An ancient city destroyed by a nuclear explosion. What destroyed Mohenjo-daro

The city of Mohenjo-Daro is another of the treasures of ancient civilizations and evidence of their existence. The city is located in the Indus River Valley, namely in Pakistan, in the Sindh province. The city of Mohenjo-Daro is one of the oldest cities in the world and the very first city in South Asia. ( 11 photos)

The city was built 2 thousand years BC, lived and actively developed for about nine hundred years. The city is still shrouded in mystery, very little is known about it, and a number of questions remain open: who built it? when exactly? How did they manage to build such a city? and the main question is why the city was abandoned by its inhabitants? So far, Mohenjo-Daro is the main subject among archaeologists and historians. It is believed that Mohenjo-Daro was “the administrative center of the ancient inhabitants of the Indian civilization.

Only a few remains of the city have survived to this day, you yourself understand how much time has passed, but with the help latest technologies scientists were able to establish that about 50,000 people lived in the city. This is a very large city for that time. The city was made of clay bricks, isn’t it interesting, 2000 BC these are bricks, and not just some kind of cakes, but baked bricks. Subsequently, local residents stole them to build their houses and all other needs.

It is also surprising that the city already at that time had a clear architectural focus, all alleys and streets were clearly measured and had a right angle, the city did not have any dead ends or incomprehensible labyrinths, which we can see in other ancient cities. The streets in the city were clearly coordinated, and the length was 8 meters, that is, on such a road two carts could easily pass each other, so there was no crowding on the street.

TO unique qualities architecture can be attributed to the presence of centralized nationalization and complete water supply. They thought that the first and only water supply appeared in the great ancient Rome, as you can see, the ancient inhabitants of Mohenjo-Daro also reached this stage of development. More specifically, the city had “public baths” equipped with a hot water, also in most houses there was a primitive (for our time) and not constant water supply, but still, this speaks of high intelligence civilization. All sewer water flowed into special drainage pits, usually located outside the city.

The height of the houses reached 7 meters in height, the architecture of the city had a fairly clear form of structures, the city was even divided into two tiers, of course, the main life took place below, but the houses had a second floor, and the roof of the first floors served as balconies. The city was also highly developed economically, Mohenjo-Daro was in an excellent geographical position, next to it was the Indus River, in fact Mohenjo-Daro was shopping center, traders came here from all over Asia to exchange goods.

A large building with good ventilation passages was also discovered, perhaps it was a barn for storing grain. It can be assumed that religion in the city was also at a special level; an ancient mosque was found, to which a long street leads. Unfortunately, now most of the city is buried under a multi-meter layer of silt, excavations are also hampered groundwater that cover the city.

It is not clear why such an intelligent and well-developed civilization disappeared without a trace, all the people literally evaporated, archaeologists found the remains of only about 2,000 people out of 50,000. There are various theories on this matter, perhaps people simply left the city due to the constantly flooding river bed, this is an opinion arose after the discovery of a large wall, with which residents may have tried to protect themselves from floods.

The remains of the townspeople were found completely intact, that is, they did not die a violent death, and the remains of any weapons were not found in the city. Which automatically cancels the theory about the attack of the Aryan civilization. Lovers of the mystical world actively claim the movement of people to another time, and the abduction of people by aliens.

It is not known for certain why the city was abandoned, perhaps it was an earthquake of unprecedented strength, or a unique discharge of several ball lightning, the force of the explosion can be equated to nuclear. The remains of the inhabitants were radioactive, which allows scientists to claim the explosion of an atomic bomb, but what kind of bomb was that at that time, this is at least not logical, it means some kind of explosion natural origin, electric discharge as an option.

Despite all the efforts of archaeologists and historians on how and why the city was abandoned, Mohenjo-Daro stubbornly keeps all the secrets. And we can only guess and comment on the article)

“I have destroyed the nations, their strongholds have been destroyed; He made their streets empty, so that no one walked on them anymore; their cities are laid waste; there is not a single person, there are no inhabitants."

