg. A source close to one of the parties to the process spoke about this. The representative of the Supreme Court of Great Britain, Sophia Linehan-Biggs, confirmed the information. It will take three to six months to make a decision on this case, she said.

The London High Court handed down its decision in the R v R case in July 2016, but its details were kept secret. The participants were not named in publicly available documents from the trial. RBC wrote in 2015 that Arkady and Natalya Rotenberg are hiding behind the letters R. Rotenberg’s Russian lawyer Philip Ryabchenko confirmed to the publication that the former spouses are suing in London. According to him, the matter in the case was not about the division of assets, but about the payment of compensation to Natalya.

“He didn’t pretend to anything, he gave everything that we gained during my period. I treat my husband very well and always put him on a pedestal. God bless him!” Rotenberg told The Bell.

The judge in this case was Philip Moore, who presided over R v R. According to the publication, Moore allowed the materials of the trial to be disclosed, but one of them, a man, did not agree with this decision. Moore submitted the litigant's request for confidentiality to the Court of Appeal, and sealed the materials until a verdict was rendered.

The Court of Appeal in July allowed the details of the R v R trial to be made public, according to a decision published in the court database on October 17, 2017. It is this decision that Rotenberg is now challenging in the UK Supreme Court.

In 2017 Forbes appreciated Arkady Rotenberg's fortune is $2.6 billion. He owns one of the largest contractors receiving government contracts —  "Stroygazmontazh". Rotenberg also owns shares in the Minudobreniya company and SMP Bank. The businessman is called a friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom he once practiced judo. In 2014, the EU and the US contributed Rotenberg to the sanctions list, citing his closeness to Putin as one of the reasons. According to the agency "Ruspres", in Russia, only one company is registered to Natalya Rotenberg - LLC Cultural and Leisure Center Pokrov. In essence, this is a “family” kindergarten located in one of the apartments in an elite housing complex on Beregovaya Street in Moscow.

Ryabchenko refused to discuss Rotenberg’s appeal to the British Supreme Court with journalists, citing the closed nature of the case. Natalia Rotenberg’s Russian lawyer, Kira Voronkova, also declined to comment.

Natalia Rotenberg now lives in London. Her LinkedIn page states that she is the founder and owner of NR Group, an interior design and real estate company. The company’s website emphasizes that Natalia has “experience and connections” in real estate transactions around the world. In addition, Natalya Rotenberg has been a Russian Ambassador perfume brand Clive Christian. In 2015, the ex-wife of Arkady Rotenberg created in the UK charitable foundation NR Foundation, which, as stated on its website, is dedicated to helping talented children.

In the July verdict in the R v R secrecy case, Court of Appeal judges criticized plaintiff R's argument. full name which is again not named, calling it “unsatisfactory” in places, noting that his lawyers did not discuss in detail in the first instance their arguments in favor of classifying the case materials, having done this only in the Court of Appeal.

The plaintiff's representatives argued that disclosing details of the case could pose a threat to their client. In addition, disclosure of materials may violate the right of minor children to privacy. privacy, follows from the verdict of the Court of Appeal. The court then did not agree with these arguments, while warning Times Newspapers that sensitivity must be observed when reporting details of the trial. As you know, the entrepreneur’s two children, Varvara and Arkady, live with Natalya Rotenberg.

Arkady Rotenberg, who plans to build a nitrogen fertilizer plant in Primorye, believes that joint gas production with Gazprom will help provide production with cheap raw materials.

But it is unclear exactly how gas from the partners’ joint project in Yamal can be delivered to Far East. Analysts believe that we may be talking about a swap, but note that both the prospects for the plant and the launch date remain uncertain.

Analysts note that the entire business of the Rotenberg brothers is based on adventurous projects and administrative resources...

Billionaires close to the Kremlin want to acquire 25% of the leading Russian airline Aeroflot. The businessmen’s partner is Rostec, managed by Sergei Chemezov.

Let us recall that earlier Rostec and the Rotenbergs lobbied for the tax through the Platon company, which led to protracted protests by truckers.

Note that the market value of Aeroflot is $9.7 billion. Now the state's share in Aeroflot is 51.17%, and another 3.26% of the airline belongs to Rostec.

Rostec representative Andrey Korobov explained that the state company’s interest is also related to plans to develop cooperation between various business blocks with the airline. As an example, he cited the Technodinamika holding, which can carry out aircraft maintenance and supply spare parts.

But experts believe that Rostec is simply acting as a lobbyist for the Rotenbergs.


Let us recall that in mid-2015, Rostec, managed by Sergei Chemezov, RT-invest and the government of the Moscow Region signed an agreement on collecting a toll for travel on all federal highways in the amount of 3.73 rubles per km. This means that there are no free roads left for trucks - in the end, the money will be paid by the consumers of the goods transported.

To implement the pilot, RT-invest attracted a joint venture led by the son of Arkady Rotenberg - Igor - RT - Invest Transport Systems (RTITS), the operator of the federal toll collection system, which was launched in November. It should be noted that funds for the implementation of the federal system were provided by Gazprombank.

Rotenberg Jr. increased his stake in RT-Invest Transport Systems LLC (RTITS) from 25% to 50%. At the same time, it was the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, who personally lobbied for RTITS to become the operator of this system! In fact, the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, gave control of the RTITS company, which manages Platon, into private hands - to Rotenbeg and his partners. At the same time, his business partners work through “Luxembourg structures” (in fact, they act through offshore companies).

RTITS belonged to the state corporation Rostec (50.01%) and RT-invest, 25.01% of which is owned by the same Rostec, and 74.99% by Tsaritsyn Capital LLC, whose owners are Andrei Shipelov and Vadim Agafonov. However, in 2014, the state corporation sold 25% of RTITS to RT-invest, and he sold it to Igor Rotenberg. The Rotenberg family is very active in road construction. So further activities RTITS completely coincides with his financial interests. Let us note that Chemezov is not only friends with the Rotenbergs, but also neighbors with mansions.

Sergey Chemezov, head of Rostec corporation

However, trucks weighing over 12 tons must pay tolls for travel on federal highways. The piquancy is that according to the prisoner without competition concession agreement The routes will be developed and maintained by the RT-Invest Transport Systems (RTITS) company, a joint venture of the RT-Invest investment fund and businessman Igor Rotenberg. Preliminary tax collections will amount to 50-60 billion rubles per year, of which 10 billion will be received by Rotenberg’s company!


Let us recall that in mid-2015, Putin signed a decree on the creation of a new company, Sheremetyevo Airport, which will consolidate the assets of the airport, currently controlled by the state and private investors from Sheremetyevo Holding LLC (it is controlled by partners in the TPS Avia company - Rotenberg, Alexander Ponomarenko and Alexander Skorobogatko).

