Why do you need mail on GMAIL? Mail gmail com: registration, login, how to send a letter.

Currently, any user of the World Wide Web can create an email account, because it is very simple to do. It’s a completely different matter which resource to choose for this. Most Russians use services from or, but foreign users are increasingly registering on Gmail.com. For those who don’t know, this is an email service owned by the most famous search engine in the world, Google.

It is worth noting that mail from Gmail is very convenient and well thought out. However, in our opinion, the greatest beauty of this service is that there is so-called two-step identification, which allows you to link your email account to your mobile phone. Therefore, no one except you will be able to read your letters, since in order to enter mailbox, you must first enter the code received on your cell phone. For those who keep valuable information in their mail, this is a very important service.

Free mailbox registration

Now let's move on to registration. Go to the gmail.com link and click “Create an account.” It looks either like this:

Or like this:

What's your name. It is not difficult to guess that here you must indicate your first and last name. Whether they should be real or fictitious is up to you to decide, but we believe that it is better to indicate real data, as this is not only more convenient for your interlocutors, but will also help restore mail in the event of loss of access to it.

Create a username. You will have to come up with a nickname () that you will use to log in to the mail. It's worth noting that most "simple" logins are already taken by users, so you'll probably have to come up with something special. We hope there will be no problems with this.

Create a password. The password must be complex. Don't hesitate to use simple ones qwerty or 123456 - attackers pick them up very quickly. You can create a complex password this way: take Russian word, for example, "Mowgli". Write it in English and it will become Vfeukb. Amazing. Now add a few numbers and symbols here, something like this: %?Vfeukb1975. We received a 12-character password, which is very difficult to guess. And if you use double authorization, it will simply be impossible to get into your mailbox.

Confirm your password. Re-enter the password specified above in the field.

Date of birth, gender. Whether this information is worth providing is up to you to decide.

Mobile phone. At this stage, it is not necessary to add a cell number.

Alternate email address. If you have another mailbox, you can specify it. In case of loss of access, all necessary information will be sent to it.

Prove that you are not a robot. It’s easy to prove this - you just need to enter a captcha, which, however, is not so simple. However, after a couple of attempts, you will probably be able to enter incomprehensible characters.

Country. Here you need to indicate your country of residence, although it is usually automatically set for your region.

NECESSARILY Please check the box next to “I accept the Terms of Use...”, since without this it is impossible to continue registration.

After filling in all the information, click on the “Next” button. Congratulations, registration is completed!

IN next step You'll be prompted to add your photo, but you can choose not to.

In order to access your mail, at the top of the Google page, click on the icon in the form of dots, and then select the mail service.

Double authorization

And now we get to the most interesting part. Now we will tell you how to enable double authorization so that no one except you, of course, can get into your mailbox.

On the right side of the screen you can see your avatar. Click on it and select the “My Account” section from the drop-down menu.

Enter your phone number and follow the instructions.

Finally, I would like to remind you that it is highly advisable to use only the one registered in your name as a telephone number. If you lose this phone, you are unlikely to be able to regain access to your account. Be careful!

Gmail.com email is the most popular email nowadays. This mail is provided by Google absolutely free of charge.

Of course, a popular corporation could not create something simple. That is why mailboxes of this service are increasingly chosen by users.

Gmail.com has quite a lot of advantages. In addition to the mailbox itself, in addition, the user gets the opportunity to use the following services:

  • Youtube;
  • Google photos;
  • translator;
  • Google Drive (cloud storage);
  • Google+.

Create a Gmail email on your computer

Due to wide popularity Google service It is very difficult to get a login you like. A large number of previously created accounts suggests that large number names are already taken.

Therefore, you will have to think carefully to write down not only a convenient and unique, but also a memorable login.

What is very convenient is that creating a login involves the ability to insert dots, dashes, underslashes, etc. into it. This will greatly simplify the task.

Attention! Check that mail creation occurs on the Gmail.com platform, and not on Gmail.ru. Since the second service is paid and there is a real possibility of losing your account.

So, how to create a gmail email and register on your computer.

