The main components of climatic features and weather in Peru. Where is the best place to go on vacation in Peru? What is the climate in Peru?

This state, located in Latin America, attracted us after visiting Mexico. The pyramids of the ancient Aztecs and Mayans were so amazing that there was a desire to discover the Inca culture, also famous for its mysticism and history.

In our opinion, the first thing you should go to Peru for is the history of the Incas and getting to know the wonderful hospitable people of this country. Today they still talk about Lima as a gastronomic capital due to the craze in the world for Peruvian food, but more on that later.

When is the best time to go to Peru?

The peak season is our summer - it is at this time that the largest number of tourists travel to Peru. It is believed that for a trip to the Andes - where, for example, Machu Picchu is located - this is best time year to visit. People travel to the desert (Nazca and Paracas) from December to April, and to the Amazon from June to September. However, it is better not to bother yourself with these details, but to go when you are ready - in Peru more or less always good weather. It doesn’t get cold there, and if you find yourself in the rainy season, it’s unlikely that water will flow every day. The Andes will be cool at night in any season, with temperatures warming up to high temperatures during the day.

The only thing we recommend is to take completely different clothes with you, regardless of the season. The temperature difference is significant depending on the place you are traveling to. And since you usually want to visit as many different cities as possible, the weather will vary greatly from one place to another. You will arrive in Lima in the heat, in Cusco and Machu Picchu it will be cool, in Ica the sun will mercilessly scorch your skin, and in northern Trujillo there will be beautiful sandy beaches suitable for swimming.

What clothes to take to Peru?

Shorts, T-shirts, comfortable sneakers for climbing, sweatshirts. You will also need swimsuits, even if you are not going to go to the beach: firstly, in Lima itself there are wonderful places for sunbathing, and secondly, even if you don’t want to lie near the ocean, you will probably visit one of the thermal springs, which are a pleasant tourist attraction (such as in Aguas Calientes). If you have vests or jackets like Uniclos, these are ideal clothing for Peru. Since the weather here changes frequently, it will be great if you have such comfortable clothes in your backpack or bag just in case: they are functional, take up little space and are practically weightless.

What currency should I take to Peru?

The official currency is the new sol, introduced into circulation in 1991. The exchange rate against the dollar changes quite often, and usually not in favor of the dollar. When you travel to Peru, be sure to take dollars rather than euros as your main currency for exchange. The exchange rate in relation to the euro is very unfavorable, and in relation to other European or world currencies it is even worse. Throughout Latin America, dollars are very popular, so they can be easily exchanged everywhere and at a good rate. You can pay with cards, but still, even in many hotels, cash is preferred.

What does Peru have?

Peru is considered the new gastronomic mecca. In a separate article you can read more about Peruvian cuisine, but here we will outline only the main products.

Firstly, here you need to eat the so-called superfoods, which are considered the most healthy nutrition. These are quinoa, kevicha (amaranth), chia seeds, cocoa

beans. Here their cost is much lower, and their benefits for the body are incredible.

Secondly, the famous ceviche. In fact, they are prepared only before lunch, since it is believed that this dish can only be made from fish caught no later than four hours ago. In restaurants, of course, you can taste them all day long.

Thirdly, fruit. There are so many juicy and varied fruits sold here that it is simply breathtaking, and you want to eat them from morning to evening.

In a word, Peruvian cuisine is interesting and varied, so you definitely won’t go hungry. Both meat-eaters and vegetarians will feel equally comfortable here, although meat-eaters are much better understood here.

Main attractions of Peru

In the south:

1. The ancient Incan observatory city of Machu Picchu.

2. Former capital Inca Cusco and the Sacsayuman fortress.

3. Alpine lake Tikicaca

4. Nazca Lines

5. Paracas Natural Reserve

6. Oasis of Ica + sandboarding

7. Colco Canyon and the flight of the condors

In the north:

1. Valley of the Pyramids of Tucume

2. Trujillo and ancient empire Chimu – Chan-Chan

3. Ruins of the most ancient city in America - Carala

Population of Peru

The majority of Peruvians are Indians - 45 percent, plus mestizos - 37 percent. Europeans have only 15 percent, with Asians and other nationalities making up the remaining 3 percent.

Transport in Peru

In Peru, as in all Latin American countries, the main method of transportation between cities is buses or planes. However, there is trains, let the message be very little developed. Train tickets are expensive; it is cheaper to travel by bus. The main bus network in Peru is CruzDelSur; this company is the one that can cross the entire length and breadth of the country.

