Fun birthday games for girls. Funny birthday contests

When a large and noisy company gathers for your birthday, you always want to play some fun games. Your guests will not be bored at your party. We have selected fun competitions suitable for both a large noisy company and a close group. You can hold our cool competitions both outdoors and at home. Have fun, relax, play fun games and your friends will remember your birthday for a long time.

1. Best competition"Blowing the Balloon"
An inflatable ball is placed in the middle of the table. The two participants are blindfolded and sit down at the table. They are invited to compete in blowing up this balloon. Carefully remove the ball and place a plate generously filled with flour in its place. When they begin to blow forcefully on this plate, they are amazed, and when their eyes are untied, they are indescribably delighted.

2. Competition "Fun Replacement"
The competition requires a girl and a guy. The girl lies down and the host lays out cookies and nuts (anything edible, but not large) on her. Meanwhile, the guy is blindfolded and told that he is with eyes closed and without hands must eat the girl's food. The trick is that during the explanation of the competition, the girl is replaced by a guy (discussed in advance). With the host's permission to begin the competition, the guy begins to get creative, collecting pieces of food, unaware of the replacement.
He begins to suspect that something is wrong only when a wild laugh is heard))))

3. Competition "Touchables"
The boys take turns entering the room with the girls. Boys must be blindfolded and have their hands behind their backs. The young man needs to guess all the girls who are present. Your hands are tied behind you, you have to use your head in the literal sense of the word. Everyone just falls out of laughter when a young man simply sniffs, licks, or does something else with her.
At the end of the competition, the total is calculated: how many correct and incorrect answers there are. Based on this, first place is awarded .

4. Adult competition "Train Schedule"
Required: a bottle of vodka and a train schedule.
The presenter announces: “The next station is Lanskaya” (for example). Everyone drinks a glass. Next - “Next station - Udelnaya”. Everyone drinks another glass. Gradually, the participants “leave” the route, and the one who goes further wins...

5. Fun competition "Cucumber"
One driver is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle (shoulder to shoulder). Moreover, the players’ hands should be behind. The essence of the game: you need to pass a cucumber behind your back unnoticed by the host and, at every opportunity, bite off a piece of it. And the driver’s task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guesses right, then the player he caught takes his place.
The fun competition continues until the cucumber is eaten. It's a lot of fun!!!

6. Competition "Burglars"
Necessary: many different keys and 2-3 locks.
Participants in the competition are given a bunch of keys and a locked padlock.
Necessary As quickly as possible, pick up the key from the bunch and open the lock. You can put a lock on the cabinet where the prize is hidden.

7. Competition "Dress each other"
This is a team competition. Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package containing a set of clothes (the number and complexity of items must be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the pair must put clothes on the other from the package he received by touch in one minute. The winner is the couple that “dresses” faster and more correctly than others. It's fun when there are two men in a couple and they get a bag of pure women's clothing!

8. Best competition "Balls"
The number of players is not limited, but the more the better. Composition - better equally: girl/boy. Props - a long inflatable balloon (sausage type)
The ball is squeezed between the legs. Then it should be transferred to other participants without hands in the same place.
Who loses - a fine (set by the company)
To make the competition fun, you can split into two teams.

9. Fun competition "Horses"
You need several pairs and a large room where there are no breakable objects. In the future, everything resembles a competition that is well known to everyone since childhood, one sits opposite the other and... And then the person sitting on his back is pinned from behind with a piece of paper with a written word. The players must read what is written on the backs of the opponent’s pair and, at the same time, not allow their own to be read.

10. Competition "Transfusion"
Two glasses are placed on the table (chair or other surface). There is a straw nearby (well, through which they drink). The task of the competition participants is to pour water from one glass into another as quickly as possible.
You can use something alcoholic instead of water, but there is a danger that after pouring there may be nothing left in another glass. :))

11. Cool competition"Barrel of Beer"
For the competition you need to purchase a 5-liter keg of beer (for example, “Baltika”).
A judge is appointed and everyone is invited.
The goal of the competition is to grab the barrel from above with one hand and hold it suspended for as long as possible. Whoever can hold the barrel the longest gets it as a reward.
Believe me, not everyone will be able to hold it in their hands, although it seems very easy.

12. Competition "Alcohol relay race"
Required: 2 chairs and 2 bottles of wine
Two teams with an equal number of participants are assembled. At the end of the hall there are two chairs, and on the chairs a bottle of wine (vodka) and a glass. The first participants run up to the chairs, pour a glass, run back and stand at the end. The next participants run up and drink the contents of the glasses. The next ones run up and pour again - etc.
Winner: the team whose bottle empties the fastest.
It is recommended to recruit an odd number of participants.

13. Fun game "Football"
A string with something heavy at the end (for example, a potato) is tied to the participants' belts. Each participant is given a box of matches or something similar. The task is to swing a tied object, you need to hit a matchbox and thereby move it along the floor. You can come up with a route around the chair, or just in a straight line.
Winner: Who will reach the finish line first?

14. Cool competition "Collect kisses" for a large company
Two (male) persons are invited to participate.
The goal of the competition is to run around all the guests in a certain amount of time and collect as many kisses as possible. The results of the competition are determined by counting kiss marks on the cheeks.
Winner: owner more traces .

