The worst gift for February 23rd. place: computers, phones, IT accessories

Very soon the most important men's holiday of the year. It's time to think about what gift to please the stronger sex.

It's not that difficult to please a man. But it happens that some gifts make men want to throw them away immediately after receiving them.

To prevent this from happening to your gift, you can directly ask the man what he would like to receive.

If for some reason you cannot do this or are embarrassed, then we present a list of the worst gifts, according to men, which will help you avoid the most stupid mistakes.
13 worst gifts for a man on February 23

1. Socks

The most obvious option. Even if your man hasn’t added these items to his wardrobe for a long time, you shouldn’t give such a gift.

If he needs them, you can buy them on any other day just like that, but not on a holiday.

2. Underwear

With such an unoriginal gift, you risk not only killing the romance in the relationship, but also offending the man.

Panties with a funny design or design can make a man feel awkward.

You won’t get naked in these at the gym or in the bathhouse with friends.

3. Hygiene products

February 23 is jokingly called “deodorant day.” On the eve of this holiday, all supermarkets are full of sets for men.

Festive packaging of shaving foams, shower gels and other care products fill all the shelves.

Men definitely don’t want to receive such an ordinary gift.

Representatives of the stronger sex take care of their appearance no less than women, and many of them will take this as a hint that they smell unpleasant or are unkempt.

4. Men's cosmetics

Metrosexuals are an extremely rare phenomenon in our country, and are not found at all outside large cities. Therefore, men's cosmetics can cause confusion and misunderstanding on the part of the stronger sex.

If you want to give your loved one a face cream or anti-wrinkle product, just put the jar on the shelf in the bathroom. This gift should not be timed to coincide with Men's Day.

5. Shaving accessories

A man may disapprove of a razor as a gift.

Firstly, he probably already has this personal hygiene item. And quite possibly not alone.

Secondly, it’s unlikely that you have an exact idea of ​​what your man expects from a good razor. Perhaps he is quite happy with his machine and has no plans to change it.

Even if your gift is made by a famous brand and good quality, for some reason it may not suit the recipient.

6. A gift from a joke shop

Men value a sense of humor, but not on their holiday. Especially when women give ridiculous trinkets and figurines on such a men's holiday.

Men, by nature, are very practical. Therefore, all unnecessary gifts, such as a “bachelor’s set”, a beer helmet or a military-style hot water bottle, will most likely amuse a man, but will not be used by them.

The only desire that such items will evoke is to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

7. Everything for smoking

Ashtrays, lighters and cigars are so often given as gifts with or without reason that they are no longer of interest to men.

Even if they are very original and unusual. A gift that supports bad habits, difficult to classify as good.

Moreover, now healthy image life is very fashionable.

8. Video games

Men are children at heart and real age does not play a role here. Computer games remain a favorite pastime for many.

It is very difficult to choose such a gift. The game may not be interesting or suitable for his computer system.

If you guessed right and the gift was to your liking, then you risk being left in splendid isolation for several evenings. After all, your lover will probably want to complete all the levels and become the winner.

9. Money

A gift is, first of all, a memory, and money will not leave any reminder of itself after the holiday.

In addition, many representatives of the stronger sex will decide that you did not want to choose a gift or simply forgot.

By giving this gift, you risk not only expressing disrespect, but also offending the man.

10. Sweets and flowers

Despite the opinion that receiving flowers is no less pleasant for men than for women, such a gift should be immediately crossed off the list.

Bouquet of flowers

No matter how beautiful the bouquet is, it will cause bewilderment for most men.

You shouldn't give sweets and cookies either. Even if they are very tasty, such a gift will put a man in an awkward position.

After all, he perceives goodies as a dessert, and not as a present. In addition, representatives of the stronger sex believe that sweet gifts significantly reduce their masculinity.

11. Sex

Romance is also no stranger to men's hearts. And they want to feel welcome and loved not only on holidays.

Men do not want to receive as a gift what rightfully belongs to them every day.

And it’s better to use a new set of erotic lingerie or a sex toy without waiting for the holiday.

12. Alcohol

A banal gift. Most often, alcohol is presented as a thank you for a service, but not as a separate holiday gift.