But, apparently, Sheremetyev was not enough for Rotenberg, since he was not averse to getting his hands on the capital’s Domodedovo airport. Journalists write directly that the Rotenberg brothers want to gain control of Domodedovo.

Arkady Rotenberg, billionaire

Here it is worth remembering that in 2014, the Federal Air Transport Agency decided to build a new runway at Domodedovo Airport with a length of 3800 m. The construction contract was awarded to SU-1 MDS-Group, the cost of the new runway and aprons was 15 billion rubles. A number of journalists write that through the seizure of documents from MDS-Group, the security forces may have tried to reach the beneficiaries of Domodedovo, which Arkady Rotenberg is interested in.

A similar scenario is observed in the Metrostroy company. In St. Petersburg, employees of the regional department of the FSB of Russia carried out operational search activities at the company’s offices. Rumor has it that behind the searches are structures close to the Rotenberg brothers, who, according to rumors, are “looking closely” at Metrostroy.

We also note the situation with the new head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov. What worries experts most is that Belozerov is going to privatize part of Russian Railways. And the problem is not the transfer of property. And the fact is that the railway may end up in the hands of Arkady Rotenberg!

Belozerov met Arkady and Boris Rotenberg in the late 1990s, when he worked at Lenenergo. We also note that the Rotenbergs were co-owners of the Rostopprom company, which Belozerov headed in 2002-2004.

The loyalty of the current head of Russian Railways to the brothers allowed the Rotenbergs to enter into projects for the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg expressway, federal highway M-4 “Don”, M-11 “Narva” and M-9 “Baltia”, etc.

Rumor has it that Belozerov may take kickbacks from the Rotenberg brothers for “transferring” the most profitable tenders to them. By the way, at the end of April 2015, the non-state pension fund (NPF) Blagosostoyanie, controlled by Russian Railways, acquired 38.63% of the shares of the Mostotrest construction company from Marc O’Polo Investments Ltd.

This offshore, like Mostotrest itself, is controlled by Arkady Rotenberg. It turns out that for almost 40% of the shares of Mostotrest, Rotenberg’s structure received 10.04 billion rubles from the Russian Railways fund!

Again, in mid-2015, Arkady Rotenberg’s Yavara-Neva received 1.5 billion rubles from the federal budget for the construction of a yacht cluster in St. Petersburg. The object received tourist status.

By the way, in June 2015, information appeared that Gazprom was going to build the Kuban-Crimea gas pipeline worth 14.3 billion rubles. and, apparently, without a tender, Arkady Rotenberg’s Stroygazmontazh will be built. Let us emphasize that the construction of a main gas pipeline to supply the peninsula is estimated at 20 billion rubles.

Moreover, Stroygazmontazh will build the Kerch Bridge at a cost of 211.9 billion rubles. (figures for 2016). Arkady Rotenberg owns shares in the main contracting companies working with “energy” state corporations. Thus, according to Forbes, he owns the main blocks of shares (more than 75%) of Stroygazmontazh and FEC Mosenergo. In 2015, the Forbes “Kings of Government Contracts” rating stated that these companies accounted for government contracts worth 102.8 billion rubles, and in 2014 - 184 billion rubles.

Knight's move

Note that sanctions were imposed on Rotenberg in 2014. Here Arkady Romanovich decided to “apply” his divorce from his wife, which occurred back in 2013.

Since 2014, Italian authorities have seized the property of Arkady Rotenberg. The list of sealed real estate included the elite Berg Luxury hotel in Rome, an apartment in Cagliari, a villa in the city of Villasimius, a villa in Tarquinia, two villas in Arzachena, as well as two companies: Olpon Investment Limited registered in Cyprus and the Roman Aurora 31. total cost the seized property, according to Reuters, amounted to 30 million euros. But Arkady Rotenberg has another 1.4 billion dollars!

However, allegedly due to the sanctions imposed on Rotenberg in July 2014 by the European Union, the payment of alimony turned out to be difficult.

It should be noted that Rotenberg has not paid alimony since the fall of 2014, as follows from a recent decision of the appeal court. The money transferred by Rotenberg to his ex-wife's account in a British bank must be frozen unless the UK Treasury issues a license to unfreeze it.

And here’s the most interesting thing - in October 2014, a London court ruled that Arkady Rotenberg can transfer money for his ex-wife to her Russian account, from where she can freely transfer it to her own account in the UK. But Rotenberg's lawyers challenged this decision, arguing that such a scheme would amount to illegal circumvention of sanctions, thereby violating EU and UK legislation.

In today's Russia, a new system is being formed, where leading state-owned companies and even the right to collect taxes belong to virtually one person - Arkady Rotenberg. It’s not hard to guess where this will lead the state’s economy...

Pavel Yakshis, who works part-time as a freight transporter, remembered that hot June day for the rest of his life. He was driving his GAZelle, loaded with furniture, along Tikhoretsky Avenue in the Northern Capital, when a concrete mixer suddenly braked in front of him. Yakshis turned to the right, an angry horn sounded from behind, and a couple of seconds later the black Toyota Land Cruiser he had cut off, overtaking Yakshis with a roar, blocked the road. The tinted window rolled down, and the passenger - a man with a wide face and a strong neck - asked Yakshis where he learned to ride. A skirmish using unparliamentary expressions ensued, then the heated debaters took turns spitting at each other, the jeep doors swung open, and two stocky men in colorful Hawaiian shirts and gold chains around their necks walked towards the GAZelle with a springy gait. “In everything they resembled ‘brothers,’” Yakshis wrote in his testimony to investigators two days later.

But these were not bandits. Yakshis managed to spit at Boris Rotenberg, co-owner of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) bank, judoka and friend of Vladimir Putin. However, even if the GAZelle driver knew the name of the person with whom he had a traffic conflict, she would not have told him anything. Boris Rotenberg and his older brother Arkady are not those who like publicity. Their business turnover, according to conservative estimates, is $3 billion a year. They have interests in construction projects of Moscow, the Ministry of Defense and Gazprom. Their enterprises supply pipes to the gas concern, making a good profit, although they do not produce the pipes themselves. At the same time, the Rotenberg business empire does not have a single headquarters and a clear management structure, and only a limited circle of acquaintances and partners have access to the brothers.

How did they manage to build such a large-scale business? The answer to this question should be sought in the events that took place 45 years ago.