Traveling by bus is very pleasant: in Peru for the first time we encountered two-story super comfortable vehicles. There are two classes on the bus: the lower floor is VIP, the upper floor is regular. Both the first and second floors are very comfortable, the difference is not so big, but significant. In a regular class, there is an excellent view, especially from the first seats - you drive and see wonderful views of Peru on the sides. The seats fold down almost completely. In the VIP, the seats are like in the first class of an airplane - very large and roomy and turn into a real bed when unfolded. The menu on the first and second floors can be selected separately (yes, when ordering a ticket you choose what food you prefer - vegetarian, meat, lactose-free, etc.). Two floors have personal video screens where you can watch movies, listen to music or play games. All travelers are also given blankets and headphones.

In short, traveling by bus in Peru is incredibly pleasant. In addition, this way you can save on hotel costs by spending the night on a comfortable bus. Is it worth buying a VIP or traveling in a regular class? The answer is clear: you must buy a VIP if you plan to spend the night here. The difference in price is insignificant, and the sleep is much more comfortable. If you are traveling during the day, then take the second floor - there better review, so the ride will be more interesting.

Also very common in Peru are the so-called colectivo— this is the type of our minibuses. Their prices are the lowest, so all Peruvians move to them. Typically, colectivo transport people within a city or short distances.

Air traffic is also well developed in Peru, with local airlines operating many flights per day to major destinations. The prices are not exactly low, but not crazy. If compared with buses, the difference will be about 50%.

Prices in Peru

All in all, Everything is cheap in Peru Only any tourist attractions are expensive, and mainly Machu Picchu. I don't know how much this guy earns ancient city, but it is clear that an impressive part of the economy is made up of tourism, and especially Machu Picchu. Everything about this ancient settlement is expensive: entrance fees, hotels, train and excursions.

Food, hotels in other cities, bus tickets - everything is very inexpensive. Our total budget for two weeks, not counting the plane ticket from Moscow to Lima, was about 550 euros, including food, souvenirs, accommodation, entrance fees and travel.

And finally. If you have a desire to discover Peru, do not hesitate: gather your strength, save both money and be sure to go ! This is a completely different culture, different from European and Western, and because of this it is more valuable. People there laugh and rejoice, despite all the difficulties facing them. You will be charged in a great mood and with the passion to live, you will be nourished by the sun, delicious fruits and superfoods, get to know ancient civilizations and be amazed at their wisdom.

Peru is waiting for you! Happy travels!

Republic of Peru located in the western territory South America. The area of ​​the state is 1,285,220 square kilometers. The country is being washed Pacific Ocean. Coastline its length is almost two and a half thousand kilometers.

From Peru bordered by five countries: Ecuador from the northwest (1420 km of land border), Colombia from the north (1800 km), Chile (171 km) and Bolivia (1075 km) from the southeast, Brazil from the east (2995 km). The approximate length of all borders in total is 5.5 thousand km.

Western part countries located along the coast Pacific Ocean a narrow strip of coastal desert plains called Costa. To the east The terrain of Peru turns into the Andes Mountains - Sierra. The Western and Eastern Cordillera are steep and high mountains. Highest point territory of the state - Mount Huascaran (about 6700 m). Besides, in the east is the Amazonian lowland Selva, which passes south into the foothill plain of Montagna. The vast lowlands of the Amazon basin are jungles. Westernmost point countries - Cape Parinhas.

The largest rivers Peru is the Amazon with its tributaries the Ucayali, Marañon and Putumayo. The source of the Amazon is in the glacial Lake Lauricocha in the Sierra Mountains. The most large lakes - Titicaca and Hanin. Lake Titicaca is located in the southeastern region of the country, close to the border with Bolivia. It is considered the largest high-altitude navigable lake in the world. The lake is located at an altitude of about 3800 meters, and its area is 8446 square kilometers. Titicaca is known for its specific color, and its name from the Indian language translates as “tin field”.

Time zone of Peru: GMT-5 (-8 hours from Moscow).


Climate varies depending on the region of the country. The west of Peru has a tropical desert climate, the east has a subequatorial climate, and in the mountains the temperature varies depending on the altitude.

Coastal climate Peru is characterized by aridity. About 10-50 mm of precipitation falls here per year. From December to April the most hot weather with an average daytime temperature of up to +26 °C in the southern part and up to +36 °C in the northern part. At night the temperature drops to +20…+24 °C. Winter on the coast (June-August on this continent) average temperature during the day it is +19 °C, +28 °C in the north and about +13...+17 °C at night.

In mountainous areas temperatures are lower. In summer, at an altitude of 4 thousand meters above sea level, the average temperature is +19...+21 °C during the day and +4...+6 °C at night, even frosts can be observed. The Andes mountains receive between 700 and 2000 mm of precipitation per year. The period from April to October is considered the dry season here.