Even if you present very high-quality alcohol famous brand, anyway, such a gift will only leave you with a headache in the morning.

13. Car accessories

Automotive small items, car fragrances or car care products will also not cause pleasant emotions.

Men know better what is necessary for their favorite means of transportation.

They prefer to make their own choices and purchases. the necessary details and funds. No wonder trips to the garage are so popular in our country.

Whatever gift you give a man, the main thing is to do it from the heart!

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the editors of NU_online found out what kind of gift is worst option on February 23. Read and remember - there is still time to buy the right gifts!

Ivan Popov

sixth year student Medical Institute NEFU

The worst gift is stability. When they give socks and shaving foam year after year. I have ever given a gift that a person did not expect and was very happy about - for this New Year I brought my girlfriend expensive Chanel perfume from America. True, I had to go hungry a little after that, but I liked the gift. And in response, she gave me what I had long dreamed of - a star map that glows in the dark.

Alexandra Cherkashina

3rd year student, Faculty of History, NEFU

The worst gift is giving something that is not needed. And to find out what a person wants, you need to find out more about him - carefully look through his social networks, pay attention to what pages the person is subscribed to, what sweepstakes he participates in. The “ask directly” option is not suitable if a person likes surprises, like my brother, for example. In our family, I usually try to give him a gift; his relatives just give him money; it’s hard for them to keep track of his tastes.

Darina Ediseeva

11th grade student of the Pokrovsky ulus multidisciplinary gymnasium

I think there is no worse gift for February 23rd. After all, regardless of what a person gave to his brother, husband, father, son, everyone will be pleased, because it is still a sign of attention and care. As they say, happiness is in the little things. Every person tries to please their male loved ones with bright gifts, even if this gift does not cost a large amount of money.

Peter Kychkin

first-year master's student at the Institute of Psychology of NEFU

As a child, on this day I really liked to receive material gifts from parents, relatives and classmates. He was happy with absolutely any gift: even a card with congratulations, as a sign of attention. But with age, of course, you realize the true meaning of this wonderful holiday.

Now it doesn’t matter to me whether I receive a gift or not, but I will be glad to receive congratulations, including verbal ones. A stereotype has long been established: the best (“worst”) gift for February 23rd is socks and a tie. I would not refuse such gifts. Most likely, the worst gift for me would be lack of attention and congratulations. Of course, I myself am in the ranks Russian army I didn’t serve, but I’m raising two sons, future defenders of the Fatherland.

Maria Semenova

Assistant Vice-Rector for Humanitarian Education and Corporate Policy NEFU

Perhaps the worst gift is actually receiving socks (as in memes) or shaving foam. We don't really celebrate the holiday. We just go somewhere. The most terrible gift in my life was a fish bowl given to me when I was four years old. It’s still sitting at home, but I can’t bring myself to throw it away. Why they gave it to me is a mystery to me, especially since I’m not a fan of fish.

Marfa Tarabukina

Head of the Department of Russian Language, Faculty of Philology, NEFU

The worst gift for February 23rd is lack of attention. It is customary on February 23 to congratulate men who served in the army, and I believe that this is a holiday for all men, young and old. I plan to give my men a certificate from a hunting and fishing store. Happy holiday to all men! I wish you peaceful skies and prosperity in everything!

Alexander Cherkashin

senior lecturer of the department physical education Institute physical culture and sports NEFU

I’d rather tell you about the best gift for February 23rd. For me, the most memorable gift was a soldier’s cap, my father gave it on February 23, when I was studying at primary school. I still remember this day and date.

Andrey Mozharov

third year student at the School of Energy Engineering, Tomsk Polytechnic University

In general, any gift is good, the main thing is attention. But if you have to single out the worst one, perhaps it’s deodorant. A hint that I smell bad. I myself also happened to give banal gifts - flowers and sweets. And the most unexpected and pleasant gift for me was a large homemade cake, it was very tasty and pleasant.

Alena Gogoleva

third-year student of the Faculty of History of NEFU

I believe that gifts should be practical and can be used. for a long time. In this choice, one must, naturally, take into account the tastes of the person to whom the gift is intended. Nowadays people usually have a negative attitude towards gifts in the form of personal hygiene items or socks, but I think that if you approach the preparation in an original way and with imagination, you can even make a good gift out of such gifts.

