All about the dangerous fish of the Red Sea. Dangerous inhabitants of the Red Sea

Millions of tourists visit Egypt's famous resorts every year. Some come for the first time, while others, having once discovered this country and its main natural attraction - the Red Sea, return to Egypt again and again. And they can be understood, for beauty and wealth underwater world The northernmost tropical sea cannot leave anyone indifferent. At the same time, everyone can find something to their liking. Some are attracted to active recreation - diving, windsurfing, and other water activities, while others simply want to sunbathe under the hot African sun and plunge into crystal clear salty water. But, regardless of the purpose of the trip, all tourists may encounter dangers lurking in sea water. Moreover, this can happen both at a depth of twenty meters and near the shore.

The largest and scary predators, living in the Red Sea, are sharks. The variety of food allows these predators to exist here in huge numbers. Previously, it was believed that a warm-blooded person was not of any interest to them.

However, the events that occurred at the end of 2010 on the beaches near the Sinai resort of Sharm el-Sheikh and its environs force us to take sharp-toothed predators very seriously. And while scientists are speculating about the reasons that provoked sharks to attack people, and beach and hotel owners are taking the necessary measures to protect tourists, you should remember several rules of behavior in the water. Although you are unlikely to need them in Egypt, all sharks are very rare here:

  • Firstly, while on the water surface, you should never actively hit it with your hands and feet, since there is a high probability that a shark, which easily picks up such fluctuations in the water, will mistake you for a wounded fish or sea animal and start hunting.
  • Secondly, you should avoid swimming, and especially diving, in the dark and in places with opaque water. Compliance with this point, by the way, will allow you to protect yourself from other troubles lurking in the depths of the Red Sea and any other warm sea.
  • Thirdly, while in the water, never try to feed the fish, especially fresh fish or meat. Sharks can sense the smell of blood from a great distance and it makes them feel excited and ready to attack the intended victim, which you can easily pass for.

Sharks, being the most formidable and dangerous predator of the Red Sea, still do not cause trouble for as many tourists as they do sea ​​urchins . It is careless contact with these inhabitants of the seabed that leads to unpleasant and painful sensations for thousands of tourists every month. And the fault here lies with the tourists themselves, since sea urchins are not at all aggressive towards humans, and spend most of their time in their favorite places among stones and dead corals. Therefore, the main rule of every tourist - always watch your step and not walk on coral - must be strictly followed. By the way, special rubber slippers will not always save you from the long spines of a sea urchin. The needles, entering at right angles, easily pierce the sole. In addition, the legs can be injured above the feet. And under no circumstances should you pick up a sea urchin with your bare hands, much less pull out a needle from a part of the body damaged by contact with your bare hands. You will only cause yourself further injury. These needle-covered, round creatures appear sweet and kind, but their quills are poisonous, meaning painful stings (and often infection) if you encounter one. The needles may remain in the wound, causing further pain. In rare cases large number injections can cause paralysis and even death.

If you do step on a sea urchin, do not try to get rid of the needles stuck in the body in sea water. Try to carefully go ashore and wait until sea ​​water will dry out. Better yet, wash the injured area. fresh water. There are several ways to get rid of sea urchin spines, but in any case, some of them will remain in the human body for some time and will dissolve after a few months, although it is painful proper care may disappear the very next day. It would be a good idea to see a doctor, especially if you have health insurance.

  • To provide first aid to unfortunate vacationers who have stepped on these cute little animals, you can make a compress of diluted vinegar. However, it cannot always be found quickly. Another simpler and more affordable option - lemon or lime - is almost always available from hotel staff.
  • Hot water helps weaken the effects of poisonous needles. Rinse or soak the affected area in very hot, but not boiling, water for 30 to 90 minutes. Use tweezers to remove the needles (needles near joints in your hands or feet may need to be surgically removed). Apply an anti-inflammatory pain-relieving ointment containing antibiotics, such as ibuprofen. Symptoms such as difficulty breathing require immediate medical attention.
  • Place your hand in a bowl with highly heated olive oil, hold it for about half an hour, then wrap your hand in napkins soaked in heated oil overnight.

Corals- this is truly a beautiful sight. Unfortunately, almost all types of corals and sea ​​sponges poisonous. And after contact with them, the body, depending on the type of skin and the type of coral that you managed to come into contact with, becomes covered with spots, blisters or begins to itch very much, causing sensations like after nettles, only ten times stronger.

