Outdoor competitions in winter for a fun company. Funny and cheerful competitions for adults and children for birthdays in nature and on a picnic

All players stand in a circle, one from the other at arm's length. A circle is drawn in front of their socks. The driver and his defender are selected. They both go to the middle of the circle. The players' task is to hit the driver with the ball, but his defender prevents this.
At the signal, the players begin tossing the ball to each other. Seizing the moment, someone tries to hit the driver. The driver, escaping from the ball, runs, jumps, dodges the ball, and the defender, protecting the driver, tries to catch the ball, throws it away with his arms, legs, and whole body. If he still fails to defend and the ball hits the driver, then they both change places with the one who hit the driver and whom he chooses as his defender. The game starts again.
A hit by the ball to any part of the body other than the head is counted, even if the ball bounced off an object, the floor (ground), or a defender. But players must remember: when throwing the ball at the driver, it is prohibited to go beyond the circle; such a throw does not count.

Game "12 notes"

A variation of the children's game "Gift Hunt", but requires some preparation and time. Ideal for an outdoor picnic with a large group. Those present form several teams. Their task: to find “treasures” as quickly as possible - a box of beer or a delicious cake. The organizers must prepare 12 notes, in each one it is written where the next one is located. But the main difference is that some of the notes are hidden, and some are located in special “exchange points”. The team will receive a note in this way...

Game "People's Ball"

A Bulgarian game, but it is also played in other countries of the Balkan Peninsula and Central Europe.
Two teams of 10 to 15 people play on a volleyball court without a net. Each is located on its own half of the court, and one player is sent to the opponent’s half. The ball is put into play by throwing. If a player from one team catches it, he throws it to the other team's half, trying to hit the opposing player. The player who was hit by the ball is eliminated from the game. If he catches the ball on the fly, then the return throw tries to hit the opponent. This changes the order of throws, and the number of dropouts increases. The team that eliminates all opponents wins. The role of the player standing behind is to pick up and pass to his team the ball that has rolled out of bounds. This player can mislead the enemy. He can throw a ball thrown to him across the court to his partners for a more successful throw. However, he himself cannot beat the enemy.

Game "Balandvarak"

Tajik folk game
The game is popular among teenagers. They usually play on the hillside. Participants line up in pairs in a column. At the command of the leader, each pair takes turns jumping up the hill, tightly connecting both legs. Those who manage to cover a greater distance by jumping in this position win.
The jumpers stand at a certain distance from each other. The winners in pairs can compete with each other. The game develops physically, hardens, develops patience and endurance.

Game “Knock down the potatoes (Knock down the bulb)”

In Belarus, games-exercises for strength, dexterity, intelligence,
Ability to act in the most unusual conditions. Here is one of these game tests for teenagers and young men aged 14-18 years and older.
A round log is placed on two stumps (indoors they can be replaced by stools and chairs), located at a distance of 1.5-2 m. The player sits in the middle of the log, cross-legged, facing towards one of the stumps (stools). It is not allowed to rest your knees on the log and move on it...

Game "Hide and Seek"

This game is played in all Arab countries.
They play on a site overgrown with bushes and trees. In the middle of it, if possible, near a thick tree, turning to face it, the player of the driving team counts loudly to one hundred.
Players from the other team hide. The search begins, and if the driver finds the hidden one, he must run to the tree and touch it. The discovered player also runs to the tree, trying to touch it before the driver. If he does not have time to do this, he is eliminated from the game. If the driver is not dexterous enough, another team member takes his place. So the number of players on both teams gradually decreases. The team that manages to drive out all opponents wins.
The driver can be knocked out not only by the one who was discovered, but also by anyone hiding who manages to run to the tree faster. Only one player from the driving team participates in the game, the rest are outside the playing area and wait until their turn comes to join the game.

