What does burdock help with if you drink it? Benefits of burdock leaves. Treatment with burdock - use in folk medicine

It is not so easy to believe that burdock, unpretentious in growing conditions and outwardly inconspicuous, has huge number useful opportunities. The plant is otherwise called burdock, but this does not mean at all that its potential as a medicine can be somehow diminished. In fact, the ability of burdock to influence human organs is very great. Interestingly, such a “product” also works great in cooking. So, it can even be included in a vegetarian menu. However, it is advisable to clearly understand what medicinal properties it has, and also not to forget about the contraindications present in this gift of nature. After all, the latter are also important.

Composition of burdock

A particularly important feature of burdock is the presence of insulin in its composition. A significant part healing properties This plant can be explained by the presence in it of fatty and essential oils, acids, sitosterol, stigmasterol, and so on. In general, the useful components contained in the composition are incredibly diverse, which allows you to observe a lot medicinal properties. But which ones exactly?

Healing properties

If you fully take into account the contraindications that burdock has, you will be able to appreciate its medicinal properties. They appear in quite large number spheres IN general view the beneficial effects are as follows:

  • urinary, sweating and choleretic effect;
  • laxative effect;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • healing of tissue damage;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • removal of edema and ulcers;
  • removal of kidney stones;
  • improvement of blood composition;
  • getting rid of waste and toxins;
  • withdrawal negative consequences insect bites.

But these properties are listed only in general terms. It is very important to understand exactly what therapeutic effects the use of various burdock-based products brings. In addition, depending on the part of the plant that is used in a particular case, not only its specific medicinal manifestations are determined, but also contraindications.

Treatment with burdock

It will be useful to understand for which diseases it is most beneficial to use burdock. There are a number of recommendations in which the properties of the plant are especially pronounced. The effect of burdock can be assessed for the following problems.

1. Diabetes mellitus

Burdock is useful due to the presence of a large amount of insulin in its composition. On the one hand, this helps alleviate the course of the disease. On the other hand, it allows us to provide good prevention exacerbations. Burdock root can fully replace potatoes in the diet.

You can prepare an infusion from burdock that allows you to keep your sugar within normal limits. The “medicine” must be taken cold 4 times a day. The benefits will be greater if you consume at least 100 ml of infusion each time.

2. Oncological diseases

The therapeutic possibilities in this case are confirmed by studies conducted by Japanese doctors. The juice from the roots has the most healing effect. Nevertheless, it is, of course, not worthwhile to completely abandon conventional medications for the treatment of cancer. But with a complex effect, the result will be especially good, which can be noticed in practice.

During oncology treatment, only freshly squeezed juice is taken. Usually, burdock root is taken, finely grated, and then squeezed. Also, to alleviate the course of the disease, it is suitable to use a decoction, medicinal properties which are very good. The most important thing is that there are no contraindications that limit the use of this product.

3. Colds

Burdock will be of great benefit when used in herbal remedies to combat colds or flu. Usually, a collection is used for this, which includes not only burdock, but also coltsfoot. A decoction is made from the collection, which is taken 3 times over several days.

4. Skin problems

The beneficial effects of burdock can be appreciated when fighting acne or furunculosis. It is enough to make a fresh paste from the leaves and use the resulting mass to make compresses. You can wash your face with a decoction based on the roots, which helps reduce the number of acne. The general therapeutic effect, based on the qualities of burdock, will be achieved by taking baths with the decoction. After completing the procedure, wash the skin clean water not required. There is a specific contraindication here - the presence of open ulcers or extensive lesions on the skin.

5. Burdock for toothache

You can relieve pain associated with dental diseases using dried plant roots diluted in red wine. Insist on this folk remedy 10 days are needed. The healing properties will be perfectly expressed in the case of systematic mouth rinsing.

In addition, burdock leaves and roots differ in their capabilities and contraindications. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to each of these parts of the burdock. Then the contraindications can be taken into account better, and the properties can be fully assessed.