15. Competition "Guess where the vodka is"
5-6 men are invited and each is given a glass of water and only one glass contains vodka. To the music, everyone takes turns drinking the contents, trying not to show with emotion that they have drunk.
And other players must guess by facial expression who drank the vodka.

16. Competition "Who can sew faster"
Two teams of players must quickly “seam” all team members to each other. Instead of a needle, a spoon is used, to which a thread or twine is tied. You can “sew on” through a strap, a strap, a loop on your trousers, in a word, through something that will not offend your partner’s dignity.

17. The best competition at the birthday party "Sweet Tooth Drum"
Props: a bag of sucking candies. Two people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag, putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed) and after each candy they call their opponent “Sweet Tooth Drum.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and at the same time clearly says the magic phrase wins

18. Competition "Tear off the hat"
Two players can compete, or two teams can compete. A circle is drawn. Players enter the circle, each of them has his left arm tied to his body and a hat on his head.
The task is simple and difficult - to take off the enemy’s hat and not allow him to take off his own. For each cap removed, the team receives a point.

19. Fun competition "What's behind you?"
Clear pictures (drawings) and paper circles with numbers, for example: 96, 105, etc., are pinned on the backs of two opponents. The players converge in a circle, stand on one leg, tuck the other under the knee and hold it with their hand. The task is to stand, jump on one leg, look behind the opponent’s back, see the number and see what is drawn in the picture.
Winner: the one who first “deciphered” the enemy.

20. Birthday game "Push the Cannonball"
Required: balloons, chalk
1/3 cup of water is poured into several balloons. The balloons are then inflated to the same size. In the room (hall), circles with a diameter of 1.5 meters are drawn with chalk.
Balloon- the participant must push the “core” as far as possible, as is done in athletics. The one who pushed it the farthest wins.

21. Fun game "Blow on the Box"
Empty the box of matches. Pull it out halfway and, putting it to your mouth, blow hard. The box can fly quite far. Hold an "air shooters" competition. With this paper box flying out of the box you can:

  • try to get into the small circle outlined in chalk,
  • shoot down a light paper target,
  • get the box into a basket installed on the floor,
  • try to set a record, i.e. “blow” the box through some kind of bar.

22. Cool competition "Who is faster?"
Necessary: 2 empty boxes
The players are divided into two teams. The presenter gives two empty boxes without an inner paper drawer. Task: quickly pass the boxes to your teammates...with your nose. If the box falls, it is picked up, put on the nose, and the competition continues. Everything seems simple, but you can’t do it without dexterity.

Can be done both at home and at children's birthday.

Birthday competitions for children can be held both at home and anywhere else. It is generally accepted that fun games, quizzes and comic competitions are only suitable for preschool parties, but in reality this is not the case. And older children enjoy participating in competitions if the games are selected in accordance with their age. A correctly selected scenario with birthday competitions, even for 14-16 year olds, is the key to a fun and memorable holiday!

1. Competition “Smile for the birthday boy”

(competition for the birthday of a child 10-14 years old)

This competition is best held at a child’s birthday; it turns out to be fun and relaxed.

The presenter announces:

“It is necessary that everyone gives the birthday boy their most beautiful smile.”

The children immediately begin to smile, and then the presenter announces that it is too simple and everyone can smile like that. Then the presenter takes out a plate with sliced ​​lemon slices. Children need to each take a lemon, put it in their mouth, chew it, and smile at the same time. And the birthday boy must determine whose smile he liked the most.

2. Competition “Bell”

(Birthday: competitions for children 10 - 14 years old)

An unlimited number of people can participate in this competition. It can be held at any holiday. For the competition you will need a small bell on a string, which will be hung around the neck of the participant in the competition. You will also need several ropes that will be stretched in the room for different heights from the floor, the ropes can be attached both horizontally and across the room space, so that the participant, going to the finish line, must both squat and step over the ropes. The player's task is to reach the finish line without the bell hanging around his neck ringing. Whoever completed this task best is considered the best bell tamer from that day on.

3. Competition “Animal Balls”

(children's birthday contests)

The following items are required for the competition: balloons, threads, markers. Inflate all the balloons prepared for the competition, tie them so that they do not deflate. Divide all the balls equally into two halves. Hang one half of the balloons in one corner of the room, the other half in the second corner. Divide everyone present into two teams and give them markers. Teams must draw eyes, nose, mouth, etc. on the balls. They should get funny little animals. The team that creates the animals the fastest wins.

4. Game “Scarf, laughter and children”

(games and competitions for children aged 10-14 years old)

To play you need a small silk scarf the size of a handkerchief. All children, except the birthday boy, stand in a circle. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle, throws his handkerchief into the air and begins to laugh loudly. The other children should start laughing too. If someone stops laughing while the handkerchief is in the air, they are out of the game. When the handkerchief touches the floor, everyone stops laughing. If participants do not fulfill this condition, they are eliminated from the game. Last child The one who remains in the game becomes the winner.

