Is it possible to take garbage to the landfill yourself? Garbage removal: hire a company or do it yourself? When you need to act on your own

To the question of where to throw away garbage in Moscow from an apartment (large and small), there is no clear answer, since these are different categories of garbage. For small waste, if the house does not have a garbage chute, there are containers located at garbage sites in almost every block.

Where to throw the garbage?

Garbage is different from garbage, it could be food waste, waste paper, plastic container, worn-out items, glass, leather, wood, and all this can be thrown into the trash container. However, do not confuse small waste with large waste, which includes worn-out furniture, household appliances, waste overhaul, and this could be flooring, doors, window frames, brick, plumbing. Such garbage is classified as oversized, and most often residents must remove it on our own. The exception is those residents who have concluded an additional agreement with the management company for the provision of additional service, that is, removal of oversized waste. As a rule, such things are decided at a general meeting of residents, and payment for removal is included in the number of utility payments for the maintenance of a residential building. That is, the collection and removal of bulky waste is included in total number collection and removal services for all waste. As a result, at the garbage site about garbage containers An additional large box is placed where bulky waste is stored. If there is no such box, it means that the additional agreement has not been drawn up, and management company is not obliged to accept and export the dimensions. No one has the right to throw furniture, sofas, gas stoves and other large rubbish into ordinary containers or place them nearby.

Where should bulky waste go?

In this case, what should you do with it, look for the car yourself, take permission for disposal, negotiate with the loaders, but it’s just some kind of emergency. Is there a simpler way to solve this?

In fact, municipal services cannot cope with the removal of waste, let alone large items, so you can often see heaps of garbage lying around containers. Statistics show that every year every person throws into the trash several hundred kilograms of all kinds of waste, small and large. Their timely and quick cleaning is necessary; people come across landfills along the streets and in courtyards. Therefore, it is high time for the city authorities to involve specialized companies in this that are engaged in the removal of waste, both small and large, and the disposal of furniture and household appliances. However, many consider paying for such services unjustified and do not approach this problem seriously enough.

It would seem that it would be easier to collect the garbage in a bag and take it out into a container, but what about the gas stove, refrigerator, where to put the old furniture when new ones are about to be delivered? Probably, in his life, every person sooner or later faced a similar situation, changed household appliances, bought new furniture. Many were taken out into the yard, where the objects gradually dispersed somewhere, someone would take the furniture, someone would hand over the slab for metal, and many things are still on public display to this day. More often, people take them to the landfill themselves, for which they hire a truck, but whether it will take large-sized garbage for disposal or unload it at an unauthorized landfill is another question.

Professional removal required

There will be those who will say that he doesn’t care where his old sofa or kitchen set. But fortunately there are fewer and fewer such people. The consciousness of the people is increasing, the culture of behavior is growing, many people cannot calmly see how the surroundings are littered randomly and nature is being destroyed. It is much more correct and reasonable to arrange professional garbage removal instead of administrative fines and penalties. different sizes from courtyards, from apartments and houses.

Our company has long and successfully solved problems of where to throw away garbage in Moscow from an apartment (large and small), and specializes in cleaning different types of waste in any district of Moscow. Our company’s employees carefully and quickly remove small household and large-sized waste from an apartment or private building, clean yards from dirt, and install waste collection containers. Our work is not only small waste, we dismantle large items, simplify their loading and collection, compactly stack the waste so that it takes up less space for removal by one vehicle. All this makes garbage removal from an apartment in Moscow convenient, fast and profitable.

We take care of our clients, develop a well-thought-out financial policy, effective operating technology, have a staff of experienced professional workers, and a fleet of vehicles of various sizes, so we are capable of solving any problems related to the removal of household waste. We service houses and individual apartments, we respond to urgent calls, we don’t go different options mutually beneficial cooperation. Call us by phone, and experienced managers will professionally answer all your questions.

Over the years of his life, a person produces tons of garbage. On average, according to statistics, from 1 kg. per day. And every year this figure is slowly but surely growing. People are purchasing more and more things, sending their old counterparts and piles of packaging material to landfills. The problem of getting rid of garbage is becoming more acute.

Many are dissatisfied with the work of municipal services that take care of waste removal. Housing and communal services often fail to cope with their responsibilities. And people, for the sake of cleanliness, are ready to solve this problem on their own.

Is it legal to dispose of household waste yourself? And how to do it correctly?

Your property is your concern

According to the law, household, construction and industrial waste- the property of the one who produced it. And concern for its fate is entirely on the shoulders of the owner. If the volume allows you to throw bags of waste into the trunk of your car and take them to the landfill yourself, that’s one thing. Completely solvable and uncomplicated.