Benefits of burdock root

The medicinal properties of the roots are incredibly wide. Using a decoction of this part of the natural product, it turns out to have a laxative, urinary and diaphoretic effect. In addition, it is possible to increase immunity and generally strengthen the body. The root is useful in relieving problems musculoskeletal system. The decoction will help in case of rheumatism or arthritis.

The antiseptic qualities of the folk doctor are truly magnificent. Burdock increases the speed of wound healing. Internal use has a positive effect on the condition of patients with gastritis or stomach ulcers.

The beneficial qualities of the roots are also appreciated in cosmetology. Burdock oil is made from this part of the plant, which helps strengthen hair and skin and restore damaged curls. Moreover, the oil or decoction helps regardless of the person’s skin type and age. And there are no serious contraindications. The results are extremely varied.

Juice from burdock leaves

And yet, the highest concentration of useful substances is characteristic of burdock juice, which is made from the leaves. If the juice is prepared recently, it is possible to obtain a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Internal use of the product, although associated with some contraindications, still makes the gastrointestinal tract more harmonious and speeds up metabolism. It is the juice of burdock leaves that has a therapeutic effect on diabetes. It is recommended to use the “drug” to eliminate gastritis, pancreatitis, and ulcers.

External use

Previous positive effects of burdock concerned primarily those cases when products based on it were used internally. But external use is also incredibly interesting. The treatment options in this case are somewhat different. Burdock can be used externally in the following ways.

  1. The leaves are used to relieve the effects of burns. Benefits are also seen in the treatment of sprains and bruises. This is possible due to the presence of antibacterial and wound-healing properties in the leaves. The best healing effect is manifested in leaves collected in May. It is enough to apply the leaf to the inflamed area and leave it there overnight, having previously bandaged it.
  2. It is possible to heal areas damaged as a result of insect bites with the help of burdock oil. A contraindication is the presence of ulcers. Oil produced either industrially or independently is suitable. It can be mixed with other oils - olive or sunflower, but only with refined ones.
  3. You will also be able to notice the effect of burdock when getting rid of a sore throat. For example, in this case, using an ointment made from the roots of a plant is suitable. This medicine is suitable for eliminating burns, eczema, and various wounds. The contraindication here is exactly the same as in the previous application.

Having understood the properties and medicinal manifestations that are observed in burdock, it is imperative to devote time to studying the contraindications present in such a folk doctor. We will talk about them further.


First of all, they relate to the use of burdock internally. It will not be possible to fully evaluate the capabilities of burdock with the following problems.

  1. Individual intolerance. Being a potent medicinal product, burdock decoction and juice may well cause a serious allergic reaction. For this reason, to determine the presence or absence of such a contraindication, you should start using “drugs” with a small volume. Only after making sure that there are no contraindications do they begin full use.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Of course, the properties of the plant are quite interesting. But still, you shouldn’t take risks by exposing your child to danger. This contraindication is called for the reason that it is not completely known how exactly burdock will affect the baby’s condition.
  3. Tendency to develop allergies. The constant occurrence of allergies to various medications should also be considered a contraindication. Burdock decoction and juice contain many components that can be dangerous.
  4. One of the specific contraindications is collecting burdock near polluted areas and near major highways. Such products may contain many metal salts. Often certain areas are treated with pesticides and other chemicals. Plants collected from these areas will not have a medicinal effect. Therefore they cannot be used.
  5. Also, you should not use burdock for too long to achieve a therapeutic result. This contraindication is identified due to the accumulation of glycogen in the liver, which ultimately leads to a general decrease in tone, a decrease in physical strength and performance.
  6. Having a tendency to intestinal colic is one of the most serious contraindications. It is unlikely that under such conditions it will be possible to fully evaluate useful characteristics burdock. It will, of course, bring therapeutic results, but this will be associated with very unfavorable consequences.

By focusing on the amazing properties that burdock has, it is possible to obtain many beneficial effects. It is only necessary to take into account that burdock has certain contraindications. However, they are not too serious and are also few in number. Therefore, almost all people who want to experience the capabilities of burdock will be able to do so.

