Slide show editing program. How to make a slideshow from photos and put music on it

Back in the days of film cameras, taking pictures was quite a hassle. This is why there are so few photographs of, for example, our grandparents. Now, due to the rapid development of technology and the reduction in price of previously very expensive equipment, cameras have appeared almost everywhere. Compact point-and-shoot cameras, smartphones, tablets - they all have at least one camera module. Everyone knows what this led to - now almost each of us takes more shots in a day than our grandmothers did in their entire lives! Of course, sometimes you want to keep as a souvenir not just a set of scattered photos, but real story. Creating a slide show will help with this.

Obviously, there are specialized programs for this, a review of which has already been published on our website. This lesson will be taught using an example Bolide SlideShow Creator. The reason for this choice is simple - this is the only completely free program of its kind. Of course, for one-time use, you can use more functional trial versions of paid products, but in the long run this program is still preferable. So, let's understand the process itself.

First, you need to select the photos you want to see in the slideshow. It's easy to do:

1. Click the "Add Photos to Library" button and select the images you want. This can also be done by simply dragging it from a folder into the program window.

2. To insert a picture into a slide, drag it from the library to the bottom area of ​​the window.

3. If necessary, change the order of the slides by simply dragging them to the desired location.

4. If necessary, insert a blank slide of the selected color by clicking on the corresponding button - it may be useful later for adding text to it.

5. Set the duration of the fragment. You can use arrows or the keyboard.

6. Select the desired resolution for the entire slideshow and the photo insertion mode.

Adding audio

Sometimes you need to make a slide show with music in order to emphasize the necessary atmosphere or simply insert pre-recorded comments. To do this:

1. Go to the "Audio Files" tab

2. Click on the “Add audio files to library” button and select the necessary songs. You can also simply drag and drop the files you need from the Explorer window.

3. Drag tracks from the library onto the project.

4. If necessary, trim the audio recording to your liking. To do this, double-click on the track in the project and in the window that appears, drag the sliders to the required time. To listen to the resulting track, click on the corresponding button in the middle.

5. If you are happy with everything, click "OK"

Adding transition effects

To make your slideshow look more beautiful, add transition effects between slides that you like.

1. Go to the Transitions tab

2. To apply the same transition effect, double-click on it in the list. When you click once, you can see an example displayed on the side.

3. To apply an effect to a specific transition, drag it to the desired position on the project.

4. Set the duration of the transition using the arrow keys or the numeric keypad.

Adding text

Often, text is also an integral part of the slideshow. It allows you to make an introduction and conclusion, as well as add interesting and useful notes and comments to the photos.

1. Select the slide you want and click the Add Text button. The second option is to go to the “Effects” tab and select “Text”.

2. Enter the required text in the window that appears. Here, select the text alignment method: left, center, right.
Remember that text hyphenation new line must be created manually.

3. Select the font and its attributes: bold, italic or underlined.

4. Customize text colors. Can be used as ready-made options, as well as your own shades for outline and fill. Here you can adjust the transparency of the inscription.

5. Drag the text and resize it as per your requirements.

Adding a Pan&Zoom effect

Attention! This function is present only in this program!

The Pan&Zoom effect allows you to focus attention on a specific area of ​​the image by enlarging it.

1. Go to the Effects tab and select Pan&Zoom.

2. Select the slide you want to apply the effect to and the direction of the effect.

3. Set the start and end frames by dragging the green and red frames respectively.

4. Set the duration of the delay and movement by moving the corresponding slider.
5. Click OK

Saving a slideshow

The final stage is saving the finished slideshow. You can either simply save the project for later viewing and editing in the same program, or export it in video format, which is preferable.

1. Select the “File” item in the menu bar, and in the list that appears, click on “Save as video file...”

2. In the dialog box that appears, indicate the location where you would like to save the video, give a name, and select the format and quality.

3. Wait for the conversion to finish
4. Enjoy the result!


As you can see, creating a slideshow is quite easy. You just need to carefully follow all the steps to get a high-quality video that will delight you even years later.

A slide show is a presentation video that consists of pre-selected images that replace each other in in a certain order using all sorts of effects. Use your imagination, apply interesting effects and moves, and your slide shows will be a pleasure to watch.

