The most evil fish. The most dangerous fish

Electric eel- a fish from the order Gymnotiiformes, the only species of the genus Electrophorus. Despite external resemblance, not related to true eels. Inhabits the rivers of the northeastern part South America and tributaries of the middle and lower Amazon.

An interesting thing about the structure of electric eels are the electrical organs, which occupy about 4/5 of the body length. The eel generates a discharge with a voltage of up to 1300 V and a current of up to 1 A. The positive charge is in the front of the body, the negative charge is in the back. Electric organs are used by the eel to protect against enemies and to paralyze prey, which consists mainly of small fish. There is also an additional electric organ that acts as a locator. Electric shock from an adult electric eel can stun a horse.

Tiger fish is the most dangerous fish in Africa. This is a predator with large, sharp 5-centimeter teeth and dark vertical stripes on its body. They hunt large animals in packs, destroying prey in a couple of seconds. The two largest species of this fish are the common tiger fish, which reaches a mass of up to 15 kg and lives in the rivers of Africa: Lualaba and Zambezi; Goliath tiger fish, which reaches up to 2 meters in length, weighs more than 50 kg and lives in Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River

Piranha is the most dangerous fish in South America and the whole world due to its strong, sharp triangular teeth, powerful jaws and group hunting. Piranha is found in the Amazon basin and is also common in the Orinoco and other South American freshwater rivers. There are more than 60 species of piranha, most of which grow up to 50 cm in length and weigh on average up to 1 kg. Piranhas attack crustaceans and other fish and are dangerous to humans. These predators go out hunting in schools of about 100 fish to catch large prey. A flock of piranhas destroys an animal weighing 50 kg in a couple of minutes. These ferocious, aggressive predators are also capable of killing deadly fish and even whales. The bite force of a piranha is 25-30 times its body weight. Piranha bites cause severe bleeding and pain.

The candiru penetrates a person and extends short spines on its gills to anchor itself inside the organs and suck in blood. This leads to inflammation, hemorrhage and even death of the victim. Fish is difficult to remove from the body even with surgery.

For many of us ourselves scary fish is a shark, but in addition to sharks, others no less live in the seas, oceans, rivers and lakes dangerous fish. With the most dangerous slaves, a meeting with whom may not end well in the best possible way, this post will introduce us.

Saw-nosed rays

These huge creatures can reach a length of 7 meters and weigh more than 2500 kg! In ancient times, people used the image of this huge stingray as a monster for legends. In fact, sawtooth rays are quite safe because they are very shy. But you should stay away from them, since their sharp nose can really cut a person in half.

Brown pacu

Brown pacus are found in fresh waters South America. Externally, the fish is very similar to a piranha, and for good reason, since it is its distant relative. However, unlike piranhas, brown pacu can reach a height of about a meter and weigh about 40 kilograms. A special feature of this species is its teeth, which are surprisingly similar to human ones. Thanks to their powerful jaws, pacu can kill almost any creature caught in the water. But it is worth noting that they rarely attack a person without a reason.

Olive catfish

Well, who is afraid of catfish? This fish is often caught by people in order to decorate our table. However, olive catfish are a fairly large representative. They reach a length of 160 cm and weigh up to 60 kilograms. These catfish are actually caught for food, however, due to their large size, such fish become a deadly enemy to humans. There are cases when people became dinner for her.

Mackerel hydrolics

Another name for this fish is payar. This species also lives in South America, in particular in the fresh waters of Venezuela. Their distinguishing feature- huge fangs and insatiable gluttony. Mackerel-like hydrolics easily destroy and eat piranhas and animals that fall into the water. The fish is aggressive, but rarely attacks people. However, there are people who paid with their lives for the sake of their interest in fish.

Catfish wallago attu

These catfish live in the waters of Asia, India and Afghanistan. They are larger in size than even olive catfish, and from time to time they like to attack bathing people. That is why it is not recommended to relax near untested sources of water, and especially to swim in them.