/Sof. 3:6/

In 1922, an Indian archaeological expedition led by R. Banerjee, while excavating on one of the islands of the Indus River, discovered an ancient city, the real name of which has still not been established.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro

Based on the results of excavations, it received the name in the scientific world Mohenjo-Daro, literally translated from Sindhi means “Hill of the Dead”. Despite some cacophony, the name Mohenjo-Daro has taken root in the scientific world and is now perceived as the original name ancient city. This unnamed city, located in the territory of modern Sindh province in Pakistan, was one of the centers of the Harappan civilization.

Results of the Mohenjo-Daro excavations convincingly proved that the city located on the mountain died almost instantly approximately 3,500 years ago, in the middle of the second millennium BC, due to an extremely powerful explosion that destroyed all the buildings of the city and killed its inhabitants. The epicenter of the explosion was at the top of the hill where the city center was locatedMohenjo-Daro, all of whose buildings were completely destroyed, at that time at the foot of the hill, where the outskirts of the city were located, the traces of destruction were somewhat smaller.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro

Ancient stonesMohenjo-Daroretained traces of unusually strong melting and fire, and their scatter testified to the enormous power of the explosion.

Individual and group skeletons of people covered with earth and stones indicated that until the very last moment before the explosion, people walked calmly around the cityMohenjo-Daro, and the catastrophe that broke out took them by surprise.

Archaeologists and scientists from the area who later studied the results of archaeological excavations different countries, were unanimous in the opinion that the explosion that destroyed the ancient Mohenjo-Daro, is very reminiscent of the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the American atomic bombings, but no increase in radioactivity levels was detected in the ancient city and its surroundings.

Nowhere in the vicinityMohenjo-Daro no traces of an ancient volcanic eruption or a crater from the fall of a large meteorite were found.

K st. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro

However approximately 120 kilometers from Mohenjo-daro, in the Indus River valley, the epicenter of an ancient earthquake was discovered mid-second millennium BC, which greatly distorted the original appearance of the valley. On this basis, scientists tend to believe that both of these events were interrelated with each other.

The Indian Mahabharata also talks about events in the middle of the second millennium BC, which are directly related to our story.

Then a whole “ heavenly city» numerous “self-propelled lights”. And suddenly, suddenly flaring up “brighter than a thousand suns,” the entire “heavenly city of blinding fire” fell upon the Earth in numerous pillars of fire, overthrowing its cities and destroying its inhabitants. The death of Mohenjo-Daro occurred on April 3, 1528 BC, when a fiery tornado and a sea of ​​raging fire from the electric discharge explosion of one of the fragments of the “retribution comet” covered the hill and the city located on it, turning it into ruins and destroying the inhabitants. I have written about this many times in my previous works.

But despite the above, mysterious circumstances destruction of the ancient cityMohenjo-Daro, still attract the attention of scientists, giving rise to the most fantastic hypotheses and versions.

Without knowing the natural scientific reasons, deathMohenjo-Darothey are trying to explain both the nuclear explosion of a mysterious ancient civilization and the death of an interplanetary spacecraft during its landing.

For example, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vsevolod Korolkov, based on the mysterious death of Mohenjo-Daro, put forward an original version that the first civilizations on Earth were not a consequence evolutionary development, but appeared from great ancestors who arrived from outside and possessed knowledge in the field of cosmology, astronomy, nuclear theory, etc. And the Englishman D. Davenport and the Italian E. Vincenti believe that Mohenjo-Daro suffered the same fate as Hiroshima. But such hypotheses, despite their amazing boldness, are usually untenable and violate the first principle scientific worldview, clearly formulated by William of Occam: “entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily”, those. New hypotheses should not be created to explain phenomena that can be explained on the basis of previous knowledge.

The basis for such hypotheses was the fantastic temperature that melted the stones of ancient Mohenjo-Daro, which, according to scientists' calculations, should have exceeded 1500 degrees Celsius, and is comparable to the temperature of thermo nuclear explosion. Indeed, among the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, there are entire layers of green glass formed as a result of the melting of sand under the influence of high temperature. The same layers of green glass are found at a nuclear test site in the desert of Nevada (USA) after atomic explosions. Let me remind you that melting sand requires a temperature of 1500-2000 degrees Celsius. Comparable temperatures can only be obtained in blast furnaces or electric melting furnaces. But the same temperature is created by a cosmic electric discharge explosion of a meteorite. That is, this is extraordinary natural phenomenon, easily explains the destruction of Mohenjo-Daro.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro

Electric discharge explosion hypothesis Alexander Nevsky allows you to simply, logically and scientifically explain the mysterious death of the ancient cityMohenjo-Daro.

