College or university: which is better and where to go to study. The difference between a college and a technical school

After finishing 9th grade, each student decides whether to study further or enter a secondary specialized institution. And then the question immediately arises of where to go. What is the difference between college and technical school? To do this, you should consider both options.


The college is an educational institution that implements a program of professional basic and advanced education. The duration of training can be from 2 to 4 years, depending on the specialty. The advanced training program lasts 4 years. You can enroll either after the 9th or 11th grade.

The college prepares mid-level workers and practitioners for all areas of industry, Agriculture, transport and communications, healthcare, culture.

College education is similar to university education. Upon graduation from an educational institution, a student receives a certain qualification and can either work in his specialty or enter a university. Moreover, in the second case, most often the graduate immediately moves on to senior years (second or third).

In college, a student receives student ID, academic year is divided into semesters, between which the exam is taken. In full-time studies, under certain conditions, you can receive a scholarship and use a dormitory.

Technical College

To understand how a college differs from a technical school, we should consider the second type of educational institution. It is also necessary to take into account all the features of the establishment.

The technical school is a secondary specialized educational institution that implements a basic level program. The duration of training lasts from 2 to 3 years depending on the chosen qualification.

Technical schools are divided into three main types: state, non-state and autonomous non-profit institutions of secondary vocational education. You can enter an educational institution after the 9th or 11th grade. Admission of students is carried out on the basis Unified State Exam results and GIA. Please note that studying at a technical school does not provide a deferment from military service and does not exempt from

Differences between technical school and college

From the above description we can draw the first conclusions. So, what is the difference between college and technical school? The second educational institution implements a basic training program, while the first one also implements an in-depth training program. In this regard, there is a difference in the duration of education.

From here you can understand how a technical school differs from a college. This nuance is difficult to notice for an uninitiated person. If a student decides to continue to enroll in a university, then his preparation after college is much better than after technical school. Consequently, it will be much easier for him to learn. This is due to the fact that almost all colleges operate on the basis of universities, and therefore their programs are very similar. But that's not all. Many colleges and universities have some kind of arrangement whereby the final exams of one institution are a pass to study at the second. As a result, it is much easier to enroll.

What's better?

The next question that interests many: which is better - technical school or college? Based on the above, we can already draw conclusions. The technical school produces skilled workers of a certain profession, and the college produces specialists top level. Students who graduate from a second institution have more deep knowledge in a certain area, which makes them more in demand.

In addition, the choice of specialties in colleges is much wider than in technical schools. Moreover, many of them have a narrow focus, which allows them to produce a competent specialist.

And before you decide which is better - a technical school or a college, you still need to understand what is more important. You should know which results are most important. If you only need to obtain a certain working specialty, then studying at a technical school will be enough. If more significant results are expected and further studies at a university are planned, then you should go to college.

And one more difference. Studying at a technical school is similar in principle to the school system, while at a college the program is similar to that of a university. Therefore, studying in an educational institution of the second type is more difficult.

It should be noted that colleges and technical schools in Moscow are distinguished by their large number, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for yourself.

And a few more nuances

It should also be noted the features of training in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. At the university, much attention is paid to theory rather than practice. Therefore, the output is someone who has no work experience. In technical schools and colleges the opposite is true. Much attention is paid to practical training. Therefore, a specialist graduates from a secondary educational institution who has experience in a particular industry and enough level theoretical knowledge. But, despite this, when hiring for most middle and senior positions, preference is given to education received at a university.

It should be noted that every year a lot changes in the country. Various innovations do not bypass the education system either. New ones appear learning programs, institutions. But at present, universities still retain the leading positions. Graduates of these institutions are given first preference.

Advantages of studying in a secondary specialized institution

Although technical school and college have differences, both institutions have the following advantages compared to studying at a university:

  • more short term getting an education;
  • narrow focus of the specialty;
  • less competition for admission;
  • most of the admission places are budget-funded due to less competition compared to universities;
  • learning is easier.

Disadvantages of secondary specialized educational institutions

Colleges and technical schools also have their disadvantages:

  • When applying for a job, preference is given to employees with higher education.
  • Prestige.
  • Specialists in blue-collar specialties most often graduate from technical schools. But, on the other hand, this helps reduce competition. There are much fewer representatives of the blue-collar profession than office employees.