To do this on the main page search engine Google needs to find the "Mail" button.

After this, a new window will appear in which you need to fill in all the fields. At this stage you will have to come up with a name for the mailbox.

If such a login already exists, the system will indicate this and the user will have to change something.

Choosing a password

Password is also a very important aspect of security. It should not only be memorable, but also heavy enough to prevent a hacking attempt.

The system will indicate the complexity of the password - an indicator will light up next to it and as soon as the bar turns green, you can understand that the password is secure.

You need to specify a telephone number and an additional mailbox in order to secure your mail.

Notifications will be sent to your additional email that your email has been logged in, which will help you react quickly and change your password if something happens.

A mobile phone, in addition to protection, gives access to additional features.

After correctly filling out all the relevant fields, click “Next”.

After correct execution of the previous paragraphs, it will appear in which the rules of use and privacy policy will be written. Scroll down and see the “Accept” button. Click on it.

You will need to verify your account using your mobile phone. To do this, you can select one of two options and the system will either send a message or make a call using a robot.

After completing these steps, the system will congratulate you on purchasing a new mailbox and offer you to go to your account settings.

Don't neglect these settings. It includes 3 points:

  • Security and entry.
  • Personal and confidentiality.
  • Account settings.

Each item has a number of sub-items. Here you can customize the service “for yourself”, making it as comfortable as possible for use and subsequent work.

Create gmail using phone

Every modern smartphone has a program installed, which is called Gmail.

Typically, a mailbox is created at the moment when the smartphone is configured after purchase.

However, sometimes it happens that they are produced in a store, for this they use basic mail with a simple password, or they create simple mail with a basic password.

It often happens that the user is not satisfied with this option. In this case, you can create a personal mailbox, which will be configured as convenient.

First, we find the corresponding application, which is described above.

Find the side menu (click on the three bars in the upper left corner. Select “Settings” and click "Add account".

After which the email settings page will open. You need to click on Google (first item).

After which the system will prompt you to either enter an already registered address/phone number or create a new account. Select the second item.

After this, you will have to wait some time until the robot sends you an SMS with a code, but you will not have to enter it, since the program will recognize it and enter it automatically.

After this, you can fill out the proposed fields, such as date of birth and gender.

The next step is to create a login (mailbox name). I'll have to think about it. If such a name is already taken, then after clicking the “Next” button, the system will display an error and offer free options for selection.

You can choose from those available, or you can try to enter what you like, but there is no guarantee that the system will not reject the following. If there is no such name, then go to next point will come true.

The next item is the password and its confirmation. That is, you need to enter the same combination twice (this is done to eliminate accidental typos). After entering the password, click “Next” again.

Afterwards you will need to add a phone number, the system will automatically suggest the user’s phone number, but this item can be skipped.

However, it is worth considering that this point is very important for account security.

If consent to confirmation is nevertheless given, the system will again send a code that will be determined automatically.

Confirmation of confidentiality and terms of use will be the last point.

After this, you can log into your account.

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Let's take a step-by-step look at what it is in this article.

Google is the world's largest search engine. It has its own email service, Gmail, where you can create an email address for free and with it access several other services, including YouTube.

To start registering, you need to go to gmail website. Now click on "Create an account" login to your profile.

will appear simple form, which needs to be filled out.

In the first and last name fields, it is best to indicate real data. This may be useful for using other services, and also, if necessary, to regain access to the mailbox if you lose your password. You can hide your data, so don't worry, no one will know more about you than you allow.

Username (nickname) is your login. It will appear in the name of your mailbox. You need to come up with a login yourself. It can consist of Latin letters, symbols and numbers.

The password should be chosen so that it is as complex as possible. In addition to the fact that with its help you will access your mail, it will also protect your mailbox from hacking. Can be used in combination latin letters(it is advisable to combine small and capital letters) and numbers.

! You can write the password down in a safe place so you don't forget it.
! Otherwise, you will not be able to access your email.

You don’t have to specify your phone number, country, or alternate email address—they are not needed for registration.