I will have to once again recall the main provisions of this hypothesis, which allows us to understand a number of secrets of the biblical text, which are fundamental to the Christian faith.

According to the hypothesis, "when in earth's atmosphere If a large meteorite moves at enormous speed, then, as specific calculations show, super-powerful potentials are formed, and a gigantic electrical breakdown occurs between it and the surface of the Earth. In a short time kinetic energy meteorite turns into electrical energy discharge, which leads to its explosion."

Moreover, the larger the diameter and mass of the meteorite, the higher the height at which it explodes.

The flight of large meteorites necessarily ends with the outbreak of a giant pillar of fire, expanding downward and consisting of many thousands of plasma channels (discharges).

K st. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro

According to the calculations of Alexander Nevsky, “through each of these arc channels a pulsed current, about a million amperes, flows, affecting earth's surface like an explosion aerial bomb with a TNT equivalent of several hundred kilograms,” and on the surface of the Earth there should be a huge number of craters with traces of high-temperature effects; stones or rock melted to a glassy state and subjected to powerful x-ray or neutron irradiation, which is accompanied by electric discharge explosions. The cost of dinner in a good metropolitan restaurant can be more expensive than renting a girl for a couple of hours, although why turn to whores if you have the opportunity to make a sex acquaintance in Khabarovsk under special conditions - you just need to find the right phone number, arrange a meeting, and then set up regular sexual relations, pleasing the girl with modest gifts.

As a result of an electric discharge explosion, three main sources of powerful shock waves are formed.

“The appearance of the main, so-called cylindrical shock wave is associated with the formation of a multichannel electric discharge column, in which the main discharge energy is released. The second, spherical, as physicists say, shock wave, is generated by the explosive expansion of meteorite material. The third is an ordinary ballistic wave that accompanies the supersonic flight of any body in the earth’s atmosphere.”
To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro

As can be seen from the above, the main damaging factors of an electric discharge explosion are a dazzling bright pillar of all-consuming fire, the temperature of which is comparable to the temperature of a nuclear explosion, and the crushing shock wave generated by it, which has the power of a nuclear explosion.

It was these damaging factors of the electric discharge explosion that were the components for creating the image of God the Holy Spirit in biblical texts.

Here's a verbatim description damaging factors electric discharge explosion of a meteorite, taken from the Bible: “Our God is coming, and not in silence: before him is a consuming fire, and around him is a strong storm/Ps. 49:3/.

These lines of the biblical text were written by a witness to the disaster 3600 years ago, but they succinctly and accurately expressed its essence.

I'll give you a few more characteristic descriptions image of our God.

The famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, a God-fearing and deeply religious woman, but possessing a special gift of clairvoyance, imagined God in the form of a huge hot ball of fire, like a meteorite burning in the Earth’s atmosphere. And this is absolutely correct from the point of view of the “retribution comet” hypothesis.

This is how Vanga’s niece, journalist Krasimira Stoyanova, recorded her words in her book “Vanga”.

“When asked by a journalist if she had seen Christ, she answered: “Yes, but he has no figure. This is a huge fireball that is impossible to look at because of the glow. Only light, nothing else is visible. If someone tells you that they saw God, know that this is not true.”

Science still cannot explain the Vanga phenomenon, but its quantity accurate forecasts, confirmed by Bulgarian scientists, exceeded 86%. Believing Vanga, contrary to version official Church , represents God not as a god-man, but as a ball of fire, and, in my opinion, this is further proof of her mysterious gift of clairvoyance.

The Evangelist Matthew also testifies to this: “Then if anyone says to you, “Here is Christ,” or “there,” don't believe it; For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. I told you in advance. So, if they say to you, “Behold, He is in the wilderness,” do not go out; “behold, He is in the secret chambers” - do not believe /Matt. 24:23-26/

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro

From the above passage of text it clearly follows that we cannot talk about a person in the image of God.