What if you can’t cope on your own? In the service market, in addition to sluggish utility companies, there are private organizations that are ready to take care of your garbage.

You can contact the company "Reverse", which has been collecting and removing waste for more than 10 years, and has a powerful base for transporting waste different types and hazard class.

Rules for independent

Current legislation gives the right to both private individuals and legal entities to remove waste on their own. To do this, you must follow several rules:

  • waste must be transported only to places designated by the authorities - landfills. And nowhere else;
  • It is necessary to sort waste by type and hazard class. There are 5 hazard classes. By type, waste is divided into solid household, construction and industrial;
  • if the waste has a high hazard class, a license is required for its transportation and disposal;
  • Each type of waste has its own requirements and sanitary standards for removal and disposal. Violation of these norms entails fines and administrative penalties.
  • Each type of waste must be stored in appropriate waste receptacles. The dimensions and strength of containers for collecting various types of waste are also regulated by law;
  • disposal, disposal and processing of waste at a landfill costs money. Free to dump unnecessary trash to a landfill - illegal.

The law allows you to take out your own garbage. But this process is associated with large costs, both time and finances. Therefore, in order to save your nerves, time and money, you should turn to professionals.

Every day a person leaves behind a large amount of waste. To remove and dispose of garbage in Moscow without violating the law, you must contact waste removal companies.

Despite the presence large quantity packaging materials and utility organizations this problem continues to be acute in our country. State housing and communal services cannot cope with the entire volume. The question arises: is it possible to solve the problem yourself?

The process of self-removal of waste must be carried out in accordance with regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection”;
  • Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”.

Process Features

According to current legislation, litter belongs to the individual or enterprise that produced it. If the volume is small, then it is quite possible to pack it in bags and bring it to the nearest landfill in the trunk.

However, it is not always possible to get rid of waste so easily. There is litter of a high hazard class. For its disposal, modern equipment must be used.

Basic rules for self-export

The law does not limit human rights regarding waste transportation. He can easily do this on his own. The process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. That is why you should adhere to a number of basic rules:

  • Waste may only be transported to landfills. These are legally designated places for waste disposal.
  • The landfill will only accept waste if it is pre-sorted into hazard classes. Today there are five of them. Additionally, it should be noted that waste can be household, industrial or construction waste.
  • For transporting waste from high class danger, you must have a license. The same document gives the landfill the right to carry out disposal.
  • When transporting each type of waste, the rules and regulations of sanitary hygiene must be observed. Otherwise, the risk of a violation being recorded by state control bodies increases. In this case, the person will be required to pay a significant fine.
  • There must be garbage receptacles for each class of waste. When renting or purchasing them, you should consider the size, durability, and storage method. These norms are also in the legislation.
  • A certain amount of money must be paid to dispose of waste at a landfill. Dumping waste free of charge in front of a landfill is illegal and may result in penalties for an administrative violation.

The current legislation allows private or legal entity take out the garbage yourself. However, the process will require spending not only finances, but also personal time. It is much cheaper to seek help from real professionals in their field. They have great experience work in this area, so they organize everything quickly and efficiently.

I decided to remind readers of the basic principles of household decluttering.

Trash bin discord

First of all, you need to remember once and for all that garbage is separated into different types. There is a separate city landfill for each type. Regular small household waste (clothes or food waste), can be thrown into standard bins located in every yard. However, when it comes to old equipment, furniture, and plumbing fixtures, this is already solid household waste. For them, so-called “bunkers” are provided in the areas. In Moscow, you can find out about the location of the bunker in your area from the local government or your management company.

The basics of decluttering: how to properly store things in your dachaThe capricious and unstable early spring weather does not frighten Russian private “farmers”, who are already rubbing their hands with might and main over the seedlings growing in trays and, of course, storing the next batch of very “necessary” things for transportation to the dacha. The RIA Real Estate website conducted a survey among experienced summer residents and collected several useful tips about how not to turn a house and land plot in the storage of unnecessary things.

As for construction waste (old tiles, plaster, glass, finishing elements), throw it into standard waste bins. household waste or into a bunker is strictly prohibited, warn experts from the State budgetary institution city ​​of Moscow "Zhilishchnik Akademicheskiy District". There is a fine for violating waste disposal rules.

Those who independently decide to ship bulky waste to a city landfill can also fall into the trap. Firstly, you need to know which landfill you need to take this or that waste to, and secondly, you need to have a special license for this, otherwise you will simply not be allowed there.

