Toasts to the team are cool. From the team

Cool toasts colleagues, it is desirable that they relate only to work-related issues: how a person works, how he organizes his day, how he communicates, how he approaches solving pressing issues. Look in everyone positive traits and tell everyone about them in a light, humorous manner.

In verse

In prose in your own words

How many different cases happens at work. There are different things. Then suddenly the big premium drops and you need to urgently run and spend it. Then there will be so much work that there is no time to run to spend the bonus. In general, colleague, I would like to wish you that you do not have to run away from the bonus. May you have to receive it regularly. Therefore, I want to drink to the fact that there will always be time to spend this bonus!

Dear colleague, I want to drink to your change of work schedule. Let the working day begin at 12.00 and end at 14.00. Let wages increase for so many “strict conditions”. Let the break be one hour. I also wish there was still time for makeup. Let the bonus also appear. And the work is only decreasing. In general, let everything said come true after everything is poured from the glass into the body!

It’s not for nothing that companies call specialists personnel. After all, you are still that frame. You know how to both work and relax. We know this from corporate events. Now we know for sure that you can also work as a toastmaster. With you, our team has become more positive and cheerful. Therefore, for you, as for a valuable personnel!

Congratulating you, colleague, I would like to wish you that instead ordinary water the cooler was filled with cognac or martini. To bring you coffee personal secretary with long and beautiful legs. And the salary was in foreign currency. May your boss respect you endlessly and give you more days off. Let's drink to the fact that all this appears at the hands of our respected colleague!

Let your work, colleague, be like sardines in a barrel. And the payment for this work will be as big as a desert. Let you get as many banknotes from the cash register as there is sand in this desert. Become the best employee and become famous throughout the world. For you, as for the best employee!

2013-01-29 15:10:56: Toasts about and for work

At the trial: - How did you manage to rob seven stores in one week? - If only we all worked like this, otherwise everyone shouts “Crisis!” So let's drink to those dodgers who don't care about the crisis!

2013-01-28 19:26:06: Toasts about and for work

At the trial: - Accused Sidorov, haven’t you noticed that this is not your wallet? - Why, citizen judge, he noticed! I also thought, how did my money end up in someone else’s wallet? So let's drink to ensure that our money is always in place!

2013-01-28 09:18:18: Toasts about and for work

The director of the department store calls his deputy into the office. - We advertised that we were looking for a night watchman. Any results? - Oh, yes! - exclaims the deputy. - We were robbed tonight. As the classic said, “personnel decide everything.” Therefore, I propose a drink to the footage!

2013-01-26 08:14:50: Toasts about and for work

They say that what is invented can be improved. What was created can only be an object of imitation.
So let's drink to us, not just inventors, but real creators!

The Talmud says: “Teaching in youth is carving in stone, in old age drawing in sand.”
So let's drink to the fact that we always do everything in due time!

2013-01-22 14:43:11: Toasts about and for work

A workaholic businessman I know once turned to his psychiatrist with the following request:
- Doctor, remember, last summer you recommended that, in order to take a little break from work, I should have some fun with women?
- Yes, so what? - asked the doctor.
- So please advise how I can now take my mind off women and get back to work!
So let's drink to the ability to combine business with pleasure even at work!

2013-01-22 13:56:47: Toasts about and for work

The engineer makes a remark to the worker: - You have bad habit- whistle while working. - But I don’t work, I just whistle. Let's drink, colleagues, to rational use working hours!

2013-01-21 15:24:14: Toasts about and for work

A wise man remarked: “If people pay debts as willingly as they borrow, this is a sure sign that they have become better people.” Gentlemen! In connection with the above, my toast is not difficult to predict. For people to strive for excellence! They kept getting “better” and “better”!

2013-01-19 11:42:11: Toasts about and for work

La Rochefoucauld said: “Everyone complains about his memory, but no one complains about his reason.” So let's drink so that you and I will never complain about anything!

2013-01-19 05:26:04: Toasts about and for work

We congratulate you on behalf of all of us, to merge in a single impulse all our sympathies for you into one great feeling. We love and respect you! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

2013-01-18 23:43:53: Toasts about and for work

Who among us does not dream of success in business?
And I think we must drink
For being on our career ladder
The steps were not smeared with soap.
So that the boss does not turn out to be a usurper,
So that employees are not boring,
To be lifted up by an escalator,
And we would have to fly down with parachutes.

