Old part. The most famous centenarians in the world

This world is designed in such a way that everything born in it is doomed to die. Any living organism gradually uses up its resources inherent in it by nature; nothing lasts forever. Average duration human life on Earth at the moment approximately 71 years old, but with modern ecology many do not even live to that age. At the same time, among people there are also real centenarians by human standards, and the whole world knows about them.

We will tell you about the oldest people on the planet who lived incredible lives. long life and found different eras in the history of mankind, as well as about those who do not give up and are full of vitality, despite their age.

1. Tuti Yusupova

Tuti Yusupova, a citizen of Uzbekistan, broke the record for life expectancy among people all over the planet. The woman was born on July 1, 1880 and died on March 28, 2015, having lived almost 135 years. Thus, the centenarian managed to become a real witness to the last three centuries. At the age of 17, Tootie got married, but in the 40s of the last century her husband died of old age.

For a long time, the authorities of Uzbekistan did not attach any importance to the fact that the most old man on the planet until 2009 ruling party The country has not decided to identify residents whose age exceeds 100 years. Already in the fall of 2010, a documentary film was made about Tuti Yusupova.

2. Antisa Khvichava

Another centenarian lived in Georgia, and her name was Antisa Khvichava. The woman was born on July 8, 1880 and died on September 30, 2012, having lived 132 years.
Antisa Khvichava lived all her life in the village of Sachino. Oddly enough, the secret of a woman’s longevity was not at all healthy way life. According to witnesses, Antisa did not adhere to a special diet and, even at the age of 130, regularly allowed herself to drink a glass of vodka. The Georgian authorities respected the woman, and together with her relatives they helped organize anniversaries, which came one after another.

3. The Oldest Siamese Twins

This story is not for the faint of heart. Nature can give a person a long life, but it can also make it a real nightmare. The photo shows Ronnie and Donnie Galion, the oldest living Siamese twins. They were born in 1951, and the doctors, who were shocked by what they saw, told their mother that there was virtually no hope that the boys would survive; they would not last more than one week. However, the desire to live turned out to be stronger.

For decades, men have literally lived inextricably with each other, while they have learned to enjoy life and perform household chores. In childhood, the brothers, like all children, quarreled a lot, which is why their parents often heard the words “Let him be cut off!”

4. The oldest mother

To give birth to a child you need remarkable health. For many married couples It is impossible to have a child after 40 years, which cannot be said about Indian resident Rajo Devi Lohan, who in 2008 was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest woman in labor. At the time of the birth of her daughter Naveen, the mother was 70 years old and the father 72 years old.
Of course, pregnancy at that age had to be controlled under the supervision of doctors. This child was very desired by the couple, because for almost 58 years they unsuccessfully tried to have their own children, and only in their old age did they succeed.

In the interdisciplinary science called “sociobiology” there is a special concept - longevity, or longevity. It combines all cases of high “survival” - a phenomenon in which a person steps over the maximum possible age limits. On modern stage Persons over 90 years of age are recognized as centenarians, but for some even this is not a number at all! So how old were and are the oldest people in the world?

Many of the oldest people in the world have died by now, for example, Jeanne Louise Calment, who became the absolute record holder in terms of age achieved both among those who have already died and among those living. Jeanne was born in the French city of Arles on February 21, 1875, and died on August 4, 1997 - she was 122 years and 164 days old!

Kalman was born into a bourgeois family. Her father Nicolas, who has excellent knowledge of shipbuilding art, was a member of the city council. Margaret's mother, who came from a family of millers, was involved in farming. The family had to endure a lot of grief - even before Zhanna was born, her parents buried 2 small children, a boy and a girl. However, the heirs who appeared after the Kalmans were distinguished by good genes and health. For example, Jeanne's brother, Francois, was also included in the category of centenarians - he was able to celebrate 97 birthdays.

Jeanne lived in Arles all her life. Already in adulthood, the woman recalled how, as a 13-year-old teenager, she worked part-time in her father’s shop, where she met... Vincent Van Gogh himself, a Dutch post-impressionist artist! However, then the guest did not make any impression on Zhanna. Kalman noticed that the creator was dirty, smelled bad and was unfriendly.

