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Symbol Turkish eye in its own in simple form is a flat circle consisting of four colors. The thick outline is a dark purple, then there is a not very wide white circle, then a thick blue iris (blue is a color that has protective properties) and a black pupil in the center.

The meaning and mission of the eye amulet from Turkey

The first mention of this amulet appeared in Ancient Greece. Today it is popular in many countries of Asia and Europe and has more than one name: it is “nazar bonjuk”, “eye of Fatima”, “blue eye”, etc. Our tourists usually bring it from Turkey as local souvenir. The Turkish wishing tree has also become famous, on which people hang amulets with the intention of protecting loved ones.

The popularity of the symbol makes it gain everything great strength. Many tourists who have acquired such a souvenir as the Turkish eye do not know whether they can keep it at home. It is possible and even necessary. It's worth hanging it in your home, at work, above your desk, or anywhere else where you could theoretically be the target of an attack (conscious or not) negative emotions- envy, jealousy, resentment. And if you already feel surrounded by unfavorable energy or unkind thoughts of other people, wear an oriental amulet on yourself. The meaning of the Turkish eye is that it protects from all this.
You can even place several amulets at once to help protect yourself from misfortunes and bad luck. It’s easier to buy a Turkish eye talisman against the evil eye on the Internet or offline, but with the same success you can make it yourself from anything - for example, cut out circles from colored paper and glue them together. If you want to make a more durable symbol, draw one acrylic paints, for example, on a jar lid.

You can also make an oriental eye against the evil eye with your own hands at home from plasticine or polymer clay corresponding colors and then glue to back side magnet. It will allow you to place the amulet, for example, on the refrigerator. But if you want to attach it to a computer or laptop monitor, do not use a magnet, as it can damage your equipment!

Closer to the point: how to use Turkish eye amulets?

So, the Turkish blue eye is ready - how to use it so that the amulet starts working? You need to activate it, because without it it will remain just a piece of plasticine or glass.

  1. Light up the dark blue or purple candle and place the prepared eye of Fatima in front of it.
  2. On five small pieces of paper, draw a symbol of the Turkish amulet against the evil eye and place them around the candle and the amulet (or several amulets if you have prepared more of them for charging).
  3. Close your eyes and imagine wearing this amulet on a long chain, which is located in close proximity to your solar plexus (two fingers above your navel). Imagine how a bright protective light flows from it and surrounds you.
  4. Think about what you want the amulet to protect you from - either from bad luck and evil energies in general, or from certain people specifically. In the second case, say their names, imagine their faces.
  5. Put out the candle, place sheets of paper in different places in your home, but one of them is under the rug front door. And hang “real” amulets charged with the power of light in selected places or carry them with you. At the same time, it is believed that there is no need to cover a blue eye from the evil eye with anything (clothing).

The Eye of Fatima is especially popular in Turkey. But when bringing a beautiful bright souvenir from this sunny country, you should know that it is not only a decoration, but also a very strong amulet.

In the article:

Eye of Fatima - a little history

The eye of Fatima has several names - Blue Eye, Nazar, Nazar Bonjuk, Matopetra(“eye-stone” translated from Greek). It is most popular in Turkey, and many believe that the eye-shaped amulet appeared in pre-Islamic times. In museums, especially in the Odessa region and Crimea, you can see similar things that date back to 500 BC and earlier.

The Eye of Fatima amulet is popular not only in Turkey. It can often be seen in Azerbaijan, Syria, Armenia, Egypt, Greece and Cyprus. Its prevalence in hot countries, which are often of interest to tourists, has made the Eye of Fatima not only a talisman, but also a world-famous souvenir.

Legend attributes the invention of this artifact to the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, Fatima. When her fiance went to long journey, she gave him an image of an eye so that he would return to her safe and sound.

But this is not the only version about the origin of this amulet. Another option for the development of events around him is Crusade, which worried all the inhabitants of the East. The battles with the crusaders brought on eastern lands death and destruction. Most of the crusaders had light eyes, and it was believed that an amulet with the image of such an eye could ward off the misfortune that a person with that eye color would suffer. There is also a Turkish fairy tale about Fatima, which says that she had blue eyes.

Some historians believe that the birthplace of the Eye of Fatima is not Türkiye, but Egypt. It is in Egyptian pyramids researchers have found things with his image that are older than Turkish artifacts. Archaeologists also met him on the island Santorini during excavations in territories that were occupied by the Slavs. The latter received the amulet along with traders from Greece.

In Russian-speaking countries, this amulet is simply called the “blue eye” or “eye from the evil eye.” It quickly took root in Russia, and now you can even find copies depicting Christian saints. They have become one of the most purchased souvenirs at foreign resorts. But when buying souvenirs, you should know what meaning they carry.