2013-01-17 10:00:38: Toasts about and for work

So that everyone, like Emelya,
Had my own golden pike,
And to promotions in your career
He wouldn't put his hand to it:
The reports were made by themselves,
Clients would be like those heroes
In a solid, majestic formation
They grew like out of the ground!
Salaries tripled
And the boss did not scold us, but himself,
Then our craft would be any
We performed with honor and love!

2013-01-17 06:57:21: Toasts about and for work

Nothing brings people together like this holiday! Therefore, with our combined efforts, we congratulate you! May there be as much good in your life as we all have together!

2013-01-15 18:13:22: Toasts about and for work

for work
People say: “Work is not a wolf; it won’t run away into the forest.”
You can’t shoot her, but sometimes you really want to!
But the main thing is that the salary every day
became more and more, and did not run away into the forest!
Let's drink to that work
which is much less than the salary!
Fall, coin, like a snowball!
I wish you money - a bag full!
For our work!

2013-01-15 06:31:41: Toasts about and for work

We want to congratulate you! And the opinion of the majority is the law. Therefore, congratulations! This is toast!

2013-01-14 06:18:14: Toasts about and for work

A master is one who invents, an apprentice is one who knows the matter; Everyone can be a student.
Let's drink to the hero of the occasion, a true master of his craft!

2013-01-14 01:20:13: Toasts about and for work

A famous singer is told: “You want to earn more in one concert than the American president earns in a week.” - So invite him. Let's drink to ensure that our requests are always satisfied! Or for successfully motivating your actions.

2013-01-13 16:32:13: Toasts about and for work

Schiller wrote:
One honors science as the goddess of supreme pleasure.
The other is a good cow that supplies oil.
So let's drink to the fact that our beloved goddess also feeds us well!

2013-01-13 02:52:57: Toasts about and for work

A master is one who invents, an apprentice is one who knows the matter; Everyone can be a student. Let's drink to the hero of the occasion, a true master of his craft!

2013-01-11 16:27:21: Toasts about and for work

The best place in the sun is a highly paid one. For us, the most worthy sunny places, we'll drink!

2013-01-11 06:54:08: Toasts about and for work

for postal workers
One friend complains to another:
- Can you imagine? Sent a telegram to my wife
that I will come home on the tenth.
I arrive on the tenth and... find her in bed with a man!
Here's a prostitute!
- It’s in vain that you think badly about your wife,
- says a friend.
- Perhaps she... just didn’t receive your telegram!
Let's drink to postal workers!
Sometimes the fate of the family depends on them!

2013-01-10 17:19:59: Toasts about and for work

2013-01-09 04:17:53: Toasts about and for work

for colleagues
Today, colleagues, I’ll give you a toast.
And I'll offer you a drink for good luck.
For our friendship, for our team.
Where everyone is proud, strong and patient.
Where everyone is so smart and so rich!
For becoming a hundred times better!
For having fun at work,
For not being left in the lurch.
For comfort, light and laughter.
For us, happy, joyful - it’s not a sin
Today drink a lot and to the bottom
Wonderful sparkling wine!

Every enterprise, factory, or even small store necessarily holds corporate events for employees. For some, it's just a feast. At such an event, it would be very appropriate to make a toast to work. A person spends most of his time at work, so the team, to some extent, becomes a second family. You should definitely mention this in your toast. It is not at all necessary to praise the management; you can simply wish prosperity to the entire enterprise and mention the role it plays in the life of each employee. A toast at such an event will be a surprise for everyone and will once again remind you why everyone has gathered at the table. It is imperative to wish prosperity and success to each of the employees. Such a performance will definitely be received with a bang.

Who among us does not dream of success in business?
And I think we must drink
For being on our career ladder
The steps were not smeared with soap.
So that the boss does not turn out to be a usurper,
So that employees are not boring,
To be lifted up by an escalator,
And we would have to fly down with parachutes.

Workaholics, plowmen, nerds,
The golden arsenal of our days!
You are so busy with your work,
That they almost registered on it.
You can't even lure you home with a carrot.
So let's take it to our chests,
So that everyone is a little bit of a nerd,
And a nerd is a little bit normal!

Until our retirement
Life will be full
And we won’t get tired of work.
Without changing the route,
Let us live cool -
The only thing steeper than Mount Everest!