And the very next line of the biblical text indicates that we're talking about about electric discharge explosion celestial body: “For how lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." /Matt. 24:27/.

Above, I already explained that due to the archaic language of that time, the word “lightning” in biblical texts refers to the pillar of an electric discharge explosion. But it must be said that a little later, the word “pillar” firmly entered the lexicon of the Christian Church.

Speaking about the biblical symbolism of an electric discharge explosion, I cannot help but talk about Rainbow of the Covenant, for this expression is its biblical synonym. The best online casino Vulcan Grand Mirror, start playing right now and get a lot of bonuses.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro. Rainbow

This covenant is reported in the first book of Moses: “I have established My covenant with you, that all flesh shall no longer be destroyed by the waters of a flood, and that there shall no more be a flood to destroy the earth. And God said, This is the sign of the covenant that I establish between Me and you and every living soul that is with you throughout all generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud so that it may be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. And it will come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that it will appear rainbow in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you, and between every living soul in all flesh; and the waters will no longer be a flood to destroy all flesh. And it will be rainbow in the cloud, And I will see her and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living soul in all flesh that is on the earth."/Gen. 9:11-17/.

Despite the archaic nature of the language, it is clear from this quote that we are talking about a sign of a phenomenon that looks like a rainbow.

Let us continue to quote the biblical text, using the testimony of John the Theologian: "And I saw another Angel, strong, descending from heaven, clothed with a cloud; there was a rainbow over his head And his face was like the sun, and his feet were like pillars of fire.”/Open 10:1/

Angel (literally “messenger”, “messenger”) is a mythological designation for a meteorite, and this quote gives an allegorical description of the pillar of the meteorite’s electric discharge explosion, which is associated with a rainbow. To further clarify the situation, here is another testimony from the prophet Ezekiel: “And I saw, as it were, burning metal, as it were, the appearance of fire within it all around; from the sight of his loins and above, from the sight of his loins and below, I saw, as it were, a kind of fire, and a radiance was around him.

In what form does the seven-colored clouds appear on the clouds during rain, this is the appearance of this radiance all around /Ezek. 1:27-28/.

The above quote clearly states that the pillar of an electric discharge explosion looks like a rainbow.

Now let’s finally clarify the situation and compare these testimonies of eyewitnesses to the Cretan catastrophe, made in the archaic language of the mid-second millennium BC, with the testimony of Barakova, a witness to the Tunguska catastrophe. She saw and characterized the pillar of the Tunguska electric discharge explosion, the height of which, according to various estimates, ranged from 10 to 20 kilometers: « A straight arrow stood up, all made of multi-colored ribbons.»

This is precisely what eyewitnesses of the Cretan catastrophe and numerous descriptions in biblical texts testify to, and therefore in the Bible the pillar of an electric discharge explosion is called Covenant of the Rainbow in the midst of God and people. It is absurd to deny something so obvious, so eventually, sooner or later, we will have to admit scientific basis biblical texts.

And according to the hypothesis of the electric discharge explosion of Alexander Nevsky, the different colors of the plasma discharge channels were due to their different temperatures at the edges and in the middle of the discharge column.

It must be said that in religious symbolism, the fall of a meteorite in the Earth’s atmosphere was represented as the flight of an angel with a fiery sword. In modern iconography, the Archangel Michael is depicted with a fiery sword.

(“hill of the dead”) arose near 2600 BC e. The first archaeological excavations of Mohenjo-Daro were carried out for almost ten years from 1922 to 1931 in Pakistan, in the Sindh province by archaeologist John Marshall. He noted that the finds found at Mohenjo-Daro are identical to those found at the city of Harappa on the river Iravati(or Parushni), one of the 7 tributaries of the Indus.

Among other centers Harappan civilization, city of Mohenjo-daro stands out for its ideal layout, as the main material for the construction of houses, religious buildings, pools for ritual ablutions, it was used burnt brick. The city went through seven different stages of evolution, from initial growth to maturity and death.