Today we will introduce you to online tools for creating slide shows on the Internet.

JayCut - popular free online service for working with video, which has many capabilities, supports the ability to download videos and files from web cameras and hard drives. The service contains tools for cutting clips, adjusting playback speed and color, as well as text effects and transition effects. Using filters, it is possible to apply various grain effects to the image, transform color videos into black and white, green screen and much more. Finished works can be saved on the Internet or in a service profile.

Animoto - creating 30 second slide shows with music, video and text is absolutely free, but after you register. The service contains free styles, a library of 600 musical compositions and an intuitive interface. It is also possible to create longer videos. However, you will have to pay for this pleasure.

PhotoPeach is a tool for creating slide shows from photos online. It is possible to add background music and various effects, but only after registration. There are some additional features: titles, inserts music files, the ability to “attach” videos; Several viewing options – slides and “spiral”. The service has support for multi-downloading files.– an absolutely crazy tool for creating videos and slide show thanks to the drag and drop function. The service differs from others in its huge archive of various music and effects for your creations. You can also add your own images and videos. Among other things, it is possible to insert text from your video and organize sequential viewing of elements. Finished works can be posted on social media Facebook networks, MySpace or send to email.– an online service for creating slide shows from a wide variety of formats, photos, audio, video, Internet, websites and much more. You can download pictures from the Internet using direct links. There are many effects, settings and elements on board, the order of which can be easily changed according to your desires. The finished slideshow will have unique addresses on the Internet so that others can see it and leave comments. Among other things, you receive a code with which you can insert your own slideshow into a website and blog.

Flixtime – here you can create a 60 second slide show by mixing images after registration. There are options to add video clips, music tracks and even media. Using this service, you can record voiceovers for videos yourself. You can upload your work either to your PC, send it to your email or send it to social media or post it on YouTube.

One True Media - creating short slideshows. There are transition effects with music, uploading images from your computer, Facebook, Flickr and Photobucket or from any other site. There are many effects and themes. The service supports graphics and video (MPEG, QuickTime, AVI, WMV, 3GP), however, with a monthly limit on the size of downloaded files of no more than 100 MB and the duration of the slide show is 30 seconds. Finished works cannot be saved, but only a link to view can be pulled out.

Photofilm. Here anyone can easily create vibrant slideshows. All actions are accompanied by cool effects, music, animation and commentary. You can show your work to friends and family. All works will be automatically published in your account, and all you have to do is set the viewing mode.– one of the best online tools for creating flash videos with the ability to add photos, background music, video files, etc. It is possible to import files from Flickr or YouTube. Add to this effects, text, shapes, drawings, diagrams, animations and much more! Finished works can be inserted into a blog, Myspace or eBay. Registration required.

Making a slide show for free online is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The slide show is not only a wonderful visual representation for various, but great way organize impressions from a trip or other event that left a lot behind.

IN family archives Many people store at least one slide show. Such things are especially popular for capturing events in a baby’s life.

Creating it will not take much effort or time, because there are many programs for this.

Any PC user can download the desired program and create their own slide show with beautiful effects or background music.

Create slideshows online at at the moment not feasible, consider the five most suitable programs.

Movavi Slideshow Creator

This program for creating slide shows from a well-known developer allows you to organize colorful presentations from user photographs.

Getting to know each other will not cause problems, because the developers have made the program interface extremely simple and provided it with drop-down tips.

Now even the most inexperienced users can create clips without any problems.

Created in slide show program for a birthday or other occasion is saved as a video.

Photos added to the project can be edited in every possible way, changing sharpness, saturation, contrast and spatial orientation.

Movavi Slideshow Creator allows you to adapt the resulting video for mobile devices.

  • + creating a simple slide show will take a minimum of time;
  • + friendly interface;
  • + many additional features.
  • - free version is provided for 30 days;
  • - all slideshows created in the free version are supplied with watermarks.


PhotoSHOW is a program with an impressive set of tools.

In the photo slideshow you create, you can add music, text, and many different transition effects and animations to accompany the text.

It is also noteworthy that the program has support for the Russian language.

The main window has a built-in explorer that allows you to quickly load large number photos, which significantly increases the comfort of working with the application.