Thus, it was examined how a college differs from a technical school, and where it is better to study. It is necessary to set personal priorities and only then make a decision.

Children who choose a secondary vocational education institution need to understand the question of how a college differs from a technical school in order to understand all the nuances of education. Completion of ninth grade - important stage in the life of every schoolchild. The teenager receives a certificate, and now he has to make a decision about where exactly he will study next. Will it be the tenth or eleventh grades at school, college or technical school.

Quite often, children choose a secondary vocational education institution, after which they can enter a university, or they can immediately go to work in their specialty. However, both children and parents do not always understand the difference between educational organizations. Indeed, what is the difference between a college and a technical school?

What is a technical school?

Today, technical schools are educational organizations, in which young people are trained in secondary vocational education programs as part of basic training.

Technical school students receive basic knowledge, consolidate them in practical classes. Children can enter a technical school after the ninth or eleventh grade. The duration of training may vary, depending on the specific specialty, usually two or three years. Educational process close to school.

The specificity of the technical school is that it is more aimed at teaching blue-collar professions, the program is highly specialized. Education at the technical school ends with the awarding of a diploma of secondary vocational education. The graduate is also awarded a technician qualification in a particular professional field.

What is college?

A college is an organization that implements secondary vocational education programs within the framework of both basic and advanced training.

While studying in college, students receive more theoretical and in-depth knowledge in a certain professional field; their studies take approximately three to four years.

The educational process in college is reminiscent of studying in higher education institutions: students study in semesters, listen to and take notes on lectures, take tests and exams during sessions. You can enroll in colleges after the ninth or eleventh grade.

Colleges offer a wide variety of technical or creative education programs. After completing their studies, students are issued diplomas of secondary vocational education, as well as a document confirming qualifications in a particular professional field.

Today, there are many colleges organized at institutions of higher education. The management of universities and colleges enter into bilateral agreements. University teachers teach classes at secondary vocational education institutions, and quite often the final certification in college is counted as an entrance test at the university. One of the most serious privileges of college is the opportunity to enter a university without passing the Unified State Exam. In addition, college graduates entering a university for programs that are a continuation of the past educational material, can study at the university under a shortened program.

So, the differences between studying at a technical school and college:

  1. duration of study: in colleges - three or four years, in technical schools - two or three years (for those admitted after 11th grade), three to four years (after 9th grade);
  2. organization of education: in technical schools, education is modeled after a school, while in colleges it is more reminiscent of a university;
  3. level of training: technical schools provide only a basic level of, and colleges - average level and highest;
  4. The focus of educational programs is purely practical in technical schools, and both practical and theoretical in colleges.

Where is it more prestigious to study?

After graduating from a technical school, a graduate can only obtain the qualification of a technician, and after graduating from college, he can obtain a qualification at a higher level - senior technician.

Types of professions: in technical schools there are only blue-collar professions, and in colleges - blue-collar and creative professions.

Thus, we can conclude: many aspects of these institutions of secondary vocational education are similar, but the actual process of vocational training in technical schools and colleges contains significant differences.

In colleges, the level of vocational education can be basic or advanced, but in technical schools it is only basic. Russian technical schools are more highly specialized, aimed at teaching only blue-collar jobs

Now that Russian system Education is gradually moving to a two-stage model (Bologna system), secondary vocational education in college can be equivalent to a bachelor's degree. This would be a great replacement higher education.

Which educational institution to choose, college or technical school, is decided only by you and your child, based on your plans for further educational routes. In any case, such a decision should be made after carefully considering all the nuances of studying at a particular institution.

The article will be useful to school graduates and will help them understand all the nuances of choosing a secondary specialized educational institution.

Abbreviations used in the article:

  • University is an institution of higher education.
  • NSUZ is a primary specialized educational institution.
  • PTUZ is a vocational and technical educational institution.
  • SOUZ - secondary general educational institution.
  • SSUZ - secondary specialized educational institution.

The college belongs to the secondary school. In Russian common system Education colleges occupy an intermediate level between secondary educational institutions and universities. Unlike technical schools, they work with educational programs basic and advanced level.

The school is a national university, and in some cases, a secondary school. As an exception, the word “school” is part of the name of higher education institutions, usually in a technical field. In this case, it is just a kind of tribute to historical tradition.