Not only people like coral reefs. For many marine inhabitants, this is both a home and a hunting ground. However, you should always remember that touching some of these sea ​​creatures, ideally camouflaged among the corals, can lead to many months of painful sensations, and even death, which would be very sad, at least for you. Never walk on or touch coral.

And in general, under water you should always remember that the brighter the color of the fish and the more original the body shape, the more poisonous it is. Therefore, admire, take photographs, shoot on video, but do not touch anything or anyone.

Some tourists, trying to attract as much as possible more fish while swimming or diving near a coral reef, they begin to crumble into the water any food that is at hand. And upon emerging from the water, they are surprised to notice multiple cuts on the body. This is due to numerous surgeon fish, living in reefs and so named because of the two sharp fins at the base of the tail. Even a light touch of such a “scalpel” leaves a deep cut on a person’s body, and when feeding, a whole flock of such fish can gather around you.

You need to carefully look at your feet not only when walking on a rocky bottom, but also on sandy shallows. This is where you can often step on one of the stingrays , which love to bask in the sun, spread out on the bottom, and the camouflage coloring does not allow them to be noticed from afar. And the consequences of the attack depend on what type of stingray it is: electric, stingray, or another. However, it will not be easy to step on a stingray on the hotel beach, because these sea ​​creatures prefer more secluded places.

Compliance with all the above rules will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences for the body and will only leave you with rest positive emotions for a long time.

Very rich in different inhabitants, it contains a very large number of varieties of fish. The water in it is clean and clear, very salty, and it is very easy to learn to swim in it.

Swimming in it is a pleasure; the water keeps your body afloat well.

I liked this sea very much, much better than the Black and Azov Seas.

But you need to be careful, the Red Sea hides some dangers, it is very large variety poisonous fish.

The brighter the color of the fish, the more poisonous it is; you should not catch them with your hands, as you may get burns due to their poison.

Here are the most dangerous inhabitants of the Red Sea:

Shark- the largest and dangerous predator Red Sea, in this sea there are about 30 species of sharks, the 2 most dangerous are the tiger shark, which attacks people, and the long-winged shark. Not who claim that there is even white shark, the most dangerous shark in the world, but there is no evidence of this yet. Maybe someone deliberately started such gossip to scare people. There is no need to be too scared, these sharks are active in the open sea, but they do not swim near the shore.

Look how many people vacation in Egypt every day and are not attacked by sharks. True, in 2010 there was a case when sharks attacked 4 tourists, but these sharks were caught and killed (as the Egyptian authorities say). Why did this happen? The explanation was that some ship dumped a batch of spoiled meat into the sea, and the sharks, having eaten it, swam to the shore, smelling the smell from this ship.

In 2011, everything was calm and there was not a single attack on humans, so sharks in the Red Sea are not that dangerous, many species do not pose a threat to humans at all.

Stingrays - another inhabitants of the red sea They come in two types: electric stingray and stingray. The first type has the property of releasing an electric discharge, it is dangerous because it is painful, and paralytic shock is also possible. And the second type has a spike with poison at the end of its tail. This injection is very painful and the wound takes a long time to heal after the injection.

Sea urchins- I think you’ve heard about them more than once, if you’ve been to Egypt at least once, you’ve heard how the guide immediately warns people to be careful and not step on him in the water. On the hotel premises or at the market you can buy special slippers in which you will swim in the sea. I swam without them, the first rule is not to walk on the bottom of the sea, since it is at the bottom that they lie and rest. There are practically no them on sandy beaches, but on reef beaches this is their favorite place.

Why are sea urchins dangerous?, firstly, they are prickly when you step on it, it hurts, and secondly, its needles are poisonous. Having stepped on it, you will feel paralysis of a limb of the body, severe burning pain, and after that you cannot walk for 3 days (bed rest).

And then you walk and limp for another week, because your leg hurts so much.

I talked to a woman who stepped on a hedgehog last year, she was swimming on a reef beach, or rather, she didn’t know how to swim and walked with her feet on the bottom until she stepped on it. HER words: It was a nightmare, my whole vacation was ruined, I was in no mood. They smeared my leg with some kind of ointment, and even after arriving home my leg still ached.