If after you click « Next», Some of the fields are highlighted in red, which means you missed something or entered it incorrectly. Correct the error and press again "Next".

After all fields are filled in, you will be prompted to read "Terms of Use" .

There are no items saying that you are being sold into slavery, so feel free to click "I accept" — without this you will not be able to register. Now you will be shown a window where the address of your mailbox will be written. Write it down somewhere so you don't forget.

To go to your mail, you need to click on the button “Go to Gmail service” .

How to come up with a username for gmail mail

Creating a username can be a bit tricky. The fact is that each such login in the Google system must be unique, that is, two identical addresses cannot exist.

If the login you entered is already taken, the system will notify you (red text will appear below the field) and offer several unique options that you could use.

They are created based on the entered first name, last name and login. If you don't want to choose from what the system has suggested, come up with another nickname.

An additional parameter for the username is its length. It should not be shorter than 6 characters and longer than 30.

You can't change the name after creating the box, so think carefully before choosing the final option. If you only need email to register on some resources, then the name is not important.

Your Google Mail username

As mentioned above, your username will appear in the title of your mailbox, and this will be your email address. After creating an email, “@gmail.com” will be added to it. Your address will look like this:

It turns out that the name of the mailbox is made up of the username and the name of the mail service, connected to each other "dog" . The address is written together, a dot is placed only before "com" .

You can give this address to friends, acquaintances or clients to contact you.

How to find out your Google mail address

Once you log into your profile, you'll see a welcome window that tells you why Google Mail is the best, etc.

You can safely close this window; it will not be shown to you again.

To find out your email address, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name in the upper right part of the window. A small hint will appear where the address will be written.

How to log into your Google mail

To access your email, you need to do a few simple steps. Typically, browsers remember our data so that we don't have to keep entering it.

Therefore, to enter you will simply need go to google website and in the right corner click on the icon with squares.

From the drop-down menu, select the Mail icon and that’s it. The box will open and you can use it.

If the browser did not save your data or you are accessing your mail from another computer, you will need to enter your username and password. And first you enter your login, then your password

Features of gmail mail

The most obvious capabilities of mail are receiving and sending letters. This can be either work correspondence or friendly correspondence. You can attach different files to letters, such as photos or documents.

In addition to mail, registration gives you the opportunity to use other products. Here's what's available to you after you create a Google account:

  • Disk . You can store files up to 15 GB for free. Here you can upload data from a PC or mobile device, and then open or download it from another computer or device. In addition, you can make sure that other users can view your files too.
  • Documents . The service is an online editor. Here you can create documents, tables, presentations, etc. They are saved on your disk. They can be downloaded, sent and edited at any time.
  • YouTube . This is the world's most famous video hosting site. You can watch videos without registering, but through your Google mail address, you can log in to the site, subscribe to different channels, leave comments and upload your videos.
  • Google play . This is a platform for mobile devices from which you can install applications, download music, movies, etc.
  • Google+ . A social network, like Facebook and other projects.

Together with your email address, you simultaneously gain access to several services. This is a big advantage of Google mail.

Sincerely, Alexander.

The Google search engine is very popular and every day a large number of users are interested in logging into Gmail.com and registering a mailbox. Many services are integrated into the mail options. It is a convenient, reliable and secure email service.

By creating your own account in Gmail, integration into social network Google+, YouTube, Play Market (Android applications), Disk (10 GB of storage space for personal information), Documents, etc. After registering and logging into your email, data synchronization occurs.

  • enter your email name and password;

  • The email login link will appear at the top of the Google page.

  • You can also log in to Gmail from the Google search engine page, using the button on the right “ Login".

If you were unable to log in due to an incorrect password, you need to check the layout language, uppercase or caps mode ( CapsLock), whether the optional keyboard is enabled ( NumLock). If all else fails, click the " Need help" and, following the instructions, recover your password (more details below in the article).