Push-Pull Game

This is what they called the running competition. But the running is unusual, in pairs. The players stand with their backs to each other and holding hands. They start from one landmark to another, located at a distance of 10 m, then return back. An indispensable condition of the game is not to tear your backs away from each other. One player runs and pulls a partner behind him, who tries to move in sync with the first. Many people fail to run within the conditions. The winner is the pair that covers the distance there and back faster than others. The running time is recorded.
The game trains dexterity, synchronization of movements, sense of rhythm and patience.

Game "Sahreoba"

A favorite and widespread game in Georgia. It develops agility and physical endurance. and also disciplines.
To play, you need 10 sticks up to 1 m long of any diameter. The sticks are laid out on a flat area in parallel, at a distance of 50 cm. A flat stone is placed along a row of sticks on both sides at a distance of 50 cm from the sticks. The player must do several exercises.
1. From the first stone you need to jump on one leg to the second stone, going around the lying wooden sticks right...

No one is noisy or fun party cannot do without outdoor games, fun relay races and mass entertainment. They create a special atmosphere of general fun, enliven the fading holiday and unite all guests. Particularly good are various competitive games corporate parties, as they contribute to team unity and in an unobtrusive game form raises team spirit in the team.

Many outdoor games and relay races, which are included in entertainment program adult holidays - come from childhood, but adult guests who are amused to a certain “degree” play them with great excitement.

We offer a large selection of outdoor games for any holiday, which contains games and competitions for different cases: For family holidays, for youth parties or for corporate events - the choice is yours.

1. Outdoor games for any holiday:

"Two centipedes."

This fun entertainment to set the mood. All guests are divided into two teams - these will be two “centipedes”. Each player stands behind the other and takes the one in front by the waist.

Then they turn on cheerful music and the “centipedes” are given various commands: “go around obstacles” (you can first place chairs), “move while squatting,” “separate the second centipede,” etc.

This idea can be made a team one by coming up with a scoring system, but it’s better to arrange it just for fun and excitement, or during the dance break.

"Music has tied us".

Depending on how many pairs of players the presenter plans to call, he will have to stock up on so many skeins of narrow ribbon. The length of the tape is at least five meters.

The girls wrap this ribbon around their waist (it’s more convenient if someone helps), and their gentlemen, at the command of the leader, approach their partners, attach the free end of the ribbon to their belt and quickly begin to spin around their axis to the rousing music. This is necessary so that all five meters of tape are wound around his waist.

Whichever pair moves the ribbon from the female waist to the male one the fastest wins.

"Trouble in the Coop."

For this outdoor game pairs are called or created in place, each with one representative of the strong and weak half of humanity, they will have to take part in a funny chase.

Men are blindfolded, but first they agree with their ladies who will “cluck” and how: ko-ko-ko, cluck-tah-tah, chick-chick, pee-pee-pee, chiv-chiv-chiv, and so on. - to the extent of your imagination, according to this call, every blindfolded man must catch his “chicken”.

It’s worth warning right away that the room for an imaginary chicken coop should be small. If the presenter has too impressive a space at his disposal, then we advise you to fence off the “chicken nook” with ordinary chairs. It is best to arrange a “commotion” accompanied by music - in this case it will be suitable theme song from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”, when the wolf also ends up in the chicken coop.

"The artist's feet feed him."

The toastmaster solemnly announces that to stage a new blockbuster he needs the “brave seven,” seven of the most talented and beautiful guests. If there are none, then he conducts the selection process and selects candidates for the roles. Then he gives them small props or just cards with the names of the roles: Kolobok, Grandma, Grandfather, Bunny, Wolf, Bear and, of course, Fox.

Then he says that we are wrong to think that artists have an easy life. “Life is hard and unsightly Russian artist“- sometimes, in order to get a role, they have to run a lot. Therefore, if you want to become stars, you need to practice.

There are 7 chairs, the “artists” sit down, but as soon as the name of his hero is mentioned in the text, he quickly gets up and runs around the chairs. The presenter reads the fairy tale “Kolobok”, only to make it more interesting and unexpected for the participants - he improvises, and then sticks to storyline, then he composes on his own - so that no one sits for a long time.