It so happened that Jeanne survived her husband Fernand Nicolas, who was her second cousin and died of poisoning from spoiled berries, and her daughter Yvonne, who died of pneumonia, and her grandson Frederic Jean-Paul Billot, who was killed in a car accident. To maintain the opportunity to live comfortably, lonely 90-year-old Jeanne made a deal with lawyer François Raffret - the latter had to pay the woman 2,500 French francs monthly in exchange for her apartment, which became the property of the lawyer only after Calman's death. Alas, Raffre never saw this apartment. He assumed that the old woman would soon pass away, but he simply did not expect to encounter a person whose age would be the greatest ever. world history! As a result, the man died first, and the obligation to pay 2,500 French francs monthly for 2 years passed to his widow. The apartment still went to the Raffre family, but they paid for it three times the real market value.

Kalman smoked and also did not give up wine and chocolate, which she loved very much. The latter sweet, containing beneficial antioxidants, is in principle called by researchers as perhaps the key to longevity - it turned out that almost all of the oldest people on Earth ate a lot of chocolate. If we talk about Zhanna, she also included fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and was also actively involved in sports: fencing, tennis, cycling.

The next person is considered the oldest of all who currently lives on Earth - the Japanese woman Chie Miyako is 117 years old. Just like Jeanne Calment, Tie is a woman - geneticists have found that it is the fair sex who, as a rule, live to the age of 115. On the list of the oldest verified centenarians in history, there are only 6 men per 100 women.

Tie was born on May 2, 1901. Today she lives in the port city of Yokohama. The secret of longevity in the case of Miyako is swimming and skiing, as well as the traditional Japanese diet, consisting of rice and fish that are healthy for the body. Miyako stopped eating meat, and also gave her preference to raw food eating - a practice that involves giving up any thermally processed food (whether frying, boiling, steaming, oven-cooking, etc.).

A few years ago, Tie could easily get on her skis and go down a steep slope, but at the moment she has difficulty moving and practically does not leave her home. Sports have been replaced by reading books: in a week a woman reads 2-3 complete works.

Japan is a country rich in centenarians in principle. Most recently, the title of oldest person in the world belonged to Chiya's compatriot, Nabi Tajima, who lived a total of 117 years and 260 days. She was born on August 4, 1900, i.e. turned out to be only 1 year older than Miyako. Even though Nabi, who died on April 21, 2018, did not live to see her 120th birthday, she left behind great legacy in the form of a friendly family consisting of:

  • 9 children;
  • 28 grandchildren;
  • 56 great-grandchildren;
  • 35 great-great-grandchildren.

Kane Tanaka and Shimoe Akiyama

2nd and 4th place in the modern ranking of the oldest people in the world are also occupied by representatives of Japan - these are Kane Tanaka and Shimoe Akiyama, who celebrated their 115th birthdays in 2018. Tanaka adds another 204 days to this round date, and Akiyama adds 67 days.

Kane was born on January 2, 1903. During her life, she saw not only her native country, but also the United States, where she went in the 1970s to visit her nephews and nieces. Even today, a woman can clearly remember her impressions of the trip, despite how much time has passed! Tanaka lives in a nursing home in Fukuoka Prefecture, where she receives constant support because... Kane is no longer able to walk without a walker. The Japanese woman calls her enduring faith in God the secret of her longevity.

Her compatriot, Shimoe Akiyama, was born just a few months later - on May 19, 1903. He currently lives in Aichi Prefecture, where not a single resident can compete with her in terms of the number of years.

Their record holders maximum quantity have existed in modern Europe for years. Thus, the representative of Italy, Maria Giuseppe Robucci-Nargiso, who has lived for a total of 115 years and 127 days, is today the oldest person not only in home country, but throughout the EU. In a similar worldwide nomination, she takes an honorable 3rd place - after Chie Miyako and Kane Tanaka.

Maria was born on March 20, 1903. At the age of 25, she married Nicola Nargiso, to whom she gave birth to 5 children - Concetta, Angelo, Giuseppe, Filomena and Antonio. The family was able to survive the 1940s, but still faced serious financial problems. In 1982, Maria Giuseppe's husband died.