I want to raise a glass of wine
For what unites us.
She may not be visible
And sometimes it gets boring
But still, it’s impossible without her!
And, by and large, brothers,
I've loved her for a long time. So,
Let's drink to work!

She gives everyone their daily bread,
And without her we are nowhere!
After all, without work it will be boring,
And without her, trouble awaits us.
Hurry, fill the glasses,
Let's drink to work!
After all, we are all professionals!
Not used to living without work

So that everyone, like Emelya,
Had my own golden pike,
And to promotions in your career
He wouldn't put his hand to it:
The reports were made by themselves,
Clients would be like those heroes
In a solid, majestic formation
They grew like out of the ground!
Salaries tripled
And the boss did not scold us, but himself,
Then our craft would be any
We performed with honor and love!

Our team is friendly,
We work as needed!
And celebrating the holiday
Let's relax as we need to!
Let's fill all the glasses,
To make it more fun,
Our toast to the team!
Even though it is very simple!

I want to raise a toast to the team,
I wish you all happiness and good luck!
I also want to say on this day,
That I adore my entire team!
Friends, let's continue to live,
Well, working together is very friendly,
Don't get angry, don't swear, don't grieve,
In short, let's all live as we should!

We work every day, friends,
We all work tirelessly,
But we can’t help but celebrate the holiday!
We will sit together as a team in a tight circle,
Let's pour red wine into glasses,
And let's drink to our warm team!
And we will drink the wine to the dregs for us,
Let there be positivity in the team!

Things happen in a team,
Someone is offended by someone,
But we have been friends for many years,
The team is better, we know, no!
On this holiday I want to say my toast,
I wish the team friendship,
And there will always be work!
Together we have no problem with grief!

We've all known each other for a long time,
We respect each other very much
We have a wonderful team!
We radiate positivity!
Let's have a drink now
A glass of wine for all of us!
May we, friends, be healthy,
And ready for new exploits!

Toasts to colleagues in prose should be well thought out. After all, colleagues are not family members who will always support you and even understand a poorly constructed phrase as it should. Colleagues, of course, also need to be congratulated from the heart, but each of your wishes must first be examined in your mind’s eye from all sides.

Dear colleague! I wish you happiness with all my heart. But what is happiness? It is just a moment compared to our short-term life, not to mention Eternity. As one of my friends said: “Life is full of difficulties, and in it there are only a few happy stories" I wish you to have as many happy stories in your life as possible.

Colleague! I wish you fabulous wealth. However, there are things more important than money. Because what we run after and what we strive for rarely brings us real satisfaction. Every person dreams of material well-being. There are more important things, for example: love, peace. Acute happiness gives us only a short respite (and is it always legitimate and useful?). Therefore, I would like to wish you something more real and unshakable than the illusory happiness that this unsteady world gives us. Be wise and careful

Dear colleague! I want to wish you success in your actions and endeavors, if, of course, they are reasonable enough. Chekhov said in one of his works: “We must rejoice in the success of others, because even a small success is a step towards truth and truth.” Here's to your success!

One wise man said: “Do not worry about wealth, for it will grow wings and fly away like a bird.” I don’t wish you wealth and poverty - these two extremes. Wealth is a great responsibility and concern. Money spoils even the best of people. And poverty is sometimes unbearable. So let's choose something in between. I wish you prosperity. Be!

Colleague, my dear ally! One holy man said that one must be able to rejoice with others. Not many people know how to sympathize with the grief of others either. And probably only children can laugh sincerely and share someone else’s joy, even if they don’t understand its meaning. Therefore, I sincerely want to rejoice with you for any reason!

Colleague! I wish you good luck in your career and life plans, if they do not diverge from generally accepted norms and morals. Be vain, but fair. Remain demanding, but have leniency towards human weaknesses and no one will judge you. For none of us is without sin. For your true happiness, male strength and crystal honesty

In your own words

I owe you the best leisure and variety funny stories that happened to us during joint holidays! Do you remember how it was then... Oh well, you still can’t remember and list everything at once! I raise my glass to you! I was very lucky that life confronted me not with bookworms or bores, but with the most cheerful and versatile people. All of you have become my friends for a long time. I hope that no treacherous Judas will infiltrate our ranks and introduce discord and gossip. Here's to you, my dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues! If I were born again, I would certainly go to work for our organization in order to see your family and friends again! I am happy to be a member of our close-knit and friendly community! We are a useful unit of society, a necessary link, making an undeniable contribution to the development of our civilization! Like little bees, we make our earth more perfect with our imperceptible painstaking work. We are the best, for us!