In September 1964, a young sambo coach Anatoly Rakhlin, having visited several schools in the Leninsky district of Leningrad, gathered a group of five boys and began training them in a small gym. Among those who signed up for the section was 12-year-old Arkady Rotenberg, who had previously been involved in artistic gymnastics. The boy immediately attracted the attention of the coach. Agile, coordinated, stable as a cat, intelligent and stubborn, Rakhlin later said about Arcadia.

Six months later, another boy enrolled in Rakhlin’s section - Volodya Putin, who lived nearby, in Baskov Lane. “I don’t know what his motivation was to start practicing sambo,” Rakhlin recalls about Putin. “Apparently, he wanted to be strong and brave.” Then Borya Rotenberg began going to training. Like any younger brother, Borya looked with delight at Arkady’s successes and dreamed of being no worse. The brothers, Volodya Putin and four other guys from the first intake formed the backbone of the section. In 1972, the section moved to a larger premises, and the coach began teaching them not home-grown sambo, but Japanese judo.

For those who participated in the section, the coach meant almost more than the parents. Arkady, Boris and Volodya spent almost everything together free time. Training, cleaning the gym, visiting, traveling to competitions - all this brought them together. “I’m still friends with the people I worked with then,” Putin admitted in 2000 in his biography “In the First Person.”

But outside the training room, the fates of the friends turned out differently. Vladimir Putin studied at the law department of Leningrad University, then joined the authorities and left for the GDR. The Rotenbergs graduated from the Leningrad Institute physical culture them. P. F. Lesgaft. After studying, Arkady got a job as a children's coach, and Boris became an instructor at a police school. If not for the collapse of the USSR, the paths of childhood friends would most likely have diverged: an intelligence officer and a coach in a seedy city club had little in common. But it turned out differently.

In 2007, Arkady Rotenberg defended his doctoral dissertation “Pedagogical management system personal growth martial arts athletes." “Representatives of the aggressive part of society”, “easily susceptible to criminalization”, “reduced intelligence”, “potentially dangerous” - this is how Rotenberg described stereotypes in relation to martial arts athletes in his work. Pavel Yakshis, who collided with Boris Rotenberg on Tikhoretsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg in 2005, testifies: everything is so. As follows from Yakshis’ testimony, Rotenberg grabbed him by the arm, tried to drag him out of the GAZelle through the window and struck him several times in the face. The frightened Yakshis grabbed the Osa traumatic pistol and shot at Rotenberg. A rubber bullet hit the athlete in the chest. Rotenberg shook himself off, lifted his shirt and looked at the abrasion. “You’re finished,” he muttered through his teeth. “I’ll get you.” What followed was an intricate curse, which amounted, as Yakshis showed the investigator, to a threat to kill “using his genitals.” Rotenberg began dialing a number on his mobile phone and promised Yakshis that the “guys” would be coming soon. The GAZelle driver immediately retreated. (Later, the court found Yakshis guilty of exceeding the limits of necessary self-defense and fined him 20,000 rubles; now, according to his lawyer, he has left St. Petersburg and is going to become a monk.)

Determination, willingness to go to the end, physical strength - these qualities of athletes made them the driving force of the Russian “criminal revolution” of the 1990s. In St. Petersburg, athletes were especially visible, says former athlete Evgeny Vyshenkov. At that time he worked in the criminal investigation department, and today he is deputy director of the St. Petersburg Agency for Investigative Journalism. The Rotenbergs, he said, were able to stay away from obvious crime. Vyshenkov tells the following story. While working in the criminal investigation department, he once observed negotiations in one of the St. Petersburg restaurants. The conversation took place between several strong men and a two-meter Chechen nicknamed Orbi. Vyshenkov later learned that one of the men was Arkady Rotenberg. The case in question concerned his friend, who was “run over” by the Chechens. Rotenberg was ready for any surprises, but he could not maintain a conversation in specific slang, says the former operative.

“It was a time when everyone was doing everything,” says entrepreneur Levan Pirveli, now living in Austria, one of Arkady Rotenberg’s first partners. At the very beginning of the 1990s, Pirveli headed a Soviet-Austrian joint venture that built the Metekhi hotel in Tbilisi. It is believed that the real owner of this five-star hotel was David Sanikidze, a friend of the recently deceased Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik). Pirveli says that he was going to build a hotel in St. Petersburg - for this purpose the Baltic Business Partners company was created. Pirveli’s partners in this company were Arkady Rotenberg and St. Petersburg entrepreneur Igor Shitikov. Although the hotel was never built, Rotenberg made “the most pleasant impression” on Pirveli. The third partner, Shitikov, a couple of years later received 2.5 years in prison on charges of theft of state property on an especially large scale, forgery and production of false documents.

The youngest of the Rotenbergs, Boris, worked as a judo coach in Finland from 1992 to 1998. The eldest remained in St. Petersburg, registered several companies and the Shield private security company, which guarded the School of Higher Sports Excellence on Kamenny Island, where masters of sports trained in different types martial arts and where the vice-mayor of the city Vladimir Putin visited. Arkady Rotenberg regularly came out to the tatami with him, who at the same time, together with several athletes, founded the St. Petersburg Sambo Federation.

The Federation was a serious resource at that time - the community of athletes was united and influential. Once in the early 1990s, St. Petersburg entrepreneur Boris Ivanov (better known as Bob the Collector) tried to push through the city administration with a decision to equip the building sports school club with night disco. The wrestlers could end up on the street. But, as former investigator Vyshenkov says, a delegation of several dozen people came to Bob, who did not demand anything, they simply promised to come to the first disco and “have a lot of fun.” Ivanov abandoned the project.

Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, of course, knew many “athletes”. Including those with whom Deputy Mayor Putin could not communicate due to his position. But there was a need - Vladimir Putin, for example, was in charge of the development of the gambling business in the city, and large St. Petersburg casinos were then controlled by organized crime, in particular the Tambov organized crime group. But the real rise of the Rotenbergs occurred after the Moscow period of their childhood friend’s career began.

In 1998, St. Petersburg oil traders Gennady Timchenko and Andrey Katkov sponsored the professional sports judo club “Yavara-Neva”. Arkady Rotenberg became its general director, and the head Federal service security Vladimir Putin - president. Soon Yavara-Neva turned into one of the most successful sports organizations in the country, and in 2000, with the election of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia, the horizons of the Rotenbergs' opportunities rapidly expanded.

First experience of working at federal level It was their collaboration with Sergei Zivenko, until then a little-known sporting goods dealer. As the German magazine Spiegel claimed, in February 2000, Rotenberg arranged a meeting for Zivenko with Viktor Zolotov, then chief of personal security. O. President Vladimir Putin. A few months later, the newly elected President of the Russian Federation signed the decree on the creation of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosspirtprom, to which about a hundred state-owned alcohol and distillery factories were transferred, and the “alcohol ministry” was headed by Sergei Zivenko. Rotenberg and Zivenko formalized their partnership by registering the wholesale company “Zirot” (from the first letters of the founders’ surnames) with an office on Novy Arbat. Zivenko refused to discuss this story with Forbes.