The area of ​​Mohenjo-Daro was 300 hectares , the city was supplied with water through pipes made of baked clay, it was built public toilets, sewerage was carried out and an irrigation system was built, dams on the river, a granary, a stadium with the world's first spectator stands.

Mohenjo-Daro Citadel occupies the central block in the western part of the city, where the soil level is raised by an artificial embankment made of clay and raw brick to a height of 6 to 12 m.

For own defense the citadel was fortified with square towers made of baked bricks, and thick brick walls. IN The citadel had two meeting halls built for the city community, with rows of seats separated by passages.

Tight built houses, streets and alleys had water supply and sewerage system, and one of the world's earliest water collection systems into city wells.

Citadel and average city had its own internal protected gate with inscription : « ash-ra-ra-a-ka-aksha-ra-nga-pu-ra.”

A circle divided into 8 parts: “ash” - Skt. "ashta" - “ashta” - eight.
Wheel: “Ra” - “ra” in Skt. "rathah" - "rath" can mean "warmth, light, radiance" of the "chariot of the sun." “Seven sisters (sapta-svasvar) […] heavenly (ASURYA nadinam)”
Wheel: “Ra” - “ra”.
“A” - ‘A’ is a diacritic sign that can also mean Shiva and the first letter of the alphabet.
Sign X – “kA” - “ha” - Skt. "Kaa" means or love.
The rhombus sign, like a diamond, or the Eye: can mean "eye, soul." Akshan – Akshan - overseer, administrative official in the Indus Valley, supervising the construction of government administrative buildings, temples, forts, etc. From Akshan – Akshan comes the word “Episcopus” - bishop.
The second time the wheel: “Ra” - ‘ra’.
"nga" - "nga" may mean a connection, connection with ancestors or branching of a family.
"Pu-ra" - 'pu-ra" can mean pure, clean.
The third time the wheel: “Ra.”
So: “ashra-raa-ka-aksha-ranga-pura” -"Ashra-raa-ka-aksha-ranga-pura" - "Shelter under the protection of Rangapur"
In the first half there is a sign: “ASHRA” - shelter and “Raksha” - protection. "Ranga-pura" - 'ra-nga-pu-ra' = royal city. In Harappan culture the word "royal" was not used. From "nga" - "nga" is happening English word"king" - "king".

At Mohenjo-Daro's heyday, the population was between 30,000 and 40,000.
English archaeologist M. Wheeler believes that the inhabitants of Mohenjo-Daro were exterminated during to the Indus Valley , but on the excavation territory Mohenjo-Daro Not even 40 skeletons were found. This means that the inhabitants of Mohenjo-Daro surrendered to the mercy of the victors, fearing their strength. One of the passages tells about god Indra, possessed the divine fire of Agni , and directed fire at the fortresses of the Aryans' opponents.

Capturing vast territories of Mohenjo-Daro, the Aryans did not destroy the city, and it existed for about 900 years before the inhabitants left it in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e.

After the water level in the Arabian Sea rose, the Indus River valley was flooded, Mohenjo-Daro was also flooded.

The city became uninhabitable, and the inhabitants hastily left it, leaving their houses, clay household utensils, gold jewelry hidden in the house. Archaeologists have discovered many products from terracotta ceramics, beads, gold and copper jewelry, seals, fishing hooks, animal figurines, tools, urns and bowls made locally, as well as some imported vessels indicating trade relations with distant lands up to Mesopotamia.

On the inscription there is a seal from Mohenjo-Daro the sign of a circle divided into equal parts means "Community"

Trade flourished in Mohenjo-Daro; weights for scales, embossed clay seals with images of a bull, buffalo, bison or unicorn, with name, position owner and belonging to a particular community, clay passports of the Mohenjo-daro "community" identification those who go on trade business to other regions of the Indus.

Wealthy townspeople had two-story houses with courtyards and brick stairs leading to the second floor or flat roof.

The walls of the houses of Mohenjo-Daro are covered with plaster, During excavations, children's toys, small sculptures and numerous terracotta crafts made of baked clay, depicting bulls and buffaloes.

Stone sculpture of a figure known as "King Priest" distinguished by fine carved work. The Priest-King's cape is decorated with shamrocks, symbols of divine wisdom.