The finished slideshow can be saved as a video, executable file or screensaver.

Attention! Saving a video clip involves flexible quality settings – from full-length to videos adapted for mobile devices. Finished video clips can be easily published on hosting sites or on social networks.

  • + Full support for the Russian language;
  • + Large toolkit;
  • + Many options for saving finished slideshows;
  • + Adding musical accompaniment.
  • - The program does not have a free version.

ProShow Gold

The key feature of the program is that you can even use videos in it when creating your own slideshow. The main creation process takes place in drag-n-drop mode.

There are also many tips for inexperienced users. A huge library of styles and transitions allows you to create unique music slideshow.

The ability to mount several images in one frame also contributes to this.

The finished project can be saved either in video format or as an executable file.

In addition, a special set of tools allows you to optimize ready-made presentation for devices and others.

It is also possible to add music, adjusting the volume and combining tracks. The program supports many video, audio and image formats.

  • + Ability to use video in a project;
  • + Ability to add musical accompaniment;
  • + Huge library of styles, effects and transitions.

Is it possible to tell a story through a photo? Convey a close connection between images that at first glance are not united by anything. A slide show can easily handle creating a whole story from different fragments. Well, a program for creating a slide show from photos with music for free will help you bring all your ideas to life. Let's look at the best utilities.

Program, created by the famous studio, allows each user to present any photo content in an interesting and unusual way. The interface here is quite laconic, so that even an unprepared and novice user will not get confused. Each button in the menu and all options have hints, so you can easily specify the path to the photo on the disk and create your own video clip.

When you create videos from wedding photos, birthdays or other holidays, they are saved as videos that you can then view, show to your family and upload to social networks.

You can add themed images and edit them as desired. You can change the brightness, saturation, contrast, aspect ratio, spatial orientation and much more in your photos. In addition, the result of the work is easily downloaded to a mobile device.

Among the main advantages:

  • efficiency of working with the application;
  • a wide range of tools and various options;
  • clear design;
  • adding any music.

Among the shortcomings:

  • free version available for a month;
  • presence of watermarks on the photos in the demo.

This software has extensive functionality. You can add animated comments with text, music and various original special effects to your slide show. The design is clear to every user. Program Russian-speaking. Thanks to the built-in explorer, the application is easy to work with; you can even download all photos at once. After creating a project with music, you will be asked to save it with any in a convenient way: video, DVD or .exe file or desktop screensaver.


  • Russian-language interface;
  • large selection of tools and functions;
  • different options for saving a video;
  • music and text for the background.

But you won’t be able to use such an “assistant” for free.

ProShow Gold is a convenient program for creating an interesting slide show from photos with music for free

The main difference of the program is the ability to use videos when creating slides. IN Proshow Gold You won’t be able to drop all the images at once in Explorer; you’ll have to “grab” them one by one with the mouse and “drag” them into the window. The lack of Russian-language support does not in any way affect the quality of work with the utility, because all actions are accompanied by graphic prompts. Here you will find many styles and transitions allowing you to create truly interesting video with music. In addition, you can place several photos in one frame if desired.

The final result can be easily saved as a video, as well as an executable file. Using specialized tools, you can prepare a video for downloading to any device. In a photo presentation you can not only add beautiful musical compositions, but also edit them to your liking. The free period is enough to create your own interesting video. Among the main advantages of the program are the following:

  • unique background accompaniment for photographs;
  • use of rollers;
  • large selection of styles, effects and transitions.

Given application designed for creating presentations from photos and saving the finished slide show as a video. Ideal for untrained users who just decided to create original story in pictures, and don’t want to bother your head with unnecessary functions and tools. Everything you need to create a slide is located in one window, which is very convenient.

Another bonus from the creators of the software is that it is free, does the job 100% and does not load the system. You perform a minimum of operations, but get maximum results. The advantages include:

  • Firstly, free version;
  • secondly, the optimization of the program;
  • thirdly, it does not put a large load on the system;
  • there is a built-in conductor;
  • finally, a clear interface.

Of the minor shortcomings, only small functionality and the ability to save only as videos should be noted. Although for many users this is not a problem. Quite suitable for home use.