For her 100th anniversary, the Italian was invited to participate in the TV show “La vita in diretta” (Italian – “Life in live"). Robucci-Nargiso was shown as an active, active woman who, even at such a respectable age, chopped wood on her own!

4 years ago, the centenarian injured her hip as a result of an unfortunate fall, so she had to lie on the operating table. However, even this did not knock Maria down. Surprisingly, today both the Italian herself and one of her sons, Angelo, who is also quite old - 86 years old, are alive.

The woman states that 3 things helped her reach such a great age:

  • Mediterranean diet;
  • faith in God;
  • optimistic attitude in life.

Lucille Randon

5th place in the global ranking of living centenarians is occupied by Lucille Randon, a representative of France, who celebrated her 114th birthday in 2018. Lucille was born on February 11, 1904 into the family school teacher Paul Randon, who at that time taught in the city of Ales. The girl was born not alone, but together with her twin sister, who died a year later.

Already at the age of 12, Lucille began working as a governess in one of the Marseille families, and at the age of 16 she moved to Versailles, where she got a job as a home teacher for children. She continued to work as a teacher for wealthy families until 1945, when she decided to enroll as a nurse at a hospital in the city of Vichy, where help was needed in caring for the elderly and orphans. She worked like this for 28 years, after which she devoted herself to serving God, entering first a Savoy monastery and then, at the age of 105, a local monastery in Toulon.

The oldest of the men

The absolute record holder can also be distinguished among the representatives of the stronger half of humanity - we're talking about about the late Japanese Jiroemon Kimura, born April 19, 1897 and died June 12, 2013. None of the men could compete with the age of Kimura, who lived 116 years and 54 days.

Jiroemon devoted the entire 45 years of his life to working in the post office, but upon reaching 90 years old he decided to start running a personal farm - a farm. Despite the fact that the man’s legs soon became weak, until the end of his days he remained active and positive: he was interested in politics, gave interviews to journalists and reporters, communicated with the younger generation, and watched sumo competitions. Kimura called regular exercise the key to longevity. physical exercise and a healthy but moderate diet. Jiroemon urged not to overeat, even if the food is very tasty, and to always use moderation.

Kimura died of pneumonia on hospital bed. He gave birth to 7 children, 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren, and always instructed his relatives to support each other and live happily.

Unconfirmed centenarian

However, not all of the oldest people are tested, verified and included in official statistics. For example, the living Indian Mahashta Mursasi states that he was born on January 6, 1835. This means that the man must be no less than 183 years old!

However, the Guinness Book of Records refuses to recognize Mursasi as a record holder, citing insufficient supporting documents. It is not possible to ask doctors who have ever treated Mahashta, because... last man, who worked with him, died back in 1971.

Mursasi was born in big city Bangalore back when India was a British colony. He worked as a shoemaker all his life until he retired... At the age of 122. The man could not even imagine that he would celebrate his 180th birthday. Murashi, who enjoys every passing day, has a philosophical attitude towards life, and therefore thanks death for such a long reprieve. Until representatives of the Guinness Book of Records conduct a genetic examination and find out the real age of Makhashta, the championship laurels will belong to the 112-year-old Japanese Masazo Nonako.

The oldest Russian woman

IN Russian Federation it also has its oldest resident - we are talking about Nana Tsukovna Shaova, who lives in the Kabardino-Balkarian village of Zayukovo. The only documents confirming a woman’s age are a passport and a certificate from the Russian Book of Records. However, the date of birth in these papers is conditional, because the birth certificate has not been preserved, and Nanu herself does not remember exactly what day she was born. She only remembers the year - 1890. This means that by now she is already 128 years old.

How old is the oldest person in the world

The time allotted to each person on earth is individual, and it is impossible to predict in advance how many years are still ahead, and when making plans, seriously count on their implementation. Man is mortal, and, as the classic rightly noted, the bad thing is that he is mortal suddenly. However, almost everyone expects to live a long life and hopes to meet an interesting old age. From time immemorial, people have been looking for ways to prolong their lives, to find a medicine that guarantees longevity, and, if possible, immortality.