Burdock(or burdock, burdock) is undeservedly not recognized by our compatriots. And it’s completely in vain: for example, in Japan it is grown as a garden crop and all its parts are eaten – from roots to fruits. In our country, it is traditionally accepted that burdock is a weed plant and the only way it can help is to save from hair loss and baldness. In fact, the scope of application of burdock can be much wider. Read about it in a separate article.

Useful and healing properties

Burdock leaves, which grow in abundance along roadsides and on abandoned plots of land, are real herbal pharmacy. They can be used as an external remedy to treat the following diseases:

  • pain in the joints and spine;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • boils and ulcers on the skin;
  • hair loss;
  • inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • consequences of insect bites;
  • warts

At ingestion of various tinctures and decoctions of burdock leaves The body reacts to them as follows:

  • the outflow of bile and urine increases;
  • the body's antitumor activity increases;
  • pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed: fungi and bacteria;
  • metabolism is stimulated;
  • pancreatic function is normalized;
  • The work of the glands is activated: sweat, mammary.

Chemical composition

Burdock leaves are in no way inferior in composition to many traditional garden crops, and in some ways even surpass them. Thus, young burdock leaves contain a record amount of - up to 200-250 mg per 100 g, which is 2 times higher daily norm consumption. Therefore, it will be easiest and cheapest to fight the signs of spring vitamin deficiency by eating burdock.

The leaves of this plant contain large number– up to 70% of the daily intake. In addition, they contain a lot of prebiotic inulin - up to 45% of total mass. This means that burdock connoisseurs are not at risk of intestinal diseases.

Minerals burdock leaves also contain a lot: 100 g contains about 10% of the daily intake of iron and manganese, 5% zinc, 4% selenium.

At the same time calorie content burdock is not very high - about 60-70 kcal/100 g.

The use of burdock leaves in traditional and folk medicine

Burdock leaves are successfully used in the treatment of:

  • diseases internal organs(kidneys, liver, bladder);
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders in women);
  • skin ailments (psoriasis, eczema, rashes of various origins);
  • pain syndrome due to diseases of the spine and joints (arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism);
  • high temperature in adults and children.

Due to the fact that burdock leaves have a pronounced ability to stimulate metabolism and improve carbohydrate metabolism, they can be consumed by those who want to lose weight. At the very least, including these low-calorie leaves in the diet of someone losing weight would be a very correct decision.

Preparations from burdock leaves are not combined with anything. folk medicine! It all depends on the specific ailment that is planned to be cured. The most common tandems are:

  • burdock leaves and orchis – for the treatment of hormonal diseases in women;
  • burdock leaves and - to restore the health and beauty of hair;
  • burdock leaves and – for the treatment of skin diseases.

In traditional Russian cuisine burdock has not yet found its well-deserved recognition. Meanwhile, it can be replaced in cabbage rolls, when cooking cabbage soup. Burdock leaf salad can also be an unconventional vitamin-rich treat early spring. And if there is a need to prepare for the winter: petioles and young leaves can be fermented like regular ones.

How to choose a good product

Like any other medicinal plant, burdock must be harvested in environmentally friendly places. Traditional healers believe that the greatest healing power possess those leaves that were collected early in the morning on the new moon. Common sense states that the phase of the Moon plays a very secondary role in this case; the main thing is to cut off the leaves before the plant begins to flower, that is, in May-June. You need to dry the collected leaves in the shade on fresh air and at the same time they must be turned over more than once so that the raw materials do not rot.

It is almost impossible to find burdock leaves in pharmacies. The maximum that can be found is homeopathic medicines (Arctiumlappa), concentrated burdock juice and herbal tea that contains burdock.

How to use the product

There are several ways to use burdock leaves for medicinal purposes. In each specific case, the final goal of treatment is taken into account.