Barracuda fish- this fish is dangerous because it has a very sharp teeth Like a blade, it is considered one of the fastest fish in the sea and can instantly reach great speed. It grows up to two meters, people should not be afraid of it, it feeds on small fish. There is no need to approach them underwater because the barracuda will not like this and may begin to defend itself and attack you; strong jaws and sharp teeth.

Moray- the fish looks very scary, not beautiful, looks like a snake, it has neither scales nor fins. In addition, its bite is dangerous because it causes infection. human body. The coloring can be different, the color of the camouflage depending on where it is located (lives). It has sharp teeth, length 2-2.5 m, there are also small species up to 10 cm that do not grow anymore, although their teeth are very sharp. These are nocturnal animals, during the day you will not see them in the water, they lie somewhere in the gorges and rest.

Sea snakes - these are dangerous inhabitants of the Red Sea, their poison is several times stronger than that of a cobra. But the action of the poison occurs very slowly; if you are bitten by a snake, you have time to get out of the water and call ambulance(or you will be taken to the hospital) where you will be given an antidote.

Zebra fish or another name Lionfish- This type of fish is very poisonous. The lionfish looks like a fan of feathers; other fish are afraid to even touch this fish; you need to stay away from it. As soon as you receive the injection, severe pain and burning of the body area begins, convulsions begin, heart function deteriorates, and death is possible.

The venom of this fish is destroyed by high temperature, when injecting it, you need to immerse part of the body in hot water and keep it as long as possible, the hotter the better. But you also need to realistically assess the situation; you won’t be able to put your hand in boiling water at 90 degrees; you will get severe burns from the water itself. You need to choose a certain temperature, 50 -60, I think it’s still possible to stick your hand into it, then immediately go to the hospital.

Starfish- belongs to the class of invertebrates, they are different sizes from 1 cm to 1 meter. The color can be different, depending on their type; on its rays there are thorns that are poisonous. When you step on it, it is very painful, redness and burning appears at the injection site.

Sea clam Cone very poisonous, do not pick it up under any circumstances; if it stings you, its venom immediately begins to paralyze the limb. Your breathing may stop and analophic shock may occur. Out of every 3 stings from the thorn of this mollusk, one death occurs.

Don't worry too much, yeah there are many dangerous inhabitants in the red sea, but they don’t attack that often, very rarely.

There are also different predators in the forest: wolf, lynx, bear, but you go there anyway, and during the day it is almost impossible to meet them, also in the Red Sea, during the day these inhabitants rest in the depths or in gorges, so you don’t need to be very afraid , just be careful to follow the minimum recommendations:

1. do not swim far from the shore

2. do not swim in the open sea

3. don't swim at night

4. do not go into the water when you have a cut on part of your body (blood coming out).

If the Red Sea were so dangerous, then no one would swim in it (even local residents) and no one would go to Egypt on vacation.

What to do if you accidentally meet some inhabitant of the Red Sea from the above (this applies to everyone except sharks):

First of all, there is no need to panic, it is not a shark and it will not rush at you.

Second, keep a certain distance, don’t get close to them, why should you risk it.

More articles about Egypt.

IN clear waters The Red Sea, on the coastal reefs, is home to a lot of colorful small fish, which is why beginner scuba divers love these places. But some extremely attractive inhabitants of coral reefs are deadly.

Clownfish, or orange amphiprion
Amphiprion percula

She is known for her symbiosis with poisonous sea anemones, and also for the fact that she “starred” in the cartoon “Finding Nemo”. All young individuals of this fish are males, but the fish changes sex throughout its life. The incentive for a male to change sex is the death of his female. The amphiprion itself is not dangerous, but under no circumstances should you touch its home, the sea anemone.

Spinecushion sea urchin
Asthenosoma varium

There are many species of sea urchins in the Red Sea, and it is best not to deal with any of them. This one has the ends of short red needles covered with tiny white bubbles filled with poison.

Spiny Arotron
Arothron hispidus

From the pufferfish family. It lives at the very bottom, leads a solitary life, and strictly guards its territory. There are 11 species of pufferfish in the Red Sea. Their famous relative, also a pufferfish - fugu (Takifugu rubripes), this fish is sometimes eaten in Japan by those who like to tickle their nerves (it is prepared in a special way to reduce the concentration of poison). Almost all pufferfish are poisonous; their insides contain the strong poison tetrodoxin.