College - secondary school. In the Russian general education system, technical schools occupy an intermediate level between secondary educational institutions and universities. Unlike colleges, they work with basic level educational programs.

What is the difference between a college and a technical school: comparison, difference, difference

Differences College Technical College School
Admission based on the following documents.

SOUZ certificate; Diploma of technical college, secondary educational institution.

SOUZ certificate.

To enter the cadet school you will need an extract from the report card.

Duration of training.

Full-time study: no more than 2 years (after 11th grade). No more than 3 years (after 9th grade).

Extramural: no more than 3 years (after 11th grade). No more than 4 years (after 9th grade).


Medical schools. There is no correspondence department. The duration of training depends on the chosen specialty.

Colleges of creative fields set a single period of study for all students.


Cadet schools. People enter these educational institutions after the 4th grade of SOUZ. Accordingly, the duration of training is 7 years.

Level of educational program. Basic / advanced Base Basic + initial vocational education.
Implementation of educational programs. University system. School system. All attention is paid to mastering professional skills.
Priorities in training. Theoretical preparation. Practical training/applied knowledge. Professional skills/applied knowledge.
Graduate qualifications Senior technician (corresponding to bachelor's level). Technician. Working qualifications.

What is better, higher in status, cooler, more prestigious: college, vocational school or technical school?

The prestige of an educational institution is determined by the level of training of its graduates. Therefore, you should focus on the rating of the educational institution and the demand for your future profession.

Important: in accordance with the “Law on Education” of 2013, a complete reorganization of technical colleges is being carried out.

Where is it easier to study: in college, college or technical school?

Colleges offer a more complex program. Accordingly, studying in college is harder than in technical school.

What kind of education do you receive after graduating from a technical school, college or college?

Upon graduation from a technical school/college, the graduate receives a secondary school diploma vocational education(SPO).

Important: medical, veterinary, pedagogical, and law schools also issue a vocational education diploma.

Upon graduation, the graduate receives a diploma of primary vocational education.

Where is it better to go to a technical school, college or college?

Focus on your own preferences and capabilities (including financial, recommendations from school teachers, ratings of educational institutions, demand for future profession etc. You can read about the most in-demand working professions of the future

Today, at the stage of transition of the education system to a two-stage model (Bologna system), specialized secondary education can become almost equivalent to a bachelor’s degree, and in any case will serve as an excellent alternative to the obsolete higher education.

Why waste time and money on 4 or 6 (!) years of study at a university if you get a sought-after and profitable profession Is it possible after 1-2 years of studying at college or school? And the crazy competition for the Unified State Exam, nerves, tears - why is all this necessary if you can live in abundance already at the age of 19-20?

Studying at a school, technical school and college is affordable for everyone. Tuition fee per semester in secondary special education educational institutions 2-3 times lower than in universities, there is a possibility free training. And if you add up the full cost of training at a university and compare it with the full cost of training in an average specialized institution, then the difference in cost will increase by 5-10 times.

The higher education system, despite innovations, is cumbersome, rigid, and has nothing in common with the needs of the labor market. It belatedly adapts to the emergence of new professions, and trains and graduates specialists who, already in their 2nd or 3rd year, become unnecessary for employers and the market as a whole. Will you pay money for something you don't need? Hardly. The same situation is emerging in the labor market: a certified specialist is not in demand and, over time, is ready to work as a salesperson or a general manager, if they pay for it.

All of the above cannot be repeated about colleges and schools. Colleges quickly adapt to changes in the labor market and pay much more attention to practice.

What is college?

College is the most promising form of development of secondary specialized educational institutions. The main difference between a college and colleges and technical schools is elevated level training close to higher education. Colleges have more wide range specialties, they are multidisciplinary. The learning process is similar to university teaching methods, there are semesters and sessions, lectures, and seminars. College graduates who then go on to university turn out to be more prepared for school than schoolchildren. Lectures in colleges are often given by university teachers, and final exams are equivalent to entrance exams to a university. Thanks to agreements with universities, college graduates have numerous benefits upon admission.

Schools and technical schools.

In Russia there are two types of secondary schools: technical school (or school) and college. In a college, the level of education can be advanced, while in a technical school (college) it is only basic. Schools are more highly specialized, most often focused on teaching blue-collar jobs.