5. Game "Running ball"

(children's games and competitions for birthdays of 8-10 years)

To play you will need two balloons and two glasses. Participants are divided into two teams. Each team stands in a column. The first team members are given a glass and balloon. They place the ball on the glass to keep the ball balanced. Then these participants must run around their team and return to their place. After this, the first players pass the glass with the ball to the second players, who also run around the team. The game continues until all participants have run around their team. But if someone’s ball falls, he must return to his place and start running around again. You are not allowed to touch the ball with your hands while performing the task. The team that completes the task first wins.

6. Relay competition “Turtles”

(competitions for the birthday of a 4 year old child)

This fun competition for children will perfectly lift the spirits of all guests on their birthday. If you're hosting a Jungle-themed party, be sure to include a contest in your script. To carry it out you will need 2 basins. Then you select two equal teams and place them in two columns. The first participants receive a pelvis, thanks to which they must turn into turtles. To do this, you need to get on all fours and “put” an inverted pelvis on your back - you will get a turtle under its shell. Now each participant must run to a given place, return to the team and pass the baton to the next participant. The team whose turtles all pass the test wins the competition.

7. Competition “Who is the fastest?”

(contests for the birthday of an 8 year old child)

The presenter places two boxes at the finish line; a distance of at least two meters must be left between them. Small toys of the same size, such as balls, cubes, rings, are placed in boxes. They are divided equally into two teams. At the start, two teams of children line up, each with a certain number of participants. Teams wait by their empty boxes for the competition to begin. It is best to mark the starting line somehow (with chalk, flags) and place empty boxes, which children will have to fill with toys, transferring them from a full box. At the leader’s signal, the first participants from each team must run to the full box at the finish line, take a toy from it, run to the start, and throw the toy into the empty start box. After this, the next participants continue the competition. So children, running from a full box to an empty one, must move all the toys. The winner is the team that was able to move all the toys faster than the other. The winners must be given a prize.

8. “Point the finger” competition

This competition is fun to do at a child's birthday party. The presenter shows 5 objects and names them. For example, nose, plate, ceiling, door, birthday boy. Each child, when the presenter calls a word, must point to an object or person with a finger. The presenter will intentionally confuse the guests and may point to one item and name another. The participant who never gets lost receives a prize.

9. Competition “Where is our ball”

(children's birthday contests for 11 years old)

It's movable sports game. It is most convenient to carry it out in the hall or on the sports ground. It begins at the sign of the leader. The children close their eyes, and the leader throws a small ball in any direction. Participants listen to the sound of the falling ball, trying to guess where it went. The host asks: “Where is our ball?” These words are a signal to the players that they can run to different sides, look for the ball. The one who finds it must, unnoticed by others, run up to the designated place, pat it with his hand and shout: “The ball is mine!” If during the game a player sees who has the ball, he must try to catch up with the lucky one and touch him. Then the ball goes to him. Now the rest of the children are running after the player with the ball, trying to catch up with him. And the player with the ball will try to run as fast as he can to the appointed place with the words: “My ball!”, dodging everyone who wants to catch him.

10. Game “Catch a snowball”

(games and competitions for children)

An active, fun game for children that develops dexterity and attentiveness in children, as well as speed of reaction. Usually children are offered to play it preschool age. For the game, the leader must prepare a bag with small balls or “snowballs” made independently from cotton wool. Children need to be given small multi-colored plastic buckets. At a given signal, the children must prepare for the game; it requires good reaction and speed. The presenter takes snowballs out of his bag and throws them in different directions. The kids run and try, placing buckets under the flying snowballs, to catch them. When all the snowballs in the bag run out, the game ends. The counting of balls caught by each player begins. Caught the most large number"snowball" becomes the winner, he is awarded with friendly applause and a prize

11. Game “Flying the Broom”

(games and competitions for children 11 years old)

This is a team game. It is suitable for children. You can play this game on any holiday: and on New Year, and on March 8, and on birthdays, etc. You will need two stools or two chairs. You will also need two brooms or mops. The children are invited to imagine that they have turned into evil wizards and can fly on a broom. The participants’ task is to take turns passing the broom, holding it between their legs, run to the stool, come back and pass the broom to another team member. The team that finishes the game first wins.

12. Quiz-competition " spongebob»

(quizzes and competitions for 10th birthday)

Children adore this funny character - sea ​​sponge SpongeBob. Cartoons with him are very popular all over the world. This quiz will calm the kids down for a while. Here are the questions:

  • Where does Spongebob live? Bikini Bottom, Pineapple House.
  • When does SpongeBob celebrate his birthday? July 14.
  • What kind of pets do Bikini Bottom residents keep at home? Snails and worms.
  • What are SpongeBob's best friends? Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Gary.
  • Why does SpongeBob go to the "Field of Jellyfish"? Catches jellyfish and milks them into jelly.
  • What is the name of SpongeBob's teacher? Mrs. Puff.
  • What exam does SpongeBob fail to pass Mrs. Puff? Driving a submarine.
  • What is the name of SpongeBob's only friend who cannot breathe underwater like fish and other sea inhabitants? Sandy.
  • Who are Sea Superman and Barnacle Boy? Superheroes from Bikini Bottom.
  • How many people live in Bikini Bottom, including SpongeBob? 538.
  • Who is Plankton, and what does he want from SpongeBob? This is the villain Bikini Bottom, who is trying to steal the magic Krabby Patty formula.
  • Who is the greediest money lover in Bikini Bottom? Mr Crabbs.
  • What are the names of SpongeBob's neighbors and where do they live? Squidward (Easter Island statue) and Patrick (under the stone).
  • Who is the Flying Dutchman? Ghost of the Sea Pirate.