Lionfish, aka lion fish
genus Pterois

Weighs up to a kilogram. Despite its name, it cannot fly. The beautiful fins, which rise like a bush above the body of the fish, have sharp needles. The injection causes severe pain, which may be followed by convulsions and irregular heartbeats.

Blue surgeon
Paracanthurus hepatus

A distinctive feature of surgeon fish is a sharp spine located at the base of the caudal fin. The Blue Tang (the forgetful fish Dory) is another character from the cartoon Finding Nemo.

crown of thorns
Acanthaster planci

The only known poisonous starfish on the planet; there are quite a lot of them in the Red Sea. However, minimal caution is enough; even if the star wants to, it will not be able to catch up with you: its usual speed of movement is about 10 centimeters per minute, in emergency circumstances - up to 30.

Stonefish, or wartfish
Synanceia verrucosa

Record holder for camouflage, mimics a stone. It is considered one of the most poisonous fish in the world; a person can die from its injection within a couple of hours.

Indo-Pacific electric ray
Torpedo panthera

Up to a meter long, the electric shock force is up to several tens of volts. Stingrays are viviparous fish; embryos not only hatch from eggs in the uterus, but are also supplied there nutrients from the maternal organism (which does not happen in other fish).


The flora and fauna of the Red Sea are unique. This is explained by the fact that not a single river flows into it. That's why this part world water basin is characterized by pure water. Read about the fish that live in the Red Sea in this article.

Specimens used for food

Many people wonder, “Where is the Red Sea?” It is located near the state of Egypt, popular among tourists all over the world. Travelers are eager to get to know the flora and fauna of the local sea and, of course, want to taste Egyptian delicacies. As usual, they are prepared from edible fish Red Sea. For example:

  • Fugu is a popular dish that came to the Gulf countries from Japan. It is prepared from a fish called balloon. It swells and becomes like a ball in moments of danger. It does not attack humans, but its needles are very poisonous. Therefore, cooking fugu is trusted only to highly qualified chefs. You need to be fluent in special recipes to neutralize the dangerous poison.
  • Caranx reaches a length of 40-150 cm. Its meat has good taste qualities, which is why fish are often fried, baked and stewed.
  • Mackerel - valuable commercial fish, the meat of which contains a large amount of vitamin B 12 and healthy fats for humans. In addition, it has no bones and is tender.
  • Marlin is a representative of the ichthyofauna, whose body can reach 4 m in length. His dorsal hard, spear-shaped muzzle. Marlin is an object of sport fishing. Often caught individuals are released back into the sea. Their meat is considered a delicacy and is served only in the best restaurants.

Parrot fish

It's all about appearance

The Napoleon fish got its name because of the large growth on its head, similar to the cocked hat of the notorious French emperor. Another common name among the people is “sponge fish”, which the fish received because of its peculiar appearance. Individuals of this species seem to have huge, plump lips. The fish can reach a length of 2 meters. However, external severity does not reflect the good-natured disposition of representatives of this species. Napoleon fish are very sociable. Often, individual individuals swim up to divers and try to get to know each other better. But they never attack people.

Two-banded amphiprion

The fish of the Red Sea are unique. Most of the species living here have unusual colors. For example, Amphiprion got its name because its body is painted with bright orange and white stripes with a black outline. Sometimes another name for this species may appear - “clown fish”. Very often, representatives of this species become the subject of photography. They are not at all afraid of divers and underwater photographers. To protect themselves from predators, these fish settle near sea anemones. These marine inhabitants are completely safe for representatives of this species, but other inhabitants of the waters avoid such places. The fact is that the tentacles of sea anemones contain poison. But special mucus protects the body of amphiprions.

Butterfly fish

This species is easily recognizable by its high, oval-shaped stigma. It is greatly flattened. Also, individuals belonging to this species have an unusually long dorsal fin. The body of the fish is usually yellow-orange, with elongated white spots surrounded by a thin black border on a bright background. These representatives of the ichthyofauna live at shallow depths. They lead a diurnal lifestyle. Because of this, they have long been studied by divers and scientists. Typically, fish either live in pairs or gather in small schools. The color of different populations can vary: from blue-orange and red-yellow to black and silver.

Imperial Angel

Fishes of the Red Sea related to this species, have an unusual color. Their body is covered with stripes, spots, and specks. The predominant colors are yellow, white and blue. They can be combined in different ways, smoothly transition from one to another, or even merge, turning into a completely new shade. The drawing can be directed to different sides. It can be circular, diagonal, wavy, transverse or vertical. Although no two imperial angels are exactly alike, these exotic Red Sea fish can be easily identified.