Goal of treatment What you need Treatment regimen
Get rid of headaches, pain in joints and spinefresh burdock leaves or dried leaves (to activate the medicinal properties, they must be held over steam until softened)apply the fleecy side of the sheet to the sore spot at night an unlimited number of times
Stimulate digestion and relieve constipationfresh leavesadd to vegetable salads
Cure urolithiasis, gastric ulcer, get rid of diabetes mellitus infusion of leaves: 25 g of raw material, pour 250 g of boiling water, wrap and leave for 4 hourstake 1 glass per day before meals
Prevention and treatment of malignant tumors of the stomach and intestinesjuice from burdock leaves: squeeze the juice from freshly picked leaves, store in the refrigeratorMix 50 g of juice with honey and drink once a day before meals
Stimulate the functioning of the endocrine glands, restore hormonal balancealcohol tincture: 250 g of burdock juice mixed with a glass of vodka and 250 g of honey, store in the refrigeratorthree times a day before meals, a tablespoon until the drug runs out
Cure gallbladder and liver diseasesDilute burdock leaf juice with water: 1 part juice - 2 parts water1 tbsp each before meals
Cure skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, ulcers and boils), arthritisOintment: pour 50 g of burdock leaves with a glass of boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Mix the resulting broth with half a stick of butter.rub into sore spots as needed

Product storage features

Dried raw materials are stored in fabric bags in a dark, dry place. up to 2 years. Freshly squeezed juice from burdock leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Juice with the addition of honey or alcohol can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer - for several months. In this case, the medicinal composition must be filtered and placed in an opaque container made of dark glass. It is not recommended to be treated with drugs based on burdock leaves. The same applies to children. This is due to the fact that the effect of this plant on the body has not yet been sufficiently studied by official medicine.

Burdock is a familiar stranger to our fields. It turns out that this so-called “weed” is a real treasure trove of health. Have you already tasted its leaves? Share your impressions with us!

Burdock is found everywhere and is often mistaken for a weed. Meanwhile, this is a valuable herbal medicine, beneficial properties which are recognized by official medicine.


Burdock is a type of herbaceous plant. Its height can reach one and a half meters. The leaves are ovate, wide, grayish-tomentose on the inside, green on the outside.

The Latin name of burdock translates as “bear”, which is due to the powerful appearance of the plant.


The most famous varieties of herbaceous plants are:

  • Woolly burdock– used for preparing burdock oil in industrial quantities.
  • Burdockwild plant, not used for medicinal purposes.
  • Burdock- this variety has practical significance and is used as a healing agent, according to traditional medicine methods.

Burdock leaves: Composition and vitamins

The composition of the drug is indicated in the tabular data.

Substance Benefits for the body
Essential, fatty oils · Restoration of skin and hair when applied externally. · Increased immunity. · Normalization of hormonal levels.
Inulin · Removes toxic compounds. · Stimulates intestinal motility. · Strengthens the immune system.
Proteins · Stimulate intracellular synthesis. · Promote the development and strengthening of muscle tissue.
Acids (stearic, palmitic, myristic, linoleic, oleic) · Antibacterial activity · Elimination of free radicals.
Bitterness · Increased performance and endurance. · Strengthened the liver. · Normalized digestion.
Triterpenes · Stimulation of protein synthesis. · Antibacterial activity.
Aciglycerols · Form strong immunity.
Glycosides · Elimination of inflammation. · Antitumor activity. · Antispasmodic and vasodilating effect.
Stigmasterol, sitosterol · Removing bad cholesterol. · Improving the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.
Tannins · Anti-inflammatory activity. · Cleansing the body of toxic substances.
Flavonoids · Reduced vascular permeability. · Cardioprotective properties. · Anti-sclerotic effect.
Anthocyanins · Increased protective forces. · Antioxidants.
Vitamin C · Elimination of free radicals. · Beneficial effects on the nervous system, blood vessels, cardiac activity.
Slime · Removal of toxins. · Normalization of the functions of the digestive system.
Mineral salts · Preservation of acid-base balance. · Normalization of water-salt metabolism.

Swiss engineer J. Mestral, thanks to burdock, invented Velcro used on clothes. An attentive inventor noticed how a burdock clung to the fur of his dog and took advantage of a similar effect.