The territory of the lower city, where commoners settled, was flooded by the Indus and therefore remains unexplored. Over 4,500 years, the water level in the river rose 7 meters relative to the level of the ground on which Mohenjo-Daro was built.

ship from Mohenjodaro

Nuclear war in ancient times?

There is evidence that Rama Empire(now India) was devastated by nuclear warth.
In the Indus Valley - now Thar Desert, west of Jodhpur Many areas with traces of radioactive ash have been discovered.

Read these verses from ancient (6500 BC at the latest) Mahabharata:

"...a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. A glittering column of smoke and a flame as bright as a thousand suns rose in all its splendor...a perpendicular explosion with its billowing clouds of smoke...a cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding circles like opening giant beach umbrellas..."

It was an unknown weapon iron lightning strike, the giant messenger of death who burned the whole valley to the ground Vrishnis and Andhakas.
The corpses were so burned, What they were impossible to identify.
Hair and nails fell out, the pottery broke for no apparent reason, and the birds turned pale.
After several hours, all the food was contaminated…, to wash away the ashes, which settled on soldiers and their equipment, They rushed into the raging stream, but he too was infected.

Before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, modern humanity could not imagine weapons as terrible and destructive as those described in ancient Indian texts.
Still they very accurately described the consequences of an atomic explosion.
As a result of radioactive contamination, hair and nails fall out, and food becomes unusable.
Bathing in the river provides some respite, although it is not a cure.

When excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro have reached street level, They skeletons discovered, scattered on the streets of the ancient city and in the cities, many held various objects and tools in their hands as if there was an immediate, terrible death.
People lay unburied on the streets of the city.
And these skeletons are thousands of years old, even by traditional archaeological standards.
The picture revealed to archaeologists strikingly reminiscent of the scene after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
On one site Soviet scientists found a skeleton, who has background radiation was 50 times greater than normal.

Other cities, found in northern India, have signs of high-power explosions.
One such city found between the Ganges and the Rajmahal mountains seems to have been exposed to extreme heat.
Huge masses of the walls of the ancient city are fused together, literally turned into glass!
And there's no sign volcanic eruption in Mohenjo-daro or in other cities.
Intense heat that can melt the stone, May be explained only by a nuclear explosion or some others unknown weapon .
Cities were completely wiped off the face of the Earth.

Human skeletons have been carbon dated to 2500 BC, but we must keep in mind that Carbon dating involves measuring the amount of residual radiation.
But as a result of exposure to radiation, during a nuclear explosion, the remains seem much younger.

Supervisor research work Manhattan Project Dr. Robert Oppenheimer was known to be familiar with ancient Sanskrit literature.
In an interview conducted after he witnessed the first atomic explosion, he quoted Bhagavad Gita:
"Now I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds".
When asked during an interview at the University of Rochester, seven years after nuclear test in Alamogordo, was it the first atomic bomb, exploded on Earth, he replied: "Okay, in modern history, yes."

Ancient cities, stone walls which were fused together and literally turned into glass, find not only in India, also in Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places.
There is no logical explanation for the vitrification (transition into a glassy state) of stone forts and cities other than from an atomic explosion.
Another curious sign of ancient nuclear war in India is giant crater, located 400 kilometers northeast of Bombay And at least 50,000 years old, could be associated with the nuclear war of antiquity.
No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has been found at the site or in the vicinity, and it is the world's only known "impact" crater in basalt.

Signs of major destruction (from pressure, exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, sharp heat (indicated by glassy basalt beads - tektites), also found in another famous place.
Destruction of the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah(a dense column of smoke quickly rose, the cloud was pouring burning sulfur, the surrounding soil was turned into sulfur and salt so that not even a blade of grass could grow there, and anyone in the vicinity turned into a column of salt) is like a nuclear explosion.
If there were pillars of salt at the end of the Dead Sea(which are still there today) would be ordinary salt, they would disappear with periodic rains.
Instead these the pillars are made of salt, which heavier than usual, And can only be created in a nuclear reaction, such as an atomic explosion.