European anglerfish

Another name for this fish is monkfish. Very often caught for sale and personal consumption. This sluggish fish is a master of camouflage and feeds mainly on other fish. However, to come into view monkfish we don't recommend it. Few people will be able to escape unharmed from the terrible jaws.

Atlantic giant groupers

From time to time we see reports about groupers in programs about the environment and underwater world. This representative of waterfowl is really very interesting. Essentially, a grouper is a huge ocean-dwelling bass that can weigh up to 200 kilograms. Many divers love to be photographed next to a huge grouper, however, the fish themselves rarely like it, so many risk-takers have a powerful reminder of their fateful underwater encounter on their bodies. And some people could not survive after meeting with ocean perch.

Surgeon fish

This one is beautiful tropical fish reaches a length of up to one meter. They do not have terrible teeth or poisonous spines. However, their tails are razor sharp. It is strongly recommended not to swim in the water where these wonderful creatures live, as recovery will be long and painful.

Tiger fish Goliath

This fish is nothing safer than a shark, and her character is as unbearable as that of piranhas. This is one of the most dangerous freshwater fish in the world, which has huge sharp teeth. The largest representatives of Goliath are found in the Congo River.

Widely distributed in central Africa. Tiger fish are the most dangerous freshwater fish in the world. The predator has large, razor-sharp teeth. Considered to be a larger and deadlier version of the piranha

They often hunt in packs and sometimes attack large animals. Attacks on humans are rare. The largest two species of fish are the Great Tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath) and the African Tigerfish (Hydrocyon vittatus). Large tiger fish can reach 110 pounds (50 kg), and specimens have been found in the Congo River and Lake Tanganyika. The African tigerfish can weigh up to 33 pounds (15 kg) and is native to the Zambezi River system.

The Nile crocodile is distributed throughout most of Africa. This large reptile has earned the reputation as the most ferocious and deadly animal on the planet.
A male crocodile is typically 11.5 to 16 feet (3.5 to 5 meters) long, but specimens have been known to exceed 18 feet (5.5 m) in length. Solitary crocodiles attack all living things that are smaller or equal in size to them. Sometimes Nile crocodiles hunt in packs, when they can knock down large animals such as hippopotamuses and rhinoceroses. From sharp teeth Nile crocodile people are dying; according to some estimates, the mortality rate ranges from several hundred to several thousand per year.
The ancient Egyptians feared and revered the crocodile, endowing it with mystical properties. Large animals are now hunted by poachers for their skin, although measures taken to protect the reptiles have helped stabilize their numbers.

Snakeheads are rare in the West, where there are fairly large populations aggressive species fish that have taken root there. After a random fisherman found a northern snakehead in a pond in Maryland in the US, it caused a media sensation. But biologists warn that this freshwater fish could easily establish itself in North America and cause irreparable damage to the ecosystem.

These predators are quite voracious and can reach a length of up to one meter. The objects of their hunt are usually all kinds of invertebrates, frogs and small fish.

Snakeheads can breathe outdoors and stay out of water for up to four days. These fish are able to survive much longer periods of drought while in the mud.

Article by Elizabeth Shogren, Los Angeles Times

On Tuesday, Interior Secretary Gayle Gorton said the US government is moving to eradicate the snakehead, a fish with sharp teeth. voracious appetite and the ability to move on land.

Gayle proposed officially recognizing snakeheads (which have many nicknames, including "Frankenfish", in a similar vein to Frankenstein) as "destructive animals". In this case, they cannot be imported from abroad or transported from one state to another.

“These fish look like an animal from a horror movie,” Norton said at a press conference. “These fish are one of the most scary predators. They eat almost everything that gets in their way." If these fish continue to reproduce, she said, they will pose a threat to freshwater animals and destroy the ecological balance in the country's ponds, streams and rivers. Currently, 13 states have banned keeping this fish at home. a torpedo-shaped fish that gets its name from its enormous head.