Well, the removal of construction waste is entirely the work of the owners themselves. In any case, you will have to do this at your own expense. Although, near new buildings that are in the process of being occupied, many developers install a construction bunker at the request of apartment buyers.

Furniture, goodbye

Get rid of old furniture possible in several ways. If the furniture is in good condition and it’s a shame to throw it away, then you should try to sell it through services like However, you need to be careful, now more and more often scammers are operating through such sites, offering to make payments to a card through a terminal, having previously informed them of certain details of your card. Under no circumstances agree to such conditions, no matter how much you would like to sell.

If you need to remove old furniture quickly, and its safety is not important to you, then you can resort to the help of special companies, such as "Hlama". However, here you will have to spend money. Let's say, delivering a car and the work of loaders will cost the specified company 2.5 thousand rubles, plus, for example, removing two cabinets will add another 2 thousand rubles to the check. But in general, each piece of furniture is valued separately, somewhere around 500, somewhere around 800 rubles. In addition, prices may vary depending on the city area or floor, and the availability of an elevator.

And the owners need to be prepared for the furniture to simply be broken. That is, such companies do not sell or give away, but simply remove items. Their fate is no longer in your control.

Household quest: 3 exciting stories of solving everyday problemsIt’s amazing, but sometimes the most banal economic and communal problems, for example, removing old furniture from an apartment or getting a key to mailbox, can turn into an adventure worthy of Zoshchenko’s stories. The RIA Real Estate website continues to collect folk stories household troubles.

But the residents of Moscow (and soon the residents of St. Petersburg) have great opportunity not only to remove old furniture or other unnecessary items for free, but also to receive a reward for this, albeit symbolic. This service is provided by the "Dump" project - a flea market in reverse. The authors of the project estimate the size cash prize the size of a pile of rubbish. For example, a large bag of dishes is valued at 100 rubles, says Svalka founder Alexey Barinsky. However, the company warns that their logisticians do not provide services for dismantling plumbing fixtures or cleaning the apartment after renovation. They come and take away the already prepared things. If for some reason it is difficult for the owner to disassemble large-sized furniture himself, then the "Svalka" employees are ready to help with this, but for a fee in the range of 300-700 rubles.

Clean construction

You can remove construction waste using a Gazelle, if there is not much of it and you plan to remove old furniture along with it. But for complex repairs, if heavy building materials (plaster, concrete, bricks) are to be removed, you will have to order an 8 cubic meter container.

In Moscow, ordering a Gazelle with loader services will cost 4.7 thousand rubles. These prices are called in the company "EcoStroyService". But a construction container for 8 cubic meters will cost 3.5 thousand rubles.

Warning to the owners: a construction container can only stand in the yard for 2 hours, at which point you will need to empty the garbage to the entrance yourself at the right time, or additionally order the services of loaders.

Proper waste disposal is one of the most current problems growing cities. To solve it successfully, it is worth thinking in advance about options for waste removal and pre-collection. If this is done on time, the repair and construction time will be significantly reduced. Disposal of construction waste has its own characteristics, so it is worth distinguishing household waste from those that remain after repairs or construction.

The difference between construction waste and solid waste

TO household waste include everything unnecessary that remains when a person lives in a home. This:

food waste, bones; packaging material; metal, glass, rubber, leather, wood or plastic products, parts thereof; textiles.

Construction waste - containers left over from used paint, cement, mixtures, pieces of reinforced concrete, reinforcement, insulation, glass fragments, drywall, etc.

Requirements for the collection of construction waste

It should be packaged in special bags or placed in containers so as not to spread throughout the surrounding area. More:

It is forbidden to dispose of waste after repairs through devices intended for solid waste - for example, garbage chutes; it is unacceptable to independently transport waste to a general landfill: for construction waste there are special landfills and waste recycling plants; if renovations are underway in private housing, waste removal from the apartment should be carried out to specially designated places in the local area or into containers.

How is garbage removed?

If the repair is carried out at a relatively large area, then you can accumulate garbage and then order a small container. However, you can save money if you team up with one or even several owners of the living space who are renovating the apartment. In this case, you need to find out the price for garbage removal with an 8 m3 container and order it. If necessary, you can agree with the company providing such services about the arrival of loaders, which will speed up the process of collecting and sending waste.

The GlavMusor company is engaged in the removal of construction waste and has its own fleet of vehicles, so for the removal of, for example, a small volume of waste, equipment of the appropriate size is used. This approach makes it possible to establish democratic