Predatory inhabitants of the deep sea

Aggressive representatives of fauna and even flora can live at great depths. Many fish and sea animals attack in self-defense. They will not attack a person unless they feel a threat coming from him. However, their aggressive behavior can be provoked. For example, predator instincts are heightened if a person has an open wound, which causes the smell of blood to emanate from them. In order not to get hurt while holidaying on the Red Sea, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not touch fish, even if they seem harmless and you really want to touch them.
  2. Avoid swimming at night, as visibility is reduced at night and you may simply not notice a predator approaching you.

Fish attacks can result in serious injury. Their attack carries potential danger for human life.

Deceptive Appearances

Dangerous fish of the Red Sea may seem kind and friendly. In order not to get hooked and deceived by their pretty appearance, you need to know the enemy by sight. So, one of the most dangerous fish for humans is the surgeon fish.

To protect yourself from attacks more strong predators, representatives of this species produce sharp spines hidden in special recesses on the caudal fins. In terms of their sharpness, they are not inferior to surgical scalpels. This is where the fish got its name. The length of individuals is about 1 meter. The body is very brightly colored. It can be blue, pink-brown and even lemon. However, you should not try to pet these inhabitants of the sea, because this may end badly.

Stone fish

Inconspicuous in appearance, this representative of the ichthyofauna merges with the seabed in shape and color, burrowing into soft soil. Its appearance is repulsive: its entire gray body is covered with warty growths, which allows the fish to camouflage itself. Because of this, you may not notice it and accidentally step on it. A sting on the spines located on the dorsal fin can cause death. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately apply for medical care to the nearest hospital.

After intoxication with poison, a person experiences excruciating pain, and clouding of consciousness begins. Vascular abnormalities and problems with heart rhythms are signs that a swimmer has stepped on a representative of this species. It is possible to recover, but this process is very difficult and takes a lot of time.


What other fish are there in the Red Sea? These include the lionfish, which has ribbon-shaped fins and poisonous spines. When struck by its thorns, a person loses consciousness and begins to experience respiratory spasms. Because of their color, representatives of this species resemble a fan: brown-red scales are covered with wavy stripes. For this reason, it has another name - “zebra fish”.


Where the Red Sea is located, or rather in its waters, two live - the electric and the stingray. An attack by these fish can lead to serious consequences, but stingrays do not show aggression without a reason. What could happen if these representatives of the ichthyofauna are provoked to attack?

First, the victim will probably receive an electrical shock. It is so powerful in power that it can cause heart failure or paralysis.

Secondly, an injection from a poisonous thorn is a very painful wound, the healing of which is a problematic and long process.

However, there have been no reported deaths from stingray attacks at this time.

sea ​​dragon

These Red Sea fish are considered perhaps the most unpredictable predators. There are dark stripes and spots on their body. In general, the fish is inconspicuous, its length is no more than half a meter. The body is elongated. The eyes are set high to make it easier to hunt. sea ​​dragon warns of an attack by spreading the fan of the dorsal fin. However, victims do not always have time to notice this gesture. All needles located on the elongated body of the fish are very toxic. Spikes are also found on the gill covers.

Representatives of this species can hunt in shallow water, near the coast, and also at a depth of up to 20 m. Sometimes people carelessly stepped on a dragon lying in the sand. An interesting fact is that the fish is still poisonous for several hours after death. Therefore, it poses a great danger to fishermen. The injection of a poisonous dragon leads to swelling and paralysis. Heart failure has a high risk of death.


Big fish The Red Sea can reach a length of 2 m. Barracuda resembles a pike in appearance. She has small scales and knife-shaped teeth. With their help, the predator firmly captures the prey. She does not show aggression towards humans, but can confuse his limbs with fish in muddy water. Moreover, while hunting predatory fish Sharks join the Red Sea, increasing the risk of injury. Certain varieties of barracuda are believed to be edible. Moreover, their meat is very valuable. However, after tasting such a delicacy, a person can get severe poisoning with many symptoms. These include disruptions in the functioning of certain organs, and this, in turn, can lead to death.