Give a prize to the child who gives the most correct answers: any item with a picture of SpongeBob.

13. Game “Guess who eats what?”

(games for children's birthday)

This competition is best held when the children have just arrived for their birthday.

This competition is best held when the children have just arrived for their birthday. It is held at the table. The theme of this game is "Animals". Prepare questions about what animal eats what. And ask the kids. You can remember all the animals in the zoo and ask about each one.

Start with easy questions about the bunny and the wolf, and end with exotic animals. For each correct answer, give your child a sticker or candy.

14. Competition “Trees happen”
(children's birthday contests)

An interesting game for kids that develops their attentiveness, logic, and reaction speed. It is usually played by preschool children. The children are seated in front of the leader, who says: “Trees can be low,” and he himself raises his hands up. Children must show attentiveness, logic, speed of reaction, and show what low trees look like. The presenter lists what types of trees there are: tall, small, huge. At the same time, he tries to confuse the children with incorrect movements. But if one of the players goes astray and shows the way the presenter does, he is eliminated from the game. True, the eliminated participant only misses a few rounds, he is not allowed to get bored for too long, and is offered to return to the game. The winner is the participant who showed what trees are like the fastest and most correctly, and was not mistaken. He is rewarded with a tasty prize.

15. Competition “Back pictures”

(birthday contests)

A fun game that can be offered to children when you need to find something interesting and exciting for them to do. Children are seated in a circle, facing their neighbor's back. A sheet of paper is attached to the back of each with tape. Further events in the game develop according to the “damaged phone” principle. The first player is told in his ear a simple word that is easy to draw: flower, house, sun. He must use a blunt pencil to draw a picture on his neighbor's back. And he, guided only by his feelings and guesses, while they are drawing on his back, must decide what is drawn there and make a similar drawing on the back of the player sitting in front of him. The main thing is that children don’t peek, otherwise it won’t be interesting. When all the participants in the fun have finished their drawings, they begin to evaluate these works! Usually everyone finds it very funny from the pictures that the young artists drew.

16. Competition “Invisible Back”

(children's birthday competitions for 6-12 years old)

This competition is suitable for a children's birthday. All guests participate in it. The birthday boy stands facing the wall and with his back to the guests. Guests line up at the threshold of the room. On the count of three, the first guest begins to move towards the birthday boy. As soon as the birthday boy feels that the guest is already close and standing behind him, he says: “Stop!” The same continues with the next participant. The main thing for the birthday boy is that he is not hurt by the participant, and for the guest it is important to get closest to the birthday boy. Whichever guest stands closest to the birthday boy wins. The winner must be rewarded with a delicious prize in the form of a chocolate bar, or given a toy.

17. Competition “Find your prize”

(competitions for children)

The game helps to reveal the talents of every child. This game requires a set of colored cardboard, two boxes and plenty of prizes so that there is enough for everyone. First you need to prepare cards (according to the number of players). A piece of colored cardboard is cut in half. The task is written on one half, and the name of the prize on the other. If there are more children than multi-colored cards, cards of the same color can be cut in different ways: along, across, at an angle, in a wavy line. Cards with tasks are placed in one box, colored side up. Cards with prizes are placed in the second box, hidden in another place. Each player, having drawn a card, must complete a task: recite a rhyme, sing a song, compose a short thematic story, ask the children a riddle. Then the child must find the other half of his card and receive a prize. For prizes, it is best to purchase colored pencils, markers, albums, coloring books, books, and small toys. At the end of each child's performance, the others thank him for his efforts by clapping their hands and cheering him on as he searches for his prize.

18. Game “At the Bazaar”

(competitions for children 10 – 12 years old)

At the very beginning of the game, all participants are divided into three groups and one leader. Each group chooses a fruit, for example, one group will be called bananas, the second - strawberries, and the third - peaches. Then all players sit in a circle, facing the center of the circle. The presenter stands in the center of the circle and says the following phrase: “I went to the market and bought...” Then, depending on the continuation of the phrase, the participants must act differently, for example:

- “... and bought bananas”, then all those who belong to the group of bananas change places (the leader also participates in this exchange). After the exchange, one “extra” fruit remains, which becomes the leader and the game begins again.

- “... and bought peaches and bananas (or any other combination of groups)”, then all participants belonging to the named groups change places (along with the leader). Again, the extra “fruit” becomes the leader.

- “... and bought fruit”, in this case all the participants change places. The only one left without a place becomes the leader.