Here is an example: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a grandmother... Then a bear comes to visit Grandma and Grandfather! And he menacingly asks why Grandfather and Grandmother don’t have children. Frightened, Grandfather and Grandmother grab the first Bunny they come across and present it to the Bear. But the Bear is not so easy to deceive. Then Grandfather and Grandmother begin to bake Kolobok..."

When the guests flock to their heart's content, you can present everyone with a diploma of an Honored Artist, ask the audience to applaud them and once again remind you that “the feet feed the beginning artist.”

Such runners can be themed and universal, and they belong to the category of popular

"Adventures in the Swamp".

Two participants in these “swamp” competitions are given a pair of sheets of paper - they will represent hummocks. The players' goal: to move from one end of the room or hall to the other, placing one sheet of paper under their feet in turn. You can only step on the designated bumps.

The winner is the one who can complete the obstacle course there and back faster without ever stepping off the paper.

By the way, you can complicate the task and require the competition participants to bring something from the opposite end of the room, that is, they go there lightly, and carry back in their hands, for example, a glass or shot glass filled to the brim with alcohol. Whoever comes last drinks both as a penalty, and the winner gets a prize

"Pull the string..."

For this game, two chairs are placed in the middle of the hall, a rope is placed under the chairs (the length should match the width of the two chairs), so that its ends stick out just a little from under the chairs. Then two players are called, who artistically walk around the seats to the music, and as soon as the music stops, they must quickly stop sitting on a chair and pull the rope lying under it. This is repeated three times.

The winner is the one who can pull the rope in his direction more often - and he gets a prize!

"Fight for Survival".

Inflated balloons are tied to the ankles of the participants (the number can be any), two balloons for each. On command, everyone rushes to burst each other's balloons with their feet, trying to protect their own.

The game continues until the last ball. The winner is the owner of that very last ball.

(More extreme versions of an outdoor game with balls can be found)

2. Team games and relay races for any holiday:

"Pass the sausage."

2 teams are formed, with any number of participants, the main thing is to get equal teams. They line up behind each other's heads, each team is given a long ball - a sausage. Task: quickly pass the “sausage” sandwiched between your legs from the beginning of your column to the end. The last one in the column, having received the ball, clamps it tighter and runs to the first player, taking his place. And so on until, again, the first player takes his place. For each ball fall, one point is deducted.

The team that does everything faster and with fewer penalty points will win.

"Nimble spoon."

The presenter assembles two teams - men's and women's. They stand against each other. Each team is given a large tablespoon. At the leader’s command, each player must “pass” the spoon, that is, thread it through some hole in his clothes (through the sleeves, trouser legs, belt, straps). Then the “nimble spoon”, having reached the last player on the team, must return back in exactly the same way.

The team whose boat is “faster” wins.

Fun relay race "The ferry and the ferryman."

For this relay race you will need two ice sleds and a long rope, about ten meters. From each team we select the strongest participant and send him to the “opposite shore”. Those who remained on “this shore” (there must be at least ten people) take turns sitting in the sled. The strongman on the opposite side pulls them towards him, as if crossing the river. Then the presenter’s assistants deliver the ice cubes back, and the next batch is loaded onto them.

The second time, the “ferryman”’s work is much easier, since his comrades who have already been transported can easily help him in his work. By the way, different things happen “on the way,” and if there are people who fall off the sled, they drop out of the game and are considered “drowned.” At the finish line, there is always a count of players who have safely crossed to the other side.

The winner is the team that transports the most people and completes this task faster. Such outdoor games are especially exciting at youth parties or corporate events.

"How is your health?"

For variety, invite guests to take each other's temperatures. Then present a huge fake thermometer. The presenter recruits a team of boys and girls. Naturally, a huge thermometer is placed under the left armpit of the first male player. He must measure the temperature of the lady opposite him without using his hands, that is, the thermometer must move from one supposed patient to another. And so on until the players figure out which of them has a fever. The “sick” person, that is, the one who dropped the thermometer, is eliminated from the competition.