Medicinal properties

Burdock leaf has the following pharmacological properties:

  • Antibacterial, blood purifying effect.
  • Wound healing, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Diuretic, diaphoretic.
  • Regulation of metabolism.
  • Antipyretic, choleretic, laxative effect.
  • Mild antiallergic and analgesic effect.
  • The herbal medicine exhibits anticancer activity.
  • Immunostimulating effect.
  • Antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory activity.


Herbal medicines prepared on the basis of burdock leaf are used according to the following indications:

  • Initial forms of respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia.
  • Cystic formations.
  • Mastitis, female infertility, cycle disorders, mastopathy, vaginitis.
  • Gout, arthritis, rheumatism.
  • Kidney disease, urolithiasis.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Ascites, gastritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, inflammation and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Enterocolitis, constipation, colpitis.
  • Insufficient lactation.
  • Migraines and headaches.
  • Feverish conditions.
  • Skin diseases, erysipelas, trophic ulcers, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, burns, acne, eczema.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes (oral cavity, throat, female genital organs).
  • Diabetes. Burdock leaf reduces sugar levels and catalyzes the production of insulin.
  • The juice of the plant normalizes the functions of the kidneys and liver, helps cleanse the blood in case of poisoning.


Products based on burdock leaves are not used if there are contraindications:

  • Colitis.
  • Allergic reactions on the constituent components of the product.

Overdose and side effects

Among the side effects, the development of the following conditions was noted:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Allergy.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Nausea.

In case of overdose, increased side effects are detected. If such conditions develop, it is necessary to take enterosorbent and seek medical help.

Italians, Portuguese and Brazilians claim that roasted burdock roots resemble an artichoke in taste.

When using herbal remedies, additional information must be taken into account:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the herbal remedy should be taken with caution. It is recommended to discuss the possibility of treatment with your doctor. During lactation, burdock leaf enhances the production of breast milk.
  • Course of diabetes mellitus can be alleviated with tinctures of burdock leaf. The drug normalizes blood composition and stimulates metabolism.
  • IN childhood the product can be used according to indications after consultation with a pediatrician.

Availability of herbal medicine in the pharmacy

  • Release form: crushed raw materials of plant origin.
  • The name is “Burdock leaf.”
  • Price – the cost of the drug varies from 45 to 60 rubles.
  • Dispensing conditions – free over-the-counter sale is implied.

Decoctions and use in folk medicine

Decoctions help get rid of many diseases and are easy to prepare.

Decoction to improve digestion


  • Burdock leaf – 25 g.
  • Water (preheated to 80 degrees) – 300 ml.

Sequence of actions:

  1. The plant component is filled with water and brought to a boil again.
  2. The broth should be kept on low heat for about 15 minutes.
  3. The product is brought to room temperature and filtered.
  4. The decoction is taken 50 ml 4 times a day, at equal intervals.

Decoction to restore skin health


  • Crushed burdock leaf along with inflorescences – 100 g.
  • Water – 1000 ml.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Vegetable raw materials are boiled over low heat for 20 minutes.
  2. The finished product is filtered and used for healing baths for various skin lesions.
  3. The water temperature should not rise above 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 25-30 minutes.

Infusion of burdock leaves and application

Burdock leaf tinctures are highly effective and help restore health even with severe injuries.

Burdock leaves for cyst resorption


  • Leaves of young burdock.
  • Vodka.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Juice is extracted from plant materials by grinding the leaves in a meat grinder.
  2. The juice is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1/10.
  3. The product is infused in a dry, dark place for five days.
  4. The finished drug is taken 1 tsp. twice a day for 30 days.

Tincture for the treatment of diabetes


  • Burdock leaf – 50 g.
  • Water (hot) – 500 ml.

Sequence of actions:

  1. The leaves are poured with hot, but not boiling water.
  2. The drug is infused for five hours.
  3. The product is filtered and taken 250 ml once a day.
  4. The duration of the course is 14 days.

The healing properties of burdock were noted by the physician of Alexander the Great and Dioscorides.

Application in gynecology, oncology

The most effective recipes based on burdock leaf are listed below.