The meaning of the Eye of Fatima amulet and its features

First of all, the image of a blue eye is. It is believed that with a strong negative impact, the amulet splits into several parts or becomes covered with cracks. This means that he took upon himself what was directed at his owner. You cannot use such a talisman. They thank him and throw him into the river, or bury him. After this, you should get a new amulet. The loss of an amulet has the same meaning, which means its inability to repel a blow in another way.

The peculiarity of Nazar is that it only works when it is in plain sight. Wearing it under clothes, as you can do with most amulets, will not work. It serves as both protection and a warning to an evil person, and as a distraction for a potential enemy. This shouldn't bother you too much, because appearance Fatima's eyes allow us to consider it not only a talisman, but also a stylish decoration.

The amulet is suitable for men, women, and children of any age. None side effects or it has no contraindications. An amulet is often given to each other by spouses to protect their loved one and preserve their feelings. for many years. If it is given with sincere love, the Eye of Fatima will work much better than one bought for oneself.

Another distinctive feature of the Eye of Fatima is the proportionality of its size and the strength that it contains. The larger your amulet, the stronger its effect on you.

It is believed that Nazar Bonjuk not only protects against negativity, but also attracts desired events. For example, if you want, you can ask your amulet about it out loud or mentally. It can also be used to gain wealth, to find love, but the Eye of Fatima fulfills only bright desires that do not harm anyone.

This talisman is a good choice for people whose energy is weakened. These are elderly, sick people, pregnant women and small children. They really need it, because the weak protective field of a person from any of the above categories is not capable of independently coping negative energy directed at him. The same applies to people who have many envious people - beautiful women, people who have material and family well-being, lucky businessmen.

How to wear the Eye of Fatima

In hot Muslim countries, the Eye of Fatima can be seen almost everywhere - in homes, hospitals, public places and even on the fuselage of Turkish airlines. As souvenirs you can buy not only jewelry and keychains, but also interior items, dishes and even clothes.

You can wear such a talisman not only as a pendant, bracelet or ring. Brooches with the Eye of Fatima are considered a good option because they combine two protective symbols with the same meaning - Nazar and a pin. Key fobs protect not only their owner, but also the house, car, or whatever is unlocked with the keys in the keychain.

The Eye of Fatima can be hung in the house to protect it from evil. It is often hung on baby strollers, because children need protection from negativity first and foremost. Good option For small child- ribbon with the image of Nazar. It is also good as a talisman for a car, because it protects not only from the evil eye, but also from accidents and other troubles. In Egypt and Turkey, offices and shops that are frequented by many people are often decorated with this amulet.

It is impossible to know what intentions are present in each person, which is why protection from evil people. You can place the Eye of Fatima near your workplace, which will help you concentrate on work and not suffer from the influence of enemies and envious people.

In general, the Eye of Fatima is a stylish decoration that is a universal amulet that works not only for Jews and Muslims, but for any person, regardless of religion.

Since ancient times people have believed in magical power amulets. This opinion has not changed even now. There is a constant struggle between evil and good in the world; one of the amulet’s protectors from evil can be the Eye of Fatima, which is also known as the “Blue Eye” and the Nazar amulet.

In some countries it is believed that people with blue eyes may be led by the devil. But Fatima’s eye amulet is able to ward off misfortunes from a person.

History of the amulet

There is a legend about the origin of the amulet. Prophet Muhammad had a beautiful daughter Fatima. She had a lover named Ali. One day he had to go on a long and dangerous campaign, which would bring him fame and the opportunity to take her as his wife. Then she handed him a stone into which she had invested all her love so that it would protect him from all misfortunes. Ali returned safe and sound, and the stone that Fatima gave him gained power and became known as the eye of Fatima.

According to the second legend, this pendant first appeared on greek islands and subsequently became very popular in Turkey. Interestingly, the Turkish version is called Nazar or Nazar Banjul, which means Eye of the Devil. The amulet itself looks like a pendant with an image of an eye and is capable of not only warding off the evil eye, but also protecting from many misfortunes.

There is also another amulet - the hand of Fatima, with similar properties. You can wear it as a pendant, brooch, bracelet or as a tattoo (mehendi). Many people are interested in why Fatima’s hand is needed and whether it can be worn Orthodox people. You can wear it, although it is considered Muslim.

This amulet also protects against damage, the evil eye, and gives a person confidence in own strength, calms the temper. It acquires special power if worn on a red thread. In Muslim language, this amulet is sometimes called “five fingers in your eye,” which means that it will protect against intentional damage.

The hand of Fatima guides a person’s behavior and prevents him from making mistakes and crimes. The hand strengthens the spirit, promotes connection with the Higher Mind, gives hope and faith in the future.

Features of the action of Fatima's eye

This is a very powerful talisman that protects against damage, evil eye and other negative programs. It is believed that it can even prevent a catastrophe. This is not just a stylish pendant, but a powerful protector of its owner.