Registration in Gmail.com mail

If you have not yet registered with Gmail, you should first go to the Google search engine. After this:

  • a page for entering the data required for registration will open;

  • Fill out all the lines, enter the verification number from the picture and click “ Next";

Automatic login to Gmail.com

On the Gmail login page (registration must already be completed), select the “ Stay logged in". After launching the browser by clicking the " Login" The mailbox opens. Now the gmail will open automatically.

Notifications about letters without logging into Gmail mail

For more convenient work with mail, special applications have been created that are integrated into the Google Chrome browser (download) and will automatically notify you of sent correspondence, without logging into the mail page. Such add-ons include Checker Plus for Gmail. After installing it, on the right side of the browser ( Google Chrome) a mail icon will be displayed and a notification about sent letters (more detailed information after clicking on it).

Also, this add-on simplifies working with several personal mailboxes simultaneously, has voice notification and control, makes it possible to use mail even when the browser is closed, etc.

Login to Gmail.com without password - password recovery

This service is very attentive to the difficulties of users and all steps to restore mail have already been carefully worked out. The technical service has developed a clarification method that can be used to determine the real owner with a high probability. This instruction will cover the most difficult method - without access to a mobile phone number and without having an attached second mailbox:

  • On the email password entry page, you need to click the link “ Need help";

  • A page will open with a selection of possible problems, where you need to select “ I don't remember the password" and indicate your email address (if it does not appear automatically). After that, press the button " Continue";

  • on the next page you need to specify the password in the form in which it was remembered and select “ Continue" or " I find it difficult to answer”;

  • You will be prompted to use a phone number. Because In this manual, the method without access to a phone number is considered, then the item “ I can't use the phone";

If the mobile is available, the " Continue", The SMS code is entered and a new password is set. This concludes the restoration of access for those who have a phone number linked to their account at hand.

  • the dates of the last login to gmail.com and registration are entered;

  • the next step is to answer the secret question entered during registration. Here you can enter the correct answer and select " Continue" or click on the button " Skip this question" if the question itself is forgotten;

  • all subsequent steps are aimed at proving your belonging to this box. Each omission of a question will only prolong the procedure for restoring gmail mail (gmail.com). Upon completion, the system will process all these responses and provide access to the mailbox.

In the future, it is better to play it safe from such cases and write down the data in a safe place. It wouldn't hurt to attach a valid phone number or a second mailbox to your email. You can do this in your account profile settings.

History of mailbox creation

Google's first email account was launched in 2004. After three years spent on its creation, the news published a revolutionary announcement. The public initially perceived the email service, accessible to everyone, promising free gigabyte storage as a joke.

Subsequently, thanks to gmail, great leaps forward took place in this area and almost all Internet mail services began to use these technologies.

In order to get into your account and see the list of letters, you need to go to the address gmail com And enter your personal login and password. Unlike most email services, here you need to enter your entire address, including @gmail com. This is because Google provides the ability to create a gmail com email for a domain for free.

Anyone can use gmail as mail on their domain for corporate employees or for your website, creating mailboxes for users. In such a situation, the dog symbol will be followed by the user's domain.

By filling out your login and password, click the "Login" button. These steps open the folder that you set to be your default display. By default, the Inbox folder will open.

Besides this you can configure your email collectors, such as Outlook or The bat. Google specialists did their best. IMAP settings take no more than 5 minutes. And most importantly, you don’t have to enter your login and password every time. They will be stored in a program designed to enter them for you yourself.

Gmail is a product from the world famous company Google. Officially in open access she got it back in 2004, and from that moment on, anyone could create an email on gmail com.

Few believed that the mail would be as it was presented in the press release. Doubts were fueled by the date of the announcement of the start of the first, after the search engine, big project from Google. The first of April after all. The fact that the global giant is going to provide a service free mail became known the day before the start. The New The York Times wrote about this on March 31, 2004. It said that it would be possible to create mail absolutely free.

Distinctive feature innovative postal service has become mailbox size. 1 gigabyte at that time seemed simply a fantastic figure. This was 500 times more than Hotmail's then existing competitor from another American giant, Microsoft. This is what made the news an April Fool's joke.