In every ancient text there are references to Sodom and Gomorrah.
It is also known from these sources that happened to Babylon:
“Babylon, the most magnificent of kingdoms, the flower of Chaldean culture, will be desolate like Sodom and Gomorrah when God destroyed them.
Babylon will never rise again.
Generation after generation will come, but no one will ever live on this earth again.
The nomads will refuse to camp there, and the shepherds will not allow their sheep to sleep in that land." - Isaiah, 13:19-20.

Glassy formations are tektites.

The secret of Mohenjo-Daro.

For many decades now, archaeologists have been concerned about the mystery of the death of the city 3,500 years ago. Mohenjo Daro in India.
In 1922, Indian archaeologist R. Banarji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands of the Indus River.
They were named Mohenjo-Daro, which means " Hill of the Dead".
Even then, questions arose: how was this large city destroyed, where did its inhabitants go?
The excavations did not answer any of them...

The ruins of the buildings did not contain numerous corpses of people and animals, as well as fragments of weapons and signs of destruction.
There was only one obvious fact - the disaster occurred suddenly and did not last long.

Decline of culture - the process is slow, no traces of flooding were found.
Moreover, there is indisputable data talking about massive fires.
An epidemic does not strike people calmly walking the streets or doing business suddenly and simultaneously.
And this is exactly what happened - this is confirmed by the location of the skeletons.
Paleontological studies also reject the epidemic hypothesis.
One can rightfully reject the version of a surprise attack by the conquerors. there are no traces on any of the discovered skeletons, left behind by cold steel.

A very unusual version was expressed by the Englishman D. Davenport and the Italian E. Vincenti.
They claim that Mohenjo-Daro survived the fate of Hiroshima.
The authors provide the following arguments in favor of their hypothesis.
Among the ruins scattered pieces of baked clay and green glass come across(whole layers!).
In all likelihood, the sand and clay first melted under the influence of high temperature and then instantly hardened.
Similar layers of green glass appear in the Nevada desert(USA) every time after a nuclear explosion.
Analysis of samples carried out at the University of Rome and in the laboratory of the Italian National Research Council showed: melting occurred at a temperature of 1400-1500 degrees.
Such a temperature in those days could be obtained in the furnace of a metallurgical workshop, but not in a vast open area.

If you carefully examine the destroyed buildings, it seems that outlinedclear area - epicenter, in which all buildings were swept away by some kind of squall.
From the center to the periphery, the destruction gradually decreases.
The best preserved outlying buildings in the Word, the picture reminds consequences of the atomic explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Is it conceivable to assume that the mysterious conquerors of the Indus River Valley possessed atomic energy?
Such an assumption seems incredible and categorically contradicts the ideas of modern historical science.
However, the Indian epic "Mahabharata" speaks of a certain "explosion" that caused "a blinding light, fire without smoke", while "the water began to boil, and the fish were charred."
That this is just a metaphor.
Davenport believes that it is based on some real events.

But let's return to the city itself...

Mohenjo-Daro occupied an area of ​​about 259 hectares and was a network of neighborhoods (the oldest example of such a layout), separated by wide streets with a developed drainage system, which were divided into smaller ones and built up with houses made of baked bricks.
The dating of this settlement is still a matter of debate.
Radiocarbon dating and connections to Mesopotamia place it at 2300-1750. BC

When Indian archaeologists D. R. Sahin and R. D. Banerjee were finally able to look at the results of their excavations, they saw red brick ruins the oldest city in India, belonging to the proto-Indian civilization, a city quite unusual for the time of its construction - 4.5 thousand years ago.
He was planned with the greatest meticulousness: streets stretched as if along a ruler, houses are mostly the same, proportions reminiscent of cake boxes.
But behind this “cake” shape, sometimes such a design was hidden: in the center there is a courtyard, and around it there are four to six living rooms, a kitchen and a room for ablution (houses with this layout are found mainly in Mohenjo-Daro, the second big city).
The preserved stairwells in some houses suggest that two-story houses were also built.
The main streets were ten meters wide, the network of passages obeyed a single rule: some ran strictly from north to south, and transverse ones - from west to east.