In 2002, he was fired from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. But he did not leave empty-handed: Zivenko created the Crystal group, which included two large distilleries. The Rotenbergs also did not lose out. Financial flows of Rosspirtprom enterprises began to pass through the Northern Sea Route (SMP) bank, created by the brothers in 2001. Over time, structures associated with SMP Bank entered the authorized capital of a dozen distilleries. Forbes' interlocutors claim that the leaders of Rosspirtprom, Pyotr Myasoedov and Igor Chuyan, who came after Zivenko, were also associated with the Rotenbergs.

Rosspirtprom is not the only one government structure, which turned out to be in the sphere of interests of the Rotenbergs. Last year, Alexander Grigoriev, a KGB colleague and friend of Putin, who headed Rosrezerv, a giant purchasing organization whose activities are largely classified, died suddenly. After Grigoriev’s death, Dmitry Gogin, a manager of one of the companies associated with the Rotenbergs, became the deputy head of Rosrezerv. A St. Petersburg businessman who dealt with Rosrezerv expressed the opinion in an interview with Forbes that this structure, which now has the status federal agency, was part of the Rotenbergs’ sphere of influence.

However, the largest state enterprise, with which the brothers established work, became Gazprom.

In 2006, Maxim Mironov, a young economist from Russia who moved to the United States, published an interesting study. Using a pirated database of financial transactions of Russian banks, Mironov identified several famous companies, through whose accounts complete absence production activities Huge sums were pumped. The record holder was Gaztaged LLC, which passed through about $1 billion in 2003-2004. “I did not pursue the goal of finding out who was stealing money and where,” Mironov says in an interview with Forbes. He was only trying to assess the scale of tax evasion in Russia, not realizing that he had stumbled upon one of the largest intermediary schemes in Russian business.

In 2002, Rem Vyakhirev’s managers at Gazprom were replaced by members of Vladimir Putin’s team, led by Alexey Miller. The new management began to reorganize the commodity and financial flows associated with procurement. At stake was $4.5 billion - for this amount Gazprom then annually bought a variety of products: from pipes to compressors and other equipment. The newly created subsidiary of Gazprom, the Gazkomplektimpex company, was responsible for supplies, through which 75% of all purchases began to pass by 2004. The changes did not end there - several intermediaries immediately appeared between suppliers and Gazkomplektimpex, says Vadim Kleiner, executive director of Hermitage Capital Management. In 2005, Kleiner, who ran for the board of directors of Gazprom as a minority shareholder, published a report from which it was clear that Gazkomplektimpex purchased pipes (which is about 30% of all Gazprom purchases) through the very same Gaztaged LLC ", about which Mironov wrote.

Judging by constituent documents Gaztaged LLC, in 2003 the Baza-torg company became the owner of 25% of its capital, sole founder which was Boris Rotenberg. The remaining 75% of Gaztaged belonged to Gazkomplektimpex. Maxim Mironov traced the further path of Gazprom’s money. Through Gaztaged, funds flowed to two companies - Pipe Trading House and Gazstalkonstruktsiya, and from them to dozens of LLCs, judging by the names and founders, which had nothing in common with large pipe manufacturers. Olga Shkalova was listed as the director of Gazstalkonstruktsiya LLC in 2003–2004. Now she heads the Pipe Industry company with annual revenues of $540 million, which buys about 10% of all products of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (ChTPZ). The founder of the company is Boris Rotenberg. Another 11% of ChelPipe pipes pass through the Trubny Metalloprokat company. Founder - Arkady Rotenberg. The revenue of this company at the end of 2008 amounted to $440 million, profit - $66 million.

In total, the companies to which the Rotenbergs are related resold $980 million worth of pipes last year, receiving $146 million in net profit. Profitability is 15%, prohibitive for a trader. The press secretary of the chairman of the board of Gazprom, Sergei Kupriyanov, confirmed that the concern purchased pipes through Gaztaged, but cooperation with this company was terminated at the beginning of 2006. ChelPipe did not answer the question of why the plant’s reporting for the first quarter of this year lists Rosneft, Lukoil, and Surgutneftegaz among its largest buyers, but does not include Gazprom. The reporting indicates intermediary companies - “Pipe Industry” and “Pipe Metal Rolling”. A representative of ChTPZ admitted that 37% of its products actually went to Gazprom.

The activities of Arkady and Boris Rotenberg are not limited to working with state-owned companies. In 2008, entrepreneurs from the “Golden Hundred” of Forbes Alexander Ponomarev and Alexander Skorobogatko took the Rotenbergs into their business, giving them 10% of the Novorossiysk Sea Commercial Port - the market value of this stake is now $300 million. And the deputy State Duma Ashot Yeghiazaryan attracted Arkady Rotenberg as a partner in the reconstruction of the Moscow Hotel.

Here's the story of one of the latest partnerships. At the beginning of June 2009, the government procurement department of the Ministry of Defense summed up the results of the auction for the right to build 950,000 square meters. m of housing near Podolsk. The cost of the order is 33.7 billion rubles. Budget funding. It would seem like a tasty morsel for builders, but the fight for budget money did not take place. Six companies participated in the auction, but the price decreased from the original price by only 0.5%. The company Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5 (MSM-5) won. Some people found this all suspicious. “The results were planned in advance,” says Alexey Shepel, co-owner of the construction company S.Holding. - Huge areas were put up for sale, which greatly narrowed the circle of applicants. If the Ministry of Defense broke the land into [smaller] lots, many small companies would be able to participate.” Although what does small mean...

Obid Yasinov, the owner of MSM-5, attracted Moscow construction giants - Glavstroy, PIK and Coalco - as subcontractors. MSM-5 itself will build only about a quarter of the total volume, but even here Yasinov has a partner - a certain Paritet LLC. This company has neither workers nor construction equipment, the authorized capital is 15,000 rubles. The founders of Parity are Arkady and Boris Rotenberg. Why does a large construction company need such cooperation? “Everyone has strengths. Some people know how to build, some have financial resources, some have administrative resources,” believes Andrei Pankovsky, deputy general director and co-owner of DSK-1, one of the largest Moscow construction companies.

How is this “administrative resource” designed?

The empire of Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, which has interests in a variety of business areas, is not at all like a corporation in the classical sense of the word. Hundreds of clerks do not work for the Rotenbergs. There is no analytical department or sales department. Until last year, their business was a collection of financial schemes and intermediary operations. Financial flows were pumped through several companies, in which a significant part of the money was deposited. These companies were headed mostly by former judokas. At the same time, they manage numerous sports organizations and foundations related to judo.