Coral reefs

The pearl of Egypt and the Red Sea are the coral reefs. These are invertebrate organisms. They absorb calcium from the water and then use it to build colonies. Simply put, they create their own skeleton. The most stunning views of the coral occur at night. It is at this time of day that they begin the “hunt” and reveal all their color scheme.


The Red Sea is home to amazing plant life. These include blue-green algae Trichodesmium. During mass reproduction it acquires a pronounced red or brown color. The bright pigment is called phycoerythrin. During such periods, it seems as if the water itself is “blooming”. It is because of this that the Red Sea got its name.

The Red Sea belongs to Indian Ocean, washes the shores of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Sudan, Israel, Djibouti, Yemen and Eritrea. Accordingly, the sea is located between and Arabian Peninsula.

On the map, this is a narrow gap between Eurasia and Africa. The length of the reservoir is 2350 kilometers. The width of the Red Sea is 2 thousand kilometers less. Since the body of water enters the ocean only fragmentarily, it is classified as internal, that is, surrounded by land.

Thousands of divers descend from it into the sea. They are attracted by the beauty of the underwater world and the variety of fish in the Red Sea. Tourists compare it to a huge, richly arranged and populated aquarium.

Red sea sharks

These red sea fish divided into pelagic and coastal. The former prefer the open sea. Pelagic sharks approach the shores only near islands with steeply sloping reefs. Coastal ones, on the contrary, rarely enter the open sea.

Coastal sharks of the Red Sea

The coastal species includes the nurse shark. Its name comes from the friendliness of the fish. It belongs to the family of baleen sharks. Two outgrowths are located on the upper jaw. This prevents the nanny from being confused with other sharks. However, in troubled waters there may be parallels with representatives brindle species.

Nurse sharks do not live at depths of more than 6 meters. At the same time, some individuals reach 3 meters in length.

You can distinguish a nanny from other sharks by the presence of outgrowths near the mouth

Blacktip reef sharks also stay off the coast. Their length rarely exceeds 1.5 meters. Blackfins belong to the family gray sharks. The species name refers to the black markings on the tips of the fins.

Blacktip sharks are shy, cautious, and not prone to attacks on people. In extreme cases, in defense, the fish would bite the divers' flippers and knees.

There is also a whitetip reef shark in the Red Sea. It can be longer than 2 meters. On the gray fins of the fish, the spots are already snow-white.

The silvertip shark also has white markings. However, its second dorsal fin is smaller than that of the whitefin, and its eyes are round instead of oval. The gray reef shark is also found off the Red Sea coast. The fish has no markings. The length of the animal reaches 2.6 meters.

The gray reef shark is aggressive and does not like curiosity or attempts at contact from divers. The tiger shark is also found off the coast. Representatives of the species are aggressive and large - up to 6 meters in length. The weight of the animal is 900 kilograms.

Names of Red Sea fish often due to their color. This also applies tiger shark. Belonging to the gray family, it has brownish spots on its back. For them, the species is also called leopard.

Another representative of the coastal fauna of the Red Sea is the zebra shark. It can be more than 3 meters, but is peaceful. The zebra shark is elongated, graceful, colored black and white stripes. Hammerhead, silver and sand sharks are also found off the sea coast.

Pelagic sharks of the Red Sea

Pelagic species include: oceanic, silky, whale, white and mako sharks. The latter is the most aggressive and insatiable. The length of the fish exceeds 3 meters. There are 4-meter individuals.

The second name for mako is blacknose shark. The name is due to the coloring. The darkened snout is elongated. Therefore, two subspecies are distinguished. One of them is long-snouted, and the second is short-snouted.

Mako is one of the most dangerous sharks in the world

A giant hammerhead shark is still swimming far from the shores. Unlike the coastal one, it can be longer than 6 meters. Giant Hammer aggressive look. Cases of attacks on people with fatal.

In the Red Sea for giant shark hammer comfortable temperature. However, fish are tolerant of cool waters. Sometimes molotovs are found even in the seas of the Primorsky Territory of Russia, in particular in the Japanese Sea.

Red Sea Rays

These predatory fish of the Red Sea- the closest relatives of sharks. Stingrays are also chordates. In other words, the fish skeleton is devoid of bones. Instead of them - cartilage.

The stingray community is divided into two groups. One contains diamond-bodied stingrays. Another order includes electrical species.