If we take into account that the salary of a skilled worker (fitter, welder, installer) in Saratov is higher than that of “white collar” workers, and in other regions they never refuse workers and are ready to pay 30-50 thousand rubles, then young people have It makes sense to think about the career of a highly skilled worker. Millers, motor graders, welders, masons in any region are worth their weight in gold.

A motor grader driver in Saratov, for example, earns at least 20 thousand rubles even in a crisis, always has the opportunity to earn additional income and can travel to any region of the CIS and abroad without fear of being left without work. Our motor grader drivers work successfully in France and England and, of course, earn there no longer 20 thousand rubles. The level of such migrating motor grader specialists is very high; their skills do not differ from those with higher education; they are often professional users of PCs, the Internet, and even have blogs.

Of course, we are talking about a worker without bad habits, hard-working and experienced.
Workers' apprentices, as a rule, have a daily stipend, but if they want, anyone can become an experienced specialist quite quickly.

Anyone who decides to connect their destinies with the restaurant business may well begin their career by working as a cook. Chef is one of the scarcest professions with a corresponding level of remuneration.

In technical schools, schools and colleges you can get almost any profession. The list of specialties that are currently being trained in secondary schools includes more than 260 items.

And the last respect in favor of secondary schools: they have only 14 students per teacher. This makes learning almost personal.

© O. Malinina..

How is college different from technical school? And what is the difference between secondary vocational education and technical education?

  1. The technical school provides specialized secondary education, i.e., the engineering and technical specialty, and the vocational school provides vocational education, i.e. working profession. The college combined these two types of education.
  2. Nothing, this is the name of educational institutions only for internal system education. The diplomas are the same.
  3. After graduating from ninth grade, students are faced with the choice of continuing their education at school or going to study at a secondary specialized educational institution. Now, when our education system is at the stage of transition to a two-stage model (according to the Bologna system), specialized secondary education can become almost equal to a bachelor’s degree and be an excellent alternative to the higher education that is available at this moment. But how can you decide which institution is better? What is better, more prestigious and higher: college or technical school?
    In order to determine how a college differs from a technical school and what the difference is between them, you must first determine what it is.
    What is a technical school?
    Technical schools are secondary specialized educational institutions that implement basic programs of secondary vocational education and basic training.
    At the technical school, students receive basic and more practical training in a specific specialty. You can enter a technical school after ninth or eleventh grade. Depending on the profession they study here for two to three years, the principle of learning is similar to studying at school. Technical schools are more highly specialized, focused more on training in working specialties. Upon completion of the technical school, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued and a technician is awarded a qualification in a specific specialty.
    What is college?
    Colleges are secondary specialized educational institutions that implement basic programs of secondary vocational education of basic and in-depth training.
    In college, they receive more theoretical and in-depth study of a specific profession; they study here for three to four years. Studying in college is similar to studying in higher educational institutions: students are taught in semesters, there are lectures, seminars, and exams are taken. Secondary vocational education in college is completed in three years, and the advanced training program is completed in the fourth year. You can enter college after ninth or eleventh grade or with a diploma of primary or secondary vocational education. Colleges offer a wide variety of specializations: technical, creative or highly specialized. Upon completion, you will be issued a diploma of secondary vocational education and will be awarded the qualification of technician, senior technician in the specialty being studied.
    Very often, colleges are organized at universities or enter into agreements with them; the courses in them are taught by teachers from these universities, so often final exams in colleges simultaneously become entrance exams or graduates receive benefits upon admission.
    Differences between college and technical school
    Thus, we can highlight the following differences between a technical school and a college:
    duration of study: in college - 3-4 years, in technical school 2-3 years (after 11th grade), 3-4 (after 9th grade);
    according to the style of teaching: in a technical school it is similar to a school, and in a college it is a university;
    level of training: basic level in technical school, and intermediate and higher level in college;
    focus of training: more practical in technical school, and theoretical in college;
    What is more prestigious: college or technical school?
    qualification obtained: in technical school - technician, and in college - you can get higher - senior technician;
    choice of professions: in the technical school there are workers, and in the college there are both workers and creative workers.
    Considering everything that was stated above, it is clear that many of the principles of these educational institutions are similar, but there is a significant difference in the process of training specialists in colleges and technical schools. Therefore, only you and your child, based on their future plans, decide what better college and further education or technical school and working profession.