Recipe for tea used for stomach cancer


  • Burdock leaf – 10 g.
  • Water (boiling water) – 200 ml.

Sequence of actions:

  1. The plant component is brewed in a porcelain teapot.
  2. The drink is infused for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Drink 150 ml of tea for cancerous lesions of the digestive tract.

Recipe for restoring a regular cycle in women


  • Burdock leaf - the quantity is selected individually.
  • Honey – 300 ml.
  • Vodka – 250 ml.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Juice is squeezed out of plant materials. The result should be 500 ml of the finished product.
  2. Honey and vodka are added to the juice; the resulting substance must infuse for three days.
  3. The infusion is taken 20 ml three times a day.

In conclusion, let's see what experts say about the properties of burdock:

Burdock or burdock– a medicinal plant known for its unpretentiousness. In the Caucasus and Siberia, burdock is classified as a vegetable crop - its petioles are eaten. We will talk about how to use the medicinal properties of burdock leaves in the fight against various ailments.

What are the benefits of burdock?

Young burdock leaves contain 6 times more than lemon, and are also a source of:

  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • malic acid;
  • citric acid;
  • caffeic acid.

Preparations prepared from burdock leaves have antiseptic, diaphoretic and diuretic properties, accelerate wound healing, improve metabolism, have an anti-carcinogenic effect, and remove toxins from the body.

The benefits of burdock are invaluable in the treatment of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, disorders of the pancreas and neoplasms. As a topical preparation, infusions and decoctions of burdock are used for inflammation of the oral mucosa and tonsils.

Procurement of raw materials

Burdock leaves are harvested in June-July during the flowering period: they are cut off and left to dry in a dark room with sufficient ventilation. To speed up drying, you can use the oven - the temperature should be no more than 45⁰C.

The shelf life of dried raw materials is 2-3 years.

To treat some diseases, burdock leaves are used fresh - how to do this correctly is described below.

Treatment with fresh burdock leaf
  1. A freshly cut leaf is placed with the shaggy (whitish) side in a basin and boiling water is poured on top until dark spots. Afterwards, the sheet is quickly removed, shaking off the remaining water, and applied to the sore spot (whitish side to the skin). Apply insulation (woolen scarf or sock) on top and keep the compress for at least two hours. This treatment is effective for eczema, abscess, and various types of rashes.
  2. Wash a few burdock leaves cold water, let them dry and then knead them with your fingers. You should get a shapeless green mass, which is applied to the sore spot. The compress is kept under the insulation all night. This recipe is effective in treating joints.
  3. Grease the smooth (green) side of a fresh leaf with sour cream (preferably homemade) and apply to the sore spot - this treatment is most effective for erysipelas and mastopathy.

Treatment with burdock juice

Juice extracted from fresh burdock leaves has an antitumor effect and prevents salt deposition.

The washed and slightly dried leaves are passed through a meat grinder. The mass is squeezed through gauze. The resulting juice can be drunk in pure form– it’s convenient in the summer. For the winter, the juice is “preserved” by preparing the so-called burdock infusion. To do this, mix:

  • medical alcohol – 100 ml;
  • linden honey – 500 ml;
  • freshly squeezed burdock juice – 500 g.

The tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two years.

Burdock juice helps with ovarian or kidney cysts - drink the product before meals for a month according to the following scheme:

  • the first two days – 2 times 1 teaspoon;
  • third and fourth day – 3 times 1 teaspoon;
  • subsequent days - 3 times 1 tablespoon.

Then you should do an ultrasound and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Treatment with burdock decoction

To treat eczema, warts, neurodermatitis, rheumatism, burdock decoction is used - it is prepared in several ways and taken internally and externally.

  1. Place a spoonful of crushed dried burdock leaves in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After two hours, the decoction is ready - you need to drink 1/3 cup twice a day, while simultaneously applying lotions to the sore spot.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of leaves into 250 g of water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. After two hours, strain the broth - the finished product should be drunk the day before, taking in small sips.

Large felt burdock (burdock) is a biennial weed that has a tall, erect stem (reaches a height of 1.8 m), is distinguished by large rounded leaves, and has a long, thick tap root.