Are there any patterns that allow us to say that certain factors contribute to a long life span? Are there any magical potions that will give you a dozen or two extra years of life? People who live 90 years or more are called centenarians. Each additional year lived on earth brings more and more attention to them. The centenary anniversary becomes a real event, and children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, gathering on such a wonderful occasion, secretly cherish the hope that longevity is a hereditary factor and they themselves will also have the opportunity to blow out a hundred candles on the birthday cake. So what does the number of years lived depend on?

What is the maximum life expectancy of a person?

The person who lived the longest life is considered to be the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment. She managed to celebrate her 122nd birthday before she passed away. Moreover, such a long life span is documented and is beyond doubt among scientists. It’s surprising, but if we take into account official data, then among the ten people who lived the longest lives, nine are women, and only one is a man! Coincidence? Or is there some kind of terrible secret? Women often have to severe trials, but, nevertheless, obligations to children and parents are more seasoned nervous system, the habit of relying on themselves makes women less vulnerable. From time immemorial, men have been fighting, working, trying to do everything, and in this rush they are losing an unequal battle with life and death. Women, as continuers of the family, live for themselves, for men.

Fewer and fewer representatives of the generation that won the Great Patriotic War are still alive. Patriotic War. People who suffered the most terrible hardships, hunger, disease, hardships and deprivations, went through fire and water, the ovens of concentration camps - and survived, and many of them lived long lives. Triggered genetic code did not allow the surviving people to die from disease and hunger after the war, and the people practically rose from the ashes. And how many centenarians there are, about whom there is no official data, grandparents who live out their lives in remote villages, who restored documents after the war from memory and do not know how old they really are.

If we take into account unverified and unconfirmed data, then each country can boast of its centenarians and try to compete with the Guinness Book of Records. Stories about the Chinese Li-Chgung-yang, who lived for about three hundred years, despite complete absence any documentary evidence excites minds and hearts and forces them to look for a way to repeat it life path. A postage stamp was issued in honor of the 169th birthday of Colombian Javier Pereira. A similar honor was given to the long-lived USSR Mukhamed Eyvazov, who celebrated his 150th birthday.

Despite the fact that France is considered the record holder for the number of people with the longest life expectancy, with the UK and Germany in the top three, the oldest person lives in a small village on the shores of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Carmelo Flores Laura passed the 123 mark. He credits hard work as the secret to his longevity, and small quantity food eaten.

What affects life expectancy?

Food that prolongs life:

  • Apples restore elasticity to the walls of blood vessels and regulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Dark chocolate improves memory, reduces fatigue;
  • Natural becomes good method prevention of cancer;
  • Rice is a real treasure useful substances. It’s not for nothing that in the East, where rice is an integral part of the diet, life expectancy is quite high;
  • Vegetables, berries, greens cleanse blood vessels and promote hematopoiesis.
  • Fish and seafood are the optimal material for the renewal of body cells. The number of long-living Japanese people can safely be considered as proof of the benefits of their systematic consumption.

Except proper nutrition, complete healthy sleep, physical activity, interspersed with rest and peace of mind. But if everything is so simple, why don’t people live two hundred years? Illness, stress, bad environment, negative emotions destroy bodies and souls. Numerous man-made disasters, accidents and wars claim the lives of thousands of people. Are we able to change our lives ourselves, or are each of us just a follower along the road of life? Be that as it may, we can make our life more correct, full of positive deeds and thoughts, otherwise, why live a hundred years if there is no good memory left after you? Dare, search, try, and who knows, maybe you will give the world a cure for longevity?

The oldest person in the world August 31st, 2013

A 123-year-old man in Bolivia is recognized as the oldest inhabitant of the Earth. A man named Flores Laura lives in a hut with a thatched roof and dirt floor. Laura's house is located near Lake Titicaca. The centenarian walks without a cane and constantly chews coca leaves.

According to documents, the man was born on July 16, 1890. Flores Laura says he is a hundred years old, maybe more. He explains his longevity by walking a lot every day and not eating rice or noodles.