The “healthiest” team (those that lost the fewest players) wins. If both teams find themselves in an equal position, the competition can be repeated, complicating the conditions, for example, speeding up the pace (making it a timed competition) or offering to pass through one, while the player who ends up in the middle should not help in any way.

"Racing in a mortar."

In this game, participants will pretend to be hedgehog grandmothers, so they will need a “mortar” and a “broom” (bucket and mop). The bucket must have a handle, since you need to hold it when running.

The leader assembles two equal teams. He places one part of each team at one end of the hall, the other at the opposite. The first participant places left leg into a bucket, takes a mop in his hands and, holding the bucket by the handle, hurries to his team standing at the other end. There he passes the “fairytale” props to his teammate, and he, in turn, runs in the opposite direction.

Fun preparations, games, fortune telling, congratulations for outdoor events

You can celebrate anything in nature - birthdays, professional holidays, promotion, meeting classmates, etc. And if nature was chosen as the venue for the holiday, then the heroine of the day will be none other than Friday.

Starting price - Ten rubles. Whoever buys will make the bargaining more fun!

Dedication to beautiful Friday

Everything was decided unanimously

Happy Friday to recognize you.

Now all the guests will do just that

The newborn's name is today.

There is no Robinson in the world,

Who would refuse such a Friday.

What about Robinson... the prince himself from a fairy tale

If I saw you, I would forget about peace.

You are rich not only in beauty,

You, as a friend, are simply worthless.

And the fact that I received a lot from heaven,

It’s not your fault, (name of the birthday girl).

Accept our gift from the heart

And a holiday bouquet of wishes

(at this moment you can give a bouquet of wild flowers).

Remember this birthday in nature

What a bright, wonderful banquet!

When the whole company has had a good meal, it’s time to hold active competitions, relay races, and dances. I can suggest the following.

"Olympic Swim"

Three conditions are required:

1) river (sea, lake, pond, etc.);

2) desire to swim, swim;

3) participants who can swim.

Beautiful Friday, having sailed with a lifebuoy 10 meters from the shore, gives a start to all swimmers who need to touch her lifebuoy faster than others. All guests who can swim can take part in the swim. I don’t know if my remark will be appropriate, but I’d rather say it than remain silent: dear Fridays, if your feast was accompanied by a vigorous tasting of high-proof drinks, then it’s better not to hold water competitions, as well as competitions that require increased attention!

Show concert (improvisation)

The entertainment will be a complete surprise for the guests, since the numbers were not rehearsed or agreed upon in advance. Simply, the manager of the festive celebration offers to choose a coupon for good luck, and in it - the role of one or another artist, which must be performed by the “lucky” one who pulled out the coupon.

Texts of coupons-advertisements for concert performances

We greet all our idols with applause!

And affectionate

Therefore, I agree to sing to us

Kolya Baskov!

The phonogram of N. Baskov’s favorite song will come to the aid of the “lucky one”, and all he has to do is open his mouth and move, imitating a star.

Now we will all see


And for men, it’s so easy

Can't hold a glass...

Show concert (improvisation)

On the stage there is a woman-ammunition,

Air bomb, anti-tank land mine!

This lady will give everyone a thrashing here -

We invite Verka Serduchka to the stage!

Couples - a man and a woman - should receive coupons for this concert number.

Philip Kirkorov:

To attend your wedding,

Our super couple

I didn’t ask for a performance

Even a fee!

Masha and I are so pleased

Sing for the public like this

What are we on for a fee?

They gave up on her!

Masha Rasputina:

By contacting me,

King of Pop Philip

This organ

(points to the “pop” organ)

Joseph Kobzon

It will bloom in winter

There is a lawn under the windows,

When Joseph sings

Naturally, Kobzon.

Will last about seconds

And we'll miss

Just a glass bye!

Nadezhda Babkina

Soloist of "Russian Song"

The ignorant also knows - On stage

Babkina Nadezhda!

What wedding

Without a folk song -

It won't be fun

At least crack it!

Boris Moiseev

Having sowed discord,

The singers broke through

Borya Moiseev!