Burdock blooms in July - August, grows everywhere: on the banks of rivers, ravines, at the edges of fields, near roads, near human habitation, prefers abandoned uncultivated soils.

Despite the fame of an intrusive plant due to the ability of its red-violet flowers to cling to clothing and animal fur, burdock is considered a valuable medicinal plant material and, oddly enough, an edible plant.

Juicy early leaves and cuttings are used for food; powder is made from boiled and fried rhizomes to prepare a drink that tastes like coffee; crushed roots are added to soups and to wheat flour when baking bread.

Medicinal properties of burdock (burdock)

The medicinal value of this plant is explained by the presence in its root of reserves of various useful substances: proteins, carbohydrates, fat-like substances, essential oil, starch, alkaloids, carotene, vitamins C, B, E, D.

Prepared using burdock various shapes medicines: decoctions, infusions, ointments, burdock oil, which are used as drugs that cause increased urine production, promote wound healing, and sweating.

  • They are used in the treatment of various types of skin lesions (bite, sore throat, and interruptions in the functioning of the digestive organs).
  • Burdock has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, mild diuretic, choleretic and laxative effects.
  • Burdock also relieves itching, cleanses the blood, promotes weight loss, and reduces temperature during fever.
  • The most common disease that burdock treats is. The inulin contained in burdock is practically not produced by the diabetic body, so the plant’s preparations are very important, they stimulate own work pancreas.
  • Freshly squeezed juice helps heal festering scratches, cuts, and is effective against tumors.

Tumors are treated with burdock juice- a week, 1 tablespoon before each meal, the next week a break, a total of five such courses. After big break at three months, and you can be treated again if necessary.

Burdock oil

Enough popular drug, popularly known as “”, strengthens hair, promotes its growth, helps get rid of and with alopecia (). It is prepared by infusing olive or almond oil and burdock rhizome.

If you lack time and desire, you can not prepare burdock oil, but purchase it at the pharmacy. True, there it is made from burdock seeds.

Treatment with burdock - use in folk medicine

  • From burdock rhizome

Tinctures help with urinary and digestive system. You can prepare them from 5 grams of ground roots and 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 12 hours. Drink a hot drink in several doses.

Tincture- an excellent product for rubbing into skin scalp to increase thickness, fullness, and silkiness of hair. The procedure can be performed at intervals of 2 days for 3-4 months. It will also be useful as a lotion for sore joints, as well as skin rashes with itching.

It is believed that burdock decoction has the property of slowing down the development of tumors; in case of hemorrhage, it is used as a means of regulating carbohydrate metabolism.
Extracts (alcohol or vodka infusion 1 to 10) are used to treat affected areas on the skin.

  • Burdock (burdock) juice

Freshly squeezed juice (even when stored in the refrigerator is only suitable for treatment for three days) is used as a detoxification drug after a snake or insect bite. It is easy to obtain from the leaves using a meat grinder, straining the resulting semi-liquid pulp through several layers of gauze.

If you drink 15-20 ml in three doses during the day before meals, you can overcome liver and ovarian problems.

  • Burdock leaves

The leaves have pronounced analgesic properties.

The back of the sheet can be wrapped around aching knees all night. You can act in the same way if you experience headaches, muscle pain, in cases of inflammation and sprains.

By tying them, going to bed, until the morning, within 5 procedures you can get rid of. At the same time, drink 10 - 15 ml three times a day of tincture from the roots.

good for nervous system If you take a bath with a decoction of burdock leaves, your skin condition will also noticeably improve.

Collection of medicinal raw materials

Leaves for juice It is better to collect in late May - early June. For longer storage, it can be preserved by mixing 1 to 1 with vodka. If the juice is too bitter for you, dilute it a small amount water.

Roots They are harvested for future use either in early spring, when the leaves are very small, or at the end of September, October, when the leaves are already turning yellow and becoming dry.


When consuming burdock, like any medicinal plant, people who are prone to allergies, women during pregnancy or when breastfeeding baby.