19. Competition “ Funny fairy tales

(interesting competitions for children's birthdays 11 - 12 years old)

Reaction and attentiveness - these qualities guarantee the player’s success in this game. All participants stand in a circle. My right hand each participant clenches his fist, exposing thumb up. Left hand everything is folded into a tube, which is put on the neighbor’s thumb. And so, when all the players have clasped their hands in such an intricate way, the presenter begins to tell the tale, having named the code word in advance. The condition of the game is this: after hearing the code word, you need to have time to grab your right hand, while simultaneously catching your neighbor’s, grabbing his finger. At the same time, in a fairy tale you can use various funny gags, which are designed to confuse and confuse the players. For example, if the code word is Princess Nesmetna, then when telling a story, you can use the frog princess, the princess and the seven heroes, and any other phrases starting with the word princess. Hearing them, the players will break free and grab the hands of their neighbors. The game is always accompanied by laughter and sincere fun.

20. Competition “Who am I?”

(fun competitions for children's birthdays)

This competition is perfect for children's day birth. Draw several pictures, for example, pineapple, cake, candy, etc. Cut out the middle for the child's head. The participant takes the picture and sticks his head inside. He doesn’t see who is in his picture, so he asks the guests questions to find out. Guests can only answer “YES” or “NO”. For example, questions: “Am I tasty?”, “Am I made of wood?”, “Am I bigger than an orange?”, “Do I start with a vowel?” and so on.

Who said adults don't like to have fun like little children? Should a birthday necessarily be celebrated at a large table and accompanied by boring gatherings, at which some fairly drunk guests will want to indulge in boring memories and singing the same songs of youth? Stop! Get only pleasure and positive emotions from the holiday. Frolic and have fun as you want, because this is how significant date happens only once a year. And in order to properly tune in to the upcoming festive atmosphere, prepare in advance cool toasts, cheerful congratulations and don’t forget that you can arrange funny birthday contests. And we will definitely help you with this!


Several couples (boy-girl) are invited for this competition. The leader in the hall sets the boundaries (this will be a river). After this, a competition called “Gentleman” is announced. The guy must carry the girl across the river in various poses. The number of poses is decided by the presenter or the birthday boy. The one who shows the most intelligence wins.

"Convey your feeling"

Cool and funny blindfolded birthday contests will always amuse everyone present. So, you need to invite 5 players to participate. Each of them should be seated on a chair. All but one must be blindfolded. The host must approach the hero of the occasion and whisper in his ear the names of several feelings, for example, fear, pain, love, horror, passion, etc. The birthday boy must choose one of them and whisper it into the ear of the player with with open eyes. He, in turn, must show this feeling tactilely to the second, sitting on a chair blindfolded. The second to the third, etc. The very last participant must say out loud what feeling the birthday boy wished for. Such funny birthday contests are suitable for corporate events and weddings.

"Understand me"

For this competition, you should prepare a small tangerine (so that it can fit in the player’s mouth) and cards with difficult to pronounce words. The participant must place the fruit in his mouth and thus read out what is written on the cards. Guests must guess what the “unfortunate” person says. Whoever guessed the most words wins.

"The Power of Touch"

Like many funny birthday contests for adults, the game called "The Power of Touch" is played while blindfolded. So, several girls should be seated on chairs. One young man is invited to participate and must be blindfolded and have his hands tied. Thus, the player must determine who the girl is without using his hands. This can be done in any way - rubbing your cheek, touching your nose, kissing, sniffing, etc.

"Real Boxers"

Funny, cheerful, interesting birthday contests will definitely appeal to everyone without exception, if more guests are involved in them. So, the presenter should prepare boxing gloves. Two young people are invited to participate, preferably stronger and larger. For the sake of appearance, you can also use hearts.

The leader must put it on the knights boxing gloves. Guests should come up and encourage each boxer, stretch his shoulders, muscles, in general, everything, just like before a real fighting match. The presenter’s task is to remind the main rules: “Do not hit below the belt”, “Do not push”, “Do not swear”, “Fight until first blood”, etc. After this, the presenter distributes candy to the participants, preferably a small one, and announces a competition. The one of the “fighters” who frees the sweet from the wrapper the fastest will win. Similar competitions are suitable for children and adults.

“Treasured... bang!”

You can invite several people to participate in this competition. To make funny birthday contests please more guests, divide the participants into teams. So, the presenter must prepare balloons, pushpins, tape (optionally, adhesive tape) and thread. Each participant is given a ball, the thread of which must be tied around the waist so that the ball hangs at the level of the buttocks. The other players need to be given a piece of adhesive tape through which the button is pierced, and stick it on each of their foreheads (with the point outward, of course). The presenter turns on the music. Participants who have a button on their forehead have their hands tied so that they cannot use them. The players' task is to burst the ball using a button. The team that does this faster will win.

"Let's congratulate everyone together"

When the guests are pretty busy and having fun, you can take a little break Great option in this case there will be birthday competitions at the table. No, no songs and mind games there will be no, only entertainment and laughter. So, for this competition, the presenter must prepare a short text of congratulations, in which all adjectives must be excluded (in the text, in place of adjectives, a large indent must be left in advance).

Here is a short excerpt for example: “... guests! Today we have gathered at this ..., ... and ... evening to congratulate our ..., ... and ... birthday boy.”