He will sing

For you and to dance,

And into the soundtrack

Hit exactly.

Anastasia Volochkova

To successfully perform this show concert number, you will need a phonogram of Tchaikovsky’s music from the ballet “Swan Lake” (dance of the little swans), and a ballerina’s tutu. The participant who received a ticket with this task and eats puts on a tutu and portrays the famous ballerina.

Now the fouetté will spin

Ballet star...

Anastasia Volochkova,

Is that you?!

Let's give it a lift, Nastenka,

Three swans for you,

Please with ballet

The assembled people!

"Next feet and no cheating"

Everyone who got to " desert island", are divided into two teams. Conditions of the game: teams lie on their backs opposite each other and use their legs to pass a “gift” for Friday from one team member to another. Each group should have its own “gift”. The winner is the team that delivers their surprise faster and without using their hands. A small fabric bag of sand, tied with a beautiful ribbon, can act as a “gift”.

Comic quiz for adults

Enchanted from under a compass (circle).

Drink from grounds (coffee).

It is born twice and dies once (egg - chick - bird).

Big fan of fur coats (moth).

An inanimate tailor's client (mannequin).

Finger helmet (thimble).

Bacteria magnifier (microscope).

Angry fingers (fist).

The inedible part of the donut (the hole).

The sparkling part of the foot (heel).

Who is so white that they drink it black (vodka).

City random connections(resort).

Companion to the hammer (sickle).

What the musician performs, and the wives throw a (concert).

Whom feet feed (the girl from Tverskaya).

Where are hares found (on the bus, trolleybus).

Small, gray,

Hidden under a bush,

He was looking at the road (a traffic cop with a radar gun).

What notes can be used to measure any road (MI -LA - MI).

What does half an apple look like (the other half).

Citrus with six zeros (lemon - 1,000,000).

Riddle: A woman was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (AND THE BOTTOM) fell, how many were left?

Answer: (none - the bottom fell out).

Unhappy, who served time because of her grandfather (turnip: “Grandfather planted a turnip...”).

Match detonator (sulphur).

Which stiletto heel helps women grow up (heel).

Eggplant caviar will taste better if you replace it with... (black).

Male vocal lowness (bass).

Game "Song Questions and Answers"

As a rule, all participants in this game are divided into two teams: the 1st team asks a question from a song, the 2nd answers with words from any suitable (or inappropriate) song.


“Why, why... why is the accordion singing?”

“My dear, good, guess for yourself.”

“Why do you wander alone all night,

Why don’t you let the girls sleep?”

"I'm just working, I'm just working

A wizard."

“Why do you girls love beautiful people?”

"Don't think down on seconds,

The time will come, you yourself will probably understand...

“Why, why did you meet again,

Why did you disturb my peace?

“Something has happened to my memory:

I remember everything that was not with me...”

“Why are you standing there, swaying,

Thin rowan?”

“And we are rocked, rocked,

Sea wave."

“You’ll come home, and at home they’ll ask:

Where did you walk, where were you?”

“And the dark-skinned Moldavian

She answered the guy in harmony:

Partisan Moldavian

We are gathering a squad..."

What do you associate with the phrase “outdoor recreation”? Of course, with summer, river, beach, forest, barbecue and good company. But how can you make your vacation memorable for a long time? To do this, you can add nature to the banal swimming in the river and eating kebabs. This article will definitely help you spend your holiday beneficial for your soul and body.

Fun competitions in nature

1. "Twister". This is probably the most popular game among young people who are suitable for any company, regardless of gender and age. The rules are quite simple, you just need a little skill. So, in front of you is a mat with circles printed on it. different colors. The presenter spins the roulette and indicates to the players in which sector they should place their hand or foot. Twister is capable of tying even several people into a knot. Sometimes you have to stand and balance in very uncomfortable positions, which makes everyone even more fun.

2. Darts. To do this, you will need darts and a target, which can be mounted on one of the trees located near your resting place. Then everything is simple - split into several teams and hold a tournament. Whose team scores more points wins.