However, on April 1, Google presented a press release. But even this did not convince all journalists and users of the veracity of the news. The news was so revolutionary. But everything turned out to be true. Product instantly supplanted its competitors(Yahoo mail, Hotmail) from the market. Not surprising, because almost everyone wanted to create an email on gmail com active user Internet. With this product, Google created the Internet development trend for the coming years.

In addition, everyone who decided to create an email on gmail was provided with an innovative feature - search by mail. At that time, Google was the first to introduce such a function that was already familiar to us. But some ten years ago this was a real breakthrough. Gmail com, registration for which remains absolutely free, is developing dynamically to this day.

How to create an email on gmail com?

The process of creating a Gmail account simplified as much as possible. The gmail mailbox, which is registered by visiting the gmail com website and clicking the “Create account” button, is your window in the world around us.

Second option: you can go to the google ru website and select “Mail” in the upper part of the menu and then click on the button “ Create an account».

The registration form that opens contains only the most necessary questions, which will not be difficult to answer. The corporation's specialists took care of new users and provided as clear tips as possible. The key thing to fill out is: unique login and personal password.

Since the email service has existed for more than ten years, coming up with a unique login will not be so easy. If the desired username is already taken, the system will offer you derivatives of the desired login, which are on at the moment free. You can choose from the proposed options, or come up with a new variation.

Also, when registering, you will need indicate your mobile phone and backup email. Don't be afraid to provide this personal information. This is necessary, first of all, for the security of your mailbox. If you forget your password, you can easily restore it either to your phone or to an alternative mailbox.

In addition, if attackers try to hack your mailbox, it will be much more difficult for them to do so. However, the telephone number may not be specified. Instead it will be enough specify a security question and the answer to it. For security reasons, choose a question and answer that only you know. After filling out all the fields, click the “Next” button to create your first Google mail.

Basic Google Mail settings

To customize your mailbox, personalize it, and create comfortable conditions For further operation, follow the steps described in the mail-google login section.

Here you can create your own contact address book for quickly writing letters, set the language of the mail itself, choose a design theme, set the text style and much, much more.

Of the interesting and unique features :

  • Chains– correspondence between the same recipients with the same topic are grouped into a conversation list. This makes it possible not to miss a single letter from correspondence and always be aware of events.
  • Notifications– translucent notifications will pop up on top of all windows indicating that a new e-mail has arrived. This is very important if you don’t want to miss an e-mail while doing other work on your PC.
  • Significance Markers– the system will display a special icon next to letters whose sender has marked them as important.
  • Categories– sorting letters into specific categories. This makes it possible to separate the most important letters, mark them according to certain parameters and distribute them into folders.

And, of course, standard, but very useful features that Google Mail users can find in their mail settings: autoresponder, signature and filters.

Of course, all these additional settings will help you make your use as comfortable as possible. postal service from Google.

It is also worth describing the service that is integrated into the mail – “ Tasks". This seemingly ordinary electronic organizer is not as simple as it seems at first glance. He is able to remind you email or in the form of an SMS message that, for example, you have a meeting scheduled after a certain time. Having set a task even a year in advance, be sure that the service will not forget about it. If your plans have changed, you can delete the task. And there will be no trace of her.

By the way, about contacts. They can export and import. This is very convenient if you have several email accounts and want to use the same contacts for correspondence.

How to send an email from gmail?

  1. In order to send an email, you need open google mail website, log into your account and click on the “Write” button.
  2. A window will open in which you must fill in the recipient, subject and text of the letter. You can select the recipient from your personal address book.
  3. If you have a desire send a document, picture or any other file– click on the icon in the form paper clip.
  4. In the dialog box select file on PC, which you need to send, or insert a link if the file is already posted on the Internet.
  5. Click the "Open" button. The file download process will begin.
  6. Download speed will depend on size file and Internet access speed. You will be notified of the download progress by a filling blue bar.

In case you need send a large file– then it does not need to be attached to the letter. Upload it to the Google Drive service, and send only a link to it to the recipient. This will significantly speed up both your sending and the process of receiving the letter.