But this one is monotonous, like a chessboard, the city provided residents with amenities unheard of at that time.
Ditches flowed through all the streets, and from them water was supplied to houses (although wells were found near many).
But more importantly, each house was connected to a sewerage system laid underground in pipes made of baked bricks and carrying all sewage outside the city limits.
This was an ingenious engineering solution that allowed large masses of people to gather in a fairly limited space: in the city of Harappa, for example, at times up to 80000 Human.
The instinct of the city planners of that time was truly amazing!
Knowing nothing about pathogenic bacteria, especially active in warm climates, but probably having accumulated observational experience, they protected settlements from the spread of dangerous diseases.

Indus civilization (Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro)

Modern archeology suggests that the settlement of India by Neolithic farmers mainly came from the north, through Iran and Afghanistan. VI–IV millennia BC. The first Neolithic settlements in the foothills of the Indus Valley date back to around the 24th century. BC - majestic monuments of developed urban culture, known from excavations in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.

City buildings built of brick (houses, palaces, citadels, granaries), swimming pools with a well-established sewerage system, and even a shipyard-type structure connected by a canal to the river - all this not only indicates high level urban planning and, consequently, the entire urban civilization, but allows us to assume the existence of a developed craft, including bronze casting, as well as, what is important to emphasize, trade relations with neighbors, primarily with the Sumerian Mesopotamia. It is difficult to say how much the Sumerian culture influenced the emergence of the centers of the Indus civilization and whether these centers should be considered something like centers that arose with the assistance of Sumerian colonization (there are different opinions on this matter), but the very fact of influence from the more developed Mesopotamia is undoubted. To this it should be added that the Indian centers were inhabited by Caucasians who were anthropologically close to the population of the Middle Eastern region. The point, of course, is not to see the Indian cities as simply a Sumerian colony - here is a different culture, its own writing (albeit close to Sumerian), a different type of buildings. And yet, the connections are undeniable, and not only foreign trade ones, recorded, in particular, by the discovery of Indus seals during excavations in Mesopotamia, but also structural, essential ones: similar mythological plots (a hero like Gilgamesh with animals), building materials(brick), achievements of culture and technology (primarily bronze and writing).

The cities of the Indus Valley were, unlike Mesopotamian ones, very short-lived. They blossomed quickly and brightly and just as quickly, for a still unknown reason, fell into decay and disappeared from the face of the earth. Approximately, the period of their life is limited to five or six centuries, from the end of the 24th to the 18th centuries. BC Some evidence suggests that the decline of the centers of Indus urban culture began long before their disappearance and that it was associated with increasing disturbances normal life, weakening of order and administration (they built and settled anywhere, even on the former central streets and squares) and, possibly, with a change in the course of the Indus and the flooding of cities.

Regarding internal structure Indian urban society, then data on this subject are unusually scarce. Judging by the existence of enterprises such as a shipyard, large buildings such as a palace, huge granaries, there should have been approximately the same as in the early societies of Mesopotamia, a proto-state structure with the power-property of the ruling elite and the important role of centralized redistribution. Moreover, the very appearance of rich cities with developed handicraft production suggests that the cities were adjacent to a considerable agricultural periphery, due to taxes and duties from which the cities were mainly rebuilt and there were layers of the population exempt from food production, including administrators, warriors, priests, and artisans . However, nothing more precise and definite can be said: the very fact of social and economic differences in the complete silence of undeciphered writing (and these are mostly small, 6-8 characters, texts on seals from hieroglyphs and pictographs, the number of which, according to rough estimates, reaches 400 ) does not give grounds to talk about slaves, castes, or private owners, although some specialists sometimes try to do this.

But, be that as it may, one thing has now been established quite firmly and definitely: the Harappan culture of the Indus Valley disappeared, having almost no significant impact on the Indo-Aryan culture that replaced it with a gap of several centuries, which practically laid the foundation for the ancient Indian center of civilization anew. Perhaps, one significant caveat is needed here: the new focus developed mainly in the Ganges valley, in areas located many hundreds, if not thousands of kilometers from the centers of the Harappan culture. Only the historical unity of India within its familiar recent borders, uniting both great river valleys(and even then without taking into account modern times, when the Indus Valley basically became part of Pakistan), prompts specialists to so closely connect Harappa and the Aryans and, moreover, to look for continuity between them.

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