3. Frisbee, in other words, can also be used by passing funny competitions Outdoors. The players are divided into two teams. The goal of each of them is to pass the “flying saucer” to its player, and the opponents must stop this feed at all costs and grab the Frisbee on the fly. Here you need to have good accuracy, agility and speed. Also a very good option for a useful holiday!

This is all that relates to active games. You can add some spice to outdoor competitions for young people, for example, if vacationers gather mostly in pairs.

1. "Contact". For this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance 2 sets of pieces of paper on which all parts of the human body (head, arm, back, etc.) will be listed. Then the players are divided into pairs - boy/girl. Each participant takes a piece of paper in turn and reads what is written there. For example, a girl pulled out a piece of paper with the inscription “Hand”, and a young man - “Back”. Now they should touch these parts of the body. In the second round of the game, each pair again takes out a piece of paper. The idea is that young people, while maintaining their previous contact, should touch new parts of the body. The winner is the pair that stays in the race for as long as possible, i.e. managed to stay in contact.

2. "Sweet Tooth Drum." A very fun competition. The game involves two people who take turns putting candy in their mouths and calling their opponent a sweet-toothed drummer. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated or funny about this. But that's not true. There is one condition in this game - you cannot eat candy! And therefore, the more sweets a player has in his mouth, the more difficult it is for him to pronounce the phrase “Sweet Tooth Drum”, because It turns out very funny and sometimes incomprehensible. Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and still speaks clearly wins!

3. “Pour water into a glass.” The game involves any number of players. A plastic glass (0.5 l) is placed in front of each person and a bottle of water resembling a sprinkler is given (the lid has a hole in it). The conditions of the competition are quite interesting. Players are asked to fill the glass with water as quickly as possible without using their hands. It's quite funny to look at the participants. The winner is the one who fills the glass with water first. And to make it even more interesting to hold funny competitions in nature, you can come up with some humorous prizes. Then participants will have an additional incentive to win!

These are not all funny outdoor competitions! You can come up with something of your own based on the tastes of your company. Have a nice holiday!

Every person likes to have an interesting time with friends, but sometimes you want to diversify this leisure time with something. Games and quizzes will help you do this. Thanks to them, the time spent together will fly by more fun, and everyone will be in an excellent mood.

How to organize competitions and games for a group of friends - ideas

To come up with fun, you need to take some details into account. It is necessary to take into account where the party or corporate event will be held: at home, in the country, in a restaurant. It is imperative to take into account whether there will be children, drunk people, or strangers in the company. For absolutely each of the above formats there is great options games.

Comic tasks for guests at the table

Offer your friends table games for fun company in room:

  1. "Acquaintance". A game for a feast where unfamiliar people have gathered. We need to prepare matches according to the number of guests. Everyone draws one, and the one who gets the short one tells one fact about himself.
  2. "Who am I?". Each member of the company writes a word on a sticker. Then the papers are mixed and sorted at random. Each player sticks a sticker on his forehead without reading what is written. You need to guess the word by asking leading questions: “Am I an animal?”, “Am I big?” etc. The rest answer only “Yes”, “No”. If the answer is yes, the person asks further. If you didn’t guess correctly, it’s a turn.
  3. "Crocodile". The most popular competition for a fun company. It turns out especially funny if the players are slightly drunk. One of the participants asks the leader a word or phrase in a whisper. The latter must use gestures to show what is encrypted. Whoever guesses what is shown gets the role of presenter. His predecessor makes a word for him.

Interesting competitions in nature for a fun company

Adults and teenagers will enjoy being active outside with these games:

  1. "Quest". In the area where you are relaxing, hide “treasures” with small prizes. Place hint notes or pieces of the map in different places so that you also have to look for them. By solving these codes using their intelligence, players will gradually get closer to the treasures. Quests – best competitions for a fun company in nature.
  2. "Stompers." Divide the participants into two teams: red and blue. Tie to the feet of the players of each company air balloons corresponding colors. Participants must burst their opponents' balloons with their feet. The team that completes the task faster will win.
  3. "Original football" Divide into two teams with an even number of players. Mark the field, mark the gates. In each team, divide the players into pairs, stand them shoulder to shoulder. Tie right leg player with a partner's left foot. Playing football like this will be very difficult, but fun.