The usual habitat of the snakehead is some areas of Africa and Asia. In seven US states, including California, scientists have discovered four species of this fish. IN last years About 17,000 snakeheads were officially imported into the country. Many Americans keep them at home as aquarium fish. Experts believe that someone released the snakeheads into American waters, perhaps just to get rid of them, perhaps so that the snakeheads would reproduce in natural conditions and could be caught.

In 1997, one snakehead was discovered in Silverwood Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains east of Los Angeles. It is the only snakehead found in the state, according to Marshall Jones, deputy director of the Fish and Wildlife Service.

So far, large populations of snakeheads have only been found in Maryland and Florida.

Last year, an active breeding population of bulleye snakehead was discovered in Broward County, Florida. This is the largest subspecies of snakehead, reaching 120 cm in length and weighing up to 20 kg.

In June, an angler caught a subspecies of snakehead in a Maryland pond and showed a photo of it to state authorities. So far, two adult fish and about 100 fry have been found in the same pond. Maryland officials worry the fish could be multiplying quickly. According to Zhrik Shvaab, head of the department natural resources Marienda, the authorities are planning to poison the snakeheads in this pond.

Schwaab said if the snakehead population is allowed to expand beyond the pond, it will be very difficult to eradicate them. This is a very tenacious fish that reproduces very quickly.

Currently, snakehead is freely available in markets and some restaurants in Boston and New York. Snakeheads can live without water, so they can be easily transported by plane. Apparently this is one of the reasons that in Lately There are so many of these fish in the US.

This amazing fish can go without water for three days because it can breathe air. It eats other fish, sea animals, birds, and some mammals.

It is believed that snakeheads are monogamous and diligently guard their fry. According to Norton, there have even been reports from Asia that the snakehead can attack people if its offspring are in danger.

Authorities have asked the public to help prevent snakeheads from entering the country's rivers and lakes. Anyone who would like to get rid of a snakehead must either contact the authorities or kill the fish by putting it in the freezer.

This freshwater turtle, which lives in the Amazon and Orinoco basins in South America. These strange animals prefer to live in freshwater areas with shallow, stagnant water so that they can safely stick their heads out of the water to breathe.

The weight of the animal can reach 15 kilograms, which is quite a lot for a turtle. They feed on invertebrates and fish and pose no danger to humans, despite their strange appearance.

Mata Mata are quite picky about water quality, so pollution environment for these animals it is especially noticeable.

The electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is native to the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, where they hunt prey and protect themselves by generating a powerful charge of electricity.
Electric eels breathe air by rising to the surface of the water and taking a sip. Thanks to specialized internal organs the positive charge is in the front of the body, the negative charge is in the back. Electric charge may be more than 500 volts, enough to kill an adult.
Electric eels primarily prey on invertebrates, although adults consume fish and small mammals. They attack humans if only they are disturbed. As a rule, they live in muddy, standing water.

Such big catfish They live in almost all rivers of the world, playing the role of scavengers there. The largest of the giant catfish is the Mekong catfish. The largest specimen of this species weighed about 300 kg and was 3.2 meters in length. The Mekong catfish is now critically endangered due to habitat degradation, but conservation efforts continue.

Despite their impressive size, giant catfish rarely pose a danger to people. The lifespan of these giant fish can reach 60 years.

This is the only spider in the world that spends its entire life underwater. Like other insects, the silverfish breathes air, but it is provided not by the surrounding land environment, but by an air bubble that the animal forms around itself. From time to time the bubble must be replenished with oxygen, for which the spider floats to the surface, but in fact the entire life of the animal passes under water.

Silver grass is found in Central Europe and North Asia. A spider bite is quite dangerous, but not fatal; it can only cause fever.

Anaconda - largest snake on the planet. These animals live in the swampy regions of South America. It is believed that the word "anaconda" is translated from Tamil as "elephant killer", which hints at the rather impressive reputation of the snake among these people.

Anacondas feed on fish, birds, small mammals. They can be dangerous to people, but cases of deliberate predation are extremely rare.