Red Sea diamondback rays

The stingrays of the order are divided into three families. All are represented in the Red Sea. The first family is eagle rays. They are pelagic. All brackens are gigantic, distinguished by a clearly defined head, interrupted pectoral fins at eye level.

Many brackens have something like a beak. These are the connected edges of the pectoral fins. They are fused under the top of the snout.

The second family of diamondback rays is the stingrays. Their bodies are equipped with small spines. There are one or more large ones on the tail. Maximum length needle is equal to 37 centimeters.

Stingrays - poisonous fish of the red sea. The tail spines contain channels through which the toxin flows. The stingray attacks in the manner of a scorpion. When the poison enters the body, blood pressure drops, tachycardia occurs, and paralysis is possible.

The last family of the rhombic order is called Rokhlev. They are easily confused with sharks, since the body of the fish is slightly flattened. However, the gill slits in rochlevs are located at the bottom of the body, like in other stingrays. Stingrays swim using their tail. Other stingrays move mainly with the help of their pectoral fins.

The stingray is easily confused with a shark due to its spiked tail.

Electric Rays of the Red Sea

There are also three families in the detachment. Representatives of all are often brightly colored, have shortened tails and rounded bodies. On the sides of the fish's head are paired electrical organs. The discharge is produced after an impulse from the stingray's brain. The first family of the order is the stingrays. In the Red Sea it is represented as marbled and smooth. The latter is considered ordinary.

The second family of electric stingrays in the pond are daffodils. These are slow, bottom-dwelling fish. They do not descend to a depth of more than 1 thousand meters. Often, daffodil rays are found in sandy bays and coral reefs.

Narcinoid rays produce electricity with a power of up to 37 volts. Such tension is not dangerous for humans, although it is painful.

There is also a family of sawfishes in the order of electric stingrays. In the photo there are fish from the Red Sea They resemble sharks more and have bony outgrowths on the sides of their heads. The outgrowths fix the strongly elongated snout. Essentially, we are talking about sawfish.

Wrasses of the Red Sea

Wrasses are a large family of 505 species. They are divided into 75 genera. They are represented by both miniature fish several centimeters long and giants 2.5 meters long and weighing about 2 centners.

All wrasse have an elongated, oval-shaped body covered with large and dense scales. Another difference is the retractable mouth. He looks small. But the lips of fish are large and fleshy. Hence the name of the family.

In the Red Sea, wrasse are represented, for example, by Napoleon fish. This is a 2-meter, good-natured representative of the ichthyofauna. On the forehead of the fish there are skin outgrowths that resemble a cocked hat. This is what Napoleon wore. Hence the name of the fish.

You can meet an individual wearing a cocked hat near the coastal reefs. Big fish of the Red Sea possess an equally impressive intellect. Unlike most of their relatives, Napoleons remember the people they met and came into contact with. Contact often involves pushing the diver's hand as if asking for a stroke.

Red Sea Perches

The reservoir contains mainly rock perches. They are named so because they stay near the bottom, masquerading as the stones lying on it, hiding between them. Rockfish are members of the Seranoceae family.

It contains more than 500 species of fish. Most live at depths of up to 200 meters, have large and sharp teeth, and spiky fins. In the Red Sea, known for its abundance of coral reefs, groupers include:


Because of their miniature size and brightness, they are called fairy perches. They are popular among aquarists and often decorate photos taken underwater. Anthias, like most rockfish, are protogenic hermaphrodites.

Pisces are born female. The majority of individuals remain them. A minority transform into males. They recruit harems for themselves. According to some reports, there are up to 500 females in them.


Their upper lip is fixed on the head by skin ligaments. When the lower jaw drops, the mouth becomes tube-shaped. This helps, like a vacuum cleaner, to suck in crustaceans - the main food of groupers.

Far from the shores of the Red Sea, a wandering one is found. Its length reaches 2.7 meters. With such a size, the fish poses a danger to scuba divers and is capable of sucking them in like crustaceans. This can happen by accident, since groupers do not intentionally display aggression towards humans.


Eight out of 21 known species found in the Red Sea. The largest is the giant one. It reaches a length of 2.1 meters. Fishes of the order Perciformes resemble river pikes in appearance. The animal has a massive lower jaw. She is pushed forward. The mouth contains large and strong teeth. Several more rows of small and sharp ones are visible from the outside.