Arkady Rotenberg’s reception office is located in the building of the Russian Judo Federation, and most of his positions are related to judo. Perhaps the only position of Arkady Rotenberg that reveals him as an entrepreneur is the chairman of the board of directors of the Northern Sea Route bank. Rotenberg’s secretary at the Judo Federation, answering the question of how to organize an interview with Arkady Romanovich, advised contacting the Chairman of the Board of SMP Bank, Dmitry Kalantyrsky, and gave his contact numbers - “he deals with these issues” (several requests for an interview came to nothing brought).

Perhaps the most important of Arkady Rotenberg's titles is the director of the already mentioned Yavara-Neva sports club. And it doesn’t matter that the company’s revenue is negligible. The title of honorary president of the club is Vladimir Putin. “The Honorary President does not weaken his interest in Yavara-Neva, he is aware of club affairs, problems and events,” states the club’s website. Anyone who needs it will understand.

“The Rotenbergs’ business is trade necessary connections“,” summarizes Vladimir Pribylovsky, president of the Panorama Foundation, author of several books about Vladimir Putin’s St. Petersburg entourage. He thinks the same former manager Judo Federation, businessman Vladimir Shestakov who emigrated to Latvia. “With one call they solve issues that took me months to resolve,” says Shestakov about the people in the Rotenbergs’ entourage.

There is also the appropriate infrastructure. For example, many of Russia's largest companies are lining up to sponsor events held by Arkady Rotenberg's National Union of Judo Veterans. Sponsors include Evraz, Coalco, VTB and SOK Group.

The first company with a large staff and a manufacturing business recently spun off from the amorphous mass of sports unions and firms. It happened in the blink of an eye.

In May 2008, Gazprom put up for sale controlling stakes in five of its contracting organizations: Lengazspetsstroy, Krasnodargazstroy, Spetsgazremstroy, Volgogradneftemash and Volgogaz. Non-core assets, as Gazprom later announced, were sold at the starting price of 8.4 billion rubles. Cypriot offshore companies acquired controlling stakes in these construction companies. Until the fall, the new owners did not show themselves in any way, but then extraordinary meetings of shareholders were held in all companies at the same time, and as a result, representatives of the NPV-engineering company received the majority of seats on the boards of directors. The owner of this company is Arkady Rotenberg, and his son Igor heads the board of directors. This is how Stroygazmontazh was born. Its corporate brochure reports that in 2008, revenue amounted to 54 billion rubles, and the number of employees was 11,000 people.

After the change of boards of directors in former Gazprom subsidiaries, all of them as one acted as guarantors of Stroygazmontazh for the repayment of loans, guaranteeing all their property. Stroygazmontazh immediately attracted a VTB loan of 15.5 billion rubles against these guarantees - almost twice as much as the guarantor companies were valued when they were sold by Gazprom. The new shareholders of the former construction divisions of the gas monopoly received another 360 million rubles in the form of dividends for 2008. This is tens of times more than Gazprom itself received from them in 2007.

Having sold its construction subsidiaries to the Rotenbergs, Gazprom does not forget to feed them with orders. Since last summer, Stroygazmontazh has won four major contracts on Gazprom’s main construction projects - the onshore part of Nord Stream, the gas pipeline in Greater Sochi and the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok pipeline.

To manage a large construction business, the Rotenbergs, perhaps for the first time, needed professional managers. A landing party of young managers, whose biographies are united by the line “worked in the Ministry of Property” or “in the property department of Russian Railways,” landed on the boards of directors of construction companies. They were found by Igor Rotenberg, who in 2001-2005 headed the relevant departments of the ministry and the railway monopoly.

Will there be other companies like this? Vladimir Putin is not planning to retire yet. So the new generation of the Rotenberg family has time to build a large business in place of intermediary schemes and a system of informal relationships, which they will not be ashamed to tell investors about. Perhaps someday these companies will go public. Their story will be reduced to one line in the corporate newsletter. Who will be interested in the details?

They don’t abandon their own

"Friends of the Prime Minister." Brothers Arkady, Boris Rotenberg, what connects tatami and Gazprom

Monitoring the businesses of Vladimir Putin’s friends, colleagues, neighbors and acquaintances

Roman Shleinov

Brothers Arkady, Boris Rotenberg and Gazprom

There is a layer of businessmen in Russia who are not afraid of bureaucratic barriers and despise political risks. Their property is absolutely protected, and their interests are comparable to those of the state. They are untouchable. The doors of state-owned companies are open to them. And almost any entrepreneur from the Russian Forbes list will be happy to offer them a share in own business. We are talking about former colleagues, good neighbors, friends and simply old acquaintances of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Experts believe that during the years of his reign, a group of these comrades formed into a special class. Director of the Institute of Globalization Problems Mikhail Delyagin ventured to note that “friend of the prime minister” is the main government position.

“Novaya” begins monitoring the businesses of Putin’s friends. Let's look at the business activities of the brothers Arkady and Boris Rotenberg.

Gazprom through the hip

Arkady and Boris Rotenberg are the main owners of the Northern Sea Route Bank (SMP-Bank). Vladimir Putin's sparring partner in judo, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Judo Union of Russia Arkady Rotenberg is the founder and head of the St. Petersburg judo club "Yawara-Neva", of which Putin is the honorary president. Another founder of the club was another acquaintance of the Russian prime minister, Gennady Timchenko, currently a major oil trader (co-owner of Gunvor, a Clearwater holding).

Together and separately, Arkady and Boris Rotenberg founded several non-profit organizations, clubs and foundations to support judo and sambo (Interregional Society for the Promotion of Sambo and Judo, non-profit foundation "Yavara-Neva Fan Club", Society for the Promotion of Development sports types martial arts "Fatherland", children's youth club "Yavara-M", "Judo School").

Dedication to sports in good company could not go unnoticed. By 2008, the owners of the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) sold 10% of the port to structures controlled by Arkady Rotenberg. In the same year, Gazprom sold five construction companies to Rotenberg’s structures.

Novaya found out that companies controlled by Arkady Rotenberg’s brother, Boris, had shares in intermediary structures associated with the supply of pipes and equipment to Gazprom subsidiaries. And the former general director of one of these structures joined the board of Gazprom.

Mediator No. 1

Boris Rotenberg was the founder of two little-known Moscow companies, Baza-torg and Postavka, which were registered in 2003 at the same address in Kolomensky Proezd and had a common telephone number, which is now silent.