Animals live mostly in South-East Asia and in Northern Australia, where they can reach enormous sizes (about 5 meters in length and weighing up to 600 kilograms). Quite little is known about these creatures, including their estimated global population and whether they are found in salt water.

The freshwater stingray is difficult to see as it often buries itself in river mud. They hunt shellfish and crabs by striking them with electrical impulses. There were cases of attacks on large animals, as well as boats capsizing, but no attacks on people were recorded.

Payara or vampire fish

You can see this fish in markets in Pevas, Peru and the Amazon. The local population greatly values ​​this creepy-looking fish for its meat.

Vampire fish prey on small fish, including the equally fearsome piranhas. Long fangs are used as weapons, which in some individuals reach 6 inches in length.

Moreover, over the past hundred years, there have been repeated reports that these animals caused significant harm to human health by getting into the urethra during bathing.

These, although small fish, have become quite famous due to their sharp teeth, gluttony and aggressiveness. Fish live in swimming pools large rivers South America. Cases of attacks on humans are quite rare, but who among us has not heard about how big fans of meat piranhas are?

Theodore Roosevelt, during his visit to Brazil, was amazed by the spectacle that his hosts put on for him: piranhas gnawed a cow carcass to the bone in a matter of seconds. However, these toothy creatures are very useful for the ecosystem. Being scavengers, they clear the water of dead flesh, providing normal conditions habitat for other species.

Goliath tarantula

It is the second largest spider in the world and belongs to the tarantula family. Yours scary name it came from Victorian explorers who saw it eating hummingbirds.

These big spiders They live in northern South America and can reach sizes of 12 inches. Traditionally for spiders, female tarantulas eat their "husbands" after mating. Males live from 3 to 6 years, and females are long-livers: their life expectancy ranges from 15 to 25 years.

Despite their distinctive name, tarantulas rarely eat birds. Their main prey are invertebrates and some vertebrates. Spiders are not dangerous to humans, but they have their own methods of protection. The insect can sting (the sting resembles a wasp), and the hairs with irritating fluid can cause redness on the skin.

In most cases, humans pose a danger to fish, because since ancient times, fishing has been one of the main ways of obtaining food. But sometimes fish can pose a real danger to people. As they say, forewarned is forearmed, and while the most dangerous fish live on the planet, you need to know where they live, what they are called and, if possible, avoid meeting them.

TOP 10 most dangerous fish in the world

When meeting a person, this fish will not bite or swallow the victim. In a split second it will generate a discharge of up to 1300 V, due to which you can lose consciousness under water. The radius of destruction is 3 m. The electric eel is a fairly aggressive fish, most often it attacks itself. It lives in the Amazon and other rivers in the northeastern part of South America. Large individuals can reach 3 m in length and weigh up to 40 kg.

One of the most dangerous freshwater fish, it lives in Africa: in the Congo River, as well as lakes Upemba and Tanganyika. Like a real tiger, the fish is dangerous predator, can attack humans and other fish. To do this, she has 32 powerful sharp teeth. And the weight of 50 kg and height of 180 cm are quite comparable to human ones.

3. Sharks. There are more than 450 species of sharks in the world. Not all of them pose a danger to humans, but some are really better not to approach. The most scary sharks swimming in the ocean are the great white shark, bull shark, gray reef shark, Greenland shark and tiger shark.

White shark it can reach 7 m in length and 3 tons in weight. Every year, several dozen people all over the world become its victims, some of them die. Just one photo of this huge killer fish is terrifying, and after watching the movie “Jaws” the fear will not leave you for a long time.

Tiger shark eats everything indiscriminately. Various household items, fragments of anchors and even tires for wheels were more than once found in the stomachs of captured individuals. It will not be difficult for a “sea tiger” to attack a person. Moreover, the shark does this quickly, leaving the victim no chance.

The bull shark is one of the most dangerous big fish. It is with this that most cases of attacks on humans are associated. Males are especially aggressive, prone to unexpected attacks of rage due to the active production of male hormones. This species lives in the Mississippi and Amazon rivers, as well as in Lake Nicaragua.