Giving socks and shaving foam as gifts is no longer funny at all, and jokes on this topic have long been tired. If your gift is on the list below, throw away this gift. Well please.

Shower gel and shaving foam

Dear girls! Imagine that on March 8, your man gave you shower gel. “Is he hinting that I smell bad?”, “Why do I need this?”, “I can spend 100 rubles on my gel myself,” - these are your first thoughts. So why do you think men will think differently?

Another option for a “wonderful gift” is shampoo - and for dandruff. Such a gift will not make you happy, but will only ruin your relationship, any kind: personal, friendly, or even work.

Socks and underwear

Even if your man is not a fan of shopping for this kind of goods, you don’t need to give them to him on Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is stupid, humiliating and somehow too “patronizing” of you. If you need to buy it, go and buy it on any other day, and do not give it as a gift.

If you want to joke this way. All kinds of “family shirts with a heart” and “thongs in the shape of an elephant” could at least be understood nine days ago, on Valentine’s Day. I wouldn’t have liked this gift very much even then, but on a men’s holiday it’s absolutely terrible.

Insoles and slippers

At all, bad idea give a man a gift from the “comfort and peace” series. There's a good chance he'll think, "She thinks I'm a wreck who needs these orthotics." House slippers, even with superheroes... Would such a gift make you very happy? Imagine, you are over twenty, and your lover brings you Czech shoes with a Barbie doll. Can you think of anything less sexy?


Well, it would seem - which is simpler. But no, giving a bottle of cognac/tequila and even Calvados is a waste of time. At the very least, you will be suspected of poor taste (90% of the time you will get burned). The most unpleasant thing that can happen is that the man will think that you are sure: “Nothing inspires him, at least let him drink.” The exception is good expensive drinks. Or if you knew that he had long wanted to try this.


Those men who would happily hang on their wall “Bunnies Jumping Under a Bush” by the so-called Ivan Pupkin are not generally congratulated on this holiday. And the rest are unlikely to be moved by “such a daub.” It is unlikely that you are going to give away an original painting for Defender of the Fatherland Day that was purchased for the price of an apartment in the center of Moscow.


Cups, mugs, plates, pans... Just why? Even if he's lonely. He's had it all for a long time. And what kind of gift is this mug? Suppose you often spend the night with this man and want to say in the morning: “Darling, I borrowed your mug for coffee.” So who is this gift for?

Items from a joke store

Men are quite practical people. Therefore, they will be happy with your gift when you hand it over (to make you smile) and when one fine day they clean up, throwing away all this unnecessary trash. So think 500 times before handing over the “Identification better man", this helmet that fits two cans of beer, and other nonsense.


Your man has been pining for six months about how much he wants a drill/hammer/quadcopter. And so you made up your mind - you went to the nearest store and bought a more or less acceptable option. He was delighted and... shoved this object into the farthest corner. The fact is that he didn’t want some kind of drill/hammer/quadcopter, but a very specific brand and with certain characteristics. And now you have given a gift, and it is not clear what to do with it - the item seems to be there, which means you can’t buy a new one. And it’s not convenient - you’ll throw a tantrum.

The exception is if you knew that this is exactly what he wanted. He poked at this model in front of you. So, only in this case, go exactly for it (ideally to the same store where what you wanted was noticed). If it's not there, come up with something else. Well, no need, dear ladies.


Any tobacco is no less intimate than underwear, shower gel, and so on. He can buy cigarettes for himself. If we talk about other products: it’s not a fact that you will get it right, for example, with a vape (you may not like the color/shape/design of this device). If it’s cigars or cigarillos, they are also selected according to taste, strength and a million other criteria. The same applies to pipes/ashtrays (they generally run the risk of becoming dead weight).

Compasses, expensive pens and so on

You shouldn’t go into a souvenir shop and grab the first thing that comes to hand. Most likely, he has something similar - from his colleagues. And anyway, why, say, does a sales manager who likes to spend Friday evenings in front of the TV need your stupid compass? He will find his own apartment anyway.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is getting closer, awakening women's souls excitement and anxiety: what to give, how to invest in one small item the full amount of joy, respect, love and care? We present 10 best gifts on February 23, according to men.