The quiet and inconspicuous “Baza-torg”, according to the SKRIN database, is listed as the founder of the very noticeable company “Gaztaged” (it controlled 25%). In 2003, Gaztaged was headed by Yaroslav Golko, who in the same year moved to Gazprom and became deputy head of the accounting, analysis and corporate policy department of the property management department. By 2005, Golko had risen to the rank of first deputy head of the investment and construction department of Gazprom, in 2006 he headed this department, and at the beginning of 2007 he joined the board of Gazprom.

Coincidentally, already in 2008, Gazprom sold five construction companies to Arkady Rotenberg’s structures, including Gazprom contractors and equipment manufacturers (Volgogaz, Lenspetsstroygaz, Spetsgazremstroy, Volgogradneftemash and Krasnodargazstroy).

Gazprom representative Sergei Kupriyanov told Novaya that these assets were sold by Gazprom at an open auction, everyone could take part in the auction, and the winners of the auction were the companies that offered the highest price. In addition, as Kupriyanov said, the investment and construction department has nothing to do with the sale of these assets; the preparatory work for their sale was carried out by another specialized department - the property management and corporate relations department.

"When these construction companies belonged to Gazprom, we were constantly called upon to get rid of “non-profiles”. When Gazprom put the companies up for auction, there was no line of people willing to buy them. And when someone finally bought the assets, questions are asked: “Why did Gazprom do this?” - Kupriyanov is surprised. — Gazprom fulfilled the task set for itself as part of its program for the sale of non-core assets. Gazprom had no other interests.”

Yaroslav Golko did not comment on the situation. Arkady and Boris Rotenberg did not want to explain whether Golko was their person on the board of Gazprom and whether they continued their business relationship.

After Yaroslav Golko left Gaztaged, the company did not lose its importance. According to SKRIN, until last year it was 75% controlled by Gazkomplektimpex, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gazprom, responsible for the supply of materials and equipment.

Gaztaged is a co-founder of the Pipe Manufacturers Association. IN different time it was chaired by Golko and Gazprom board member Valery Golubev, a former KGB officer, famous for, that in the distant past, when he headed the administration of the Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin and his family were allocated a good apartment there.

Among the co-founders of the association are also the ChelPipe Group, the Pipe Metallurgical Company (one of the top three leaders in the global pipe market), the United Metallurgical Company and some Gazprom project companies. But none of these giants nominated a person from their ranks as chairman of the association. But the next general director of Gaztaged, Ivan Shabalov, became the chairman. He refused to answer Novaya's questions.

In 2005, the director of corporate research at the British investment company Hermitage Capital Management (which advised the Hermitage fund, a minority shareholder of Gazprom), Vadim Kleiner, applying for a seat on the board of directors of Gazprom, in his report named several intermediaries who received incomprehensible preferences from Gazprom. In addition to Rosukrenergo and its predecessor EuralTransGaz (gas supplies), Gaztaged was named as an intermediary for pipe transactions for Gazprom. As a Hermitage representative admitted to Novaya, who was behind this company, they only found out from us.

Criticism of Gazprom's policies very soon bore fruit. In November 2005, Hermitage executive director William Browder was banned from entering Russia. A Gazprom representative considers this a coincidence. Vladimir Putin, answering questions from journalists on this matter, shrugged his shoulders and said that he did not know why this happened. Putin put it roughly in the spirit that anyone who breaks the law will be denied entry, and investors can hope for support.

Hermitage Capital Management worked in Russia for about 10 years, Browder attracted about $4 billion in Western investments, but this did not save him. After Browder was not allowed into the country, searches in Hermitage and a criminal case followed in 2007. And in 2008, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs brought Browder as a defendant, and Hermitage closed its Russian office.

On last week The Human Rights Committee of the Council of Europe presented the first version of the report “On politically motivated and abusive use of the criminal justice system in member countries of the Council of Europe”. The report was prepared by the former German Minister of Justice. The document also mentions Russian history from Hermitage. The situation has been called an example of "politically motivated abuse of the criminal justice system."

Mediator No. 2

The company “Postavka”, created by Boris Rotenberg, was in the process of liquidation last year, but during its lifetime it was also drawn to Gazprom. The company owned the Gorno-Altai company Sibgazimpex (25%), the remaining 75% of the company was controlled by Gazprom's subsidiary Gazkomplektimpex.

Sibgazimpex was liquidated in 2007. However, before his disappearance, he managed to appear in court documents. Since at least 2003, Gazkomplektimpex has instructed Sibgazimpex to enter into agreements for the supply of equipment with Gazprom subsidiaries. Gazprom's subsidiaries paid the intermediary for his services out of their own pockets.

By chance, this fact surfaced far from Moscow - in the legal proceedings between Urengoygazprom and Russian railways" in 2005. During transportation on rails, part of the cargo was lost. Gazkomplektimpex was brought in as a third party. In the Federal Arbitration Court of the Ural District, details were revealed in the meantime, in particular, that Gazkomplektimpex entered into an agency agreement with Sibgazimpex, which supplied equipment to Urengoygazprom.

Another amazing fact was revealed by the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the largest taxpayers No. 2, which unsuccessfully sued Gazprom's subsidiary Gazkomplektimpex in 2006-2007. Tax officials tried to accuse Gazprom employees of tax violations, the courts lost, but in the papers, again in passing, they recorded, in particular, that the deputy head of the department of petrochemical equipment, pipeline fittings and mechanical engineering at Gazkomplektimpex was at the same time an employee of Sibgazimpex.

Gazprom has not yet responded to Novaya’s request regarding the amounts and number of contracts concluded with the companies Gaztaged and Sibgazimpex, and could not explain why Gazprom’s subsidiary needed two intermediaries with 25% participation of Boris’s structures Rotenberg? Gazprom representative Sergei Kupriyanov only noted that today Gazprom makes the vast majority of purchases, including pipes, on a competitive basis.

Boris Rotenberg, to whom we sent questions a week ago, is in no hurry to explain.

Total synthesis

Novaya found out that the companies created by Arkady Rotenberg were close to the companies of the diversified Sintez Group, founded by Leonid Lebedev (currently a Russian senator).

The group is engaged in oil and gas exploration and production, energy and development. Its enterprises are conducting prospecting and exploration work in two offshore oil and gas areas Barents Sea, are developing the Varyngskoye field in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, and intend to work in Libya, Angola, Syria, Egypt and Indonesia. Part of the Kores Invest group, it owns 45.35% of the Russian energy company TGK-2, the largest thermal energy company in the north of Russia.