The presenter must say that he has any problems serious problems with the insertion of adjectives into the congratulatory text, and that the guests are simply obliged to help him out, otherwise the holiday will be over. The participants, in turn, must pronounce any adjectives that first come to their minds, and the presenter must write them down.

If you want these funny birthday contests to amuse everyone even more, make the task more difficult. Ask guests to pronounce adjectives related to, for example, medical, legal, erotic topics.

"Rich Cavalier"

What other games and competitions are suitable? Your birthday will be just wonderful if you use various paraphernalia in competitions. So, the presenter should prepare 30 bills in advance. To participate, you must invite 3 couples (boy-girl). Each girl is given 10 bills. The presenter turns on the music. Girls should put money in their boyfriend's pockets (and not only in his pockets). When the entire stash is hidden, the “satisfied liar” must perform a dance (while her eyes must be blindfolded). When the girls have danced enough, the music turns off. Now the ladies must find the entire stash.

The catch is that while the girls are trying to dance, the insidious presenter changes the gentlemen.

"Oriental dances"

What other birthday contests can you prepare? Funny and cheerful are undoubtedly associated with dancing.

So, the presenter invites all girls present to participate. Each of them must loudly announce to the audience which part of the body suits her most about herself. For example, one says shoulders, another says knees, a third lips, etc. Then the presenter turns on beautiful oriental music and asks each person to dance in turn with the part of the body that she just named.

"Guess the color"

The presenter invites a certain number of people (you can at least all those present) and puts them in a circle. The music turns on. The presenter shouts: “Touch blue color! Everyone must find clothes of the appropriate color for each other. With each round, those who are late or do not find are eliminated from the competition.

“Where are you, my love?”

For this competition you will need one participant (male) and 5-6 girls. One of them must be his wife. So, the girls need to be seated on chairs. The main player is blindfolded and asked to use his legs to determine which of them is his favorite. To make it more colorful, you can add two or three guys to the girls.


One player is invited to participate. The leader needs to prepare a long rope in advance. The player is blindfolded and invited to go through the maze (on a rope). Guests must prompt the player in which direction he should follow. Naturally, the insidious presenter is simply obliged to remove the rope, while the guests will laugh heartily at how the participant carefully follows their instructions.

"Slow Action"

The presenter should prepare in advance as many cards as there are participants in the competition. You should write phrases on them like: “kill a fly”, “drink a glass of vodka”, “eat a lemon”, “kiss”. Each participant, without looking, takes out a card, for example, from a hat or basket. Players take turns, in slow motion, to depict what is written on the card. Believe me, only such birthday contests can make guests laugh and amuse them from the bottom of their hearts. Contests and games designed exactly like this can easily defuse a boring atmosphere.

Competition for the birthday boy

In order for the birthday to be a success, it is necessary to involve more of the hero of the occasion in competitions. It would be great if, out of the banal presentation of gifts, we create some kind of interesting game. To do this, the presenter should prepare several small paper cards in advance, which will indicate guidelines for finding gifts.


For this competition you will need inflated balloons. The presenter needs to scatter them on the floor. Participants must collect as many balls as they can in their hands. The most greedy one wins.

"Dress Me"

For this competition you will need men's and women's clothing. It can be anything, from socks to family underpants. Men's clothing is placed in one bag or package, and women's clothing in the other. Two people are invited to participate ( better man and a woman) and 4 more assistants (two each). The presenter distributes packages to the teams. It will be funnier if a man comes across a bag with women's clothes, and a woman with men's clothes. So, the presenter gives a signal and notes the time (1 minute). The assistants must take out the contents of the package and dress the main participants. Whoever does it faster wins.

“Take me to work!”

5 people are invited to participate in this competition. The presenter must prepare the costumes of fairy-tale characters in advance. You don’t have to rent them from the nearest salon, you can do everything yourself, believe me, it will be much funnier. So, the presenter announces the interview. For example, in order for participants to get to work, they should dress up as written in the dress code rules. The rules, naturally, must be prepared by the presenter in advance and hidden in the hat. Participants, without looking, take out a card and dress as it is written there. After this, they go out into the hall and pityingly ask, for example, the birthday person (let him be the employer) to hire them. Believe me, a man with a cowboy hat, with a mop sticking out between his legs (like a cowboy), pitifully asking to be accepted for a position, will cause a storm positive emotions for all guests present.

"The most dexterous"

To participate in this competition you must use 5 pairs. Women should be seated on chairs. Opposite each one, make a path of bottles. Men must remember their location and, with their eyes closed, without dropping a single bottle, make their way to their missus and kiss her. The cunning presenter, naturally, arranges the bottles as he likes and switches the places of the girls.

We hope that you will not have any more problems with funny competitions. Have a nice and fun time!

The easiest way to entertain children aged about 10 at a birthday party celebrated at home is by having fun games and competitions.

If you are now on this page, it means your child’s birthday is coming soon!

What to give and how to surprise? What is the most interesting way to spend the holiday itself if friends and classmates are expected to visit?

Organize interesting competitions and game quizzes, and then no one will be bored!

Where to start?

Oddly enough, I advise, with banal safety precautions for knees and elbows:

  • free up enough space for children's fun - the furniture may become crowded on such a day;
  • hide sharp and breakable objects - little guests are usually characterized by mobility.