Every working person has to celebrate holidays at work at least once in their life. We are glad that you are doing this in our company today. I would like to tell you that you are the most beloved and respected employee. Your jokes relieve the tension, your good mood puts you in a positive mood, and your attitude towards life makes you believe in miracles. So I raise my glass in your honor. Let your holiday take place at work, but remember that you are loved and respected here!

Today, as usual, you are surrounded by colleagues. But today is not an ordinary day, you have a holiday. Please accept our congratulations. May good luck rain on you. Let luck follow you on a bicycle, and happiness fly easily, like balloon. Let work not be a burden. Of course, when you come to work, you immediately want to go home. But, you fight this feeling. After all, staying at work will be rewarded. And at the end of the month there will be a torrential rain of money. Therefore, colleague, here’s to you and to the pouring rain that will make you happy!

I know that you love your job. You can stay late in the evening, or come early in the morning. You always carry out all assignments responsibly. And you are the soul of the team. You can rely on you and not worry that the department will be left unattended if someone is absent. Besides, you are the most beautiful girl at our enterprise. And your kindness sometimes knows no bounds. Therefore, of course, for you, for your bright future and for your victories and achievements!

Our company had many employees. All specialists have always been different. Everyone had different character and attitude towards work. You, colleague, immediately impressed the team with your charm. It’s easy to resolve any issue with you, and a responsible approach guarantees a positive outcome to any matter. I want to raise a glass to always have a bright streak in your life, may love never leave you. Let there be fewer problems in life, and let good luck allow you to confidently move forward, both in your personal life and in work!

With such a good person
It's always easy for me to work
And I know you can substitute
Your reliable shoulder!

And we will share the difficulties with you,
And we'll sit at lunch,
And we'll meet after work,
And we'll talk heart to heart!

Today, on holiday, I wish you,
So that everything bad goes away,
And I'll drink to your health,
May you always be lucky in business!

Colleague, I'll drink to you,
May you always be lucky
So that there is health in the house,
So that all the bad things recede.

So that you never lose heart,
Receive your salary immediately
So that all dreams come to life,
May they give you a bonus!

Dear colleague, on this wonderful birthday, I want to wish you great victories in your work, career growth, a very friendly team, a big bag of salaries! May prosperity, love and care reign in your family. Be positive and healthy, beautiful, resilient and cheerful. I'm proud to work with you. Let's empty our glasses for you!

It's good to work with you
You always have my back,
And I drink to you today,
You won't get bored!

I wish you to live without troubles,
I wish you joy, prosperity,
I wish you long years,
And so that everything is in order!

To build a mansion
Have a huge dacha
So as not to be sad over trifles,
I wish you happiness!

Today, on this solemn day, joining the ranks of the guests... (IO of the birthday boy), I solemnly swear:
- always be a support and a solid rear during everyday work;
- lend your shoulder if you don’t have the strength to go further;
- give away the last handkerchief if you want to cry;
- drink a glass for the bonus you (you) received, and a bottle for a promotion;
- put a footrest if you lift your nose too much.
I swear to honor this oath until calculations separate us.
Let's seal this oath with a glass of wine.
P.S. Write the text of the oath on a “scroll of parchment” and hand it to the birthday person.

Happy birthday to our colleague today. Let us all raise our mugs and glasses to him as a close-knit, friendly team. We wish you to go to work with joy and anticipation in the morning, and to run home in the evening, where the warmth and comfort of home will await you.

Dear colleague, happy birthday. We wish you to fly to the sea, relax to the fullest, and spend your vacation to the fullest! May everything you wish come true right now! For you!

Today we raise a glass of champagne to our colleague. Happy birthday! We wish you always a good mood, feel free to apply creative ideas and easily walk up the rungs of the career ladder.

Dear (name), it is not in vain that we have gathered at this hour, because today is your birthday. So accept congratulations! We wish you to drink everything to the dregs so that your life line is long and without flaws. I wish you happiness and energy for further fruitful work!

Colleague, I drink to you.
Your years suit you,
I wish you happiness, long years,
Have a good life and no troubles!

So that all your dreams come to life,
And all the days were bright,
I wish you well
My congratulations for you!