10. Cosmetics and perfumes

Shower gel, shaving foam and a bar of soap in a transparent cellophane package tied with a ribbon blue color. Top gifts for banality. But even a gift from this category can be successful under three conditions: it is expensive; it is of high quality; the recipient is guaranteed to like it.

Pros: fast.

Cons: It’s not pleasant to find your gift untouched six months later.

Preparation: month. During this time, you can carefully elicit the recipient’s preferences by offering to smell several samples.

9. Alcohol

According to men, such a gift will always be in demand - if not right now, then certainly after some time.

Good option: expensive brands of cognac, whiskey, rum, absinthe, tequila, Calvados in beautiful packaging.

Bad option: cheap wine, vodka, homemade liqueur.

Cons: It’s hard to find something truly original unless you have connections in an Indian village, where once every 100 years shamans prepare a cactus tincture using the tears of a virgin.

8. Wardrobe items or accessories

Good option:
stylish leather belt, neckerchief, expensive and high quality sunglasses, purse.

Bad option: a pack of socks, another tie, a pack of handkerchiefs.

Plus: fast and simple.

Minus: a gift may seem boring if it doesn’t hit the heart one hundred percent.

7. Gift card

...for goods, services or entertainment - the best gifts for colleagues on February 23. Only the amount must be significant.

Plus: fast; the gift will be 100% in demand.

6. I remember a wonderful moment

Men can be romantics too! A good option: a candlelit dinner in a trusted restaurant, a certificate for a massage, a trip for two (from a bungalow in Thailand to a horseback riding tour in Altai), tickets to a concert of your favorite band.

Not the best gifts for men on Defender of the Fatherland Day: a spa, a kayaking trip, if he is allergic to mosquitoes.

5. For your favorite toy

Does the recipient have a four-wheeled friend? Then a good gift option is to choose something that will make your daily work life easier. Will be well received: Automotive tool kit, universal charger, GPS navigator.

Plus: He uses it, which means he remembers.

Preparation: a month to clarify preferences and time to explore a new area.

4. War is a matter for the young

Kill the mammoth! Live a year in a hut in the middle of the wild, full of dangers forests! Stand on the edge of a cliff on the roof of the world! The heart of every man will tremble at these words.

Good option: comfortable and beautiful hunting knife, snowboard wax, ski goggles, tent, warm and light sleeping bag, kit and so on.

Pros: you know for sure that your gift will be appreciated.

Cons: you will have to make an effort to find out the preferences of the recipient; explore a new area of ​​knowledge; choose the best.

3. Gadget or IT accessory

External hard drive large capacity, excellent sound, latest model smartphone, tablet or laptop - good gift guy on February 23rd. Or some gadget that a man sighs about last year, like a quadcopter, or a lens for macro photography.

Attention: a case for a flash drive in the shape of a plastic naked woman or a weirdly shaped mouse (they look good, but it’s inconvenient to use them all the time).

2. Eternal child

There is a child in the soul of every person, and he also needs attention and care. We guarantee that these will be the most original gifts on February 23rd!

Good option: radio controlled cars, helicopters, game console, collectible models.

Bad option: plastic figurines of superheroes from Children's World.

Carefully: you need to know a man's tastes well.

And here is the leader in the ranking of the best gifts for February 23. You can: dance a dance wild horses in the costume of a cowboy girl, pretend to be an odalisque from the harem of the great sultan, an Egyptian priestess or appear as Daenerys - it’s up to you.

More gift ideas for Defender of the Fatherland Day

This multifunctional tool is a great thing that replaces a man with a whole set of tools, such as a screwdriver, pliers, side cutters, a knife, etc. Need to clean contacts or remove a nail from a board? No problem. Need to open a bottle but don't have a corkscrew at hand? There is a multitool for this. Despite their compact size, multitools can hold up to 30 tools. A small multitool can be carried in your pocket; a larger multitool can be stored in the glove compartment of a car or in a bag. An indispensable thing for cyclists, motorists, lovers of hiking and outdoor activities, as well as for “techies”.

A good choice for active guys. Now the athlete will be able to track his heart rate during training, the distance traveled and the number of calories burned, and monitor how long and how well he slept. He will also receive information about text messages and calls without interrupting his workout.