The game itself should not tire children - otherwise the intended fun will cease to be fun!

The room is ready. Now you can start the competitions themselves!

To add variety to birthdays, we offer several types of home games-competitions for boys and girls aged 10, 11 and 12 years.

Outdoor games-competitions

Pop the ball

Children are divided into 2 teams. Everyone has a multi-colored ball in their hand.

On command, you need to burst your opponent's balloon with your hands. The team with the most whole balls left wins.


The presenter throws a balloon. While it is in the air, you can move, dance, talk. As soon as the ball touches the floor, everyone freezes.

The one who does not have time to freeze is eliminated.

The game continues until the last winner.

Runaway chair

The chairs are placed in a circle. The number of players is one less than the number of seats.

On command or when the music starts, the players begin to walk around the chairs. The music stops or the command “stop” sounds - the players try to sit down. The one who doesn't get a chair is eliminated. After this, one chair is removed.

The competition is held until the last person sits down.

Alternatively, it’s interesting to use hoops instead of chairs. When the music ends or at a signal, the players sit (or stand) in the free hoops.

potato spoon

Two teams. In one corner of the room there is a container with potatoes. In another, children stand with spoons in their hands near two empty bowls and plates.

At the signal, each team must take turns using a relay race to bring one potato to their plate using only a spoon.

Those who move all the potatoes faster win.

floating apples

Children are divided into two teams.

In two large basins, apples with petioles float in the water. Apples exactly equal to the number of children. At a signal, players from each team take turns trying to catch the apple by the handle without using their hands.

Those who complete the task faster win.

When choosing apples, I advise you to ensure that the petioles are long enough and strong enough.

Basketball basket

Two teams playing. In front of each is an equal number of sheets of paper and a basket (alternatively, you can use a saucepan or other deep container).

The task is to roll up a paper “ball” and throw it into a basket.

The team with the most hits after the sheets run out will win.

Option – play for a while. Then more paper is given.

Get dressed in a minute

You can play in winter.

Two players play blindfolded. The same number of outerwear items - jackets, hats, scarves - are laid out on two chairs.

The winner is the one who puts on all the laid out clothes faster and more correctly.

Option – 2 blindfolded players dress one of the guests.

I think everyone will have fun!

Birthday gift

Two teams – two “gifts”. This could be a toy, fruit or any suitable item.

The players line up one after another. On command, the “gift” is passed along the chain. Those whose item reaches the birthday person faster will win.

And the game is best held only with a sufficient number of guests.


One of the guests turns away or goes into another room.

The rest of the children join hands, and it turns out to be a long “spider web”. Then, without letting go of their hands, everyone gets entangled in a tight ball.

The presenter must unravel the “web” without tearing it even once.

Lego relay race

Two teams - two identical Lego sets (or any other constructor).

For a while we need to build an interesting structure. Speed ​​and “architectural solution” are assessed.

Option - the game is played in a chain. Children take turns placing their piece.


Two players are given a rope or any cord of equal length.

The task is to wind the ball faster.

Option - stick (pencil). The attached rope needs to be wound.

Children's bowling

With the help of simple pins and balls you can organize an almost adult bowling alley. Instead of skittles, you can use other objects or toys.

Hit the target

You will need a drawn target and balls with Velcro. After the hits, we count the points.

Creative and intellectual competitions

Who called me?

The players stand in a wide circle. The driver, blindfolded, stands in the center. They spin him around a little and ask him to guess who called by name. The one who was guessed sits or stands in the place of the driver.

Chain of words

Two teams with an equal number of players. Each person has a piece of paper and a pen (pencil). The first player from the team writes down any word. Each subsequent word begins with the last letter of the previous one. It turns out to be a chain of words.

The game is played against time.

The team with the most words written wins.

Cat in a poke

The simplest items that need to be recognized by touch without taking them out are placed in a beautiful bag. The one who guesses the most items wins.

Option - for greater entertainment and fun, objects are shown to the guests, but in this case the driver is blindfolded.

Two or three teams, each with 3 people. Three sheets of paper are issued.

In the allotted time (2-3 minutes), the players disperse in different directions and draw a fantastic animal: some with a head, some with a torso, some with legs and paws.

Then all the sheets are put together, and the team with the funniest animal wins.

In this competition, I believe that what is more important is not the victory of any team, but the general fun!

Damaged phone

Which adult doesn't know this game?!

But I suggest you make it a competition for children at their birthday party.

Divide guests into 2-3 teams. Place them one after the other. The first person in the chain of each team has his say. The players pass it on in a very quiet whisper to each other. The latter must say out loud what word he heard.

Those who most accurately conveyed the word to the first in the team win.

Colored tags

This, in my opinion, is a very fun competition that combines movement and intelligence.

The presenter says the words: “One-two-three! Find white (blue, green, gray, red...)!”

The players immediately grab the named color wherever they can find it around.

Whoever fails to touch an object with a given color, or is the last, is eliminated from the game. The rest continue until there is a winner.

Fun alphabet

The presenter names any letter of the alphabet. Children must write as many words as possible with this letter within a certain time (2-3 minutes).