The man eats lamb and barley grains, as well as beans and potatoes grown with his own hands. One day he even tried a fox that he caught in the forest.

The man drinks water that flows from high-mountain springs and does not drink alcohol. As Laura notes, he was never seriously ill.

And here is the following information:

In 1933, Time Magazine and New York Times obituaries reported that he had died at the age of 256. Lee Ching-Yun, who by this time had already buried 23 wives and raised 180 heirs. Was he really that old, and Environmental Graffiti tried to find out.

Lee Ching-Yun's secret of youth was that he always kept peace of mind, while his diet consisted of rice and wine. About childhood and youth Lee Ching-Yun little information has survived. It is known that he was born in Sichuan province in China, where he lived until the end of his days. By age 10 Ching-Yun was quite educated, Lee had already visited Kan-Su, Shanxi, Tibet, Annam, Siam and Manchuria, where he collected various herbs. Then the story of his life is lost...

At the age of 256, Lee was quite vigorous and looked like a typical 60-year-old man. It is this fact that casts doubt on his age. As Lee himself said, he was born in 1736 and lived 197 years. However, in 1930 Woo Chang-shin, professor and dean of Minkuo University, found records confirming that Li was born in 1677, and that the Imperial Government of China congratulated him on his 150th and 200th anniversaries.

Perhaps Lee forgot his date of birth or there was another Lee Ching-Yun. For a long time considered the oldest person on earth Jeanne-Louise Calment, whose age was considered phenomenal - she was 122 years old. She lived in France and died in 1997. This means that if the records found Wu Chang-Shin are correct, then Lee Ching-Yun's age exceeds the officially recorded age by more than 130 years. Partially history Lee Ching-Yun fiction and we can only guess.

Of course, each of us would like to stay in this world as long as possible, but, alas, no person is eternal. It is clear that many factors influence her: her image, nutrition, place of residence, genetic predisposition to diseases, and so on. On average, in the CIS countries, men die around 60 years of age, and women - 65. In Western Europe this figure is slightly higher. However, at all times there were encountered on Earth that manifested to life great love and lived longer than the average age.

In general, “centenarians” are people who have crossed the threshold of 90 years. According to statistics, women stay in this world longer than men, which is why they hold most of the records for life expectancy.

The oldest person on Earth

This title belongs to the heroine Jeanne Louise Calment. In the entire history of man and to this day, there has not been a person who has lived longer than her. She was born in France on February 21 back in 1875, and she died at 122 years old in 1997 on August 4. Kalman lived longer than her children and grandchildren. In scientific papers, information about her life is carefully documented.

Second place. The oldest person on Earth

The Guinness Book of Records says that the most old man- This is Shigechio Izumi from Japan. He is said to have been born in 1865 on June 29th and died in 1986 on February 21st. If the date of birth is correct, then he spent 120 years in this world, and this means that he ranks second in the list of long-livers after Jeanne Louise Calment. However, according to other sources, he passed away at the age of 105. What information is correct, we most likely will not be able to find out. But, despite this, Shigechio Izumi still set a record, albeit in terms of duration labor activity. He worked for 98 years. Another interesting fact is that after 70 years of life he began to smoke.

Second contender for the title of "Oldest Man on Earth"

If we take into account that the date of birth of the Japanese Izumi is incorrect, then the oldest man can rightfully be considered Thomas Peter Thorvald Christian Ferdinand Mortenses, who lived 115 years. He was born in Denmark in 1882 on August 16, and died in 1998 on April 15. There are records of his baptism left in the church, which in no way call into question Christian’s real age.

How old is the oldest person alive today?

The first place on this list is rightfully occupied by the Frenchwoman Anne Eugenie Blachard. Her age has already exceeded 117 years. She was born on February 16, 1896. The oldest male person on Earth today is American Walter Breuning. He was born in the same year as Blachard, only on September 21st.

Probably everyone dreams of living a long life filled with happy moments, but, on the other hand, this also has its downsides. Think for yourself, friends, parents, children, and sometimes even grandchildren of centenarians die before them, so a person who has suffered so many losses can hardly be considered happy. So don't think about the years, appreciate every minute, every day and every chance and try to live your life as brightly as possible.