In lowlands usually humid and hot. In summer, average temperatures fluctuate around +34 °C during the day and +24 °C at night. In winter, the air can warm up to +30 °C, cooling down to +20 °C after sunset. The tropics receive about 3,800 mm of precipitation per year, with the most rain occurring from autumn to spring.

Capital Republic is the city of Lima. Other major tourist centers: Arequipa, Iquitos, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Pebas, Puerto Maldonado, Selva, Titicaca, Trujillo.

Peru has a diverse natural relief, so the country can be divided into several tourist areas. Each of them has its own characteristics climatic conditions. In this material, we will analyze the regions that are suitable for our tourists to relax, and we will tell you where and in what month the trip will be as comfortable as possible.


Peru has a diverse natural topography, so the country can be divided into several tourist areas. Each of them has its own climatic conditions. In this material, we will analyze the regions that are suitable for our tourists to relax, and we will tell you where and in what month the trip will be as comfortable as possible.

If we talk about Peru as a whole, then there are two main seasons. Dry season or Peruvian winter, aka - high season. From May to October there is almost no rainfall here. The rainy season, or Peruvian summer, lasts from November to April. During this period the weather is less favorable. However, this division is very arbitrary: the temperature and humidity are strongly influenced by the same terrain, as well as the altitude above sea level. To understand in more detail, let's start studying individual regions.

Peru is divided into three key climate zones.

  • East: tropical Amazon jungle.
  • West: coastal desert.
  • Central part: Andes and highlands.

Tropics in the Amazon jungle

It is recommended to plan a trip to the Amazon jungle and the eastern lowlands from June to September. At this time, precipitation often falls, but it is much less than in winter. River levels are falling, so the risk of flooding is minimal. The dry season is suitable for watching animals watering and migrating birds, for fishing, long walks and exploring the rich vegetation of the region.

From November to May it is the rainy season in these places, with frequent downpours that last for many hours. Humidity remains at 85%, while the air temperature is tropical forests very high - from 30 to 38 degrees Celsius.

Coastal desert

This area is an ideal place for beach holiday in Peru. Coastal desert includes:

  • Lima,
  • Nazca,
  • Chan-Chan,
  • Sipan and Trujillo,
  • Paracas Natural Park.

The weather here is hot and without precipitation from December to April. The water is heated to 23-25 ​​degrees, the air temperature ranges from 25 to 35 degrees. It is worth recalling that during the high season the local beaches are crowded with tourists and the residents of Peru themselves, so lovers of a secluded holiday need to choose a hotel very carefully.

If you are planning a vacation in Peru from May to November and want to visit the beaches, choose areas to the north: there the water is quite warm for swimming even in low season. The cities of Ica and Nazca are sunny and have rare precipitation throughout the year. In the central part and south of the country during this period the sky is usually overcast. By the way, the highest waves off the coast rise from May to November, so this period is recommended for those who plan to go surfing.

Andes and highlands

The best time to visit Machu Picchu or Cusco is during the dry season, which lasts from May to October. Rarely during these months it's raining, the sky is almost always cloudless, and the sun is shining, but not tiring: 20-25 degrees. This weather is favorable for sightseeing excursions from a bird's eye view: on a clear day you can see from the mountain peaks amazing views. Amateurs usually come here active recreation, in particular, for traveling in the mountains and mountaineering.

After sunset, the air temperature drops rapidly, and as you climb the mountain it can drop to almost zero. At the same time, at an altitude of 3,500 meters above sea level, even during the day the air does not warm up above 10 degrees, and at night frosts are possible.

Russian summer - June, July and August - are the most favorable time for traveling in the Andes, weather wise. May and September are the seasons when the seasons change, so clouds and precipitation are possible. However, for those who want to avoid the crowds of tourists in the most popular places, these months are certainly suitable.

When is the least number of tourists in Peru?

The peak season, like in many other parts of the world, in Peru falls on the New Year celebrations and Catholic Christmas. In addition, in December and January huge number both traditional Peruvian dates and dates celebrated around the world. Plus, the weather during these months is very favorable for beach holidays on the coast. That is, in winter you definitely won’t be able to retire and “meditate” in silence.

But, starting from February and ending in November, that is, the remaining ten months, tourist sites, routes and top places are less busy, and hotel prices allow you to save significantly.

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I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; address email; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

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This Consent is an annex to this Application.

The country where she reigned ancient civilization Incas, who built one of the new wonders of the world - Machu Picchu, - This Peru. The state, located in South America, boasts not only ancient history and culture, but also a series of the most famous natural attractions. It is here that the deepest canyon in the world, Cotahuasi, the unique Nazca Desert and the ancient Lake Titicaca are located.

The climate of this amazing country no less bizarre. To truly get to know Peru, see all its main symbols, and also have a good rest on the coast, it is worth understanding the peculiarities of the local weather.

Climate zones of Peru

A country two-thirds of which is covered with thick tropical vegetation, stretches from north to south in the western part of South America. Due to its large extent, Peru has several climate types:

  • tropical desert - in the west of the country. The cold current in the Pacific Ocean dominates here, which brings dry weather. Western Territories The countries are considered an extension of the Atacama Desert. The hottest period is December-April.
  • Subequatorial climate - in the east. The dry season is from April to October.
  • High-rise - in the mountains.
  • Tropical forests are humid and hot. The rainy season lasts from November to March.

Geographically, Peru can be divided into several landscape regions:

  • Western coastal zone(Costa) . There is no heavy precipitation here, but this is more than compensated for by the Peruvian drizzle called garua - the so-called “falling fog”, which causes a lot of inconvenience, for example, in Lima, which is already deprived of tourists.
  • Eastern Lowland (Selva)
  • Mountains in the south (Montagna)
  • Central extent from north to south (Sierra)

Cold Humboldt Current and high Andes determine what the weather will be like in Peru in a given season.

Tourist seasons in Peru

The first thing you should pay attention to is that Peru is located in southern hemisphere, so our summer is the Peruvian winter.

The best time to visit the Sierra and Selva is considered to be June-August, and, conversely, in December-March it is better to go on vacation to the Peruvian coast.

Briefly about the tourist seasons:

  • June – September is the best time to visit Peru(you can go to the mountains to Machu Picchu, and to the Amazon River area, and visit the coast in the north of the country)
  • January – March is a controversial period for visiting, as the rainy season continues (you can’t visit the mountains and the Amazon, but you can enjoy a beach holiday)
  • May and September are the changing seasons in Peru and are characterized by unstable weather. This is used by those who are ready to go to budget holiday, agreeing to put up with the vagaries of the weather.
  • The Amazon region has two seasons - dry and wet. Dry – June-October, wet – November-May. However, it rains there every day, just less in the dry season. Moreover, the humidity is about 85% all the time!

In Peru, be sure to try the local traditional dishes - ceviche (freshly marinated fish), fried guinea pig(the so-called “kui”), chichu (corn compote, somewhat similar to kvass), Inca-Cola (Peruvian analogue of Coca-Cola).

What to take with you

Wear multi-layered clothing for visiting the Andes – the temperature there changes dramatically throughout the day in almost any season. Don't forget your hat and sunscreen maximum degree of UV protection!

To visit the Amazon jungle - thick shoes, pants, long sleeves.

If you plan to visit the Amazon, it is worth getting vaccinated against yellow fever 10 days before your trip.

Weather in Peru by month


It is the rainy season in the Amazon and Peruvian mountains. At this time, you can go to the ocean coast, where there is no precipitation and the water temperature is about +20°C. The downside will be a large influx of beachgoers from all over the world who prefer to relax on the coast.

January-February – no best months for a trip to Cusco and Machu Picchu, since due to heavy rains in the mountains the roads are washed away, it will be very difficult to get there.

The maximum amount of precipitation in Peru occurs in January. The highest humidity is in the eastern lowlands.


Rainfall continues in the east of the country, as well as in the Sierra mountains. There is good cloudless weather in the coastal area, the ocean is warmed up to +21°C.


Great time for a beach holiday: there is no precipitation on the coast, and the temperature coastal waters reaches +23°C.

In March it is worth visiting the capital of the state, Lima, as well as other central areas. From December to March there is no heavy drizzle or fog.

You should not go to the Amazon and mountainous areas at this time - it is the rainy season there.


In April beach season is coming to an end, the water becomes cooler (maximum +19°C), but you can still sunbathe on the coast. At this time, the weather in the mountains stabilizes, there are no more heavy rains, and the amount of precipitation in the east of the country decreases.

The highest mountain city in the world, La Riconada, is located in Peru.


May is the most auspicious month for traveling around Peru. At this time, there is little rainfall throughout the country, which makes it possible to see the sights.

The only negative is that in May the coast is unsuitable for recreation; the surrounding area is increasingly covered in fog. But there is one place where the vagaries of the weather are not scary - in May you can successfully soak up the sun in the north-west of Peru near the city of Tumbes.

May is the time for the most low prices, since there are no crowds of tourists.


June is the month of mountain climbing. At this time there is almost no precipitation. Feel free to go to Machu Picchu, Cusco, and go mountain climbing.

In May-November there are ideal waves on the Peruvian coast. This attracts surfers from all over the world.


Most cold month year is especially felt in the mountains. But only at night, when the air temperature can drop below zero.


In August there are many tourists on the banks of the Amazon - the water temperature in the river reaches +25°C. Almost no one swims in the ocean at this time - the water temperature is no higher than +17°C.


Rainfall in the mountains and in the Amazon is increasing. At this time, the influx of tourists subsides, and prices for travel services drop significantly.

The Peruvian canyon is considered the deepest in the world, surpassing even the Grand Canyon in Colorado (USA). The depth of Cotahuasi is 3.5 kilometers!


Not good comfortable month for traveling around Peru. There is a lot of precipitation, there is no rain only on the ocean coast, but the water is unsuitable for swimming - maximum +16°C.

The cities of Ica and Nazca are considered the sunniest in Peru. The weather there is very comfortable almost all year round.


There are showers in the mountains and in the Amazon, but you can already sunbathe on the Pacific coast, the water begins to warm up, and in November it is almost +18°C. Sometimes the overall impression can be spoiled by garua, but it does not last long in November.


The temperature of coastal waters is up to +19°C. On the eve of the New Year, many people open swimming season. From December to February it is worth visiting the coastal deserts of Peru.

In the Nazca Desert there are mysterious drawings, the bizarre shape of which can be seen from a bird's eye view. Their origin still remains a mystery.

Symbol of Peru

A pearl not only of Peru, but of the whole Latin America- this is the ancient city of the Incas Machu Picchu . Peru is famous throughout the world thanks to the thousands of steps carved from stone in the heart of the Andes. The Inca city was built in the shape of a condor - national symbol and the sacred bird of the people. Narrow streets among ancient buildings, ruins of temples and perfectly preserved steps - Machu Picchu is striking in its appearance. How were the Incas able to build this architectural miracle at an altitude of over 2500 meters in the mountains, raising stone boulders weighing several tons to such a height? This still remains a mystery. As well as where the Incan gold is located. When the city was opened to the world in 1911, no wealth was found in it. However, after 100 years, ancient underground labyrinths were found, and there is hope that further excavations will be able to lift the mysterious veil true reasons, how the city was built, and where one of the greatest civilizations in the world went.

Seeing Machu Picchu is a must when visiting Peru. It is better to go to the Inca city during the Peruvian winter. The city is located high in the mountains; there is no sweltering heat here like in the north of Peru. The rainy period occurs from November to March. At this time, the air temperature here reaches +18°C. In April-October at this altitude it is quite cool - no higher than +15°C, but due to the fact that the sun warms up well, it is quite warm in the vicinity of Machu Picchu. A light sweater, skirt or jeans will be enough. Don't forget about your headdress.

It’s rare for tourists to stay overnight, but if your route (and such tours are popular now) requires it, it’s worth considering: in July it’s very cold at night in Machu Picchu. The temperature is around zero, or even lower.

The best time to visit the attraction is spring and autumn. The peak of tourist flow occurs in the period May-September. You can avoid queues and crowds of tourists by going to the city of the Incas in October or April.

You should definitely take sunscreen, a hat, a long-sleeved jacket and comfortable shoes with you (as you understand, there is no asphalt there). Don't forget to bring your passport - otherwise you won't be allowed into the city - the entrance ticket is only valid if you have an ID card. You can take a bottle of water and a camera with you - do not load a large backpack, otherwise you will be forced to leave it in the storage room ($2/hour). You are only allowed to take small hand luggage with you.

You should take care of purchasing tickets in advance, it is better to buy electronic ticket, then you can accurately calculate the date of your visit. The fact is that the UNESCO historical and cultural heritage monument is carefully protected. In order to preserve it for future generations, it was decided to limit the flow of tourists to no more than 2,500 people/day.

Peru is located in an active seismic zone. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common here. Interestingly, the destructive force of nature usually bypasses Machu Picchu - main symbol countries.

Weather in cities and resorts by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average maximum, °C 26 27 26 24 22 20 19 18 19 20 22 24
Average minimum, °C 19 19 19 18 16 15 15 15 15 15 16 18
Weather in Lima by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average maximum, °C 22 21 21 22 22 21 21 22 22 23 23 22
Average minimum, °C 9 9 9 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8
Rains, mm 28 36 21 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 4
Arequipa weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average maximum, °C 32 32 32 31 31 30 31 32 32 32 32 32
Average minimum, °C 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 22 22 23
Rains, mm 279 227 279 310 274 190 182 165 189 242 260 282