One more free program to create slides with music. Well-thought-out functionality will help you add pictures and select suitable transitions and tracks in several steps. Then you can preview the result and convert it to the desired format.

The entire space for the software to work is divided into several sections, which interact very conveniently with each other. It's easy to add pictures directly from folders on your computer; to do this, you just need to drag them to the desired location. This also applies to transitions.

It should be noted that some options are not available in the free version, but this does not make the product worse. The proposed tools are quite enough to create a high-quality result.

A powerful yet affordable product for many users, created by Microsoft. It uses a step-by-step interface (called wizard). It allows you to create an interesting slide show even for beginners. Program offers an extensive toolkit - effects on photos, voice comments, adding text and more. Just a couple of clicks and the slides are installed in in a given order, they can be rotated, cropped, scaled with different transition effects.

The resulting result is available for saving with a profile from 320x240 to 1024x768 pixels, which is suitable for playback on a PC. Naturally, you can add music, there is even an option to create your own unique track. The utility is Russified and weighs only 4 megabytes.

The app actually saves time. Suitable for both beginners and experienced users.

A program for creating a slide show from photos with music for free can be a great helper. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. Thanks to installing such software on your computer, you will always have it at hand, even if you are not connected to the network. Have you used any of these apps?

Are you looking for a program for create slideshows?

Use PhotoSHOW PRO and get:

  • Hundreds of animated collage templates, titles and screensavers
  • Access to a huge catalog of transitions and effects
  • Burning finished movies from photos to DVDs

The best software for creating slideshows

If you've never made a photo slideshow, then it's safe to say you're missing out. How many events from the life of you and your loved ones could be captured in one video, and how many emotions you could experience while watching it. The list of topics that a video can be dedicated to is endless. And if you have long had a desire to make your first photo film, then all you need is best program to create a slideshow from photos.

We are talking about a young, but already quite well-known utility on the software market - "PhotoSHOW PRO". This is a user-friendly language designed for all categories of users - from confident professionals to beginners. The visual interface will allow you to prepare an impressive presentation with effects and music in any media format.

How to work in PhotoSHOW PRO

At the moment, “PhotoSHOW PRO” is the best program for creating slideshows in Russian, capable of turning a stream of boring pictures into a bright fireworks display.

1 Download the materials and get started

Find photos and videos through the built-in browse, or drag them directly from File Explorer onto the slide bar at the bottom of the screen.

2 Customize animation for each slide

Turn on your imagination to the maximum! Choose beautiful effects and transitions for your photos, add screensavers and titles, and then soundtrack your project with your favorite music.

3 Enjoy watching the finished film

Slideshow ready? Save it to your PC or adapt it for viewing on your TV or tablet. You can also upload videos to the Internet.

Rich selection of effects and transitions

Equipped with a whole arsenal of useful functions. Built-in directory effects amazes with its diversity: bizarre illusions, oncoming turns, mysterious gates and horizontal panoramas - this is not the whole list. All of them are presented in the form of templates, any of which can be easily applied to a particular slide.

In addition to colorful special effects, the best program for creating slideshows, “PhotoSHOW PRO,” offers to dilute the video with stylish transitions. The collection is already ready-made templates contains many interesting transitions, including gradients and 3D transitions. You can preview the template you like. This feature will help you understand in advance how specific slides with photographs will replace each other and allow you to choose the most successful options.

PhotoSHOW PRO opens up endless possibilities for creativity.
Thousands of slideshow combinations on any topic!
Get started now.

Download free version Works great on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

What will your slideshows be like?

See examples by switching tabs







Create beautiful movies from photos and music!

When setting up effects and transitions, it is recommended to adjust their duration to suit musical accompaniment - of course, if it is intended. The original melodies are in the database of the editor itself by default, but you can also upload your own audio recordings from your computer. Remember that the voiceover directly depends on the concept and theme of the slideshow.

Bright screensavers and titles for any videos

A few words should be said about screensavers and titles, the use of which would certainly be appropriate in a thematic presentation. So, if you are creating a film about your child, you can indicate in the explanatory credits necessary information about his first steps and favorite activities, and choose a cute and at the same time funny text for the screensaver. Screensavers and titles are also created based on a ready-made template.