Butterfly fish

They belong to the shield-toothed family. The name refers to the shape and size of the teeth. They are located in a miniature, retractable mouth. Butterflies are also distinguished by an oval body, strongly compressed from the sides. Butterflies are endemic to the Red Sea. Fish abound in it, but are not found outside the reservoir.


Represent separate family order of perciformes. Parrotfish have fused incisors. They form a kind of beak. The jaws of fish are folded into two plates. There is a seam between them. This helps in nibbling coral. The algae is eaten off of them.

The fish seem to absorb the color of the corals. Brightness underwater inhabitants- another reason to call them parrots. Unlike adults, young parrotfish are monochromatic and dull. With age, not only colors appear, but also a powerful forehead.

Triggerfish of the sea

They belong to the order Pufferfish. It also includes sea urchins, sunfish and sawfish. They also live in the Red Sea. However, if the files and moons move away from the shores, the triggerfish stay close. Species of the family are distinguished by a fin hidden in a skin fold on the back. It extends when the fish sleeps. She hides between the corals. The fin helps to stay in the shelter.

Rhinecantes Picasso

Only found in the Red Sea. What kind of fish externally? Tall, elongated and flattened laterally. The head is like a triangle. The eyes are set high, connected by blue-blue stripes extending to the gills. The body of the fish is oval. The caudal peduncle is decorated with three black lines. One line extends from the mouth to the fins on the chest. The back of the fish is olive and the belly is whitish.

Rhinecanths are the smallest of the triggerfish. The nuances of Picasso's appearance may vary depending on the type. Some live outside the Red Sea, such as the Indo-Pacific region.

Giant triggerfish

Otherwise called titanium. In the triggerfish family, the fish is the largest, exceeding 70 centimeters in length. The weight of the animal reaches 10 kilograms. Titans - dangerous fish of the red sea. Animals pose a danger during mating and raising offspring.

For eggs, giant triggerfish dig nests at the bottom. Their width reaches 2 meters, and their depth is 75 centimeters. This territory is actively defended. Approaching divers are attacked by biting. Fish have no poison. However, triggerfish bites are painful and take a long time to heal.

Red Sea Angelfish

They belong to the Pomacanth genus. All its representatives are miniature. Let's start with the biggest one.

Yellow-striped Pomacant

Large representatives of the species weigh about 1 kilogram. Yellow-striped individuals descend to significant depths, often choosing steeply sloping reefs. Yellow-striped fish are called because they have a vertical line. It is wide and bright yellow. The rest of the body is painted in blue-green tones.

Emperor angelfish

This pomakant is medium in size, up to 35 centimeters in length. The body of the fish is colored blue. There are yellow lines on top. They are located horizontally or at an angle. A brown stripe runs through the eyes.

The head is separated from the body by a bright blue “field”. The anal fin is the same color. The tail is almost orange. Colorfulness worthy of an angelic creature. The Imperial Angel is a favorite among aquarists. One individual needs 400 liters of water.

Anglerfishes of the Red Sea

The detachment consists of 11 families. Their representatives have luminous organs. They are found near the eyes, ears, anal fin, on the tail and under it.

Indian lantern fish

Her luminous organs are located on the lower eyelid. Energy is produced by symbiotic bacteria. The light attracts zooplankton - a favorite delicacy of lanterns. The Indian lantern fish is miniature, not exceeding 11 centimeters in length.

The species is the only anglerfish common in the Red Sea. By the way, the fish of this order are called anglers because of their luminous head organ. In species that have it, it is suspended on a thin and long outgrowth, reminiscent of a float on a fishing line.

Scorpionfishes of the Red Sea

More than 200 species of fish belong to scorpionfishes. The order is called warts. The fish included in it can survive for 20 hours without water. It is not recommended to touch even weakened individuals. The body of the fish is equipped with poisonous spines.

Stone fish

The fish got its name because its body surface imitates a stone. In order to blend in with the boulders, the animal lives at the bottom. Those same warts help you blend into the bottom landscape. There are a lot of growths on the body of the stone. Additionally, the fish matches the color of the bottom boulders. The stone is the most poisonous fish Red Sea.

Some individuals reach a length of 50 centimeters. The wart, like other fish of the Red Sea, “tastes” its saltiness. It is larger than in other seas. The point is accelerated evaporation.

The Red Sea is shallow and sandwiched between continental lands. The climate there is tropical. When combined, these factors contribute to active evaporation. Accordingly, the concentration of salt per liter of water increases.