According to archival data from the Moscow Registration Chamber, in 2000, Arkady Rotenberg, together with Sergei Zivenko (see Novaya's information - Alcohol), founded the Zirot company. Subsequently, the Cypriot Tiger River Shipping Company Limited became its owner. Who is behind this structure is not disclosed.

The general director of Zirot, Oleg Mnushkin, at different times headed the company Rotna (also created by Arkady Rotenberg) and Sintezneftegaz, part of the Sintez Group. In the past, Sintezneftegaz and the Rotna company had a common founder, Natalya Skarlygina. Subsequently, the founder of Sintezneftegaz was the company Doublebay Properties Limited from the British Virgin Islands. Its ultimate beneficiaries are unknown.

By 2008, Zirot was located at the address of the Sintez Group on Malaya Nikitskaya, 29, building 1. The company moved to another office just a week ago. Together with some of the group's companies, she acted as a co-founder or shareholder of various companies.

So, together with Nizhnevartovsk Well Repair (NKRS), which was part of the Sintez Group until 2008, Zirot was listed as the founder of Sibirtransservice. In 2004, Zirot owned 40% of the company; by 2009, its share dropped to 1%. In 2008, together with NKRS, Sibirtransservice was sold to the Integra group for $54 million.

According to the report of GiPor OJSC (Poretsk Gypsum-Anhydride Plant) for the 4th quarter of last year, Zirot owned 6.99% of the company's authorized capital. Other firms located at the address of the Sintez Group owned a total of 52.28% of the plant. In May 2009, bailiffs seized the property of GiPor, citing the fact that since the fall of last year the company owed its employees 5 million rubles. A monitoring procedure has been introduced in relation to GiPor.

Negusneft, part of the Sintez group, together with Zirot, was the founder of the Interindustry Legal Chamber. The Chamber has a stake in Industrial Investments OJSC. The financial advisory and investment firm says its employees have been involved in more than $1 billion in oil and gas projects. Industrial Investments owns half of Arktikshelfneftegaz, also part of Sintez. The other half belongs to the state.

“Zirot” was also a co-owner of the company “Sintez Petrol-AZS”, which controls several gas stations in the Moscow region. The founder of the company was Vladimir Lebedev and the group’s enterprise, Sintezneftegaz.

A representative of the Sintez group, Alexander Levin, succinctly told Novaya that the group is not affiliated with any of Mr. Rotenberg’s structures. Senator Leonid Lebedev did not clarify this issue.

And gas again

The Moscow company Rotna, founded by Arkady Rotenberg in 2000, existed until 2006 and was liquidated. According to SKRIN, the company was engaged in trading food products. But the former general director of Rotna, Andrei Smirnov, with whom we managed to contact, told Novaya that the company traded gas.

When asked what Rotna did during its lifetime, Smirnov replied that there were “small gas supplies,” but the company did not work with Gazprom, preferring small Russian gas traders. We were unable to call the general director to be frank and get from him with whom exactly Rotna entered into gas deals. He said he didn’t remember the details because it was years ago.

Before its death, Rotna managed to create the fuel trading company Neftprominvest, which later became one hundred percent owned by the Cypriot Nadilo Commercial Limited.

Some companies that were previously directly owned by Rotenberg also became controlled by opaque offshore companies.

The extensive business connections of Vladimir Putin's friends are clear. They are often perceived as guarantors of well-being and a kind of insurance in the unpredictable Russian reality. Considering the relative weight of the prime minister, who bent not only all branches of government, but also large entrepreneurs, friends do not even have to communicate with Putin. The very fact of acquaintance is enough for the business overshadowed by their presence to stop being a “nightmare” and allow it to develop in the most comfortable conditions.

Friends of the Prime Minister is a local Russian version of guaranteeing the inviolability of private property. Of course, this guarantee does not last forever, it is expensive and is valid only if even closer friends do not encroach on the business.

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History of connections

In 1998, Leonid Lebedev was one of the founders and directors of the Soviet-American enterprise Sintez International, and then the Russian-British Sintez Corporation, and served on the boards of directors of OJSC GiPor (Poretsk Gypsum-Anhydride Plant) and OJSC Khimprom. in the Chuvash Republic. In the past, he was associated with entrepreneurs Alexander Zhukov and Mark Garber (see Novaya Gazeta, No. 63, 2006).

Zhukov controls the British Glengary Overseas Limited fund. In 2006, this fund, registered in the British Virgin Islands, increased its stake to 25.88% in the British oil and gas company JKX Oil&Gas, co-owned by Dmitry Firtash (Rosukrenergo).

Novaya found out that in the nineties Zhukov controlled the British Sintez UK Limited, as well as the Swiss Sintez Holding, which by 2001 were renamed Transit and Transit Holding. Later, the Swiss lawyer Dimitri de Faria, a cousin of the German lawyer Alexander de Faria, who has represented Russian government in Europe on privatization issues.

In 1992 - 1994, former KGB officer and future member of the board of Gazprom, head of its legal department, co-director of Rosukrenergo and acquaintance of Dmitry Medvedev, Konstantin Chuychenko (currently head of the control department of the President of the Russian Federation), worked in the Moscow law firm of Alexander de Faria. And in the mid-nineties, the director of the German consulting firm RFI, created by Alexander de Faria, was Sergei Shmatko, the current Russian Minister of Energy.

Mark Garber worked with Zhukov in the past, and together with Lebedev he was the founder of Sintez Corporation. Garber is a senior partner at Fleming Family and Partners. Previously, he was a representative of Trade Concepts Limited, which, together with the Sintez cooperative, created the SK Oil Invest company. In the mid-nineties, this structure became the successor to Sintez Corporation Limited in a contract with Rosvooruzhenie, under which the company received the right to sell oil supplied by Iran as payment for Russian military equipment.

In 2001, Zhukov was arrested at his villa in Italy. He was involved in a criminal case of illegal arms trafficking together with Dmitry Streshinsky, Mark Garber, Leonid Lebedev, Andrey Vazhnik, former KGB officer Anatoly Fedorenko, as well as Yevgeny Marchuk (former Minister of Defense, Prime Minister and head of the SBU of Ukraine). The case involved the supply of weapons and ammunition to groups fighting in Yugoslavia. In March 2002, an Italian court sentenced Streshinsky to a suspended sentence and a fine. In January 2004, the same court found Zhukov, Lebedev, Garber, Fedorenko and Vazhnik innocent.


The founder of Zirot, together with Arkady Rotenberg, was Sergei Zivenko. From May 2000 to July 2002, Zivenko headed the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosspirtprom, and subsequently founded the Crystal Trade and Industrial Group, which united his enterprises specializing in the production of alcoholic beverages (White Gold, Oligarch, Gzhelka vodkas) , “Wheat”, “Rye”). Zivenko did not answer Novaya’s questions regarding Rotenberg.