The one with the longest list wins.

Collect a picture

Each player is given a cut picture that needs to be assembled. The theme can be different: cartoons, games, nature, animals... You can use pages of children's magazines or pre-print pictures according to the number of guests.

The game is played against time.

Puzzles with matches


  • “Write” the given phrase with matches.
  • Draw an animal.
  • Mathematical tasks involving moving and removing matches.

You can buy either regular or long “fireplace” matches.

Competition games for girls 10-12 years old

Agree that there are competitions that boys will watch with a smile. But the girls will be happy to participate.


In 5-10 minutes, find in the room something you can decorate yourself with for the holiday. These can be any items of clothing, ribbons, scarves, ropes and hairpins...

Guests then choose the funniest fashionista.

It would be interesting to put boys on the jury.

Who was hiding there?

A hero from a popular fairy tale or cartoon is drawn on a piece of paper. The image is completely covered with the second sheet. The presenter gradually reveals the picture.

The one who guesses the character first wins.

Sad princess

A driver is selected (not necessarily the birthday girl), who sits on a chair and tries not to smile. The task of the players of this competition is to make her laugh.

The condition is that you cannot touch the “princess”.

wind-up doll

In the basket-box there are pieces of paper with the names of the players.

Everyone comes up with a task for the “wind-up doll”: to sing, dance, spin,... You need to show the task with facial expressions and gestures with or without a voice.

The driver pulls out pieces of paper and says who will perform the task.

Stylists (artists)

Guests are divided into pairs: client and artist.

Each pair is given watercolor paints. You need to do some fun makeup. Whoever comes up with the funniest wins!

An option for boys is to draw a funny face or animal (whether existing or not) on their face.

Exciting competitions for boys 10-12 years old

Pick up the key

Players are offered several locks and a wide variety of keys.

The task is to open each lock.

Collect the dragon

Players receive a box of paper clips. You need to assemble paper clips into a chain within the allotted time. Whoever has the longest “dragon” wins.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The competition involves couples who stand with their backs to each other and lock elbows.

The task is to run to the opposite end of the room without opening your arms.


Draw a non-existent funny animal and come up with a name for it. The winner is the one whose animal turns out to be different from the real ones.

Extra points are given for telling about the habits and habits of this miracle creature.


The players receive a long stick with a fishing line or string on which a magnet is attached.

In front of them are toys with magnets. The task is to “catch” as many “fish” as possible with your eyes closed. The difficulty is that they play in pairs: the “sighted” person directs the actions of the “fisherman”, who is blindfolded.

Option - you can attach small magnets to the candies with tape. And then the pleasure after the game will also be sweet.

Pirate map

Draw several maps of the room in advance, indicating the location of the “cache” with a cross. When hiding a “treasure” (any item), each time ask the “pirate” to find it, using the map as a guide.


There are various things in front of the children (clothes, kitchen utensils, stationery, etc.) The players must take maximum quantity objects... You can hold them with your hands, your head, help with your knees...

The one who manages to collect the most items without dropping the items will win.

Collect the scarecrow

Guests are divided into two teams. In front of each set of various items of clothing (scarves, towels, hats, shirts, etc.) You need to build a “scarecrow” from available materials.

The creative team wins.

For this competition you will need as many dolls and clothes for them as there will be participants. Each participant, at the command “start,” begins to dress the doll. Whoever gets it done the fastest is a great guy. It will be surprising if a boy wins this competition.


Each of the girls' guests becomes a little witch, whose task is to fly (run with a broom between her legs) on a broom to the goal and back. Whoever does this the fastest receives a prize and the title of “best witch.”

Girls are no worse than boys

In this competition, girls show their sleight of hand and their skills. Each participant is provided with a block of wood, a small nail and a hammer. At the command “start”, each participant begins hammering a nail. Whoever does it faster receives a certificate and a prize.

Best Makeup Artist

Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple is provided with the same assortment of cosmetics, for example, lipstick, eye shadow palette, blush, mascara, and so on. One of the members of the couple plays the role of a salon guest, and the second (by the way, it can be the second one, if it’s a boy) plays the role of a makeup artist. Within a certain time, participants must try to make the best and beautiful makeup to your guest. Based on guest voting, we select the best and award prizes.

The most delicious salad

For each of the participants, they are given a bowl, a set of cooked vegetables, for example, potatoes, an egg, and a simple sausage, mayonnaise, as well as a board and not much sharp knife. The set may be different at the discretion of the presenter. The task of each participant is to cut all the ingredients, add mayonnaise and mix. Whoever handles it most accurately and quickly wins.

I'll braid my hair

For each participant, a guest is selected - a woman with medium length hair or more. Each of the participants (this can be not only girls, boys can also take part in order to surprise everyone), on the command “start”, begin to braid their hair, for example 2 or 3. Whoever completes the task faster and braids the guest’s beautiful braids is the winner.

The best hostess or host

For each of the participants, confetti or some kind of cereal is scattered equally at a distance, while being handed a broom and a dustpan. At the command “start”, each participant begins to sweep the rubbish onto the dustpan. Whoever's territory becomes cleaner faster wins. This is how guests will find out who is the best host or hostess.