Music competitions

Fun noisy games for music lovers:

  1. "Relay race". The first player sings the verse or chorus of any song. The second chooses one word from the sung and performs his composition with it. It is advisable that there are no pauses; as soon as the previous person has finished singing, the next one begins immediately.
  2. "Musical Hat" Write a lot of leaves with in different words and place them in a hat or bag. In turn, each player takes a piece of paper. He must remember a song that contains the word indicated on the card and sing it.
  3. "Question answer". To play you will need a ball. All players are located in front of the leader. He picks up the ball, throws it to one of the participants and names the performer. He must sing his composition. If the player does not come up with a song, he becomes the host. If the latter repeatedly names a performer, he is replaced by the participant who first discovered the error.

Forfeits for a fun company

Everyone is familiar with the classic game, so there is no point in dwelling on it. There are many more fun varieties of this competition for men's, women's and mixed companies:

  1. "Forfeits with notes." Each player comes up with a task and writes it down on a piece of paper. They are mixed and added together. Participants take turns taking out cards and doing what is indicated on them. If young people play who know each other well, the tasks can be vulgar. Those who refuse to carry out instructions must come up with some kind of fine, for example, drinking a glass of alcoholic beverage.
  2. "Forfeits with lots." In advance, players draw up a list of tasks and their order. They are announced in order. Who will be the performer is determined by drawing lots. You can simply prepare several long matches and one short one. The owner of the latter will complete the task. It is advisable to impose a fine for refusal to comply.
  3. "Forfeits with a bank." Suitable for people you know well, whose behavior and imagination will not be a surprise to anyone. It is necessary to organize a process for distributing the queue of participants (preferably by lot), but it is advisable to keep the order of players secret. The first one comes up with the task, the second one either completes it or refuses. For refusal, he pays the previously agreed amount of money to the general treasury. The bank is received by the volunteer who is ready to complete this task (except for the person who proposed it). After the first lap serial numbers It is better to change participants.

Entertaining games and competitions for birthdays

This special holiday, in which all attention is paid to the birthday boy. However, a few competitions for a fun company will never be superfluous. There are a lot good options verbal and active games that will not distract attention from the hero of the occasion, but will allow you to have fun. They will be especially appropriate for children's day birthday, because it’s not so easy to keep little guests busy.

Fun games and competitions for adults


  1. "Bottle on new way" On the notes, make tasks that the participant will have to complete in relation to the birthday boy (“Kiss on the lips”, “Dance a slow dance”, etc.). The leaves are placed in a bowl or box. Players take turns spinning the bottle. The one to whom the neck points takes the task at random and completes it.
  2. "For the anniversary." A tear-off roll is passed around the circle to people sitting at the table. toilet paper very fast. Each of them tears off as much as he sees fit. Players take turns calling as many interesting facts about the birthday person, how many pieces of paper they hold in their hands. Instead of interesting features there may be wishes from the life of the hero of the day, funny stories, secrets.
  3. "Alphabet". Those sitting at the table should take turns wishing something to the birthday person. They say one word at a time alphabetical order(complex letters are excluded). The one who does not come up with a word for the dropped letter is eliminated. The one who remains last wins.

For children

The little birthday boy will enjoy the following competitions for a fun company:

  1. "Fairy tale". The birthday boy sits in the center of the hall. The guys take turns coming up to him and showing him what they like to do. The player whose task the child fails to complete receives candy.
  2. "Colors". The birthday boy stands with his back to the children and names any color. Those who have this color in their clothes hold on to the corresponding item and remain standing. Those who don’t have the right color run away. The person caught by the birthday boy becomes the host.
  3. "Chamomile". Cut out a flower from paper, write funny easy tasks on each petal (“Crow”, “Dance”). Let each child pick a petal at random and complete the assignment.