The eye is suitable for women, men and children; it has no contraindications for wearing. It is often given to one's significant other in order to preserve love for many years, as a symbol of an eternal union.

If the peephole was donated by a person who bought it with soul and only with pure intentions, then it will be much more stronger than that that I bought myself.

One of distinctive features amulet - the larger its size, the stronger it is.

The meaning of the eye itself is a reflection of the negativity coming to a person from the outside.

Fatima's eye is made only by hand, most often from glass, but you can also find stronger talismans from a cat's eye.

While in Turkey, you will notice that the eye is present almost everywhere, from cars to homes. The Turks value him very much because he is able to preserve the main values ​​of life:

In our country, the eye is also popular and is found not only in apartments, but also in workplaces.

Rules for wearing a talisman

As mentioned above, a real amulet is made only by hand. Its color can be either blue, almost raven, or light blue. A pendant, bracelet, keychain or pin - all this is considered a powerful amulet.

The amulet is worn in different ways:

  • Newborns are given the eye of Fatima on a blue ribbon. It is best if it is on the handle. The main goal is protection from the evil eye while walking.
  • Pregnant women wear the amulet on a pin over their clothes.
  • Elderly people can wear any version of the amulet.

Fatima's eye needs to be cleaned once a month. To do this, place it in running water, wipe it with a soft cloth and place it on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it through the window.

The main condition for Fatima's eye to work is that it must always be visible, that is, it must be worn over clothing. Being hidden, it loses its protective properties, since it “does not see” anything.

You should pay attention to the color and material from which this amulet is made. The correct material for this amulet is blown glass, the base color of which should range from dark blue to turquoise. The eye-stone is most often made in the form of a round pendant or flat bead.

As protective amulets With an eye-stone you can buy not only jewelry and key rings, but also interior items, dishes and even clothes.

Protection from the evil eye

The main function of Fatima's eye is protection from the evil eye. When he encounters an unkind look, he redirects negative energy, damage and negativity back with lightning speed.

This amulet is especially necessary for those who often become the object of human envy - beautiful women and girls, lucky people, successful businessmen, talented individuals who have achieved fame and success, etc. However, this amulet can also be useful for those who are most susceptible to the influence of evil forces, negative attacks, or those whose energy is weakened - pregnant women, the elderly, children and sick people.

As already mentioned, a blue amulet is worn on oneself as protection against the evil eye. Adults can easily turn it into a kind of decoration - a pendant, brooch or earrings. For infants, such a talisman is attached to a stroller, and older children can wear it as a pendant on a blue cord tied around the wrist, or pin the amulet with a pin to outer clothing.

For pregnant women there is a special shape of the eye-stone - in the form of a shoe. This is the most powerful protection of mother and child from the evil eye and damage.

Lovers give each other this amulet with the wish of reliable protection from the evil eye. In this case, the eye-stone acquires double power. After all, he absorbs the power of love between two hearts.

How to choose an amulet of Fatima's eyes

The larger the eye-stone, the more efficiently it works. The largest “instances”, as a rule, serve as protection for houses and buildings.

In an apartment, such an amulet can be hung on the wall or near the front door in the hallway. The eye-stone will ward off damage, evil intentions and bad deeds from the house, and will also help preserve home comfort and will protect the family from evil eyes. By the way, an amulet like this large size perfectly protects property from thieves, like a watchdog. And keychains with an eye-stone protect not only their owner, but also the house, car and, in general, everything that is unlocked with keys from the keychain with it.

And it’s a good idea to purchase an “evil eye” for your workplace, especially for those who are determined to move up the ladder. career ladder- there are always many envious people and ill-wishers on this path.

Amulet validity period

It is believed that Fatima's eye splits or becomes cracked as a result of strong negative impact. Any damage to it means that it has taken upon itself what was directed at its owner.

You can no longer use such an amulet - it has completely fulfilled its function and will no longer be able to protect you. He is thanked “for his cooperation,” wrapped in a white scarf and thrown into the river or buried in the ground in a place hidden from human eyes.

The loss of an amulet has the same meaning - this means its inability to repel a blow in another way, and it also happens that the amulet simply ends its “service life”. And in order for the “service life” of the eye-stone to be as long as possible, it must be energetically cleaned regularly, since day and night, protecting its owner from the evil eye and bad influences, it absorbs a lot of negative energy.

To “clean” the amulet, simply rinse it under running water, which will quickly wash away all the bad things that have accumulated in it, and then dry it with a soft towel.

Protection from the evil eye and damage is not the only function of Fatima's eye. It can be used to attract desired events, for example, attracting creative success and fame, love, wealth, strength, the appearance of children and other bright desires.

For successful conception, Fatima's eyes are hung in the bedroom, next to the marital bed.

And if you want to make a profit, then the eye-stone should be placed where your money is directly stored, or near the safe, cash register, and also on your desktop if you dream of a salary increase or bonus.