As the Vedomosti newspaper reported, Rotenberg’s people were present in the management of almost all 11 alcohol factories, which FSUE Rosspirtprom should, by government decision, give to VTB to pay off a debt of 5 billion rubles.

Rotenberg Arkady Romanovich influential person in Russian Federation. He's doing entrepreneurial activity, namely, owns a large enterprise for the construction of power lines and gas pipelines. The billionaire is one of the owners of a Russian bank "Northern Sea Route". His name has been on the leaderboards for many years "kings of government orders".

The owner of a huge fortune is a good friend. It is known that since childhood they attended the martial arts sports section together. And just recently, Rotenberg was the president’s partner in judo sparring. Rotenberg could not leave what he loved and is now an Honored Trainer and Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation. He also headed International Fund development and support of judo and holds the high position of vice president Judo Federation Russian Federation and has its own club martial art called "Yavara-Neva".

Childhood and youth of Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg

The future judo businessman was born on December fifteenth, 1951. An intelligent Jewish family lived in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Parents paid a lot of attention to raising their son. It was they who contributed to the future coach becoming interested in acrobatics, and a little later sambo and judo. It was judo that became Arkady’s favorite martial arts.

Coach Anatoly Solomonovich Rakhlin characterized the aspiring athlete as a talented and diligent teenager. The budding wrestler often won city competitions. Arkady together with current president Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich often stood in the ring in pairs, because the friends were in the same weight category. To date Rotenberg and Putin maintain good friendships.

Little is known about the billionaire’s school and student years. After school graduation, Arkady served in the army, and later received higher education at the National state university physical culture, sports and health named after Lesgaft Peter Frantsevich. After university, he worked as a judo sports coach for fifteen years and was also the director of a children's and youth sports school.

Rotenberg's business

Rotenberg started his business in the early 90s, just at the time when it was falling apart Soviet Union. His first job was to organize martial arts competitions. Many influential firms invested in creating this big business.

Already in 1998, Rotegberg worked at the Complex School of Higher Sports Excellence in St. Petersburg as the general director of the Yavara-Neva judo club and the commander-in-chief of the Federal Security Service.

Arkady Rotenberg and Vladimir Putin

In 2000, the oligarch's business went up rapidly. Just at that time, the billionaire judoka was one of the leaders of many Russian banks and companies, such as Rostelecom, Northern Sea Route, Pipe Metal Rolling, Talion and Investcapital. The tycoon worked in collaboration with his younger brother Boris Romanovich Rotenberg, who also had a sports background in Finland.

Six months passed and the brothers decided to change the direction of their business in the gas sector. They bought five construction companies of the Gazprom corporation, and in 2008 they merged them into the Stroygazmontazh company. Businessmen were engaged in the supply of pipe products to the market of the Russian Federation. Rotenberg made a great contribution to the development of Russian gas infrastructure.

Putin and Rotenberg

In 2001, construction began on a gas pipeline on the Black Sea coast, which was laid through the urban village of Dzhubga, the resort of Lazarevskoye and Sochi. In the same year, construction of a gas pipeline through Sakhalin, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok began. In addition, Rotenberg owns the SMP-Insurance company and, along with his brother, is the main owner of shares in the Northern European Pipe Project.

In 2010, the businessman’s assets were replenished with shares of road companies that were engaged in the construction of a toll road from Moscow to St. Petersburg under large government orders. In addition, Rotenberg was involved in the construction of roads for the Winter Olympic Games taking place in Sochi. That same year, the tycoon began building gas and oil pipelines and took over the assets of Russian alcohol manufacturing companies.

In 2015, Arkady Rotenberg’s holding company “Stroygazmontazh” was engaged in the construction Kerch Bridge which passed through the strait. This project has become one of the largest projects in the Russian Federation, in which two hundred and thirty billion rubles were invested.

Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg defended scientific work, which is related to the aspect of pedagogy. He also wrote thirty scientific books in the field of organization and management of the training process. Since 2013, Arkady has been on the board of directors of the open joint stock company"Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye"". And in 2014 he took over a controlling stake in the Red Square group of television companies.


Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg is a public and wealthy person, often attracting journalists to his person. Facilities mass media They often post photos of a billionaire's real estate.

On March 20, 2014, the President of the United States, Barack Obama, signed a decree imposing sanctions against the main areas of the economy of the Russian Federation. The US President said that Russia is violating the autonomy and sovereignty of Ukraine.

Rotenberg's visit to Chuvashia

Already on the thirtieth of July, Rotenberg was included in the list of EU sanctions, and on the twenty-third of September, the Italian government seized the property of the tycoon, which was located in Italy.


In 2012, the oligarch took pride of place in Forbes magazine's list of Russian billionaires. The fortune for this year was one billion dollars. In 2014, it took twenty-seventh place in the same ranking with an income of four billion dollars. In April 2015, he was in sixtieth place among the billionaires of the Russian Federation with a fortune of $1.4 billion. As of 2018, his income is three thousand million dollars. Today, Rotenberg ranks fortieth in the “Two Hundred richest businessmen Russia."

Personal life of Arkady Rotenberg

It is known that the billionaire is twice married and twice divorced. His first wife, Galina, gave Arkady Rotenberg three beautiful children, Igor, Pavel and Lily. Igor has already made his grandparents happy with three grandchildren. He owns several road construction, energy and gas companies. As of 2015, Forbes magazine estimated his fortune at four hundred and seventy million dollars. And his brother Pavel plays professional hockey and already plays for the Russian national hockey team. Rotenberg married for the second time in 2005 to his girlfriend Natalia. The marriage produced two children - Varvara and Arkady. The marriage broke up in 2013. The children and ex-wife live in the UK.

Rotenberg today

In 2015, Arkady decided to leave his position as director of the hockey club and devoted all his attention to the development of children's hockey. Western sanctions did not prevent the tycoon from giving up his favorite business. Arkady Rotenberg continued to develop his business. The tycoon gave his companies, which are located in the British Virgin Islands, to his son.

In 2016, the oligarch, in collaboration with Artem Alekseevich Obolensky, founded the National Gas Group Limited Liability Company. A year later he acquired shares in the sports and entertainment district “Park of Legends”.

Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg is an honored coach of the Russian Federation. The businessman is very hardworking, therefore he is an authoritative person for his good friend Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, as well as for many citizens of the country. He was able to overcome all the obstacles along the path of life and become one of the most influential people in the Russian Federation. For high achievements in 2013 he received the state award of the Order of Friendship and the Order of St. Sergius Radonezhsky first degree in 2015. Also in 2013, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation, and in 2016, a Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation.