Little-known DC Comics supervillains. Young Justice (TV series) Later members of the Team

Artemis Bana-Midell (Artemis of Bana-Mighdall) is a fictional character, Amazon, who appears in the universe. She first appeared in a comic called Wonder Woman vol. 2 #90 (September 1994), and was created by writer William Loeb and artist Mike Deodato.


History of the Amazons

Artemis was born an Amazon into an Egyptian tribe called the Bana-Midell, who originally moved from Greece to various countries ah Europe and the Middle East, but eventually settled in Egypt. Three thousand years ago, there was a single tribe of Amazons, in which they ruled together with their sister, but they were divided into two different tribes of Amazons. Hippolyta's group traveled to the island of Themyscira (also known as Paradise Island), which was completely isolated from the outside world. There they lived out their immortal lives to protect the entrance to the underworld known as the Door of Doom. While Antiope's tribe was not granted immortality and therefore, they were forced to enter into a relationship with ordinary people in order for their tribe to continue to exist for centuries. They decided to abandon their gods of Olympus after the two queens went their separate ways, and they eventually began to embrace other religions and goddesses from the various countries they visited. Among these goddesses were Isis, Mammithu, Bast and Neith. It was in Egypt that they built a city called Bana Maydell, which in their language translates as “Temple of Women.” In gratitude to the Amazons for their worship, one of their new goddesses created sandstorm, which surrounded and protected the city from prying eyes. The Amazons of Bana Midell eventually developed trade relations with outer cities.

Artemis appears

Over the centuries, Bana Midell became valued above par and was in great demand. This way of life continued until the end of the 20th century. It was during this period that Artemis was born. As a child, Artemis was raised in poverty among her tribe. When she was 10 years old, she was already carrying 23 kilogram bags. As a teenager, Artemis left her hometown for a while, going to seek a new life in the Human World. There she met and teamed up with , when he planned to destroy the world with the help of stolen nuclear missiles. She also proved herself to be a well-trained warrior, defeating several of Ra's minions. Despite her excellent combat skills, Artemis was defeated by, although she remained confident in the battle with him, and this despite the fact that she was only fourteen years old at that time. Ultimately, Artemis turned against Ra's al Ghul. She returned home, inspired by her meeting with, deciding to return to a relatively quiet life.

Wonder Woman discovered their city while searching for a villainess named Cheetah, who had stolen her golden Lasso of Truth. As the original Themysciran language changed over time during Bana-Midell's captivity to include Middle Eastern dialects, Diana found it difficult to communicate with the Amazons of Bana-Midell. As a result, a battle took place between best warrior captivity of Bana-Midell, known as Shim "Thar. Soon, the enraged Hermes, who was in love with Diana, took revenge on the Amazons for the attack on his beloved by destroying the city of Bana-Midell. Left without a home, the Amazons entered into an agreement with Circe (the enemy of Wonder Woman ) In exchange for her obedience during the events of the War of the Gods, Circe will grant them immortality and give them a new home. It was decided that since the princess of Themyscira was the one who caused the destruction of their city, they would take over her city instead. At this time, Artemis was only fourteen years old, she opposed the attack because she believed that the Amazons should not fight each other. However, her requests were ignored, and the attack took place.

During the attack on Themyscira, the witch Circe showed her true colors by teleporting the island to the demon dimension, planning to destroy both tribes. The queens of both tribes had to put aside their differences for a while and fight together against the demons to save the Amazons. Although in real world Only a few months passed, the time that the Amazons spent in the demon dimension was ten years. Having learned that Circe made the island of the Amazons disappear, Wonder Woman forced the witch to bring it back. As soon as the island was returned to its place, the Amazons concluded a truce. Diana met Artemis, who was already in her twenties at that time.

Wonder Woman

Due to Queen Hippolyta's experience in the demon dimension, she began to see visions of the future. One of those visions showed her a dying Wonder Woman. Hippolyta kept this secret, in order to prevent such an outcome, she organized new competition for the title of Wonder Woman, stating that she believed Diana was unfit for the role, despite Diana's insistence that the outside world was more complex than they imagined. Artemis won the competition and became the new Wonder Woman. Hippolyta then announced to both tribes that she considered Artemis her own daughter. Throughout her tenure as Wonder Woman, Artemis wore Diana's tiara and was given several magical items. The Glove of Atlas, which increased the strength of its owner tenfold, the Boots of Hermes, which gave the ability to move at high speed and fly, and the golden Lasso of Truth, which forced anyone bound by it to speak only the truth.

Although Artemis tried hard to distinguish itself from its predecessor in New York and Boston, this proved quite difficult to do. Her approach to various situations, is often perceived as more cruel than helpful. Artemis often receives the cold shoulder from those she has tried to help, this even extended to her time in the Justice League. Superman once told Diana that Batman wouldn't allow Artemis to sit in Diana's chair during a Justice League meeting. Diana's twin sister, Donna Troy, also showed resentment towards Artemis holding the title of Wonder Woman.

She later met a public relations representative from a company who agreed to help Artemis win over the public. Artemis did not suspect that the company, with the help of the White Mage, arranged for her several battles with superhumans. However, she helped a group of migrant workers who had been subjected to violence. Later, Artemis's arrogance got the better of her, and she died in battle against the White Mage, who gained enormous power while accidentally falling into hell. Thus, Queen Hippolyta's vision of Wonder Woman's death came true (ironically, Diana did die some time after Artemis' death).


After the death of Artemis, her soul was sent to hell. In the underworld, Artemis became the bride of one of the thirteen ruling princes hell, which was called Dalcreek Hut. As his bride, Artemis became part of the Dalkrik-Hatha legion, which consisted of demon warriors. Ultimately, Artemis manages to kill Dalkrik-Khat and gain access to the world of the living. Wanting to shed her former "Wonder Women" moniker, Artemis used the skills she had learned in Tartary to join a group of heroes who called themselves the Demon Hunters. Stationed in Waverly, Pennsylvania, she was given the code name Javelin, which she quickly abandoned and took on the name Requiem. Over time, Artemis developed feelings for her teammate Hellender Marksman, but a little later her interest in him subsided.

She also became friends with a woman named Henrietta Jessup, who used the alias Nomad. Artemis trained her friend in Amazonian fighting skills. Later, for unknown reasons, Artemis left the team and assisted Diana in Gateway City, acting as her partner in the fight against crime. Artemis also became close friends with Cassie Sandsmark when Wonder Woman asked Artemis to take Cassie on as her apprentice. It was through Artemis's training that Cassie was able to hone her skills and become the new Wonder Girl. Later, Artemis wanted revenge on Batman for his hostility towards her when she tried to join the Justice League. Artemis overpowered Batman in hand-to-hand combat, but was incapacitated by Batman when he used a tranquilizer dart.

A demon from the underworld named Belilliota, who had power over some of Myrmidon's demons, contacted Artemis to inform her of the unrest in Tartaria. After the death of Dalkrik-Hat, the remaining twelve princes of hell fought for control of his kingdom. As the widow of Dalcreek Hut, Artemis rightfully took the place of ruler. Artemis ended the war by appearing before twelve demons to officially take her former husband's place. After the blessing ceremony, Artemis revealed that the blessing was actually given to Belilliote, who had been disguised as Artemis through magic. Dissatisfied with this deception, the twelve princes of Hell swore revenge on Artemis when she returned to Hell. Fortunately for Artemis, her devoted friend Belilliota (now officially one of the thirteen rulers of Tartaria) swore allegiance to her and also to protect the Amazons.


After some time, Artemis returned to Themyscira to help his Amazon sisters. When did it start civil war between two Amazon tribes, resulting in Artemis taking the title of chief warrior of her tribe, Shim'Tar. She did this in hopes of ending the war and leading the leadership of both tribes to peace negotiations. As Shim'Tar, Artemis fought Queen Hippolyta, who at that time she was the new Wonder Woman. During their fight, Artemis reminded Hippolyta that her Wonder Woman costume was not out of honor, but as punishment for the death of not only Artemis, but also her daughter Diana. Hippolyta eventually came to her senses and forgave the Amazons of Bana Mydell for her previous misdeeds, and she decided to join her daughter and fight on the battlefield. Together, Queen Hippolyta and Princess Diana renounced their crowns, leaving the island unruly in hopes of ending the needless slaughter. Their actions bore fruit, with Artemis and Themyscira's general Philippa later voting to be co-rulers of the island. Philippa was given the ranks of Chancellor and Archon, while Artemis was given the rank of Polemarchus (Archon is equivalent to the position of President, while Polemarchus is equivalent to the rank of military leader, similar to the position of Commander-in-Chief).

As co-ruler, Artemis helped the Amazons step into a new era by forging connections with other people. Along with her people, Artemis learned about advanced technology and new fighting skills. Unfortunately, not everyone received the Amazons well. The US government has posted warships along the US-Themyscira border. Later, US President Jonathan Vincent Horne arranged a meeting with Artemis, Philippa and Diana. He asked the White House Chief of Staff, Mr. Ables, to inform them that the US government would ease the blockade if the Amazons agreed to hand over the plans for a device known as the Purple Beam. The girls responded with a categorical “no” to this proposal, telling the President that they feared that the US government would use him as a weapon. Because of this, tension between the two countries still remains.


Artemis has superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, durability, and her physical development is at its peak level. She can lift 15 tons under normal conditions. In addition, she is one of the most skilled warriors and a master of hand-to-hand combat, fencing, and archery among the Amazons. In combat, Artemis is on par with Diana, although her fighting style is more aggressive. She has also been shown to be able to jump very high.

Artemis can handcraft combat bows, arrows and much more. She is resourceful and is able to quickly make useful weapons/items out of any available material (for example, she weaves a strong rope out of her own hair and then uses it as a means of escape and a weapon). As Shim"Thar, Artemis possesses the magical armor of Shim"Thar, which grants invulnerability. As Wonder Woman, Artemis possessed the Gauntlet of Atlas (which increased its wearer's strength tenfold, allowing her to lift over 100 tons), the Boots of Hermes (granting the ability to fly), and the Lasso of Truth (which forces anyone to tell the truth).

She learned many witchcraft skills during her time in the underworld, including the ability to take the form of another person or animal, however, this costs large number energy. Artemis can reverse the effects of spells that were cast by demons, and is also able to sense the presence of demons (no matter how well they disguise themselves). Thanks to a sorceress named Circe, Artemis is also immortal. She has a healing factor that allows her to recover very quickly, and when she became immortal, her durability increased even more.

In addition, she has a magical ax called Mistress. This weapon very durable, enough to pierce a clone's skin, although not by much. Also, no matter where she is, he will always fly to Artemis when she calls him. She is so deft with it that she can use it to deflect bullets.

In the media

Animated films

Artemis appears in the 2009 animated film Wonder Woman, voiced by Rosario Dawson. Artemis the Amazon of Themyscira who fought alongside Queen Hippolyta in Ancient Greece. In one of the scenes, Hippolyta says that Artemis was the best warrior of that time. After being granted immortal lives on Paradise Island, Artemis's fighting skills were surpassed by Diana. When a competition is held to determine which Amazon is strong enough to accompany Steve Trevor back to the human world, Queen Hippolyta assigns Artemis to oversee the event.

Artemis appears in the 2010 animated film Superman/Batman: Apocalypse, voiced by Rachel Questance. In the cartoon, Artemis was first shown sparring with her to improve her skills. hand-to-hand combat. Artemis is also shown leading the Amazons into battle against an army of Doomsday animals and thanking Superman for saving her. In her final appearance, Artemis is shown in the Amazon battle arena.

Artemis appears in the animated film Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, released in 2013. She appears as one of the warriors in Wonder Woman's army.


Artemis appears in the 2017 film Wonder Woman, played by Ann Wolfe.


Artemis appears in " Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe", but the character cannot be played.

Nolan North
Khary Payton
Jason Spisak

"Young Justice"(eng. Young Justice; the second season has the subtitle "Invasion"(eng. Invasion)) is an American animated television series created by Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti for Cartoon Network. Despite the title, this is not a show of the comic book series of the same name by Peter David, Todd Dezago and Todd Nock, but rather an adaptation of the entire DC Universe, focusing on young superheroes. The series follows the lives of teenage superheroes who are members of a fictional secret task force known as the Team, which is essentially the young version of the adult superhero community, the Justice League.

A third season was announced in November 2016.

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    ✪ Series: Young / Young - season 4 (No. 2 Announcement)

    ✪ YOUNG JUSTICE: OUTSIDERS - Official Comic-Con Trailer - DC Universe




Young Justice focuses on the lives of a group of teenage superheroes and superhero protégés who try to prove to the adult superheroes that they are already capable of great things. At the same time, they are dealing with normal teenage problems in their personal lives. They have to face a variety of opponents, but winning difficult victories one after another, the heroes do not even suspect that all this was part of Lex Luthor’s global plan.

Synopsis of the pilot episode

The pilot episode introduces four characters: Robina, Aqualad, Kid Flash And Speedy. Their desire for greater recognition and respect is shown, and most importantly - the desire to advance from assistants to full-fledged superheroes. Upon meeting the objection of his Justice League mentors: Batman, Aquaman, Flash And Green Arrow, protégés react differently. Speedy leaves his partner Green Arrow and decides to become an independent superhero on his own, taking a new name for himself - Red Arrow. Others seek to convince their mentors of their worth and secretly take on the Justice League's mission to explore the laboratory buildings "Cadmus". While infiltrating Cadmus headquarters, the three heroes find a clone of Superman named "Superboy". Following this discovery, the team discovers that Cadmus has created living weapons called Genomorphs. This discovery, like Superboy's origin, is linked to an unknown group called "Light". Eventually, Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Superboy agreed with Batman to form a covert operations team. After consulting with his colleagues, the Dark Knight sends Young Justice to a cave that was the headquarters of the Justice League in the past and where young fighters will undergo training and train with the help of mentors.



Core team

  • Aqualad / Kaldur'Am(Khary Payton) - founding member of the Team, a sixteen-year-old teenager, originally from Atlantis. Reasonable and calm. Capable of creating objects from water and generating electricity. Was chosen as leader, but stated that Robin/Dick Grayson should take the position when ready.
  • Nightwing / Dick Grayson(Jesse McCartney) - founding member of the Team, a thirteen-year-old teenager from Gotham. He is the most experienced in the group, having learned skills from Batman since the age of nine. He has a frivolous character and loves the feeling of his own superiority. Deprived of superpowers, he uses fighting, acrobatic skills and high-tech gadgets, among which he prefers throwing discs with miniature explosive devices. In a five-year period, he became the leader of the team under the name Nightwing, transferring the Robin costume to Tim Drake. In love with Zatanna Zatara.
  • Kid Flash/Wally West(Jason Spisak) - founding member of the Team, a fifteen-year-old teenager from Central City. He is the nephew of Barry Allen - The Flash. Carefree, cheerful and naive. Likes to flirt with girls. Married Artemis. He died in a magnetic vortex while trying to save the Earth.
  • Impulse / Kid Flash II / Bart Allen(Jason Marsden) - Barry Allen's grandson from a post-apocalyptic future. Bart returned to the past to save his grandfather from the villain Neutron, whose metagene (a gene that gives superpowers) was activated by unknown aliens. The time machine that Bart used to travel back in time is "disposable" and will not be able to return him back to the present, so he remains in the past with the Team. Impulse's main weakness is his excessive talkativeness. It later turned out that he returned not so much to save the team from Neutron, but to prevent the enslavement of the Earth by the Blue Beetle. This mission was a success. He is potentially the fastest of the Flashes. Not very strong, but can easily pass through hard objects using molecular vibration.
  • Superboy / Connor Kent / Kon-El / Project Ka-Er(Nolan North) - founding member of the Team. At the time of the formation of Young Justice, he was 16 weeks old, in a capsule marked "Project Ka-er" ("Kryptonite"), although his biological age is approximately 16 years. He is a creature created as a result of genetic research in the Cadmus laboratory. Was rescued by Aqualad, Robin-Dick and Kid Flash from a secret underground complex. “Ka-Er” is none other than a clone of Superman, but, since Kryptonian DNA is difficult to decipher, it contains human DNA taken from the founder of Project Cadmus, Lex Luthor. Being only half-Kryptonian, he does not have all the abilities of the Man of Steel. Superboy is usually sullen, irritable and taciturn, sometimes even short-tempered and impulsive. Having reconciled with Superman, he received the name Kon-El from him. Was in love with Miss Martian.
    • Wolf- Superboy's pet. An albino, the result of illegal genetic experiments on animals in India, using various modifications of the Venom substance. Relentlessly follows the owner in almost all of his missions.
    • Gynosphere/Supercycle- artificial intelligence enclosed in a spherical steel shell. Can transform into a flying vehicle. Comes from the planet New Genesis, the enemy of the Apocalypse. Communicates using sound signals different frequencies. In the first season, he landed in the desert of Bealia, where he was captured by Psimon and his people. Freed by Superboy and taken with him to the Cave of Justice.
  • Miss Martian / M'gann M'orzz / Megan Morse(Danica McKellar) - founding member of the Team. By earthly standards, she is 48 years old, but by Martian standards, she is actually 16, which, nevertheless, is considered by aliens adolescence. She is very afraid of her real appearance, which she does not want to show to her friends, for fear of being rejected, so she subsequently fell under the influence of the Queen Bee. Your earthly appearance Miss Martian took from the beloved TV show “Hey Megan!” (Where main role played the mother of Garfield Logan/Beast Boy), borrowing his name, behavior and favorite phrase. She is the niece of the Martian Manhunter, but, according to the latter, she is much stronger than her uncle. She dated Superboy, calling him Conner from the same TV show. However, when receiving information, it always irreversibly destroyed all the thought processes of the interrogated, which was the reason for the break with Conner. In the second season, she became friends with Lagunboy, from whom she received the nickname “fish”.
  • Artemis / Tigress / Artemis Croc(Stephanie Lemelin) - Team member, fifteen-year-old girl. She joined the group as Green Arrow's niece, assistant, and protégé. She has an irritable character, is very secretive, and does not want to tell anything about herself, just like Robin. It turned out that Artemis comes from a family of criminals: her mother is a Huntress, who retired due to paraplegia, her father and sister are current enemies of Team Sportmaster and Cheshire. She left Young Justice within five years, along with Wally West, whom she married. In the second season, Nightwing faked her death at the hands of Aqualad and then introduced her into Black Manta's circle under the name of Tigress, but Ra's al Ghul revealed this deception. After Wally's death, she finally abandoned the image of Artemis.
  • Zatanna Zatara(Lacey Chabert) - Team member, thirteen-year-old daughter of Giovanni Zatara. She joined the heroes, against her father's wishes. Possesses magic and uses it by casting spells. Hates Doctor Fate for taking over the body of his father, who wanted to save Zatanna from this fate. In the five-year period, he joins the Justice League along with Rocket. Later she returned to the old Team. Secretly dating Nightwing
  • Jim Harper/ Red Arrow(Crispin Freeman) - Team member, former partner of Green Arrow. At the time of joining the team, he was already 18 years old, but he did not join his colleagues, taking a new pseudonym “Red Arrow” and began working alone. Sportsmaster told him that there was a mole on the Team, and Red Arrow, with a fair amount of paranoia, blamed Artemis, Miss Martian and Superboy (who were also forced to spy on the team on behalf of "The Light"). Subsequently, he joined the League and infected all other members with Cadmus biochips, which allowed Vandal Savage to capture the Watchtower. The tragedy was that the Red Shooter was the mole, and was also a clone of the real Roy Harper. During the five-year period, he became obsessed with the search for his genetic prototype (which is why he took a different name for himself - Jim), which greatly irritated Cheshire, who became his wife, with whom he had a daughter. Cheshire helped find the real Roy Harper, who had been frozen in Cadmus all this time, then in an abandoned monastery. Red Arrow later retires.
  • Roy Harper / Speedy / Arsenal- After Red Arrow and Cheshire freed the real Roy Harper from a five-year freeze in a Cadmus warehouse, he woke up to find that his arm was missing: it had been taken for cloning. He learns that Cadmus and Lex Luthor are to blame, which makes him hate him with all his heart. Later, as a “payoff” from Lex Luther, he received a cybernetic arm stuffed with advanced weapons and even (for example, a laser beam). He took the pseudonym "Arsenal", under which he joined the Team. However, like Red Arrow, he was not a team player, which is why, after attacking Blue Beetle, having guessed his betrayal, he was expelled from the Team, despite the justice of his actions. This is explained by his temporary freezing and the effect of cold on the brain, as the heroes assume. Like Roy Harper, the clone decided to become a “lone wolf.” For some time, he acted together with a group of teenagers who suffered from the actions of the Subjugators.
  • Rocket / Raquel "Kitty" Erwin- Team member. She joined later than the other heroes. Honest and brave, but inexperienced. Rocket is the assistant of the superhero Icon. She uses alien technology called the Belt of Inertia, which gives her the ability to create and manipulate kinetic energy. This allows her to fly and create force fields. In the five-year period, she left the team to join the Justice League with Zatanna.
  • Aquagirl/Tula- in the first season she is Aqualad’s lover, but during a mission in Atlantis he finds out that she has been dating his best friend, the Atlantean Garth, for a long time. Subsequently, when Nightwing and Aqualad meet at the Krolotean base, Aqualad blames Nightwing for Tula's death, to which he replies that it is not his fault that she died on the mission, while calling her Aquagirl. It is possible that Tula was a member of the Team, but died on a mission in the five-year period between the events of Seasons 1 and 2. Main Power: Atlantis's sorcery, which allows her to create multiple diamond-shaped daggers that she throws at enemies with telekinesis.
  • Robin II / Jason Todd appears only as a hologram in the temple of fallen heroes (which is a direct reference to his death, which is told in the full-length animated film Batman: Under the Red Hood).
  • Robin III / Tim Drake(Cameron Bowen) - is the third Robin. If Dick Grayson was a slightly arrogant and self-confident programmer, then Tim Drake is a martial arts specialist who uses gadgets and a pole with electrical impulses. In addition, Drake is a little insecure. It's worth noting that he is usually assigned to Gamma Squad, which is said to never have anything happen to him. Subsequently, he proved that he was capable of much and was increasingly elected to the Alpha squad, and sometimes appointed commander. One of the first to guess about Beetle's betrayal, but was captured along with the others, and it was his birdarang that led Nightwing to expose the Blue Beetle. He begins dating Wonder Girl, amazed by the fleeting nature of life after the death of Kid Flash and no longer wanting to hide his feelings for the girl.
  • Bee (Bumblebee) / Karen Beecher(Masasa Moyo) - a member of the Team since the second season, a young scientist, African-American, partner of Mel Duncan. She and Mal were classmates of Superboy and Miss Martian in High school Happy Harbor. Her suit is an armor that gives her abilities similar to those of a bee: shrinking and flight. Karen also became a student of Ray Palmer. Due to its small size it is an ideal agent for covert penetration. She is in love with Mel, but skillfully hides it, since for her the activities of a superhero are more important than personal relationships. However, over time he gives up, especially when Mel becomes unhappy with this attitude towards him.
  • Beast Boy/Garfield Logan(Logan Grove) - Member of the team since the second season. He was cured by Miss Martian through a transfusion of his own blood, and therefore acquired the Martian ability to transform. Since he spent most of his life in the reserve, he is well versed in wild animals and can freely transform into any of them. Either due to inexperience, or due to some other personal reasons, he has greenish skin and a long tail with a tassel at the end, prefers to move like a monkey. In the first season he lived with his mother, but in the five-year period between the events of seasons 1 and 2, when their jeep fell into the river from a high cliff with a waterfall, she died. After that, he was taken into the care of M'gan, to whom he became very attached (which was mutual).
  • Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes(Eric Lopez) - Member of the Team since the second season. In life, he is an ordinary teenager from an Indian reservation, except for the Scarab, a piece of high technology in the form of a beetle implanted in the spinal cord (usually visible on the back). The scarab has its own developed mind and constantly gives the wearer advice of various kinds, which constantly irritates him. Scarab also gives Jaime an exosuit blue and weapons based on acoustics or plasma. Jaime has developed search abilities. By his own statement, he is the second Blue Beetle. He was very shocked by the appearance of another exoskeleton wearer (namely the Black Beetle). Later he meets the Green Beetle - the Martian counterpart of him and the Black Beetle. Since the Green Beetle was under the control of the Overlords, for a long time the Blue Beetle, who was very burdened by the Impulse’s prophecy that he would be a supervillain and enslaver of the Earth in the future, was controlled by the Scarab, who in turn carried out the orders of the Overlords.
  • Guardian / Malcolm "Mal" Duncan(Kevin Michael Richardson) - a member of the team since the second season. Muscular African American man. Karen Beecher's partner and former classmate of Superboy and Miss Martian at Happy Harbor High School. The person does not have superpowers and does not participate in missions. His main task is to communicate with the League, track crimes, coordinate missions. The fact that he is human often interferes with his relationship with Karen Beecher, with whom he is in love. When he and some members of the Team were stranded in the Hall of Justice by the galactic gladiator Despereaux, he found the Guardian's form and subsequently assumed his identity.
  • Lagunboy / La'gaan(Yuri Lowenthal) - a member of the team since the second season, formerly a student at the Atlantis Conservatory of Magic. Native underwater city Poseidonis. Lagoonboy is pretty much more like sea ​​creature than other Atlanteans: he is blue-skinned, with fins clearly visible on his arms, legs and head. He has large dark eyes without pupils. Had romantic relationship with Miss Martian. Like Aqualad, he has tattoos on his body, but unlike him, La'gaan does not form weapons with their help, but significantly increases in volume, acquiring extraordinary strength. Favorite curse word: “Neptune’s beard!” ("Neptune's beard!")
  • Wonder Girl / Cassie Sandsmark(Mae Whitman) - Wonder Woman's assistant. She joined the team between the events of Seasons 1 and 2. She is Wonder Woman's assistant and protégé. She is a big fan of the superheroine, which sometimes makes her suffer. In the last episode, he begins dating Robin III (Tim Drake), having realized after the death of Kid Flash that missions with the Team can be dangerous, and is afraid of being late.
  • Batgirl/Barbara Gordon(Alison Stoner) - Originally Dick's classmate at Gotham Academy. Between seasons 1 and 2, she adopted the identity of Batgirl. She is Batman's protégé, just like Robin. She regularly participates in Missions, but the most important ones are the mission to Bealia, where she discovered the Bealia Temple of the Blue Scarab, as well as the mission to free the Blue Beetle from the control of the Overlords. After Nightwing's temporary retirement and return, Aqualad becomes Kaldur's right-hand man.

Group "Limit"

A group of teenagers who began to exhibit superpowers as a result of genetic experiments by the Overlords.

  • Static / Virgil Hawkins(Bryton James) - Subjugated test subject. After mutation, he developed the ability to control static and electromagnetic fields. The only test subject remaining on the team after the Overlords were expelled from Earth.
  • Asami "Sam" Koizumi(Janice Kawai) is the only girl among the test subjects. After the mutation, she developed the ability to control “Chi energy”, due to which she can move at superhuman speed, make long jumps and ram opponents without harming herself.
  • Ty Longshadow(Greg Rainwater) - Subjugator test subject. After mutation, he developed the ability to create a psionic exoskeleton around himself, increasing his strength and durability. Friend of Jaime Reyes.
  • Eduardo "Ed" Dorado Jr.- experimental subject of the Subjugators. After mutation, he developed the ability to teleport.

Justice League

  • Superman / Kal-El / Clark Kent(Nolan North) - Founding member of the Justice League. Project Cadmus used his DNA to create Superboy.
  • Batman / Bruce Wayne(Bruce Greenwood) - Founding member and elected leader of the Justice League, sends the Team on missions.
  • Wonder Woman/Diana of Themyscira(Maggie Q) - founding member of the Justice League, princess of the Amazons.
  • Aquaman / Arthur Curry(Phil Lamarr) - founding member of the Justice League, King of Atlantis. Aqualad has been his assistant since he and fellow Atlantean Garth helped him defeat Ocean Master.
  • Atom / Ray Palmer- new member of the Justice League, accepted on December 30, 2010. Bee is his student and assistant.
  • Black Canary / Dyna Lance(Vanessa Marshall) - member of the Justice League, coach and staff psychologist of the Team. Helps to young heroes become stronger and cope with internal problems.
  • Captain Marvel/Billy Batson(Rob Lowe, Chad Lowe, Robert Ochoa) - Member of the Justice League, acts as a nanny for the team when Red Tornado goes missing. Since under his personality there is a 10/15 year old teenager, he, despite his Solomon’s wisdom, often behaves too frivolously. But his ability to transform saved both teams several times.
  • Martian hunter/ D'jonn D'jonzz / John Jones(Kevin Michael Richardson) - founding member of the Justice League, adoptive uncle of Miss Martian.
  • Flash / Barry Allen(George Eads) - founding member of the Justice League. Kid Flash's uncle and Impulse's grandfather.
  • Green Arrow/ Oliver Queen(Alan Tudyk) - Member of the Justice League. Speedy is his former assistant, Artemis is his new protégé.
  • Captain Atom / Nathaniel Adam(Michael T. Weiss) - member of the Justice League.
  • Ikon / Arnus(Tony Todd) is an alien superhero who joined the Justice League on December 30, 2010. The rocket is his assistant.
  • Plastic Man / Patrick O'Brien- new member of the Justice League, accepted on December 30, 2010.
  • Green Lantern/ Hal Jordan- Founding member of the Justice League.
  • Green Lantern/ John Stewart(Kevin Michael Richardson) - Member of the Justice League.
  • Hawk / Carter Hall- Member of the Justice League, Hawkgirl's husband.
  • Eaglet / Shaera Hall- Member of the Justice League, wife of Hawkman.
  • Red Tornado(Jeff Bennett) - Member of the Justice League. Acts as a nanny for the team. He has a rather complex relationship with both his “relatives” and his father-creator. Tries to understand people, but has not succeeded.
  • Doctor Faith / Giovanni Zatara(Nolan North) - Member of the Justice League. In reality, Doctor Fate is the spirit of order contained in a golden helmet. Whoever wears the helmet becomes Doctor Fate, sharing his mind with the spirit. For a long time the host was a man named Kent Nelson. But since the dissolution of the Justice Society (the union of heroes more early period) he retired, and the helmet was kept on the roof of Fate's tower. After Nelson's death, the helmet's owners alternated between Kid Flash, Aqualad and Zatanna, who was recognized as the optimal wearer. To save his daughter, League member Giovanni Zatara sacrificed his identity and became the new Doctor Fate.

Eternals (eng. Forever People)

A group of aliens from the race of New Gods arrived on Earth to investigate the theft of their technology. The thieves' trail led them to Earth, where they came into contact with Superboy, who was chasing the Gynesphere. Capable of merging together into a single organic construct - Infinite Man(eng. Infinity-Man), combining all their abilities. Appear only in episode 17 of season 1.

  • Vaikin(eng. Vykin) - leader of the Eternals group. Capable of manipulating magnetic fields and, as a result, metals.
  • Bir(English Bear) - the strongest member of the team, relying only on his enormous physical strength and endurance.
  • Dreamer(eng. Dreamer) - the only girl on the team. Able to create illusions and read the thoughts of ordinary people.
  • Moonrider(eng. Moonrider) - a team member capable of creating energy projections in the form of plasma discharges from his hands.
  • Serifan(eng. Serifan) - team member. His abilities remain questionable, but he himself masterfully wields two blasters. In his clothes he copies the cowboy style.



The main opponents in the first season, who organized and carried out various terrorist actions throughout the series. They are also the Board of Directors of Cadmus. The group was created by Vandal Savage, who was not a leader, but a first among equals. The identities of the commanders are known only to a select group of individuals who work for them. The members of the “Light” position their goals as pro-human against the background of the rest of the intelligent Galaxy (they want to establish humanity as a sovereign race, independent of aliens).

  • Wild Barbarian(Miguel Ferrer "L-1".
    • Sportmaster / Lawrence Krok(Nick Chinlund) - agent of the Light, ex-husband of Paula Croc (Huntress), father of Artemis and Cheshire.
  • Ra's al Ghul(Oded Fer) - member of "Svet" under the designation "L-2", head of the Shadow Society.
    • Deathstroke/Slade Wilson(Fred Tatasciore) - professional mercenary, replaced Sportsmaster.
  • Lex Luthor(Mark Rolston) - member of "The Light" under the designation "L-3", executive director of LexCorp.
    • Hugo Strange(Adrian Pasdar) is the head of the Belly Reve prison for supervillains, and is also an ally of the Light.
  • Queen Bee(Marina Sirtis) - member of “Svet” under the designation "L-4", dictator of Bialia.
    • Psimon(Alan Tudyk) - sadistic psychic, Svet operative.
  • Ocean Master / Orm Curry(Roger Craig Smith) - Aquaman's half-brother, a member of "The Light" under the designation "L-5". Some time later, after the events of the first season, he was replaced by Black Manta.
    • Black Manta(Khary Payton) - ally of "The Light", father of Aqualad. In season 2 he replaced the Lord of the Ocean.
  • Brain(Nolan North, Corey Barton) - member of the Light under the designation "L-6", is a brain in a flask.
    • Monsieur Mallah(Dee Bradley Baker) - Brain's gorilla assistant.
  • Clarion(Tom Adcox-Hernandez) - a young sorcerer, a member of the "Light" under the designation L-7.
    • Tickle(Dee Bradley Baker) is Clarion's familiar cat.

League of Shadows

A clan of assassins led by Ra's al Ghul carries out the orders of the Light.

  • Sensei(Kion Young) - A high-ranking member of the Shadow Society.
  • Black Spider(Josh Keaton)
  • Professor Ojo(Nolan North)
  • Cheshire / Jade Nguyen(Kelly Hu) - sister of Artemis, daughter of Sportsmaster. In the second season, Cheshire has a child with Red Arrow and, after finding Speedy, she retires.
  • Hook- a killer with a hook on his hand.

Injustice League

A small group of villains who used plant-like creatures to attack the world in the Revelation series. They played the role of the antagonists of the first season, but in reality acted as a scapegoat to distract the heroes from revealing "The Light".

  • Joker(Steven Blum) - Batman's main enemy.
  • Count Vertigo / Werner Vertigo(Brent Spiner) - member royal family Vlatava is obsessed with the idea of ​​seizing power over the country from his niece, Princess Perdita.

Henry King/Brain Wave

Brain Wave (Brainwave)- a psychiatrist named Henry King, who knows how to create illusions, hypnotize people and play tricks with their brains in every possible way. Brainwave was an enemy of the Justice Society during the period known as the Golden Age of Comics. He eventually married Mary Pemberton, a superhero once known as "Trick Girl." (Gimmick Girl) and died of old age. His son, Henry King Jr., inherited his father's abilities, but at the same time became a hero, with his father's nickname (although he also switched to the dark side a couple of times).


Name "Player" (Gambler) also worn by two characters. The first Gambler was Stephen Sharp III, a gambler who became a criminal after witnessing human duplicity. The girl he wanted to marry told Steve that she hated gamblers and he had to prove that he could live without gambling. While Sharpe was proving this, another player hit the jackpot and the girl left with him, leaving Sharpe. Stephen then decided to rob the Korovans; his excellent skills in camouflage, pistol shooting, and handling throwing knives helped him in this. Stephen Sharp committed suicide in his old age after losing all his money in a casino. His grandson, Stephen Sharp V, became the new Player, and played around for a while. Sharpe's granddaughter became the supervillain known as Danger. (Hazard), with the ability to change the probability of events.


Several different people have been named "The Thinker" (Thinker), but the first and foremost of them was Clifford Devoe, a former lawyer and a very smart comrade. Clifford worked for the mafia, creating an alibi for bandits, after which he became an enemy of the Flash (then Jay Garrick) and began inventing child prodigies to increase his own efficiency. His main invention was the “Thinking Helmet”, which “accelerates” the brain. The Thinker fought the Flash many times, but then he got brain cancer, repented, became friends with Jay and died. From its brain waves they made an artificial intelligence program to protect the headquarters of the Justice Society... and this AI imagined itself as a new, reborn Thinker and returned to a criminal career. In general, a brilliant idea, of course - “Let’s give control over our base to the mental image of a former supervillain-clever, he won’t betray.”


Villains nicknamed "Sportmaster" (Sportsmaster) There were also quite a few, but the first and most famous of them was Lawrence Kroc. Croc was a gangster who committed crimes with a sports theme, one of the signature enemies of the first Green Lantern (Alan Scott) and. He didn’t have superpowers, but he had all sorts of “tricky” sports equipment - exploding golf balls, baseball bats with built-in electric shocks, basketball bombs, and more. Croc also “noted” himself by marrying a supervillain nicknamed “Huntress” (no, not the Huntress who is Elena Wayne/Bertinelli and the heroine), and their daughter, Artemis Croc, became a villainess nicknamed Tigress.

In the animated series "Young Justice" Artemis Croc is the heroine nicknamed "Streletta" (Arrowette), like Green Arrow, only a teenage girl. However, in the comics she never even had the thought of being a hero; she, without a twinge of conscience, followed in her mother’s footsteps and became the “Tigress” (Tigress). The tigress does not have superpowers, but she is exceptionally strong, dexterous and resilient, knows hand-to-hand combat very well and is excellent with a bunch of weapons. And she is also absolutely ruthless. She was in several different options team "Injustice Society".

Molly Maine was a clown, or rather a Harlequin (Harlequin) long before the appearance. However, it is difficult to call her a full-fledged villain. Molly joined the Injustice Society to attract the attention of her lover, Green Lantern (Alan Scott). She didn't have superpowers, but she did have glasses that allowed her to emit energy discharges and a mandolin. And Alan Scott is defenseless against the tree. Over time, Alan and Molly got married successfully, but Molly lost heart somewhat when the magic of the Star Heart, on which Alan’s powers work, made him young and handsome in his old age, and Molly herself grew old like anyone normal person. Molly sold her soul to the demon Nero in exchange for youth, but Alan descended into Hell and took her soul. From then on, they lived happily ever after until Flashpoint erased Molly Mane from the history of the Multiverse, making Alan gay.

Johnny Sorrow

Johnny Sorrow is an example of how a small fry can gain terrible power. Johnny was a silent film actor, but fell out of favor when speech films came out. Out of anger, Johnny became a criminal, got hold of a device that allowed him to become intangible, but Sandy Hawkins, the superhero’s young assistant, broke this device, which malfunctioned, and Johnny was torn into pieces, and the pieces were thrown into some parallel dimension. In this dimension, Johnny met the King of Tears, an entity similar to Lovecraft's dark gods, and received super-strength from the King. Returning to “our” world, Johnny has become so scary that he has to wear a mask - anyone who looks at his face dies from horror. Only Doctor Half-Night could survive his gaze, since he was initially blind and used a special night vision device. They defeated Johnny by showing him his own face.

Don't anger the Druids - that's the advice from the creators of DC Comics, and here's why. In ancient times, when the Romans were enslaving the Gauls, a small group of Druids decided to resist the Romans... and they were all killed. One of the druids pretended to be a log, but an earthquake occurred and he was buried alive (as far as a tree is considered alive). They dug him up in our time and placed him in a museum, but he came to life and began to act evil. The real name of this druid is lost to history, but his nickname is known - Blackbriar Thorn (Blackbriar Thorn). Thorn can turn into a tree, control vegetation and air, and knows many other magics. He was destroyed several times, but he returned, temporarily becoming incorporeal, and once almost killed Alan Scott, being at that time just a small sliver.

Another “spikey” character – Spike (Thorn), a psychotic lady named Rose Canton. Rose suffered from multiple personality disorder - her "spike" personality was a criminal with the ability to control plants. When Rose recovered from her multiple personality disorder, she married Alan Scott and bore him two children. However, later her villainous personality returned, Rose could not bear it and committed suicide. And much later, Alan took Harlequin as his wife.

Lenny Fiasco / Eraser

Eraser (Eraser) often called the apotheosis of the stubbornness of the Silver Age. Yes, your eyes don't deceive you. This is a pencil man. With an eraser on his head and shoes as sharp as a sharpened stylus. His real name fully conveys his entire career - Lenny Fiasco. He managed to figure out Batman's identity and catch him, but after getting hit on the head, he never performed again.

In this article you will learn:

Diana Prince "Wonder Woman" from DC Comics.

The heroine first appeared in the pages of All-Star Comics #8 (1941).

The character subsequently got her own comic book, Wonder Woman #1.

The creators of the super heroine are William Molutlon Marston and Harry Jay Peter.

Early version

Birth story

Diana Prince appeared in the family of the Queen of the Amazons - Hippolyta. The girl was the first child born on the paradise island of Temixir in 3,000 years (all other women were resurrected by the gods except one). It was made from clay on the shore at the end of the 20th century.

The Greek gods gave her life and great powers: Demeter - strength; Athena - wisdom and courage; Artemis – the heart of a hunter and connection with animals; Aphrodite – beauty and a loving heart; Hestia – affinity with fire; Hermes – speed and ability to fly.

Diana was named after Diana Trevor, a pilot who crashed on Paradise Island and lived a remarkable, heroic life there.

Wonder Woman

For a long time Diana lived on the island. She trained to be a real warrior, while at the same time having the personality of a small child. Often dealing with the injustice of the gods, she developed a sense of helping loved ones and fighting for justice.

As Diana grew older, she saw a plane crash from the sky. Ironically, it included the son of the late Diana Trevor. When Stephen began to recover, Hippolyta announced a competition. The winner had to leave the island by going to big world, on a diplomatic mission. Diana, who secretly participated in the competition, won. The mother had difficulty giving the girl the Wonder Woman costume, made in the colors of the island hero Diana Trevor's uniform.

From Hephaestus, the heroine received the Lasso of Truth, bracelets and Sandals of Mercury.

Diana's task was to destroy the plans of the god Ares, who poisoned people among themselves in wars and wanted to destroy the world. This is how the girl came to America.

Diana Prince

Arriving in Boston, she met the nurse who was looking after Stephen - Diana Prince. The heroine helped the girl go to her lover abroad, in return taking her last name and job.

Diana soon entered into her first public fight on the streets of the city with one of Ares's servants, Decay. Having learned what Ares is planning to do nuclear explosion, Wonder Woman managed to stop him. She managed to defeat the sons of the god of war - Deimos and Phobos, and then fight him himself.

Having stopped Ares, Diana returned to her homeland to heal her wounds.

Justice League

Returning to Boston, the heroine met Superman, and soon joined the Justice League team, which united such characters as Aquaman, Batman, and Flash.

Along the way, Diana took on Donna Troy as her student, who was nicknamed Wonder Girl. Troy joined the Teen Titans team.


Soon, Zeus, pleased with the girl’s deeds, invited her to join the ranks of the gods, but with one condition. Diana should have slept with him. Wonder Woman refused, and Zeus subjected her to the Trial of the Gods. Entering the caves on Paradise Island, Diana fought numerous mythical monsters. The treasure that the island hid was Hercules, imprisoned in stone.

So Diana passed the test of Zeus and returned Hercules to Olympus.

Diana had many more adventures that are simply impossible to describe, since comics about her have been created since the distant 1941.

Modern version

According to the new version of Diana's birth, the fact that she was molded from clay was simply a fairy tale. In fact, her father was Zeus himself, who seduced her mother Hippolyta.

After the fall of the pilot Steve Trevor on the island, Diana decided to go with him into the big world. She secretly took part in a competition, the winner of which would go to America on a diplomatic mission. Diana managed to win the competition.


Martial arts. Growing up among the Amazons, Diana trained as an experienced warrior proficient not only in all types of weapons but also in fist fighting. Even Batman noted that the girl best fighter on the planet.

Polyglot. Diana speaks many languages. In addition, she is able to imitate women's voices.

Wisdom. This gift of Athena made the heroine, along with Batman, the smartest woman in the Justice League.

Beauty. If Diana wasn't a heroine, she could easily become a supermodel.

Wonder Woman vs Harley Quinn


Strength. Diana has super strength. Since her father is Zeus himself, and her powers were granted by the Earth Goddess, it is no wonder that the girl is considered practically the strongest in DC Comics.

Flight. This gift was given by Hermes.

Speed. Another gift from Hermes. Even Flash noticed that Diana was very fast. She is able to dodge blows and bullets with lightning speed.

Healing. This gift from Demeter allows Diana to quickly recover from injuries. In addition, it is resistant to all types of poison, toxins and diseases. The heroine is also immortal and while she is on Paradise Island she does not age.

Feelings. Thanks to the gift of Artemis, Diana has highly developed senses such as vision, hearing, charm, and touch.


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman appeared in the cartoon of the same name. This cartoon dates back to 2009 and tells the story of Diana, who decided to leave the island and go to the big world. The heroine was voiced by actress Keri Rusell.

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths

The heroine appeared in the 2010 cartoon. In this world, all heroes are villains, even our Wonder Woman. Lex Luthor, the hero of this world, travels to another world, where he enlists the support of the Justice League. Now, the heroes must confront their evil counterparts.

Diana in this cartoon was voiced by Vanessa Marshall.

Justice League vs Teen Titans

This 2016 cartoon tells the story of when the Justice League fell under the influence of certain demons. Having become evil, the heroes began to destroy everything around them and only the Young Titans were able to resist them.

The character was voiced by Rosario Dawson.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The film appeared in 2016 and is the first where the hero of Wonder Woman appeared.

The plot does not focus on the heroine, but she appears at the most opportune moment to help Batman and Superman fight Doomsday. Diana also reveals to Batman some of the heroes who will later form the Justice League.

The role of the heroine was played by model Gal Gadot.

Wonder Woman

In 2017, the first full-length film dedicated to the heroine will be released. The role was again played by Gal Gadot.

It shows Diana's life on the island and her acquaintance with pilot Steve Trevor. To stop Ares, the god of war, Diana goes to the First World War.


In addition to cartoons and films, the heroine also appears in games. Most popular on at the moment Injustice 2013 release. The second part will be released in 2017.

Injustice is a fighting game where Diana is featured as one of the fighters. Imagine a world where Superman became a god for Earthlings. This happened in the history of this fighting game. Superman loses Lois Lane to the Joker, and soon kills him too. Having lost his moral values, he becomes a dictator, whom brave heroes undertake to stop.


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Young Justice
Young Justice

6 original team members. From left to right: Artemis, Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian and Aqualad.



youth drama


Jay Olivia
Michael Chang
and others


Greg Weisman
Brandon Vietti


Greg Weisman
Kevin Hopps
Andrew Robinson
Nicole Dubuc
John Weissman
Tom Pugsley
Peter David

Number of seasons
Number of episodes
Episode length
TV channel

"Young Justice"(English) Young Justice; the second season comes out with the subtitle "Invasion"(English) Invasion)) is an American animated television series created by Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti for Cartoon Network. Despite the title, it is not an adaptation of the comic book series of the same name by Peter David, Todd Dezago and Todd Nock, but rather an adaptation of the entire DC Universe, focusing on young superheroes. The series follows the lives of teenage superheroes and superhero sidekicks who are members of a fictional secret task force known as the Team. The team is essentially a young version of the famous adult superhero team, the Justice League.


Young Justice focuses on the lives of a group of teenage superheroes and superhero protégés who try to prove to the adult superheroes that they are already capable of great things. At the same time, they are dealing with normal teenage problems in their personal lives.

Synopsis of the pilot episode

The pilot episode introduces four characters: Robina, Aqualad, Kid Flash And Speedy.

Their desire for greater recognition and respect is shown, and their main desire to advance from assistants to full-fledged superheroes. Upon meeting the objection of his Justice League mentors: Batman, Aquaman, Flash And Green Arrow, protégés react differently. Speedy leaves his partner Green Arrow and decides to become an independent superhero on his own, taking a new name for himself - Red Arrow. Others seek to convince their mentors of their worth and secretly take on the Justice League's mission to explore the laboratory buildings "Cadmus". While infiltrating Cadmus headquarters, the three heroes find a clone of Superman named "Superboy". Following this discovery, the team discovers that Cadmus has created living weapons called Genomorphs. This discovery, the origin of Superboy, is all connected to a mysterious group of people called "Light"(Board of Directors of Cadmus) Eventually, Robin, Aqualad, Flash and Superboy negotiate with Batman to form a covert operations team. After consulting with his colleagues, Batman sends Young Justice to the cave that was the headquarters of the Justice League in the past. Here, teenagers will receive training and mentoring from the Justice League. Miss Martian appears at the end of the episode and joins the team as the fifth member of the team.


Original Team Members

  • Aqualad/Kaldur'Am (abbreviated to Kaldur)(Khary Payton) - founding member of the Team, a sixteen-year-old teenager, dark-skinned with white hair, gills on his neck, and under water you can see membranes between his fingers. He has a reasonable and calm character. Aqualad comes from Atlantis and has typical Atlantean abilities: great strength, endurance, the ability to breathe and speak underwater. Trained in the basic sorcery of Atlantis: creating objects from water and generating electricity. Of all objects, he prefers swords, which he recreates not only with the help of witchcraft, but by adding special handles to it, which he wears in a special case attached to his back. He recreates other objects using tattoos that cover his entire body and which glow when he uses magic. He is chosen to be the leader of the team, but states that he does not want to remain the leader and wishes for Robin to take the position when he is ready, stating that it is his destiny to lead the team. In season 1, he repeatedly proved his leadership qualities, although he was often hampered by certain circumstances: heat intolerance characteristic of Atlanteans, love for the Atlantean resident Thule, etc. Aqualad has a best friend, Garth, who once helped Aquaman overthrow the ruler of the ocean and take the throne of Atlantis. Tula went to Garth when Aqualad was away in Atlantis for a long time, carrying out missions for the team. In the five-year period between the capture of the Watchtower by Vandal Savage (the finale of the first season) and the Krolotean Invasion (the second season), he learned that he was the son of the ocean villain Black Manta, which Aquaman had hidden from him for a long time. In addition, he died ex-girlfriend Tula. These two events became official reason betrayal of Aqualad and going over to the side of Black Manta. Only Nightwing, Kid Flash, Artemis, himself, and later Miss Martian know the real reason such an act: Aqualad is under deep cover on the instructions of the League and the new leader of the Team, Dick Grayson, who changed his Robin costume to a Nightwing costume. Later helped Nightwing infiltrate Artemis.
  • Nightwing/Robin/Dick Grayson(Jesse McCartney) - founding member of the Team, a thirteen-year-old teenager with dark hair. He is the most experienced on the Team, having learned various skills from Batman since the age of nine. He has a frivolous character and loves the feeling of his own superiority. Like Batman, he does not have superpowers; he uses fighting acrobatic skills and high-tech gadgets, among which he prefers throwing discs with miniature explosive devices. In season 1 he appears as Robin, in whose image all his features are embodied: acrobatics, hacking and hand-to-hand combat skills. He is the creator of the "Robin" virus, which he uses to hack enemy computer systems, which looks like a multitude of smiling faces similar to the face of Robin himself. He is the only one of the team's founders who has not revealed his true identity to the other members. The only one who knows Robin's identity is Wally West. In the five-year period, he becomes the leader of the team and puts on the Nightwing costume. From him, Tim Drake takes on the mantle of Robin. In Season 2 he acts as the leader of the Team, for which he refused to join the League. He is one of the 5 members of the Team who know about the true reason for Aqualad's departure to the camp of Black Manta.
  • Kid Flash/Wally West(Jason Spisak) - Founding member of the Team, a fifteen-year-old teenager with red hair. He is the nephew of Barry Allen - The Flash. According to him, he deliberately repeated his uncle’s experiment in order to gain super speed. He has a carefree, cheerful and sometimes naive character. Likes to flirt with girls. Has the typical abilities of all Flashes. In the first season, you can see Kid Flash at work and traditional behavior ladies' man. By the time of the Watchtower incident, he had established a stable relationship with Artemis. During the five-year period, he retired with his girlfriend Artemis. In the second season, he lives an ordinary life, married to Artemis. Only donned the Kid Flash uniform once to help the Flash and his future grandson, Bart Allen, defeat Neutron. He is one of the 5 members of the Team who know about the true reason for Aqualad’s departure to Black Manta’s camp. In the second season, he is very worried about Artemis since she, like Aqualad, is undercover in Black Manta’s camp.
  • Superboy/Conner Kent/Kon-El/Project Ka-Er(Nolan North) - founding member of the Team. At the time of the formation of the Team, he is 16 weeks old, although his biological age is approximately 16 years. It is a living being created as a result of genetic research in the Cadmus laboratory. He was rescued by Robin-Dick and Kid-Flash from the underground Cadmus complex, where he was kept in a capsule marked "Project Ka-er" (Project Kryptonite) for 16 weeks. Genetically, he is a clone of Superman, but, since the DNA of Kryptonians is difficult to decipher, he contains human DNA taken from the founder of the Cadmus project, Lex Luther. Being only half-Kryptonian, he does not have all of Superman's powers, he lacks the ability of flight and heat vision, but retains the vision that allows him to see in infrared. Superboy is usually sullen, irritable and taciturn, sometimes even hot-tempered and impulsive. In the first season, Superman doesn't accept him and wants nothing to do with him, and Superboy gets angry about it. Superboy received from Lex Luthor a set of patches that suppress Superboy's human DNA and give him all Kryptonian abilities for a short time, but at the same time increase his aggressiveness. Superboy later refused to use them. He becomes romantically involved with Miss Martian while they are undercover on a mission in Belle Reve. In the five-year period, they break up on his initiative, as he does not like the aggressive use of her telepathic abilities during interrogation. He also became very close to Superman, from whom he received the Kryptonian name Kon-El. In the second season, despite the broken relationship with Miss Martian, she is jealous of Lagoonboy.
    • Wolf- Superboy's pet. It is a giant (almost human-sized) albino wolf, which has impressive strength. Relentlessly follows the owner in almost all of his missions and enters into battles with him. In this regard, he is a full-fledged member of the team.
    • Gynosphere/Supercycle- artificial intelligence enclosed in a spherical steel shell. It is an artificial life form from the planet New Genesis, the enemy planet of the Apocalypse. Communicates using sound signals of different frequencies. In the first season, he arrived from outer space and landed in the desert of Bealia, where he was captured by Psimon and his people. Freed by Superboy and taken with him to the Cave. At first he does not change form, but when heroes calling themselves the New Gods arrive from his homeland, it turns out that Ginesphere can transform into a flying vehicle similar to a motorcycle, which gave him a new name - Supercycle. The new gods wanted to take Ginesphere home, but, noticing the connection between her and Superboy, they changed their minds and left her on Earth. Subsequently, the shape of the sphere is observed only before the transformation into the Supercycle, which became the main means of transportation for the team members, with the exception of Miss Martian's ship.
  • Miss Martian/M'gann M'orzz/Megan Morz(Danica McKellar) - founding member of the Team. Martian. She looks like a green-skinned girl with red hair. By Earth standards, she is 18 years old, but chronologically she is 46 years old, which by Martian standards is a teenager. Her Martian appearance is a white-skinned, thin creature with very long limbs. Apparently, Miss Martian is a half-breed, having in her veins the blood of both Martian races - green and white. Miss Martian is very afraid of her real appearance, does not want to show her friends for fear of being rejected, which is why she later fell under the influence of Queen Bee. Miss Martian took her earthly appearance from her favorite earthly TV show “Hello, Megan!” main character which gave her a name, a distinctive demeanor, and a favorite phrase (“Hi, Megan!”), which is clearly evident in the first season. Miss Martian is the niece of Martian Manhunter, but according to the latter, she is much stronger than him. Starting from the assignment in Belle Reve, she meets Conner, to whom she once gave this name, taking it from the same TV show as her own. In a five-year period, she breaks up with him on his initiative. In season two, Miss Martian is revealed as a powerful superhero and a master of telepathic interrogation. When extracting information, she almost always irreversibly destroys all the thought processes of the subject of interrogation, which at one time was the reason for her separation from Conner. She is currently dating Lagunboy, from whom she received the affectionate nickname “fish”. She is also very close to Beast Boy, who replaced his older sister after his parents died in a car accident. One of the 5 Team members who know the true reason for Aqualad's departure to Black Manta's star
  • Zatanna/Zatanna Zatara(Lacey Chabert) - Team member, thirteen-year-old daughter of Giovanni Zatara. She joined the team later, against her father's wishes. The character is calm. Like her father, Zatanna has magic and uses it to cast spells. She hates Doctor Fate for taking over her father's body, which she does not intend to hide, despite the fact that her father became Doctor Fate by at will, to save Zatanna from this fate when she is chosen as the optimal host for Doctor Fate's helmet. In the first season he works for the Team as an active magician. In the five-year period, he joins the Justice League along with Rocket. In the second season, she can be seen among other members of the League or in the Hall of Justice, but as a member of the League she does not participate in the affairs of the Team.
  • Red Arrow/Speedy/Roy Harper(Crispin Freeman) - Team member, former partner of Green Arrow. At the time of joining the team, he was already 18 years old, but he did not join the team. At the beginning of the first season, Roy, like other superhero assistants, is not accepted into the Justice League. He took a new alias - Red Arrow (thinking that he deserves a place in the Justice League) and tries to work alone. Sportsmaster told him that there was a mole on the Team, and Red Arrow, with a fair amount of paranoia, blamed Artemis, Miss Martian and Superboy. Subsequently, he joined the League and infected all other members with Cadmus biochips, which allowed Vandal Savage to take over the Tower. At the same time, he learns that he is the mole, and is also a clone of the real Roy Harper. Over a five-year period, he became obsessed with finding the real Roy, which greatly irritated Cheshire, who became his wife. In the second season, he appears in an extremely unattractive light: he has grown his hair, has stubble on his face, has lost his shape, prevents robberies and takes part of the loot for himself “in search of Roy”; later he begins to regain his physical shape. Has a daughter with Cheshire. Cheshire helped find the real Roy Harper, who was frozen in Cadmus all this time, then in an abandoned monastery, lost his right arm up to the elbow. Later he tries to take revenge on Lex Luther for the lost cookie, as a result he gets cybernetic and becomes Arsenal
  • Rocket/Raquel Erwin(Kitty) is a member of the Team. She joined later than the rest of the main team members. Honest and brave, but inexperienced. Rocket is the assistant of the superhero Icon. She uses alien technology called the Belt of Inertia, which gives her the ability to create and manipulate kinetic energy. This allows her to fly and create force fields. She joined the team in "The Usual Suspects", and her mentor joined the Justice League in the same episode. In the five-year period, she left the team to join the Justice League with Zatanna. In the second season, she, like Zatanna, can be seen among the rest of the League members or in the Hall of Justice along with Zatanna.

Later Team Members

  • Robin/Tim Drake(Cameron Bowen) - Member of the Team since the second season. He replaced the previous Robin, Dick Grayson, when he became Nightwing. If Grayson's Robin was a slightly impudent and self-confident programmer, then Drake's Robin is a martial arts specialist who uses gadgets and a pole with electrical impulses. Additionally, Drake is a bit insecure about himself, most likely due to the belief that he won't surpass Grayson as Robin. It is worth noting that he is usually assigned to the Gamma squad, about which they say that nothing ever happens to him (although when searching for Krolethean bases, it was the Gamma squad that found the main and active one)
  • Bee/Karen Beecher(Masasa Moyo) - a member of the Team since the second season, a young scientist, African-American, partner of Mel Duncan. She and Mal were classmates of Superboy and Miss Martian at Happy Harbor High School. Her suit is an armor that gives her abilities similar to those of a bee: shrinking and flight. Karen also became a student of Ray Palmer. Due to its small size, it is an ideal agent for covert infiltration, as demonstrated during the mission in Bealia.
  • Beast Boy/Garfield Logan(Logan Grove) - Member of the team since the second season. Hyperactive boy with greenish skin and long tail with a tassel at the end. He loves various animals very much, he can turn into any of them (the series features a crocodile, a monkey, a gorilla, a jaguar and a falcon from the fauna of the Earth, as well as a green horned bird similar to a pterodactyl, as a representative of the fauna of the planet Rann). Lost his parents as a child when their jeep fell into the river from a high cliff with a waterfall. After that, he was taken into the care of M’gan, to whom he became very attached (which is mutual), calling her “Sister.” Like Drake, Robin is regularly assigned to Gamma Squad. The only significant mission was the discovery of a Krolethean base on Rann, carried out together with Superboy and Miss Martian.
  • Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes(Eric Lopez) - Member of the Team since the second season. In life, he is an ordinary teenager from an Indian reservation, except for the Scarab, a piece of high technology in the form of a beetle implanted in the spinal cord (usually visible on the back). The scarab has its own developed mind and constantly gives the wearer advice of various kinds, which constantly irritates him. If the Scarab doesn't like something, it fills Jaime's mind with a cry of "Incompatible!" Scarab also gives Jaime a blue exosuit and acoustic or plasma based weapons. Jaime has developed search abilities, thanks to which he discovered a collection of pirated DVDs for sale in his friend's stepfather's garage. By his own statement, he is the second Blue Beetle. The first was the creator of the Scarab, although he did not have time to test the Scarab in action.
  • Mel Duncan(Kevin Michael Richardson) - Member of the team since the second season. Muscular African American man. Karen Beecher's partner and former classmate of Superboy and Miss Martian at Happy Harbor High School. The person does not have superpowers and does not participate in missions. His main job is to liaise with the League, track crimes, coordinate missions (obviously he is the team's equivalent of Oracle, although Barbara Gordon is also Batgirl and is a member of the Team).
  • Lagunboy/La'gaan(Yuri Lowenthal) - a member of the team since the second season, formerly a student at the Atlantis Conservatory of Magic. Lagoonboy is largely more sea-dwelling than other Atlanteans (such as Aquaman, Aqualad, Tula, or Garth): he is blue-skinned and has clearly visible fins on his arms, legs, and head. He has large dark eyes without pupils. Has a romantic relationship with Miss Martian, calling her endearing forms of the word "fish". Like Aqualad, he has tattoos on his body, but unlike him, La'gaan does not form weapons with their help, but significantly increases in volume, acquiring extraordinary strength. While protecting the Earth-Martian satellite, he was captured by Kaldur'am (Aqualad).
  • Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark(Mae Whitman) - Wonder Woman's assistant. She joined the team between the events of Seasons 1 and 2.
  • Batgirl/Barbara Gordon(Alyson Stoner) - Originally Dick's classmate at Gotham Academy. Between seasons 1 and 2, she adopted the identity of Batgirl.
  • Impulse/Bart Allen(Jason Marsden) - Barry Allen's grandson from a post-apocalyptic future. Bart returned to the past to save his grandfather from the villain Neutron, whose metagene (a gene that gives superpowers) was activated by unknown aliens. The time machine that Bart used to travel back in time is "disposable" and will not be able to bring him back to the present, so he remains in the past with the team.

Justice League

  • Aquaman/Arthur Curry(Phil LaMarr (English) Russian ) - founding member of the Justice League, King of Atlantis. Aqualad has been his assistant since he and fellow Atlantean Garth helped him defeat Ocean Master.
  • Atom/Ray Palmer
  • Batman/Bruce Wayne(Bruce Greenwood) - Founding member and elected leader of the Justice League, sends the Team on missions.
  • Black Canary/Dinah Lance(Vanessa Marshall) - member of the Justice League, coach of the Team.
  • Black Lightning/Jefferson Pierce
  • Captain Atom/Nathaniel Adam(Michael T. Weiss) - Member of the Justice League.
  • Captain Marvel/Billy Batson(Rob Lowe, Chad Lowe, Robert Ochoa) - Member of the Justice League, acts as a nanny for the team when Red Tornado goes missing.
  • Flash/Barry Allen(George Eads) - Founding member of the Justice League. Kid Flash's uncle and Impulse's grandfather.
  • Green Arrow/Oliver Quinn(Alan Tudyk) - Member of the Justice League. Speedy is his former assistant, Artemis is his new assistant.
  • Green Lantern/Hal Jordan- Founding member of the Justice League.
  • Green Lantern/John Stewart(Kevin Michael Richardson) - Member of the Justice League.
  • Hawkman/Carter Hall- Member of the Justice League, Hawkwoman's husband.
  • Hawkwoman/Shayera Hall- Member of the Justice League, Hawkman's wife.
  • Ikon/Arnus(Tony Todd) is an alien superhero who joined the Justice League on December 30, 2010. The rocket is his assistant.
  • Martian Manhunter/D'jonn D'jonzz/Jon Jones(Kevin Michael Richardson) - Founding member of the Justice League, Miss Martian's uncle.
  • Plastic Man/Patrick O'Brien- new member of the Justice League, accepted on December 30, 2010.
  • Red tornado(Jeff Bennett) - Member of the Justice League. He acts as a babysitter for the team.
  • Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent(Nolan North) - Founding member of the Justice League. Project Cadmus used his DNA to create Superboy.
  • Wonder Woman/Diana from Themyscira(Maggie Q) - Founding member of the Justice League, Princess of the Amazons.
  • Doctor Fate/Giovanni Zatara(Nolan North) - Member of the Justice League. In reality, Doctor Fate is the spirit of order contained in a golden helmet. Whoever wears the helmet becomes Doctor Fate, sharing his mind with the spirit. For a long time, the helmet's owner was a man named Kent Nelson. But after the collapse of the Justice Society (an association of heroes from an earlier period), he retired and the helmet was stored on the roof of Fate's tower. After Nelson's death, the helmet's owners alternated between Kid Flash, Aqualad and Zatanna, who was recognized by the spirit of Fate as the optimal carrier. To save his daughter, League member Giovanni Zatara sacrificed his identity and became the new permanent Doctor Fate.


  • "Light"- the main opponents in the first season, who organized and carried out various illegal activities throughout the series. They also serve as the Board of Directors for Project Cadmus. The group was created by Vandal Savage, who is not a leader, but a first among equals. The identities of the leaders are known only to a select group of people who work for them.
    • Vandal Savage(Miguel Ferrer) - member of "The Light" under the designation "L-1". As mentioned above, he is not the leader, but it was he who created the group.
    • Ra's al Ghul(Oded Fehr) - member of "The Light" under the designation "L-2". He is also the leader of the League of Shadows.
    • Lex Luthor(Mark Rolston) - member of "The Light" under the designation "L-3", Chief Executive Officer of LexCorp. He played a role in the creation of Superboy by donating his DNA.
    • Queen Bee(Marina Sirtis) - member of "Svet" under the designation "L-4", dictator of Bialia.
      • Psimon(Alan Tudyk) - a mad psionic scientist, an ally of the “Light”.
    • Ocean Lord/Orm(Roger Craig Smith) - member of "The Light" under the designation "L-5", Aquaman's half-brother. Some time after the events of the first season, he was replaced by Black Manta.
    • Brain(Nolan North, Corey Barton) - member of the Light under the designation "L-6". Is a brain in a flask.
      • Monsieur Mallah(Dee Bradley Baker) - Brain's gorilla assistant.
    • Clarion - Boy Sorcerer(Tom Adcox-Hernandez) - member of "The Light" under the designation L-7.
      • Tickle(Dee Bradley Baker) - Klarion's familiar cat.
    • Black manta(Khary Payton) - ally of "The Light", father of Aqualad. In Season 2, Black Manta replaced Ocean Master in "The Light".
  • League of Shadows- a group of assassins led by Ra’s al Ghul, carrying out the orders of “The Light”.
    • Sensei(Kion Young) - A high-ranking member of the League of Shadows.
    • Black spider(Josh Keaton)
    • Cheshire/Jade Nguyen(Kelly Hu) - sister of Artemis, daughter of Sportsmaster.
    • Hook- a killer with a hook in his hand.
    • Professor Ojo(Nolan North)
  • Injustice League are a small group of villains who used plant-like creatures to attack the world in the Revelation series. They played the role of the antagonists of the first season, but in reality they acted as a scapegoat to distract the heroes from revealing the "Light" who were the true antagonists.
    • Joker(Steven Blum) - Batman's main enemy.
    • Count Vertigo/Werner Vertigo(Brent Spiner) - a member of the royal family of Vlatvia, obsessed with the idea of ​​seizing power over the country from his niece Princess Perdita.
    • Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley(Alyssa Milano) - plant manipulator, enemy of Batman.
    • Atomic Skull- STAR Labs scientist who became a supervillain and enemy of Superman.
    • Wotan(Bruce Greenwood) - an immortal wizard, the main enemy of Doctor Fate.
    • Black Adam- Captain Marvel's main enemy.
    • Ultra-Humanite(Dee Bradley Baker) - A primate supervillain with superhuman strength and intelligence.
  • Blockbuster/Mark Desmond(Rene Auberjonois) - a scientist who worked on the Cadmus project, an ally of Light. Created the Blockbuster formula and helped Lex Luthor create Superboy. When Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Superboy escape from the Cadmus building, Desmond drinks the formula and turns into a super-powered monster - Blockbuster.
  • Sportsmaster/Lawrence Kroc(Nick Chinlund) - agent of the Light, ex-husband of Paula Croc (former villainess Huntress), father of Artemis and Cheshire.
  • Hugo Strange(Adrian Pasdar) is the head of the Belly Reve prison for supervillains, and is also an operative of the Light.
  • Kroloteans- an alien race, recurring enemies in the second season. One Krolotean used a special suit to impersonate General Tseng, but was discovered and taken away by Lobo. Another tried to impersonate Bibbo Bibbowski, but was stopped by Blue Beetle, Bumblebee, and the real Bibbo.
  • Partner(Kevin Grevier) - the new partner of “Svet”, only his silhouette was shown, the Kroloteans are afraid of him. Judging by one of the episodes, he wears the same costume as the Blue Beetle. Wondergirl named him Black Beetle



  • Official website of the animated series (English)
  • "Young Justice" on "The World's Finest"
  • "Young Justice" (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • Young Justice on Big Cartoon DataBase
  • Young Justice on