This is one of the most dangerous species fish North America. The length of the catfish can reach 1.5 m and weight - 120 kg. For the most part, this predator feeds on other fish, mammals and waterfowl, but attacks on humans are not uncommon. Every year, up to 8-10 fishermen die in the waters of North American rivers. Their death is terrible, because, having attacked the victim, the olive catfish with enormous force begins to tear it apart.

The TOP 10 most dangerous fish will continue with the tiny Vandellia. Its size is only 2.5-15 cm in length and 3.5 mm in width, but why is it considered one of the most dangerous river fish? The fact is that its main sources of nutrition are blood and urine, so the smallest vandellia easily penetrates the human genitourinary organs and anus. Once inside, she begins to feed on human flesh. And this nasty predator can only be removed surgically. You can meet it in the Amazon River basin in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Although it is better, of course, not to do this.

This is a fairly small fish (up to 30 cm in length) that lives in the waters of South America and Brazil. Piranha is dangerous because it is a very voracious predator with big amount sharp teeth. Piranhas attack prey in large flocks. Small prey is swallowed whole, while pieces of meat are violently torn off from large prey, swallowed and bit back into the flesh. In a few seconds, a school of piranhas, even from a disproportionately large prey, will leave only one bone.

Found in the Kali (Gandak) River, which flows between Nepal and India. Since ancient times, according to local custom, the bodies of the deceased are dumped into this river, which may not be completely burned during the funeral rite. Huge toothy catfish weighing up to 140 kg feed on the remains of human flesh, and love this taste so much that they often attack living people who enter the water.

Another name for it is “fish with human teeth”, only its teeth are much sharper. Pacu likes to chew nuts and fruits that fall from trees into the Amazon, and also eats other fish and invertebrates. There is a known case in which in 1994 two fishermen died from severe loss of blood due to an aggressive attack by Paku.

This fish received this name because of its great similarity to the stones of coral reefs. If someone accidentally steps on it, the “stone” comes to life and bites the victim, releasing deadly poison. Afterwards the person spends several hours in terrible torment and, for lack of an antidote, dies. The most dangerous tropical fish is found in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Ocean, as well as in the Red Sea and off the coasts of Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

10. Sea Dragon . This small fish (25-35 cm) lives in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. She poses a danger to amateurs beach holiday in Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, as well as in Russia. These fish are quite aggressive, and also have poisonous glands located on the dorsal fin.

If a person steps on such a “dragon,” his leg will turn blue and large swelling will form. In some cases, paralysis of the limb, heart failure and seizures were recorded.

There are fish that pose a danger not to the one they bite or eat, but to the one who eats them. The most dangerous fish to eat is fugu. It is prepared only by specially trained Japanese chefs who have received a license, because one awkward movement during the process of preparing fugu can lead to death for the one who decides to taste it. By the way, there used to be a tradition in Japan: if a restaurant guest was poisoned by this poisonous fish, then the cook who prepared it had to either eat a piece and get poisoned, or commit ritual suicide.

Not only modern people die and are injured from attacks by huge predatory fish, but our most distant ancestors were also victims sea ​​creatures. More than 1.5 million years ago, there lived on our planet giant shark megalodon. Its name translates as “big tooth,” and in length, as scientists have found, it reached 18 m.

More lived before 4 ton sea ​​giant Dunkleosteus. It reached 10 m in length and was the largest carnivorous fish of its time.

Helicoprion is also one of the most dangerous extinct fish. This is a species of shark that lived more than 250 million years ago. It was distinguished by a special spiral-shaped row of teeth, and grew up to 4 m in length.

The saying is true: “If you don’t know the ford, don’t poke your nose into the water,” because often the most dangerous inhabitants sea ​​spaces can be in the same place where people swim. Of course, not all collisions with dangerous fish end in death for a person, but serious injury and blood loss are quite possible. Therefore, it is better to avoid places where they can live sea ​​predators, and when you meet one of them, try to leave the water as quickly as possible.