Fans " Star Wars" so many. And if your husband, son or relative loves the heroes of this franchise, then he will certainly appreciate a mug in the shape of the helmet of Darth Vader, Boba Fett, an imperial stormtrooper or R2-D2. They cost about 1000 rubles in Russian online stores. According to some reviews, these mugs do not have very convenient removable lids (they are easy to move and break), so be careful.

As an addition: a true fan of Darth Vader can be given a Gillette Proshield branded machine along with a mug. Star Wars: Rogue One. This is the most advanced Gillette machine ever created. It uses technology found within lightsaber Jedi to achieve the smoothest, cleanest shave possible in this universe. You can purchase it on the Amazon online platform.

Black leather, silver or gold buckle, designer name. A classic that will never go out of fashion and will always be useful as long as men wear pants.

A practical and useful gift (provided you know exactly the size of the recipient’s feet) that will keep your feet warm during the winter. The sole should be rubber (polyurethane slips a lot and quickly turns to stone) and have good grip on the road so that the man does not slip during icy conditions. Leatherette boots - good budget option, which has only one drawback: the legs “don’t breathe” and sweat.

A more “advanced” option is breathable faux eco-leather. And the most expensive, but also durable and comfortable option for the feet is genuine leather (pork, calf, cow or bovine). It is better not to take boots made of velor or suede if a man walks a lot. Otherwise, the gift will quickly lose its beautiful appearance.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is approaching - a holiday when we congratulate our men. What to give your loved one on February 23? And how not to make a mistake with a gift? Let's try to learn from other women's mistakes. Today we asked our male readers to tell us about the most ridiculous gifts they have ever received.

Roman, 29, auto mechanic: My beloved gave me a puppy as a gift, which she herself dreamed of. Now, every time my cute dog leaves puddles and piles, I hear the phrase: “Clean up after your dog!” Well, isn't she cute to me?!?

Mikhail, 30, economist: My girlfriend believes that she has an amazing sense of humor and the ability to make memorable, creative gifts. Here in last time I received a candle in the form manhood, painted with gold paint. Well, just eternal flame and a monument to the phallus in one set! Why do I need it, I was afraid to ask, to be honest...

Anton, 28, entrepreneur: I have always been annoyed by receiving shaving kits as gifts - apparently as punishment for being harmful, they are constantly presented to me. And one day they gave me as many as three (!) identical razors, and I already had a couple of identical ones at home. I also don’t like it when a girl gives perfume or eau de toilette, which she thinks is cool, but somehow she didn’t bother to inquire about my taste. There’s already a lot of such rubbish at home - and it seems a shame to re-gift it.

Yuri, 26, lawyer: I once received an expensive anti-wrinkle cream as a gift - I never asked why I needed it? In my opinion, I’m still young, and, how can I say this... well, I’m a man!

Egor, 24, marketing specialist: Once I was given a set of cosmetics, among which was a hygienic lipstick with a pomegranate scent and a reddish tint. Moreover, I learned about the shade from friends. They obviously didn’t understand me then...

Matvey, 32, logistician: I was lucky enough to receive a watch box as a gift from my wife, which contained a pregnancy test with two strips. By the way, I dreamed of a good watch and while I was unpacking the package, I was hoping to see exactly that. Therefore, then, not yet realizing how lucky I was with the gift, I said in disappointment: “So this is not a watch...” The “watch” will soon go to kindergarten, and my wife still remembers this incident to me.

Dmitry, 27, manager: Recently my wife gave me a pillow on which she now sleeps. I was also given a wallet that didn’t fit money and a wallet that didn’t fit credit cards - and on the same day, from two different girls. Maybe there was a sale of defective wallets somewhere? And, the most mysterious gift for me - a disc with Britney Spears hits - what connection between me and Britney I still don’t understand...

Anton, 25, architect: A girl once presented me with an elegant box containing women’s lace underwear. After putting it on, she declared that she was giving me all of herself. No, of course I didn’t refuse the gift, but at first, I admit, I wanted to give her covers for my car.

As you can see, not only men sometimes give pots, candlesticks and soft bunnies at random - we also sometimes make mistakes in choosing a gift. Do you know such cases?

The survey was conducted by Yulia Prikhodko